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The paper presents the method of local magnitude determination used at Polish seismic stations to report events originating in one of the four regions of induced seismicity in Poland or its immediate vicinity. The method is based on recalculation of the seismic moment into magnitude, whereas the seismic moment is obtained from spectral analysis. The method has been introduced at Polish seismic stations in the late 1990s but as of yet had not been described in full because magnitude discrepancies have been found between the results of the individual stations. The authors have performed statistics of these differences, provide their explanation and calculate station corrections for each station and each event source region. The limitations of the method are also discussed. The method is found to be a good and reliable method of local magnitude determination provided the limitations are observed and station correction applied.  相似文献   

The seismic hazard and risk analysis for the onshore Groningen gas field requires information about local soil properties, in particular shear-wave velocity (VS). A fieldwork campaign was conducted at 18 surface accelerograph stations of the monitoring network. The subsurface in the region consists of unconsolidated sediments and is heterogeneous in composition and properties. A range of different methods was applied to acquire in situ VS values to a target depth of at least 30 m. The techniques include seismic cone penetration tests (SCPT) with varying source offsets, multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) on Rayleigh waves with different processing approaches, microtremor array, cross-hole tomography and suspension P-S logging. The offset SCPT, cross-hole tomography and common midpoint cross-correlation (CMPcc) processing of MASW data all revealed lateral variations on length scales of several to tens of metres in this geological setting. SCPTs resulted in very detailed VS profiles with depth, but represent point measurements in a heterogeneous environment. The MASW results represent VS information on a larger spatial scale and smooth some of the heterogeneity encountered at the sites. The combination of MASW and SCPT proved to be a powerful and cost-effective approach in determining representative VS profiles at the accelerograph station sites. The measured VS profiles correspond well with the modelled profiles and they significantly enhance the ground motion model derivation. The similarity between the theoretical transfer function from the VS profile and the observed amplification from vertical array stations is also excellent.  相似文献   

A physics‐based numerical approach is used to characterize earthquake ground motion due to induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field and to improve empirical ground motion models for seismic hazard and risk assessment. To this end, a large‐scale (20 km × 20 km) heterogeneous 3D seismic wave propagation model for the Groningen area is constructed, based on the significant bulk of available geological, geophysical, geotechnical, and seismological data. Results of physics‐based numerical simulations are validated against the ground motion recordings of the January 8, 2018, ML 3.4 Zeerijp earthquake. Taking advantage of suitable models of slip time functions at the seismic source and of the detailed geophysical model, the numerical simulations are found to reproduce accurately the observed features of ground motions at epicentral distances less than 10 km, in a broad frequency range, up to about 8 Hz. A sensitivity analysis is also addressed to discuss the impact of 3D underground geological features, the stochastic variability of seismic velocities and the frequency dependence of the quality factor. Amongst others, results point out some key features related to 3D seismic wave propagation, such as the magnitude and distance dependence of site amplification functions, that may be relevant to the improvement of the empirical models for earthquake ground motion prediction.  相似文献   

We present results from a detailed analysis of seismic and infrasonic data recorded over a four day period prior to the Vulcanian eruptive event at Sakurajima volcano on May 19, 1998. Nearly one hundred seismic and infrasonic events were recorded on at least one of the nine seismic–infrasonic stations located within 3 km of the crater. Four unique seismic event types are recognized based on the spectral features of seismograms, including weak seismic tremor characterized by a 5–6 Hz peak mode that later shifted to 4–5 Hz. Long-period events are characterized by a short-duration, wide spectral band signal with an emergent, high-frequency onset followed by a wave coda lasting 15–20 s and a fundamental mode of 4.2–4.4 Hz. Values of Q for long-period events range between 10 and 22 suggesting that a gas-rich fluid was involved. Explosive events are the third seismic type, characterized by a narrow spectral band signal with an impulsive high-frequency onset followed by a 20–30 second wave coda and a peak mode of 4.0–4.4 Hz. Volcano-tectonic earthquakes are the fourth seismic type. Prior to May 19, 1998, only the tremor and explosion seismic events are found to have an infrasonic component. Like seismic tremor, infrasonic tremor is typically observed as a weak background signal. Explosive infrasonic events were recorded 10–15 s after the explosive seismic events and with audible explosions prior to May 19. On May 19, high-frequency impulsive infrasonic events occurred sporadically and as swarms within hours of the eruption. These infrasonic events are observed to be coincident with swarms of long-period seismic events. Video coverage during the seismic–infrasonic experiment recorded intermittent releases of gases and ash during times when seismic and acoustic events were recorded. The sequence of seismic and infrasonic events is interpreted as representing a gas-rich fluid moving through a series of cracks and conduits beneath the active summit crater.  相似文献   

