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草方格沙障尺寸分析的简单模型   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:30  
王振亭  郑晓静 《中国沙漠》2002,22(3):229-232
针对草方格沙障防护区域内流场的特点,提出一个单排理想涡列模型,用以模拟实际风沙流场。在此基础上,利用流体力学的分析方法,给出了与目前工程实际所建议的尺寸比较吻合的草方格沙障间距(或草方格边长)与出露草头高度的对应关系。  相似文献   

先以机械沙障固沙、再进行生物固沙,是常见的治沙模式。近年来传统材料沙障与新型材料沙障的固沙效果差异一直引人关注。用中子水分仪分别测定流沙、高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)蜂巢式沙障和半隐蔽草方格沙障内的土壤含水量,通过对比流沙和两种机械沙障铺设下的土壤含水量、土壤蓄水量对降雨的响应关系以及在植物不同生长时期下的不同土层土壤含水量变化,评价其固沙效果。结果表明:(1)两种机械沙障对土壤水分都有较好的蓄积效果,且HDPE蜂巢式沙障蓄水量高于草方格沙障(P < 0.001);(2)在较长的干旱时间里,草方格沙障的土壤蓄水量变化比新型HDPE蜂巢式沙障滞后;(3) HDPE蜂巢式沙障和草方格沙障都有较好的保水效果,但HDPE蜂巢式沙障因高度持久的优势,保水效果更高;(4) HDPE蜂巢式沙障60~110 cm土层的土壤含水量明显高于草方格沙障土壤含水量且固沙时间越长效果越明显,从铺设中期开始HDPE蜂巢式沙障60~110 cm土层土壤含水量为7%的情况连续出现,有时部分土层会出现土壤含水量在8%以上的情况;(5) HDPE蜂巢式沙障对植物个体生长的间接作用比草方格沙障大。  相似文献   

半隐蔽式草方格沙障凹曲面形成的流场解析及沉积表征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
周娜  张春来  田金鹭  亢力强 《地理研究》2014,33(11):2145-2156
利用野外风沙观测、沉积物粒度分析和等比例实体草方格风洞流场模拟,解析了草方格沙障内部凹曲面形成的风沙流场过程。草方格分别作为疏透沙障和地表粗糙元对贴地层和近地层风沙流具有不同的影响:床面蚀、积分布和方格中心凹曲面的形成发展,以及沉积物粒度变化,取决于草带之间的贴地层流场分布格局以及草带对风沙流中固体物质的截留;近地层风力普遍受到草方格粗糙元的削弱,促进了沙面稳定。高风速下输沙率垂向分布的“象鼻”结构,体现了草方格对促使风沙流结构变异、形成和维持草方格凹曲面的重要性。沙丘不同部位草方格沉积物粒度分布模式不同,显示沙丘部位也是影响草方格内部流场的一个因素,以迎风坡中部最有利于方格内凹曲面的形成。  相似文献   

通过甘南玛曲高海拔沙化草地实地铺设和实验室加速老化试验,探索在高原极端环境下透风率20%-49%聚乳酸(PLA)网格沙障的使用寿命和防沙效果.结果表明,PLA网格沙障不仅耐辐射、耐老化,且防沙效果好,可成为严酷气候环境下替代草方格的一种新型沙障.  相似文献   

世界各国在南极开展的科学考察活动中,大多数科考任务的开展均基于自动化设备。而针对机器人在南极难以长期续航工作以及机器人与其设备长期在低温下使用导致使用寿命缩短、敏感度下降的问题,提出一种可停泊南极机器人的小型新能源充电保温房。该设计包括上位机控制系统和以Arduino芯片为核心的主控制系统。本设计通过OpenMV摄像头识别机器人且能与Arduino通讯,同时在内部搭载温度控制系统和无线充电系统,从而保障机器人的长时间高效运行。经过仿真和实验测试,本设计能够在寒冷环境下保持合适的温度,同时能使用无线充电对机器人锂电池进行充电,解决了南极科考机器人的续航问题,实现了对南极科考机器人的充电工作和对其传感器设备的保温工作。  相似文献   

