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南极冰藻极端环境适应性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南极冰藻对南极海冰生态系统初级生产力的直接贡献率超过20%,是地球上能够在海冰中旺盛生长的罕见的生物群落.单细胞的南极冰藻,在低温、低光照和高盐度的海冰盐囊中能够生存是其在生理、代谢和遗传上进行了复杂的适应性改变,通过产生特殊的冰活性物质、不饱和脂肪酸、色素蛋白复合物等来适应这种极端环境.同时,尽管南极臭氧层被破坏甚至出现巨大空洞,紫外线辐射显著增强,但对南极冰藻的影响并不明显.南极冰藻中的抗辐射活性物质可能起着重要作用,这些抗辐射物质往往结构新颖且活性强,能消除或减轻紫外线的伤害.  相似文献   

南极冰藻生化组成及其与低温适应性关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对4种南极冰藻(2种单细胞绿藻——Pyramimonas sp.和绿藻L4,以及2种硅藻——硅藻Hl和H2)的蛋白质、脂肪、糖、无机元素含量和组成,灰分含量,以及氨基酸和脂肪酸的组成等的基本生化组成进行测定。结果表明,4种冰藻的蛋白质含量均高于常温藻,蛋白质含量以绿藻L4的含量最高,为45.18%;Pyramimonas sp.的蛋白质含量最低为27.70%。4种冰藻的脂肪含量均高于常温藻,为14.02%~l9.89%;总糖含量为4.7%~l6.3%,与常温藻含量接近。Mg的含量在冰藻和常温藻的无机元素中都为最高,为13600~l24000mg/kg,但4种冰藻的含量均低于2种常温藻;4种冰藻的灰分含量均低于常温藻,表明冰藻含有更高的有机成分。冰藻的氨基酸含量与常温藻的含量没有明显不同,但绿藻L4含有较高含量的羟脯氨酸,占总氨基酸含量的2.48%。4种冰藻的脂肪酸组成,主要以多不饱和脂肪酸为主。冰藻的基本生化组成在一定程度上反映了冰藻对生存环境的适应性,并且完全符合作为水产养殖饵料的营养要求。  相似文献   

冰活性物质与南极冰藻低温适应性关系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰活性物质是由南极冰藻产生的具有抑制冰晶生长的一类胞外糖蛋白.对5种南极冰藻分泌的冰活性物质的测定表明,冰活性物质活性存在种间特异性,大小依次为绿藻L4>盒形藻>菱形藻>圆筛藻>绿藻B7.以高活性的绿藻L4为研究对象,抑制冰晶活性测定表明,含有冰活性物质的溶液所形成的冰晶颗粒较小,颗粒之间缝隙较大,能够减轻结冰给生物体带来的伤害.  相似文献   

通过对南极水样中分离出来的 4种南极冰藻 (2种硅藻和 2种绿藻 )在不同温度下的总脂含量和脂肪酸组成的研究 ,发现 2种硅藻 (H1和 H2 )通过增加胞内脂肪含量和不饱和脂肪酸的组成来提高其低温适应性 ,而且单不饱和脂肪酸含量远高于多不饱和脂肪酸 ,发挥主要的作用 ;绿藻 L1的总脂含量变化不大 ,但在低温条件下 ,其不饱和脂肪酸的含量亦相应提高 ;绿藻 L4的总脂含量和脂肪酸组成变化与 2种硅藻相似 ,但 2种绿藻的多不饱和脂肪酸含量远高于单不饱和脂肪酸 ,发挥主要的作用。研究结果还显示 ,低温有利于短链脂肪酸的合成。同时作为膜磷脂重要组成成分的 C2 2∶ 6脂肪酸在 4种冰藻中均保持稳定 ,含量相对较高 ,这也是对南极低温环境条件的适应  相似文献   

南极冰藻的总脂含量及脂肪酸组成与其低温适应性的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对南极水样中分离出来的4种南极冰藻(2种硅藻和2种绿藻)在不同温度下的总脂含量和脂肪酸组成的研究,发现2种硅藻(H1和H2)通过增加胞内脂肪含量和不饱和脂肪酸的组成来提高其低温适应性,而且单不饱和脂肪酸含量远高于多不饱和脂肪酸,发挥主要的作用;绿藻L1的总脂含量变化不大,但在低温条件下,其不饱和脂肪酸的含量亦相应提高;绿藻L4的总脂含量和脂肪酸组成变化与2种硅藻相似,但2种绿藻的多不饱和脂肪酸含量远高于单不饱和脂肪酸,发挥主要的作用。研究结果还显示,低温有利于短链脂肪酸的合成。同时作为膜磷脂重要组成成分的C22:6脂肪酸在4种冰藻中均保持稳定,含量相对较高,这也是对南极低温环境条件的适应。  相似文献   