以五指山形变台为圆心,选取2016—2020年5 000 km范围内MS≥2.0地震资料,分析该台VP型宽频带倾斜仪记录地震特征,得出倾斜仪对震中距5 000 km范围内地震的记录能力。结果表明,该倾斜仪对海南及周边中强以上地震同震响应明显。  相似文献   

We utilized nuclear explosions from the Degelen Mountain sub-region of the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS), Kazakhstan, to assess seismic location capability directly. Excellent ground truth information for these events was either known or was estimated from maps of the Degelen Mountain adit complex. Origin times were refined for events for which absolute origin time information was unknown using catalog arrival times, our ground truth location estimates, and a time baseline provided by fixing known origin times during a joint hypocenter determination (JHD). Precise arrival time picks were determined using a waveform cross-correlation process applied to the available digital data. These data were used in a JHD analysis. We found that very accurate locations were possible when high precision, waveform cross-correlation arrival times were combined with JHD. Relocation with our full digital data set resulted in a mean mislocation of 2 km and a mean 95% confidence ellipse (CE) area of 6.6 km2 (90% CE: 5.1 km2), however, only 5 of the 18 computed error ellipses actually covered the associated ground truth location estimate. To test a more realistic nuclear test monitoring scenario, we applied our JHD analysis to a set of seven events (one fixed) using data only from seismic stations within 40° epicentral distance. Relocation with these data resulted in a mean mislocation of 7.4 km, with four of the 95% error ellipses covering less than 570 km2 (90% CE: 438 km2), and the other two covering 1730 and 8869 km2 (90% CE: 1331 and 6822 km2). Location uncertainties calculated using JHD often underestimated the true error, but a circular region with a radius equal to the mislocation covered less than 1000 km2 for all events having more than three observations.  相似文献   

Seismological models for mining-induced seismic events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

重点介绍禁核试北京国家数据中心研究的自动检测地震事件筛选方法.通过分析自动检测事件关联台站分布的合理性、关联台站的类型、关联信号参数的可靠性、多频带平均能量比等方法,判断自动检测事件的真伪.以国际数据中心审核公报事件为参考,研究的筛选方法可有效筛除43%自动检测虚假事件,使得自动检测误检率降低13%,并保持较低的误筛选率.此筛选方法可对国际数据中心以及禁核试北京国家数据中心不同处理平台的自动检测事件进行筛选分析.  相似文献   

协同办公系统为地震行业提供了一个基于"十五"信息网络应用的高效率沟通平台.该系统可实现强大的远程会议功能;提供高效实用的数据协作平台;具有良好的音视频效果;提供易操作的应用界面.协同办公系统改变了地震系统传统的工作模式,解决了异地办公、远程沟通的地域障碍问题,不仅大大提升了工作效率,而且节约了日常开销,也使得全国地震行业网络各节点间的联系更加紧密、快捷.  相似文献   

The spectral time method is applied to the identification of underground nuclear explosions (UNEs) and earthquakes from P wave records obtained at stations at epicentral distances of 15°–40°. It is necessary to utilize data at such great distances because the density of stations of the International Monitoring System is small in several areas of the Earth. At such distances, it is difficult to detect S and surface LR waves and, therefore, the efficiency of the identification using the diagnostic parameters (discriminants) S/P and LR/P is drastically reduced. As a result, the role of spectral and spectral time methods in the identification of events from P waves becomes much more significant. An advantage of the spectral time method (STM) is that it is applicable in the region of interest, provided that data from one or two reference underground chemical explosions and a representative sample of earthquake records obtained at network stations of the region are available. Moreover, in the majority of cases, the STM identifies earthquakes that could not be recognized with the use of spectral diagnostic parameters. We used records of UNEs and earthquakes in Central Asia received from the archives of the Center of the Incorporated Research Institution for Seismology (IRIS) in Washington, the National Data Center in Dubna (Russian Federation), and the International Data Center (IDC) in Vienna. The effectiveness of earthquake record selection using the given method amounted to about 80%. Supposedly, the application of this method of identification can increase the percentage of filtration (screening) of regional events having a natural origin.  相似文献   

