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A Geographical Information System (GIS) has been used for the integration of the results of 70 vertical electrical soundings and hydrogeological data in the piedmont zone of the Himalayan foothills region of Uttaranchal, India. Indian remote sensing (IRS) LISS-III data has been used to prepare thematic maps for the geomorphology and slope maps of the area. The ranges of electrical resistivity values have been assigned to the different formations by calibrating electrical resistivity values with the borehole data. Electrical resistivity, groundwater level monitoring, and borehole and remote sensing data have been integrated in the GIS analysis to delineate the hydrogeological zoning in the study area. Suitable weights were assigned to the different features affecting the groundwater potential. The total score for a particular location is translated in terms of groundwater potential of the area. The results indicate that the southern part of the study area has a very good groundwater potential for meeting the demand of water for irrigation and domestic purposes whereas the steeply sloping area in the northern part, having high relief, has a poor groundwater potential. The resulting delineation of groundwater potential zones are in general agreement with the available yield data of the tube wells.
Resumen Se ha utilizado un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) para la integración de los resultados de 70 sondeos eléctricos verticales y datos hidrogeológicos en la zona piamonte de la región al pie de los Himalaya de Uttaranchal, India. Se han utilizados datos de sensores remotos Indios (IRS) LISS-III para elaborar mapas temáticos de la geomorfología y mapas de pendientes del área. Se han asignado los rangos de valores de resistividad eléctrica a diferentes formaciones mediante la calibración de valores de resistividad eléctrica con datos de barrenos. Se han integrado datos de resistividad eléctrica, monitoreo de niveles de agua subterránea, y barrenos, y datos de sensores remotos mediante un análisis SIG para delimitar la zonificación hidrogeológica del área de estudio. Se asignaron pesos apropiados a las diferentes características que afectan el potencial del agua subterránea. El puntaje total de un lugar particular se ha transformado en términos de potencial de agua subterránea del área. Los resultados indican que la parte sur del área de estudio tiene muy buen potencial de agua subterránea para satisfacer la demanda de agua por riego y uso doméstico mientras que el área de pendientes pronunciadas en la parte norte, de alto relieve, tiene potencial pobre de agua subterránea. La delimitación de zonas potenciales de agua subterránea encaja muy bien con los datos disponibles de rendimiento de pozos entubados.

Résumé Un système d’information géographique (SIG) a été utilisé pour l’intégration de résultats en provenance de 70 sondages électriques et données hydrogéologiques dans la zone de piedmont, au pied de l’Himalaya dans la région de Uttaranchal en Inde. Des données du satellite IRS LISS-III ont été utilisées pour préparer des cartes thématiques sur la géomorphologie et les pentes de la zone d’étude. Les valeurs de résistivités électriques ont été assignées aux différentes formations en les calibrant sur les données de sondages. La résistivité électrique, la piézométrie, et les données de sondages et de télédétection ont été intégrées dans une analyse par SIG pour délimiter les zones hydrogéologiques de l’aire d’étude. Des poids ont été assignés aux différents éléments affectant le potentiel en eau souterraine. Le résultat final pour une localisation particulière est traduit en terme de potentiel en eau souterraine. Les résultats indiquent que la partie Sud a un potentiel très bon pour la demande en eau domestique et eau d’irrigation, tandis que les zones plus pentues dans la partie Nord, caractérisée par un relief élevé, présente un potentiel assez pauvre. La délinéation globale des zones à différents potentiels s’accorde assez bien avec les données disponibles concernant la capacité des puits.


Phosphorus (P) plays an important role in the eutrophication of river and marine environments. The adsorption-desorption processes of P by estuarine sediment were studied to better understand the P behaviour in the Loughor Estuary in Carmarthen Bay, UK. Three types of models were used to estimate the P adsorption isotherm for five sediment samples from the Loughor Estuary. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm showed a good fit with the linear (data) isotherm. The P desorption from bed sediment was measured as the easy exchangeable P (MgCl2 extractable). A negative correlation was found between adsorbed P in bed sediment and median particle size. A positive correlation was also found between P adsorbed and metals such as iron (Fe), aluminium (Al) and calcium (Ca) as well as the total organic carbon (TOC).


