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There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that bivalve molluscs routinely ingest zooplankton. To elucidate further these observations, a 15-month study of zooplankton ingestion by farmed mussels was conducted using mussel long-lines in Bantry Bay, Ireland. Stomach content analysis of the mussels showed that there was evidence of zooplankton ingestion throughout the sampling period, but that highest mean numbers of zooplankters were ingested by mussels in the spring and summer months. Various zooplankton species were present in mussel stomachs. Harpacticoid copepods were found more often in stomach contents than calanoid copepods, probably due to their proximity to the bivalves' inhalent siphons. Barnacle cyprids featured in large numbers in stomach contents, but only for a period of 3 months which broadly corresponded with their pelagic phase. Sizes of ingested zooplankton ranged from 126 μm to 6 mm, but more of the smaller zooplankters (e.g. crustacean nauplii) were ingested. When lengths of ingested copepods were compared with those found in plankton net samples, it was found that the net-sampled copepods were significantly larger than those found in mussel stomachs, suggesting that mussels select for smaller categories within the zooplankton available to them. Soft bodied zooplankton was rarely found in mussel stomachs but their absence may be due to rapid digestion or they may have been destroyed in the preservation process. Ingestion of zooplankton by bivalves is discussed in the context of the impacts mussel farms have on resident zooplankton populations.  相似文献   

Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) taken from several sites in the Mersey Estuary, an urban-industrial water body in NW England, have been analyzed for residues of the persistent organochlorines, DDT, PCB congeners nos. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180 (ICES7), and alpha-MHCH (alpha-methyl hexachlorocyclohexane). The concentration range for sigmaPCB (ICES7) was 13.9-34.9 microg kg(-1) in 1994 compared with 9.6-31.9 microg kg(-1) in 1998, whilst the equivalent concentrations of sigmaDDT were 8.9-32.4 microg kg(-1) and 4.5-16.8 microg kg(-1), respectively. The concentration of alpha-MHCH, an organochlorine largely restricted to the Mersey Estuary, was 1.2-11 microg kg(-1) in 1994 and 0.3-1.3 microg kg(-1) in 1998. At both sampling dates the inner estuary sites of Rock Ferry and Egremont were more contaminated than the outer estuary sites of New Brighton. Dove Point and Caldy Blacks. The lower concentrations of organochlorines in mussels in 1998 compared with 1994 are thought to be early evidence of significant improvements in water quality derived from major capital investment in the treatment of industrial effluents and sewage wastewater, linked to a combination of stricter legislative controls and the environmental benefits from the adoption of new, clean technologies in manufacturing.  相似文献   

Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793) have been introduced into the Wadden Sea (North Sea), where they settle on native mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.), which represent the only extensive insular hard substrata in this soft-sediment environment. As abundances of C. gigas rose, some mussel beds became increasingly overgrown with oysters, whereas others did not. Field experiments revealed that recruitment of C. gigas was higher in the lower intertidal than in the upper subtidal zone, that it was higher on conspecifics than on mussels, and that it was not affected by barnacle epigrowth except when settling on mussels. Mussel recruitment is known from inter- and subtidal zones. It occurred equally on oyster and mussel shells but showed a clear preference for barnacle epigrowth over clean shells. Assuming that settlement and recruitment are key processes for species abundances on the North Sea coast, it is predicted that the positive feedback in oyster settlement will lead to rapid reef formation of this invader at the expense of mussel beds. Mussels, however, may escape competitive exclusion by settling between or on the larger oysters especially when barnacles are abundant. Experimental patches with mussels were more often covered by fucoid algae (Fucus vesiculosus forma mytili Nienburg) than patches with oysters, and oyster recruitment was poor underneath such algal canopies. Thus, fucoids may provide the native mussels with a refuge from the invading oysters and the two bivalves may coexist, provided food is not limiting.  相似文献   

A Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for simulation of growth and bioenergetics of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) has been tested in three low seston sites in southern Norway. The observations comprise four datasets from laboratory experiments (physiological and biometrical mussel data) and three datasets from in situ growth experiments (biometrical mussel data). Additional in situ data from commercial farms in southern Norway were used for estimation of biometrical relationships in the mussels. Three DEB parameters (shape coefficient, half saturation coefficient, and somatic maintenance rate coefficient) were estimated from experimental data, and the estimated parameters were complemented with parameter values from literature to establish a basic parameter set. Model simulations based on the basic parameter set and site specific environmental forcing matched fairly well with observations, but the model was not successful in simulating growth at the extreme low seston regimes in the laboratory experiments in which the long period of negative growth caused negative reproductive mass. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the model was moderately sensitive to changes in the parameter and initial conditions. The results show the robust properties of the DEB model as it manages to simulate mussel growth in several independent datasets from a common basic parameter set. However, the results also demonstrate limitations of Chl a as a food proxy for blue mussels and limitations of the DEB model to simulate long term starvation. Future work should aim at establishing better food proxies and improving the model formulations of the processes involved in food ingestion and assimilation. The current DEB model should also be elaborated to allow shrinking in the structural tissue in order to produce more realistic growth simulations during long periods of starvation.  相似文献   

紫贻贝养殖产业的现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面系统地了解中国紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)养殖产业情况,作者从养殖产量、养殖面积、进出口贸易、养殖生产等方面概述了紫贻贝产业现状,对中国紫贻贝养殖业的种质资源、苗种生产方式、养殖生产流程、养殖方式等进行了综述,并针对紫贻贝养殖中存在的问题,从种质资源、养殖模式、设施设备、食品安全控...  相似文献   

Several environmental chemicals are suspected to be responsible for adverse health effects on the reproductive system in various organisms. During this work, environmentally relevant concentrations of North Sea oil were used alone or in combination with alkylphenols and additional PAH to study the effect on vitellogenin-like protein expression and gonadal development in mussels. North Sea oil (0.5 ppm) induced the expression of phospho-proteins in both sexes indicating that some compounds are oestrogen-mimics. This induction was not seen in samples dosed with the mixture but signs of toxic effects were observed in the gonads. Indeed, numerous degenerating ovarian follicles in females and foci, similar to vertebrate melanomacrophage centres, were observed in testes.  相似文献   

三种典型POPs对紫贻贝不同组织DNA损伤的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用彗星电泳技术,比较研究了Aroclor 1254、BaP、DDT三种典型POPs对紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)鳃、性腺、消化腺细胞的DNA损伤效应的差异,以期为进一步评价这三种典型POPs遗传毒理机制及其预警监测提供科学依据.结果表明,Tail DNA%是评价DNA损伤的理想指标,另外,在急性毒性试验中,...  相似文献   

A multiple biomarker approach was adopted in a seasonal study carried out in the Lagoon of Venice, with the double aim of evaluating the natural and anthropic stresses influencing the biological responses of mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and of assessing the effects due to spatial rather than temporal variations.Biochemical (aldehyde dehydrogenase and catalase activities), cellular (neutral red retention time) and physiological (survival in air and condition index) biomarkers were determined in mussels collected in four differently impacted lagoon areas.Multivariate analysis showed that samples were distributed mainly according to temperature and four seasonal groups were identified. The combination of spatial and temporal information enabled us to distinguish physiological variations due to natural causes from those due to anthropic stress, and to identify the sampling period when several biomarkers are less influenced by both natural and endogenous factors.  相似文献   

