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Natural Hazards - Historically, severe floods have caused great human and financial losses. Therefore, the flood frequency analysis based on the flood multiple variables including flood peak,...  相似文献   

Determination of the return period of design flood depends on the nature of the project and the consequences of the flood and is based on economic criteria, human casualties, and hydrological factors. Underestimation of flood might result in casualties and economic damages, while the overestimation leads to capital waste. Therefore, in this research, the flood frequency analysis of Dez Basin, Iran was conducted within the period of 1956–2012 using power law approach together with ordinary distributions, including normal, log normal, Pearson type III, exponential, gamma, generalized extreme value, Nakagami, Rayleigh, logistic, generalized logistic, generalized Pareto, and Weibull distributions. The power law comes from the fractal nature of earth science phenomena such as precipitation and runoff. Accordingly, in this research the partial duration flood series of five hydrometric stations in Dez Basin were extracted using power law with the intervals of 7, 14, 30, and 60 days and then compared with the annual maxima. The results indicated that the annual maxima were not suitable for frequency analysis of the flood in Dez Basin, and the 30-day partial duration series obtained from the power law has a better correspondence with the flow and properties of the Dez Basin. The independence and stationarity of the 30-day partial duration series were examined by Wald–Wolfowitz test, confirming the independence of the considered series. Next, the power distribution and the typical statistical distributions were fitted onto the data of the flood in Dez Basin, with the performance of each distribution being investigated using normalized root-mean-square error and Nash–Sutcliffe criteria. The results revealed that in the SDZ and TPB stations, power distribution had a better performance than other considered distributions. Moreover, in the SDS, TPS, and TZ stations the power distribution stood in the second rank in terms of the best distribution. As the performance of power distribution in the estimation of the flood in Dez Basin has been very satisfactory and calculation of its parameters and its application is easier than ordinary probability distributions, thus it can be suggested as the superior distribution for flood frequency analysis in Dez Basin.  相似文献   

Nowadays, in parts of Iran, rivers and flood plains are being used as sand and silt mines, and the removal of river bed materials is performed without studying its effects on hydraulic behavior. On the other hand, the flood plain lands are in danger of floods and bank erosion. Zaremrood River in Tajan watershed due to removal of river bed material, two planes of before and after removal with scale of 1:1,000, has been used as basic data. The field investigation was emphasized on the end part of Zaremrood with a length of 5 km and starts from Ghandikola village to Ahoodasht Bridge. Using total station and field observations, the characteristics of reaches and cross sections of right bank, left bank, and main bed of river are written separately. Using software of HEC-RAS, ArcView 3.2, and extension HEC-GeoRAS, the flood zoning with different return periods to investigate water velocity and its changes, geometrical simulation of the bed, sides and flood way of rivers, and then by entering the results of HEC-GeoRAS into hydraulic software HEC-RAS for two before and after planes have been performed, and flow velocity was analyzed for three return periods of 10, 50, and 100 years. The results of this research showed that the velocities due to removal for floods with different return periods have increased, whereas water height and level during removal period have decreased.  相似文献   

Investigations of failures of soil masses are subjects touching both geology and engineering. These investigations call the joint efforts of engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers. Geotechnical engineers have to pay particular attention to geology, ground water, and shear strength of soils in assessing slope stability. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are very sophisticated modeling techniques, capable of modeling extremely complex functions. In particular, neural networks are nonlinear. In this research, with respect to the above advantages, ANN systems consisting of multilayer perceptron networks are developed to predict slope stability in a specified location, based on the available site investigation data from Noabad, Mazandaran, Iran. Several important parameters, including total stress, effective stress, angle of slope, coefficient of cohesion, internal friction angle, and horizontal coefficient of earthquake, were used as the input parameters, while the slope stability was the output parameter. The results are compared with the classical methods of limit equilibrium to check the ANN model’s validity.  相似文献   

Groundwater quality of Tehran city is considered in this study. Nine sampling stations were selected, and composite sampling campaign was performed in summer 2012. Groundwater sampled from northern stations appeared to have acceptable characteristics for agricultural and drinking uses. The southern station samples did not meet the required guidelines. Concentration of SO4 2?, Na+ and Cl? obey a sharp ascending trend southwards. Accordingly, the electrical conductivity of the last station at the very southern areas is more than fifteen times greater than that of the first northern station. Tehran city is located in a semi-arid climate and experiences long hot summers. High rates of evapo-transpiration within urban green spaces and agricultural lands facilitate the salinization phenomenon in root zones. As a result, excess irrigation water eases the consequent percolation into aquifers. Furthermore, saline water intrusion from salt marshes located down south of the city is an expected consequence of wells overpumping. Such case is especially remarkable in hot seasons when an increased urban water demand is observed. Remarkable sulfate concentrations in saline water are mainly justified by percolation of sulfate containing fertilizers which are broadly used by local farmers in an uncontrolled manner. Surface run-offs and municipal wastewater leakage may also trigger the salinization process.  相似文献   

