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<正>假设研究都市区附近断层的地震学家根据经验知识以令人信服的口吻声称,未来一周内发生一次大地震的概率要比平常的一个7天周期中发生地震的概率高出100~1000  相似文献   

Operational earthquake forecasting (OEF) relies on real-time monitoring of seismic activity in an area of interest to provide constant (e.g., daily) updates of the expected number of events exceeding a certain magnitude threshold in a given time window (e.g., 1 week). It has been demonstrated that the rates from OEF can be used to estimate expected values of the seismic losses in the same time interval OEF refers to. This is a procedure recently defined as operational earthquake loss forecasting (OELF), which may be the basis for rational short-term seismic risk assessment and management. In Italy, an experimental OELF system, named MANTIS-K, is currently under testing. It is based on weekly rates of earthquakes exceeding magnitude (M) 4, which are updated once a day or right after the occurrence in the country of an M 3.5+ earthquake. It also relies on large-scale structural vulnerability and exposure data, which serve to the system to provide continuously the weekly expected number of: (1) collapsed buildings, (2) displaced residents, and (3) casualties. While the probabilistic basis of MANTIS-K was described in previous work, in this study OELF is critically discussed with respect to three recent Italian seismic sequences. The aim is threefold: (1) illustrating all the features of the OELF system in place; (2) providing insights to evaluate whether if it would have been a useful additional tool for short-term management; (3) recognizing common features, if any, among the losses computed for different sequences.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper deals with the migration of earthquake foci in the horizontal and vertical plane observed in Europe and Asia Minor in the period 1901–69.  相似文献   

In the new types of industrial activities including unconventional energy extraction associated with shale gas and hot dry rock, gas reservoir operations, CO2 geological storage, undergoing research on induced earthquake forecasting has become one of the forward positions of current seismology. As for the intense actual demand, the immature research on induced earthquake forecasting has already been applied in pre-assessment of site safety and seismic hazard and risk management. This work will review systematically recent advances in earthquake forecasting induced by hydraulic fracturing during industrial production from four aspects: earthquake occurrence probability, maximum expected magnitude forecasting, seismic risk analysis for engineering and social applications and key scientific problems. In terms of earthquake occurrence probability, we introduce statistical forecasting models such as an improved ETAS and non-stationary ETAS and physical forecasting models such as Seismogenic Index (SI) and hydro-mechanism nucleation. Research on maximum expected magnitude forecasting has experienced four stages of linear relationship with net injection volume of fluid, power exponential relationship and physical forecasting regarding fault parameters. For seismic risk analysis, we focus on probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and quantitative geological susceptibility model. Furthermore, this review is extended to key scientific problems that contain obtaining accurate fault scale and environmental stress state of reservoir, critical physical process of runaway rupture, complex mechanism of fault activation as well as physical mechanism and modeling of trailing effect. This work in understanding induced earthquake forecasting may contribute to unconventional energy development and production, seismic hazard mitigation, emergency management and scientific research as a reference.  相似文献   

杨素  万荣荣  李冰 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1055-1074
水文连通性作为连接河湖水体间物质、能量及信息传递与交换的关键纽带,对水环境、水生态和生境状况具有联动与触发反馈作用,已成为水文学、水利学和生态学等诸多领域的研究热点.太湖流域作为全国典型的流域性密集平原河网区,在快速城镇化背景下,河湖水文连通关系变化剧烈并引起了一系列生态环境效应.本文以水文连通性概念与内涵为背景,对太湖流域水文连通性研究进行了综述.太湖流域水文连通性评价方法以图论法、景观格局指数及水文连通性函数等方法联合使用为主,且聚焦于区域尺度研究;演变过程按人类活动影响强度大致划分为自然水系形成阶段、古代人类活动影响阶段和现代人类活动影响阶段;气候变化和人类活动共同影响着太湖流域水文连通性变化,近百年来水利工程建设和城市化进程等人类活动的影响尤为剧烈;良好的水文连通性有利于汛期减轻流域洪涝灾害及非汛期保障水资源供给,但水文连通性的提高对水环境和水生态的效应由于涉及因素众多尚存在争议.针对当前研究现状和存在问题,提出(1)平原河网区水文连通性的定量表征与评估是水文连通性研究的前提;(2)定量解析流域水文连通性的驱动机制是水文连通性研究的重点;(3)深入跟踪大型引水调水工程对流域水文连通影响及其效应是一项长期任务;(4)兼顾环境生态效应的水利工程生态化改造研究,开展工程控制背景下的流域水文连通多目标优化调控,是实现太湖流域洪水调蓄、水资源供给、水环境净化、生物多样性维持等生态系统服务协同提升的重要途径.  相似文献   


