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Five years of global temperatures retrieved from radio occultations measured by Champ (Challenging Minisatellite Payload) and SAC-C (Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas-C) are analyzed for gravity waves (GWs). In order to separate GWs from other atmospheric variations, a high-pass filter was applied on the vertical profile. Resulting temperature fluctuations correspond to vertical wavelengths between 400 m (instrumental resolution) and 10 km (limit of the high-pass filter). The temperature fluctuations can be converted into GW potential energy, but for comparison with parameterization schemes GW momentum flux is required. We therefore used representative values for the vertical and horizontal wavelength to infer GW momentum flux from the GPS measurements. The vertical wavelength value is determined by high-pass filtering, the horizontal wavelength is adopted from a latitude-dependent climatology. The obtained momentum flux distributions agree well, both in global distribution and in absolute values, with simulations using the Warner and McIntyre parameterization (WM) scheme. However, discrepancies are found in the annual cycle. Online simulations, implementing the WM scheme in the mechanistic COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere—Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) general circulation model (GCM), do not converge, demonstrating that a good representation of GWs in a GCM requires both a realistic launch distribution and an adequate representation of GW breaking and momentum transfer.  相似文献   

Powerful VHF radars are capable of almost continuously monitoring the threedimensional velocity vector and the distribution of turbulence in the middle atmosphere, i.e. the stratosphere and mesosphere. Methods of radar investigations of the middle atmosphere are outlined and the basic parameters, mean and fluctuating velocities as well as reflectivity and persistency of atmospheric structures, are defined. Results of radar investigations are described which show that the tropopause level as well as a criterion on the stability of the lower stratosphere can be deduced. Besides mean wind velocities, VHF radars can measure instantaneous velocities due to acoustic gravity waves. The interaction of gravity waves with the background wind is discussed, and it is shown that cumulus convection is an effective source of gravity waves in the lower stratosphere. The vertical microstructure of the stratosphere, manifesting itself in thin stratified sheets in which temperature steps occur, is investigated by applying knowledge from investigations of the oceanic thermocline. Possible origins, like shear generation and lateral convection of the microstructure of the stratosphere, are discussed. Observations of gravity waves in the mesosphere are reviewed and their connection with turbulence structures is pointed out. Finally, some open questions which could be answered by further VHF radar investigations are summarized.  相似文献   

本文利用中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心的瑞利激光雷达首次观测到了平流层地形重力波活动的现象,并结合美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)的全球预报系统(GFS)的风场数据分析了该地形重力波的基本参数.与惯性重力波相比较,地形重力波的密度扰动没有下传的相位,在同一高度上,其扰动相位保持不变.北京空间科学与应用研究中心瑞利激光雷达自2012年开始观测实验以来,已经观测到多起地形重力波活动事件.本文以2013年11月11日的观测数据为例,研究北京上空的地形重力波活动,并结合GFS风场数据分析了北京上平流层地形重力波的波长、传播方向、传播速度等参量.通过分析得到在2013年11月11日北京上空存在一列传播方向为北偏西52.4°,水平波长为5.5 km,平均垂直波长约为6.0 km的地形重力波.  相似文献   

The stratosphere–mesosphere response to the major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in the winter of 2003/2004 has been studied. The UKMO (UK Meteorological Office) data set was used to examine the features of the large-scale thermodynamic anomalies present in the stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere. The vertical and latitudinal structure of the genuine anomalies, emphasized by removing the UKMO climatology, has been investigated as well. The features of the stratospheric anomalies have been related to the mesospheric ones in measured neutral winds from radars and temperatures from meteor radars (90 km). It was found that the stratospheric warming spread to the lower mesosphere, while cooling occurred in the upper mesosphere, a feature that may be related to the large vertical scales of the stationary planetary waves (SPWs). It was shown also that the beginning of the eastward wind deceleration in the stratosphere–mesosphere system coincided with the maximum amplification of the SPW1 accompanied by short-lived bursts of waves 2 and 3.  相似文献   

