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Stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen were determined in 45 samples of water (27 samples of oil-associated waters, 17 samples of mineral waters used by spas, 1 sample of surface river water) from the Central Carpathian Synclinorium, covering a stratigraphic range of flysch sediments from Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene. Moreover, oxygen isotope compositions of authigenic calcite (vein and cement) from core samples of four boreholes were made to evaluate isotopic equilibrium between waters and diagenetic carbonates as a function of temperature. The saline and brackish waters (TDS from1 g/l to 48.9 g/l) considered here, generally belong to four hydrogeochemical classes: Na-Cl, Cl-HCO3-Na, HCO3-Cl-Na and HCO3-Na. Their isotopic composition causes them to fall to the right of Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL) showing enrichment in 18O and 2H. On the other hand, relative to Standard Mean Ocean Water (SMOW) they are depleted in 2H and both depleted and enriched in 18O. The observed isotopic composition can be explained by the three-component mixing of surface water, diagenetically modified sea water (kind of connate water) and metamorphic water. The mixing is accompanied by an exchange of oxygen isotopes between water and carbonate cements causes 18O enrichment of interstitial waters. The contribution of isotopic exchange between water and clay minerals in shales was evaluated only theoretically basing of the literature.  相似文献   

The Polish Outer Carpathians consist of several flysch series of unknown original basement. They were deposited from Late Jurassic to Miocene in a large basin dissected by tectonically uplifted ridges (cordillieras) which acted as source terrains. The actual nappe pile is correlated with palaeogeographic basin realms. From N to S the Skole, Silesian, Dukla and Magura basins are distinguished. Our paper presents a first compilation of heavy mineral data and pebble analysis in the various turbiditic fan systems. It is assumed that the heavy minerals primarily reflect the nature of basement rocks exposed in the source terrains.The individual flysch basins were supplied generally from unmetamorphosed granitic to highgrade metamorphic continental basement series. But staurolite-bearing high-grade metamorphics appear to have been present only in the northernmost provenance area (Silesian and Subsilesian ridges). A few reworked chromian spinel mineral grains in the northern parts of the basin were derived from small Caledonian/Variscan ultrabasic sutures present in the source ridges. Increased chromian spinel contents are revealed in the southern part of the basin (Maastrichtian-Eocene Magura series) and in Cretaceous Pieniny Klippen belt flysch formations. The chromian spinel in the Magura series was derived, either directly from Alpine oceanic crust obducted in the southern part of the Pieniny realm, or from re-eroded Pieniny flysch series. Hence, our heavy mineral data indicate that in the Outer Carpathian basin during Cretaceous convergence no Alpine ophiolitic crust was obducted. Therefore, an ophiolitic basement to the individual basins appears inprobable. The Outer Carpathians presumably occupied, with respect to the internal suture zone, the position of a deep continental basement floored foreland basin.
Zusammenfassung Die Äußeren Karpathen in Polen bestehen aus mehreren von ihrem Untergrund abgescherten Flysch-Serien, die von oberem Jura bis Miozän in einem Großbecken abgelagert wurden, das durch mehrere tektonisch hochgehobene Rücken (Cordillieren oder Liefergebiete) in Teilbecken gegliedert war. Das ursprüngliche Substrat der verschiedenen Becken ist unbekannt und die heutige Deckenstruktur wird mit der ursprünglichen Beckenanordnung korreliert. Von N nach S werden die Skole-, Silesien-, Duklaund Magura-Becken unterschieden. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine erste Zusammenfassung von Schwermineraldaten und Geröllanalysen in den verschiedenen turbiditischen Schüttungssystemen. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, daß die Schwermineralgehalte der Sandsteine primär die Zusammensetzung des kristallinen Grundgebirges in den Liefergebieten widergeben.Die einzelnen Flyschbecken wurden zumeist von unmetamorphem granitischem bis hochgradig metamorphem kontinentalem Grundgebirge beliefert. Staurolith-führende hochgradige Metamorphite waren jedoch nur in den nördlichst gelegenen Liefergebietsprovinzen (Silesischer und Subsilesischer Rücken) anstehend. Geringe Vorkommen von Chromspinell in den nördlichen Beckenteilen stammen von kleineren caledonisch/variszischen ultrabasischen Einschlüssen (Suturen) in den Cordillieren. Erhöhte Chromspinellgehalte werden nur im südlichen Becken (Maastricht bis Tertiär des Magura-Beckens) und in kretazischen Flyschen der Pieniny-Klippen festgestellt. Der Chromspinell in den Magura-Serien stammt von alpiner ozeanischer Kruste, die während der Kreide im südlichen Pieniny-Raume obduziert wurde oder von neuerlich erodierten Flyschen aus den Pieniny-Becken. Unsere Schwermineraldaten weisen folglich darauf hin, daß während der kretazischen tektonischen Konvergenz im Bereich der Äußeren Karpathen keine alpin gebildete ophiolithische Kruste aufgeschuppt wurde. Die Anwesenheit eines ozeanischen Untergrundes der einzelnen Teilbecken erscheint deshalb unwahrscheinlich. Die Äußeren Karpathen nahmen deshalb vermutlich gegenüber der internen Suturzone die Stellung eines tiefen Foreland-Beckens über kontinentaler Kruste ein.

