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Multiscale mixed/mimetic methods on corner-point grids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiscale simulation is a promising approach to facilitate direct simulation of large and complex grid models for highly heterogeneous petroleum reservoirs. Unlike traditional simulation, approaches based on upscaling/downscaling, multiscale methods seek to solve the full flow problem by incorporating subscale heterogeneities into local discrete approximation spaces. We consider a multiscale formulation based on a hierarchical grid approach, where basis functions with subgrid resolution are computed numerically to correctly and accurately account for subscale variations from an underlying (fine-scale) geomodel when solving the global flow equations on a coarse grid. By using multiscale basis functions to discretise the global flow equations on a (moderately sized) coarse grid, one can retain the efficiency of an upscaling method and, at the same time, produce detailed and conservative velocity fields on the underlying fine grid. For pressure equations, the multiscale mixed finite-element method (MsMFEM) has been shown to be a particularly versatile approach. In this paper, we extend the method to corner-point grids, which is the industry standard for modelling complex reservoir geology. To implement MsMFEM, one needs a discretisation method for solving local flow problems on the underlying fine grids. In principle, any stable and conservative method can be used. Here, we use a mimetic discretisation, which is a generalisation of mixed finite elements that gives a discrete inner product, allows for polyhedral elements, and can (easily) be extended to curved grid faces. The coarse grid can, in principle, be any partition of the subgrid, where each coarse block is a connected collection of subgrid cells. However, we argue that, when generating coarse grids, one should follow certain simple guidelines to achieve improved accuracy. We discuss partitioning in both index space and physical space and suggest simple processing techniques. The versatility and accuracy of the new multiscale mixed methodology is demonstrated on two corner-point models: a small Y-shaped sector model and a complex model of a layered sedimentary bed. A variety of coarse grids, both violating and obeying the above mentioned guidelines, are employed. The MsMFEM solutions are compared with a reference solution obtained by direct simulation on the subgrid.  相似文献   

We propose a new single-phase local upscaling method that uses spatially varying multipoint transmissibility calculations. The method is demonstrated on two-dimensional Cartesian and adaptive Cartesian grids. For each cell face in the coarse upscaled grid, we create a local fine grid region surrounding the face on which we solve two generic local flow problems. The multipoint stencils used to calculate the fluxes across coarse grid cell faces involve the six neighboring pressure values. They are required to honor the two generic flow problems. The remaining degrees of freedom are used to maximize compactness and to ensure that the flux approximation is as close as possible to being two-point. The resulting multipoint flux approximations are spatially varying (a subset of the six neighbors is adaptively chosen) and reduce to two-point expressions in cases without full-tensor anisotropy. Numerical tests show that the method significantly improves upscaling accuracy as compared to commonly used local methods and also compares favorably with a local–global upscaling method.  相似文献   

Control-volume formulations for elliptic equations often use two-point flux stencils, even for skew grids. Any two-point flux stencil may be interpreted as a multipoint flux stencil. This yields a definition of the permeability (or conductivity) tensor. Formulas for calculating the permeability tensor, based on the user-specified quantities in the two-point flux stencil, are given. Numerical test examples demonstrate the validity of the derivation.   相似文献   

This paper extends the multipoint flux-approximation (MPFA) control-volume method to quadrilateral grids for which the adjacent cells do not necessarily share corners. Examples are grids with faults and locally refined grids. This paper gives a derivation of the method for such grids. The difference between two-point flux-approximation (TPFA) results and MPFA results for faults and local grid refinements is demonstrated for synthetic problems. Further, the results are compared with results from uniform fine-grid simulations. The effect of repeated fault patterns as well as anisotropy is investigated. Large errors may be found for the TPFA method for flow through a series of faults in an anisotropic medium. Finally, a comparison is done for a reservoir field application.  相似文献   

We present the latest enhancement of the nonlinear monotone finite volume method for the near-well regions. The original nonlinear method is applicable for diffusion, advection-diffusion, and multiphase flow model equations with full anisotropic discontinuous permeability tensors on conformal polyhedral meshes. The approximation of the diffusive flux uses the nonlinear two-point stencil which reduces to the conventional two-point flux approximation (TPFA) on cubic meshes but has much better accuracy for the general case of non-orthogonal grids and anisotropic media. The latest modification of the nonlinear method takes into account the nonlinear (e.g., logarithmic) singularity of the pressure in the near-well region and introduces a correction to improve accuracy of the pressure and the flux calculation. In this paper, we consider a linear version of the nonlinear method waiving its monotonicity for sake of better accuracy. The new method is generalized for anisotropic media, polyhedral grids and nontrivial cases such as slanted, partially perforated wells or wells shifted from the cell center. Numerical experiments show noticeable reduction of numerical errors compared to the original monotone nonlinear FV scheme with the conventional Peaceman well model or with the given analytical well rate.  相似文献   

