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武夷山地区是一个有色、贵金属、稀有、稀土矿床的重要找矿远景区。通过对该区地质背景、成矿地质条件、矿床富集规律的分析归纳,指出该区以政和-大埔深大断裂为界,其外带(沿海)中生代火山岩大面积出露,内带则常呈一些孤立的火山断陷盆地分布,矿床与火山-侵入岩浆热液作用有密切的成因联系,中生代不同的火山-次火山活动旋回,对该区成矿作用、成矿系列有重要控制作用。  相似文献   

基于GIS的北祁连铜钨金资源评价系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在北祁连铜钨金成矿区,已积累了大量的地质、物化探、遥感、矿产资料,利用GIS不仅可以管理以文字、数字为主的属性信息,而且可以管理以图形图像为主的空间信息,且能方便快速进行数据采集、存储、更新、查询检索、分析建模、显示输出等功能.建立北祁连铜钨金资源评价系统,对北祁连地学信息资料进行分析综合,建立北祁连铜钨金矿的空间分析模型并进行成矿预测,圈定铜钨金矿矿集区,将有助于进一步查明该区铜钨金等矿产的找矿潜力.  相似文献   

Based on the information of geology, geochemistry, geophysics and remote sensing, the GIS of multi-source information is used to evaluate Cu, W and Au mineral resources in Northern Qilian, China. As the GIS evaluation system works out in the thinking of geological prospecting, its functions include file management, graph edition, database maintenance, information inquiry and comprehensive spatial analysis as well as prospecting target prognosis. Accordingly, the GIS evaluation system can be used directly and conveniently for inquiry and analysis of visual graphs or images.  相似文献   

The Sotkavaara Intrusion is a small (2.5 × 1.5 km surface expression) mafic-ultramafic intrusion located in northern Finland, 25 km east-southeast of Rovaniemi. The intrusion was drilled by the Geological Survey of Finland between 2009 and 2012, when low-S, low-grade precious metal mineralisation (<1.1 ppm Pt + Pd + Au) was discovered. Emplaced into the 1.98 Ga eastern Peräpohja Schist Belt, Sotkavaara occurs a few tens of kilometres north of the 2.44 Ga the Penikat, Portimo and Koillismaa intrusions, which together host Europe’s most significant platinum-group element (PGE) mineralisation. The intrusion comprises a volumetrically subordinate Gabbro Unit and volumetrically dominant Pyroxenite Unit, within which layering is poorly-developed. The Pyroxenite Unit is composed predominantly of clinopyroxenite and contains a small number of laterally discontinuous wehrlite, olivine clinopyroxenite and low-Cr clinopyroxenite (<0.1 wt% Cr2O3) layers. Precious metal mineralisation is hosted by low-Cr clinopyroxenite layers and shows systematic Pt, Pd, Au and Cu offsets similar to those in the Munni Munni, Rincón del Tigre, Skaergaard and Great Dyke intrusions. Relative to these global examples, the Sotkavaara Intrusion represents an atypical occurrence, exhibiting poorly-developed modal layering in a small mafic-ultramafic intrusion, alongside moderately heavy δ 34S values (+1.3 to +9.6‰). Despite this, mineralisation can be broadly attributed to similar ore-forming processes, whereby in-situ fractional crystallisation is ultimately responsible for generating small volumes of sulphide melt. Although mineralisation is sub-economic, this occurrence indicates that northern Finland may be prospective for magmatic sulphide deposits in Svecofennian-age mafic-ultramafic intrusions. Globally, Sotkavaara highlights that well-developed modal layering and large magma chambers are not necessarily requirements for forming this type of mineralisation.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the possibility of ETAAS analysis, and a technique of this analysis, of salt rocks, their insoluble residues, and organic fractions from these rocks for Au, Pt, and Pd (concentrations from 10–7 to 10–2 ppm). Various techniques for the decomposition of the samples are discussed, and the paper presents information on the extent of Au, Pt, and Pd adsorption from chloride complexes when the POLYORGS-IV complex-forming adsorption agent is applied. The determined atomization parameters of the elements in a graphite furnace are reported. Precious metals are proved to be concentrated in the insoluble residues of the salt rocks and in the slimes (salt wastes) when the salt rocks are processed. The forms in which precious metals are contained in the salt-bearing rocks are determined.  相似文献   

