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In this paper, a new discrimination diagram using absolute measures of Th and Nb is applied to post-Archean ophiolites to best discriminate a large number of different ophiolitic basalts. This diagram ...  相似文献   

The proto-Philippine Sea Plate(pPSP)has been proposed by several authors to account for the origin of the Mesozoic supra-subduction ophiolites along the Philippine archipelago.In this paper,a comprehensive review of the ophiolites in the eastern portion of the Philippines is undertaken.Available data on the geology,ages and geochemical signatures of the oceanic lithospheric fragments in Luzon(Isabela,Lagonoy in Camarines Norte,and Rapu-Rapu island),Central Philippines(Samar,Tacloban,Malitbog and Southeast Bohol),and eastern Mindanao(Dinagat and Pujada)are presented.Characteristics of the Halmahera Ophiolite to the south of the Philippines are also reviewed for comparison.Nearly all of the crust-mantle sequences preserved along the eastern Philippines share Early to Late Cretaceous ages.The geochemical signatures of mantle and crustal sections reflect both mid-oceanic ridge and suprasubduction signatures.Although paleomagnetic information is currently limited to the Samar Ophiolite,results indicate a near-equatorial Mesozoic supra-subduction zone origin.In general,correlation of the crust-mantle sequences along the eastern edge of the Philippines reveal that they likely are fragments of the Mesozoic pPSP.  相似文献   

本文对中国东南沿海不含幔源包体的中生代玄武岩和含幔源包体的新生代玄武岩进行了微量元素和Nd-Sr-Pb同位素对比研究。中生代玄武岩呈Ta、Nb和Hf负异常,低Ce/Pb、Nb/U比值和高La/Nb比值,与岛弧火山岩和陆壳岩石的微量元素特征相类似,说明在岩浆生成和上升过程中,幔源组分受到了陆壳组分的混染。新生代玄武岩呈Ta、Nb正异常和Pb负异常,高Ce/Pb、Nb/U比值和低La/Nb比值,与海岛玄武岩(OIB)相类似,Nd-Sr同位素成分与夏威夷玄武岩类似,因而它们未受明显的陆壳混染。143Nd/144Nd与206Pb/204Pb之间的负相关关系和87Sr/86Sr与206Pb/204Pb之间的正相关关系说明本区新生代玄武岩起源于中等亏损程度的软流圈地幔,并与EMII富集地幔组分发生了混合。  相似文献   

张维骐  刘传周  刘通 《岩石学报》2022,38(6):1630-1654

大洋下地壳是大洋岩石圈和蛇绿岩的重要组成部分,在洋中脊及俯冲带演化以及蛇绿岩成因研究中具有重要的意义。本文总结了不同构造环境形成的大洋下地壳堆晶岩的岩石组合、地球化学组成,以建立起适用于蛇绿岩中堆晶岩的构造环境判别标志。洋中脊和俯冲相关环境堆晶岩在Pearce图解上均区别于对应的熔岩成分,表明蛇绿岩中的堆晶岩无法应用Pearce图解进行构造环境判别。不同构造环境产出的堆晶岩在岩石组合、结晶顺序和地球化学上存在明显差异:(1)绝大多数洋中脊堆晶岩和弧后盆地堆晶岩较为类似,反映其来源于洋中脊玄武岩型母岩浆低压、贫水体系的分离结晶;(2)中大西洋脊DSDP 334的洋中脊堆晶岩较为类似弧前堆晶岩,是海水蚀变难熔橄榄岩重熔或混染的产物;(3)弧前堆晶岩的岩石学、地球化学特征与亏损的富水、富硅的玻安质熔体的低压分离结晶过程相吻合;(4)洋岛堆晶岩的特征与相对贫水、成分富集的洋岛玄武岩高压分离结晶的特征相吻合。最后,本文总结了应用堆晶岩进行蛇绿岩构造环境判别的一系列岩石学、地球化学指标,并结合日喀则蛇绿岩中的堆晶岩体和辉长岩脉的实例论述堆晶岩在蛇绿岩研究中的应用。