Mimetic Finite Difference Methods for Diffusion Equations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews and extends the theory and application of mimetic finite difference methods for the solution of diffusion problems in strongly heterogeneous anisotropic materials. These difference operators satisfy the fundamental identities, conservation laws and theorems of vector and tensor calculus on nonorthogonal, nonsmooth, structured and unstructured computational grids. We provide explicit approximations for equations in two dimensions with discontinuous anisotropic diffusion tensors. We mention the similarities and differences between the new methods and mixed finite element or hybrid mixed finite element methods.  相似文献   

We present a new nonlinear monotone finite volume method for diffusion equation and its application to two-phase flow model. We consider full anisotropic discontinuous diffusion or permeability tensors on conformal polyhedral meshes. The approximation of the diffusive flux uses the nonlinear two-point stencil which provides the conventional seven-point stencil for the discrete diffusion operator on cubic meshes. We show that the quality of the discrete flux in a reservoir simulator has great effect on the front behavior and the water breakthrough time. We compare two two-point flux approximations (TPFA), the proposed nonlinear TPFA and the conventional linear TPFA, and multipoint flux approximation (MPFA). The new nonlinear scheme has a number of important advantages over the traditional linear discretizations. Compared to the linear TPFA, the nonlinear TPFA demonstrates low sensitivity to grid distortions and provides appropriate approximation in case of full anisotropic permeability tensor. For nonorthogonal grids or full anisotropic permeability tensors, the conventional linear TPFA provides no approximation, while the nonlinear flux is still first-order accurate. The computational work for the new method is higher than the one for the conventional TPFA, yet it is rather competitive. Compared to MPFA, the new scheme provides sparser algebraic systems and thus is less computational expensive. Moreover, it is monotone which means that the discrete solution preserves the nonnegativity of the differential solution.  相似文献   

Novel cell-centred finite-volume formulations are presented for incompressible and immiscible two-phase flow with both gravity and capillary pressure effects on structured and unstructured grids. The Darcy-flux is approximated by a control-volume distributed multipoint flux approximation (CVD-MPFA) coupled with a higher resolution approximation for convective transport. The CVD-MPFA method is used for Darcy-flux approximation involving pressure, gravity, and capillary pressure flux operators. Two IMPES formulations for coupling the pressure equation with fluid transport are presented. The first is based on the classical total velocity Vt fractional flow (Buckley Leverett) formulation, and the second is based on a more recent Va formulation. The CVD-MPFA method is employed for both Vt and Va formulations. The advantages of both coupled formulations are contrasted. The methods are tested on a range of structured and unstructured quadrilateral and triangular grids. The tests show that the resulting methods are found to be comparable for a number of classical cases, including channel flow problems. However, when gravity is present, flow regimes are identified where the Va formulation becomes locally unstable, in contrast to the total velocity formulation. The test cases also show the advantages of the higher resolution method compared to standard first-order single-point upstream weighting.  相似文献   

The trend toward unstructured grids in subsurface flow modeling has prompted interest in the issue of streamline or pathline tracing on unstructured grids. Streamline tracing on unstructured grids is problematic because a continuous velocity field is required for the calculation, while numerical solutions to the groundwater flow equations provide velocity in discretized form only. A method for calculating flow streamlines or pathlines from a finite-volume flow solution is presented. The method uses an unconstrained least squares method on interior cells and a constrained least squares method on boundary cells to approximate cell-centered velocities, which can then be continuously interpolated to any point in the domain of interest. Two-dimensional tests demonstrate that the method correctly reproduces uniform and corner-to-corner flow on fully unstructured grids. In three dimensions using regular hexahedral grids, the method agrees well with established semianalytical methods. Tests also demonstrate that the method produces physically realistic results on fully unstructured three-dimensional grids.  相似文献   

Multiscale methods can in many cases be viewed as special types of domain decomposition preconditioners. The localisation approximations introduced within the multiscale framework are dependent upon both the heterogeneity of the reservoir and the structure of the computational grid. While previous works on multiscale control volume methods have focused on heterogeneous elliptic problems on regular Cartesian grids, we have tested the multiscale control volume formulations on two-dimensional elliptic problems involving heterogeneous media and irregular grid structures. Our study shows that the tangential flow approximation commonly used within multiscale methods is not suited for problems involving rough grids. We present a more robust mass conservative domain decomposition preconditioner for simulating flow in heterogeneous porous media on general grids.  相似文献   

