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The temporal variation of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface seawater of Iyo Nada in the western Seto Inland Sea was measured by infrared absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) in air equilibrated with seawater. The variation of from January to late May in 1994 was relatively small (from 270 to 340 atm). on the contrary, the measured in September 1993 ranged from 200 to 450 atm. It seems that the relative high observed in the north and the south of Iyo Nada in September were caused by destruction of a stratification owing to tidal currents at straits between Hiroshima Bay and Iyo Nada and Hayasui Straits, respectively. The low observed in the central Iyo Nada in September was ascribed to a tidal front where high concentrations of chlorophyll-a and a relation between and chlorophyll-a in negative sense were found. Except the observation in the north of Iyo Nada in September, the in the surface seawater of Iyo Nada were lowe than the atmospheric (about 367 atm). The results obtained by this work and Kimotoet al. (1993) lead to the conclusion that Iyo Nada acts as a sink of the atmospheric CO2 on the average.  相似文献   

Water surface elevations(t), vertical surface velocities and vertical surface acceleration of wind-generated waves have been measured in a laboratory wind wave channel by using resistance-type wave gauges combined with an electronic differentiation circuits. Probability distributions of the values of(t), , and have been determined from the wave records.In an initial stage of wave generation,i.e., when wind waves are generated at short fetches and low wind speeds, the observed distributions for(t), and are appreciately good fit to the distributions given by successive sum of a Gram-Charlier series, which has been derived following the formulation ofLonguet-Higgins (1963), by taking the weakly nonlinear effect into account.However, when wind waves develop with increasing wind speeds and fetches, the observed distributions deviate gradually from the Gram-Charlier series. Particularly, the deviations are remarkable for the distribution of .When the wind speed increases, the observed distributions of(t), and show the following characteristics: (i) the skewnesses of the distributions of(t) and decrease slightly, (ii) the skewness of changes, at some wind speed, from positive small values to relatively large negative values, (iii) the kurtosis of the distribution of(t) decreases slightly but that of increases slightly and these characteristics seem to depend not so much on fetches, (iv) the kurtosis of the distribution of increases rapidly.  相似文献   

A series of measurements of winds and wind-waves were carried out in wind-wave flumes. A data analysis based on the hypothesis of local equilibrium yielded a new empirical formula on the controversial quantity of roughness heightz 0 over the water surface: , where the nondimensional roughness height is defined bygz 0/u * 2 and the wave-wind parameterũ byω p u */g, g being the gravitational acceleration,u * the friction velocity of air,ω p the peak frequency of wind-wave spectra. The obtained formula is compared with Charnock's (1955) and Toba's (1979) proposals; is constant in the former and inversely proportional toũ in the latter. As in Toba's, this formula immediately leads to a practically important conclusion that the drag coefficientC d depends not merely on the usual variableU 10 (wind velocity at 10m height over the water surface), but also on the surface state represented by wind-waves. An explicit expression is provided for the drag coefficient incorporating the wave-wind parameter; it covers the range ofC d calculated from most of the previous drag formulas, by varying the wave-wind parameter.  相似文献   

Nonlinear properties of wind waves in a wind-wave tunnel are investigated by measuring the probability density distribution of surface elevation. The surface elevation distribution of raw records are found to have a positive skewness (K 3=0.21 to 0.43) and a negative kurtosis (K 4=–0.74 to –0.41) with magnitude depending of fetch and wind speed. The values of skewness are in qualitative agreement with a prediction of the weak interaction theory for a random wave field incorporating the effects of second harmonics (Tayfun, 1980), but the values of kurtosis are different in sign from the prediction.To examine the nonlinear properties of energy containing components, higher harmonic components are excluded from the wave records by using a kind of a band-pass filter. The surface elevation distributions of the filtered waves show a sharp decrease in skewness , but the distributions remain highly non-Gaussian with a large negative kurtosis almost independent of the fetch and wind speed . It is concluded that the negative kurtosis is due to the non-random character of the phase and amplitude among the energy containing components, and that nonlinear interactions occur amongst the energy containing frequencies.  相似文献   