选取大同地震台记录的2010-2019年531个Ms≥5.0地震事件,根据发震区域的不同对其波形走时残差进行分析,得到不同发震区域地震波形的平均走时残差.结果 表明,日本、喜马拉雅地区地震波形的走时残差总体为负值,平均残差分别为-1.51 s、-0.70 s;斐济、中国台湾地区、南美洲西海岸地区大多为正值,平均残差为0...  相似文献   

The frequent time‐lapse observations from the life of field seismic system across the Valhall field provide a wealth of information. The responses from the production and injection wells can be observed through time‐shift and amplitude changes. These observations can be compared to modelled synthetic seismic responses from a reservoir simulation model of the Valhall Field. The observed differences between the observations and the modelling are used to update and improve the history match of the reservoir model. The uncertainty of the resulting model is reduced and a more confident prediction of future reservoir performance is provided. A workflow is presented to convert the reservoir model to a synthetic seismic response and compare the results to the observed time‐lapse responses for any time range and area of interest. Correlation based match quality factors are calculated to quantify the visual differences. This match quality factor allows us to quantitatively compare alternative reservoir models to help identify the parameters that best match the seismic observations. Three different case studies are shown where this workflow has helped to reduce the uncertainty range associated with specific reservoir parameters. By updating various reservoir model parameters we have been able to improve the match to the observations and thereby improve the overall reservoir model predictability. The examples show positive results in a range of different reservoir modelling issues, which indicates the flexibility of this workflow and the ability to have an impact in most reservoir modelling challenges.  相似文献   




The relative source time function (RSTF) inversion uncertainty assessment was performed for two small, mining-induced seismic events (M W =2.9 and 3.0) that occurred at Rudna copper mine in Poland. The seismograms of selected events were recorded by the seismic net work composed of over 60, short-period, vertical seismometers, recording ground velocity, located in the distance ranging from 400 m up to 8 km from their hypocenters. The RSTFs were calculated for each seismic station independently, using the empirical Green’s function technique. The pseudospectral approximation of the sought RSTF by a finite sum of Gaussian kernel functions was used and the inverse problem was solved with the adaptive simulated annealing algorithm. Both methods improved the stability of the deconvolution procedure and physical correctness of the final solution in comparison to the classical deconvolution methods. To estimate the inversion uncertainties, classical Markov-chain Monte-Carlo techniques were used. The uncertainty analysis allows for improved selection of a priori data to the following inversion for kinematic rupture process.  相似文献   

地震前兆形变场研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
假设在均匀弹性介质半空间中,存在一单一力源F^→,通过求解弹性静力学方程,得到地球表面位移解3个分量(u、v、w)的解析表达式。讨论了理论垂直形变场的基本特征。力的大小是决定形变幅度的基本因素,力越大,形变幅度亦越大,反之,则越小。力源深度h越大,形变幅度越小,影响范围越大,反之,形变幅度大,影响范围小。力源倾角为正时(向下),形变中心区下降,倾角为负(向上)时,形变中心区隆起。力的方位角是决定形变场图像形态的重要因素。利用大同地区(1984-1987年)和张北地区(1984-1991年)水准测量资料反演这二个地区震前力学参数,结果表明,力源中心与实际震中位置相差小于40km,力的方位角近于水平,理论形变图与实测形变图基本相似。  相似文献   

Jia  Luozhao  Chen  Hongfeng  Xing  Kang 《Journal of Seismology》2022,26(5):897-912
Journal of Seismology - Regional seismic networks often observe artificially induced seismic events such as blasting and collapses. Misclassified seismic events in the earthquake catalog can...  相似文献   

用北京遥测地震台网的远震资料应用TEL92远震定位程序对66个地震重新计算,将计算结果与《PDE目录》对比分析,从中得出有益的结论.  相似文献   

地球表层岩石是由不同尺度的岩石骨架、孔隙、以及孔隙中的流体物质相互作用形成的.研究含有孔隙和裂缝的复杂岩石介质中的地震波传播效应一直是石油地球物理勘探领域的热点.因此,许多学者对复杂岩石介质的渗流特征,和地震波的传播与衰减进行了大量的研究.本文在回顾孔隙介质的地震波的传播与衰减理论发展的基础上,首先介绍了孔弹介质的非局部Biot理论,并用它预测负频散现象,然后介绍了实验观测到的波的衰减与岩石物理性质(如孔隙度和渗透率)的关系,最后,给出了对渗流场和地震波的传播与衰减的认识,并对它们之间的相互关系做了一些展望.  相似文献   

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