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We evaluate the sensitivity of simulated turbine-height wind speeds to 26 parameters within the Mellor–Yamada–Nakanishi–Niino (MYNN) planetary boundary-layer scheme and MM5 surface-layer scheme of the Weather Research and Forecasting model over an area of complex terrain. An efficient sampling algorithm and generalized linear model are used to explore the multiple-dimensional parameter space and quantify the parametric sensitivity of simulated turbine-height wind speeds. The results indicate that most of the variability in the ensemble simulations is due to parameters related to the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), Prandtl number, turbulent length scales, surface roughness, and the von Kármán constant. The parameter associated with the TKE dissipation rate is found to be most important, and a larger dissipation rate produces larger hub-height wind speeds. A larger Prandtl number results in smaller nighttime wind speeds. Increasing surface roughness reduces the frequencies of both extremely weak and strong airflows, implying a reduction in the variability of wind speed. All of the above parameters significantly affect the vertical profiles of wind speed and the magnitude of wind shear. The relative contributions of individual parameters are found to be dependent on both the terrain slope and atmospheric stability.  相似文献   

We evaluated the performance of the three-dimensional Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model, specifically the performance of the planetary boundary-layer (PBL) parametrizations. For this purpose, Cabauw tower observations were used, with the study extending beyond the third GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Study (GABLS3) one-dimensional model intercomparison. The WRF model (version 3.4.1) contains 12 different PBL parametrizations, most of which have been only partially evaluated. The GABLS3 case offers a clear opportunity to evaluate model performance, focusing on time series of near-surface weather variables, radiation and surface flux budgets, vertical structure and the nighttime inertial oscillation. The model results revealed substantial differences between the PBL schemes. Generally, non-local schemes tend to produce higher temperatures and higher wind speeds than local schemes, in particular, for nighttime. The WRF model underestimates the 2-m temperature during daytime (about \(2\) K) and substantially underestimates it at night (about \(4\) K), in contrast to the previous studies where modelled 2-m temperature was overestimated. Considering the 10-m wind speed, during the night turbulent kinetic energy based schemes tend to produce lower wind speeds than other schemes. In all simulations the sensible and latent heat fluxes were well reproduced. For the net radiation and the soil heat flux we found good agreement with daytime observations but underestimations at night. Concerning the vertical profiles, the selected non-local PBL schemes underestimate the PBL depth and the low-level jet altitude at night by about 50 m, although with the correct wind speed. The latter contradicts most previous studies and can be attributed to the revised stability function in the Yonsei University PBL scheme. The local, turbulent kinetic energy based PBL schemes estimated the low-level jet altitude and strength more accurately. Compared to the observations, all model simulations show a similar structure for the potential temperature, with a consistent cold bias ( \(\approx \) 2 K) in the upper PBL. In addition to the sensitivity to the PBL schemes, we studied the sensitivity to technical features such as horizontal resolution and domain size. We found a substantial difference in the model performance for a range of 12, 18 and 24 h spin-up times, longer spin-up time decreased the modelled wind speed bias, but it strengthened the negative temperature bias. The sensitivity of the model to the vertical resolution of the input and boundary conditions on the model performance is confirmed, and its influence appeared most significant for the non-local PBL parametrizations.  相似文献   

We tested several planetary-boundary-layer (PBL) schemes available in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model against measured wind speed and direction, temperature and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) at three levels (5, 9, 25 m). The Urban Turbulence Project dataset, gathered from the outskirts of Turin, Italy and used for the comparison, provides measurements made by sonic anemometers for more than 1 year. In contrast to other similar studies, which have mainly focused on short-time periods, we considered 2 months of measurements (January and July) representing both the seasonal and the daily variabilities. To understand how the WRF-model PBL schemes perform in an urban environment, often characterized by low wind-speed conditions, we first compared six PBL schemes against observations taken by the highest anemometer located in the inertial sub-layer. The availability of the TKE measurements allows us to directly evaluate the performances of the model; results of the model evaluation are presented in terms of quantile versus quantile plots and statistical indices. Secondly, we considered WRF-model PBL schemes that can be coupled to the urban-surface exchange parametrizations and compared the simulation results with measurements from the two lower anemometers located inside the canopy layer. We find that the PBL schemes accounting for TKE are more accurate and the model representation of the roughness sub-layer improves when the urban model is coupled to each PBL scheme.  相似文献   