Nearly 4 million hectares of land in India is affected by rill and gully erosion. It is a severe form of soil erosion rendering vast tracts of lands into wastelands giving rise to the formation of badlands. Rate of land degradation through gullying is triggered recently due to the ill-advised landuse practices all over the country. The study area represents one such badland locality along the banks of Pravara river and two of its tributaries in the Deccan trap region, Maharashtra. The area is extensively reclaimed in the last two decades for agricultural practices. The rates in the cross profile changes as well as land lowering were measured with the help of a self fabricated micro-profilometer and erosion pin method. Five first order gullies were monitored using the micro-profilometer. Results of the micro-profilometer technique reveal considerable changes in the cross-sectional areas of individual gullies in this area, which shows the dynamic soil removal mechanism operating in this region. In addition to this, two well developed gully catchments were surveyed using a theodolite and erosion pins were installed in these basins in May 2007. After one year, the exposed pinheads were measured and net gain and net loss in the volume of the sediments were calculated for both the basins. The same practice continued in May 2009. After two years of monitoring the sediment yields were calculated. Average of these two years indicates an annual sediment yield of 1.79 kg/m2 for sample basin 1 and 0.76 kg/m2 for sample basin 2. The calculated yield was compared with the threshold values of soil tolerance limits and it was found that the area has crossed the threshold limit of soil tolerance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The High Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) of SE Zanskar consist of biotite paragneisses, of orthogneisses that derive from early-Palaeozoic granitoids, of minor metabasics and of post-metamorphic leucogranites of Miocene age. Two main metamorphic events have been documented in the HHC. The first event occurred at P= 12.0 ± 0.5 kbar and T= 750 ± 50° C in rare metabasics intruded by early-Palaeozoic granitoids. In the biotite paragneisses, thermobarometric estimates of the first event point to comparable T at P 4–5 kbar lower. The first event is followed by a pervasive syn-tectonic crystallization characterized by lower P and T. On the basis of the cooling ages of the metamorphic minerals and on the geological evidence, the second event is referred to the Tertiary Himalayan crystallization. Further petrological and geochronological studies are necessary to prove whether a few mineral relics ascribed to the first event define a polyphase Himalayan evolution or if they record the incomplete obliteration of an older history during the Himalayan event. The HHC of SE Zanskar show a decrease in metamorphic grade from the middle structural levels upward, close to the Kade unit, and downward, close to the Lesser Himalaya (from sillimanite-K-feldspar-biotite-bearing assemblages to kyanite-staurolite-muscovite-bearing assemblages). This metamorphic zonation is probably a consequence of the polyphase history of intracontinental thrusts and of the tectonic emplacement of hot crustal slabs within shallower and colder thrust sheets at relatively late stages of the continental collision between India and Eurasia.  相似文献   

The geoindicators of land degradation such as erosion, vegetation change and wetland loss were identified in the Kashmir Himalayan region using a geospatial model. Geomatics techniques were used to generate information on landuse/landcover, NDVI, slope and the lithological formations that form inputs to map the erosion risk. The results of erosion analysis revealed that 48.27?% of the area is under very high erosion risk. The Middle Himalayan watersheds were found to be under high erosion risk compared to the Greater Himalayan watersheds. Pohru and Doodhganga watersheds of the Middle Himalayas were found to be under very high erosion risk. These two watersheds were studied in detail from 1992 to 2001 for vegetation change and wetland loss. In Pohru watershed, significant change was found in the dense forest with 10?% decrease. Wular lake, an important wetland in the Pohru watershed, has shrunk by 2.7?km2 during the last decade. The vegetation change analysis of the Doodhganga watershed revealed that there has been 9.13?% decrease in the forest, 7?% increase in built up and the largest wetland in the Doodhganga, Hokarsar, has reduced by 1.98?km2 from 1992 to 2001. Field studies showed that anthropogenic activities and chemically deficit soil (Karewa) along Pir Panjal ranges are the main factors responsible for high land degradation in the area. The assessment of these geoindicators provided valuable information for identifying causes and consequences of the land degradation and thus outlining potential hazard areas and designing remedial measures.  相似文献   