葛文春  林强 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):396-407
大兴安岭中生代玄武岩类由北区碱性系列岩石和南区亚碱性系列岩石组成, 主要活动时期为晚侏罗世至早白垩世, 在时间、空间上显示大体呈北北东向展布的环状 “热向斜构造”。北区碱性系列岩石高度富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素, 其丰度类似于板内碱性玄武岩, 但明显亏损高场强元素这一特点又类似于火山弧钙碱性玄武岩。南区亚碱性系列岩石强烈亏损高场强元素的特征类似于火山弧钙碱性玄武岩, 但轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素富集程度又类似于洋中脊拉斑玄武岩和岛弧拉斑玄武岩。显然, 大兴安岭中生代玄武岩系列显示地球化学双重性, 也就是既有板内特征又有火山弧特征, 既有富集特征又有亏损特征。这种地球化学双重性表明, 大兴安岭地区存在若干不同性质的地幔源: 富集性的、亏损性的、过渡性的地幔源。解释一个地区存在多元地幔源区模式的最佳方案是地幔柱。这种包含富集成分和亏损成分的地幔柱源区的形成是与古生代地质时期古亚洲域闭合过程中俯冲洋壳与亏损地幔相互作用的动力学、地球化学过程有关。  相似文献   

苦橄岩和科马提岩都是富镁的超镁铁质火山岩,早先,学术界大多关注它们之间的相似性,而对于它们之间的差异性很少强调。于是认为二者的地球化学性质近似,成因类似,形成条件类似。本文采用全数据模式的研究方法,从数据库收集了全球太古宙全部科马提岩和后太古宙全部苦橄岩数据,对比的结果表明,太古宙科马提岩与后太古宙苦橄岩完全不同,它们之间几乎没有可比性。科马提岩与苦橄岩,不仅地球化学特征不同,而且成因不同,形成条件不同,产出时代不同,源区组成也不同。这种不同,反映了太古宙和后太古宙不可能属于同样的构造体制。太古宙是火球时代, 地球异常的热, 主导的可能是静止盖幔构造(stagnant lid tectonics);后太古宙是热球时代,地球相对冷了许多,主导的是板块构造(plate tectonics)。科马提岩在太古宙广泛出露,无需地幔柱模式;而苦橄岩在后太古宙很少出露,才真正需要地幔柱模式。  相似文献   

张晴  李献华 《岩石学报》2024,40(3):677-688

板块构造的起源是地球科学核心问题之一, 而表壳物质循环是现代板块构造的重要表现之一, 因此检验地球表壳物质循环起始时间是约束板块构造启动时间的重要切入点。近年来, 岩浆岩的Si-O同位素联合示踪开始被用来约束太古宙构造环境, 但由于大多太古宙样品经历了强烈的变质作用, Si同位素数据是否代表原岩信息需要进一步的评估; 此外, Si同位素在高温岩浆分异过程中变化非常小, 在分析精度不够高的情况下, 其分析结果则很可能无法揭示其潜在的变化规律。本文结合当前地球早期构造环境研究进展以及Si-O同位素的应用情况: (1)重点总结介绍了太古宙花岗质岩石(主要包括英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩; 简称TTG)的Si同位素应用原理, 及应用Si-O同位素约束地球早期构造环境的优势; (2)分析了目前研究中存在的问题, 并给出了具体的改进建议和方法; (3)进一步总结了太古宙TTG Si同位素和全球规模的O同位素, Ge/Si比值, 及其他地质学和地球化学指标, 确认了在大约3.8 Ga开始有表壳物质再循环特征的出现; (4)最后依据当前的研究进展, 提出了未来具体研究方向。


