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L’Aquila earthquake, which occurred on April 6, 2009, proved the high vulnerability of cultural heritage, with particular reference to churches. Damage assessment in the emergency was carried out on more than 700 churches with a methodology aimed at recognizing the collapse mechanisms in the different architectonic elements of the church. The method was developed after the earthquake in Umbria and the Marches (1997) and has been widely used in the last decade; this approach is also very useful for seismic prevention, as it allows one to single out the most vulnerable structures. Some examples are presented in this paper, representative of recurrent damage in the main elements of the church: the fa?ade, the roof, the apse and the belfry. It emerges that, for a correct interpretation of damage and vulnerability, it is necessary a deep knowledge of local construction techniques and of the historic transformation sequence. Moreover, the bad behaviour of churches strengthened by modern techniques, such as the substitution of original timber roofs with stiff and heavy r.c. slabs, was observed. Starting from the observation of some case studies, the paper achieves some worth results, which may be useful for correctly driving future strengthening interventions.  相似文献   

The 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila event caused extensive damage in the city of L’Aquila and in some small towns in its vicinity. The most severe damage was recognized SE of L’Aquila town along the Aterno river valley. Although building vulnerability and near-source effects are strongly responsible for the high level of destruction, site effects have been invoked to explain the damage heterogeneities and the similarities between the 2009 macroseismic field with the intensities of historical earthquakes. The small village of Onna is settled on quaternary alluvium and suffered during the L’Aquila event an extremely heavy damage in the masonry structures with intensity IX–X on the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg (MCS) scale. The village of Monticchio, far less than 1.3 km from Onna, is mostly situated on Mesozoic limestone and suffered a smaller level of damaging (VI MCS). In the present paper, we analyze the aftershock recordings at seismic stations deployed in a small area of the middle-Aterno valley including Onna and Monticchio. The aim is to investigate local amplification effects caused by the near-surface geology. Because the seismological stations are close together, vulnerability and near-source effects are assumed to be constant. The waveform analysis shows that the ground motion at Onna is systematically characterized by large high-frequency content. The frequency resonance is varying from 2 to 3 Hz and it is related to alluvial sediments with a thickness of about 40 m that overlay a stiffer Pleistocene substrate. The ground motion recordings of Onna are well reproduced by the predictive equation for the Italian territory.  相似文献   

An Mw 6.25 earthquake occurred on April 6, 2009 at 03:33 a.m. local time, in the Abruzzo region (Central Italy), close to the city of L’Aquila. The earthquake ruptured a North-West (NW)–South-East (SE) oriented normal fault dipping toward the South-West (SW), with the city of L’Aquila lying a few kilometers away on the hanging wall.The main shock has been recorded by fifty-eight accelerometric stations: the highest number of digital recordings ever obtained in Italy for a single earthquake, one of the best-recorded earthquakes with a normal fault mechanism. Very high values of peak ground acceleration (0.3–0.65 g) were observed close to the center of L’Aquila (6 stations at zero JB distance from the fault). The earthquake caused severe loss of lives (299 victims and 1500 injured) and damage (about 18000 unusable buildings) in the epicentral area.In this study we analyze the ground motion characteristics of both the main shock in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and pseudo-acceleration response spectra (5% of damping ratio). In particular, we compare the pseudo-acceleration response spectra for horizontal directions with the EC8 design spectrum and the new Italian building code (NTC08). In order to understand the characteristics of the ground motions induced by L’Aquila earthquake, we also study the source-related effects and site response of the strong motion stations that recorded the seismic sequence. A novel method is used for the analysis of inter-station and site-specific H/V spectral ratios for the main event and for 12 aftershocks.  相似文献   

On 6th April 2009 an earthquake of magnitude M w =  6.3 occurred in the Abruzzo region; the epicentre was very close to the city of L’Aquila (about 6 km away). The event produced casualties and damage to buildings, lifelines and other infrastructures. An analysis of the main damage that reinforced concrete (RC) structures showed after the event is presented in this study. In order to isolate the main causes of structural and non-structural damage, the seismological characteristics of the event are examined, followed by an analysis of the existing RC building stock in the area. The latter issue came under scrutiny after the release of official data about structural types and times of construction, combined with a detailed review of the most important seismic codes in force in the last 100 years in Italy. Comparison of the current design provisions of the Italian and European codes with previous standards allows the main weaknesses of the existing building stock to be determined. Damage to structural and non-structural elements is finally analyzed thanks to photographic material collected in the first week after the event; the main causes of damage are then inferred.  相似文献   