Dynamics of heavy metals in the surface sediments of Mahanadi river estuarine system were studied for three different seasons. This study demonstrates that the relative abundance of these metals follows in the order of Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb > Cr > Ni ≥ Co > Cu > Cd. The spatial pattern of heavy metals supported by enrichment ratio data, suggests their anthropogenic sources possibly from various industrial wastes and municipal wastes as well as agricultural runoff. The metal concentrations in estuarine sediments are relatively higher than in the river due to adsorption/accumulation of metals on sediments during saline mixing, while there is a decreasing trend of heavy metal concentrations towards the marine side. The temporal variations for metals, such as Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni and Pb exhibit higher values during monsoon season, which are related to agricultural runoff. Higher elemental concentrations are observed during pre-monsoon season for these above metals (except Ni) at the polluted stations and for metals, such as Cr, Co and Cd at all sites, which demonstrate the intensity of anthropogenic contribution. R-mode factor analysis reveals that “Fe–Mn oxy hydroxide”, “organic matter”, “CaCO3”, and “textural variables” factors are the major controlling geochemical factors for the enrichment of heavy metals in river estuarine sediment and their seasonal variations, though their intensities were different for different seasons. The relationships among the stations are highlighted by cluster analysis, represented in dendrograms to categorize different contributing sites for the enrichment of heavy metals in the river estuarine system.  相似文献   

Understanding deformation mechanisms in Himalayan rocks is a challenging proposition due to the complex nature of the deformed rocks and their genesis. Crustal deformation in the Himalayan thrust belt typically occurs in elastico-frictional (EF) or quasi-plastic (QP) regimes at depths controlled mainly by regional strain-rate and geothermal gradient. However, material property, grain-size and their progressive changes during deformation are also important controlling factors. We present evidence of EF deformation from Gondwana rocks developed during the emplacement of one of the frontal horses (Jorthang horse) in the Lesser Himalayan Duplex (LHD) structure associated with Lesser Himalayan rocks in the footwall of the Ramgarh thrust in the Rangit window near Jorthang in the Sikkim Himalaya. The rocks in the horse exhibit systematic changes in microand meso-structures from an undeformed protolith to cataclasite suggesting that it was emplaced under elastico-frictional conditions. Meso- to micro-scale shear fractures are seen developed in Gondwana sandstone and slate while intercalated fine-grained shale-coal-carbonates are deformed by cataclastic flow suggesting that material property and grain-size have played an important role in the deformation of the Jorthang horse. In contrast, the hanging wall schists and quartzites of the Ramgarh thrust exhibit quasi-plastic deformation structures. This suggests that the Jorthang horse was emplaced under shallower crustal conditions than the antiformally folded Ramgarh thrust sheet even though the Ramgarh sheet presently overlies the Jorthang horse.  相似文献   

This study attempts to assess the spatial variation of fluvial hydraulics with special emphasis on hydrological components at upper, middle and lower part of the Kharsoti river basin. The study encompasses the scenario of a micro bedrock river of India in the post monsoon period. This paper includes the study of hydrological components such as discharge, velocity, shear stress, stream power, specific stream power, width-depth relation and roughness and its interrelationships with different parts of the river basin with related mathematical equations and identification of major river bed erosive zones coupled with geo-hydrological components with geological explanation. Kharsoti is a typical example of rejuvenated antecedent tributary river of Subarnarekha River basin in Chota Nagpur Plateau. It is necessary to give a new threshold to the quantitative methods regarding the fluvial hydraulic studies under a systematic scientific geographical and hydrological background. The results also involve some specific techniques, equations and GIS mapping. The result of this study will help to open the scenario of hydraulics of a micro river basin in a contemporary method.  相似文献   