Development of thoughts on tracer transport mechanisms in the stratosphere which lead to new approaches to two-dimensional modeling of the tracer problem is reviewed.Three-dimensional motions of individual air parcels affected by a planetary wave are investigated theoretically, treating a steady, upward propagating wave in a uniform flow. It is shown that trajectories of air parcels are of elliptical form when projected onto the meridional plane and that they have no mean meridional or vertical motion, even though the usual zonal Eulerian-mean vertical motion exists. The origin of the difference between the mean air parcel motion and the Eulerian-mean motion is discussed.On the basis of the knowledge of air parcel motion, two approaches to two-dimensional modeling are considered. The generalized Lagrangian mean motion (quasi-zonal weighted mean taken over a meandering material tube), recently introduced by Andrews and McIntyre, is identical with the mean motion of an air parcel in a steady state. Such a mean meridional circulation may be used for advecting a tracer in the meridional plane in a two-dimensional model. The transport effect is represented solely by the advection and an eddy transport does not appear in this scheme, to a first approximation.The finding that trajectories of air parcels are elliptical necessitates a reexamination of the Reed-German eddy diffusivity currently used in two-dimensional chemical-dynamical models. By applying a mixing length type hypothesis, we derive an eddy diffusivity formula for use in Eulerian-mean calculations, which, in the case of a conservative tracer is dominated by an anti-symmetric tensor. The eddy transport due to this anti-symmetric tensor diffusivity is of advective type (not diffusive) and has the effect of taking the Stoke drift effect into account, when used in the usual Eulerian-mean formulation.  相似文献   

The effect of the 11-year solar cycle on the response of planetary wavenumbers 1 and 2 at 10 and 30 hPa in winter to solar activity oscillations on the time scale of the Sun's rotation (27.2 day) is discussed in terms of statistical spectral analysis. The three oscillations studied are the 27.2 d (period of the Sun's rotation), 25.3 d (periodicity caused by modulation of the 27.2 d stratospheric response by annual atmospheric variation), and 54.4 d (doubled period of the solar rotation). A significant effect of the 11-year solar cycle is found for the 54.4 d periodicity in planetary wavenumber 1, and for the 27.2 and 25.3 d periodicities in planetary wavenumber 2. The effect of the 11-year solar cycle is expressed in the evident differences between the amplitudes of responses of planetary waves at maximum and minimum of the solar cycle: the amplitudes are much larger at high than at low solar activity. The 11-year modulation of planetary wave activity is most pronounced at mid-latitudes, mainly at 40–60°N, where the observed variability of planetary waves is large. The results obtained are in good agreement with results of the recent modeling study by Shindell et al. (Science 284 (1999) 305).  相似文献   

Solar radiation of >175 nm and of Lyman-alpha at 121.6 nm is absorbed in the mesosphere and stratosphere by molecular oxygen (<242 nm) and also by ozone molecules at >200 nm. This paper describes the photodissociation processes resulting from absorption in the Schumann-Runge bands and Herzberg continuum of molecular oxygen and also in the Hartley, Huggins and Chappuis bands of ozone. Special consideration is given to differences between the stratospheric and mesospheric problems.  相似文献   

Meterological rocket soundings, launched between 1969–74 at six locations representative of low, middle, and high altitudes, are employed with the use of the statistical theory of diffusion, to determine the zonal and meridional component of eddy diffusivity between 30 and 55 km as a function of season, latitude, and altitude. A comparison is also made between annually-averaged eddy diffusivities above and below 30 km.It is shown that the zonal component of eddy diffusivity is approximately three to five times as large as the meridional component, in most cases. Both components of eddy diffusivity vary greatly with season, latitude, and altitude. Highest eddy diffusivities, found in the vicinity of the winter westerly jet, are approximately one order of magnitude higher than those present during the summer. Tropical eddy diffusivities, however, remain relatively small throughout the year. Annually, a minimum is indicated near 25 km between maximums located at the stratopause and tropopause.  相似文献   

Computations of concentrations of minor stratospheric gases using a two-dimensional model of the stratosphere are reported. The model includes Rayleigh scattering. This results in an increase in the photodissociation rate computation time by a factor of 1.5. The effect of ground albedo is assessed by comparing our results with a calculation of photolysis rates for a constant albedo with latitude. Comparison of results with a reference model including only molecular absorption are also made. The largest differences (50%) occur in NO and OH. An approximate expression for including the effects of Rayleigh scattering and surface reflectance in multi-dimensional models is suggested.  相似文献   

Meteorological rocket soundings, launched between 1968–74 at six locations representative of low, middle, and high latitudes in the northern hemisphere, are employed to determine the vertical, meridional and off-diagonal components of the eddy diffusivity in the northern hemispheric statosphere and lower mesosphere.It is shown that the distribution of the vertical and meridional components of the eddy diffusivity are similar in the northern hemisphere, although the magnitude of the former is 107 smaller than that of the latter; the magnitude of the off-diagonal eddy diffusivity is about 103 smaller than that of the meridional eddy diffusivity. In the troposphere, a maximum eddy diffusivity occurs in the mid-latitude at about 7 km above the mean sea level for both the summer and winter seasons. In the stratosphere, a maximum eddy diffusivity occurs in the mid-latitude at about 33 km in the winter, but no maximum in the summer.Paper presented at the World Meterological Organization Technical Conference on Global Observations of Atmospheric Pollution Relative to Climate, Boulder, Colorado, 20–24 August 1979.  相似文献   

