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The six-hourly values of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) functions computed by the U.S. National Meteorological Center (NMC) were used to estimate the effects of the atmospheric tides on the Earth's rotation. Variations of the equatorial components 1 and 2 of the AAM have periods close to gravitational tidesP 1 andK 1.The amplitudes of the detected variations in 1 and 2 functions have been found to be much larger than the theoretical ones, the reason of this amplification remains unexplained. According to theoretical formulations, these waves can be expressed only as retrograde motions. Because of frame effects, there is a correspondance between diurnal retrograde polar motion and precession-nutations and the atmospheric effect on polar motion cannot be detected from observations.The second part of this paper deals the effects of atmospheric tides in Earth rotation. High-frequency UT1 variations have been derived from VLBI and GPS techniques during the SEARCH'92 campaign (Study ofEarth-AtmosphereRapidCHanges) (Dickey et al. 1994). They have been compared to values derived by Ray et al. (1994) from global ocean tide model. The results obtained in the present paper show the existence of variations of thermal origin with an amplitude of about 1µs in Universal Time UT1. The agreement between observed and theoretical values is better when the determined thermal atmospheric tides are taken into account.Oceanic tidal signal explains a large part (60% of the signal variance) of the diurnal and sub-diurnal variations. Our results show that only a small part of the residuals (5%) accounts for the atmospheric tidal effects. The residual signal remains unexplained; it might be due to mismodelization of oceanic or atmospheric tides or effect of other geophysical phenomena.  相似文献   

The regularized solution of the external sphericalStokes boundary value problem as being used for computations of geoid undulations and deflections of the vertical is based upon theGreen functions S 1(0, 0, , ) ofBox 0.1 (R = R 0) andV 1(0, 0, , ) ofBox 0.2 (R = R 0) which depend on theevaluation point {0, 0} S R0 2 and thesampling point {, } S R0 2 ofgravity anomalies (, ) with respect to a normal gravitational field of typegm/R (free air anomaly). If the evaluation point is taken as the meta-north pole of theStokes reference sphere S R0 2 , theStokes function, and theVening-Meinesz function, respectively, takes the formS() ofBox 0.1, andV 2() ofBox 0.2, respectively, as soon as we introduce {meta-longitude (azimuth), meta-colatitude (spherical distance)}, namely {A, } ofBox 0.5. In order to deriveStokes functions andVening-Meinesz functions as well as their integrals, theStokes andVening-Meinesz functionals, in aconvolutive form we map the sampling point {, } onto the tangent plane T0S R0 2 at {0, 0} by means ofoblique map projections of type(i) equidistant (Riemann polar/normal coordinates),(ii) conformal and(iii) equiareal.Box 2.1.–2.4. andBox 3.1.– 3.4. are collections of the rigorously transformedconvolutive Stokes functions andStokes integrals andconvolutive Vening-Meinesz functions andVening-Meinesz integrals. The graphs of the correspondingStokes functions S 2(),S 3(r),,S 6(r) as well as the correspondingStokes-Helmert functions H 2(),H 3(r),,H 6(r) are given byFigure 4.1–4.5. In contrast, the graphs ofFigure 4.6–4.10 illustrate the correspondingVening-Meinesz functions V 2(),V 3(r),,V 6(r) as well as the correspondingVening-Meinesz-Helmert functions Q 2(),Q 3(r),,Q 6(r). The difference between theStokes functions / Vening-Meinesz functions andtheir first term (only used in the Flat Fourier Transforms of type FAST and FASZ), namelyS 2() – (sin /2)–1,S 3(r) – (sinr/2R 0)–1,,S 6(r) – 2R 0/r andV 2() + (cos /2)/2(sin2 /2),V 3(r) + (cosr/2R 0)/2(sin2 r/2R 0),, illustrate the systematic errors in theflat Stokes function 2/ or flatVening-Meinesz function –2/2. The newly derivedStokes functions S 3(r),,S 6(r) ofBox 2.1–2.3, ofStokes integrals ofBox 2.4, as well asVening-Meinesz functionsV 3(r),,V 6(r) ofBox 3.1–3.3, ofVening-Meinesz integrals ofBox 3.4 — all of convolutive type — pave the way for the rigorousFast Fourier Transform and the rigorousWavelet Transform of theStokes integral / theVening-Meinesz integral of type equidistant, conformal and equiareal.  相似文献   