Rapid magnitude estimate procedures represent a crucial part of proposed earthquake early warning systems. Most of these estimates are focused on the first part of the P-wave train, the earlier and less destructive part of the ground motion that follows an earthquake. Allen and Kanamori (Science 300:786–789, 2003) proposed to use the predominant period of the P-wave to determine the magnitude of a large earthquake at local distance and Olivieri et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 185:74–81, 2008) calibrated a specific relation for the Italian region. The Mw 6.3 earthquake hit Central Italy on April 6, 2009 and the largest aftershocks provide a useful dataset to validate the proposed relation and discuss the risks connected to the extrapolation of magnitude relations with a poor dataset of large earthquake waveforms. A large discrepancy between local magnitude (ML) estimated by means of $\tau_p^{{\rm max}}$ evaluation and standard ML (6.8 ± 1.5 vs. 5.9 ± 0.4) suggests using caution when ML vs. $\tau_p^{{\rm max}}$ calibrations do not include a relevant dataset of large earthquakes. Effects from large residuals could be mitigated or removed introducing selection rules on τ p function, by regionalizing the ML vs. $\tau_p^{{\rm max}}$ function in the presence of significant tectonic or geological heterogeneity, and using probabilistic and evolutionary methods.  相似文献   

This paper describes the damage survey in the city of L??Aquila after the 6 April 2009 earthquake. The earthquake, whose magnitude and intensity reached Mw?=?6.3 and Imax?=?9?C10 MCS, struck the Abruzzi region of Central Italy producing severe damage in L??Aquila and in many villages along the Middle Aterno River valley. After the event, a building-to-building survey was performed in L??Aquila downtown aiming to collect data in order to perform a strict evaluation of the damage. The survey was carried out under the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS98) to evaluate the local macroseismic intensity. This damage survey represents the most complex application of the EMS98 in Italy since it became effective. More than 1,700 buildings (99% of the building stock) were taken into account during the survey at L??Aquila downtown, highlighting the difficult application of the macroseismic scale in a large urban context. The EMS98 revealed itself to be the best tool to perform such kind of analysis in urban settings. The complete survey displayed evidence of peculiar features in the damage distribution. Results revealed that the highest rate of collapses occurred within a delimited area of the historical centre and along the SW border of the fluvial terrace on which the city is settled. Intensity assessed for L??Aquila downtown was 8?C9 EMS.  相似文献   

On the basis of the 15-min data from a series of ground-based vertical ionospheric sounding stations, a study of variations of the foF2 critical frequency before the strong earthquake (M = 6.3) that occurred on April 6, 2009 at L’Aquila (Italy) was carried out. The earthquake epicenter was located 85 km north-eastward from Rome. Approximately 20 h prior to the earthquake, a well-pronounced statistically significant effect of foF2 increase relative to the average background for magnetically quiet days was observed for almost 1.5 h at the Rome ionospheric station. In this case, at control stations distanced from the earthquake epicenter, no statistically significant deviations of foF2 from the background values were detected during the same observations period. This fact provides grounds for consideration of the foF2 increase observed at Rome station as a possible ionospheric precursor of this earthquake.  相似文献   

Using a time series method that combines both the persistent scatterer and small baseline approaches, we analyzed 9 scenes Envisat ASAR data over the L'Aquila earthquake, and obtained a Shocke's displacement field and its evolution processes. The results show that: (1) Envisat ASAR clearly detected the whole processes of displacement field of the L'Aquila earthquake, and distinct variations at different stages of the displacement field. (2) Preseismic creep displacement → displacement mutation when faulting → constantly slowed down after the earthquake. (3) The area of the strongest deformation and ground rupture was a low-lying oval depression region to the southeast. Surface faulting within a zone of about 22 km× 14 km, with an orientation of 135°, occurred along the NW-striking and SW-dipping Paganica-S. Demetrio normal fault. (4) In analyzing an area of about 54 km x 59 km, bounded by north-south axis to the epicenter, the displacement field has significant characteristics of a watershed: westward of the epicenter shows uplift with maximum of 130 mm in line-of-sight (LOS), and east of the epicenter was a region with 220 mm of maximum subsidence in the LOS, concentrating on the rupture zone, the majority of which formed in the course of faulting and subsequence.  相似文献   