在科尔沁沙地的流动沙丘上采用不同的人工措施,即铺设秸秆栅栏沙障、草方格和栽植差不嘎蒿,对沙丘的固定作用进行了研究。结果表明三种措施都有利于增加沙丘植物的多样性和生物量,但栽植差不嘎蒿和草方格好于秸秆栅栏沙障;沙丘固定过程中,植物的演替顺序有沙蓬-差不嘎蒿-狗尾草-黄蒿的趋势;植物生物量的形成与土壤湿度关系密切,应用试验数据建立了生物量(Y)与土壤湿度(X)的回归关系方程。Y=-13.7x2+72.5x-11.42 R2=0.824。  相似文献   

沙坡头地区位于腾格里沙漠的东南缘。自1956年以来为防止铁路沙害采用草方格沙障和建立人工植被的方法固定流沙。而草方格沙障在铁路沙害防护体系中,是前期固定流沙的关键措施。延缓其腐烂过程,在生产实践中有着明显效益。 沙坡头为半荒漠地区,年降水量200毫米左右,主要集中于夏季,夏季最高温度约30 ℃,沙面可达60-70 ℃;日照时间长,风大,每年风期在100天以上,最大风速在20米/沙以上。草方格沙障使用的材料是当地的小麦秸秆。在流动沙丘上将麦草扎成方格沙障后,给沙土添加了有机物质,活化了沙土中的微生物。在微生物的作用下和自然界光、热、降水和风蚀等因素影响下,草方格沙障的防护年限一般为4年左右。在此期限以后,草方格沙障的地上裸露部分基本上分解殆尽。埋入沙土中的麦草7年左右也全部腐烂。因此研究土壤微生物对于麦草的分解矿化作用,对于阐明草方格沙障的腐烂规律是很有意义。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠公路中段两侧不同下垫面的小气候分析   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
王健  桑长青  何清 《中国沙漠》2003,23(5):577-580
塔里木沙漠公路位于塔里木盆地,纵贯塔克拉玛干大沙漠,集沙漠特征与温带大陆性气候于一体,不少地段曾因流沙较为严重,造成了工程施工的难度,通过对沙漠公路塔中段两侧不同下垫面进行小气候分析,比较其差异来说明自然沙面、草方格、低矮防护林带、沙石路面等的不同防沙能力。从几种防沙效果来看,沙石路面短期内有一定的压沙作用,但长期效果不好;草方格短期效果较好,但随着时间推移,防沙效果逐渐减弱;防护林带体系随着林带的逐渐长成,效果将会越来越好,属于生态型防沙,意义重大而且深远。  相似文献   

戈壁地区公路防沙措施防沙效应的风洞试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
 以穿越河西走廊西部戈壁荒漠的嘉峪关至安西一级公路为研究对象,基于风洞模拟试验,针对不同类型公路路基横断面和防护措施设计模型,采用粒子图像测速系统,研究模型的流场变化,进而探讨戈壁公路风沙危害形成机理及防沙措施。研究结果表明:①由于研究区内风沙活动以不饱和风沙流为主,携沙风对公路路基掏蚀、磨蚀严重,需要对路基边坡进行有效砌护;②为了在公路表面形成输沙通道,中央隔离带地表与行车路面应保持同一高度,隔离带采用空隙度大于30%的疏透型;③在公路两侧沙源丰富地段,公路边坡的坡角应小于40°,并且取消防洪沟,以防止沟内积沙;④在沙源丰富地区,公路两侧由外到内依次铺设草方格、覆盖砾石、设置积沙沟的防沙带,可以减少气流中的含沙量,阻止流沙上路,有效解决公路风沙危害问题。  相似文献   

基于输入文件定制的SWAT模型集成应用方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SWAT模型采用与特定的GIS软件集成的方式,可利用GIS软件辅助完成空间离散单元划分、数据组织及运行参数调整,使其难以有效地集成到不同应用的流域管理系统中.该文分析了SWAT模型运行的空间离散单元组织和输入文件结构,提出通用输入文件定制的模型集成方案.利用动态链接库技术在Visual Studio.NET环境下用C#语言开发了一套SWAT模型输入文件定制的类库和输入模型参数调整的功能模块,并通过实例进行了验证.该方法实现了将SWAT模型高效集成到不同的应用系统中而无需集成相关的GIS处理系统.  相似文献   

