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华北地区持续性极端暴雨过程的分类特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用1960—2015年日降水资料,筛选出华北地区56次持续性极端暴雨过程。基于距平相关系数的客观聚类分析方法和天气学检验,将它们进行分类,并使用NCEP(2.5°×2.5°)再分析资料进行分类合成,对比分析不同环流背景下华北地区持续性极端暴雨过程的基本特征。结果表明,这些持续性极端暴雨事件按照环流背景可分为经向型、纬向型、减弱的登陆热带气旋型和初夏型4类。它们一般都与不同天气系统配置结构下的锋面动力学过程有关,由于锋面结构特征、环境大气层结状态以及与低空急流有关的暖湿气流输送通道和强度不同,造成不同环流形势背景下,暴雨日的高频站点与过程平均累计降水量在空间分布上存在差异。(1)纬向型对应的锋区强度明显强于经向型,但是其对应的层结稳定度与整个夏季状态相当,而经向型存在弱的层结不稳定异常,这表明,纬向型的对流活动一般不如经向型强,持续性锋面降水特征更清晰,造成站点上日降水量超过50 mm的最大频率明显低于经向型,但是过程累计平均最大降雨量却比经向型大。(2)从水汽输送通道来看,源于西太平洋副热带高压南侧的水汽通道只在纬向型环流主导下的华北区域持续性极端暴雨过程中起主导作用。初夏型以及减弱... 相似文献
应用福建、广东、广西243个气象站1961-2012年逐日降水资料,构建华南前汛期暴雨强度指数,揭示了前汛期持续性暴雨年代际变化特征及其可能机理。研究表明:前汛期持续性暴雨经历了多发(1961-1972年)-少发(1973-1991年)-多发(1992-2012年)3个阶段,目前仍处于多发期,具有持续时间较长且强度增强的特点;由于前汛期降水的低频振荡受热带低频信号北传的调制,因此,导致这种显著年代际变化的可能成因是热带低频信号北传的周期和强度的年代际差异,当热带低频信号北传至华南时低频周期长(短)且强度强(弱),则前汛期易出现持续时间长(短)且强度强(弱)的持续性暴雨。 相似文献
利用常规气象观测资料和卫星云图,结合梧州多普勒天气雷达回波等资料,对2012年6月20-23日梧州市北部的持续性暴雨过程进行成因分析,并对各种模式的预报结果进行对比分析,得到本次天气过程梧州北部出现持续性暴雨的初步结论. 相似文献
影响华南后汛期季风持续性暴雨和热带气旋持续性暴雨的大尺度环流背景分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
利用1961—2008年NCEP逐日、逐月再分析资料和全国和华南各省台站逐日降水资料,得到华南后汛期持续性暴雨74例,其中热带气旋 (TC) 引起的持续性暴雨 (TCR) 有54例,季风引起的持续性暴雨 (MSR) 有20例。TCR主要发生在8月,占TCR总数的52%,MSR主要发生在7月,占MSR总数的70%。两类持续性暴雨的出现次数具有明显的年代际变化特征,自1980年代以来发生的次数明显增加。通过对比分析得到,MSR主要由前期和同期热带中东太平洋异常海温持续偏暖所致,其一方面加强了南海夏季风环流、水汽辐合异常增强;另一方面增强了菲律宾海的对流,使得高空西风急流位置偏北;在两者的共同作用下,大气环流激发出“-、+、-”的EAP遥相关型波列分布,为7月持续性暴雨的发生提供有利条件。相比之下,TCR主要由于8月局地海温-黑潮区海温异常偏冷致使高空西风急流位置偏北所致。此外,叠加在这种尺度背景下,导致MSR和TCR发生的关键是10~20天季节内振荡导致系统由东南向西北传播。 相似文献
努尔比亚·吐尼牙孜 《沙漠与绿洲气象(新疆气象)》2024,18(5)
利用南疆西部气象站观测、FY-2G 、ERA5 再分析及全球资料同化系统(GDAS)分析等资料,分析2022年5月28-31日南疆西部山区一次极端暴雨成因,探讨了中亚低涡背景下山区和平原降雨差异的主要原因。结果表明:极端暴雨发生在南亚高压呈青藏高压型的大尺度环流背景下,中亚低涡配合低层多尺度系统及复杂地形的影响下产生;中低层偏东气流是此次山区暴雨的必要条件,但暴雨不同时段其维持机制有差异;中小尺度对流云系不断合并加强形成的南北向云带持续影响是造成山区暴雨的直接原因;多路充足的水汽输送与山区陡峭地形强迫抬升造成山区持续性降雨;低层不饱和水汽条件是此次“东西夹攻”形势下平原地区降雨量级偏小的主要原因。 相似文献
华南地区MCC云图特征和成因分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
利用伪彩色数字化卫星云图资料,对1994年6月中旬造成华南地区特大洪涝的5次中尺度对流复合体的活动规律、形态特征进行了分析,对其在该地区不断衍生的原因作了初步探讨,得出它们的云图特征和成因。 相似文献
豫北“21·7”极端暴雨过程特征及成因分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用探空、地面自动站、多普勒雷达等观测资料及ERA5再分析产品,对2021年7月17—22日豫北地区的极端暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明,极端暴雨过程具有强降水持续时间长、降水强度极端及地形影响明显等特征。极端暴雨过程发生于稳定的大尺度天气形势下,在日本海高压西伸及台风烟花(2106号)、查帕卡(2107号)西北行背景下,黄淮低涡外围加强北上的东南急流/偏南急流为强降水的发生提供了异常充足的水汽、能量条件,对流层中低层暖湿平流强迫、叠加地形影响的强动力辐合抬升作用及低空弱冷空气扩散南下是形成强降水的重要条件,而大气“强-弱-强-弱”的对流不稳定层结特征转化说明强降水过程中存在着两种互补的物理机制。不同阶段极端短时强降水(小时降水量≥50 mm)对流系统的形态结构和发展演变特征不同,但从雷达回波的垂直分布来看,系统均具有“低质心”特征,质心强度≥55 dBz且≥50 dBz强回波垂直伸展至5~8 km、持续时间1 h以上。强降水对流系统在太行山前30 km左右范围内的后向发展特征明显,一方面与地面西行偏东风/东北风在太行山绕流作用下形成的地形辐合线不断南伸有关,另一方面也与强降水冷池效应促使... 相似文献