Large-sample hydrology (LSH) relies on data from large sets (tens to thousands) of catchments to go beyond individual case studies and derive robust conclusions on hydrological processes and models. Numerous LSH datasets have recently been released, covering a wide range of regions and relying on increasingly diverse data sources to characterize catchment behaviour. These datasets offer novel opportunities, yet they are also limited by their lack of comparability, uncertainty estimates and characterization of human impacts. This article (i) underscores the key role of LSH datasets in hydrological studies, (ii) provides a review of currently available LSH datasets, (iii) highlights current limitations of LSH datasets and (iv) proposes guidelines and coordinated actions to overcome these limitations. These guidelines and actions aim to standardize and automatize the creation of LSH datasets worldwide, and to enhance the reproducibility and comparability of hydrological studies.  相似文献   

依据华东地区中强地震前的地震活动特点,初步提出“特殊显著性地震事件”SPE的概念及其可能的识别方法.具有前兆指示意义的SPE可划分为三类,三类SPE分别表达了主震前中小地震与主震之间的时空位置关系.I类SPE距主震时、空距离均较近,在一定程度上与“直接前震”具有相似之处;II类SPE距主震时间较近、而空间距离可能较远,但与主震之间有一定的构造联系,具有时间上的“信号地震”的意义.Ⅲ类必须首先通过地震活动性方法对可能的SPE进行筛选,之后通过比较其与之前在同一位置发生的一系列中小地震的地震波参数之间的差异,在一定程度上进一步确认其短期预测意义.华东6次中强地震震例的研究结果表明,当可能的SPE的单台波速比小于此前该区域长时期的均值、归一化尾波持续时间大于此前该区域长时期的均值以及振幅衰减系数与此前该区域长时期均值之差大于长时期均值的30%时,可进一步认定其短期前兆意义.  相似文献   

基于可公度方法的云南地区地震数据分析与预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于可公度的方法,对云南地区(22°~29°N,98°~104°E)从1800到2007年间发生的震级在6.7级以上的地震数据进行了分析与预测。在证实该数据具有较强的可公度性的基础上,预测云南地区近期的地震发生时间,获得了较好的结果。因此,将该方法用于地震,水文等数据的处理,对防灾减灾是非常有意义的。  相似文献   

The first fully coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model developed in China was released in the mid-1990s. Since then, significant advances in climate system model developments have been achieved by improving the representations of major physical processes, increasing resolutions, and including an ice-shelf component. There have also been many modeling studies in China on the polar climate system, including weather and sea-ice numerical forecasts to meet the national needs of polar scientific expeditions, assessments of the state-of-the-art coupled model performance, and process-oriented studies. Future model developments and modeling activities will need to address several big scientific questions originating from the polar climate system: i) How will polar ice mass balance evolve and affect global sea level? ii) How can we properly simulate openocean deep convection and quantify its role in driving the lower branch of the global overturning circulation? iii) How are Arctic and Antarctic connected and what caused the contrasting sea ice trends in the two polar regions over the last decades? To address these questions, polar climate system modelers will need to analyze extended observational datasets on a global scale and work together with other polar researchers to develop a more comprehensive and sustainable observation system in the polar regions.  相似文献   

遥感技术在地震研究中的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了遥感技术在地震监测和研究中的应用和进展,分析了卫星热红外遥感、InSAR技术和气体遥感方法在地震前后地表热红外增温、形变和气体含量改变的研究现状,初步探讨了该方法的成因机制.本文同时分析了该技术在地震预报中存在的问题,提出了未来的研究重点.  相似文献   