Harmonic maps     
Harmonic maps are generated as a certain class of optimal map projections. For instance, if the distortion energy over a meridian strip of the International Reference Ellipsoid is minimized, we are led to the Laplace–Beltrami vector-valued partial differential equation. Harmonic functions x(L,B), y(L,B) given as functions of ellipsoidal surface parameters of Gauss ellipsoidal longitude L and Gauss ellipsoidal latitude B, as well as x(,q), y(,q) given as functions of relative isometric longitude =LL0 and relative isometric latitude q=QQ0 gauged to a vector-valued boundary condition of special symmetry are constructed. The easting and northing {x(b,),y(b,)} of the new harmonic map is then given. Distortion energy analysis of the new harmonic map is presented, as well as case studies for (1) B[–40°,+40°], L[–31°,+49°], B0= ±30°, L0=9° and (2) B[46°,56°], L{[4.5°, 7.5°]; [7.5°, 10.5°]; [10.5°,13.5°]; [13.5°,16.5°]}, B0= 51°, L0 {6°,9°,12°,15°}.  相似文献   

Summary Riemann polar/normal coordinates are the constituents to generate the oblique azimuthal projection of geodesic type, here applied to the reference ellipsoid of revolution (biaxial ellipsoid).Firstly we constitute a minimal atlas of the biaxial ellipsoid built on {ellipsoidal longitude, ellipsoidal latitude} and {metalongitude, metalatitude}. TheDarboux equations of a 1-dimensional submanifold (curve) in a 2-dimensional manifold (biaxial ellipsoid) are reviewed, in particular to represent geodetic curvature, geodetic torsion and normal curvature in terms of elements of the first and second fundamental form as well as theChristoffel symbols. The notion of ageodesic anda geodesic circle is given and illustrated by two examples. The system of twosecond order ordinary differential equations of ageodesic (Lagrange portrait) is presented in contrast to the system of twothird order ordinary differential equations of ageodesic circle (Proofs are collected inAppendix A andB). A precise definition of theRiemann mapping/mapping of geodesics into the local tangent space/tangent plane has been found.Secondly we computeRiemann polar/normal coordinates for the biaxial ellipsoid, both in theLagrange portrait (Legendre series) and in theHamilton portrait (Lie series).Thirdly we have succeeded in a detailed deformation analysis/Tissot distortion analysis of theRiemann mapping. The eigenvalues — the eigenvectors of the Cauchy-Green deformation tensor by means of ageneral eigenvalue-eigenvector problem have been computed inTable 3.1 andTable 3.2 (1, 2 = 1) illustrated inFigures 3.1, 3.2 and3.3. Table 3.3 contains the representation ofmaximum angular distortion of theRiemann mapping. Fourthly an elaborate global distortion analysis with respect toconformal Gau-Krüger, parallel Soldner andgeodesic Riemann coordinates based upon theAiry total deformation (energy) measure is presented in a corollary and numerically tested inTable 4.1. In a local strip [-l E,l E] = [-2°, +2°], [b S,b N] = [-2°, +2°]Riemann normal coordinates generate the smallest distortion, next are theparallel Soldner coordinates; the largest distortion by far is met by theconformal Gau-Krüger coordinates. Thus it can be concluded that for mapping of local areas of the biaxial ellipsoid surface the oblique azimuthal projection of geodesic type/Riemann polar/normal coordinates has to be favored with respect to others.  相似文献   

Array algebra forms the general base of fast transforms and multilinear algebra making rigorous solutions of a large number (millions) of parameters computationally feasible. Loop inverses are operators solving the problem of general matrix inverses. Their derivation starts from the inconsistent linear equations by a parameter exchangeXL 0, where X is a set of unknown observables,A 0 forming a basis of the so called “problem space”. The resulting full rank design matrix of parameters L0 and its ℓ-inverse reveal properties speeding the computational least squares solution expressed in observed values . The loop inverses are found by the back substitution expressing ∧X in terms ofL through . Ifp=rank (A) ≤n, this chain operator creates the pseudoinverseA +. The idea of loop inverses and array algebra started in the late60's from the further specialized case,p=n=rank (A), where the loop inverse A 0 −1 (AA 0 −1 ) reduces into the ℓ-inverse A=(ATA)−1AT. The physical interpretation of the design matrixA A 0 −1 as an interpolator, associated with the parametersL 0, and the consideration of its multidimensional version has resulted in extended rules of matrix and tensor calculus and mathematical statistics called array algebra.  相似文献   