Résumé Les Carpathes externes, en Pologne, sont composées de plusieurs séries de flysch d'âge jurassique à miocène déposées dans un grand bassin alimenté par l'érosion de rides tectoniques internes et externes (cordillères). Ces séries de flysch sont préservées en nappes, classiquement corrélées avec différents domaines paléogéographiques du bassin. Le substratum originel de ces bassins individuels n'est pas connu et reste discuté. On distingue, du nord au sud, les bassins de Skole, de Silésie, de Dukla et de Magura. Nous présentons ici les premiers résultats de l'analyse des minéraux lourds et des lithoclastes reconnus dans les principaux éventails turbiditiques sous-marins. Nous partons de l'hypothèse que le contenu des grès en minéraux lourds reflète la nature du socle cristallin qui était à l'affleurement dans les diverses régions-source.D'une manière générale, les bassins de flysch ont été alimentés par des terrains granitiques non métamorphiques et par des formations métamorphiques de moyenne et haute température. Il semble cependant que les terrains métamorphiques de haut degré à staurotide étaient présents seulement dans les sources les plus septentrionales (rides silésienne et subsilésienne). Le spinelle chromifère présent en petite quantité dans la partie nord du bassin peut être expliqué par la présence d'inclusions ultramafiques calédoniennes ou varisques (zones de sutures) dans les cordillères. Une proportion élevée de grains de spinelle chromifère ne s'observe que dans la partie méridionale du bassin des Carpathes externes (séries maastrichtiennes et tertiaires du bassin de Magura) et dans les flyschs crétacés des clippes de Pieniny. Il est suggéré que le spinelle chromifère du bassin de Magura a été fourni par la croûte océanique alpine, obductée au cours du Crétacé dans la partie interne du domaine des clippes de Pieniny, ou par l'érosion secondaire des flyschs de Pieniny.La rareté et l'origine probablement ancienne des spinelles chromifères dans la partie septentrionale indique que lors des mouvements convergents crétacés aucune roche ophiolitique alpine n'était exposée à l'érosion. Par conséquent, la présence de fonds océaniques dans ces bassins individuels semble peu probable. Les Carpathes externes représentent probablement un bassin profond, de type «foreland» par rapport à une zone de suture ophiolitique plus interne.

, , , . , . : Skole, Silesien, Dukla Magura. . , . , . , , , , , .. . - () . ( ) Pieniny . , Pieniny, . , , . , , . .. , .

The unconformity-type uranium deposits of the Athabasca Basin (Saskatchewan, Canada) are hosted near the unconformity between a middle Proterozoic intracratonic sedimentary basin and an Archean to Paleo-Proterozoic metamorphic and plutonic basement. These deposits, which are considered to be the richest U deposits in the world, are the result of massive basinal fluid migrations in the basement rocks.This study shows that basinal brines have strongly penetrated into the basement not only through faults and major pathways but also by way of dense networks of microfractures which favoured the percolation of fluids down to considerable depths (hundred metres below the unconformity) and their chemical modification (salinity increase) by interaction with basement lithologies. These processes are one of the major causes of uranium mobility within the basement rocks and the formation of unconformity-type mineralization.Microfracture networks, which opened during the basinal brine stage (ca. 1600–1400 Ma) are interpreted as sets of mode I cracks corresponding to a specific stage of deformation and occur as fluid inclusion planes after healing. The stress field at that stage (σ1 = N130–150 °E, subvertical) partly reopened the earlier microcrack networks (σ1 = N80–110 °E and N130–150 °E, subvertical) issued from the Trans-Hudson Orogeny late retrograde metamorphic stage (ca. 1795–1720 Ma). The circulation of the two types of fluids (carbonic and brines) occurs thus at two distinct events (Trans-Hudson Orogeny late retrograde metamorphism for carbonic fluids and maximal burial diagenesis for brines) but the same main microfissure geometry was used by the fluids. This demonstrates the existence of a similar stress field direction acting before and after the basin formation. Moreover, the brine circulations in the basement acted in a wider volume than the clay-rich alteration halo surrounding the U-ores, generally considered as the main envelope of fluid percolation outside the fault systems. The data on the chemistry of the fluids and on the geometry of their migration at various scales emphasise the fundamental role of the basement in the chemical evolution of highly saline brines linked to unconformity-related uranium mineralization in the Athabasca Basin.  相似文献   

