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ABSTRACT. We illustrate here spectacular meltwater features associated with outburst floods beneath an ice sheet that overrode the Transantarctic Mountains in southern Victoria Land. Because of long-term hyperarid polar climate, these features are part of an ancient landscape preserved for about 14 million years. Some channels are associated with areal scouring of basement rocks extending from sea level to as much as 1200–2100 m elevation in coastal regions. Scablands with scallops, potholes and plunge pools are cut in Beacon Super group sandstones and Ferrar Dolerite and cover wide areas of high western plateaus near the mountain crest. Subglacial channel systems commonly originate near divides and converge downhill toward the northeast. We argue that the landforms were created beneath a major Antarctic Ice Sheet that submerged the whole area, with the possible exception of the high peaks of the Royal Society Range, as it flowed northeastward toward the outer Antarctic continental shelf. Areal scouring, associated with warm-based regimes, is restricted to the lower slopes close to the coast. In the higher terra in, meltwater channels and scabland alongside preserved patches of regolith are best explained by the breaching of cold-based ice on the mountain rim by subglacial melt water outbursts. Melt from warm-based ice, along with subglacial lakes trapped upstream of the mountain rim, are possible sources of the meltwater necessary to form the channel systems and scablands.  相似文献   

Present sea-floor bathymetry indicates that the continental-shelf and shelf-break morphology have some unique and predictable characteristics in areas with and without high sediment supply. Using a global bathymetry dataset in open shelf areas in front of rivers that discharge over 25 × 106 tons of sediment per year, five distinct accretionary types of shelf-break are distinguished based on along-shelf gradient variability and inferred shelf-break trajectory. Morphological characteristics of river-mouth shelves (compared with adjacent areas lateral to the immediate fairway of the river) are: (1) an overall lower gradient and greater width, and (2) a relatively high slope gradient/shelf gradient ratio. The exceptions are shelves with active shelf-edge deltas; these are narrower, steeper and have an attenuated shelf break in front of rivers. These observations are at seismic scale and have direct implications for the recognition and positioning of principal cross-shelf, supply fairways on ancient shelves or shelf margins, and therefore the potential by-pass routes for deepwater sands. Higher slope/shelf gradient ratios in areas of actively accreting margins, where the shelf-break is more prominent and easier to recognize on seismic data compared with adjacent areas, predict areas with high sediment supply. Along-strike morphological changes on supply-dominated shelves suggest that identification of the sediment-feed route and depocenter relative to the shelf break during a relative sea level cycle are critical for understanding/predicting the 3-D architecture of the shelf-slope-basin floor clinoform.  相似文献   

新疆托什干河1995年5月9日零点到2点,发生了50年一遇的特大洪水,对该河春季洪水进行了频率计算,查得此次特大洪水为180年一遇的春洪,这次特大洪水是典型的融雪洪流,在新疆河流春洪中具有代表性。  相似文献   

史久新 《极地研究》2018,30(3):287-302
本文介绍了近期南极冰架-海洋相互作用的研究进展。冰架底部融化速率大于前缘崩解通量,成为南极冰盖质量损失的首要途径。冰架下的海洋按照底部融化驱动因素的不同,可以分为由高密度陆架水驱动的冷冰腔和由变性绕极深层水驱动的暖冰腔。威德尔海的菲尔希纳-龙尼冰架和罗斯海的罗斯冰架属于冷冰腔,占南极冰架总面积的2/3,却只贡献了15%的净融化;东南太平洋扇区阿蒙森海和别林斯高晋海等若干属于暖冰腔的小型冰架,虽然只占南极冰架总面积的8%,却贡献了超过一半的冰架融水。以往看做冷冰腔的东南极托滕冰架和埃默里冰架,也相继发现有变性绕极深层水进入冰腔并造成底部融化。冰架对海洋有冷却和淡化的作用。冷冰腔输出的冰架水具有海洋中最低的温度,对南极陆架水性质乃至南极底层水的形成都有影响。冰架融化加剧,可能是近期观测到的南极底层水淡化的原因。  相似文献   