This study makes an initial comparison of three GPS-like constellations. Starting with a simplified constellation of 25 GPS satellites as a reference, GPS(25), we determine what kinematic positioning improvements would result from a constellation comprising a Hi component of 16 GPS satellites (at roughly 16.8 earth radii) coupled with a Lo component of 49 GPS satellites (at roughly 2.1 earth radii). We also include a GPS constellation of 49 GPS satellites, GPS(49), which comprises orbits like the GPS(25) constellation. The GPS(49) and the Hi(16)/Lo(49) constellations have semi-major axes selected so that they have exactly the same average number of satellites above 7.5 degrees elevation (averaged over 24 hours). What motivated this study was a need to measure the benefits, to precision differential kinematic positioning methods (i.e., RTK), which result from the higher Doppler shifts (hence speedier integrated Doppler) generated by the Lo component. Quicker initial convergence was anticipated, of course.  相似文献   

The Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) has been involved in the processing of combined GPS/GLONASS data during the International GLONASS Experiment (IGEX). The resulting precise orbits were analyzed using the program SORBDT. Introducing one satellites positions as pseudo-observations, the program is capable of fitting orbital arcs through these positions using an orbit improvement procedure based on the numerical integration of the satellites orbit and its partial derivative with respect to the orbit parameters. For this study, the program was enhanced to estimate selected parameters of the Earths gravity field. The orbital periods of the GPS satellites are —in contrast to those of the GLONASS satellites – 2:1 commensurable (P Sid:P GPS) with the rotation period of the Earth. Therefore, resonance effects of the satellite motion with terms of the geopotential occur and they influence the estimation of these parameters. A sensitivity study of the GPS and GLONASS orbits with respect to the geopotential coefficients reveals that the correlations between different geopotential coefficients and the correlations of geopotential coefficients with other orbit parameters, in particular with solar radiation pressure parameters, are the crucial issues in this context. The estimation of the resonant geopotential terms is, in the case of GPS, hindered by correlations with the simultaneously estimated radiation pressure parameters. In the GLONASS case, arc lengths of several days allow the decorrelation of the two parameter types. The formal errors of the estimates based on the GLONASS orbits are a factor of 5 to 10 smaller for all resonant terms. AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank all the organizations involved in the IGS and the IGEX campaign, in particular those operating an IGS or IGEX observation site and providing the indispensable data for precise orbit determination.  相似文献   

Using a Love number formalism, the elastic deformations of the mantle and the mass redistribution gravitational potential within the Earth induced by the fluid pressure acting at the core–mantle boundary (CMB) are computed. This pressure field changes at a decadal time scale and may be estimated from observations of the surface magnetic field and its secular variation. First, using a spherical harmonic expansion, the poloidal and toroidal part of the fluid velocity field at the CMB for the last 40 years is computed, under the hypothesis of tangential geostrophy. Then the associated geostrophic pressure, whose order of magnitude is about 1000 Pa, is computed. The surface topography induced by this pressure field is computed using Love numbers, and is a few millimetres. The mass redistribution gravitational potential induced by these deformations and, in particular, the zonal components of the related surface gravitational potential perturbation (J2, J3 and J4 coefficients), are calculated. Overall perturbations for the J2 coefficient of about 10–10, for J3 of about 10–11 and for J4 are found of about 0.3×10–11. Finally, these theoretical results are compared with recent observations of the decadal variation of J2 from satellite laser ranging. Results concerning J2 can be described as follows: first, they are one order of magnitude too small to explain the observed decadal variation of J2 and, second, they show a significant linear trend over the last 40 years, whose rate of decrease amounts to 7% of the observed value.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3-D) resection problem is usually solved by first obtaining the distances connecting the unknown point P{X,Y,Z} to the known points Pi{Xi,Yi,Zi}i=1,2,3 through the solution of the three nonlinear Grunert equations and then using the obtained distances to determine the position {X,Y,Z} and the 3-D orientation parameters {,, }. Starting from the work of the German J. A. Grunert (1841), the Grunert equations have been solved in several substitutional steps and the desire as evidenced by several publications has been to reduce these number of steps. Similarly, the 3-D ranging step for position determination which follows the distance determination step involves the solution of three nonlinear ranging (`Bogenschnitt') equations solved in several substitution steps. It is illustrated how the algebraic technique of Groebner basis solves explicitly the nonlinear Grunert distance equations and the nonlinear 3-D ranging (`Bogenschnitt') equations in a single step once the equations have been converted into algebraic (polynomial) form. In particular, the algebraic tool of the Groebner basis provides symbolic solutions to the problem of 3-D resection. The various forward and backward substitution steps inherent in the classical closed-form solutions of the problem are avoided. Similar to the Gauss elimination technique in linear systems of equations, the Groebner basis eliminates several variables in a multivariate system of nonlinear equations in such a manner that the end product normally consists of a univariate polynomial whose roots can be determined by existing programs e.g. by using the roots command in Matlab.Acknowledgments.The first author wishes to acknowledge the support of JSPS (Japan Society of Promotion of Science) for the financial support that enabled the completion of the write-up of the paper at Kyoto University, Japan. The author is further grateful for the warm welcome and the good working atmosphere provided by his hosts Professors S. Takemoto and Y. Fukuda of the Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan.  相似文献   