This paper is adapted from a presentation at the session of the European Geophysical Society meeting in 2002 honouring Joost Businger. It documents the interaction of the non-linear planetary boundary-layer (PBL) model (UW-PBL) and satellite remote sensing of marine surface winds from verification and calibration studies for the sensor model function to the current state of verification of the model by satellite data. It is also a personal history where Joost Businger had seminal input to this research at several critical junctures. The first scatterometer in space was on SeaSat in 1978, while currently in orbit there are the QuikSCAT and ERS-2 scatterometers and the WindSat radiometer. The volume and detail of data from the scatterometers during the past decade are unprecedented, though the value of these data depends on a careful interpretation of the PBL dynamics. The model functions (algorithms) that relate surface wind to sensor signal have evolved from straight empirical correlation with simple surface-layer 10-m winds to satellite sensor model functions for surface pressure fields. A surface stress model function is also available. The validation data for the satellite model functions depended crucially on the PBL solution. The non-linear solution for the flow of fluid in the boundary layer of a rotating coordinate system was completed in 1969. The implications for traditional ways of measuring and modelling the PBL were huge and continue to this day. Unfortunately, this solution replaced an elegant one by Ekman with a stability/finite perturbation equilibrium solution. Consequently, there has been great reluctance to accept this solution. The verification of model predictions has been obtained from the satellite data.  相似文献   

中尺度灾害天气分析与预报系统综合显示平台   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
中尺度灾害天气分析与预报系统(Meso-Weather Analysis and Forecasting System,简称MWAFS)是集成了国家重大科研项目产出的有关中尺度灾害天气研究成果以及气象行业关键的业务产品,综合应用计算机网络、地理信息系统、数据库以及气象专业分析模型等信息处理技术建立的一个能快速、有效地监...  相似文献   

In this study,an extreme rainfall event that occurred on 25 May 2018 over Shanghai and its nearby area was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model,with a focus on the effects of planetary boundary layer(PBL)physics using double nesting with large grid ratios(15:1 and 9:1).The sensitivity of the precipitation forecast was examined through three PBL schemes:the Yonsei University Scheme,the Mellor?Yamada?Nakanishi Niino Level 2.5(MYNN)scheme,and the Mellor?Yamada?Janjic scheme.The PBL effects on boundary layer structures,convective thermodynamic and large-scale forcings were investigated to explain the model differences in extreme rainfall distributions and hourly variations.The results indicated that in single coarser grids(15 km and 9 km),the extreme rainfall amount was largely underestimated with all three PBL schemes.In the inner 1-km grid,the underestimated intensity was improved;however,using the MYNN scheme for the 1-km grid domain with explicitly resolved convection and nested within the 9-km grid using the Kain?Fritsch cumulus scheme,significant advantages over the other PBL schemes are revealed in predicting the extreme rainfall distribution and the time of primary peak rainfall.MYNN,with the weakest vertical mixing,produced the shallowest and most humid inversion layer with the lowest lifting condensation level,but stronger wind fields and upward motions from the top of the boundary layer to upper levels.These factors all facilitate the development of deep convection and moisture transport for intense precipitation,and result in its most realistic prediction of the primary rainfall peak.  相似文献   

地面大气电场资料在强对流天气预报中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用大气电场仪对2008年6~10月天津地面大气电场变化进行连续监测。讨论晴空、稳定型降水、飑线和暴雨天气下地面大气电场强度特点,结合新一代多普勒天气雷达资料和闪电定位资料,对2008年9月4日飑线过程和2008年7月14日暴雨过程进行分析。结果发现:大气电场仪曲线在雷暴发生前15~50min剧烈变化,在强对流天气的雷电监测中有明显的指示作用。结合雷达资料和闪电定位仪资料能够提高雷电预警和短时临近预报的准确率,多站点的大气电场仪数据能够扩大雷暴监测范围并且判断雷暴云移动路径。  相似文献   