Copper and iron concentrations in three brown algae, Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus and Laminaria digitata (and additionally Mn in L. digitata) from the Irish west coast were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Metal concentrations in the three species were indicative of prevailing bioavailable metal concentrations in situ but varied greatly between functional tissue parts, between sites and over time. Cu concentrations in actively growing tips of A. nodosum decreased over a 4-month period during autumn/winter, while Fe concentrations increased. Both Fe and Cu concentrations in different thallus sections of A. nodosum and F. vesiculosus increased with increasing age of thallus part in a clean site, but there was no consistent trend for F. vesiculosus from an industrialized site. Within sites, concentrations of all Cu and Fe were similar in both fucoids, but concentrations at the industrialized site were about twice as high as at the pristine site. In L. digitata, all three metals were highest in holdfasts, but had distinctly different distribution patterns in stipes and blade sections, which were most likely related to growth pattern and tissue function. Fe was lowest in meristematic and young blade regions, suggesting small-scale Fe limitation in actively growing tissue. Mn concentrations were higher in distal blade sections than in stipes, and Cu concentrations were highest in meristematic and young thallus parts.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to develop appropriate methods for quantitative assessment of blue mussel beds. Combined methods of remote sensing, ground truth investigation and sampling in the field were applied to mature and young intertidal mussel beds. Three variables were measured to obtain reliable quantitative estimates of biomass and abundance: the total area covered by a bed; the cover, i.e. the area of mussel-covered patches in relation to the total mussel bed area; and the proportion, i.e. the area covered by mussels within the patches in relation to the total area of mussel patches. Cover and proportion of intertidal blue mussel beds were measured in the field by the transection method. Aerial photographs enabled the total area of the beds to be determined and large-scale surveys of mussel beds to be carried out synchronously. By examining large-scale aerial photographs it was possible also to determine the cover by remote sensing. The proportion could not be derived from aerial photographs, even from pictures at the largest scale tested during this investigation (scale 1:2500). By statistical methods it was estimated that 12 sub-samples (each covering 177 cm2) from mature beds, and 12 sub-samples (each covering 38 cm2) from young beds are needed to obtain reliable data on biomass and abundance.  相似文献   

Fatty acid biomarkers were used to investigate the biogeochemistry of a former blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) aquaculture site in a shallow, sheltered cove in northeastern Newfoundland. High levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in net-tow and sediment trap samples indicated a substantial phytoplankton source of organic matter, and fluctuations in specific fatty acid biomarkers reflected the changing abundances of diatoms and dinoflagellates. In comparison, sediments contained very low levels of PUFA (<15%) and were dominated by terrestrial and bacterial markers. In a separate study, blue mussels were grown at this closed site, providing the opportunity to examine the relationship between lipid supply, as recorded by net-tow and trap samples, and bivalve requirements. The average plankton fatty acid composition throughout the year agreed well with that of the adult blue mussels, suggesting that fatty acids were provided in proportions very similar to the bivalves' requirements. The fatty acid composition of the blue mussels was typical of those collected elsewhere, with PUFA proportions near 50%. However, examination of fatty acid data of plankton sampled in other areas revealed that the plankton in the current study may have been unusual in providing fatty acids at levels required by the bivalves.  相似文献   

彭鹏飞  马媛  史荣君  王迪  许欣  颜彬 《海洋科学》2022,46(10):140-149
根据2018年7月、11月和2019年1月、4月对广东考洲洋牡蛎养殖海域进行4个季节调查获得的p H、溶解无机碳(DIC)、水温、盐度、溶解氧(DO)及叶绿素a(Chla)等数据,估算该区域表层海水溶解无机碳体系各分量的浓度、初级生产力(PP)、表层海水CO2分压[p(CO2)]和海-气界面CO2交换通量(FCO2),分析牡蛎养殖活动对养殖区碳循环的影响。结果表明:牡蛎养殖区表层海水中Chl a、DIC、HCO3和PP显著低于非养殖区;养殖淡季表层海水中pH、DO、DIC、HCO3、和CO32–显著大于养殖旺季,养殖旺季的p(CO2)和FCO2显著大于养殖淡季。牡蛎养殖区表层海水夏季、秋季、冬季和春季的海-气界面CO2交换通量FCO2平均值分别是(42.04±9.56)、(276...  相似文献   

海州湾前三岛海域底播刺参群体特征初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
海州湾前三岛海域是中国刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)自然分布的最南界,2013年3月至2014年4月,采用潜水样带法,调查了前三岛海域底播刺参群体的体质量结构及季节变动特征,结合水下观察和视频调查,比较了不同生境类型中的刺参密度。结果表明,前三岛海域刺参密度为0.4~1.33头/m2,生物量为42.69~103 g/m2,刺参群体相对稳定,群体的体质量呈现冬春季节增长、夏秋季节下降的特点。不同生境类型中的刺参密度不同,大型藻类分布的礁石区刺参密度明显大于没有藻类分布的礁石区和砂质区,上述结果为揭示岛屿海域的刺参群体特征和资源养护提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