A 1000-km-long lithospheric transect running from the Variscan Iberian Massif (VIM) to the oceanic domain of the Northwest African margin is investigated. The main goal of the study is to image the lateral changes in crustal and lithospheric structure from a complete section of an old and stable orogenic belt—the Variscan Iberian Massif—to the adjacent Jurassic passive margin of SW Iberia, and across the transpressive and seismically active Africa–Eurasia plate boundary. The modelling approach incorporates available seismic data and integrates elevation, gravity, geoid and heat flow data under the assumptions of thermal steady state and local isostasy. The results show that the Variscan Iberian crust has a roughly constant thickness of 30 km, in opposition to previous works that propose a prominent thickening beneath the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ). The three layers forming the Variscan crust show noticeable thickness variations along the profile. The upper crust thins from central Iberia (about 20 km thick) to the Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) and the NE region of the South Portuguese Zone where locally the thickness of the upper crust is <8 km. Conversely, there is a clear thickening of the middle crust (up to 17 km thick) under the Ossa Morena Zone, whereas the thickness of the lower crust remains quite constant (6 km). Under the margin, the thinning of the continental crust is quite gentle and occurs over distances of 200 km, resembling the crustal attitude observed further north along the West Iberian margins. In the oceanic domain, there is a 160-km-wide Ocean Transition Zone located between the thinned continental crust of the continental shelf and slope and the true oceanic crust of the Seine Abyssal Plain. The total lithospheric thickness varies from about 120 km at the ends of the model profile to less than 100 km below the Ossa Morena and the South Portuguese zones. An outstanding result is the mass deficit at deep lithospheric mantle levels required to fit the observed geoid, gravity and elevation over the Ossa Morena and South Portuguese zones. Such mass deficit can be interpreted either as a lithospheric thinning of 20–25 km or as an anomalous density reduction of 25 kg m−3 affecting the lower lithospheric levels. Whereas the first hypothesis is consistent with a possible thermal anomaly related to recent geodynamics affecting the nearby Betic–Rif arc, the second is consistent with mantle depletion related to ancient magmatic episodes that occurred during the Hercynian orogeny.  相似文献   

Datolite, ideally CaB[(OH/SiO4)], from hydrothermal veins crosscutting pillow basalt in 10 different localities of the Northern Apennine ophiolites was investigated with regard to mineral chemistry and fluid inclusion microthermometry. Bulk analyses of datolite crystals show REE contents below chondritic, except for La and Ce. With respect to host rock, datolite is occasionally enriched in La, Rb, Cs, Be, and shows relatively high contents of chalcophile elements (Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni) when occurring in contact with sulfide-mineralized basalt. Volatiles escaped during the decomposition in the temperature range 600 and 700 °C. The main component is water. The temperature maximum of water release is different and frequently with a shoulder or a second maximum. Together with water, sulfur species as H2S and SO2 and traces of boron species escaped. The CO2 release by the decomposition especially of datolite from Castellaro and Cinghi has a maximum in the range of 500-580 °C and is different from the decomposition of calcite. Together with CO2 a boron species escaped. Chlorine does not detect. Two-phase (L+V) fluid inclusions texturally identifiable as primary and secondary were observed, yielding average homogenization-temperatures of 236 and 173 °C, respectively. Fluid inclusion cooling data yield calculated salinity in the range of 10-16 wt% NaCl equivalents, thus relatively higher compared with seawater. The results are compatible with those reported for fluids formed under diagenetic conditions, but differ from those observed in seafloor hydrothermal systems and/or emanating from magmas. Distribution of trace elements between datolite and host basalt indicates enrichment with respect to the host rock limited to a few elements such as La, Rb, Cs, Be, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb. The lithophile elements can be hosted in the datolite lattice, whereas the chalcophile metals and Ni are probably carried in sub-microscopic inclusions.  相似文献   

俯冲洋壳的脱水作用对于岛弧火山岩的成因具有重要意义。西天山高压低温变质带中切割主岩蓝片岩/榴辉岩的榴辉岩相脉体记录了古生代俯冲带中的脱水过程。脉体具有典型高压矿物组合:石榴石(>8%)+绿辉石(15%)+石英(>55%)+蓝闪石(5%)+冻蓝闪石(10%)±黝帘石±方解石。高压脉及其主岩的岩相学与矿物化学研究表明流体是在俯冲过程中蓝片岩向榴辉岩进变质条件下释放。脉的主量元素成分显示流体富Si。主岩的稀土元素和微量元素表明其原岩为洋岛玄武岩(OIB)。脉和主岩具有相似的微量元素配分模式,并且相对N-MORB都显示富Li、Be、Cs、Rb、Ba、Pb、La的特点。通过模拟计算,在高压脉、与脉平衡的流体以及模拟的原生流体中都富集流体活动性元素(Li、Be、Pb)和LILE(Cs、Rb、Ba),贫HFSE(Nb)和REE(Nd、Sm)。证实了在古生代南天山洋俯冲时洋岛玄武岩脱水释放出富Li、Be、LILE、La和Pb,贫HFSE和HREE的流体。  相似文献   