Two sets of measurements of the solubility of Pt and Pd in bisulfide solutions have been carried out at low temperatures. The first involved the equilibration of Pt metal with bisulfide solutions at 25 °C and pH = 6–12 for periods up to five years. These experiments yielded Pt concentrations on the order of tens of g/L at sulfide concentrations as low as 0.001 molal under conditions too reducing to permit significant contributions from hydroxide complexes. The second set of experiments consisted of reacting PtS, PdS and Au with H2S-saturated solutions having pH values of 3–4 at 25°, 50° and 90 °C. These experiments showed that the solubilities of all three metals increased with temperature. The observed order of solubility was Au > Pt Pd. Solubilities ranged from 10 to 75 g/L Au, 4 to 20 g/L Pt and 0.5 to 10 g/L Pd. The data do not permit definitive identification of the Pt and Pd species present in either set of experiments, but do strongly suggest that the species present under acidic and basic conditions are different. The measured solubility of gold at 25° and 50 °C is consistent with that measured in previous studies.Although the measured Pt and Pd solubilities are not as high as those estimated by theoretical methods, it is nevertheless evident that bisulfide complexation can lead to the remobilization of Pt and Pd over a wide range of pH under reducing conditions at geologically reasonable sulfide concentrations, at low as well as high temperatures. Such conditions are characteristic of a wide variety of geological environments where Pt and Pd have been inferred to have been affected by hydrothermal transport. In these cases, bisulfide complexation is far more effective than chloride or hydroxide complexes in transporting the PGE. On leave from: Shenyang Laboratory of Rock and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, People's Republic of China  相似文献   

西藏铁格隆南超大型铜(金、银)矿床地质、蚀变与矿化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
铁格隆南是班公湖-怒江成矿带西段重要的斑岩-浅成低温热液铜(金、银)矿床,也是西藏地区首个铜资源量超过1000万吨的超大型铜(金、银)矿床,其蚀变与矿化结构的精细解剖,对完善区域成矿理论和指导找矿实践有重要的指导意义。文章基于详细的野外地质调查、钻孔编录和镜下鉴定,识别出铁格隆南矿床具有斑岩和浅成低温热液叠加成矿作用特征。其中,斑岩成矿作用主要位于矿床深部及外围,以细脉状、脉状、浸染状黄铁矿、黄铜矿、斑铜矿及少量辉钼矿等为主,蚀变为钾硅化、青磐岩化、黄铁绢英岩化,发育A、B、D型脉体。浅成低温热液成矿作用主要产于矿床中-浅部,叠加于斑岩成矿作用之上,以浸染状-脉状黄铁矿、硫砷铜矿、斑铜矿、铜蓝、蓝辉铜矿、斯硫铜矿、雅硫铜矿、久辉铜矿等Cu-S体系矿物为特征,蚀变为高级泥化,广泛发育N脉(即高岭石或明矾石-硫化物脉)。蚀变、矿化特征及脉体穿切关系揭示,矿床成岩成矿作用可细分为岩浆期(Ⅰ)、岩浆-热液期(Ⅱ)和表生期(Ⅲ)。成岩成矿年代学结果揭示,矿区内闪长玢岩侵位时代较早(123 Ma),代表岩浆活动上限;花岗闪长斑岩(122~120 Ma)是主要的含矿斑岩,与成矿作用关系最为密切;火山岩覆盖于地表,喷发时代较晚(111 Ma),代表成矿后岩浆活动的产物。钾硅化的黑云母和黄铁绢英岩化的绢云母40Ar-39Ar年龄分别(121.1±0.5) Ma、(120.8±0.9)Ma与斑岩成矿作用的辉钼矿Re-Os年龄((121.2±1.2) Ma)一致,而高级泥化的明矾石40Ar-39Ar年龄为(117.9±1.6)Ma与浅成低温热液矿化的黄铁矿Rb-Sr年龄((117.5±1.8)Ma)一致。所以,依据时空关系,铁格隆南超大型矿床成矿作用可细分为岩浆热液成矿作用(123~119 Ma)、浅成低温热液成矿作用(118~117 Ma)和火山岩覆盖保存(111~110 Ma)3个阶段。  相似文献   

The Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit, containing an indicated reserve of 206 Mt at 0.54% Cu and 0.80 g/t Au, is hosted by at least four hypabyssal monzonite-porphyry phases. In decreasing age, they are: (1) pink monzonite, (2) main monzonite, (3) intra-mineral monzonite, and (4) late-stage porphyry. High-grade ore is directly associated with the main and intra-mineral monzonite phases. All intrusive phases are cut by late-stage monzonite dykes that are barren. The monzonites have porphyritic textures with phenocrysts of plagioclase, alkali feldspar and amphibole as well as apatite and titanite microphenocrysts in a fine-grained feldspar-dominated groundmass. Mineralized samples are affected to varying degrees by potassic alteration, ranging from weak biotite-magnetite disseminations, through cross-cutting veinlets of hydrothermal orthoclase, to zones with pervasive orthoclase flooding. The high halogen contents of the Skouries intrusions are reflected in the high Cl and F concentrations of mica phases (up to 0.19 and 2.48 wt% respectively). The presence of magmatic magnetite in all intrusive phases implies high oxygen fugacities of the parental melts. All four monzonite phases have relatively evolved compositions, as reflected by their high SiO2, low MgO and low mg#, and variable but low contents of mantle-compatible elements such as V, Ni and Co. However, their mg# suggests increasing degrees of fractionation of the parental melts with decreasing age. Their high K2O (up to 5.8 wt%) and K2O/Na2O ratios (>1), as well as their high Ce/Yb and Th/Yb ratios (>34 and >21 respectively), which are believed to have been unaffected by alteration processes, are typical of alkaline rocks of the shoshonite association. Importantly, the Skouries intrusions are characterized by very high U and Th contents (up to 18.9 ppm and 62 ppm, respectively) that are consistent with accessory thorite and rare allanite in several samples. The high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7082) for the Skouries intrusions suggest crustal contamination during emplacement. The use of geochemical discrimination diagrams assigns the rocks to a continental arc setting in accord with the interpretation of previous workers.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the solubility of Pt and Pd sulfides and Au metal in aqueous bisulfide solutions was conducted at temperatures from 200° to 350 °C and at saturated vapor pressure. A 500-mL Bridgemantype pressure vessel constructed of titanium, and equipped with a motor-driven magnetic stirrer was employed. The pH and the oxidation state were buffered by the coexistence of H2S/HS/SO inf4 sup2– . The pH at temperature was calculated to be in the range 5.91–9.43, and S was 0.3–2.2 m. Under the experimental conditions, the measured solubility of gold is about two to three orders of magnitude greater than that of either platinum and palladium, and the measured solubility of platinum is, in general, approximately equal to that of palladium, in molal units. The solubilities are found to be in the range: platinum 4–800 ppb, palladium 1–400 ppb, and gold 2–300 ppm. The solubility data can be modeled adequately using the following reactions: Au+H2S+HH=Au(HS) 2 +1/2H2 (K14); PtS+HS+H+=Pt (HS) 2 0 (K15); PdS+HS+H+=Pd (HS) 2 0 (K16); PtS2+H2=Pt (HS) 2 0 (K21).With equilibrium constants determined as follows (errors represent two standard deviations): Preliminary measurements of the solubilities of metallic Pt, Pd and Au as hydroxide complexes were also conducted using a second titanium pressure vessel, at temperatures of 200° to 350 °C and vapor saturation pressure, with pH and the oxidation state controlled or buffered by adding known amounts of NaOH and H2 gas. The concentration of NaOH was in the range 0.01–1.3 m, and the partial pressure of H2 at 200 °C was 62–275 bars, initially. Under the temperature and pressure conditions of these experiments, the solubility of platinum in 1 m NaOH solution is less than 100 ppb, that of palladium is less than 10 ppb and that of gold is less than 0.2 ppm; and in 0.01 m NaOH solutions, both Pt and Pd solubilities are less than 1 ppb. These data indicate that the contributions of hydroxide complexes to the total solubilities in the bisulfide runs, where the pH was in the range of 5.9–9.4, are negligible. The concentrations of both Pt and Pd as bisulfide complexes in the Salton Sea geothermal system predicted using the stability constants determined in this work agree very well with those values measured by McKibben et al. (1990). This calculation strongly suggests that the PGE are transported in moderately reducing, near neutral hydrothermal fluids as bisulfide complexes, as is gold. However, the much lower maximum solubility of the PGE relative to gold severely constrains models of re genesis, and may explain the relative rarity of hydrothermal PGE deposits compared to the relative abundance of hydrothermal Au deposits.  相似文献   