卜世勋  张福崇  方笑  李永仁 《海洋科学》2022,46(10):150-158
为研究抚宁海湾扇贝养殖区浮游植物变化特征,探讨水质因子对浮游植物的影响,2020年5月—11月,每月测定该海域的主要水质因子,统计浮游植物。结果表明:共鉴定浮游植物69种,优势种33种;浮游植物密度(8.3~267.9)×104cell/L,5月份最高;生物多样性指数为0.458~3.747,均匀度指数0.099~0.796,丰富度指数0.933~4.755。海水水温范围11.8~26.8℃,盐度28.8~34.0,活性硅酸盐(SiO32–-Si)含量0.025~0.627mg/L,硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)浓度0.057~0.284mg/L,均呈“上升-下降”趋势;pH范围为7.867~8.190,化学需氧量(COD)为0.260~1.415mg/L,活性磷酸盐(PO43–-P)0.003~0.006mg/L,变化趋势为“下降—上升”;对优势种与水质因子的分析表明,影响该海域浮游植物变化的主要环境因子为活性硅酸盐、盐度、活性磷酸盐和硝酸盐氮;裸藻门与活性磷酸盐、盐度呈正相关,与活性硅酸盐、硝酸盐氮呈负相关;甲藻门与活性硅酸盐呈正相关,与活性磷酸盐、硝酸盐氮呈负相关;隐藻门与活性硅酸盐、盐度成正相关,与硝酸盐氮呈负相关。  相似文献   

紫贻贝贝壳和脉红螺厣中色素的提取与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)贝壳与脉红螺厣中的黑色物质是否为黑色素这一物质,作者实验选取紫贻贝贝壳和脉红螺(Rapana venosa)厣,清洗干净,之后分别对两份样品进行研磨粉碎、称量、盐酸浸泡、沸水浴加热、乙醚纯化等步骤后,将得到的黑色提取物质用0.01 ml/L氢氧化钠水溶液溶解,在190~500 nm的范围内测定紫外吸收光谱,发现两份样品最大吸收峰都在210~220 nm,随波长增加,其吸光值下降,与公认的黑色素紫外吸收光谱特征一致;另外将提取的两份黑色固体物质分别用溴化钾压片后进行傅里叶红外光谱扫描,其红外图谱都在3μm和6μm处分别有特征吸收峰,亦与公认的黑色素红外扫描图谱特征一致,从而首次确定紫贻贝贝壳和脉红螺厣中的黑色物质为黑色素,提示黑色素在贝类中可能是广泛存在的。  相似文献   

近岸浅水底栖有孔虫是陆架海区古环境重建的重要手段,但是至今对其活体的研究非常缺乏。2014年6月至2015年5月对青岛湾潮间带活体底栖有孔虫Ammonia aomoriensis进行了连续12个月的采样,用虎红染色以确认活体。对壳径范围在200~550μm的活体壳体,以每增加50μm壳径为一组,进行δ18O测试。结果显示,A.aomoriensis壳体δ18O的月平均值的季节变化趋势与温度和盐度一致,与温度反相关,与盐度正相关,即青岛湾A.aomoriensis壳体δ18O值受温度和海水δ18O的影响,其壳体δ18O值表现出了很好的季节性波动。但是A.aomoriensis壳体δ18O的变化滞后于所测温度和盐度约2个月,其记录的是虫体在生长周期内在真实钙化温度下分馏所得的δ18O值。  相似文献   

The vertical and temporal distribution of two calycophoran siphonophores, Chelophyes appendiculata (Eschscholtz, 1829) and Abylopsis tetragona (Otto, 1823) in the Bay of Villefranche (northwestern Mediterranean) was investigated by an analysis of three different planktonic time series. A daily series (1993–1995) showed seasonal peaks of the nectophores of C. appendiculata during spring and particularly in late summer, while the abundance of A. tetragona remained similar throughout the year. A weekly series (1994–1995) showed that C. appendiculata (nectophores and eudoxids) became concentrated above the thermal discontinuity, in the most stratified and warm waters, whereas A. tetragona was collected in large numbers below this discontinuity. A 27-year survey (1966–1993) showed long-term fluctuations of these siphonophore populations, which became abundant in the Bay starting from 1980 and especially after 1984, when the water column grew warm and hypersaline, corresponding to a less rainy period. Temporal (seasonal and long-term) and bathymetric (between 10 and 60 m depth) successions of these two siphonophores were noted in this shallow coastal bay.  相似文献   