The nature of the oceanic crust produced through rifting and oceanic spreading between North and South America during the Late Jurassic is a key element for the Caribbean plate tectonic model reconstruction. Located in the Cordillera Central of Hispaniola, the Loma La Monja volcano-plutonic assemblage (LMA) is composed of gabbros, dolerites, basalts, and oceanic sediments, as well as metamorphic equivalents, which represent a dismembered fragment of this proto-Caribbean oceanic crust. Petrologic and geochemical data show that the LMA have a relatively broad diversity in composition, which represent the crystallization products of a typical low-pressure tholeiitic fractionation of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB)-type parental magmas, ranging from N- to E-MORB. Three geochemical groups have been distinguished in the volcanic sequence: LREE-flat to slightly LREE-enriched basalts of groups II and III occur interlayered in the lower stratigraphic levels; and LREE-depleted basalts of group I in the upper levels. Mantle melt modeling suggests that group III magmas are consistent by mixing within a mantle melt column of low-degree (<1%) melts of a deep garnet lherzolite source and high-degree (>15%) melts of a shallow spinel source, and groups II and I magmas are explained with moderate to high (14–18%) and very high (>20%) fractional melting degrees of a shallower spinel mantle source, respectively. Thus, upward in the volcanic sequence of the LMA, the magmas represent progressively more extensive melting of shallower sources, in a plume-influenced spreading ridge of the proto-Caribbean oceanic crust. Nb/Y versus Zr/Y systematics combined with recent plate tectonic model reconstructions reveal that Caribbean Colombian oceanic plateau fragments in Hispaniola formed through melting of heterogeneous mantle source regions related with distinct plumes during at least from Aptian–Albian (>96 Ma) to Late Campanian.  相似文献   

By scaled physical modelling, we have investigated the mechanical response to gravitational forces in an oceanic lithosphere, overlying a less dense asthenosphere. In the models, an upper wedge-shaped layer of sand represented an oceanic lithosphere (0–35 Ma old, with a half-spreading velocity of 3 cm/yr), and a lower layer of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), mixed with dense wolframite powder, represented the asthenosphere. In the models, as in nature, isostatic compensation resulted in uplift of ridges and subsidence on their flanks. The resulting relief was responsible for ridge push. We tested two main configurations: straight ridges and offset ridges. In all the models, ridge push was sufficient to cause plate motion, underlying advection, and symmetrical rifting at the ridge axis. There was no need to impose plate motions through external pistons and motors. In models of straight ridges, the style of normal faults in the axial rift zone depended on the local thickness of the brittle sand layer. For thick layers, normal faults rafted out from the active zone of rifting, creating a fossil topography of tilted blocks, between faults dipping toward the ridge. In a model of an offset ridge, with thin lithosphere at the ridge crest and no embedded weakness, ridge push was responsible for a short transform fault, linking en-échelon rifts. In a similar model, but with thick lithosphere, an oblique rift formed at about 20° to the offset trace. We conclude that ridge push was not adequate to create an ideal transform fault. In a model of an offset ridge, with an embedded thin vertical layer of pure PDMS at 90° to the ridge, transform motion concentrated along this weak layer, and the resulting structural style was very similar to that in nature. On the basis of these results, we infer that, in nature, (1) ridge push can indeed drive plate motion, and (2) ridge push can drive strike-slip motion on transform faults, provided that these are weaker than the adjacent oceanic lithosphere and that they form early in the history of spreading.  相似文献   