For the past 10 years or so, a number of so-called multiscale methods have been developed as an alternative approach to upscaling and to accelerate reservoir simulation. The key idea of all these methods is to construct a set of prolongation operators that map between unknowns associated with cells in a fine grid holding the petrophysical properties of the geological reservoir model and unknowns on a coarser grid used for dynamic simulation. The prolongation operators are computed numerically by solving localized flow problems, much in the same way as for flow-based upscaling methods, and can be used to construct a reduced coarse-scale system of flow equations that describe the macro-scale displacement driven by global forces. Unlike effective parameters, the multiscale basis functions have subscale resolution, which ensures that fine-scale heterogeneity is correctly accounted for in a systematic manner. Among all multiscale formulations discussed in the literature, the multiscale restriction-smoothed basis (MsRSB) method has proved to be particularly promising. This method has been implemented in a commercially available simulator and has three main advantages. First, the input grid and its coarse partition can have general polyhedral geometry and unstructured topology. Secondly, MsRSB is accurate and robust when used as an approximate solver and converges relatively fast when used as an iterative fine-scale solver. Finally, the method is formulated on top of a cell-centered, conservative, finite-volume method and is applicable to any flow model for which one can isolate a pressure equation. We discuss numerical challenges posed by contemporary geomodels and report a number of validation cases showing that the MsRSB method is an efficient, robust, and versatile method for simulating complex models of real reservoirs.  相似文献   

A sequential solution procedure is used to simulate compositional two-phase flow in porous media. We employ a multiphysics concept that adapts the numerical complexity locally according to the underlying processes to increase efficiency. The framework is supplemented by a local refinement of the simulation grid. To calculate the fluxes on such grids, we employ a combination of the standard two-point flux approximation and a multipoint flux approximation where the grid is refined. This is then used to simulate a large-scale example related to underground CO2 storage.  相似文献   

The increasing use of unstructured grids for reservoir modeling motivates the development of geostatistical techniques to populate them with properties such as facies proportions, porosity and permeability. Unstructured grids are often populated by upscaling high-resolution regular grid models, but the size of the regular grid becomes unreasonably large to ensure that there is sufficient resolution for small unstructured grid elements. The properties could be modeled directly on the unstructured grid, which leads to an irregular configuration of points in the three-dimensional reservoir volume. Current implementations of Gaussian simulation for geostatistics are for regular grids. This paper addresses important implementation details involved in adapting sequential Gaussian simulation to populate irregular point configurations including general storage and computation issues, generating random paths for improved long range variogram reproduction, and search strategies including the superblock search and the k-dimensional tree. An efficient algorithm for computing the variogram of very large irregular point sets is developed for model checking.  相似文献   