利用常规资料和NCEP 6小时再分析资料,对2010年5月5~6日梅州出现的大暴雨进行分析。表明:此次强降水落区较为集中,主要出现在梅州北部地区,降水强度大,北部有两段较强降水时段。此次过程主要是受500hPa西风槽配合850hPa切变线造成典型华南前汛期暴雨;强降水发生时有较强盛的西南水汽输送,500hPa正涡度的变化表征西风槽的演变,并且正涡度值越大,降水强度也越大。对于有切变线影响的强降水时段,低层辐合和高层辐散的散度场能够较好配合,能较好反映强降水的情况,并且垂直上升运动表现也特别激烈,为暴雨发生提供了动力条件。 相似文献
6月西太平洋副高脊线的年际变化及其对华南降水的影响 总被引:23,自引:11,他引:23
用1951-1991年6月份500hPa位势高度资料取得了西太平洋副热带高压脊线位置资料序列,分析了脊线位置的变化。分析结果发现副高脊线位置与500hPa位势高度场、海面温度等关系密切。脊线位置具有显著的32年、5.3年、3.2年和2.3年振荡周期。6月份副高脊线偏北(南)华南降水偏少(多)。 相似文献
Using the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis data at 1°×1° resolution, analysis is performed on a persistent heavy rainfall event with two rain bands to the south of the Yangtze River during 17–22 June 2005. The northern rain band was related to the atmospheric mass adjustment of cold front precipitation and the associated ageostrophic feature to the rear right of subtropical westerly jets, while the southern counterpart formed under the joint influence of easterly/westerly jets and the South Asian high (SAH). The ageostrophic wind field to the rear right of the easterly jet center gives rise to an anti-circulation that favors the genesis of the southern belt. The feature of du/dt 0 around the SAH ridge line and to the rear right of the easterly jet streak results in a strong v – vg0 field in the vicinity of the rain region as well as to its south. When westerly jets move southward, an intense v – vg0 feature appears to the north of the rain region, i.e., behind the center of the westerly jets. The associated mass adjustment leads to vigorous divergence over the rain region, which is responsible for the strong precipitation from the warm sector of the front. Also, a θe front at the middle level of the southern rain band and the cold front favor the release of instable energy to enhance the rainstorm. The southern and northern fronts approach each other and the two rain belts merge into one. 相似文献
On May 20 th 2007, a brief but severe downpour rainstorm occurred in the coastal areas of Maoming and Yangjiang with rainfall of 115 mm per hour. Data from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis with 1°×1° resolution, Doppler weather radar, conventional surface observations, high-altitude radiosonde and wind profiler radar were used to analyze characteristics and contributions of synoptic scale and mesoscale systems during this torrential rainstorm. The results showed that:(1) the storm was caused by a quasi-linear mesoscale convective system(MCS) and the slow-movement of this system was the primary trigger of the torrential downpour;(2) water vapor was abundant, nearly saturated and in steady state throughout the atmosphere before the storm; intrusion of the weak dry and cold air in the middle level and a striking "dry above and wet below " structure had increased the atmospheric