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High-resolution (annual to sub-decadal) quantitative reconstructions of climate variables are needed from a variety of paleoclimate archives across the world to place current climate change in the context of long-term natural climate variability. Rapid, high-resolution, non-destructive scanning techniques are required to produce such high-resolution records from lake sediments. In this study we explored the potential of scanning reflectance spectroscopy (VIS-RS; 380–730 nm) to produce quantitative summer temperature reconstructions from minerogenic sediments of proglacial, annually laminated Lake Silvaplana, in the eastern Swiss Alps. The scanning resolution was 2 mm, which corresponded to sediment deposition over 1–2 years. We found correlations up to r = 0.84 (p < 0.05) for the calibration period 1864–1950, between six reflectance-dependent variables and summer (JJAS) temperature. These reflectance-dependent variables (e.g. slope of the reflectance 570/630 nm, indicative of illite, biotite and chlorite; minimum reflectance at 690 nm indicative of chlorite) indicate the mineralogical composition of the clastic sediments, which is, in turn, related to climate in the catchment of this particular proglacial lake. We used multiple linear regression (MLR) to establish a calibration model that explains 84% of the variance of summer (JJAS) temperature during the calibration period 1864–1950. We then applied the calibration model downcore to develop a quantitative summer temperature reconstruction extending back to AD 1177. This temperature reconstruction is in good agreement with two independent temperature reconstructions based on documentary data that extend back to AD 1500 and tree ring data that extend back to AD 1177. This study confirms the great potential of in situ scanning reflectance spectroscopy as a novel non-destructive technique to rapidly acquire high-resolution quantitative paleoclimate information from minerogenic lake sediments.  相似文献   

We explored the use of carbon and nitrogen isotopes (13C and 15N) in sedimented organic matter (OM) as proxy indicators of trophic state change in Florida lakes. Stable isotope data from four 210Pb-dated sediment cores were compared stratigraphically with established proxies for historical trophic state (diatom-inferred limnetic total phosphorus, sediment C/N ratio) and indicators of cultural disturbance (sediment total P and 226Ra activity). Diatom-based limnetic total P inferences indicate a transition from oligo-mesotrophy to meso-eutrophy in Clear Lake, and from eutrophy to hypereutrophy in Lakes Parker, Hollingsworth and Griffin. In cores from all four lakes, the carbon isotopic signature of accumulated OM generally tracks trophic state inferences and cultural impact assessments based on other variables. Oldest sediments in the records yield lower diatom-inferred total limnetic P concentrations and display relatively low 13C values. In the Clear, Hollingsworth and Parker records, diatom-inferred nutrient concentrations increase after ca. AD 1900, and are associated stratigraphically with higher 13C values in sediment OM. In the Lake Griffin core, both proxies display slight increases before ~1900, but highest values occur over the last ~100 years. As Lakes Clear, Hollingsworth and Parker became increasingly nutrient-enriched over the past century, the 15N of sedimented organic matter decreased. This reflects, in part, the increasing relative contribution of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria to sedimented organic matter as primary productivity increased in these waterbodies. The Lake Griffin core displays a narrow range of both 13C and 15N values. Despite the complexity of carbon and nitrogen cycles in lakes, stratigraphic agreement between diatom-inferred changes in limnetic total P and the stable isotope signatures of sedimented OM suggests that 13C and 15N reflect shifts in historic lake trophic state.  相似文献   