On April 6, 2009 a ML = 5.8 earthquake hit the city of L’Aquila on the Apennine chain in central Italy. Notwithstanding the moderate-size event the L’Aquila city and several small villages along the Aterno river valley suffered severe damage, because of the unusual strong motions, mainly due to proximity to the fault (estimated hypocentral depth of about 10 km). In this paper the main features of the recorded motion are discussed. Four accelerometric stations were located within the surface projection of the fault and recorded peak values ranging from 0.4 to 0.6 g. The recorded motions were characterised by short durations and high peak accelerations both in the horizontal and vertical directions. The strong portions of vertical and horizontal motions occurred almost simultaneously due to the short travel paths of P and S waves from the fault to the ground surface near the fault area. Hence site response analyses were performed for the sites where recording stations were located. The geotechnical subsoil model was derived by boreholes, in situ dynamic tests (D-H and SDMT) and by laboratory tests (RCT). One-dimensional numerical analyses were carried out employing the well known computer code EERA. The numerical model was calibrated, in the linear equivalent range, by comparing numerical results with the horizontal acceleration recorded components.  相似文献   

The earthquake of April 6th, 2009 in the L’Aquila area is one of the largest seismic events of the last years in Italy. The event, that caused significant damage in a large area of the Abruzzo region (cental Italy) and site amplification phenomena which were recorded even at large distances from the epicentre. After the emergency period, a detailed study of the surface effects was necessary for the post-earthquake reconstruction, but in a way it should be carried out rapidly enough to give instructions to urban planners, codes to public administrators and information to engineers. A team of surveyors were trained to collect field information such as geologic and geomorphologic features and geotechnical or geophysical information. The seismic inputs, for the numerical analyses, were provided, and the collected information were analyzed with the aid of dynamic codes to calculate the possible local site effects. The results are presented as acceleration response spectra, amplification coefficients (FA, FV and FH) and microzonation maps, aimed to urban planning and project design. In particular the more dangerous areas, affected by the higher amplification effects, were identified. Finally a comparison between the results obtained by the numerical analyses and the results derived from an experimental field analysis, measuring both earthquake weak motion and ambient noise, were performed. In this paper we present the results for one of the most severely damaged area (up to IX-X MCS), the Paganica–Tempera–Onna-San Gregorio area, located 6 to 10 km east of the April 6th main shock.  相似文献   

Using a time series method that combines both the persistent scatterer and small baseline approaches, we analyzed 9 scenes Envisat ASAR data over the L’Aquila earthquake, and obtained a Shocke’s displacement field and its evolution processes. The results show that: (1) Envisat ASAR clearly detected the whole processes of displacement field of the L’Aquila earthquake, and distinct variations at different stages of the displacement field. (2) Pre-seismic creep displacement → displacement mutation when faulting → constantly slowed down after the earthquake. (3) The area of the strongest deformation and ground rupture was a low-lying oval depression region to the southeast. Surface faulting within a zone of about 22 km × 14 km, with an orientation of 135°, occurred along the NW-striking and SW-dipping Paganica-S. Demetrio normal fault. (4) In analyzing an area of about 54 km × 59 km, bounded by north–south axis to the epicenter, the displacement field has significant characteristics of a watershed: westward of the epicenter shows uplift with maximum of 130 mm in line-of-sight (LOS), and east of the epicenter was a region with 220 mm of maximum subsidence in the LOS, concentrating on the rupture zone, the majority of which formed in the course of faulting and subsequence.  相似文献   