instability;(3) low-level southwesterly airflow from a low pressure(trough) at the Beibu Gulf provided abundant water vapor at the onset of the rainstorm; a deep dry layer was formed by dry and cold air behind the high-level trough, which facilitated latent heat release;upper-level divergence and low-level convergence circulations also provided vertical uplift for warm and moist air at the lower level;(4) Topography only played a minor role as the MCS developed and strengthened over relatively flat coastal terrain. Low level density flow induced by convection triggered new convective cell generation at the leading edge of the convective system, thereby playing a key role in the change of temperature gradient at lower layers, and resulting in strengthening atmospheric instability. 相似文献
利用1961—2017年中国地面观测站日降水资料、全球大气多要素和海表温度月资料,分析华南区域持续性强降水过程的气候特征,诊断并比较与华南前汛期、后汛期区域持续性强降水年际变化相关的大气环流和海表温度异常特征。结果表明,3—12月华南都可能出现持续性强降水过程,其中汛期4—9月的占了94.4%。伴随着区域持续性强降水的年际变化,华南本地垂直上升运动显著异常是前汛期和后汛期的共同点,但前汛期、后汛期在华南及周边环流异常、水汽输送来源以及海温异常分布等方面都存在一定差异。在前汛期华南区域持续性强降水偏重年,赤道西太平洋区域海温偏低,由于大气罗斯贝波响应使西太平洋副热带高压偏强,热带西太平洋向华南区域水汽输送加强,从而有利于区域持续性强降水偏重。后汛期华南区域持续性强降水偏重年的海温异常分布是赤道中东太平洋区域正异常、东印度洋至西太平洋暖池区负异常,海温异常通过西北太平洋副热带高压、南海热带季风强度、水汽输送和垂直环流等多方面,导致后汛期区域持续性强降水偏重。 相似文献
MJO对华南前汛期降水的影响及其可能机制 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
利用站点降水资料、实时多变量MJO(Madden-Julian Oscillation)指数、向外长波辐射(OLR)资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用合成分析方法研究了MJO对华南前汛期降水的影响,并讨论其可能机制。结果表明,(1)在MJO不同位相,华南前汛期降水异常有明显的差异,并且这种差异随滞后时长而发生变化。第2~3位相和第6~7位相分别是影响华南前汛期降水的典型"湿位相"和"干位相"。(2)华南前汛期降水对MJO的响应需要一定时间,滞后时长约为1~2候。(3)MJO活跃(受抑)对流可通过激发Rossby波影响华南前汛期降水。当MJO活跃(受抑)对流中心位于赤道印度洋附近时,非绝热加热作用激发的Rossby波到达并影响华南地区,华南地区出现水汽供应的增强(减弱),从而促进(抑制)华南前汛期降水。 相似文献
基于江苏省昆山市2008—2015年12个自动气象站逐分钟降雨数据和常规气象站小时降雨量数据,并选取5个代表站分别代表不同的生态系统,先对昆山市降雨和暴雨的时空特征进行分析,然后采用年多个样法进行暴雨选样,利用指数分布、皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布和耿贝尔分布分析暴雨发生频率,最后使用高斯-牛顿法推求不同生态系统代表站的暴雨强度公式参数,结果表明:(1)昆山市各站点2008—2015年期间年降雨量都呈增长趋势,夏季降雨量最多、冬季最少,一天中01时(北京时间,下同)左右为降雨谷值,18时左右为降雨峰值,白天降雨多于夜晚;在空间分布上,农田和城市生态系统的年降雨量、年降雨日数最多,湿地和湖泊生态系统较少。(2)暴雨日数年际差异大,年内暴雨主要集中在夏季,暴雨发生频次日变化呈"双峰型"分布,暴雨发生频次在02时和18时最多,09时和24时最少;市区的暴雨日数空间变异系数大于郊区,且从市中心向外递减。(3)城市生态系统适宜采用皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布推求暴雨强度公式,其他类型生态系统适宜采用指数分布推求暴雨强度公式。 相似文献
The region of south China is sometimes subject to major climatic catastrophes in winter. To have
a clear understanding, the time in which extremely severe cold months occur in the south China wintertime over
the past 45 years are determined and characteristics of the 500-hPa geopotential fields and SST fields are studied
for the simultaneous and preceding 6-month periods. Similarity exists in the 500-hPa geopotential fields
between each current severely cold month, with the geopotential pattern of being high in the north, but low in