Locally conservative flux-continuous, full-tensor, discretization schemes are presented for general unstructured grids. The schemes are control-volume distributed, where flow variables and rock properties are assigned to the polygonal control-volumes derived from the primal grid. A relationship between these finite volume schemes and the mixed finite element method is established. An extension for unstructured grids is described that leads to a general symmetric positive definite discretization matrix for both quadrilateral and triangular grids. A novel flow based gridding approach for unstructured mesh generation is also proposed for heterogeneous reservoir domains. Results computed with the flux continuous schemes on unstructured flow-based grids demonstrate the advantages of the methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents a finite-volume method for hexahedral multiblock grids to calculate multiphase flow in geologically complex reservoirs. Accommodating complex geologic and geometric features in a reservoir model (e.g., faults) entails non-orthogonal and/or unstructured grids in place of conventional (globally structured) Cartesian grids. To obtain flexibility in gridding as well as efficient flow computation, we use hexahedral multiblock grids. These grids are locally structured, but globally unstructured. One major advantage of these grids over fully unstructured tetrahedral grids is that most numerical methods developed for structured grids can be directly used for dealing with the local problems. We present several challenging examples, generated via a commercially available tool, that demonstrate the capabilities of hexahedral multiblock gridding. Grid quality is discussed in terms of uniformity and orthogonality. The presence of non-orthogonal grid and full permeability tensors requires the use of multi-point discretization methods. A flux-continuous finite-difference (FCFD) scheme, previously developed for stratigraphic hexahedral grid with full-tensor permeability, is employed for numerical flow computation. We extend the FCFD scheme to handle exceptional configurations (i.e. three- or five-cell connections as opposed to the regular four), which result from employing multiblock gridding of certain complex objects. In order to perform flow simulation efficiently, we employ a two-level preconditioner for solving the linear equations that results from the wide stencil of the FCFD scheme. The individual block, composed of cells that form a structured grid, serves as the local level; the higher level operates on the global block configuration (i.e. unstructured component). The implementation uses an efficient data structure where each block is wrapped with a layer of neighboring cells. We also examine splitting techniques [14] for the linear systems associated with the wide stencils of our FCFD operator. We present three numerical examples that demonstrate the method: (1) a pinchout, (2) a faulted reservoir model with internal surfaces and (3) a real reservoir model with multiple faults and internal surfaces.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel approach for creating an efficient, general, and differentiable parameterization of large-scale non-Gaussian, non-stationary random fields (represented by multipoint geostatistics) that is capable of reproducing complex geological structures such as channels. Such parameterizations are appropriate for use with gradient-based algorithms applied to, for example, history-matching or uncertainty propagation. It is known that the standard Karhunen–Loeve (K–L) expansion, also called linear principal component analysis or PCA, can be used as a differentiable parameterization of input random fields defining the geological model. The standard K–L model is, however, limited in two respects. It requires an eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix of the random field, which is prohibitively expensive for large models. In addition, it preserves only the two-point statistics of a random field, which is insufficient for reproducing complex structures. In this work, kernel PCA is applied to address the limitations associated with the standard K–L expansion. Although widely used in machine learning applications, it does not appear to have found any application for geological model parameterization. With kernel PCA, an eigen-decomposition of a small matrix called the kernel matrix is performed instead of the full covariance matrix. The method is much more efficient than the standard K–L procedure. Through use of higher order polynomial kernels, which implicitly define a high-dimensionality feature space, kernel PCA further enables the preservation of high-order statistics of the random field, instead of just two-point statistics as in the K–L method. The kernel PCA eigen-decomposition proceeds using a set of realizations created by geostatistical simulation (honoring two-point or multipoint statistics) rather than the analytical covariance function. We demonstrate that kernel PCA is capable of generating differentiable parameterizations that reproduce the essential features of complex geological structures represented by multipoint geostatistics. The kernel PCA representation is then applied to history match a water flooding problem. This example demonstrates that kernel PCA can be used with gradient-based history matching to provide models that match production history while maintaining multipoint geostatistics consistent with the underlying training image.  相似文献   

Flow in a porous medium can be described by a set of non-linear partial differential equations. The pressure variable satisfies a maximum principle, which guarantees that the solution will have no oscillations. A discretisation of the pressure equation should preserve this monotonicity property. Whether a numerical method is monotone will depend both on the medium and on the grid. We study monotonicity of Multi-point Flux Approximation methods on triangular grids. We derive necessary conditions for monotonicity on uniform grids. Further, we study the robustness of the methods on rough grids, and quantify the violations of the maximum principle. These investigations are done for single phase flow, however, they are supported by two-phase simulations.  相似文献   

Streamline tracing on irregular grids requires reliable interpolation of velocity fields. We propose a new method for direct streamline tracing on polygon and polytope cells. While some numerical methods provide a basis function that can be used for interpolation, other methods provide only the fluxes at the faces of the elements. We introduce the concept of full- and raw-field methods. Full-field methods have built-in interpolation but are often not defined on general grids such as polygonal and polyhedral grids which we examine here. Also, reliability issues may arise on non-simplicial meshes in terms of not being able to reproduce constant velocity fields. We propose an interpolation in H(div) and H(curl) valid on general grids that is based on barycentric coordinates and that reproduces uniform flow. The interpolation can be used to compute the streamline directly on the complex cell geometry. The method generalizes to convex polytopes in 3D, with a restriction on the polytope topology near corners that is shown to be satisfied by several popular grid types. Numerical results confirm that the method is applicable to general grids and preserves uniform flow.  相似文献   

This article presents a new positivity-preserving finite-volume scheme with a nonlinear two-point flux approximation, which uses optimization techniques for the face stencil calculation. The gradient is reconstructed using harmonic averaging points with the constraint that the sum of the coefficients included in the face stencils must be positive. We compare the proposed scheme to a nonlinear two-point scheme available in literature and a few linear schemes. Using two test cases, taken from the FVCA6 benchmarks, the accuracy of the scheme is investigated. Furthermore, it is shown that the scheme is linearity-preserving on highly complex corner-point grids. Moreover, a two-phase flow problem on the Norne formation, a geological formation in the Norwegian Sea, is simulated. It is demonstrated that the proposed scheme is consistent in contrast to the linear Two-Point Flux Approximation scheme, which is industry standard for simulating subsurface flow on corner-point grids.  相似文献   

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