Low-level climatological wind fields over the La Plata River region of South America are synthesized with a dry, hydrostatic mesoscale boundary-layer numerical model. The model is forced at the upper boundary with the 1200 UTC local radiosonde observations and at the lower boundary with a land-river differential heating function defined from the daily meteorological observations of the region. The climatological wind field is defined as the mean value of a series of individual daily forecasts, employing two methods. The simplified method considers a 192-member ensemble (16 wind directions and 12 wind-speed classes at the upper boundary). Each member has a probability of occurrence that is determined from the 1959–1984 observations; the daily method uses a total of 3,248 days with available data during the same period. In both methods each realization is a daily forecast from which the mean wind distributions at 0300, 0900, 1500 and 2100 local standard time are calculated and compared to the observations of five meteorological stations in the region. The validation of the climatological wind fields for both methods is evaluated by means of the root-mean-square error of the wind-direction frequency distribution and mean wind speed by wind sector. The results obtained with the two methods are similar, and the errors in wind speed are always smaller than those in wind direction. The combined errors of wind direction and wind speed show that the ensemble method is outperformed by the daily method, on average by meteorological station in only one out of five of them, and on average by the time of the day in only one out of 4 h. The conclusion of the study is that the ensemble method is an appropriate methodology for determining high resolution, low-level climatological wind fields, with the boundary-layer model applied to a region with a strong diurnal cycle of surface thermal contrast. The proposed methodology is of particular utility for synthesizing wind fields over regions with limited meteorological observations, since the 192-member matrix can be easily defined with few observing points, as well as in the case of relatively incomplete records.  相似文献   

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was compared with daily surface observations to verify the accuracy of the WRF model in forecasting surface temperature, pressure, precipitation, wind speed, and direction. Daily forecasts for the following two days were produced at nine locations across southern Alberta, Canada. Model output was verified using station observations to determine the differences in forecast accuracy for each season.

Although there were seasonal differences in the WRF model, the summer season forecasts generally had the greatest accuracy, determined by the lowest root mean square errors, whereas the winter season forecasts were the least accurate. The WRF model generally produced skillful forecasts throughout the year although with a smaller diurnal temperature range than observed. The WRF model forecast the prevailing wind direction more accurately than other directions, but it tended to slightly overestimate precipitation amounts. A sensitivity analysis consisting of three microphysics schemes showed relatively minor differences between simulated precipitation as well as 2?m surface temperatures.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical meteorological model is used to perform large-eddy simulations of the upslope flow circulation over a periodic ridge-valley terrain. The subgrid-scale quantities are modelled using a prognostic turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) scheme, with a grid that has a constant horizontal resolution of 50 m and is stretched along the vertical direction. To account for the grid anisotropy, a modified subgrid length scale is used. To allow for the response of the surface fluxes to the valley-flow circulation, the soil surface temperature is imposed and the surface heat and momentum fluxes are computed based on Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. The model is designed with a symmetrical geometry using periodic boundary conditions in both the x and y directions. Two cases are simulated to study the influence of along-valley geostrophic wind forcing with different intensities. The presence of the orography introduces numerous complexities both in the mean properties of the flow and in the turbulent features, even for the idealized symmetric geometry. Classical definitions for the height of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) are revisited and redefined to capture the complex structure of the boundary layer. Analysis of first- and second-moment statistics, along with TKE budget, highlights the different structure of the PBL at different regions of the domain.  相似文献   

Atmospheric flow over complex terrain, particularly recirculation flows, greatly influences wind-turbine siting, forest-fire behaviour, and trace-gas and pollutant dispersion. However, there is a large uncertainty in the simulation of flow over complex topography, which is attributable to the type of turbulence model, the subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence parametrization, terrain-following coordinates, and numerical errors in finite-difference methods. Here, we upgrade the large-eddy simulation module within the Weather Research and Forecasting model by incorporating the immersed-boundary method into the module to improve simulations of the flow and recirculation over complex terrain. Simulations over the Bolund Hill indicate improved mean absolute speed-up errors with respect to previous studies, as well an improved simulation of the recirculation zone behind the escarpment of the hill. With regard to the SGS parametrization, the Lagrangian-averaged scale-dependent Smagorinsky model performs better than the classic Smagorinsky model in reproducing both velocity and turbulent kinetic energy. A finer grid resolution also improves the strength of the recirculation in flow simulations, with a higher horizontal grid resolution improving simulations just behind the escarpment, and a higher vertical grid resolution improving results on the lee side of the hill. Our modelling approach has broad applications for the simulation of atmospheric flows over complex topography.  相似文献   

Recent upgrades to the boundary-layer scheme in the UK Met Office operational global Numerical Weather Prediction model are documented. These comprise a reduction in turbulent mixing in stable conditions over the sea, and the inclusion of non-local momentum mixing in convective conditions. The dependence of low-level winds on changing stability is shown to have been significantly improved. Crucially, it is also found that these improvements in local performance have been achieved without degrading the model skill in terms of synoptic evolution—something that has proved difficult to achieve in the past in many operational models. In fact some aspects of the large-scale flow (e.g. zonal mean winds) have been slightly improved.  相似文献   