After the recent Central Italy Earthquake of the 6th April 2009 (Mw = 6.3), the Italian and German engineer and geophysicist Task Force carried out a wide characterization of sites, buildings and damages. In Navelli, a town about 35 km far from epicentre, heavy damage occurred on a reinforced concrete (RC) building that represent an anomalous case of damage, when compared with those occurred in the neighbouring area. In this paper, characterization of the site and damage of the Navelli RC Building is reported and discussed. We performed ambient noise and strong motion measurements, installing one three-directional accelerometer on each floor of the structure and two in free-field, and we have carried out repeated measurements using a couple of three-directional tromometers. In the mean time, a geological survey was carried out and the site response was investigated, with the aid of down-hole measurements. It was thus possible to investigate the structural response and damage taking into account site condition. One of the main results of this work is that repeating analyses using ambient noise measurements show that the main structural frequencies reached after the first damaging shock are constant over time, and then the structural behaviour appears stationary at long term. On the other hand, the strong motion recordings show that the building exhibits a transient non-stationary behaviour as the fundamental frequency changes during each aftershock, then returning to the starting value after each event.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to provide moment tensor solutions for small and moderate earthquakes of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence (central Italy). The analysis was performed by using data coming from the permanent Italian seismic network run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the “Cut And Paste” (CAP) method based on broadband waveform inversion. Focal mechanisms, source depths and moment magnitudes are determined through a grid search technique. By allowing time shifts between synthetics and observed data the CAP method reduces dependence of the solution on the assumed velocity model and on earthquake location. We computed seismic moment tensors for 312 earthquakes having local magnitude in the range between 2.7 and 5.9. The CAP method has made possible to considerably expand the database of focal mechanisms from waveform analysis in the lowest magnitude range (i.e. in the neighborhood of magnitude 3) without overlooking the reliability of results. The obtained focal mechanisms generally show NW–SE striking focal planes in agreement with mapped faults in the region. Comparisons with the already published solutions and with seismological and geological information available allowed us to proper interpret the moment tensor solutions in the frame of the seismic sequence evolution and also to furnish additional information about less energetic seismic phases. Focal data were inverted to obtain the seismogenic stress in the study area. Results are compatible with the major tectonic domain. We also obtained a relation between moment and local magnitude suitable for the area and for the available magnitude range.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focused our attention on a cross-section of the Aterno River Valley where a good quality geological and geophysical dataset allowed to reconstruct accurately the geometry and the Vs profiles along all the plane of the section. Its trace is deliberately aligned close to the strong motion stations that recorded the Mw 6.3 (April 6th 2009) L’Aquila earthquake. We analysed strong and weak motion data available at these latter stations as well as at one of the temporary stations installed during the Microzonation activities and located on outcropping bedrock, in proximity of the cross-section. We used the H/V technique to select a reliable reference site and once we found it, we applied the SSR technique to compute amplification functions in correspondence of two strong motion stations. In turn, for both sites we performed a site response numerical modelling with two different 2D codes and we compared simulated versus experimental transfer functions. We found that the cross-section is well constrained based on the very reasonable agreement between results of numerical modelling and earthquake data analysis. We pointed out also a strong amplification of the deposit at the centre of the valley due to the constructive interference of S and surface waves, not predictable by means of 1D numerical modelling. We also compared the H/V as well as the SSR obtained from strong motion data with the ones computed from weak motion finding evidences of non-linearity in soil behaviour.  相似文献   

The simplified mechanical method POST (PushOver on Shear Type models) for seismic vulnerability assessment of RC buildings is used in this study to derive damage scenarios for a database of 7597 RC buildings subjected to the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. POST allows the evaluation of fragility curves through the determination of the non-linear static response of RC buildings in closed form, assuming the hypothesis of shear type behaviour, and considering the influence of infill panels both in the derivation of structural response and in assessment of building damage, which is defined according to the European Macroseismic Scale EMS-98. The aim of the present study is to provide a much more significant and reliable validation of the methodology, thanks to a much wider database compared to previous studies, and based on a different application of the methodology, i.e. at building class-level instead of single building-level. To this aim, the main geometrical-typological characteristics of the analysed buildings (number of storeys, age of construction, building area) have been statistically characterized based on data collected from post-earthquake AeDES survey forms, considering both the variability of each single parameter and the correlation that exists between one parameter and the other. This also allows to analyse the effectiveness of the adopted analytical procedure in predicting the general trends of observed damage with these parameters, showing a good agreement between observed and predicted trends. The overall predicted damage scenarios are compared with the corresponding observed ones, collected from AeDES survey forms, highlighting, again, a good agreement. Finally, the assumed mechanical interpretation of damage classification of EMS-98 is validated through the comparison between the distributions of damage to vertical structures and infill panels and the corresponding observed post-earthquake damage data.  相似文献   

Post-earthquake damage data represent an invaluable source of information for the seismic vulnerability assessment of the exposed building stock, as they are a direct evidence of the actual buildings’ performance under real seismic events. This paper exploits a robust and homogeneous database of damage data collected after the 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake, to derive damage probability matrices for several building typologies representative of the Italian building stock. To this aim, the first part of the work investigates several issues related to the definition of damage to be associated with each inspected building. Different approaches and damage conversion rules are applied, pointing out advantages and weaknesses of each one. Considering the widespread seismic damage observed on masonry infill panels and partitions of reinforced concrete constructions, the impact of this type of non-structural damage on empirical damage and functional loss distributions is explored. The second part of the study proposes different possible interpretations of the repartition of the observed damage in the different damage levels, showing in some cases a bimodal trend. Two novel hybrid procedures are outlined and compared with the classical binomial approach for predicting the subdivision of damage in the different levels. The application of the proposed methodologies to the different building typologies allows the selection, for each one, of the method providing the best fit to empirical results. The parameters required for the application of the optimal approach are reported in the paper, so that results can be used for forecasting the expected seismic damage in sites with similar seismic hazard and exposed buildings.  相似文献   

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