沈立建  刘成林 《岩石学报》2018,34(6):1819-1834
通过搜集显生宙以来不同地质时期内海相碳酸盐岩鲕粒及胶结物矿物成分、钾盐矿床矿物种类及组合特征、蒸发岩盆地中石盐流体包裹体成分,并利用这些资料与人工海水模拟实验得到的石盐中Br分配特征的对比,得出海水成分在5.5亿年以来的显生宙期间,经历了五个阶段:其中晚元古代至寒武纪早期、二叠纪早期至中生代早期、新生代早期至现今,这些时期的原始海水组成特征系数m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2m(Ca~(2+)),为Na-Mg-K-SO_4-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾盐矿床的钾镁盐矿物主要为钾盐镁矾、无水钾镁矾、杂卤石、硫酸镁石等含MgSO_4矿物,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为文石;而寒武纪早期至石炭纪、中生代早期至新生代早期,原始海水组成特征系数m(Ca~(2+))m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2,为Na-Mg-KCa-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾镁盐矿物主要为光卤石和钾石盐,甚至含有溢晶石,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为方解石。根据石盐流体包裹体成分计算得出:显生宙期间,海水K+含量大部分时间变化幅度较小,为9.3~11.5mmol/kg H_2O(除了石炭纪和晚元古代),平均为10.55mmol/kg H_2O。Mg~(2+)含量在早寒武世≥67mmol/kg H_2O、晚志留世至中泥盆世31~41mmol/kg H_2O、晚古生代≥48mmol/kg H22O、晚白垩世34mmol/kg H_2O和现代55.1mmol/kg H_2O。Ca~+含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≤11mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪22~35mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期≤17mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期19~39mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今7~21mmol/kg H_2O。SO_4~(2-)含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≥23mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪5~17mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期13~22mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期5~19mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今12~29.2mmol/kg H_2O。海水Ca~(2+)与SO_4~(2-)含量的相对变化是控制海相钾盐矿床钾镁盐矿物类型的基本因素。同时,利用以上数据计算得到的显生宙各时期海水[m(Mg~(2+))+m(SO_4~(2-))]/[m(K~+)+m(Ca~(2+))]的变化与各时期海相蒸发岩系石盐层底部的Br含量变化具有同步性,进一步验证了显生宙期间海水成分是不断变化的,是约束海相蒸发岩钾盐矿物类型的主要因素。海水成分变化的控制因素为洋中脊热液和陆地水,其中洋中脊热液起主要作用,而控制这些因素变化的根本原因为板块构造运动。  相似文献   

南天山库勒湖蛇绿岩具有两组不同地球化学类型的基性熔岩。第1组熔岩的∑REE=24×10-6~28·36×10-6,(La/Yb)N=0·35~0·37,Zr/Nb=39·91~95·12,Ta/Nb=0·07~0·09,εNd(t)=8·85~12·25,暗示其源区类似于MORB(但比后者更加亏损);同时,该组熔岩的LILE明显富集,HFSE(尤其Nb、Ta)强烈亏损,显示出与岛弧拉斑玄武岩(IAT)的亲源性。第2组熔岩的∑REE(56·38×10-6~101·29×10-6),(La/Yb)N值(0·96~1·36),不相容元素含量等介于E_MORB和OIB之间(更接近于E_MORB),并且Nb、Ta显示正异常;εNd(t)=8·39,Zr/Nb=9·74~10·94,Ta/Nb=0·06,与E_MORB相当,暗示其源区比第1组熔岩相对富集。综合分析两组基性熔岩的地球化学特征,认为它们的形成环境为弧后盆地,第1组熔岩为弧后盆地初始张开阶段受消减带流体沉积物影响的强烈亏损的残余地幔源区发生部分熔融作用的产物,第2组熔岩是由于弧后进一步的次级地幔对流驱动周围或深部相对富集的地幔向处于引张部位的弧后注入或上涌、发生部分熔融作用的产物。库勒湖弧后盆地型蛇绿岩的形成时代与古南天山洋的俯冲消减时代相当,它的形成很有可能与该洋盆晚末志留世—早泥盆世期间的俯冲消减作用(诱发弧后拉张)有关。  相似文献   