Weller??s allometric model assumes that the allometric relationships of mean area occupied by a tree $ \bar{s} $ , i.e., the reciprocal of population density $ \rho $ , $ \bar{s}\left( { = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\rho = g_{\varphi } \cdot \bar{w}^{\varphi } }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\rho = g_{\varphi } \cdot \bar{w}^{\varphi } }}} \right) $ , mean tree height $ \bar{H}\left( { = g_{\theta } \cdot \bar{w}^{\theta } } \right) $ , and mean aboveground mass density $ \bar{d}\left( { = g_{\delta } \cdot \bar{w}^{\delta } } \right) $ to mean aboveground mass $ \bar{w} $ hold. Using the model, the self-thinning line $ \left( {\bar{w} = K \cdot \rho^{ - \alpha } } \right) $ of overcrowded Kandelia obovata stands in Okinawa, Japan, was studied over 8?years. Mean tree height increased with increasing $ \bar{w} $ . The values of the allometric constant $ \theta $ and the multiplying factor $ g_{\theta } $ are 0.3857 and 2.157?m?kg???, respectively. The allometric constant $ \delta $ and the multiplying factor $ g_{\delta } $ are ?0.01673 and 2.685?m?3?kg1???, respectively. The $ \delta $ value was not significantly different from zero, showing that $ \bar{d} $ remains constant regardless of any increase in $ \bar{w} $ . The average of $ \bar{d} $ , i.e., biomass density $ \left( {{{\bar{w} \cdot \rho } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\bar{w} \cdot \rho } {\bar{H}}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\bar{H}}}} \right) $ , was 2.641?±?0.022?kg?m?3, which was considerably higher than 1.3?C1.5?kg?m?3 of most terrestrial forests. The self-thinning exponent $ \alpha \left( { = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\varphi = }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\varphi = }}{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\left\{ {1 - \left( {\theta + \delta } \right)} \right\}}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\left\{ {1 - \left( {\theta + \delta } \right)} \right\}}}} \right) $ and the multiplying factor $ K\left( { = \left( {g_{\theta } \cdot g_{\delta } } \right)^{\alpha } } \right) $ were estimated to be 1.585 and 16.18?kg?m?2??, respectively. The estimators $ \theta $ and $ \delta $ are dependent on each other. Therefore, the observed value of $ \theta + \delta $ cannot be used for the test of the hypothesis that the expectation of the estimator $ \theta + \delta $ equals 1/3, i.e., $ \alpha = {3 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {3 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2} $ , or 1/4, i.e., $ \alpha = {4 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {4 3}} \right. \kern-0em} 3} $ . The $ \varphi $ value was 0.6310, which is the same as the reciprocal of the self-thinning exponent of 1.585, and was not significantly different from 2/3 (t?=?1.860, df?=?191, p?=?0.06429), i.e., $ \alpha = {3 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {3 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2} $ . Thus the self-thinning exponent is not significantly different from 3/2 based on the simple geometric model. On the other hand, the self-thinning exponent was significantly different from 3/4 (t?=?6.213, df?=?191, p?=?3.182?×?10?9), i.e., $ \alpha = {4 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {4 3}} \right. \kern-0em} 3} $ . Therefore, the self-thinning exponent is significantly different from 4/3 based on the metabolic model.  相似文献   

The Tushima Current in the east channel was measured in a site of the strong current between Tushima and Iki Islands for 43 days of the winter in 1986. The primary results are:First, it was highly barotropic and flowed northeastward with a mean speed of about 20 cm sec–1. Second, it was decelerated by northeast winds rather than by northwest winds in a frequency range of 0.3 and 0.4 cpd. Third, the scale analysis showed that the Tushima Current is approximately in geostrophic balance. The best empirical relationship between the measured Tushima Current and cross-channel adjusted sea level difference is given by

If knowledge of our theories on the directivity of tsunamis had received worldwide attention, the following operations could have been carried out internationally just after the large earthquake of 19 September 1985 which occurred near Acapulco, Mexico. Having found the great circle, “line S” which is perpendicular to the coast around Acapulco, we could have calculated the angles between line S and line A and between line S and line D, where line A and line D are the great circle connecting Acapulco and Auckland, New Zealand and that connecting Acapulco and Duke of York Island (Chile), respectively. The resultant angles are 30?43′ and 41?49′(>68?48′/2), we could thereafter neglect the eastern half of the offshore energy flux. When we assume that the speed of trans-Pacific tsunami is 400 knots, the probability that the actual tsunami will come earlier than the calculated arrival time proves to be $$\frac{1}{{\sqrt {2\pi } }}\int_{ - {\text{ }}\infty }^{ - {\text{ }}0.689} {e^{ - t^{{2 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {2 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} } dt = 0.2454} $$ Contact with New Zealand prior to the forecasted arrival time was essential, but the tsunami attention for the Japanese coast was unnecessary. Without such application of our directivity theories, frequent fruitless warnings will be issued for future trans-Pacific tsunamis. Quick improvements in warning procedures are required.  相似文献   