Alvarez 《Basin Research》1999,11(3):267-284
Anticlinal ridges of the actively deforming Umbria–Marche Apennines fold-thrust belt are transected by deep gorges, accommodating a drainage pattern which almost completely ignores the presence of pronounced anticlinal mountains. Because the region was below sea level until the folds began to form, simple antecedence cannot explain these transverse canyons. In addition, the fold belt is too young for there to have been a flat-lying cover from which the rivers could have been superposed.
In 1978, Mazzanti & Trevisan proposed an explanation for these gorges which deserves wider recognition. They suggested that the Apennine fold ridges emerged from the sea in sequence, with the erosional debris from each ridge piling up against the next incipient ridge to emerge, gradually extending the coastal plain seaward. The new coastal plain adjacent to each incipient anticline provided a flat surface on which a newly elongated river could cross the fold, positioning it to cut a gorge as the fold grew. Their mechanism is thus a combination of antecedence and superposition in which folds, overlying sedimentary cover and downstream elongations of the rivers all form at the same time.
A study of Apennine drainage, using the sequence of older-to-younger transected Apennine folds as a proxy for the historical evolution of drainage cutting through a single fold, shows that transverse drainage forms when sedimentation dominates at the advancing coastline. Longitudinal drainage forms when uplift dominates, the folds first emerge as offshore islands and the Mazzanti–Trevisan mechanism is suppressed.
Complicating factors include several departures from steady-state growth of the fold-thrust belt, a possible case of precursory submarine drainage, early emergence of anticlinal culminations and the location of several transverse canyons at the structurally highest point along anticlinal axes.  相似文献   

台风“麦德姆”后海岸横向沙丘年内形态变化的观测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于2014年第10号强台风“麦德姆”登陆前后一年内不同时间的福建平潭岛长江澳海岸横向沙丘形态高精度观测数据,分析了台风后典型海岸横向沙丘的年内形态变化过程及其特征。结果表明:(1)台风“麦德姆”造成海岸横向沙丘的体积减小、高度降低,其中体积减少了1.3%、丘顶高度最大降低1.43 m,且不同部位的变化程度亦非完全一致。(2)海岸横向沙丘形态在台风“麦德姆”后的一年内主要以体积增加、高度增大为特征,半年内海岸横向沙丘的体积与高度即已超过台风登陆前,丘顶高度最大月均升高0.39 m,沙丘迎风坡基本恢复到台风登陆前状态,背风坡以堆积为主且高度超过台风之前。(3)海岸横向沙丘的形态特征是由丰富的海滩沙源、强劲的常态向岸风、沙丘原形态及植被盖度等因素相互作用的结果,其中丰富的海滩沙源和强劲的常态向岸风是决定性因素,台风对海岸横向沙丘形态的影响应是暂时性的,较长时间尺度而言低频高能的台风对海岸横向沙丘形态的塑造作用相对有限。  相似文献   

Seismic waves in stratified anisotropic media   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary. The response of a structure composed of anisotropic strata can be built up from the reflection and transmission properties of individual interfaces using a slightly modified version of the recursion scheme of Kennett. This scheme is conveniently described in terms of scatterer operators and scatterer products. The effects of a free surface and the introduction of a simple point source at any depth can be accommodated in a manner directly analogous to the treatment for isotropic structures. As in the isotropic case the results so obtained are stable to arbitrary wavenumbers. For isotropic media, synthetic seismograms can be constructed by computing the structure response as a function of frequency and radial wavenumber, then performing the appropriate Fourier and Hankel transforms to obtain the wavefield in time-distance space. Such a scheme is convenient for any system with cylindrical symmétry (including transverse isotropy). Azimuthally anisotropic structures, however, do not display cylindrical symmétry; for these the transverse component of the wavenumber vector will, in general, be non-zero, with the result that phase, group, and energy velocities may all diverge. The problem is then much more conveniently addressed in Cartesian coordinates, with the frequency-wavenumber to time-distance transformation accomplished by 3-D Fourier transform.  相似文献   