The Vaikrita Group made up of coarse mica-garnet-kyanite and sillimanite-bearing psammitic metamorphics constituting the bulk of the Great Himalaya in Kumaun is divisible into four formations, namely theJoshimath comprising streaky, banded psammitic gneisses and schists, the Pandukeshwar consisting predominantly of quartzite with intercalations of schists, thePindari made up of gneisses and schists with lenses of calc-silicate rocks and overwhelmingly injected by Tertiary pegmatites and granites (Badrinath Granite) leading to development of migmatites, and theBudhi Schist comprising biotite-rich calc-schists. The Vaikrita has been thrust along the Main Central Thrust over the Lesser Himalayan Munsiari Formation made up of highly mylonitized low-to meso-grade metamorphics, augen gneisses and phyllonites. Petrological studies demonstrate contrasting nature of metamorphism experienced by the Vaikrita and the Munsiari rocks. Sillimanite-kyanite-garnet-biotite-muscovite (±K-feldspar and ± plagioclase).—quartz metapelites and interbanded calc-schists and calc-gneisses with mineral assemblages of calcite-hornblende-grossular garnet, labradorite (An50?An65), (± K-feldspar)-quartz (± biotite), and hornblende-diopside ± labradorite ± quartz, suggest medium to high grade of metamorphism or indicate upper amphibolite facies experienced by the rocks of the Vaikrita Group. The associated migmatites, granite-gneisses and granites of the Pindari Formation were formed largely as a result of anatexis of metapelites and metapsammites. While, the sericite-chlorite-quartz and muscovite-chlorite-chloritoid-garnet-quartz, assemblages in metapelites and epidote-actinolite-oligoclase (An20)-quartz and epidote-hornblende-andesine (An29) ± quartz in the metabasites suggest a low-grade metamorphism (greenschist facies) for the Munsiari Formation, locally attaining the lower limit of medium-grade (epidote-amphibolite) facies. The inferred P-T conditions obtained from textural relations of various mineral phases and the stability relationship of different coexisting phases in equilibrium, suggest that the temperature ranged between 600° and 650° C and pressure was over 5 kb for the Vaikrita rocks. The mineral assemblages of the Munsiari Formation indicate comparatively lower P-T conditions, where the temperature reached approximately 450° C and pressure was near 4 kb. The rocks of the two groups were later subjected to intense shearing, cataclasis and attendant retrograde metamorphism within the zone of the Main Central (=Vaikrita) Thrust.  相似文献   

