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On 1 October 1991 the Resource Management Act 1991 came into force. The enactment of this legislation was supposed to herald the start of a brave new world in environmental governance in New Zealand. Since that time the Act has never been far from controversy in the popular press and in the academic literature. The paper briefly reviews the debates in the academic literature about the Act and argues that the debates could benefit from a theoretically informed analysis of the impact of the Act on specific environmental initiatives. This paper draws on the Lake Taupo Water Quality Project to illustrate how this type of analysis may uncover practical, relevant and interesting insights for law reform, policy making and practice hidden by conventional discourses on the Act.  相似文献   

Natural Resource Management (NRM) is often conducted as a partnership between government and citizens. In Australia, government agencies formulate policy and fund implementation that may be delivered on-ground by community groups (such as Landcare). Since the late 1980s, over AUS$8b of Commonwealth investment has been made in NRM. However, quantitative evidence of environmental improvements is lacking. The NRM Planning Portal has been developed to (1) provide an online spatial information system for sharing Landcare and agency data; and (2) to facilitate NRM priority setting at local and regional planning scales. While the project successfully federates Landcare NRM activity data, challenges included (1) unstructured, non-standardized data, meaning that quantitative reporting against strategic objectives is not currently possible, and (2) a lack of common understanding about the value proposition for adopting the portal approach. Demonstrating the benefit of technology adoption is a key lesson for digital NRM planning.  相似文献   

资源的利用涉及到社会、经济和自然的复杂系统,此系统具有补偿性的反馈结构和非线性行为的特点。如果没有认识到这些特征,资源管理的决策会引起更为严重的后果。运用系统基模的分析手段,可以更好地总结自然资源管理中出现的问题和其结构特征,有效地提高管理人员和研究人员认识、分析、预见和管理资源的能力,提高政策的长期有效性。文章通过分析公共的悲剧、增长的极限、缺少及时的有效投资、不可避免的波动、转嫁问题和扩大的冲突6种资源管理系统基模的行为和结构的定势,介绍了系统基模在自然资源管理中的运用。  相似文献   

水资源管理已进入一个全新的阶段,现代水资源管理理念应运而生。在总结水资源管理发展历程,指出其存在问题的基础上,阐述了构建现代化水资源管理体系的必要性,剖析了反映水资源管理新思想的“三条红线”和“河湖水系连通战略”内涵,介绍了和谐论理念、量化方法及在水资源管理中的应用,包括构建人与自然和谐相处的和谐论途径、水资源管理的和谐论策略、分区分部门水资源合理分配的和谐论模型、跨界河流分水问题的和谐论模型、跨流域调水问题的和谐论模型、水污染物总量控制的和谐论模型等,为水资源管理工作指明了方向。  相似文献   

Ecological, economic, and social sustainability has been prioritized by the European Union in its proposal for a reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), but it is recognized that there is a lack of knowledge concerning the objectives of these three aspects. Addressing the issue of how these objectives are given meaning as policy is being articulated, two Swedish seminars where fisheries’ stakeholders discuss the proposal for a reformed CFP are analyzed. The analysis shows how fish become defined as a specific kind of resource and how their status as a resource is framed as a moral issue. Once morally charged the resource is subjected to valorization through economic modeling. As a result, the potential for sustainability in fisheries becomes conditional upon the creation of new markets.  相似文献   

谱段设置是资源卫星传感器设计的关键技术之一。该文针对土地资源管理对资源卫星光谱分辨率的需求。详细分析了收集和采集的主要土地利用/覆被光谱数据的特征,从主要地物的光谱可分性出发,提出了满足土地资源管理需要的资源卫星传感器谱段设置方案,并利用机载成像光谱数据进行波段优选和在轨资源卫星数据的模拟验证,分类对比研究表明,该优化谱段模拟图像土地利用/覆被分类效果好于TM和CBERS-1影像。  相似文献   

海河流域水资源管理分区研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
柳长顺  刘昌明  杨红 《地理学报》2004,59(3):349-356
流域水资源管理分区对制定流域水资源管理政策具有重要意义。作者根据环境、粮食、水资源和社会经济4大类30个指标,利用聚类分析方法和地理信息系统等工具,分析其聚类过程,把海河流域分为太行、燕山山区、山前洪、冲积扇区、京津唐地区、山前平原区、中东部平原区和淀东清南天津区 (天津市区) 和徒骇马颊河平原区7个区,分区结果符合流域水资源管理的要求。各区各具特点,应制定不同的水资源管理政策。  相似文献   

龙口市水资源环境管理决策支持系统构建研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
吴泉源 《地理科学》2001,21(5):463-466
水资源危机已成为全球性社会环境问题,它将长期成为人类社会生存和发展的主要障碍。以龙口市为例介绍了以GIS、RS、DSS为基础构建水资源环境管理决策支持系统的主要过程以及所具有的基本功能,该系统的建成,将帮助管理者提高水资源决策的自动化和科学化,使有限的水资源持续产生最大的经济效益。  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research -  相似文献   