In arid to semi-arid climates, monitoring drought is very complicated because of different hydrometeorology variables effect on it. It is proposed in this paper to develop Fuzzy Integrated Drought Index (FIDI) which combines most important effective factors in developing drought. At first, Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model calibrated simulated runoff to outlet basin runoff data for years 1993–1995. Results represent high performance of model in simulating runoff of outlet basin. Then, Precipitation Anomaly Percentage Index (PAPI), actual Evapotranspiration Anomaly Percentage Index (EAPI), Runoff Anomaly Percentage Index (RAPI), and Soil Moisture Anomaly Percentage Index (SMAPI) were constructed. FIDI was compared with the PAPI, RAPI and SMAPI for the period of 1985 to 2014. The results indicate that (1) the FIDI has more ability in determining start and persistence of drought event compared with PAPI, RAPI, and SMAPI; (2) in the low time scales, PAPI and SMAPI have high correlation with FIDI, and in the higher time scales, RAPI has the high correlation with FIDI; (3) spatially, the middle, west, and portion of north have higher drought risk in the Neyshabour basin.  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗系为例,分析了低变质煤的煤层气地质特征、保存条件、主要储层参数的分布特征以及煤层气资源状况。鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗系煤的变质程度低,煤层发育层数多、厚度大,水文地质条件有利,煤层气资源条件优越。与美国粉河盆地对比,鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗系煤层气具有一定的开发潜力。中国低变质煤分布广泛,煤炭及煤层气资源量巨大,煤层气地质条件优越。但其勘探程度较低,应进一步加大勘探力度。  相似文献   

Soil texture is a key variable that reflect a number of soil properties such as soil permeability, water holding capacity, nutrient storage and availability, and soil erosion. The main objective of this study was to produce the kriged maps of soils of the Shahrekord region, central Iran. One hundred four soil samples were collected on a 375-m2 sampling grid from the depths of 0–30, 30–60, and 60–100 centimeter, and their particle sizes were determined using hydrometer method. The results showed a moderately spatial correlation in the soil particles among sampling soil layers and across the study area. Moreover, increasing clay and therewith observation of heavier soil textures is evident from surface to subsurface layers of the soils in the studied area due to rainfall and/or irrigation agriculture. These findings indicated that study of the soil texture variation with depth can be used as a clue for site-specific management and precision agriculture. Moreover, we suggest further analysis by using other data layers like topographical parameters, land use, parent material, soil erosion, and any other information which might influence the spatial distribution of soil texture.  相似文献   

Droughts are complex natural hazards that, to a varying degree, affect some parts of the world every year. The range of drought impacts is related to drought occurring in different stages of the hydrological cycle and usually different types of droughts such as meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and socio-economical are the most distinguished types. Hydrological drought includes streamflow and groundwater droughts. In this paper, streamflow drought was analyzed using the method of truncation level (at 70 % level) by daily discharges at 54 stations in southwestern Iran. Frequency analysis was carried out for annual maximum series of drought deficit volume and duration. 35 factors such as physiographic, climatic, geologic and vegetation were studied to carry out the regional analysis. According to conclusions of factor analysis, the six most effective factors include watershed area, the sum rain from December to February, the percentage of area with NDVI <0.1, the percentage of convex area, drainage density and the minimum of watershed elevation, explained 89.2 % of variance. The homogenous regions were determined by cluster analysis and discriminate function analysis. The suitable multivariate regression models were ascertained and evaluated for hydrological drought deficit volume with 2 years return period. The significance level of models was 0.01. The conclusion showed that the watershed area is the most effective factor that has a high correlation with drought deficit volume. Moreover, drought duration was not a suitable index for regional analysis.  相似文献   

Equivalent static load and dynamic analyses methods are usually used for designing structures under and subjected to earthquake excitations. Estimation of site response from an earthquake is fundamental step to anticipate the possible damages and then to try to mitigate them. In this paper, the effect of nonlinearity on site response analyses summarized and evaluating ground surface response taking into account the local soil and subsurface soils properties for the proposed bridge over the river at Sirdjan Boulevard road subjected to earthquake vibration and provokes with assumption of rigid (viscoelastic) and elastic half space bedrock and quantify the site effect on the surface over a number of geotechnical areas has been notified. First, by field investigation, the required data were collected and by primary processing the acceptable data were selected. Then, in nonlinear analysis, for elastic and rigid half space bedrock, standard hyperbolic model was selected and executed, and then the results were compared to each other. The critical point of this work was to develop and use a computer code by the authors, named the “Abbas Converter”, with several advantages, such as work and quick installation, operating as a connecter function between the used softwares and generating the input data corresponding to defined format for them. Its output results can easily be exported to the other used softwares in this study. This code can make and render this study more easily than the previous softwares have done, and take over the encountered problem. This study clearly showed the applicability of the “Abbas Converter” for evaluation of site response with bedrock-type assumption on soil behavior under the earthquake excitations. The proposed scheme is used to analyze the ground motion data from the Bam earthquake in Kerman Province, Iran (2003, Mw 6.5).  相似文献   