Lower crustal and upper mantle rocks exposed at the earth's surface present direct possibility to measure their physical properties that must be, in other cases, interpreted using indirect methods. The results of these direct measurements can be then used for the corrections of models based on the indirect data. Elastic properties are among the most important parameters studied in geophysics and employed in many fields of earth sciences. In laboratory, dynamic elastic properties are commonly tested in three mutually perpendicular directions. The spatial distribution of P- and S-wave velocities are then computed using textural data, modal composition, density and elastic constants. During such computation, it is virtually impossible to involve all microfabric parameters like different types of microcracking, micropores, mineral alteration or quality of grain boundaries.

In this study, complete 3D ultrasonic transmission of spherical samples in 132 independent directions at several levels of confining pressure up to 400 MPa has been employed for study of selected mafic and ultrabasic rocks sampled in and nearby Balmuccia ultrabasic massif (Ivrea zone, Southern Alps, NW Italy). This method revealed large directional variance of maximum P-wave velocity and different symmetries (orthorhombic vs. transversal isotropic) of elastic waves 3D distribution that has not been recorded on these rocks before. Moreover, one dunite sample exhibits P-wave velocity approaching to that of olivine single crystal being interpreted as influence of CPO.  相似文献   

A relatively poorly diversified trace fossil assemblage from thin- and medium-bedded flysch of the Inoceramian beds in the Polish Outer Carpathians is dominated by postdepositional r-selected Chondrites, Planolites and Helminthoida. Predepositional K-selected forms are very rare. This, together with a lack of evidence for bottom erosion and the relatively dark colour of interbedded mudstone and siltstone, suggest that low sediment oxygenation was the main factor controlling benthic life. Preservational factors, related to the fluid consistency of sediment and to mixed layers, seem to be present, but subordinate. Small-scale changes of diversity and abundance of the trace fossils within the sections probably reflect changes in sediment oxygenation.  相似文献   

Calcareous foraminifers representing 9 species and 5 genera were investigated in two Famennian sections located in the south‐western part of the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM), central Poland. They constitute redeposited material that, together with crinoids and calcareous algae, comprise the dominant component of limestone turbidite beds intercalated with deep‐marine marly sediments. The calcareous material was redeposited from an unknown carbonate platform located probably to the south of the HCM area. The first appearance data of foraminifers, mainly from the quasiendothyrid group, correlated to the Standard Conodont Zonation, indicate a diachronous appearance of the same species in different parts of Europe due to a migration delay from the foraminiferal evolutionary centre located in the south‐eastern shelves of Laurussia in the neighbouring areas. As a result, the Moravian foraminiferal zonation, where index taxa appeared in similar stratigraphic intervals, was chosen as the most applicable to the stratigraphy in the central Polish area. The Quasiendothyra communis–Eonodosaria evlanensis Interzone, the Quasiendothyra communis–Quasiendothyra regularis Zone and Quasiendothyra kobeitusana–Quasiendothyra konensis Zone were distinguished, respectively, in the HCM sections. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabric of 306 samples from 51 sites was determined by means of a new, low-field anisotropy technique. The within-site consistency of the magnetic-fabric data was extremely high and was comparable with more tedious standard petrofabric analyses, where available, and with the structural properties of previously defined tectonic zones in North Cornwall. These data confirm the applicability of magnetic-fabric studies to structural problems, particularly in determining the orientation of the strain in the rocks. In areas of low strain, the technique appears applicable where standard petrofabric techniques are too coarse or time-consuming and indicates that direct estimates of both the magnitude and direction of the net strain ellipsoid should be possible in less deformed areas. Magnetic fabric studies therefore confirm the tectonic zonation in this region and provide a rapid method for similar structural evaluations.  相似文献   

The studied Carboniferous flysch and molasse sediments from the Intra-Sudetic Basin correspond to the period from Middle Visean to Early Autunian. Main magnetic minerals carrying the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) are goethite, magnetite, maghemite and hematite, all usually secondarily formed and/or remagnetized due to several tectonometamorphic events. In most samples several NRM components were isolated. One of them is usually a Jurassic-Triassic overprint. Some others define the Westphalian-Early Permian segment of the declination and inclination trajectory for the Sudetes calculated according to the reference apparent polar wander path for the Baltica plate. The Sudetic path is slightly shifted to the east compared to the reference path, suggesting the possibility of independent movements of the Sudetes during this time. The majority of isolated NRM components are secondary and related to the Sudetic orogenic phase and later tectonometamorphic activity.  相似文献   