Time variations in the Earths gravity field at periods longer than 1 year, for degree-two spherical harmonics, C21, S21, and C20, are estimated from accurately measured Earth rotational variations. These are compared with predictions of atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic models, and with independent satellite laser ranging (SLR) results. There is remarkably good agreement between Earth rotation and model predictions of C21 and S21 over a 22-year period. After decadal signals are removed, Earth-rotation-derived interannual C20 variations are dominated by a strong oscillation of period about 5.6 years, probably due to uncertainties in wind and ocean current estimates. The model-predicted C20 agrees reasonably well with SLR observations during the 22-year period, with the exception of the recent anomaly since 1997/1998.  相似文献   

Summary The authors explored the possibility of separating gravitation from inertia in the frame of general relativity. The Riemann tensor is intimately related with gravitational fields and has nothing to do with inertial effects. One can judge the existence or nonexistence of a gravitational field according as the Riemann tensor does not vanish or vanishes. In the free fall case, by using a gradiometer on a satellite, gravitational effects can be separated from inertia completely. Furthermore, the authors put forward a general method of determining the relativistic gravity field by using gradiometers mounted on satellites. At the same time the following two statements are proved: in the case of using gradiometers on a satellite, with some kind of approximation the Riemann tensorR can be found; in the case of free motion, if the measured Riemannian componentsR (i0j0) are equal to zero, the Riemann tensorR equals zero.  相似文献   

A new method for the calibration of a superconducting gravity meter is described, in which a 273 Kg annular mass is placed around the meter and is moved up and down. The geometry of the apparatus is easy to model and the accuracy in the computation of the gravity variation induced by the mass, 6.7µgal, is limited only by the accuracy in the knowledge of value of the gravitational constant. Measurements done in 91 and 92 for the calibration of the instrument GWR-T015 are described. The calibration factor has been determined with a precision of about 0.3%.  相似文献   

Let there be given a twodimensional symmetric rank two tensor of random type (examples:strain, stress) which is either directly observed or indirectly estimated from observations by an adjustment procedure. Under the assumption of normalityof tensor components we compute the joint probability density functionas well as the marginal probability density functionsof its eigenspectra (eigenvalues) and eigendirections (orientation parameters). Due to the nonlinearity of the relation between eigenspectra-eigendirections and the random tensor components, via the inverse nonlinear error propagationbiases and aliases of their first and centralized second moments (mean value, variance-covariance) are expressed in terms of Jacobianand Hessianmatrices. The joint probability density function and the first and second moments thus form the fundamental of hypothesis testing and qualify control of eigenspectra (eigenvalues, principal components) and eigendirections (orientation parameters, eigenvectors, principial direction) of a twodimensional, symmetric rank two random tensor.  相似文献   

Summary The signals transmitted by Block II satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be degraded to limit the highest accuracy of the system (10 m or better point positioning) to authorized users. This mode of degraded operation is called Selective Availability (S/A). S/A involves the degradation in the quality of broadcast orbits and satellite clock dithering. We monitored the dithered satellite oscillator and investigated the effect of this clock dithering on high accuracy relative positioning. The effect was studied over short 3-meter and zero-baselines with two GPS receivers. The equivalent S/A effects for baselines ranging from 0 to >10,000 km can be examined with short test baselines if the receiver clocks are deliberately mis-synchronized by a known and varying amount. Our results show that the maximum effect of satellite clock dithering on GPS double difference phase residuals grows as a function of the clock synchronization error according to: S/A effect =0.04 cm/msec, and it increases as a function of baseline length like: S/A effect =0.014 cm/100 km. These are equations for maximum observed values of post-fit residuals due to S/A. The effect on GPS baselines is likely to be smaller than the 0.14 mm for a baseline separation of 100 km. We therefore conclude, for our limited data set, and for the level of S/A during our tests, that S/A clock dithering has negligible effect on all terrestrial GPS baselines if double difference processing techniques are employed and if the GPS receivers remain synchronized to better than 10 msec. S/A may constitute a problem, however, if accurate point processing is required, or if GPS receivers are not synchronized. We suggest and test two different methods to monitor satellite frequency offsets due to S/A. S/A modulates GPS carrier frequencies in the range of-2 Hz to +2 Hz over time periods of several minutes. The methods used in this paper to measure the satellite clock dither could be applied by the civilian GPS community to continuously monitor S/A clock dithering. The monitored frequencies may aid high accuracy point positioning applications in a postprocessing mode (Malys and Ortiz 1989), and differential GPS with poorly synchronized receivers (Feigl et al. 1991).  相似文献   