Zonal mean data and amplitudes and phases of planetary zonal waves were derived from daily hemispheric maps for tropospheric and stratospheric levels, for the four winters 1975–76 to 1978–79. Important year-to-year fluctuation in zonal means and wave activity are described, most notable of which are the changes from 1975–76 to 1976–77. Comparison of the relative strengths of the stratospheric and tropospheric jet streams shows a strong negative correlation (–0.8) between monthly mean zonal stratospheric winds (at 10 mb, 65°N) and zonal tropospheric winds (at 200 mb, 32.5°N, in the jet core) and a positive correlation (+0.7) between the stratospheric 10 mb winds and the tropospheric 200 mb winds at 65°N. Parameters correlated were the departures from the climatological mean zonal winds. The structure of correlation between wave amplitudes in the same wave number (1, 2) at different altitudes and between wave numbers 1 and 2 is investigated. We find a high correlation (+0.93) between wave 1 in the stratosphere (10 mb height) and wave 2 (height) in the troposphere at 65°N; but only a weak correlation (+0.2) between wave 1 amplitudes in the stratosphere and troposphere. These results suggest the possible importance of wave-wave interactions in processes linking the stratosphere and troposphere. The wave correlations presented here are based on comparisons of monthly means of daily amplitudes; the correlation structure in individual wave developments may differ, in view of the likelihood of altitudinal lags in wave amplification.  相似文献   

Coherency spectra derived from time series of stratospheric quantities indicate oscillations in the frequency range below 0.5 d–1 which are correlated on a global scale. Satellite observations of total ozone and stratospheric radiance (BUV and SIRS, Nimbus4, April–November 1970) have been used to derive phase relationships of such oscillations. As an example, an oscillation of total ozone with a period of 7.5 d and zonal wave number zero is analyzed in detail. The basic assumption is made and tested, that the oscillation reflects stratospheric planetary waves as obtained from Laplace's tidal equations. The observed latitudinal phase shifts for the total ozone oscillation are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. It is concluded from the observations of ozone and radiance that mainly divergence effects related to global-scale waves are responsible for the 7.5 d oscillations of total ozone at high and middle latitudes and at the equator whereas in the latitude range 10°S–20°S predominantly temperature effects are important. Meridional wind amplitudes of some 10 cm/s are sufficient to explain the high and mid-latitude ozone oscillations. At low latitudes vertical wind amplitudes of about 0.2 mm/s corresponding to height changes of the ozone layer of roughly ±20 m are obtained.  相似文献   

The structure of the equatorial mesosphere is being investigated at Thumba by rocket borne ultraviolet absorption photometry as well as by the meteorological M-100 rocket launching programme. Whereas the meteorological M-100 rocket luanching programme has been regular, the UV absorption studies have been few in number and sporadic in nature. In this paper an attempt is made to consolidate the results so far obtained from both these investigations.  相似文献   

The accumulation of MF radar wind and hydroxyl temperature measurements at Davis from 1997 to 2005 has enabled the compilation of a climatology of long-period (period >1 day) wave activity. A time domain filtering technique that makes allowance for the differing sampling characteristics of the measurements is described and wave amplitudes are presented for 1.7–4, 4–8 and 8–16 day period bands. Product averages of the time series yield horizontal heat and momentum fluxes for the height of the hydroxyl layer (approximately 86 km). The climatology is then discussed in terms of current knowledge of planetary wave characteristics and forcing. Heat and momentum fluxes during the year of the southern hemisphere stratospheric warming (2002) are also presented.  相似文献   

徐芳轲  石雁祥 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3558-3563
基于统计方法的自洽场理论,考虑了带电粒子与中性分子的碰撞以及对尘埃粒子的充电过程,建立了弱电离尘埃等离子体的纵波色散关系.分析了极区中层大气80~90 km高度范围内的尘埃声波的不稳定性.研究表明,极区中层大气中的尘埃声波有不稳定的模式,不稳定的波模对进一步解释极区中层尘埃等离子体的分层结构可能有重要意义.  相似文献   