The analysis of chironomid taxa and environmental datasets from 46 New Zealand lakes identified temperature (February mean air temperature) and lake production (chlorophyll a (Chl a)) as the main drivers of chironomid distribution. Temperature was the strongest driver of chironomid distribution and consequently produced the most robust inference models. We present two possible temperature transfer functions from this dataset. The most robust model (weighted averaging-partial least squares (WA-PLS), n = 36) was based on a dataset with the most productive (Chl a > 10 μg l−1) lakes removed. This model produced a coefficient of determination () of 0.77, and a root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEPjack) of 1.31°C. The Chl a transfer function (partial least squares (PLS), n = 37) was far less reliable, with an of 0.49 and an RMSEPjack of 0.46 Log10μg l−1. Both of these transfer functions could be improved by a revision of the taxonomy for the New Zealand chironomid taxa, particularly the genus Chironomus. The Chironomus morphotype was common in high altitude, cool, oligotrophic lakes and lowland, warm, eutrophic lakes. This could reflect the widespread distribution of one eurythermic species, or the collective distribution of a number of different Chironomus species with more limited tolerances. The Chl a transfer function could also be improved by inputting mean Chl a values into the inference model rather than the spot measurements that were available for this study.  相似文献   

Fossil diatoms from lake sediments have been used to infer both past trophic state and climate conditions. In Europe, climate reconstructions focused on northern and alpine regions because these areas are climatically sensitive and anthropogenic impact was low. In contrast, anthropogenic impact was often high in the central European lowlands, such as northern Germany, beginning in the Neolithic Age, ~3700 BC. Since that time, trophic state change was the main factor that affected diatom assemblages in central European lowland lakes. Therefore, it was considered difficult or impossible to identify climate changes in the region using sedimented diatoms. We used diatom assemblage changes, diatom-inferred total phosphorus concentrations and the relative abundance of planktonic diatoms from sediments of three lakes that differ in their location, size, morphology, catchment area and current trophic state to test whether we could distinguish between trophic state and climate signals over the past 5,000 years in northern Germany. In this study, changes in trophic state and climate were well differentiated. In the study lakes, relative abundance of planktonic diatoms seems to be linked to the length of lake mixing phases. Planktonic diatom abundance decreased during years with shorter mixing duration, and these shorter mixing times probably reflect colder winters. The diatom-inferred periods of short mixing phases from 1000 BC to AD 500 and from AD 1300 to 1800 coincide well with two known cooling phases in Europe and the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to document the role of fire in shaping the landscape by identifying links between historical fire records and the current landscape indicating that fire favors certain land use/land cover (LULC) types. We geo-referenced fire records taken from 1922 to 2000 in Aitoloakarnania, the largest prefecture -in terms of surface area- of Greece and compared the past LULC classes where fires burned to the present landscape. The outputs indicated a shift of the historic fire ignition points from natural to agricultural-related LULC classes since a significant proportion of fire incidents that, according to the fire records, burnt natural vegetation units is currently located in agricultural landscape units. Additionally, a significant proportion of the fire-affected land cover classes retain their character thus supporting the argument that these classes, especially fire-prone or fire-resistant, have developed mechanisms to cope with fire. In such ecosystems the role of fire is to maintain rather than transform land cover classes.The findings of this research lead us to conclude that fire can be perceived as a long-term landscape modifier in the Mediterranean, although its effects may vary from region to region because of differences in regeneration patterns among the main land cover types, topographic constraints and local fire histories. Historical fire records extending back to the early 20th century proved to provide valuable information that can reveal interesting patterns of fire burning history and explain present land cover and use patterns. This knowledge, documented from historical records, can be used to develop fire management and land cover/land use management planning.  相似文献   

Lake sediments from four small lakes on western Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago, Norwegian High Arctic) preserve biostratigraphic and isotopic evidence for a complex suite of twentieth century environmental changes. At Lake Skardtjørna and Lake Tjørnskardet on Nordenskiöldkysten, there is a marked diatom floristic change coupled to increased diatom concentrations beginning around 1920. At Lake Istjørna and Lake Istjørnelva, 25 km southwest of Longyearbyen, both diatom total valve and chrysophyte stomatocyst concentrations have increased dramatically since the beginning of the 1900s. The early twentieth century changes are probably related to climate warming after the Little Ice Age. However, the most pronounced changes in diatom assemblages seem to have occurred in the last few decades. At the same time, nitrogen stable isotopes in sediment organic matter in two of the lakes became progressively depleted by ~2‰, which is consistent with diffuse atmospheric inputs from anthropogenic sources and attendant fertilization. These data suggest that climate change and nitrogen deposition may be acting together in driving these lakes towards new ecological states that are unique in the context of the Holocene.  相似文献   