A one year long monthly sampling series at a fixed station was combined with a high-spatial resolution survey (May 2003) to investigate factors controlling zooplankton distribution in the south-eastern corner of the Bay of Biscay. Species abundance and gonad maturity for Calanoides carinatus and Calanus helgolandicus were estimated to clarify whether the observed spatial patterns were attributable to increased population growth or to mechanical accumulation. The two studies included distinct oceanographic regimes. The eastern corner of the grid was characterized by Adour river plume waters and the Cap Breton canyon, and the rest of the area by an alternating pattern of physical convergences and divergences. In the river plume, the zooplankton community diversity and abundances were highest in response to the nutrient enriched river plume waters and the submarine canyon. In the rest of the area, distribution and abundance patterns were the result of a combination of behaviour and physical transport.  相似文献   

2011年秋,福建和广东地区养殖的皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)相继暴发死亡。同年12月,我们从广东汕头病区取样分离得到2株弧菌,其中bb3为溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus), bb4为哈氏弧菌(V. harveyi)。本研究以bb3、bb4作为供试菌株对1龄皱纹盘鲍进行侵染实验,获得如下结果:20℃条件下,供试菌及其胞外产物粗提液注射处理均可致受试鲍死亡,浓度2.5×107 cfu/mL 的 bb3与2.0×107cfu/mL的bb4悬液注射可分别引发43.33%和78.02%的受试鲍死亡;供试菌株的致死毒性与注射弧菌的总量正相关,与受试幼鲍的壳长、全湿重负相关;注射或浸泡-创伤两种处理方式均可导致受试鲍死亡,并且因注射供试弧菌而死亡的幼鲍软体部组织被健康鲍取食后也可引发取食者死亡;从侵染实验死亡的受试鲍软体部组织中可重新分离得到这2种供试弧菌。上述结果表明,溶藻弧菌 bb3和哈氏弧菌bb4是皱纹盘鲍的病原菌。药敏试验表明, bb3、bb4均已对抗生素具有一定程度的耐药性,在测试的20种抗生素中,仅有头孢曲松和丁胺卡那霉素是这2株弧菌同时高度敏感的抗生素,但bb3和bb4却对8种抗生素同时表现出抗性。  相似文献   

魁蚶(Anadara broughtonii)是我国北方重要的经济贝类,筏式养殖是其主要的生产方式。2014年5月至2015年1月,测定了不同季节灵山湾筏式养殖魁蚶及其3种潜在食物源(表层颗粒有机物SPOM、底层颗粒有机物BPOM和附着微藻AM)的碳氮稳定同位素(δ13C和δ15N),结合胃含物分析研究了海区食物源结构的季节变化对魁蚶食物组成的影响。结果显示,魁蚶及其食物源的稳定同位素比值均存在明显的季节差异,魁蚶的δ13C值(-19.6‰~-19.2‰)介于SPOM (-23.3‰~-21.8‰)、BPOM (-22.1‰~-21.2‰)和AM(-17.0‰~-16.0‰)之间,δ15N值范围集中在8.7‰~9.9‰。冬季魁蚶的δ13C值最低,δ15N值则最富集。水体颗粒有机物(主要由浮游植物组成)是魁蚶的主要食物来源(60.0%~77.8%),以夏季的饵料贡献率最高;海区再悬浮作用使BPOM的贡献率始终维持在较高水平(30.8%~47.1%);而养殖网笼上的附着微藻也可为魁蚶提供约22.1%~40.0%的食物。研究揭示了筏式养殖魁蚶可以混合滤食颗粒有机物和附着微藻,附着微藻是其重要的食物补充。  相似文献   

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