广州两次暴雨期间风廓线雷达观测的低空风场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周芯玉  廖菲  孙广凤 《高原气象》2015,34(2):526-533
利用风廓线雷达高时空分辨率资料,对2012年4月在广州出现两次暴雨期间低空流场的主要特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)在暴雨发生前,动量由高空迅速下传,且不断增强,使得强风速不断下传,导致低空急流的建立及增强,从而使得上下层垂直风切变增大,正涡度环流加强,为暴雨的产生提供了很好的动力条件,当伴随有西南暖湿气流输送的水汽条件时,触发了暴雨的产生;(2)低空急流指数I值的脉动与强降水的发生有密切关系,在每次强降水发生前1~2 h I值都会迅速增大,强降水发生后I值迅速减小;(3)低层风场垂直切变增强以及出现极值的时间与急流下传及出现极值的时间具有较好的时间、空间对应关系,说明正是由于低空急流的下传、增强,导致了风场垂直切变的增强,且局部垂直风切变要比平均垂直风切变大得多。  相似文献   

The performance of the modulated-gradient subgrid-scale (SGS) model is investigated using large-eddy simulation (LES) of the neutral atmospheric boundary layer within the weather research and forecasting model. Since the model includes a finite-difference scheme for spatial derivatives, the discretization errors may affect the simulation results. We focus here on understanding the effects of finite-difference schemes on the momentum balance and the mean velocity distribution, and the requirement (or not) of the ad hoc canopy model. We find that, unlike the Smagorinsky and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) models, the calculated mean velocity and vertical shear using the modulated-gradient model, are in good agreement with Monin–Obukhov similarity theory, without the need for an extra near-wall canopy model. The structure of the near-wall turbulent eddies is better resolved using the modulated-gradient model in comparison with the classical Smagorinsky and TKE models, which are too dissipative and yield unrealistic smoothing of the smallest resolved scales. Moreover, the SGS fluxes obtained from the modulated-gradient model are much smaller near the wall in comparison with those obtained from the regular Smagorinsky and TKE models. The apparent inability of the LES model in reproducing the mean streamwise component of the momentum balance using the total (resolved plus SGS) stress near the surface is probably due to the effect of the discretization errors, which can be calculated a posteriori using the Taylor-series expansion of the resolved velocity field. Overall, we demonstrate that the modulated-gradient model is less dissipative and yields more accurate results in comparison with the classical Smagorinsky model, with similar computational costs.  相似文献   

模式探空的评估分析及其在强对流天气预报中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析华南地区强对流天气高发季节(4~5月)的模式探空与实际观测的比较结果.从模式探空的直接评估分析中发现,地面和较高层次的预报要素误差比较大,而中间层次误差比较小,在比较多个观测站和实时预报误差分析的基础上初步探讨其可能的原因.在不稳定度指数评估分析中发现,仅考虑中间层次要素的不稳定度指数性能比较稳定,而考虑地面要素的一些不稳定度指数则有可能比较敏感,在用地面观测订正后其质量有很大的提高.在强对流天气个例的应用研究中,认为逐时预报的模式探空有非常好的应用价值,以订正的对流有效位能指数为例进行了一些分析,表  相似文献   

A linear theory of airflow over low hills andthe MSFD–STAB model are comparedwith published observations made at Cooper'sRidge, north–west of Goulburn inNew South Wales, Australia. The MSFD–STABmodel results show good agreementwith field data in weak to moderate stablystratified flow cases. The originallinear theory overpredicts the wind speed-upratio even in weakly stablecases. After some modification, the agreementis greatly improved.  相似文献   

自动气象站监测运行能力可靠性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自动气象站运行能力的评估,其实质就是对自动气象站可靠性的评估,其目的在于指导自动气象站保障维护体系的建立和健全.借鉴大气透明度定义探讨自动气象站可靠性,解释产品可靠性指数分布的物理意义.根据模型统计分析在修改采集器设计、增加状态检测电路后自动气象站的运行能力(平均无故障时间),计算出实验考核指标.通过试验获得试验产品的平均无故障时间和置信度0.95下的最小无故障时间,并对将投入业务使用的双套站和三套站系统,在平均无故障时间和平均维修周期上做了相关讨论,为科学决策提供相关技术支持.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - We evaluate the efficacy of microphysics and planetary-boundary-layer (PBL) parametrizations of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for simulation of the...  相似文献   

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