松潘-甘孜地块三叠系砂岩的地球化学特征及其意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
松潘-甘孜地块位居中国西南部,北邻华北地块,西与青藏高原毗邻,东南缘与扬子地块相连.该区出露的巨厚层砂岩SiO2含量变化范围大为48.64%~71.77%,稳定元素(Al2O3,Fe2O3,MnO)与不稳定元素(MgO,K2O,Na2O)基本持平,CIW值较低;La/Co值集中于3.0~4.5,Th/Co集中于1.0~1.5,La/Th值集中于2.7~3.1,Th/U值均大于4.0,轻稀土元素含量大于重稀土元素含量,具Eu负异常,稀土元素分布形态与上地壳一致;锆石的U-Pb年龄集中分布于1500~1900Ma、700~900Ma、200~400Ma,与扬子地块、南秦岭的岩浆活动相一致.分析表明松潘-甘孜地块具有稳定的物源区,主要以扬子地块为主;其碎屑母岩应主要源自上地壳,以长英质成分为主.松潘-甘孜地块在三叠纪时期处于大陆岛弧环境,周边地区基本处于稳定状态,没有大规模构造运动和岩浆活动,扬子地块向华北地块的俯冲明显减弱或可能已经停止,秦岭造山运动基本已经完成.  相似文献   

We present the first evidence of Archean oceanic crust submitted to Proterozoic high-pressure (HP) metamorphism in the South American Platform. Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf isotopic data combined with U–Pb geochronological data from the Campo Grande area, Rio Grande do Norte domain, in the Northern Borborema Province, reflect a complex Archean (2.9 ​Ga and 2.6 ​Ga) and Paleoproterozoic (2.0 ​Ga) evolution, culminating in the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny (ca. 600 Ma). The preserved mafic rocks contain massive poikiloblastic garnet and granoblastic amphibole with variable proportions of plagioclase ​+ ​diopside in symplectitic texture, typical of high-pressure rocks. These clinopyroxene-garnet amphibolites and the more common garnet amphibolites from the Campo Grande area are exposed as rare lenses within an Archean migmatite complex. The amphibolite lenses represent 2.65 ​Ga juvenile tholeiitic magmatism derived from depleted mantle sources (positive εHf(t) values of +3.81 to +30.66) later enriched by mantle metasomatism (negative εNd(t) values of –7.97). Chondrite and Primitive Mantle-normalized REE of analyzed samples and discriminant diagrams define two different oceanic affinities, with E-MORB and OIB signature. Negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu1 ​= ​0.75–0.95) indicate depletion of plagioclase in the source. Inherited zircon cores of 3.0–2.9 ​Ga in analyzed samples indicate that the Neoarchean tholeiitic magmatism was emplaced into 2923 ​± ​14 ​Ma old Mesoarchean crust (εNd(t) ​= ​–2.58 and Nd TDM ​= ​3.2 ​Ga) of the Rio Grande do Norte domain. The age of retro-eclogite facies metamorphism is not yet completely understood. We suggest that two high-grade metamorphic events are recognized in the mafic rocks: the first at 2.0 ​Ga, recorded in some samples, and the second, at ca. 600 Ma, stronger and more pervasive and recorded in several of the mafic rock samples. The Neoproterozoic zircon grains are found in symplectite texture as inclusions in the garnet grains and represent the age of HP conditions in the area. These zircon grains show a younger cluster of concordant analyses between 623 ​± ​3 ​Ma and 592 ​± ​5 ​Ma with εHf(t) values of +0.74 to –65.88. Thus, the Campo Grande rock assemblage is composed of Archean units that were amalgamated to West Gondwana during Neoproterozoic Brasiliano orogeny continent-continent collision and crustal reworking.  相似文献   