对三工河流域山前地下水库开发利用的初步认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从三工河流域不同水文地质单元区的地下水动态分析入手,对流域大力开发山前地下水库,造成其水位持续下降对潜水溢出带环境的改变和水位最终保持稳定的现象进行探讨分析,结合流域生态环境趋于良性发展的现实,从保护流域生态环境和社会发展的角度出发,提出开发三工河流域山前地下水库必须保持潜水溢出带有相对较高的稳定水位,山前地下水库中心控制开采水位在数值上应不低于潜水溢出带处的地面高程.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the current geological knowledge and the results of new geological and structural investigations in the Cho Oyu-Sagarmatha-Makalu region (Eastern Nepal and Southern Tibet).The tectonic setting of the middle and upper part of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) and Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence is characterized by the presence of pervasive compressive tectonics with south-verging folds and shear zones overprinted by extensional tectonics.In the middle and upper part of the HHC two systems of folds (F2a and F2b) have been recognized, affecting the S1 high-grade schistosity causing kilometer-scale upright antiforms and synforms. The limbs of these upright folds are affected by F3 collapse folds, top-to-SE extensional shear zones and extensional crenulation cleavages linked to extensional tectonics.The uppermost portion of the HHC and the lower part of the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence is affected by two major extensional fault zones with a top-to NE direction of movement. The lower ductile extensional shear zone brings into contact the North Col Formation with the high grade gneisses and micaschists of the HHC. It is regarded as the main feature of the South Tibetan Detachment System. The upper low-angle fault zone is characterized by ductile/brittle deformation and thin levels of cataclasites and brings the slightly metamorphosed Ordovician limestones into contact with the North Col Formation. Extensional tectonics continued with the formation of E–W trending high angle normal faults.Three metamorphic stages of Himalayan age are recognized in the HHC of the Sagarmatha-Makalu region. The first stage (M1) is eclogitic as documented by granulitized eclogites collected at the top of the Main Central Thrust Zone in the Kharta region of Southern Tibet. The second event recorded in the Kharta eclogites (M2) was granulitic, with medium P (0.55–0.65 GPa) and high T (750–770°C), and was followed by recrystallization in the amphibolite facies of low pressure and high T (M3). The first event has also been recorded in the overlying Barun Gneiss, where M1 was followed by decompression under increasing T, the M2 event, producing the dominant mineral assemblage (garnet-sillimanite-biotite), and then by strong decompression under high T, with growth of andalusite, cordierite and green spinel. Also, changes in phase compatibilities suggest an increase in metamorphic temperature (T) coupled with a decrease in metamorphic pressure (P) in some of the thrust sheets of the MCT Zone.A telescoped metamorphic zonation ranging from the sillimanite to the staurolite and biotite zones is characteristic of the ductile extensional shear zone which is the lower part of the STDS in the Sagarmatha region. Evidence for decompression under increasing temperature, anatexis and leucogranite emplacement accompanying extension in the HHC was found throughout the whole ductile shear zone, particularly in metapelites both below and above the Makalu leucogranite and in micaschists of the staurolite zone.  相似文献   

We investigated the geochemical characteristics of major, trace and rare earth elements and Sr–Nd isotope patterns of bed sediments from the headwaters and upper reaches of the six large rivers draining the Tibetan Plateau (the Jinsha River—Yangtze, Lancang River—Mekong, Nujiang River—Salween, Huang He—Yellow, Indus, and Yarlung Tsangpo—Brahmaputra). By using Ca/Al versus Mg/Al, La/Sc versus Co/Th, and 87Sr/86Sr versus εNd (0) binary differentiation diagrams of provenance, some typical contributors to the different catchment sediments can be identified. In the Three-River (the Jinsha, Lancang, and Nujiang Rivers) tectonomagmatic belt, acidic–intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks are very important provenance of sediments. Carbonate rocks and Permian Emeishan basalts are dominant in the Jinsha River. The Yellow River sediments have similar geochemical characteristics with loess in catchments. The Indus and Yarlung Tsangpo Rivers sediments are mainly from ultra-K volcanic rocks and Cenozoic granitoids widely distributed in the Indus–Yarlung suture. The intensity of chemical weathering in these river catchments is evaluated by calculating the chemical indices of alteration (CIA) of sediments and comparing them with bedrocks. The CIA values of the six river sediments are from 46.5 to 69.6, closing to those of bedrocks in the corresponding catchment, which indicates relatively weak chemical weathering intensity. Lithology, climate, and topography affect the chemical weathering intensity in these river catchments.  相似文献   

The cooling and tectonic history of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) in southwest Zanskar (along the Kishtwar-Padam traverse) is constrained by K-Ar biotite and fission-track (FT) apatite and zircon ages. A total of nine biotite samples yields ages in the range of 14–24 Ma, indicating the post-metamorphic cooling of these rocks through ∼ 300°C in the Miocene. Overall, the ages become younger away from the Zanskar Shear Zone (ZSZ), which marks the basement-cover detachment fault between the HHC and the Tethyan sedimentary zone, towards the core of the HHC. The same pattern is also observed for the FT apatite ages, which record the cooling of the rocks through ∼ 120°C. The apatite ages range from 11 Ma in the vicinity of the ZSZ to 4 Ma at the granitic core of the HHC. This pattern of discordant cooling ages across the HHC in southwest Zanskar reveals an inversion of isotherms due to fast uplift-denudation (hence cooling) of the HHC core, which is, in turn, related to domal uplift within the HHC. The Chisoti granite gneiss is the exposed domal structure along the studied traverse. Cooling history of two granite gneisses at the core of the HHC is also quantified with the help of the biotite, zircon and apatite ages; the time-temperatures thus obtained indicate a rapid pulse of cooling at ∼ 6 Ma, related to accelerated uplift-denudation of the HHC core at this time. Long-term denudation rates of 0.5–0.7 mm/yr are estimated for the high-grade rocks of the Higher Himalaya in southwest Zanskar over the past 4.0–5.5 m.yr.  相似文献   