Results from the application of digital filtering (simple and weighted averaging) to the analysis of sedimentary series are given. Two flysch sequences from the East Carpathians (Upper Eocene, Damacua Valley; and Lower Cretaceous, Sbrancani Valley) were studied. Individual components, affecting the conditions of deposition, were separated, and establishment of the geological significance of the components separated by digital filtering was investigated.  相似文献   

Valanginian strata in central epicratonic Poland have recently yielded crinoids, not previously recorded from the area. The fauna comprises isocrinids (Balanocrinus subteres, B. gillieroni, “Isocrinus?lissajouxi), millericrinids (Apiocrinites sp.) and comatulids (Comatulida indet.). For comparison, a few samples of isocrinids from Valanginian strata of Hungary (Tethyan province) were also analysed. The isocrinids, cyrtocrinids and roveacrinids (sensu Rasmussen 1978 inclusive of Saccocoma sp.) were already known from the Valanginian of the southernmost Tethyan regions of Poland (Pieniny Klippen Belt and Tatra Mountains). The current study demonstrates their occurrence in central epicratonic Poland, and suggests that many Jurassic to Cretaceous stalked crinoid taxa (mainly isocrinids) predominated in the shallow-water settings of this area. Thus, the hypothesis of migration (at least from mid-Cretaceous onwards) to deep-water areas, as a response to an increase of the number of predators during the Mesozoic marine revolution, seems not to be universally applicable.  相似文献   

Ip  Sabrina C. Y.  Choo  Jinhyun  Borja  Ronaldo I. 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(11):3381-3400

Geomaterials such as soils and rocks can exhibit inherent anisotropy due to the preferred orientation of mineral grains and/or cracks. They can also be partially saturated with multiple types of fluids occupying the pore space. The anisotropic and unsaturated behaviors of geomaterials can be highly interdependent. Experimental studies have shown that the elastic parameters of rocks evolve with saturation. The effect of saturation has also been shown to differ between directions in transversely isotropic clay rock. This gives rise to saturation-dependent stiffness anisotropy. Similarly, permeability anisotropy can also be saturation-dependent. In this study, constitutive equations accommodating saturation-dependent stiffness and hydraulic anisotropy are presented. A linear function is used to describe the relationship between the elastic parameters and saturation, while the relative permeability–saturation relationship is characterized with a log-linear function. These equations are implemented into a hydromechanical framework to investigate the effects of saturation-dependent properties on the shrinkage behavior of clay rocks. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the role of saturation-dependent stiffness and hydraulic anisotropy in shrinkage behavior. The results highlight that strain anisotropy and time evolution of pore pressures are substantially influenced by saturation-dependent stiffness and hydraulic anisotropy.


通过构筑146Sm-142Nd同位素体系,应用于冥古宙(4.6~4.0Ga)时期地幔演化的研究,可以了解这一时期地幔演化过程。对太古宙岩石中142Nd的研究发现早期地幔出现明显的不均一性,造成这种不均一性的原因应该来源于地幔的分异作用。加拿大Nuvvuagittuq绿岩带来源于富集地幔和亏损地幔混合,但以富集地幔为主,格陵兰杂岩和变质砂岩来源于亏损地幔,而西澳大利亚伊儿岗片麻岩来源于富集地幔和亏损地幔的混合带,但主要以亏损地幔为主。  相似文献   

 Hydraulic networks of carbonate rocks usually consist of three types of spaces: pores, fissures, and caverns; sometimes filled forms also are present. At sufficiently large scales, the spaces are assumed to be homogeneous with arbitrary boundaries and to be characterized by mean values of parameters. A conceptual model and its schematic presentation demonstrate the importance of particular parameters for flow and solute transport, and they explain the responses of pumping rates and water levels to changes in boundary conditions. Three examples characterize some typical networks: (1) chalk in eastern Poland, representing fissured aquifers with a high storage volume for solutes in stagnant matrix water; (2) Middle Triassic limestones in southern Poland, representing fissured-cavernous aquifers; however, a large storage volume for solute transport is in mostly stagnant matrix water; and (3) Triassic dolomites in the same area, representing porous-fissured-cavernous aquifers with a considerable storage volume in the matrix, which can partly be released (20%), considerably contributing to the total specific yield. For the last two types of aquifers, the hydraulic conductivity near pumping wells and mine galleries usually quickly increases in time due to suffosion of filled forms, which leads to a temporal large increase of the inflows. Received, April 1997 Revised, January 1998, August 1998 Accepted, May 1998  相似文献   