北极陆架沉积碳埋藏及其在全球碳循环中的作用   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
陆架边缘海有机碳的堆积速率比大洋高一个数量级 ,全球大约有 80 %以上的沉积有机碳埋藏于陆架地区。北极陆架是世界上最大的陆架 ,占全球陆架面积的 1 / 4 ,然而由于相关的工作较少 ,目前对北极沉积有机碳埋藏情况及其对全球的贡献还知之甚少。北极地区沉积有机碳埋藏主要取决于生物泵 ,而生物泵过程一个主要的限制因子是海冰的覆盖。近几十年来随着全球变暖 ,北极海冰覆盖面积正在快速减小。本文从北极沉积有机碳的来源、河流携带的沉积物输入、海冰覆盖率、营养盐来源等方面初步讨论了陆源输入和生物泵过程对沉积碳来源和埋藏时空变化的影响。结合两次北极考察的初步结果指出 ,全球变暖很可能使北极陆架边缘海成为沉积有机碳的高效汇区。  相似文献   

Glacial Lake Agassiz, the largest of the North American glacial lakes, discharged through several different outlets during its history, although the timing and location of discharge remain controversial. However, one discharge event is well established based on extensive onshore observations: drainage through the Nipigon Lake area into the Superior basin about 10,700 years ago, following retreat of ice of the Marquette advance from the basin. High-resolution, single-channel seismic-reflection data collected with a small airgun were acquired to test the hypothesis that the Post-Marquette drainage event left diagnostic stratigraphic and geomorphic signatures beneath Lake Superior. The unique bathymetry of northwestern Lake Superior, where water depth plunges off Nipigon and Black Bays, makes this location ideal for the characterization of the post-Marquette depositional and erosional features. According to our hypothesis, the initial, sudden discharge of high-velocity water would have eroded channels through the bays. The steep and sudden drop-off into the Superior basin would have caused the flow to slow and drop much of the sediment it was carrying. Our results confirm the existence of both erosional features and depositional sediment packages related to Lake Agassiz discharge at this time. The erosional features include deeply incised bedrock channels in the bays. The depositional features comprise subaqueous fans that are thickest in the deep water areas adjacent to the outlets and thin lakeward and laterally away from the channels. The seismic character of the basal units of the fans, proximal to the channels, is chaotic and only very weakly stratified, suggesting that these deposits represent coarse sediment laid down during the initial, high-energy stages of the flood. These sediments are overlain by a stratified package which is interpreted as the fine grained sediment associated with the later, low-energy stages of the flood. The combination of channels and subaqueous fans is inferred to be diagnostic of high-energy Lake Agassiz discharge into the Superior basin, and they serve as analogs for hypothesized discharge at other times.  相似文献   

The Lamar River watershed of northeastern Yellowstone contains some of the most diverse and important habitat in the national park. Broad glacial valley floors feature grassland winter range for ungulates, riparian vegetation that provides food and cover for a variety of species, and alluvial channels that are requisite habitat for native fish. Rapid Neogene uplift and Quaternary climatic change have created a dynamic modern environment in which catastrophic processes exert a major influence on riverine–riparian ecosystems. Uplift and glacial erosion have generated high local relief and extensive cliffs of friable volcaniclastic bedrock. As a result, steep tributary basins produce voluminous runoff and sediment during intense precipitation and rapid snowmelt. Recent major floods on trunk streams deposited extensive overbank gravels that replaced loamy soils on flood plains and allowed conifers to colonize valley-floor meadows. Tree-ring dating identifies major floods in 1918, ca. 1873, and possibly ca. 1790. In 1996 and 1997, discharge during snowmelt runoff on Soda Butte Creek approached the 100-year flood estimated by regional techniques, with substantial local bank erosion and channel widening. Indirect estimates show that peak discharges in 1918 were approximately three times greater than in 1996, with similar duration and much greater flood plain impact. Nonetheless, 1918 peak discharge reconstructions fall well within the range of maximum recorded discharges in relation to basin area in the upper Yellowstone region. The 1873 and 1918 floods produced lasting impacts on the channel form and flood plain of Soda Butte Creek. Channels may still be locally enlarged from flood erosion, and net downcutting has occurred in some reaches, leaving the pre-1790 flood plain abandoned as a terrace. Gravelly overbank deposits raise flood-plain surfaces above levels of frequent inundation and are well drained, therefore flood-plain soils are drier. Noncohesive gravels also reduce bank stability and may have persistent effects on channel form. Overall, floods are part of a suite of catastrophic geomorphic processes that exert a very strong influence on landscape patterns and valley-floor ecosystems in northeastern Yellowstone.  相似文献   

The ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula are highly sensitive to variations of temperature and have therefore served as indicators of global warming. In this study, we estimate the velocities of the ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula using co-registration of optically sensed images and correlation module (COSI-Corr) in the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images during 2000-2012, from which we conclude that the ice ?ow directions generally match the peninsulas pattern and the crevasse, ice flows mainly eastward into the Weddell Sea. The spatial pattern of velocity field exhibits an increasing trend from the western grounding line to the maximum at the middle part of the ice shelf front on Larsen C with a velocity of approximately 700 ma-1, and the velocity field shows relatively higher values in its southerly neighboring ice shelf (e.g. Smith Inlet). Additionally, ice ?ows are relatively quicker in the outer part of the ice shelf than in the inner parts. Temporal changes in surface velocities show a continuous increase from 2000 to 2012. It is worth noting that, the acceleration rate during 2000-2009 is relatively higher than that during 2009-2012, while the ice movement on the southern Larsen C and Smith Inlet shows a deceleration from 2009 to 2012.  相似文献   

A large number of rivers in Tuscany have channel planforms, which are neither straight nor what is usually understood as meandering. In the typical case, they consist of an almost straight, slightly incised main channel fringed with large lateral bars and lunate-shaped embayments eroded into the former flood plain. In the past, these rivers have not been recognised as an individual category and have often been considered to be either braided or meandering. It is suggested here that this type of river planform be termed pseudomeandering.A typical pseudomeandering river (the Cecina River) is described and analysed to investigate the main factors responsible for producing this channel pattern. A study reach (100×300 m) was surveyed in detail and related to data on discharge, channel changes after floods and grain-size distribution of bed sediments. During 18 months of topographic monitoring, the inner lateral bar in the study reach expanded and migrated towards the concave outer bank which, concurrently, retreated by as much as 25 m. A sediment balance was constructed to analyse bar growth and bank retreat in relation to sediment supply and channel morphology. The conditions necessary to maintain the pseudomeandering morphology of these rivers by preventing them from developing a meandering planform, are discussed and interpreted as a combination of a few main factors such as the flashy character of floods, sediment supply (influenced by both natural processes and human impact), the morphological effects of discharges with contrasting return intervals and the short duration of flood events. Finally, the channel response to floods with variable sediment transport capacity (represented by bed shear stress) is analysed using a simple model. It is demonstrated that bend migration is associated with moderate floods while major floods are responsible for the development of chute channels, which act to suppress bend growth and maintain the low sinuosity configuration of the river.  相似文献   

In volcanic areas of Idaho, Oregon and Montana, a number of perennial streams emerge from single springs or zones of springs. Surface drainage areas to these springs can be very small, often much smaller than the recharge area of the springs. Channels downstream of springs are often straight, or if sinuous, without regularity to the pattern. Bars are absent or poorly defined, but islands or downed timber are common in the channel. Channel width-to-depth ratios are large relative to those of runoff-dominated channels. Downstream hydraulic geometry exponents are similar, but the exponents for width and velocity are greater in spring-dominated channels. Manning roughness values are relatively large. The bedsurface in gravel-bed spring-dominated streams is armored. Computations indicate that bed material is probably capable of moving at bankfull stage.The hydrograph of spring-dominated streams is damped as compared to runoff-dominated streams locally and elsewhere. Peak flows occur months after precipitation or snowmelt. Mean annual flow for spring-dominated streams averages 72% of the flood with a recurrence interval of 2 years; the mean annual flow for runoff-dominated channels averages 18% locally and 25% elsewhere. The 50-year flood averages 1.6 times the 2-year flood on the annual series while the corresponding value for runoff-dominated channels in the region is 2.5. The damped hydrograph of spring-dominated streams suggests that they are somewhat different from runoff-dominated channels in the relationship between water and sediment. In spring-dominated channels, 34% of sediment is transported by flows above the 2-year flood—less than is observed typically in runoff-dominated channels. The effective discharge is similar in magnitude to the 2-year flood.  相似文献   