 Drinking water supply wells were constructed in the Sabarmati river bed aquifer of Ahmedabad city using radial pipes and are known as French Collector wells. Contamination of groundwater from one of the French wells near Sabarmati railway bridge was noticed in 1992. The suspected pollution sources are Duff-nala of Shahibaug and two other sources from slum dwellings on either side of Sabarmati river. A combined groundwater flow, pathlines and a mass transport model was constructed covering an area of 9 km2 to analyse the capture zone of the French well under two different scenarios. Aquifer parameters of the river bed aquifer were available. Dry river bed condition was simulated under scenario I and controlled flow in the river bed was simulated under scenario II. The groundwater velocity and migration of contaminant particles from sources was analysed in the pathline model. Total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration contours originating from sources in the mass transport model (MT3D) were computed by solving an advection-dispersion equation. The computed pathlines and TDS concentration contours indicate likely migration of contaminant plume from pollutant sources to the French well during 365 days under two scenarios. The model results confirm the tracer injection studies carried out to know the likely migration of contaminants towards the French well. The modelling study emphasised the necessity of controlled release of surface water in Sabarmati river bed from Dharoi reservoir throughout the year. Received: 28 October 1998 · Accepted: 17 June 1999  相似文献   

Hydrochemical studies were conducted in Chinnaeru river basin of Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India, to explore the causes of high fluorides in groundwater and surface water causing a widespread incidence of fluorosis in local population. The concentration of fluoride in groundwater ranges from 0.4 to 2.9 and 0.6 to 3.6 mg/l, stream water ranges from 0.9 to 3.5 and 1.4 to 3.2 mg/l, tank water ranges from 0.4 to 2.8 and 0.9 to 2.3 mg/l, for pre- and post-monsoon periods, respectively. The modified Piper diagram reflects that the water belongs to Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 ? to Na+–HCO3 ? facies. Negative chloroalkali indices in both the seasons prove that ion exchange between Na+ and K+ in aquatic solution took place with Ca2+ and Mg2+ of host rock. The interpretation of plots for different major ions and molar ratios suggest that weathering of silicate rocks and water–rock interaction is responsible for major ion chemistry of groundwater/surface water. High fluoride content in groundwater was attributed to continuous water–rock interaction during the process of percolation with fluorite bearing country rocks under arid, low precipitation, and high evaporation conditions. The low calcium content in rocks and soils, and the presence of high levels of sodium bicarbonate are important factors favouring high levels of fluoride in waters. The basement rocks provide abundant mineral sources of fluoride in the form of amphibole, biotite, fluorite, mica and apatite.  相似文献   

This work presents the main characteristics of 97 quarry wastes, collected in 23 gravel pits, from the Jarama river area, Madrid province, Spain. In this area, more than 2.5 × 106 ton of silty-clay waste are generated every year, and no applications have as yet been defined for them. This work is the first systematic study of the fine fractions generated from the Jarama river quaternary deposits, playing part in the comprehension of this complex terrace systems. Quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, calcite, and complex mixtures of phyllosilicates, such as smectite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite and illite/smectite mixed layer, have been detected. Two sets of waste which are recognized according to the calcite content, have been directly related with the terrace level beneficed in the Jarama river, and the position along the valley. Calcite concentrates in the wastes produced in the lower course, where Henares and Tajuña tributaries promote an extensive change in the geochemistry of underground water, and locally, in the petrology of quarried conglomerates. This clear distinction by location between calcite-bearing and calcite-free wastes is essential for potential applications, such as soil conditioning, raw materials for brick or tiles, etc. The wastes studied can be considered as a potential source of industrial raw materials because of their uniformity and large volume. This suggestion is now being carried out, with an attempt at assessing the possibilities of using these mining wastes as ceramic raw materials.  相似文献   