Social vulnerability to floods: a case study of Huaihe River Basin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Since ancient times, floods occurred frequently in Huaihe River with significant casualties and economic losses. In developing measures for disaster prevention or emergency response for disaster relief, the study of social vulnerability to floods in Huaihe River Basin should be strengthened. Based on the latest socioeconomic data, the index system of social vulnerability to floods was constructed from three dimensions: population, economy, and flood prevention. Sensitive indexes were identified from the original indexes by principal component analysis, and the social vulnerability index for floods was calculated for Huaihe River Basin. The results described the characteristics of the spatial distribution. It also demonstrated that vulnerability manifests itself as a regional phenomenon, with significant changes from city to city across the Huaihe River Basin. Understanding the impacts of changes in vulnerability was crucial in developing measures to prevent floods.  相似文献   

Forest conversion due to illegal logging and agricultural expansion is a major problem that is hampering biodiversity conservation efforts in the Zagros region. Yet, areas vulnerable to forest conversion are unknown. This study aims to predict the spatial distribution of deforestation in western Iran. Landsat images dated 1988, 2001, and 2007 are classified in order to generate digital deforestation maps which locate deforestation and forest persistence areas. Meanwhile, in order to examine deforestation factors’ investigation, deforestation maps with physiographic and human spatial variables are entered into the model. Areas vulnerable to forest changes in the Zagros forest region are predicted by a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN) with a Markov chain model. The results show that about 19,294 ha forest areas are deforested in the last 19 years. The predictive performance of the model appears successful, which is validated using the actual land cover map of the same year from Landsat data. The validated map is found to be 94 % accurate. The validation is also tested using the relative operating characteristic approach which yielded a value of 0.96. The model is then further extended to predict forest cover losses for 2020. The MLPNN approach was found to have a great potential to predict land use/land cover changes because it permits developing complex, nonlinear models.  相似文献   

Earth dam site selection is one of the most important problems in water resources management. It depends on a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria, and they may even be in conflict with each other. This study aims to develop a multicriteria decision-making approach to locate the dam site and construct a multipurpose earth dam in Harsin City at the western part of Iran. For this purpose, firstly, the influential criteria for locating the earth dam site were determined using a comprehensive literature review and the experts’ opinions. Then, some watersheds in the surrounding areas of Iran’s Harsin City were studied and four feasible sites proposed. In the final stage, these sites, in order to construct a multipurpose earth dam, were prioritized using the analytic hierarchy process approach and the most optimal site was selected.  相似文献   

Landslides are introduced as regional movements, which influence different engineering structures such as roads, railways, and dams and cause the person’s death. Identification of landslide zones may decrease the financial losses and human injuries or deaths. This study tries to achieve a landslide susceptibility mapping in Cham-gardalan catchment by weighting the main criteria and the membership functions of fuzzy logic. For this, we applied the best relationship function between the presence and absence of landslides as well as a collection of the elements. At first, the landslide points were identified by the means of some components those of satellite images, topographical (1:50,000) and geographical (1:100,000) maps, field visits, and Google Earth software followed by the preparation of landslide distribution maps. Then, all effective landslide factors such as percentage of slope, slope aspect, height, geology, land uses, distance from roads, distance from drainages, distance from breakage, and precipitation map have been utilized in order to conduct the fuzzy analyses. Landslide susceptibility map was performed by fuzzy operators (Gamma, Product, Sum, Or, And) in the study area. After fuzzificating and weighting, the effective criteria of landslides were determined through fuzzy Gamma operators with the landaus of 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, and 0.9 and by comparing final maps for making an appropriate model of landslide susceptibility mapping. The regional susceptibility map represents the landslide-prone areas in five categories those of very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Our results indicated that among the applied operators, Gamma with landau of 0.9 can be used as an appropriate method for mapping the landslide susceptibility due to the suitable fuzzification of given criteria based on landslide distribution maps. In addition, the elements of road, percentage of slope, distance from drainage, and geology were recognized as the most important factors for occurring the landslides.  相似文献   

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