the south, of Asian-Pacific region and meridional circulation developing. The work presents anomalies of the
months with significant differences in the 500-hPa geopotential field of the previous periods. The SSTA is continuous in the distribution from each extremely severe cold winter month back to the 6 months leading up to it
for the region of south China while the SST pattern is of El Ni?o in January and the preceding 1 ~ 6 months for
equatorial eastern Pacific but of La Ni?a in February and December. It is concluded that the prediction of severely
cold winter months are possible with the use of the geopotential field at 500 hPa and the SST fields for
the months ahead of the target time. 相似文献
南方夏秋干旱期间的天气气候特征 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
对40多年来南方的天气气候特征进行了分析,提出了7~9月夏秋干旱期形成干旱的主要天气系统为西太平洋副热带高压.从干燥度和降水的空间分布综合分析,得出了南方最旱区位于湖南、江西中部.广西、贵州、湖南西北和东南山区、江西南部山区、安徽南部山区、福建-浙江沿海交界山区和苏北沿海为湿润区,人工增雨潜力较大.特殊地形所形成的焚风效应是形成湘中干旱不可忽略的原因.为南方夏秋期间对流云降水潜力研究和科学实施人工增雨作业提供一定依据. 相似文献
鲍名 《热带气象学报(英文版)》2008,14(1):28-32
The different effects of anomalous convective activities in the tropical western Pacific on two persistent heavy rain events in South China in 2005 and 2006 have been compared in this study. The dataused consist of NOAA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) data, the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and precipitation from meteorological stations in South China. Results show that the persistent heavy rain in 2005 was related to the 10-25-day westward propagation of convective activities in the tropical western Pacific from about 150 °E. The physical mechanism is interpreted as a Gill-type response of subtropical anticyclone westward extension during weak convective activities period over the Philippine Sea. Our researches also show that the persistent heavy rain in 2006 has longer period than that in 2005, and the subtropical anticyclone persists westward in the earlier summer which is possibly related to the lasting anomalous strong convective motion in the southern branch of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the tropic western Pacific. The anomalous convective activities affect the local Hadley circulation over the western Pacific with anomalous ascending motion south of the equator and anomalous descend motion north of it, in favor of the westward extension of the subtropical anticyclone for a long time. Comparison between the two persistent heavy rain events indicates different physical effects of convective activities in the tropical western Pacific, though both effects are helpful to the subtropical anticyclone westward extension as a common character of large-scale circulation backgrounds for persistent heavy rain events in South China. 相似文献