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The 1996 Duvall earthquake in Washington State triggered ground motion stations in the Fraser Delta, British Columbia, located on varying depths of Holocene and Pleistocene soils to a maximum depth of 800 m and one station on bedrock. Recorded ground motions were used to examine the applicability of 1-D and 2-D site response analyses for amplification studies in the Delta. 1-D response analysis gave a good indication of the period of peak response. Response spectra computed by 1-D analysis did not compare well with recorded spectra except at very deep sites. The use of 2-D analyses to include buried topography generally improved the predictions of site response spectra at the shallow sites. However, for the shallow earth sites, the recorded motions showed a strong spectral response at short periods in the range of 0.1–0.25 s. Neither 1-D nor 2-D analysis predicted this response.  相似文献   

 We analyze digital topographic data collected in September 1993 over a ∼500-km2 portion of K*lauea Volcano, Hawai'i, by the C-band (5.6-cm wavelength) topographic synthetic aperture radar (TOPSAR) airborne interferometric radar. Field surveys covering an ∼1-km2 area of the summit caldera and the distal end of an ∼8-m-thick 'a'* flow indicate that the 10-m spatial resolution TOPSAR data have a vertical accuracy of 1–2 m over a variety of volcanic surfaces. After conversion to a common datum, TOPSAR data agree favorably with a digital elevation model (DEM) produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), with the important exception of the region of the ongoing eruption (which postdates the USGS DEM). This DEM comparison gives us confidence that subtracting the USGS data from TOPSAR data will produce a reasonable estimate of the erupted volume as of September 1993. This subtraction produces dense rock equivalent (DRE) volumes of 392, 439, and 90×106 m3 for the Pu'u '*'*, K*pa'ianah*, and episode 50–53 stages of the eruption, respectively. These are 124, 89, and 94% of the volumes calculated by staff of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) but do not include lava of K*pa'ianah* and episodes 50–53 that flowed into the ocean and are thus invisible to TOPSAR. Accounting for this lava increases the TOPSAR volumes to 124, 159, and 129% of the HVO volumes. Including the ±2-m uncertainty derived from the field surveys produces TOPSAR-derived volumes for the eruption as a whole that range between 81 and 125% of the USGS-derived values. The vesicularity- and ocean-corrected TOPSAR volumes yield volumetric eruption rates of 4.5, 4.5, and 2.7 m3/s for the three stages of the eruption, which compare with HVO-derived values of 3.6, 2.8, and 2.1 m3/s, respectively. Our analysis shows that care must be taken when vertically registering the TOPSAR and USGS DEMs to a common datum because C-band TOPSAR penetrates only partially into thick forest and therefore produces a DEM within the tree canopy, whereas the USGS DEM is adjusted for vegetation. Received: 28 April 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

Song和Banner(2002,简称SB02)利用二维数值波浪水槽(Drimer和Agnon开发,并被Segre改进,简称DAS)研究了深水及中等水深下波群破碎,并依据波群内部能量调制和演变特性提出一个新的波浪破碎阈值.本文利用两个DAS改进模型对SB02的波浪破碎结果进行检验和比较,并研究底面斜坡坡度对SB02破碎判据的影响,其中第一个改进模型(简称MDAS1)修正了DAS中某些积分的计算错误,第二个改进模型(简称MDAS2)在自由表面上用三阶元取代原来的线性元.研究表明: MDAS1和DAS的结果非常一致;而MDAS2和MDAS1相比,波浪临界破碎时的造波板振幅、破碎时刻和局部能量极大值的最大平均变化率δmax都会发生变化,但MDAS2仍然符合SB02提出的破碎阈值.由MDAS1模拟中等水深下波群在坡度为1∶500、1∶300、1∶150和1∶100斜坡上的破碎结果表明:随着斜坡变陡,波群的局部能量极大值μ增大,δmax在临界非破碎情况下微弱变小,在临界破碎情况下急剧增大,SB02提出的破碎阈值在中等水深下坡度小于1∶100的斜坡上仍然有效.  相似文献   