The Qinling Mountain Range (33°–34°30′N, 107°–111°E; 3,767 m a.s.l.) lies south of the Chinese Loess Plateau and functions as the boundary between ‘north’ and ‘south’ China. Taibai Mountain (33°41′–34°10′N, 107°19′–107°58′E; 3,767 m a.s.l.) is the central massif and highest part of the range and is the highest mountain in eastern and central China, east of 105°E. It is also one of two mountains higher than the modern climatic timberline and the only one where high alpine lakes (>2,500 m a.s.l.) exist in eastern and central China. Sediments were recovered from Foye Chi (33°57′N, 107°44′E; 3,410 m a.s.l.), a small lake on the southern slope of the mountain, and measured for magnetic properties. Chronological control was achieved with AMS 14C dating. Combined with analyses of particle-size, TOC, C/N, δ13Corg and pollen in these sediments, and magnetic properties of catchment soils, the mineral-magnetic data reveal late Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes on the high-altitude southern slope of Taibai Mountain. Climate gradually ameliorated about 2,300 cal yr BP and warm and wet conditions occurred afterwards, culminating from 1,700 to 1,510 cal yr BP. The climate began to deteriorate at 1,510 cal yr BP, but was still warmer and wetter than present until ~663 cal yr BP. Cool, arid conditions peaked and were cooler and drier than the present at 663–290 cal yr BP, coincident with the Little Ice Age. Climate became warmer and more humid again after 290 cal yr BP. Data from these less anthropologically-disturbed alpine-lake sediments provide a record of late Holocene palaeoenvironmental change that supplements information from historical documents and literature for eastern and central China.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-proxy climate record of an 11 m long core collected in Lago Puyehue (southern Chile, 40°S) and extending back to 18,000 cal yr BP. The multi-proxy analyses include sedimentology, mineralogy, grain size, geochemistry, loss-on-ignition, magnetic susceptibility and radiocarbon dating. Results demonstrate that sediment grain size is positively correlated with the biogenic sediment content and can be used as a proxy for lake paleoproductivity. On the other hand, the magnetic susceptibility signal is correlated with the aluminium and titanium concentrations and can be used as a proxy for the terrigenous supply. Temporal variations of sediment composition evidence that, since the Last Glacial Maximum, the Chilean Lake District was characterized by three abrupt climate changes superimposed on a long-term climate evolution. These rapid climate changes are: (1) an abrupt warming at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum at 17,300 cal yr BP; (2) a 13,100–12,300 cal yr BP cold event, ending rapidly and interpreted as the local counterpart of the Younger Dryas cold period, and (3) a 3,400–2,900 cal yr BP climatic instability synchronous with a period of low solar activity. The timing of the 13,100–12,300 cold event is compared with similar records in both hemispheres and demonstrates that this southern hemisphere climate change precedes the northern hemisphere Younger Dryas cold period by 500 to 1,000 years. This is the third in a series of eight papers published in this special issue dedicated to the 17,900 year multi-proxy lacustrine record of Lago Puyehue, Chilean Lake District. The papers in this special issue were collected by M. De Batist, N. Fagel, M.-F. Loutre and E. Chapron.  相似文献   