Drainage networks link erosional landscapes and sedimentary basins in a source‐to‐sink system, controlling the spatial and temporal distribution of sediment flux at the outlets. Variations of accumulation rates in a sedimentary basin have been classically interpreted as changes in erosion rates driven by tectonics and/or climate. We studied the interactions between deformation, rainfall rate and the intrinsic dynamics of drainage basins in an experimental fold‐and‐thrust belt subjected to erosion and sedimentation under constant rainfall and shortening rates. The emergence of thrust sheets at the front of a prism may divert antecedent transverse channels (perpendicular to the structural grain) leading to the formation of longitudinal reaches, later uplifted and incorporated in the prism by the ongoing deformation. In the experiments, transverse incisions appear in the external slopes of the emerging thrust sheets. Headward erosion in these transverse channels results in divide migration and capture of the uplifted longitudinal channels located in the inner parts of the prism, leading to drainage network reorganization and modification of the sediment routing system. We show that the rate of drainage reorganization increases with the rainfall rate. It also increases in a nonlinear way with the rate of uplift. We explain this behaviour by an exponent > 1 on the slope variable in the framework of the stream power erosion model. Our results confirm the view that early longitudinal‐dominated networks are progressively replaced by transverse‐dominated rivers during mountain building. We show that drainage network dynamics modulate the distribution of sedimentary fluxes at the outlets of experimental wedges. We propose that under constant shortening and rainfall rates the drainage network reorganization can also modulate the composition and the spatial distribution of clastic fluxes in foreland basins.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation is known as an effective method for mechanical properties during frozen soil excavation. In order to reveal the development of cutting force, effective stress and cutting fragments in frozen silt during the cutting process, we introduce an explicit finite element program LS-DYNA to establish a two-dimensional numerical model of the frozen soil cut. We also use the Holmquist-Johnson-Cook(HJC) damage constitutive model for simulating the variation of soil mechanical properties according to the strong dependence between the cutting tool and frozen silt during the process with different cutting depths, angles and velocities. Meanwhile, a series of experimental results are acquired of frozen silt cutting to prove the application of the HJC model during simulation of cutting force variations. The result shows that the cutting force and fragment size are strongly influenced by cutting depths and cutting velocities increased, and the maximum effective stress at points where the tool contacts frozen soil during the cutting process. In addition, when the cutting angle is 52°, the cutting force is the smallest, and the cutting angle is optimum. Thus, the prediction of frozen soil mechanical properties on the cutting process by this model is conducive to selecting machinery equipment in the field.  相似文献   

横向沙丘气流平均速度变化规律的风洞模拟   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
在沙丘动力系统中,存在沙丘形态、气流、沙粒运移三者之间复杂的相互作用。通过风洞实验的方法,针对不同形态的6组横向沙丘模型,采用粒子图像测速系统,测量了模型沙丘周围气流水平速度和垂直速度的变化规律。实验结果表明,横向沙丘迎风坡水平气流存在1.28~1.89之间的加速率,垂直气流存在上扬趋势,这二者均有随沙丘迎风坡坡度增大而增大的趋势。在横向沙丘背风坡,由于气流的分离,水平气流速度减小并出现反向,其大小约为自由风速的17%;垂直气流速度存在下沉趋势,其最大沉速出现在气流重附点附近;背风坡气流速度的变化受沙丘迎风坡坡度影响较小,受自由风速的影响较大。沙丘对气流速度的改变在近地层较为显著,随着高度的增加地形影响逐渐减小。  相似文献   