The scale factor of a superconducting gravimeter (SG) at the Esashi Earth Tides Station, Japan, was revised by repeating co-located absolute gravity measurements with an FG5 gravimeter. Although the calibration results from the absolute gravimeter (AG) show an apparent secular change in the scale factor of the SG (0.4% for the period 1993–2002), the relative scale factors, which are determined by tidal analysis with the response method, indicate that it has changed by no more than 0.01% during the above period. If the mean scale factor over the 10 years is adopted, a value of –56.082±0.029 Gal/V (1 Gal =10–8 m s–2) is obtained, which is about 0.4% smaller than that used in the global geodynamics project (GGP) database. Based on this newly determined scale factor, the tidal gravity factors at Esashi have been re-estimated. The observed tidal factors, corrected for the ocean tide effects with recent models, indicate that the theoretical gravity factors for an inelastic Earth model are more consistent with the observations than are those for an elastic model.  相似文献   

Since the earth is closer to a revolving ellipsoid than a sphere, it is very important to study directly the original model of the Stokes' BVP on the reference ellipsoid, where denotes the reference ellipsoid, is the Somigliana normal gravity, andh is the outer normal direction of. This paper deals with: 1) simplification of the above BVP under preserving accuracy to , 2) derivation of computational formula of the elliptical harmonic series, 3) solving the BVP by the elliptical harmonic series, and 4) providing a principle for finding the elliptical harmonic model of the earth's gravity field from the spherical harmonic coefficients ofg. All results given in the paper have the same accuracy as the original BVP, that is, the accuracy of the BVP is theoretically preserved in each derivation step.  相似文献   

Z.X. Li  H. Li  Y.F. Li  Y.B. Han 《Journal of Geodesy》2005,78(10):588-593
At Beijing Observatory both astrometric and gravimetric observations are available to study the non-tidal variations in the deflections of the vertical (or non-tidal plumbline variations, PLVs). From repeated gravimetric observations performed in a network around the observatory, the PLVs at Beijing Observatory during the period 1987.0–1996.0 have been calculated. After comparison with the observational residuals (which also contain the PLV components) of the photoelectric astrolabe located at the observatory, the accuracy of the obtained PLV results has been examined. It is shown that, due to the asymmetry of the gravimetric network, the qualities of the two different PLV components are not equal. The longitude component of the PLV at Beijing has been determined successfully, to be of the order of 0.05, with a contribution of about 0.02 in the inter-annual time scale. The result for the latitude PLV component is not good enough to draw a conclusion. Although both techniques are able to measure the PLV, the result of the determination depends very much on the availability of observational data.  相似文献   

Since the advent of CHAMP, the first in a series of low-altitude satellites being almost continuously and precisely tracked by GPS, a new generation of long-wavelength gravitational geopotential models can be derived. The accuracy evaluation of these models depends to a large extent on the comparison with external data of comparable quality. Here, two CHAMP-derived models, EIGEN-1S and EIGEN-2, are tested with independent long-term-averaged single satellite crossover (SSC) sea heights from three altimetric satellites (ERS-1, ERS-2 and Geosat). The analyses show that long-term averages of crossover residuals still are powerful data to test CHAMP gravity field models. The new models are tested in the spatial domain with the aid of ERS-1/-2 and Geosat SSCs, and in the spectral domain with latitude-lumped coefficient (LLC) corrections derived from the SSCs. The LLC corrections allow a representation of the satellite-orbit-specific error spectra per order of the models spherical harmonic coefficients. These observed LLC corrections are compared to the LLC projections from the models variance–covariance matrix. The excessively large LLC errors at order 2 found in the case of EIGEN-2 with the ERS data are discussed. The degree-dependent scaling factors for the variance-covariance matrices of EIGEN-1S and –2, applied to obtain more realistic error estimates of the solved-for coefficients, are compatible with the results found here.  相似文献   

A simple statistical approach has been applied to the repeated electro-optical distance measurements (EDM) of 1,358 lines in the Tohoku district of Japan to obtain knowledge about the precision of EDM and the possible accumulation of strain. The average time interval between measurements is about seven or eight years. It is shown that the whole data of the difference between distance measurements repeated over a given lineD are interpreted in terms of EDM errors comprising distance proportional systematic errors and standard errors expressed by the usual form . The rate of horizontal deformation must therefore be much smaller than the strain rates of about 0.7 0.8 ppm over 7 to 8 years which have been hitherto expected.  相似文献   

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