对未来1年内发生强震的预测在做好备灾应急准备和防震减灾工作上具有重要的现实需求.为反映近年来国际上关于1年尺度地震预测模型研究的进展,本文系统地整理了地震的统计概率预测模型、物理预测模型和混合预测模型,并从方法原理、预测效能评价、部署应用等角度进行了梳理.研究表明,目前国际上发展的1年尺度地震预测模型及其效能评价使用的参考模型的总体数量较少、建模原理主要基于G-R关系等统计学基本定律,显示该领域在基础理论架构、关键技术体系上并未足够成熟,这可能与相应的地震发生机理解释尚不完善、建立数理化的预测模型尚有困难等因素有关.  相似文献   

The problems of nonconventional application of torsional mechanical systems as original seismoreceivers are considered. The possibility to update the existing gradiometers for performing measurements on a mobile base and their utilization in solving the problems of investigations of peculiarities of a microseismic background with the aim of forecasting earthquakes is discussed in detail. It is shown that torsional systems with a contactless magnetic suspension meet many of the requirements for such type of devices and hardware complexes for the efficient solution of the problem stated can be developed.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for assessing the modifying effects of precursory observations on long-term probabilities of strong earthquakes (M6). Estimated short-and intermediate-term probabilities so estimated rely on the mean precursory time and its uncertainty as a function of the mainshock magnitude and epicentral position. Short-and intermediate-term modification of long-term probabilities within a 120,000 km2 circular area covering most of Southern California are estimated for one or more observations of strain, resistivity, and ground water anomalies centered near Palmdale in the central Transverse Ranges. The principal assumptions employed are log normal distribution of globally reported waiting periods and assumed predictive reliability of precursory phenomena. As expected, the significance of short-and intermediate-term modifications scale with the reliability of precursory observations, and are particularly enhanced within window lengths of a precursory characteristic time.  相似文献   

分析了中美欧抗震设计中的水平地震作用问题。首先,比较了中美欧抗震规范中建筑物重要性、强度折减系数的差异,介绍了中国规范的底部剪力法、美国规范的等效侧向荷载法以及欧洲规范的侧向荷载法。然后对一多层框架结构,分别作为办公楼和医院,计算了不同设防烈度下、不同延性等级下的水平地震作用,并进行了比较分析,获得了3种规范关于水平地震作用的一些差异。  相似文献   

Summary The time development of three large sequences, Friuli 1976, Thessaloniki 1978 and Monte Negro-Albania 1979, was investigated by analysing the characteristics of the time distribution of magnitudes of the events, M(t), of average magnitudes, (t), and of the number of events, n(t), as well as the strain release curves and the magnitude-frequency relations, N(M). The existence of time gaps and of an anomalous decay of the numbers of shocks before major events, as well as the oscillation of ( const b–1) may be considered as precursory phenomena. The clustering of events has been tested by the Poisson and negative binomial laws.Communication presented at the XVIIth General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission in Budapest, 21–29 August, 1980 under the title Properties of Seismic Regime and Recent Earthquake Sequences in Europe.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the foci for the main shock and strongest aftershocks of the Gorkha earthquake of April 25, 2015 in Nepal are described. The macroseismic data and examples of seismic dislocations are discussed. The progression of the release of seismic energy by the aftershock process is analyzed. The data for the geophysical and seismological precursors of the main shock and the strongest aftershock of May 12, 2015 are presented. These data allowed us to formulate the short-term forecast of this event.  相似文献   

从哈萨克斯坦地震生物观测的发展历史入手,简要介绍了哈萨克斯坦地震生物观测网的现状,地震生物观测的对象与方法,地震生物观测的信息采集内容等;归纳了利用地震生物行为资料开展地震预测的一般思路和方法;对比了中国和哈萨克斯坦对地震生物观测认识的差异等;最后,阐述了计划在新疆地区建立专业地震生物观测站的思路。  相似文献   

1 中国地震预报论坛 中国地震学会地震预报专业委员会自成立之初即每年举办学术交流会.起初参加年度学术交流的专家主要是地震预报专业委员会的委员,就地震会商会上不能解决的某些地震预报日常工作问题进行交流.2012年,马瑾院士撰文提出构造物理实验"地震"的亚失稳问题.2012年5月,为了响应中国地震局党组关于地震监测与预报结...  相似文献   

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