Extreme flood events are considered by many researchers to be very important in controlling the development of semi‐arid bedrock‐influenced river systems. Accurate gauging of such events is often impossible, however, as gauges are drowned and often damaged during the event. A methodology for estimating flood discharge for bedrock‐influenced channels is presented that reconstructs hydrometric characteristics of the peak flow and relates these to the roughness character of the river channel in question. The method is evaluated using peak water‐surface slope data relating to the extreme floods of February 2000 along the Sabie and Letaba rivers, located respectively in the Mpumalanga and Northern Provinces, South Africa. The data, in the form of strandline measurements, were taken at hydraulically relevant points along the long profile of both rivers. The resultant data are utilised together with published high flow channel resistance figures, based on the channel morphology of the Sabie and Letaba rivers, to generate peak flow estimates for a number of locations along both rivers. Comparisons are made between the frictional discharge peak flow estimates, velocity‐area and hydrologic estimates of peak flow. These comparisons indicate that the method can produce discharge estimates with an accuracy of ±10% and ± 35% respectively.  相似文献   

The siliciclastic topset of a continental margin, or a shelf-margin prism in subsiding nonplate-margin deepwater basins, is the flat-lying upper part of the margin succession; it is coeval basinwards with deepwater slope clinoforms. Topsets develop by the aggradation of repeated, cross-shelf, shoreline regressions and transgressions, thereby hosting the shelf portion of stacked, fourth-order stratigraphic sequences. Sediment spreading downdip and along strike during the cross-shelf transit of the sediment delivery system, as well as process regime changes of deltas and shorefaces (regressive) and of estuaries, barrier–lagoon systems and shelf ridges (transgressive) are highly variable over short distances, so that correlation within a single stratigraphic sequence is far more difficult than correlation of the cross-shelf maximum flooding surface boundaries. Thickness of individual regressive–transgressive, fourth-order sequences is given by shelf accommodation, typically <10 m in embayment or on the inner shelf and up to 200 m on outer shelf. Tectonic subsidence and compaction will enhance this thickness only if rates are very high compared to shelf-transit time. In very high subsidence rate settings, the transgressive tracts are well preserved and often thickly developed. Topset sequences in an Icehouse climate setting tend to have a high proportion and greater landward development of marine vs nonmarine deposits, compared to Greenhouse sequences, because of the importance of eustatic rise of sea level in the former. Previous numerical experiments show that even for very wide shelves and irrespective of Icehouse or Greenhouse conditions, deltas rarely take more than 10 s of ky to reach their shelf edge, suggesting that it is fourth-order (or higher) sequences that are the fundamental ones in sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   

Drumlins are enigmatic subglacial landforms that have been interpreted to form by a number of processes, including incremental accumulation of till, erosion of previously deposited sediment, catastrophic meltwater floods, and sediment deformation. However, relatively little is known about the controls on drumlin formation, such as spatially variable glacial processes or substrate characteristics, and how these controls may be identified from variations in drumlin morphology within a single drumlin field. This paper explores a computational method that allows identification of drumlins and extraction of their morphological characteristics from existing topographic digital data for a portion of the Peterborough drumlin field in Ontario, Canada. Spatial and non‐spatial analysis of the form and distribution of drumlins across the study area identifies drumlin characteristics such as size, elongation ratio, symmetry and long axis orientation and shows that drumlins are not randomly distributed across the region and their form characteristics have distinct regional trends. Kernel density analysis is used to identify the regional trends in drumlin characteristics. Factors that appear to influence the form and distribution of drumlins in the study area include sediment thickness, length of time beneath the ice, ice velocity and direction of ice movement. The distribution of particularly well developed asymmetric and elongate drumlins coincides with the location of a broad bedrock low and is interpreted to identify the former location of a fast‐flowing ice stream.  相似文献   