黑色岩型铂族矿物中铂钯金相态ICP-MS分析方法研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
黑色岩是近年发现的铂族元素重要载体,由于其金属来源的多样性及成矿作用的复杂性,对于铂族元素在该类矿物中的分布及富集形式目前并不十分清楚,这也是造成黑色岩中铂族元素测定不稳定的主要原因。本文根据黑色岩的矿物性质及组成,将黑色岩中Pt、Pd、Au的赋存状态划分为:可交换相、有机结合相、硫化物结合相、残渣相。通过应用硫氰酸钾+氰化钠作为解吸剂,有效抑制了黑色岩中有机碳对各相态中Pt、Pd、Au的吸附,采用分离富集ICP-MS法测定了Pt、Pd、Au在各相态中的分布。结果表明:(1)各元素各相态的提取总量与该元素在样品中的总量之比分别为Pt 94.4%~101.0%,Pd 95.8%~101.0%,Au 96.7%~102.0%,说明本方法具有较好的准确性和重现性;(2)黑色岩矿物中Pt、Pd、Au的富集不仅具备亲硫性,而且与有机碳形成的地质条件、地质背景有明显的相关性,此结果为研究黑色岩中铂族元素所处的地球化学环境及其成矿规律提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

金铜在气相中的迁移实验及矿石的成因   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
文章报道了金属在高温高压气相的迁移实验研究,并阐明气相中迁移金属的成矿作用。实验是使含金属的流体在高温、高压的超临界态条件下通过相分离装置,在减低温度压力下实现气液相分离过程,收集气液相分离物,研究金属在气、液两相里的再分配。含金属(如金、铜)的NaHCO3-HCl-H2O流体在250~300℃的相分离过程实验结果表明:金属可以分布到气相里。根据金铜流体的实验结果,结合矿床调查,推测金属可以在地球深部以气体形式迁移。含金属的CO2-HCl-NaCl流体(气相)可以携带金属(金、铜),从岩石圈深部运输到地壳,甚至地表。金铜矿床矿石的形成过程中气体迁移金属起着重要作用。  相似文献   

To improve the usefulness and accuracy of modeling Earth's anthrobiogeochemical metal cycles, global maps at approximately 1° × 1° are produced of the concentrations and masses of Fe, Al, Cu, and Zn contained in continental sediments and soils. The maps generated utilize inverse distance weighting (IDW) and cokriging to generate new estimates for geospatially weighted mean global concentrations for these metallic micronutrients. Sediment metal concentration maps are generated from IDW of sediment samples; global soil maps are produced via cokriging upon an underlying parent rock dataset composed of both surface bedrock and sediment samples. Derived are independent estimates for the global mean concentrations in continental sediments (Fe = 3.1 wt.%, Al = 6.1 wt.%, Cu = 45 μg/g, Zn = 86 μg/g) and soils (Fe = 2.5 wt.%, Al = 3.9 wt.%, Cu = 17 μg/g, Zn = 50 μg/g). While continental sediment concentrations for Cu are within the range of previous estimates, Zn concentrations are relatively higher, ~ 20 μg/g above previous estimates. Fe and Al are slightly depleted (~ 1 wt.%) in continental sediments relative to previous estimates, likely ascribable to sampling bias and error inherent in the comparative methodologies. Besides an estimated global mean, metal concentrations in soils are also broken down by FAO soil group. Metal masses in sediments and soils remain within 30% of previous, non-spatial estimates. These maps also illustrate the discernable spatial variability across the Earth's surface. Despite data gaps, maps of metal mass show regional patterns such as the high quantities of Al in the soils and biomass of the Amazonia and Congo regions. Concentrations of metals are relatively high in the anthrosols of China. Finally, this analysis highlights those areas for which generating and providing publically available geochemical data should be prioritized. For instance, gypsisols, lixisols, and nitisols have little to no analytical data available on metal contents. A sensitivity analysis suggests that the most poorly constrained soil metal concentrations occur in the thick, old tropical soils of central Africa and the anthrosols of eastern China.  相似文献   

Tang  Yong  Zhang  Hui 《中国地球化学学报》2015,34(2):194-200
Acta Geochimica - The partition coefficients of W, Nb, and Ta between the P-rich peraluminous granitic melt and the coexisting aqueous fluid were determined at 800–850&nbsp;°C and...  相似文献   