基于3维GIS(地理信息系统)技术,借鉴2维GIS领域较为成熟的理论和技术,根据地下热水资源管理的要求,设计了地热资源管理信息系统.系统具有数据库管理、日常办公管理、2维分析与可视化、面3维分析与可视化和体3维分析与可视化5个模块.  相似文献   

地球空间信息科学是当今空间信息科学发展的重要成果。文章在分析了地球空间信息科学的特点及其发展现状之后 ,讨论了地球空间信息科学在土地资源动态监测与管理中的作用 ,以及建立我国土地信息系统需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

资源环境模型库管理系统研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源环境模型库管理系统是资源环境研究中的关键问题之一。建立资源环境模型库管理 系统通常有两种途径。一种途径是采用模型管理技术, 其主要方法包括数据式模型管理、结构化 模型管理、面向对象的模型管理和基于知识的模型管理, 这种方式的优势是可以有效地管理资源 环境模型, 但对空间数据处理的功能较弱, 需要编写大量的程序代码。另一种途径是在GIS 中管 理模型, 如ArcGIS 中的ModelBuilder, 这种方式的优点是可以充分利用GIS 的空间数据处理能 力, 但对复杂模型的支持较差。根据以上两种方式的特点, 本文提出了一种面向对象的资源环境 模型管理框架, 把模型抽象为模型类与模型实例, 采用面向对象方法表达模型, 通过构建资源环 境模型引擎处理空间数据和模型数学方程; 利用模型库和数据库, 可以实现模型的有效管理和模 型重用。  相似文献   

阐述了广东湛江红树林国家级自然保护区的资源管理现状,分析了资源管理方面存在的问题,探讨积极的保护策略和自然保护新思维。  相似文献   

京杭大运河的完全价值观   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从理论和现实背景出发, 提出对京杭大运河价值的初步认识: 京杭大运河具有四大基本价值: (1) 作为文化 遗产的价值, 起到彰显民族身份和促进文化认同的作用; (2) 作为区域城乡生产与生活的重要保障, 具有输水、航运 和灌溉等现实功能的价值; (3) 作为区域生态基础设施的价值, 是保障国土生态安全的关键性格局; (4) 运河还具有 作为潜在的休闲通道的价值, 是国民身心再生和教育的战略性资源。强调只有用完全的价值观充分认识运河廊道, 并处理好现实的功能需要与这些价值间的相互关系, 才能保护和利用好运河遗产及其相关资源, 使之在当代发挥 应有的作用。在此基础上提出以建设遗产廊道的方式、结合南水北调和东部生态安全格局及中国南北生态休闲廊 道的建设, 将保护与利用京杭大运河作为国家战略。当务之急是: (1) 应用“反规划”理念进行运河的整体保护规划; (2) 展开资源摸底, 全面掌握大运河遗产廊道资源情况; (3) 制定整体性的管理和发展战略; (4) 以申报世界遗产南 水北调工程为契机, 建立大运河区域间协作机制。任何单一的价值观(如从单一的输水功能考虑) 和单一的工程措 施, 都将给中国大地上这一独特的文化景观和与之相联系的历史文化、生态及社会经济系统带来不可挽回的遗憾。  相似文献   

Successful natural resource management increasingly requires collaboration across boundaries and between diverse stakeholder groups, and trust is a key ingredient of successful collaboration. This study represents an early qualitative empirical attempt to understand how different forms of trust develop, function, and interact in collaborative natural resource management initiatives. We conducted case studies of four landscape-level initiatives in the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP). Our results suggest that three forms of trust, affinitive, rational, and procedural trust, were all important for successful collaboration, but different forms of trust appeared to function more powerfully during convening, recruitment, retention, and ongoing collaboration of stakeholders, with affinitive trust particularly important for convening, and rational and procedural trust gaining importance for recruiting and retention of members. We discuss the implications of the findings in both theoretical and practical terms.  相似文献   

Increases in sea surface temperature have led to distributional changes in many commercially exploited fish species. These changes have already led to conflict over mackerel fisheries, arising from demand for fair resource apportionment and desire to manage the fishery sustainably. In order to develop adaptable management strategies for complex ocean fishery systems, policymakers and researchers must move beyond a reactive producer–consumer relationship to develop proactive, supportive collaborations. The history of U.S. national fisheries management is presented as an example of this transition. Building cooperative capacity over the last two centuries has lead to a more systematic understanding of the oceans, and has led to success in reducing the number of overfished stocks. Similar development of cooperation between policymakers and researchers on an international scale may be the surest way to develop management strategies adaptable enough to withstand challenges posed by future climate change.  相似文献   

Trust is critical for natural resource management (NRM). In recognition of this, a noteworthy body of literature has investigated the construct but is, as yet, still developing. The current research proposes and tests an increasingly complete model that integrates the major advances in not only the NRM literature but in the social psychological literature addressing trust more generally as well. To that end, the current analyses were conducted with a large sample of Michigan hunters (n?=?23,954). The results suggest that, as hypothesized, the theoretical model is a statistically defensible account of trust in this context and suggest that both trustworthiness and motivation have important roles to play in driving cooperation intention and behavior. Thus, the current work suggests that although it is important for NRM institutions to attend to their trustworthiness, they should not ignore the motivation that arises from benefits they provide.  相似文献   

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