Since the rapid rate of global warming at the onset of the Bølling interstadial became evident, its cause has been under debate. It coincides closely in time with a strong global transgression called meltwater pulse 1a. One attempt at solution says that a meltwater pulse of Antarctic origin could cause an increase in North Atlantic Deep Water formation, and thus give rise to the Bølling interstadial. However, others have disputed that Antarctic meltwater would have that effect, and furthermore, the start of the Bølling interstadial is not even associated with an increase in North Atlantic Deep Water. A controversial hypothesis says that some Laurentian meltwater came from a jökulhlaup (sub-glacial outburst flood), but no study has yet shown unequivocally that sufficient amounts of water could be stored under the ice. Furthermore, according to all available data a melt-water pulse from the Laurentian ice would give rise to strong cooling, not warming. Nevertheless, meg-afloods appear instrumental in accumulating the Mississippi Fan, created entirely during the Quaternary period, and dramatic climate changes are characteristic of this period. This paper presents a hypothetical chain of events, building on the published literature and simple calculations, to investigate whether the order of magnitude is reasonable. The hypothesis is that a jökulhlaup from a Laurentian captured ice shelf flowed out through the Mississippi, boosted the Gulf Stream, reinvigorated the North Atlantic circulation, and as a result triggered the Bølling warm phase.  相似文献   

Field measurements of three-dimensional hydraulics in a step-pool channel   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We investigated the effects of morphologic position and discharge on flow structure in a steep (0.10 m/m) mountain channel by collecting three-dimensional measurements of time-averaged and turbulent velocity components with a SonTek FlowTracker Handheld ADV (acoustic Doppler velocimeter) on a 30-m reach of a step-pool channel in the Colorado Rockies. Velocity profiles were measured at morphologic positions characteristic of steep channels (above steps, step lips, base of steps, pools, cascades, runs), and at five different discharges. A marked three-dimensionality of flow structure was documented in East St. Louis Creek. Velocities in the streamwise component were the largest contributors to overall velocity vector magnitudes; cross-stream and vertical components contributed averages of 20% and 15%, respectively, to overall vector magnitudes. Turbulence intensities were especially multi-dimensional, however, with large contributions to turbulent kinetic energy from the vertical component of velocity. Analysis of variance indicated that discharge and morphologic position significantly affected mean streamwise velocities, with substantially higher velocities upstream from steps than in pools. Discharge and morphology effects on cross-stream and vertical velocity components, however, were not significant. Discharge and morphologic position also significantly affected turbulence intensities for all flow components, with the greatest turbulence intensities occurring in pools and at high discharges. These results illustrate the strong discharge-dependence of hydraulics in step-pool channels, where relative submergence of bedforms changes rapidly with discharge, and the substantial spatial variation in hydraulics created by step-pool sequences.  相似文献   

Devon Burr   《Geomorphology》2005,69(1-4):242-252
A unique clustering of layered streamlined forms in Athabasca Valles is hypothesized to reflect a significant hydraulic event. The forms, interpreted as sedimentary, are attributed to extensive sediment deposition during ponding and then streamlining of this sediment behind flow obstacles during ponded water outflow. These streamlined forms are analogous to those found in depositional basins and other loci of ponding in terrestrial catastrophic flood landscapes. These terrestrial streamlined forms can provide the best opportunity for reconstructing the history of the terrestrial flooding. Likewise, the streamlined forms in Athabasca Valles may provide the best opportunity to reconstruct the recent geologic history of this young Martian outflow channel.  相似文献   