森林择伐研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
山地森林采伐应注重经济效益与生态效益的有机结合已成为共识。择伐能充分发挥每棵树木生长潜力,最大限度利用林地生产力,增加林分组成和结构的多样性,提高森林的抗病能力,有利于营养物质的合理循环,减小森林的破碎化程度,提高森林的防护效能,形成和谐的景观。择伐由于符合森林的自然演替规律和自然作业法则,因而越来越受到森林生态学家、生物学家、林学家和森林采伐学家的高度重视。针对国内外森林择伐研究新进展及其存在的问题,进一步探索适合我国森林择伐的理论和作业技术,指出我国今后森林择伐研究的对策及前景。  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠地表沉积物粒度特征及区域差异   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
对巴丹吉林沙漠不同区域、不同类型沙丘、不同地貌部位的223个地表沉积物样品进行粒度分析表明,该沙漠的流动沙丘主要由细沙组成,其含量可达49.5%~66.1%;沙丘沙的平均粒径介于2.104~2.706 Φ之间,粗于塔克拉玛干沙漠和腾格里沙漠,与世界其他沙海中沙物质粒径相比处于中等粗细。粒径最细者为灌丛沙丘表面沙粒,最粗者为横向沙山迎风坡;分选度好至极好,均为正偏中等峰态。丘间地物质粗于沙丘沙,平均粒径为1.409 Φ,分选较好,正偏窄峰态。从频率曲线来看,沙丘沙为单峰,丘间地多为双峰或三峰。在典型横向沙山剖面上,自迎风坡坡脚至沙丘顶部平均粒径变细而分选性变好,最粗的沙粒出现在靠近迎风坡坡脚的丘间地,而最细和分选最好的沙粒出现在紧邻沙丘顶部的背风坡。尽管横向沙山与新月形沙丘和沙丘链的尺度不同,但二者同属横向沙丘系统,具有相似的沙丘动力机制,因而粒度参数之间关系的表现趋同。从区域上来看,在平行于主导风向的3条NW—SE向断面上,沙漠中北部高大沙山之间低矮“通道”上的沙粒平均粒径存在微弱的变细趋势,而高大沙山区则不存在明显的变化规律;在平行于雅布赖山的3条SW—NE向断面上,粒度参数沿断面方向无明显的变化规律,但断面越靠近雅布赖山平均粒径越粗。一般认为巴丹吉林沙漠是中国重要的沙尘源区之一,然而粒度分析结果表明,沙漠中北部几乎不含粉沙黏土(<0.0625 mm)组分,而东南部的横向沙山区含量则相对较高,这就需要进一步推断巴丹吉林沙漠具体的沙尘源区和沙尘释放过程。以上变化规律说明,除了物源和主导风向等宏观因素外,引起局地气流改变进而影响沙粒跃移过程的地形起伏、植被覆盖等微观因素也对沙粒分选过程起着重要的控制作用;宏观和微观因素共同作用,最终形成的粒度参数规律性在沙丘尺度上要好于区域尺度上。该粒度分析结果,对于分析巴丹吉林沙漠沙物质来源和形成演变过程、反演高大沙山形成机理、估算地表沙尘释放量等均具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

Summary. The propagation of surface waves in a laterally varying medium can be described by representing the wavetrain as a superposition of modal contributions for a reference structure. As the guided waves propagate through a heterogeneous zone the modal coefficients needed to describe the wavetrain vary with position, leading to interconversions between modes and reflection into backward travelling modes. The evolution of the modal terms may be described by a set of first-order differential equations which allow for coupling to both forward and backward travelling waves; the coefficients in these equations depend on the differences between the actual structure and the reference structure. This system is established using the orthogonality properties of the modal eigenfunctions and is valid for SH -waves, P - SV -waves and full anisotropy.
The reflected and transmitted wavefields for a region of heterogeneity can be related to the incident wave by introducing reflection and transmission matrices which connect the modal coefficients in these fields to those in the incident wavetrain. By considering a sequence of models with increasing width of heterogeneity we are able to derive a set of Ricatti equations for the reflection and transmission matrices which may be solved by initial value techniques. This avoids an awkward two-point boundary value problem for a large number of coupled equations. The method is demonstrated for 1 Hz Lg - and Sn -waves in a multilayered model for which there are 19 coupled modes.
The method is applicable to three-dimensional heterogeneity, and we are able to show that the interconversion between Love and Rayleigh waves, in the presence of gradients in seismic properties transverse to the propagation path, leads to a net rate of increase of the transverse components of the seismogram at the expense of the other components.  相似文献   

黄德全  董玉祥  哈斯  倪少春  马骏 《地理研究》2011,30(12):2229-2238
采用RTKGPS测量技术与方法,2006~2008年连续三年共9次对我国海岸沙丘主要分布区域之一的河北昌黎黄金海岸翡翠岛的一个典型海岸横向沙脊进行了三个横剖面的高精度观测。海岸横向沙脊高程、断面及其典型位置的观测结果表明,观测期间海岸横向沙脊脊顶和背风坡坡脚夏秋季东移、冬春季节西移,脊顶总体向西移动,年均最大移距1.8...  相似文献   

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