This study presents sand activation depth (SAD) measurements recently obtained on two contrasting beaches located along the Atlantic coast of France: the gently sloping, high-energy St Trojan beach where wave incidence is usually weak, and the steep, low-energy Arçay Sandspit beach where waves break at highly oblique angles. Comparisons between field measurements and predictions from existing formulae show good agreement for St Trojan beach but underestimate the SAD on the Arçay Sandspit beach by 40–60%. Such differences suggest a strong influence of wave obliquity on SAD. To verify this hypothesis, the relative influence of wave parameters was investigated by means of numerical modelling. A quasi-linear increase of SAD with wave height was confirmed for shore-normal and slightly oblique wave conditions, and a quasi-linear increase in SAD with wave obliquity was also revealed. Combining the numerical results with previously published relations, both a new semi-empirical and an empirical formula for the prediction of SAD were developed which showed good SAD predictions under conditions of oblique wave breaking. The new empirical formula for the prediction of SAD (Z 0) takes into account the significant wave height (H s), the beach face slope (β) and the wave angle at breaking (α), and is of the form $ Z_{0} = 1.6\tan {\left( \beta \right)}H^{{0.5}}_{{\text{s}}} {\sqrt {1 + \sin {\left( {2\alpha } \right)}} } This study presents sand activation depth (SAD) measurements recently obtained on two contrasting beaches located along the Atlantic coast of France: the gently sloping, high-energy St Trojan beach where wave incidence is usually weak, and the steep, low-energy Ar?ay Sandspit beach where waves break at highly oblique angles. Comparisons between field measurements and predictions from existing formulae show good agreement for St Trojan beach but underestimate the SAD on the Ar?ay Sandspit beach by 40–60%. Such differences suggest a strong influence of wave obliquity on SAD. To verify this hypothesis, the relative influence of wave parameters was investigated by means of numerical modelling. A quasi-linear increase of SAD with wave height was confirmed for shore-normal and slightly oblique wave conditions, and a quasi-linear increase in SAD with wave obliquity was also revealed. Combining the numerical results with previously published relations, both a new semi-empirical and an empirical formula for the prediction of SAD were developed which showed good SAD predictions under conditions of oblique wave breaking. The new empirical formula for the prediction of SAD (Z 0) takes into account the significant wave height (H s), the beach face slope (β) and the wave angle at breaking (α), and is of the form . The use of a dataset from the literature demonstrates the predictive skill of these new formulae for a wide range of wave heights, wave incidence and beach gradients.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, colloidal sulfurs often occur due to the redox reaction of sulfide ions and oxygen molecules. It is important to know the spectral refractive index of colloidal sulfurs for the discussion of the light scattering in the region where colloidal sulfurs are formed. We presented new methods to estimate the refractive index from the wave length of maximum absorbance (turbidity) of a nearly mono-dispersed colloidal solution. In these methods, the ripples in a first main maximum of the scattering efficiency,Q sca , were taken into consideration. By virtue of these methods, we obtained the spectral refractive index of colloidal sulfurs,m s (), at 20°C. The Cauchy's expression of it was given by

Effects of the Ekman friction on the prograde (eastward) flows past a cylinder on a-plane are investigated when (=R 2/U, whereR is the cylinder radius andU the freestream speed)O(1) and(=2E k 1/2/R 0·O(1) where is the non-dimensional beta parameter and the ratio of the square root of the Ekman numberE k multiplied by 2 to the Rossby numberRo multiplied by the aspect ratio(=H/R, whereH is the fluid depth). Previous studies without the Ekman friction have shown that the-effect inhibits flow separation for pragrade flows through the asymptotic boundary condition by shifting the region of the adverse pressure gradient toward the rear stagnation point. It is found that the Ekman friction alleviates this-effect on the exterior flow. In the Ek 1/4-boundary layer, on the other hand, Ekman friction suppresses the vorticity advection along the wall, which tends to make the boundary layer thickness thin and delay the flow separation. The Ekman friction thus affects flow separation in a complicated manner. Details of the boundary layer structures and the separation angles are described for 0.3< <4.0 and 0.1<<1.5.  相似文献   