谷胱甘肽系统在清除活性氧和生物保护中发挥重要作用,探讨了南极冰藻胞内谷胱甘肽含量及谷胱甘肽相关酶的活力.采用分光光度法,对24种南极冰藻胞内谷胱甘肽含量、谷胱甘肽合成能力(GPA)、谷胱甘肽还原酶活力等进行测定.测定结果表明,南极蓝藻B-1中谷胱甘肽含量最高;南极衣藻ICE-L和南极硅藻GJ01的谷胱甘肽总产量居前2位;南极冰藻GPA普遍高于常温藻的.南极硅藻GJ01和南极衣藻ICE-L GR活力高于对照组的.培养基的选择表明,f/2培养基适合南极硅藻GJ01的生长,而Provasoli培养基适合南极衣藻ICE-L的生长.可见,南极冰藻成为谷胱甘肽的新来源是有可能的,尤其是南极硅藻GJ01和南极衣藻ICE-L.  相似文献   

甘氨酸镁对南极冰藻促生长作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了甘氨酸镁对南极冰藻的促生长作用。甘氨酸镁已被美国和欧盟等发达国家大量用作新型无公害植物促生长剂和丰产剂。用不同浓度的甘氨酸镁 (0 ,2 5× 1 0 - 6,5 0× 1 0 - 6,1 0 0× 1 0 - 6,2 0 0× 1 0 - 6,40 0× 1 0 - 6)对国家海洋局海洋生物活性物质重点实验室保存的南极冰藻L 1绿藻 (Pyramimonassp.)和 H1硅藻 (Bacillariophyceae )进行培养。实验结果表明 ,甘氨酸镁对南极冰藻 L1绿藻和 H1硅藻有显著促生长作用 ,而且从 L1绿藻和 H1硅藻的生长曲线可以看出 ,甘氨酸镁浓度越高促生长作用越强 ,这将为海洋微藻的培养提供一种新型的生长促进剂  相似文献   

革氨酸镁对南极冰藻促生长作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

南极磷虾是南大洋生态系统的关键物种, 种群聚集在南大洋的大西洋扇区。海冰在南极磷虾生活史中起着重要作用, 海冰及其冰下环境为磷虾越冬提供了避难场所, 但海冰是否为磷虾越冬提供了重要的饵料存在一定的争议, 对此问题的解决需要量化源于海冰的冰藻对南极磷虾越冬期间饵料及碳源的贡献。基于2020年冬季(3~8月)于南大洋大西洋扇区48.1亚区(布兰斯菲尔德海峡周边区域)和48.3亚区(南乔治亚岛周边海域)采集的磷虾样品, 通过两种高支链类异戊二烯化合物(IPSO25和HBI III)分别作为源于海冰的冰藻和源于水体浮游植物的生物标志物, 对两个区域冬季磷虾对冰藻和浮游植物的依赖进行研究。结果显示, 处于较高纬度、海冰密集度较高的48.1亚区的南极磷虾体内含有更高的IPSO25, 而处于开阔水域48.3亚区的磷虾体内有更高比例的HBI III, 另外48.3亚区磷虾的δ13C和δ15N稳定同位素显著高于48.1亚区的磷虾。48.1亚区南极磷虾越冬期间对浮游植物和冰藻的依赖与体长相关, 其中体长相对较短的早期成体呈现更高的依赖性, 同时该区域磷虾对冰藻的摄食提高了其营养级地位。48.3区南极磷虾越冬期间两种类异戊二烯含量与δ15N稳定同位素数值呈负相关关系, 表明该区域南极磷虾在初级生产匮乏时会摄食动物性饵料。若未来南大洋大西洋扇区海冰持续减少, 这将对整个磷虾种群、磷虾渔业的可持续发展和区域生态系统的稳定性产生威胁。  相似文献   

为了研究南极冰藻的热胁迫应答机制,本文根据转录组测序得到的冰藻Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L过氧化氢酶CiCAT基因分析了其编码蛋白的特征,同时研究了CiCAT基因表达和过氧化氢酶活性在培养温度升高时的响应变化情况。结果表明:CiCAT基因序列全长为2 066 bp,编码492个氨基酸。在过氧化氢酶的系统进化树中,南极冰藻与其他绿藻聚类为一个分支。CiCAT编码的蛋白序列与盐藻和红球藻的过氧化氢酶序列相似性较高,分别为80.5%和78.9%。当南极冰藻处于热胁迫条件下,CiCAT基因的相对表达量和过氧化氢酶活均呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,但在胁迫24 h时CiCAT基因的表达量变化不明显,而实验组的酶活显著高于对照组。在胁迫72 h时,基因表达量和酶活均达到最高值。研究初步表明,与在常温藻类和高等植物中的功能相似,在经受热胁迫的情况下,南极冰藻中的抗氧化酶系统也发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