中亚造山带中斑岩铜钼矿的Re,Pt,Pd和Au含量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Precious metal(Pt,Pd and Au)and Re contents in rocks,ores and flotation concentrates of Siberian(Russia)andMongolian porphyry Cu-Mo and Mo-Cu deposits were studied.The following deposits are discussed:Early Devonian porphyry Mo-CuSora deposit(Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains,Russia)and porphyry Cu-Mo Aksug deposit,(northeastern Tuva,Russia);Triassicporphyry Cu-Mo Erdenetiin Ovoo deposit(northern Mongolia).The samples analyzed include unaltered host rocks of plutons,porphyryrocks of ore-bearing series,different types of altered rocks,mineral separate analyses of molybdenite,chalcopyrite and magnetite,aswell as flotation concentrates.Pt,Pd,Au and Re contents were determined using ICP/MS,AAS and inversion voltammetric analysis.PGE abundances in rocks and poorly mineralized samples span a large range from below detection limit to 65 ppb Pt and 74 ppbPd.Re concentrations in whole rock samples range from below detection limit to 89 ppb.Molybdenite has been shown to be the majorhost phase for Re.The results presented show that Aksug deposit reveals elevated PGE and Au contents in ore minerals and flotationconcentrates.High Pd contents in ores of the Aksug deposit are in accordance with the presence of palladium mineralization in the formof palladium telluride merenskyite(Pd,Pt)Te_2.The variety of precious metals and Re contents in the studied deposits could be caused by a complex interplay of several factors,including importance of primary metal concentrations derived from the source,transport of metals to the deposition area,physicochemical properties of the fluid(fo_2,pH,fs,T,P),and depositional conditions.Higher Re contents in molybdenite andchalcopyrite separates are typical for copper-rich Aksug and Erdenetiin Ovoo deposits.Rhenium concentration in sulfides frommolybdenum-rich Sora deposit is significantly lower.Highly oxidized,Cl-rich fluid style at Aksug and Erdenetiin Ovoo was favorable forhigh rhenium solubility and transport to depositional area.The occurrence of significant precious metals contents at Aksug were likelydue to:1)PGE and Au enriched source,2)favorable fluid style(high fo_2,high Cl-activity),promoting high solubility andtransportation of precious metals in ore-forming fluid as chloride complexes;3)moderately reducing depositional conditions from PGE-bearing solutions containing As and Te,facilitating PGM deposition.As for the porphyry systems at the Sora and Erdenetiin Ovoodeposits,they were probably devoid of precursors favorable for the enrichment in PGE and Au or the role of such precursors wasinsignificant.  相似文献   

廖家坪地区花岗斑岩地质特征及其与钨锑金成矿的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗纲元 《湖南地质》1994,13(1):7-10
廖家坪地区分布有较多的花岗班岩脉。它们受断裂构造控制,可分为北北东向和东西向两组,且前组岩脉形成时间早于后组岩脉。两组岩脉的地质特征、岩石化学特征及主要成矿元素等方面均有较大差别。北北东向组岩脉中W、Sb、Au含量普遍高于东西向组岩脉一至二个数量级,与区内钨、锑、金的成矿关系密切。  相似文献   

对利用铜试金预富集后辉光放电质谱法(GDMS)测定贵金属矿样中痕量Pt、Pd、Ir、Au的方法进行了探索性研究。着重考察了铜试金条件的选择和辉光放电电极的匹配、质谱的测定条件和测定方法等。分析结果表明,痕量(μg级)贵金属元素Pt的含量在1.99~15.0μg,回收率为92.0%~111.9%;Pd的含量在3.15~29.78μg,回收率为88.4%~113.3%;Ir的含量在0.12~0.60μg,回收率为68.3%~100.0%;Au的含量在10.43~24.08μg,回收率为98.9%~127.0%。方法可应用于矿石、矿物及其他物料中痕量贵金属的分析。  相似文献   

黄金标准样品的X—射线荧光光谱定量分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
罗立强  安庆骧 《岩矿测试》1993,12(3):234-237
应用化学计量学-X-射线光谱分析软件包CMXRS V2.1,在基本参数法进行基体效应校正的基础上,选择合适的样条函数,并采用微孔面罩及石蜡衬底等实验技术,测定了29个黄金标准样品中的Au、Ag、Cu和Zn。结果证明,方法可行。Au含量在99%以上的样品,Au的分析误差不超过0.14%,Au含量小于99%的样品,Au的分析误差不超过0.25%。  相似文献   

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