The amount of penetration of a western boundary current into a marginal sea which is connected to an open ocean by two narrow straits is estimated from a linear, steady and barotropic theoretical model. In this model the western boundary current in the open ocean is driven by a wind stress imposed at the sea surface. The inflow of the water of the open ocean into the marginal sea is caused by the pressure difference between two straits produced by the wind-driven circulation in the open ocean.Main external parameters are combined into two non-dimensional parameters; and (the ratio of the depth of the marginal sea to that of the open ocean), whereb is the distance between north and south boundaries of the ocean,D 0 is the depth of the open ocean, is the latitudinal variation of the Coriolis parameter andR is the coefficient of friction. The friction is assumed to be proportional to the flow velocity.In the limit of infinite the volume transport into the marginal sea is not affected by the width of two straits and . It is mainly controlled by the wind stress and the positions of two straits. For finite values of , however, the volume transport depends considerably on and the width of the straits.Guided by both this model and physical considerations, we obtained a relation between the volume transport into the marginal sea and the external parameters. This relation predicts that about 2 % of the volume transport of the Kuroshio penetrates into the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

Isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) and alkenones were analyzed in sediment samples retrieved from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1241 covering the last 150000 years to understand the hydrological evolution of the eastern Pacific warm pool (EPWP). GDGT and alkenone concentrations showed higher values in marine isotope stage (MIS)-2 and MIS-6, which suggests the enhancement of primary production at glacial maxima. $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ - and $ U_{ 3 7^\prime }^{\text{K}} $ -derived temperature depicted different temperature evolutions. $ U_{ 3 7^\prime }^{\text{K}} $ -derived temperature was marked by small variation during the glacial–interglacial cycles, whereas $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ -derived temperature showed pronounced glacial–interglacial variation that was similar to Mg/Ca-derived temperature records from nearby cores in the EPWP. Given that enhanced primary production during glacial maxima suggests nutricline shoaling, unchanged $ U_{ 3 7^\prime }^{\text{K}} $ over glacial–interglacial cycles can be interpreted as the shift of alkenone production depth. $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ seems not to be influenced by glacial–interglacial changes in nutricline depths, recording an integrated temperature in surface and thermocline water. The shallow nutricline in the EPWP during glacial maxima most likely reflected the intense formation of Antarctic intermediate water.  相似文献   

The relationship between the scale of the spectral minimum of the first differences in temperature fluctuationsL and the local value of the Väisälä-Brunt frequencyN has been analysed using the results of more than 600 soundings made in various regions of the world's oceans. Allowing for the series of theoretical and experimental indications of the fact that the vertical scaleL at the boundary between the fine structure and microstructure in the ocean exists under the effect of processes of breaking of internal waves and hydrodynamic instability with the formation of turbulent patches, and using the energy relationships, the relationship for a solitary patch has been derived through the determining parameters. Based on two expressions forL, derived experimentally and using the energy estimations, the relationships for the averaged rate of absorption of the wave field energy by patches and the coefficient of the density vertical diffusion are derived, which do not contradict a series of independent estimations fromin situ measurements.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

In each of six areas with various horizontal scale from 0.4 to 15.6 nautical miles, many surveys with vertical net hauls are made for sampling fish eggs and larvae. Though values ofC A are widely spread in each area, the variances 2 and the meanm of catch numbers calculated from each survey follow approximately the relation from a Poisson mixture model (PMM).

The mixed layer depth (MLD) front and subduction under seasonal variability are investigated using an idealized ocean general circulation model (OGCM) with simple seasonal forcings. A sharp MLD front develops and subduction occurs at the front from late winter to early spring. The position of the MLD front agrees with the curve where \({\rm D}T_{\rm s}/{\rm D}t = \partial T_{\rm s} /\partial t + {\user2{u}}_{\rm g} \cdot \nabla T_{\rm s} = 0\) is satisfied (t is time, \({\user2{u}}_{\rm g}\) is the upper-ocean geostrophic velocity, \(T_{\rm s}\) is the sea surface temperature (SST), and \(\nabla\) is the horizontal gradient operator), indicating that thick mixed-layer water is subducted there parallel to the SST contour. This is a generalization of the past result that the MLD front coincides with the curve \({\user2{u}}_{\rm g} \cdot \nabla T_{\rm s} = 0\) when the forcing is steady. Irreversible subduction at the MLD front is limited to about 1 month, where the beginning of the irreversible subduction period agrees with the first coincidence of the MLD front and \({\rm D}T_{\rm s}/{\rm D}t =0\) in late winter, and the end of the period roughly corresponds to the disappearance of the MLD front in early spring. Subduction volume at the MLD front during this period is similar to that during 1 year in the steady-forcing model. Since the cooling of the deep mixed-layer water occurs only in winter and SST can not fully catch up with the seasonally varying reference temperature of restoring, the cooling rate of SST is reduced and the zonal gradient of the SST in the northwestern subtropical gyre is a little altered in the seasonal-forcing case. These effects result in slightly lower densities of subducted water and the eastward shift of the MLD front.  相似文献   