4种南极冰藻的生化组成对UV - B辐射增强的响应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
实验室人工模拟南极UV—B辐射环境,对南极冰藻的生化组成变化进行了测定和分析,结果表明.UV—B辐射增强(70μW/cm^2)后,4种南极冰藻的总蛋白含量显著减少,其中脯氨酸、羟脯氨酸等6种氨基酸增加,谷氨酸、缬氨酸等减少;总脂含量明显增加,绿藻增加30%以上,硅藻增加超过15%;饱和脂肪酸含量降低,不饱和脂肪酸含量增加,并且产生了一些新的不饱和脂肪酸;Mg、Na和Al元素的含量显著降低,而Fe、Ca、Zn、Mn等含量却明显增加。总体来说,4种南极冰藻的灰分含量显著下降,有机成分明显增加。表明了南极冰藻对UV—B增强的积极响应.能调整自身对强辐射环境的适应性,这为深入研究冰藻对南极强辐射环境的适应性提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

南极海冰和陆架冰的变化特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用美国冰中心和雪冰中心提供的海冰资料和我国南极考察现场的海冰观测资料,对南极海冰的长期变化进行了研究.研究表明20世纪70年代后期是多冰期;80年代是少冰期;90年代南极海冰属于上升趋势,后期偏多,区域性变化差别大,东南极海冰偏多,西南极海冰即南极半岛两侧尤其是威德尔海区和别林斯高晋海的冰明显偏少.东南极和西南极海冰的变化趋势总是反相的.90年代后期普里兹湾的海冰明显偏多,南极大陆陆架冰外缘线总体没有明显的收缩,有崩解也有再生的自然变化现象.西南极威德尔海的龙尼冰架和罗斯海冰架东部崩解和收缩趋势明显,东南极的冰架也有崩解和收缩,但没有西南极明显.陆架冰崩解向海洋输送的冰山对全球海平面升高有一定的影响.目前南极冰盖断裂崩解形成的冰山,向海洋输入的水量可使全球海平面上升约14mm.南极海冰没有随着全球气候温暖化而明显减少,而是按照东南极和西南极反相的变化规律进行周期性的变化、调整和制约.  相似文献   

Composite pictures of the areal extent of Antarctic sea ice derived from satellite photographs, show that the growth and the rate of growth of the pack ice compare favorably to the values previously estimated on other bases. Anomalous growth patterns are found in the Weddell Sea. Possible causes of this anomaly include surface and subsurface advection of ice crystals. The rate of retrogradation of the pack ice is found to exceed the rate of progradation.  相似文献   

The characteristic low-frequency oscillation of the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) of ENSO related regions, Nino 1 + 2, Nino 3, Nino 4 and Nino West, and the Southern Oscillation index (SOI) is analyzed with the method of maximum entropy spectrum. Antarctic sea ice is divided into 4 regions, i. e. East Antarctic is Region Ⅰ (0°-120° E), the region dominated by Ross Sea ice is Region Ⅱ (120° E-120° W), the region dominated by Ross Sea ice is Region Ⅲ (120° W-0°), and the whole Antarctic sea ice area is Region Ⅳ. Also, the month-to-month correlation series of the sea ice with ENSO from contemporary to 5-years lag is calculated. The optimum correlation period is selected from the series. The characteristics and the rules obtained are as follows.1. There are a common 4-years main period of the SSTA of Ninos 1 + 2,3 and 4, a rather strong 4-years secondary period and a quasi-8-years main period of that of Nino West. There are also 1. 5 and 2 to 3-years secondary periods of that of all 4 Nin  相似文献   

张婷  张杰  王红霞  张晰  纪永刚 《海洋科学》2014,38(10):12-16
海冰边缘线是南极海冰监测的重要内容之一。本文基于ENVI RA-2(ENVISAT Radar Altimeter 2)高度计数据开展了南极海冰边缘线提取方法研究。首先根据海冰和海水后向散射系数的不同,利用其各自方差对两者进行区分,获得了冰水分界线;其次通过ENVISAT-ASAR(ENVISAT-Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar)数据和冰况图对提取的海冰边缘线的正确性进行了验证;最后简要分析了误差存在的原因。研究结果表明,高度计数据在提取大范围海冰边缘线方面具有优势。  相似文献   

The temporary ice algae community in the mixing zone of brackish and fresh waters of the Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea is described. A high abundance and biomass of planktonic algae and a high chlorophyll a concentration have been registered in samples of under-ice water taken on February 2013. The mass development of the diatom Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow blooming on the ice in the eastern part of Taganrog Bay is described for the first time. The quantitative data on the under-ice microalgae community and the related hydrochemistry are published. The obtained results could be used in total productivity estimates in the Azov Sea.  相似文献   

