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New classes of bulk carriers and general cargo vessels are becoming more specialized and larger. The trend towards containerizing cargo has spurred construction of the large cellular containership, the roll-on/roll-off vessel, and the barge carrying ship (LASH). Bulk vessels, especially tankers, have undergone tremendous increases in size until few of the newer ones can pass through the Suez Canal. Crews have not increased primarily because of greater use of shipboard automation devices. Few ports have sufficient water depths to accommodate supertankers, necessitating more off-loading at sea and construction of new deep water terminals. Japanese yards dominate world supership construction, with Scandinavian shipyards most important in Europe. Substantial supership construction is taking place in southern Europe and is an indication of the recent economic growth of Italy, Spain and Yugoslavia. Supership construction in Great Britain has declined relative to Scandinavian and Japanese production and that in the United States is of little significance worldwide.  相似文献   

Changes in lake status, a measure of relative water depth or lake level, have been reconstructed from geological and biological evidence for 87 sites in northern Europe. During the early Holocene. the lakes show conditions similar to or drier than present in a broad band across southern Britain, southern Scandinavia and into the eastern Baltic and wetter conditions along the west coast and in central Europe. This pattern is consistent with the effects of a glacial anticyclone over the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, namely enhanced southwesterly flow along the west coast and strengthened easterlies south of the ice. After c , 8000 BP a different lake status pattern was established. with conditions drier than present over much of northern Europe. Lakes higher than today were confined to the far north, the west coast, eastern Finland and western Russia. This pattern gradually attenuated after 4000 BP. Differences in lake status during the mid- to late Holocene are consistent with a strengthening of the blocking anticyclone over the Baltic Sea in summer. resulting in more meridional circulation than today. This strengthening of the blocking anticyclone during the mid-Holocene is interpreted as a consequence of insolation changes, enhanced by the fact that the Baltic Sea was larger than present.  相似文献   

David Hilling 《Geoforum》1983,14(3):333-340
From being largely uniform in character 20 yr ago, cargo handling technology has become varied with specialised, often larger vessels in many trades. Maritime transport through its impact on the port can have a profound influence on the spatial aspects of development. Investment costs for the new technology are high and successive improvements result in more rigorous location selection processes and increasing concentration of activity. Choice of technology becomes a critical issue and should be influenced by considerations of timing, spatial impact, appropriateness and overall development benefits. Greater dispersion may be achieved by the development of inland terminals or the adoption of more flexible technologies such as that offered by the barge carrying ship.  相似文献   

For the first time, fundamental and higher-mode Rayleigh wave phase velocity data for the West European Platform have been measured, using teleseismic recordings from the mobile broad-band NARS array. Measurements could be obtained from 30 to 70 mHz. This is an extension of 30 mHz towards higher frequencies with regard to previous measurements, in the frequency range of 10 to 40 mHz for western Europe, including the Scandinavian Shield (Nolet, 1977). Inversion of the new data for isotropic shear-wave velocity and density (model WEPL1) shows a broad, low shear-wave velocity layer from 120 to 260 km depth, without a Lehmann discontinuity. At larger depths, the model resembles the M7 model (Nolet, 1977). The density model shows a steep positive gradient from 60 to 100 km depth, followed by a slight decrease down to 300 km depth. No pronounced low-density layer, as present in the M7 model, could be resolved. Reinversion of Nolet's data using the same starting model as for the WEPL1 model and calculation of the difference structure yields a model for the Scandinavian Shield (SCSH1). The Shield has higher shear-wave velocities than the West European Platform down to about 300 km depth.  相似文献   

Andersen, B. G. & Borns Jr., H. W. 1994: The Ice Age World (an introduction to Quaternary history and research with emphasis on North America and Northern Europe during the last 2.5 million years ). Scandinavian University Press.  相似文献   

A considerable discussion concerning the extent of the last Scandinavian and Scottish ice sheets has continued for several years. In contrast to earlier models based on an ice sheet extending to the edge of the continental shelf, recent proposals favor a limited geographical and vertical extent and imply that the Scandinavian and British ice sheets did not coalesce in the North Sea. These models indicate an ice-free, open embayment in the northern North Sea and areas of dry land in the southern North Sea region during the Late Weichselian/Devensian glacial maximum. Late Weichselian ice-sheet profiles from the North Sea to the adjacent land areas of southern Norway have been tentatively reconstructed. Low-gradient profiles in the present shelf areas are explained by unconsolidated, deformable sediments on the continental shelf inducing subglacial water pressure and low basal shear stress beneath marginal parts of the Scandinavian ice sheet. Combined with higher basal shear stress conditions in the present mainland areas, this explains the slightly concave and convex shape of the reconstructed ice-sheet profiles in the present coastal and inland areas of western Norway, respectively.  相似文献   