Considering the blocking problem as a baroclinic instability problem in a dispersive wave system with diabatic heating effects, it is of great interest to investigate the role of wavegroup velocityv gr in blocking processes, becausev gr controls the energy transfer in the wave field. Using a Newtonian Cooling —type of forcing with a phase differencek to the main field and taking the linearized version of a two-level model, the phase speedc r, the group velocityv gr and the growth ratekc i have been obtained as analytical functions of the mean zonal windU, the thermal windU T, the coefficient of diabatic heating x, the phase differencek and the wavelengthL. Now the hypothesis is introduced, that a blocking should be expected, ifv gr has a maximum value in the vicinity ofL o, for whichc r vanishes and thee-folding timet=1/kc i (kc i>0) is smaller than 6 days (see condition (20) in the text). One finds, that for special parameter combinations (U T, U, ), where 15 m/secU T25m/sec,U=10m/sec, 0.8·10–51.5·10–5 [sec–1], certain valuesL o with an appropriate phase differencek exist, which satisfy the conditions mentioned above (for values see Table 2). TherebyL o varies within the range 8500 km <L o<11000 km corresponding to the preferred planetary blocking wavenumber 2 in middle latitudes 50°<<70° N.  相似文献   

The interaction between a planetary wave damped by cooling to space and the zonally averaged circulation in the middle atmosphere is examined for a steady-state situation in middle latitudes. Quasi-geostrophic scaling of Type 2 is assumed (i.e. the space scales are planetary and the superrotation is small).A set of mean equations is derived for this scaling which is complementary to the set of perturbation equations previously studied. The mean equations show that a planetary wave induces a mean meridional circulation which is balanced by an eddy momentum forcing function and a mean diabatic heating which is balanced by an eddy heat flux forcing function. The vertical eddy fluxes enter the forcing at the same order as the horizontal eddy fluxes.An analytical wave solution is found for the case of an atmosphere in constant superrotation. The eddy fluxes and forcing functions are evaluated for this special case. It is found that they are very sensitive to the values of the radiative damping coefficient and the superrotation. Since the damping coefficient depends on the ozone concentration and the intensity of the solar ultraviolet flux, the results suggest that changes in these quantities can strongly modify the wave-mean flow interaction in the middle atmosphere. Possible implications for climate change are discussed.  相似文献   

Horizontal winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over the Antarctic have been measured by a meteor radar at Rothera (67.5°S, 68.0°W) and MF radar at Davis (68.6°S, 78.0°E). Data from Rothera recorded over a 20-month interval in 2005–2006 and data from Davis recorded over the 13-year interval 1994–2006 are examined to investigate the monthly mean behaviour of the lunar semidiurnal tide. Both data sets show a clear signal of the 12.42-h lunar semidiurnal (M2) tide. The amplitude reaches values as large as 8 m s−1. The vertical wavelengths of the tide vary seasonally from 10 to 65 km. Comparisons of the phase of the tide measured over the two sites reveals that it does not purely consist of a migrating wavenumber 2 mode. This suggests that other, non-migrating, modes are likely to be present.  相似文献   

The discussion presents questions regarding the recommended damping scheme from the discussed paper and provides an alternative recommendation. The discussion also requests further explanation on behavioral differences between models incorporating the P‐delta and corotational approaches that are presented in the paper. Responses to these questions are presented. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

北太平洋海表面高度的年际变化及其机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用15年(1993~2007年)月平均的海表面高度(SSH)异常资料,分析了北太平洋海表面高度的年际变化的时空结构,并研究了热通量和风应力两个因子对其的强迫作用.结果表明,北太平洋年际时间尺度SSH变化的大值区在黑潮延伸区和西太平洋暖池区.EOF分解第一模态的空间结构沿纬向呈带状分布,第二模态为沿经向呈带状分布.热通量强迫作用在中纬度的东北太平洋可以解释SSH年际变化40%以上.风应力对SSH的作用包括正压和斜压两个方面.正压Sverdrup平衡模型模拟的SSH年际变化较弱,仅能解释高纬度副极地环流西部的20%~40%.由大尺度风应力强迫的第一阶斜压Rossby波模型可以解释热带地区的20%~60%,中纬度中部的20%~40%,以及阿拉斯加环流东部和副极地环流西部的20%~60%.风应力强迫的一阶斜压Rossby波模型对SSH的强迫机理又可分为局地风应力强迫和西传Rossby波作用.其中,风应力的局地强迫作用(Ekman抽吸)在东北太平洋、白令海以及热带中部有显著的预报技巧,可以解释SSH年际变异的40%以上.Rossby波的传播作用在中纬度海域的副热带环流中西部和夏威夷岛以东起着重要作用,可解释20%~60%.  相似文献   

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