We present results of geochemical studies and isotope dating of eclogites and associated rocks from the Kuru-Vaara quarry, Belomorian Belt, Northeastern Baltic Shield. The southern and northern eclogites are similar in geochemical features. Their protoliths were primitive, mainly high-Mg basalts of oceanic affinity derived from a primitive mantle source rather than from a depleted mantle source characteristic of modern MORB. The post-eclogitic intrusive rocks show obvious evidence for crustal contamination. The eclogite-hosting tonalitetrondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) gneisses form a coherent series including high-Al and low-Al varieties. The trace element data show that the TTG series formed through the hydrous partial melting of the southern eclogites in the presence of garnet and amphibole in the field of the rutile stability (>15 kbar). Zircons from the southern eclogites exhibit features of their strong re-equilibration by coupled dissolution–repre-cipitation processes but have locally preserved patches with a primary magmatic zoning. The geochemistry of the patches points to the oceanic provenance of protolithic zircons; their isotope dating (SHRIMP-II) yielded a concordant age of 2821 ± 21 Ma. Zircons from the trondhjemite gneiss with geochemical features of Archean adakite were dated at 2805 ± 11 Ma, which suggests the syneclogitic facies origin of the TTG melts. The concordant age of high-pressure zircons from the northern eclogites is 2722 ± 21 Ma, close to the age of the earlier described Gridino eclogites. The overview of the isotopically dated eclogite bodies show the presence of at least three temporally distinct groups of eclogites in the Belomorian Belt, ~2.86–2.87, ~2.82–2.80, and ~2.72 Ga, which is in a good accordance with the known isotopic ages for major crust-forming events in the belt. This, in turn, implies a close genetic relationship between the eclogites and the TTG origin, which might be consistent with the model of the short intermitted events of subduction of the thickened Archean oceanic crust. The presence of HP/UHP eclogites of different ages and the structural style of the Belomorian Belt permit it to be assigned to megamélange belts.  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱和电感耦合等离子质谱仪对准东煤田不同勘探区煤样中常量和微量元素含量进行测定,对准东煤田主要勘探区煤地球化学特征与中国和世界范围煤地球化学特征进行较系统对比.划分煤中微量元素组合特征,归纳各区内煤的常量与微量元素亲和性.较系统地揭示了准东煤田煤中微量元素丰度和赋存状态,对煤田大规模资源开发利用地球化学环境条件及煤中伴生元素工业利用提供参考.  相似文献   

黔中早石炭世九架炉组铝土矿含矿岩系富集Ti、Li、Sc、V、Ga、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Th和稀土(REEs)等"三稀金属",具有成为独立矿床或伴生资源的潜力。这些元素大部分与九架炉组共有同一母岩,且富集程度受母岩的成分和风化作用控制。本研究选取九架炉组母岩乌当娄山关群白云岩和纳雍牛蹄塘组泥质白云岩的现代风化剖面为研究对象,研究元素在风化作用过程中的迁移特征及分布规律,进而为九架炉组微量元素的富集机制提供启示。研究获得以下认识:1)依据剖面结构、ZrHf、Nb-Ta、Y-Ho二元图特征及REE配分曲线和Eu/Eu*值的相似性表明研究区土层主要来源于基底或母岩的风化; 2)白云岩风化成土过程中Si、Fe、Cr、As、Sb、Ti、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Th、REEs等元素化学性质相对稳定,富集程度较高,而Ca、Mg、Na、K、Sr、P、Mo、Cd等元素化学性质活泼,容易淋失亏损; 3)纳雍剖面REEs~(3+)和Ca~(2+)半径差与REEs富集系数相关性良好,表明碳酸盐岩风化过程中,含钙矿物磷灰石是稀土元素分配的重要控制因素; 4)九架炉组的母岩也是Ti、Li、Sc、V、Ga、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Th等微量元素的主要物质来源,母岩风化过程中,这些微量元素首先在副矿物、黏土矿物、铝矿物及磷灰石等矿物相中初步富集,之后随风化碎屑物一起沉积形成微量元素超常富集地层; 5)纳雍剖面地表和地下水提供了部分P、Be、Zn、Sb、Pb、Y及REEs来源,指示水体迁入作用也是九架炉组REEs富集的重要原因。研究表明黔中九架炉组微量元素的来源较复杂,风化-沉积过程中,化学性质稳定的元素残留在风化碎屑物中并被搬运-沉积在负地形中,而化学性质活泼的元素首先被带入水体,在沉积-成岩过程中特定条件下发生二次富集作用(例如次生矿物的形成及吸附)形成微量元素富集的地层。  相似文献   

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