Alexanderson, H., Johnsen, T. & Murray, A. S. 2009: Re‐dating the Pilgrimstad Interstadial with OSL: a warmer climate and a smaller ice sheet during the Swedish Middle Weichselian (MIS 3)? Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00130.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Pilgrimstad in central Sweden is an important locality for reconstructing environmental changes during the last glacial period (the Weichselian). Its central location has implications for the Scandinavian Ice Sheet as a whole. The site has been assigned an Early Weichselian age (marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 a/c; >74 ka), based on pollen stratigraphic correlations with type sections in continental Europe, but the few absolute dating attempts so far have given uncertain results. We re‐excavated the site and collected 10 samples for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating from mineral‐ and organic‐rich sediments within the new Pilgrimstad section. Single aliquots of quartz were analysed using a post‐IR blue single aliquot regenerative‐dose (SAR) protocol. Dose recovery tests were satisfactory and OSL ages are internally consistent. All, except one from an underlying unit that is older, lie in the range 52–36 ka, which places the interstadial sediments in the Middle Weichselian (MIS 3); this is compatible with existing radiocarbon ages, including two measured with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). The mean of the OSL ages is 44±6 ka (n=9). The OSL ages cannot be assigned to the Early Weichselian for all reasonable adjustments to water content estimates and other parameters. The new ages suggest that climate was relatively mild and that the Scandinavian Ice Sheet was absent or restricted to the mountains for at least parts of MIS 3. These results are supported by other recent studies completed in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

The symposium, arranged in 1980 in Bergen, was the last in a series of three symposia on Weichselian events in the Scandinavian realm. Papers from the two earlier symposia were published in Boreas 8:2 (1979) and 9:4 (1980). Recent research has proved the history of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet to be more complicated than formerly thought. One problem relating to this research is dating beyond the limit of the radiocarbon method  相似文献   

The Dalradian sequence of the Scottish Highlands and the Vendian sequences of Scandinavian accumulated in rifts that evolved into passive margins in late Vendian to early Cambrian time. They closely resemble one another in their evolution. The Dalradian margin faced SE, the Scandinavian margins faced NW (present-day orientation). When plotted on a reconstruction of Laurentia, Baltica and W Gondwana in which Baltica has a more southerly position than the most commonly discussed reconstructions of Pannotia and Rodinia, the Vendian sediments form a coherent pattern. In particular, the enigmatic granitic clasts in the Port Askaig Dalradian tillite appear to have been eroded from the ∼1 Ga Proterozoic basement of southwestern Scandinavia. This reconstruction is supported independently by previous matches of the metamorphic belts of Baltica and Laurentia which have been largely ignored in most reconstructions of Pannotia and Rodinia, and by recent information on the age and distribution of rift-related magmatism.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of investigation, critical issues regarding the last glacial cycle in northwest Europe remain unresolved. One of these refers to the extent, timing and dynamics of Late Devensian/Weichselian glaciation of the North Sea Basin, and whether the British and Scandinavian ice sheets were confluent at any time during this period. This has been the result of the lack of the detailed sedimentological data required to reconstruct processes and environment of sediments recovered through coring. This study presents the results of seismic, sedimentological and micromorphological evidence used to reconstruct the depositional processes of regionally extensive seismic units across the North Sea Basin. Thin section micromorphology is used here to provide an effective means of discriminating between subglacial and glacimarine sediments from cored samples and deriving process‐based interpretations from sediment cores. On the basis of micromorphology, critical formations from the basin have been reinterpreted, with consequent stratigraphic implications. Within the current stratigraphic understanding of the North Sea Basin, a complex reconstruction is suggested, with a minimum of three major glacial episodes inferred. On at least two occasions during the Weichselian/Devensian, the British and Scandinavian ice sheets were confluent in the central North Sea. Whilst micromorphology can provide much greater confidence in the interpretation of Late Quaternary offshore stratigraphic sequences, it is noted that a much better geochronology is required to resolve key stratigraphic issues between the onshore and offshore stratigraphic records. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