Sediment core PI-6 from Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala, possesses an ~85-ka record of climate and environmental change from lowland Central America. Variations in sediment lithology suggest large and abrupt changes in precipitation during the last glacial and deglacial periods, and into the early Holocene. We measured stable carbon isotope ratios of total organic carbon and long-chain n-alkanes from the core, the latter representing a largely allochthonous (terrestrial) source of organic matter, to reveal past shifts in the relative proportion of C3–C4 terrestrial biomass. We sought to test whether stable carbon isotope results were consistent with other paleoclimate proxies measured in the PI-6 core, and if extraction and isotope analysis of n-alkanes is warranted. The largest δ13C variations are associated with Heinrich Events. Carbon isotope values in sediments deposited during the last glacial maximum indicate moderate precipitation with little fluctuation. The deglacial was a period of pronounced climate variability, e.g. a relatively warm and moist Bølling–Allerød, but a cool and dry Younger Dryas. Arid periods of the deglacial were inferred from samples with high δ13C values in total organic carbon, which reflect times of greater proportions of C4 plants. These inferences are supported by stable isotope measurements on ostracod shells and relative abundance of grass pollen from the same depths in core PI-6. Similar trends in carbon stable isotopes measured on bulk organic carbon and n-alkanes suggest that carbon isotope measures on bulk organic carbon in sediments from this lake are sufficient to infer past climate-driven shifts in local vegetation.  相似文献   

Reflectance spectroscopy in the visible spectrum (VIS-RS) is a method that has been successfully applied for inferring organic content of sediments. In this study, we test the applicability of VIS-RS to lake sediments in Norway. On the one hand we use conventional, established algorithms for inferring organic content of sediments, on the other hand we test the potential of multivariate calibration techniques to infer organic content. For absolute quantification of organic content, conventional Corg measurements are needed when using conventional algorithms as well as when employing multivariate calibration techniques. Both, conventional algorithms and multivariate calibrations, result in estimates of organic content closely mirroring loss-on-ignition measurements. When using multivariate calibration techniques, a conventional Corg measurement every 5 cm is sufficient to obtain estimates of organic matter that are more accurate than those obtained by means of conventional algorithms. Therefore, the potential of multivariate calibration techniques and VIS-RS to substitute measurements of more time consuming and costly sediment parameters (e.g. clay minerals) should be tested.  相似文献   

A 7.6-m lake sediment core from a marl lake, Lough Inchiquin, records variation in landscape evolution from 16,800 cal yrs B.P. to 5,540 cal yrs B.P. We observe significant variations (up to 12‰) in δ 13Corg and δ 13Ccalcite values that are interpreted to reflect secular changes in lake water δ 13CDIC values that result from a regional landscape transition from barren limestone bedrock to a forested ecosystem. Lake water δ 13CDIC values are therefore influenced by two isotopically distinct sources of carbon: terrestrial organic material (−27.1 to −31.2‰VPDB) via oxidized soil organic matter and weathered limestone bedrock (+3.4‰VPDB). Isotope excursions in lacustrine sediment records are forced not only by changes in productivity but also by changes in the terrestrial environment. This has profound implications for the interpretation of paleoclimate records derived from lacustrine sediment and suggests that selection of appropriate lakes can provide records of terrestrial change where other related records are not available.  相似文献   

We used elemental carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and hydrogen ratios (C/N, N/P and H/C) with total organic carbon (TOC) and total phosphorus (TP) as well as stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) to investigate the source and depositional conditions of organic matter in sediments from Zeekoevlei, the largest freshwater lake in South Africa. Typical C/N (10–12), H/C ratios (≥1.7) and δ13Corganic values (−22 to −19‰) together with the increase in TOC concentration indicate elevated primary productivity in lower middle (18–22 cm) and top (0–8 cm) sections of the sediment cores. Seepage of nutrients from a nearby waste water treatment plant, rapid urbanization and heavily fertilized farming in the catchments are responsible for the increased productivity. Consistent with this, measured δ15Norganic values (∼11‰) indicate increased raw sewage input towards the top-section of the core. Although cyanobacterial blooms are evident from the low δ15N values (∼3‰) in mid-section of the core, they did not outnumber the phytoplankton population. Low N/P ratio (∼0) and high TP (100–2,200 mg l−1) support cyanobacterial growth under N limited condition, and insignificant input of macrophytes towards the organic matter pool. Dredging in 1983, caused sub-aerial exposure of the suspended and surface sediments, and affected organic matter preservation in the upper mid-section (12–14 cm) of the core.  相似文献   

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