波动理论一直是地震学的核心内容,非线性波在介质中是真实存在的,能够充分认识非线性波,将对波动理论的发展和进一步应用提供很大的帮助.本文从固体介质中的位移、应力、应变的基本关系出发,推导了非线性P波在二维固体中的传播的非线性方程,对此非线性方程,采用四阶差分的方法,研究其在二维空间中的传播特点,对非线性波的传播有了更深的认识和理解.  相似文献   

二维频率空间域的数值模拟方法具有以下的优势:多炮模拟时,计算成本比时间域方法低;无累计误差;在地震反演中处理多震源模拟时,只需要有限的几个频率就可以得到好的反演结果.差分离散化形成的稀疏系数矩阵,需要求解一个巨大规模的线性方程组,最大瓶颈是需要海量的计算机内存,导致计算量庞大.本文在前人研究的基础上,采用嵌套剖分网格排序法,极大限度减少对计算机内存的需求,从而减少了计算量.针对弹性波数值模拟的特征,提出二维频率空间域弹性波多炮模拟的快速计算流程.数值模拟试验证明使用嵌套剖分排序法的弹性波多炮数值模拟比压缩存储法具有节省存储量、计算效率高等优势,为后续的二维频率空间域弹性波全波形反演奠定了很好的基础.  相似文献   

We present a comparative study of the most advanced three-dimensional time-dependent numerical simulation models of solar wind. These models can be classified into two categories:(I) theoretical, empirical and numerically based models and(II) self-consistent multi-dimensional numerical magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) models. The models of Category I are used to separately describe the solar wind solution in two plasma flows regions: transonic/trans-Alfvénic and supersonic/super-Alfvénic, respectively. Models of Category II construct a complete, single, numerical solar wind solution through subsonic/sub-Alfvénic region into supersonic/super-Alfvénic region. The Wang-Sheeley-Arge(WSA)/ENLIL in CISM is the most successful space weather model that belongs to Category I, and the Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme(BATS-R-US) code in SWMF(Space Weather Modeling Framework) and the solar-interplanetary conservative element solution element MHD(SIP-CESE MHD) model in SWIM(Space Weather Integrated Model) are the most commonly-used models that belong to Category II. We review the structures of their frameworks, the main results for solar wind background studies that are essential for solar transient event studies, and discuss the common features and differences between these two categories of solar wind models. Finally, we conclude that the transition of these two categories of models to operational use depends on the availability of computational resources at reasonable cost and point out that the models' prediction capabilities may be improved by employing finer computational grids, incorporating more observational data and by adding more physical constraints to the models.  相似文献   

三维地形直流电阻率有限元法模拟   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
基于稳定电流场的基本方程、三维区域满足的边值问题以及相应的变分问题,研究了三维起伏地形条件下电阻率的有限单元数值模拟算法. 离散积分区域时,以三棱柱为最小研究单元,推导了含有地形特征信息的三线性插值型函数以及单元刚度矩阵. 采用变带宽、一维数组方式只存储稀疏刚度矩阵中非零元素,能够节约内存. 利用Cholesky分解法只分解一次大型稀疏矩阵,通过回代可以求出方程组的全部解,当求解有多个供电点的测深问题时可以缩短计算时间. 模型计算表明,在水平层状介质模型上,三维计算结果与解析解或二维数值解十分吻合,计算精度满足误差要求. 在二维山脊上的二极剖面或三维山谷上的中间梯度剖面上,其三维计算结果与相应模型的土槽实验结果或边界元法计算结果也非常接近.  相似文献   

2-D Versus 3-D Magnetotelluric Data Interpretation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In recent years, the number of publications dealing with the mathematical and physical 3-D aspects of the magnetotelluric method has increased drastically. However, field experiments on a grid are often impractical and surveys are frequently restricted to single or widely separated profiles. So, in many cases we find ourselves with the following question: is the applicability of the 2-D hypothesis valid to extract geoelectric and geological information from real 3-D environments? The aim of this paper is to explore a few instructive but general situations to understand the basics of a 2-D interpretation of 3-D magnetotelluric data and to determine which data subset (TE-mode or TM-mode) is best for obtaining the electrical conductivity distribution of the subsurface using 2-D techniques. A review of the mathematical and physical fundamentals of the electromagnetic fields generated by a simple 3-D structure allows us to prioritise the choice of modes in a 2-D interpretation of responses influenced by 3-D structures. This analysis is corroborated by numerical results from synthetic models and by real data acquired by other authors. One important result of this analysis is that the mode most unaffected by 3-D effects depends on the position of the 3-D structure with respect to the regional 2-D strike direction. When the 3-D body is normal to the regional strike, the TE-mode is affected mainly by galvanic effects, while the TM-mode is affected by galvanic and inductive effects. In this case, a 2-D interpretation of the TM-mode is prone to error. When the 3-D body is parallel to the regional 2-D strike the TE-mode is affected by galvanic and inductive effects and the TM-mode is affected mainly by galvanic effects, making it more suitable for 2-D interpretation. In general, a wise 2-D interpretation of 3-D magnetotelluric data can be a guide to a reasonable geological interpretation.  相似文献   