欧亚大陆湖泊记录和两万年来大气环流变化   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
于革  王苏民 《第四纪研究》1998,18(4):360-367
159个湖泊地质记录提供了欧亚大陆两万年来大气环流变化信息。盛冰期北欧低湖面而地中海地区高湖面,反映冰流反气旋控制和西风带南迁。随着晚冰期冰流高压减弱、西风带回迁,南欧为低湖面而北欧低湖面范围减小。全新世早中期北欧阻塞高压发展,干燥炎热;南欧地区性季风环流加强,气旋雨增加。中国青藏高原至东西伯利亚高湖面,反映东亚季风扩张、季风雨以及高原对流雨增加。晚更新世以来湖泊所反映的西风带和季风环流变化,揭示了辐射异常和北半球冰流消长的动力控制。  相似文献   

喀斯特和岩溶科学术语源于欧洲和中国对同一客观实体(碳酸盐岩地形)的认知历史和差异性定位。中国岩溶研究从聚焦岩溶系统溶蚀动力的解构性工程属性和资源利用研究转向全面融合岩溶动力、岩溶生物地球化学、岩溶生态系统生产力的岩溶系统建构属性研究。在服务社会经济发展需要中,中国岩溶研究发现和深化了岩溶系统“解构”和“建构”的矛盾运动机制,而人类活动影响着这对矛盾运动的时空尺度和效应,并将其转化为包括岩溶石漠化治理的区域资源环境管理和可持续发展的理论和技术。深度研究控制小流域岩溶生态系统解构的侵蚀基准面自然演化与人为影响的规律和制约岩溶生态系统建构的植被演替(生物群落生产力提高)间的矛盾对立运动规律,将有助于岩溶山水田林湖草生态共同体建设,服务可持续发展和应对全球变化。   相似文献   

Ice streams are major dynamic elements of modern ice sheets, and are believed to have significantly influenced the behaviour of past ice sheets. Funen Island exhibits a number of geomorphological and geological features indicative of a Late Weichselian ice stream, a land-based, terminal branch of the major Baltic Ice Stream that drained the Scandinavian Ice Sheet along the Baltic Sea depression. The ice stream in the study area operated during the Young Baltic Advance. Its track on Funen is characterized by a prominent drumlin field with long, attenuated drumlins consisting of till. The field has an arcuate shape indicating ice-flow deflection around the island's interior. Beneath the drumlin-forming till is a major erosional surface with a boulder pavement, the stones of which have heavily faceted and striated upper surfaces. Ploughing marks are found around the boulders. Exact correspondence of striations, till fabric and drumlin orientation indicates a remarkably consistent flow direction during ice streaming. We infer that fast ice flow was facilitated by basal water pressure elevated to the vicinity of the flotation point. The ice movement was by basal sliding and bed deformation under water pressure at the flotation level or slightly below it, respectively. Subglacial channels and eskers post-dating the drumlins mark a drainage phase that terminated the ice-stream activity close to the deglaciation. Identification of other ice streams in the Peribaltic area is essential for better understanding the dynamics of the land-based part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

This raised delta structure is an ice-contact deltaic complex with a volume of c. 4.4.109 m3, deposited c . 9500 yr BP in a shallow wide 'fjord' during the retreat of the Scandinavian ice cap. The delta plain lies at an altitude of 200–223 m. It aggraded c . 20 m above the contemporaneous sea level during a regional marine regression. The braidplain palaeochannel characteristics indicate a peak meltwater discharge of 7–9 103 m3/s. Calculations based on a glacial ablation model indicate a mid-summer discharge of c . 5.5 103 m3/s. However, the fluvial topset of the delta has an erosive base whose altitude decreases upstream and indicates stream incision by more the 6 m below the contemporaneous sea level. The deep scour is ascribed to episodic floods over the relatively short delta plain, which exceeded direct ablation-associated discharges. The depositional time-span of the delta is assessed to have been 70 years, calculated from coastal gradient and shoreline displacement curves. The average sedimentation rate of the delta is thereby inferred to have been extremely high, c . 6. 107 m3/yr. The sedimentation is thought to reflect 'extreme' ice-margin conditions, where the sediment and water discharge was maximized by full-scale ablation, with simultaneous subglacial, englacial and supraglacial sediment and water supply. These conditions might further coincide with an abundant rainfall in the catchment area or the drainage of dammed waters, initiating episodic floods which eroded deep beneath sea level. As a whole, the study illustrates the hydrological conditions of proglacial sedimentation at the front of the rapidly retreating last Scandinavian ice cap.  相似文献   

张维正 《探矿工程》2006,33(10):60-62
以某杂货码头和集装箱重力式码头水下地基处理工程为例,介绍了其地基处理的爆夯试验过程,得出了一次性爆破夯实厚层块石抛石基床的爆夯参数,并对其施工过程进行了监测。总结了类似工程施工的经验与教训。  相似文献   