A natural 1 M-celadonite from Barcza, Poland, approximates closely the Mg-Al end member of the celadonite group. The lattice constants of this phase are $$a_0 = 5.208 \pm 0.005{\AA},b_0 = 9.006 \pm 0.003{\AA}, c_0 = 10.071 \pm 0.004{\AA}, \beta = 1$$ . A comparison with other end members indicates that within this group of minerals the substitution Mg+Si=2 Al diminishes c 0, whereas the incorporation of Fe+3 instead of octahedral Al will increase both b 0 and c 0 sin β.  相似文献   

River pollution data are characterized by high variability. Multivariate statistical methods help to determine a complex set of these multidimensional data and to extract latent information (e.g. differently polluted areas, discharges). The chemometric methods can handle interactions between different pollutants and relationships among various sampling locations. This study presents an application of multivariate data analysis in the field of environmental pollution. The dataset consists of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn contents of sediment samples collected in the upper and middle Odra River (Poland) in three sampling campaigns (November 1998, June 1999, and May 2000). As chemometric tools cluster analysis (CA), multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis (MVDA) and factor analysis (FA) were used to investigate the matrix of 60 sampling points.  相似文献   

‘Sakenites’ constitute a unique association of corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing anorthitic to phlogopitic rocks, first described in rocks from an exposure along the beds of the Sakena river to the NW of Ihosy, south Madagascar. The exposure has been revisited and subjected to a detailed petrological and geochemical study. The aluminous anorthitic rocks occur as boudinaged bands and lenses, closely associated with corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing phlogopitites, diverse calcsilicate rocks and marbles within a series of biotite‐sillimanite‐cordierite gneisses of the Ihosy granulite unit in the NW of the Pan‐African Bongolava‐Ranotsara shear zone. Bimineralic anorthite + corundum domains preserve the earliest record of a polyphasic evolutionary history that includes two distinct metasomatic episodes. Probable protoliths of these bimineralic rocks were kaolinite‐rich sediments or calcareous bauxites that were altered by Ca or Si infiltration‐metasomatism prior to or coeval with the development of the anorthite‐corundum assemblage. P–T pseudosection modelling of metapelitic gneisses suggests peak‐conditions around 800 °C and 6–7 kbar for the regional high‐grade metamorphism and deformation in the NW part of the Bongolava‐Ranotsara shear zone. The well‐annealed granoblastic‐polygonal textures indicate complete chemical and textural re‐equilibration of the foliated bimineralic rocks during this event. Subsequently, at somewhat lower P–T conditions (750–700 °C, 6 kbar), the influx of Mg‐, Si‐ and K‐bearing fluids into the anorthite‐corundum rocks caused significant metasomatic changes. In zones infiltrated by ‘primary’ potassic fluids, the bimineralic assemblage was completely replaced by phlogopite and Mg‐Al minerals, thereby producing corundum‐, spinel‐ and sapphirine‐bearing phlogopitites. Further advance of the resulting ‘residual’ Mg‐ and Si‐bearing fluids into anorthite‐corundum domains led to partial to complete replacement of corundum porphyroblasts by spinel, spinel + sapphirine or sapphirine, depending on the activities of the solutes. The static textures developed during this second metasomatic episode suggest fluid influx subsequent to intense ductile deformation in the Bongolava‐Ranotsara ductile shear zone c. 530–500 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Three sites from Cretaceous limestone and Jurassic sandstone in northern Oaxaca, Mexico, were studied paleomagnetically. Thermal demagnetization isolated site-mean remanence directions which differ significantly from the recent geomagnetic field. The paleopole for the Albian–Cenomanian Morelos formation is indistinguishable from the corresponding reference pole for stable North America, indicating tectonic stability of the Mixteca terrane since the Cretaceous. Rock magnetic properties and a positive reversal test for the Bajocian Tecomazuchil sandstone suggest that the remanence could be of primary origin, although no fold test could be applied. The Tecomazuchil paleopole is rotated 10°±5° clockwise and displaced 24°±5° towards the study area, with respect to the reference pole for stable North America. Similar values were found for the Toarcien–Aalenian Rosario Formation, with 35°±6° clockwise rotation and 33°±6° latitudinal translation. These data support a post-Bajocian southward translation of the Mixteca terrane by around 25°, which was completed in mid-Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

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