A numerical study of 1-D nonlinear P-wave propagation in solid   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IntroductionBecauseoftheextensivedistributionofruptures,micro-cracksandcrystalfracturesintheearth,therelationshipsbetweenthestressandstrainarenolongerlinear,infact,theyarenonlinear.Inordertoinvestigateandusethenonlinearcharacteristicsofsolidmediumintheearth,weshouldconsidertheinfluenceofnonlinearresponseduringthecourseofseismicmodelingandinversion.Thisisoneoftheimportantstudyfieldsthathavebeenpaidgreatattentionsinthere-centyearsintheworld(Minster,etal,1991;ZHANG,TENG,1993).Thenonlinearchar…  相似文献   

三维地震动场数值模拟并行计算系统   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
并行计算系统是进行三维复杂场地地震动场数值模拟的基础。本文作者利用10台微机构建了一套并行计算集群(常称为Beowulf系统),节点微机上运行Windows2000操作系统,采用MPI标准的MPICH1.2.4版本作为并行计算的支撑环境,并以100M bps高速交换式以太网作为互连网络。利用编制的并行计算程序对该并行计算系统性能进行了测试。结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率。该系统将用于三维地震动场数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

系统地论述了用有限单元法研究复杂地形条件下三维直流电阻率的正演计算技术.首先给出了三维构造中点源电场的边值问题以及相应的变分问题;然后利用有限单元法求解变分问题,采用四面体单元对研究区域进行剖分,在单元中进行三线性函数插值,将变分方程化为线性代数方程组;最后,考虑到节约计算时间,利用对称超松弛顸条件共轭梯度迭代算法求解大型线性方程组,得到了各节点的电位值,进而计算出地表的视电阻率.通过理论模型的计算检验了算法的可行性之后,给出了几种常见纯地形异常的数值模拟结果和一个组合模型的计算结果,其研究工作为研究三维直流电阻率反演奠定了基础.  相似文献   

In earthquake early warning systems, real-time shake prediction through wave propagation simulation is a promising approach. Compared with traditional methods, it does not suffer from the inaccurate estimation of source parameters. For computation efficiency, wave direction is assumed to propagate on the 2-D surface of the earth in these methods. In fact, since the seismic wave propagates in the 3-D sphere of the earth, the 2-D space modeling of wave direction results in inaccurate wave estimation. In this paper, we propose a 3-D space numerical shake prediction method, which simulates the wave propagation in 3-D space using radiative transfer theory, and incorporate data assimilation technique to estimate the distribution of wave energy. 2011 Tohoku earthquake is studied as an example to show the validity of the proposed model. 2-D space model and 3-D space model are compared in this article, and the prediction results show that numerical shake prediction based on 3-D space model can estimate the real-time ground motion precisely, and overprediction is alleviated when using 3-D space model.  相似文献   




有限差分二,三维速度层析成象   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了利用有限差分方法进行地震走时资料速度反的基本原理与方法,并对理论模型进行了正和反演。然后对唐山滦县的Pg波三维资料和菏泽-林县--长治的二维Pg资料分别进行了三维和二维反演,反演结果与浅层地质资料较好吻合。由于反演是采用不用矩阵运算的反投影方法,可以实现稠密采样,这为我们提供了一种较好的得到高精度浅层速度的办法,为深部结果的反演提供了可靠的浅层速度资料。  相似文献   