The processes and deposits of deep‐water submarine channels are known to be influenced by a wide variety of controlling factors, both allocyclic and autocyclic. However, unlike their fluvial counterparts whose dynamics are well‐studied, the factors that control the long‐term behaviour of submarine channels, particularly on slopes undergoing active deformation, remain poorly understood. We combine seismic techniques with concepts from landscape dynamics to investigate quantitatively how the growth of gravitational‐collapse structures at or near the seabed in the Niger Delta have influenced the morphology of submarine channels along their length from the shelf edge to their deep‐water counterpart. From a three dimensional (3D), time‐migrated seismic‐reflection volume, which extends over 120 km from the shelf edge to the base of slope, we mapped the present‐day geomorphic expression of two submarine channels and active structures at the seabed, and created a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). A second geomorphic surface and DEM raster—interpreted to closer approximate the most recent active channel geometries—were created through removing the thickness of hemipelagic drape across the study area. The DEM rasters were used to extract the longitudinal profiles of channel systems with seabed expression, and we evaluate the evolution of channel widths, depths and slopes at fixed intervals downslope as the channels interact with growing structures. Results show that the channel long profiles have a relatively linear form with localized steepening associated with seabed structures. We demonstrate that channel morphologies and their constituent architectural elements are sensitive to active seafloor deformation, and we use the geomorphic data to infer a likely distribution of bed shear stresses and flow velocities from the shelf edge to deep water. Our results give new insights into the erosional dynamics of submarine channels, allow us to quantify the extent to which submarine channels can keep pace with growing structures, and help us to constrain the delivery and distribution of sediment to deep‐water settings.  相似文献   

古洪水水文学研究是全球变化研究领域的前沿科学。通过对近年来古洪水成果的整理发现,汉江上游郧县段4个沉积剖面——晏家棚(YJP) 、尚家河(SJH) 、归仙河口(GXHK) 和弥陀寺(MTS) 均记录有北宋时期(960~1 127 CE) 的古洪水事件。通过对4个沉积剖面所在河段的研究,根据实测的河槽断面数据、水文参数以及设计推求的古洪水流量过程,采用HEC–RAS模型模拟了北宋古洪水的演进过程及古洪水水面线。此外,采用2010年“7·18”洪水进行了模型的可靠性验证。结果表明:与调查的古洪水水位相比,4个沉积剖面处的模拟水位误差介于- 0.31%~0.34 %之间,说明这4个沉积剖面极有可能记录一次古洪水事件;洪峰在研究河段内演进历时约1.15 h且削减不足1%,这符合研究河段的洪水传播特性。该研究对于认识汉江上游特大洪水的演进规律具有重要的科学意义,为流域的洪水设计、洪水预测及防洪减灾提供一定的基础数据与科学支撑。  相似文献   

塔里木沙漠南缘安迪尔河水文特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
安迪尔河位于塔里木沙漠南缘,发源于昆仑山,上游河水沿河床大量入渗,中游为干河床,下游为泉水溢出补给型河流。安迪尔河缺乏水文资料,以临时水文站1998年实测水文资料为依据,对安迪尔河的水文特征进行分析,以便说明泉水型河流水文特征。分析了安迪尔河水位年内变化、冰期水位、畅流期水位、洪水期水位的变化特征;对安迪尔河水位流量关系进行了分析,建立了相应的水位流量关系方程式,并对冰期、畅流期的、洪水期逐日平均流量和流量特征进行了推求和分析,安迪尔河1998年泉水溢出量为0.5528亿m3。  相似文献   

Hydrographic and current measurements obtained during the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition 1978/79 to the southern Weddell Sea are presented. Cold, dense Ice Shelf Water circulating under the floating ice shelves is observed to leave the shelf as a concentrated bottom flow. From moored current metres this discharge is estimated at 0.7 106 m3/s at -2.0°C (one year average) and with no appreciable seasonal variation. This contribution to the Weddell Sea Bottom Water is clearly identified through extreme temperature gradients at our deepest stations (below 2500 m). The core of Weddell Deep Water shows a considerable (T ∼ 0.5°C) warming up since 1977, presumably due to the lack of polynya activity in the intervening period. Measurements in the coastal current at the ice shelf (70°S, 2°W) show step structures which are probably due to cooling and melting at the vertical ice barrier. Slight supercooling due to circulation under the ice shelf is also seen. The net effect of the ice shelf boundary seems to be a deep reaching cooling and freshening of the coastal current providing the low salinity, freezing point Eastern Shelf Water. This process is considered a preconditioning which enhances production of the saline Western Shelf Water which in turn is transformed to Ice Shelf Water.  相似文献   

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