The variation features of the Antarctic sea ice (Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ThevariationfeaturesoftheAntarcticseaice(Ⅱ)¥XieSimei;HaoChunjiang;QianPingandZhangLin(ReceivedFebruary6,1993;acceptedAugust29...  相似文献   

大型海藻与海洋微藻间竞争研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
南春容  董双林 《海洋科学》2004,28(11):64-66
由于陆源污染物对海洋的污染日趋加重,藻类水华已成为世界各地近岸海域普遍存在的现象,对人类生活直接造成危害的是一些有毒海洋微藻的水华(即有害赤潮HAB)。但近年来,在海洋沿岸带如河口、海湾等水体较浅的透光层内,以石莼等绿藻为主要代表的大型海藻亦开始泛滥,形成大型海藻的水华,人们注意到,在同一水体内,大型海藻的水华通常与海  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2006,98(2-4):210-222
This study presents concentrations of dimethylsulphide (DMS) and its precursor compound dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) in a variety of sea ice and seawater habitats in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone (ASIZ) during spring and summer. Sixty-two sea ice cores of pack and fast ice were collected from twenty-seven sites across an area of the eastern ASIZ (64°E to 110°E; and the Antarctic coastline north to 62°S). Concentrations of DMS in 81 sections of sea ice ranged from < 0.3 to 75 nM, with an average of 12 nM. DMSP in 60 whole sea ice cores ranged from 25 to 796 nM and showed a negative relationship with ice thickness (y = 125x 0.8). Extremely high DMSP concentrations were found in 2 cores of rafted sea ice (2910 and 1110 nM). The relationship of DMSP with ice thickness (excluding rafted ice) suggests that the release of large amounts of DMSP during sea ice melting may occur in discrete areas defined by ice thickness distribution, and may produce ‘hot spots’ of elevated seawater DMS concentration of the order of 100 nM. During early summer across a 500 km transect through melting pack ice, elevated DMS concentrations (range 21–37 nM, mean 31 nM, n = 15) were found in surface seawater. This band of elevated DMS concentration appeared to have been associated with the release of sea ice DMS and DMSP rather than in situ production by an ice edge algal bloom, as chlorophyll a concentrations were relatively low (0.09–0.42 μg l 1). During fast ice melting in the area of Davis station, Prydz Bay, sea ice DMSP was released mostly as extracellular DMSP, since intracellular DMSP was negligible in both hyposaline brine (5 ppt) and in a melt water lens (4–5 ppt), while extracellular DMSP concentrations were as high as 149 and 54 nM, respectively in these habitats. DMS in a melt water lens was relatively high at 11 nM. During the ice-free summer in the coastal Davis area, DMS concentrations in surface seawater were highest immediately following breakout of the fast ice cover in late December (range 5–14 nM), and then remained at relatively low concentrations through to late February (< 0.3–6 nM). These measurements support the view that the melting of Antarctic sea ice produces elevated seawater DMS due to release of sea ice DMS and DMSP.  相似文献   

A 41-year Antarctic sea ice concentration(SIC) dataset derived from satellite passive microwave radiometers during the period of 1979–2019 has been used to analyze sea ice changes in recent decades. The trends of SIC and sea ice extent(SIE) are calculated during the periods of 1979–2019, 1979–2013, and 2014–2019. The trends show regionally dependent features. The SIC shows an increasing trend in most of the regions except the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea(BA) during 1979–2019 and 1979–2013. The SIE trend shows a decreasing or decelerating trend in the period of 1979–2019((6 835±2 210) km2/a) compared with the 1979–2013 period((18 600±2 203) km~2/a). In recent years(2014–2019), the SIC and SIE have exhibited decreasing trends(–(34 567±3 521) km~2/month), especially in the Weddell Sea(WS) and Ross Sea(RS) during summer and autumn. The trends are related to regionally dependent causes. The analyses show that the SIC and SIE decreased in response to the warming trend of 2 m air temperature(T_(a-2m)) and have exhibited a good relationship with T_(a-2m) in summer and autumn in recent years. The sea ice decrease in the Antarctic is mainly caused by increases in absorbed energy and southward energy transportation in recent years, such as the increase in gained solar radiation and moist static energy from the south, which demonstrate notable regional characteristics. In the WS region, the local positive feedback from the additional absorbed solar radiation, resulting in warmer air and reduced sea ice, is the main reason for the sea ice decrease in recent years. The increase in southward energy transport has also favored a decrease in sea ice. In the RS region, the increase in southward-transported moist static energy has contributed to the decrease in sea ice, and the increases in cloud cover and longwave radiation have prevented sea ice growth.  相似文献   

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