The process of material transport through a strait due to tidal flow is modeled, and then the differences between various concepts of tidal exchange which have been used hitherto are pointed out using this model. In particular, the exchange of water itself and the exchange of material should be distinguished even in the case where the material of interest is carried by the water,i.e., the material and water move as one body. Further, the physical meaning of “tidal trapping” (Fischeret al., 1979) is discussed by using the model in this paper. The relationship between the exchange ratio for the water itself (r) and the phase lag (δ) of material concentration to the tidal stream in a section of the strait, which is an important factor in tidal trapping, is obtained as follows: $$\delta = \tan ^{ - 1} \left( {\tfrac{1}{r} - 1} \right)$$ Observational results at Lake Hamana (Shizuoka Pref) and at Kabira Cove (Okinawa Pref.) support the validity of the above relationship.  相似文献   

To elucidate the sources and transformations of nitrogen in the South China Sea (SCS), the nitrogen isotopic composition of nitrate (\({\updelta }^{ 1 5} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{ 3} }}\)) was measured in seawater samples from the water column of this marginal sea and the adjacent western North Pacific Ocean (WNP). Comparison of the isotopic signatures from these two locations suggests that the main source of nitrogen into the SCS was nitrate that entered from the WNP through the Luzon Strait. Values of \({\updelta }^{ 1 5} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{ 3} }}\) were generally lower in the SCS than in the WNP, and the \({\updelta }^{ 1 5} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{ 3} }}\) maximum observed in the SCS intermediate water was lower than the corresponding WNP maximum. This pattern is attributed to mixing within the SCS in combination with the outflow of SCS intermediate water to the WNP. A mass balance model indicates that atmospherically derived N (a combined input of new nitrogen from marine N2 fixation and atmospheric deposition) supplied approximately 6% of the particulate nitrogen exported from the euphotic zone to the deep SCS. This supply of isotopically light nitrogen cannot, however, explain the low and downward-decreasing δ15N that has been previously observed in sinking particles of the deep SCS. We propose that an alternative explanation might be a downward-increasing ratio of isotopically light NH4 +-N to organic N due to the degradation of organic N within the sinking particles (i.e., relative enrichment of the NH4 +) and also particle incorporation of excreted ammonium from zooplankton.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of attached bacterial dynamics based on microcolonization was devised using data obtained from a bog. Bacterial samples obtained from any natural water body can be examined by this model with the method of non-linear least squares. The model comprises three bacterial processes; i.e., (1) the attachment rate which was dependent on time after submergence by adsorption onto the substratum surface, and both (2) growth and (3) detachment rate which were dependent on the number of bacterial cells in the microcolony. The population dynamics are expressed as $$\frac{{dC_i }}{{dt}} = - g_i C_i + g_{i - 1} C_{i - 1} - b_i C_i + b_{i + 1} C_{i + 1} + a_i F_i ,$$ where suffixi denotes cell number in each microcolony,C i is microcolony number on the substratum,F i is bacterial clump drifting in the water column,a i , g i andb i are the rate coefficients of attachment, growth and detachment. The growth rate was reciprocally proportional to the cell number in the microcolony. The detachment was shown to increase up to a maximum, and then to decrease as the number of bacterial cells increased in each microcolony.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), alkenones, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in particulate organic matter collected at four sites along a depth transect from the continental shelf to the Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea during the spring bloom in 2008. The maximum alkenone concentration appeared in the top 25?m at all sites and the $ U_{37}^{{{\text{K}}'}} $ values were consistent with in situ water temperatures in the depth interval, suggesting that the alkenones were produced mainly in surface water. At the slope and shelf sites, GDGTs in the water column showed a concentration maximum at 74?C99?m depth, and the $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ agreed with in situ water temperatures, suggesting the in situ production of GDGTs in the depth interval. The low-salinity surface water above 20?m depth was characterized by low GDGT concentrations and low $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{L}} $ -based temperatures, suggesting either the production of GDGTs in winter season or the lateral advection of GDGTs by an eastward current. At the slope and Okinawa Trough sites, TEX86-based temperatures were nearly constant in the water column deeper than 300?m and corresponded to temperatures at the surface and near-surface waters rather than in situ temperatures. This observation is consistent with a hypothesis that Thaumarchaeota cells produced in surface waters are delivered to deeper water and also indicates that the residence time of suspended GDGTs in the deep-water column is large enough to mix the GDGTs produced in different seasons.  相似文献   

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