给出了大气三维涡旋运动基本态所满足的简洁的偏微分方程. 大气涡旋运动存在低压辐合上升和高压辐散下沉的基本状况,基本态的三维速度场可以用流函数和对流速度势分解,且具有螺旋结构. 当Reynolds数Re→∞时,涡旋运动就化为地转风,涡旋运动近似就化为地转风近似.  相似文献   

The Cariaco Basin is an important archive of past climate variability given its response to inter- and extratropical climate forcing and the accumulation of annually laminated sediments within an anoxic water column. This study presents high-resolution surface coral trace element records (Montastrea annularis and Siderastrea siderea) from Isla Tortuga, Venezuela, located within the upwelling center of this region. A two-fold reduction in Cd/Ca ratios (3.5–1.7 nmol/mol) is observed from 1946 to 1952 with no concurrent shift in Ba/Ca ratios. This reduction agrees with the hydrographic distribution of dissolved cadmium and barium and their expected response to upwelling. Significant anthropogenic variability is also observed from Pb/Ca analysis, observing three lead maxima since 1920. Kinetic control of trace element ratios is inferred from an interspecies comparison of Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios (consistent with the Sr/Ca kinetic artifact), but these artifacts are smaller than the environmental signal and do not explain the Cd/Ca transition. The trace element records agree with historical climate data and differ from sedimentary faunal abundance records, suggesting a linear response to North Atlantic extratropical forcing cannot account for the observed historical variability in this region.  相似文献   

An excellent tool for checking numerical models of unsaturated flow in groundwater is analytical solutions. However, because of the highly nonlinear nature of the governing partial differential equation, only a limited number of analytical solutions are available. This paper first gives some simple 1-D solutions. Next, by use of a transformation, the nonlinear partial differential equation is converted to a linear one for a specific form of the moisture content vs. pressure head and relative hydraulic conductivity vs. pressure head curves. This allows both 2-D and 3-D solutions to be derived, which is done in this paper. Finally, computations from a finite element computer program are compared with results from one of the analytical solutions to illustrate the use of the derived equations.  相似文献   

Summary Rock-magnetic characteristics of late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences in the Czech Republic show patterns of variation that reflect climate-related depositional and diagenetic processes which acted on the sedimentary profiles. Mass-normalized magnetic susceptibility is high in interglacial and interstadial paleosols, while uniformly low values are measured in unweathered loess horizons. Normalized ferrimagnetic susceptibility and anhysteretic remanent magnetization show an enhancement of ultrafine (superparamagnetic, SP) and fine (single-domain, SD, and pseudo-single-domain, PSD) grains in chernozem paleosols correlated with δ18O substages 5c and 5a as well as in the Holocene soil. The parabraunerde paleosol associated with peak interglacial conditions, correlated with δ18O substage 5e, shows evidence of diagenetic loss of fine grained magnetic minerals, although coarse (multidomain, MD) grains appear to be preserved. Low temperature remanence behavior plus high temperature susceptibility measurements of representative samples from each lithologic unit indicate that magnetite and maghemite are the dominant magnetic minerals within the sediments. Variations in concentration-independent rock-magnetic parameters are therefore primarily a function of grain size variations through the profile. It is anticipated that with additional magnetic and non-magnetic sedimentological and geochemical tests, a quantitative rock-magnetic — paleoclimate model can be developed for the central European loess region.  相似文献   

The nonlinear behaviour of masonry piers loaded in their plane is investigated by parametric numerical simulations. Each pier has a cantilever scheme, is loaded by a constant axial load and is subjected to an increasing horizontal displacement at the top. The macro-modelling approach is used to perform numerical analyses, adopting two different constitutive laws: a total strain crack model and a plastic model. The numerical model is calibrated on a block-masonry type for which experimental tests are available in literature. Parametric numerical simulations are performed by varying the aspect-ratio and the compression level, in order to assess the influence of such parameters on both shear strength and displacement capacity. By comparing numerical results with formulas of international codes, a good agreement for the shear strength is obtained, while significant differences are observed for the displacement capacity, which is influenced by both parameters. The authors propose a simple empirical formula for the displacement capacity, obtained by fitting the numerical results. The expression can be useful in the practical design for considering the influence of aspect-ratio and compression level, currently neglected by building codes.  相似文献   

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