Paul C. Adams 《GeoJournal》2012,77(3):293-313
The broadening and deepening of Europe as a macro-region impels processes of expansion, contraction and transformation in sub-regions positioned within the EU and across the EU’s border. Recent arguments stress the idea of regionalization as a multi-layered process. Using Northern Europe as a study site, three such layers are explored: territorially bounded regionalization in the voting patterns of the Eurovision Song Contest, networked regionalization in the membership of intergovernmental organizations, and fluid regionalization in the geography of language. The associated regionalization processes are explained and visualized using mixed methodologies. Across these three layers of regionalization we can see the persistence of a Scandinavian core, but various territorial, networked and fluid forms of regionalization are stretching and pulling at the edges of Nordic regionalizations.  相似文献   

马力  张大伟 《吉林地质》2001,20(4):67-71
全球有许多国家面临着水资源危机,我省有些地区也严重缺水。长白山地区有得天独厚的水资源和矿泉水资源,并且质优量大,分布分区。其水化学指标和口感可与欧洲名牌矿泉水相媲美,有极大的潜在经济价值。合理地开发利用这些资源能极大地促进白山地区经济持续发展和跨越式发展。  相似文献   

锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞是一座高外水压力、大涌水量的岩溶越岭长隧。建设中遇到了隧道岩溶水防治世界级难题。目前引水隧洞施工在即。本文对40多年来锦屏引水隧洞涌水预测、施工地质预报、治水三方面成果和思路的演变进行了总结。强调锦屏防治水思路的历史演变是在工作中不断实践-认识-再实践-再认识的一个健康发展过程,既及时吸取了国内岩溶区越岭深隧建设的成功经验,也为我国岩溶地区隧洞施工防治水技术开发和不断发展做出了贡献。基于当前最新认识,认为只要在建设中认真开展信息化动态设计和施工,引水隧洞的顺利施工是有充分技术准备和保证的。  相似文献   

Niels West   《Geoforum》1989,20(4)
A modified version of the economic rent model is applied to the significant urban-waterfront changes which have characterized most European and North American port cities during the twentieth century. The model is at this stage conceptual, although supported by case studies, and employs elements which are characteristic of the majority of waterfront renewal literature. The model addresses four different conditions, three of which trace the evolution which has characterized the traditional inner-city port. The first analyzes the conditions prevailing prior to the late 1950s, when most ocean cargo still used the traditional harbor. The second application of the model relates to the dynamic changes which started in the late 1950s and lasted approximately 20 years, a period in which many piers and warehouses were abandoned and destroyed. The urban-waterfront renewal efforts which have occurred in both Europe and North America are analyzed in the third phase, which emphasizes boundary changes and potential and real economic rent windfalls accruing to landowners in the path of or adjacent to proposed urban-waterfront renewal efforts. The final application of the model reviews the impact on both economic rents and land uses of improvements to the shore and nearshore marine environment.  相似文献   

This article presents new data on the Late Pleistocene giant deer, Megaloceros giganteus (Blumenbach), describing its distribution in time and space, geographical and sexual variation and general biology. Twenty‐three south Scandinavian fossils found in situ in lacustrine sediments or redeposited in glaciofluvial material form the basis of this investigation. Fourteen C dates show that the giant deer inhabited southern Scandinavia in the ice‐free late Middle Weichselian from c. 40000 to 28000 BP (the Sandnes Interstadial) and again in the Late Weichselian from c. 12000 to 10700 BP (Older Dryas, Allerød and early Younger Dryas Chronozones), corresponding to a calibrated range from c. 14300 to 12400 cal. yr BP. Osteometric analyses show that the Scandinavian giant deer belonged to the upper size range of the lateglacial Irish population and that a marked sexual dimorphism existed, the males being 10–11% larger than the females. Investigations furthermore point at an antler cycle similar to that among extant northern cervids, and subsequently at a rutting season in autumn. The skeletal remains also prove the occurrence of twin delivery and the possibility of reaching an ontogenetic age of at least 23 years. During both occurrences the Scandinavian giant deer population was part of the northernmost distribution of the species in Europe and the palaeogeographical settings and palaeoenvironmental conditions of the two periods show striking similarities. Clearly, the giant deer were able to colonize and survive in a landscape dominated by grasses and sedges with scattered shrubs and dwarf shrubs. They came as close as 200–250 km to the ice front and their distribution included coastal areas along a cold sea with drifting icebergs. They were present in the area at least from March until November. However, the pure arctic conditions created during the early phase of the Younger Dryas event led to a new local extinction around 10700 14C yr BP. This was the beginning of a total Eurasian extinction which, at least in Europe, was completed before the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.  相似文献   

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