A new method for the estimation of groundwater recharge is presented using a surface resistivity method and isotope technique. A linear relationship was obtained between the resistivity of the unsaturated top layer and the recharge estimated using a tritium tagging technique for the piedmont zone in the Himalayan foothill region, India. The relation can be used for the estimation of recharge using surface electrical resistivity measurements for the same geological formation. The data used for the study are 32 vertical electrical resistivity sounding measurements at a station interval of 2 km, tritium tagging studies at six selected sites and pre- and post-monsoon water-level monitoring in the piedmont zone of the Himalayan foothill region (India). The results of this study were mapped using GIS techniques. In the study area, a well-defined empirical relationship between unsaturated zone resistivity and recharge per cent was obtained. The method suggests a new application of surface electrical resistivity data in determining recharge per cent due to infiltration. The technique of estimating groundwater recharge using surface electrical resistivity measurement is efficient, economic, less time consuming and easy to use compared with other methods used for this purpose.
Resumen Se presenta un método nuevo para estimar recarga de agua subterránea utilizando un método superficial de resistividad y una técnica de isótopos. Se ha obtenido una relación linear entre la resistividad de la capa superior no saturada y la recarga estimada utilizando la técnica de tritio marcado etiquetado para la zona de piedemontes en la región de colinas al pie del Himalaya, India. La relación puede utilizarse para estimar recarga usando mediciones superficiales de resistividad eléctrica para la misma formación geológica. Los datos utilizados en el estudio consisten de treinta y dos mediciones de sondeos eléctricos verticales de resistividad en un intervalo de estaciones de dos km, estudios de tritio marcado en seis sitios seleccionados y monitoreo de niveles de agua, pre-monzón y post-monzón, en la zona piedemontes de la región de colinas al pie del Himalaya (India). Se mapearon los resultados de este estudio utilizando técnicas SIG. Se obtuvo para el área una relación empírica bien definida entre la resistividad de la zona no saturada y el porcentaje de recarga. El método sugiere una aplicación nueva de los datos superficiales de resistividad eléctrica en la determinación del porcentaje de recarga ocasionado por infiltración. La técnica de estimar recarga de agua subterránea utilizando mediciones superficiales de resistividad eléctrica es eficiente, económica, demanda poco tiempo, y fácil de utilizar en comparación con otros métodos que se utilizan para este propósito.

Resumé Une nouvelle méthode permettant destimer la recharge des eaux souterraines a été présentée, utilisant une méthode de résistivité de surface et des méthodes isotopiques. Une relation linéaire a été obtenue entre la résistivité de la zone non saturée et la recharge estimée grâce au Tritium dans la zone du Piedmont au pied de lHimalaya, Inde. La relation peut être utilisée pour lestimation de la recharge en utilisant la méthode de résistivité de surface dans la même formation géologique. Les données utilisées pour létude sont vingt-deux sondages électriques réalisés tous les deux kilomètres, létude de la signature du tritium en six endroits sélectionnés, et la comparaison des niveaux piézométriques pré et post moussons. Les résultats de cette étude ont été cartographiés en utilisant les techniques SIG. Dans la zone détude une relation très bien définie entre la recharge (%) et la résistivité de la zone non saturée a été obtenue. La méthode suggère une nouvelle application de la résistivité de surface, pour déterminer le pourcentage de la recharge due à linfiltration. Cette technique est efficace, économique, rapide et facile à mettre en oeuvre, en comparaison dautres techniques utilisées pour atteindre le même objectif.

Natural Hazards - Landslides are one of the critical geological processes, which cause enormous damage to civil engineering structures and also lead to loss of life. The present study is an attempt...  相似文献   

The Ponnaiyar River is one of the largest rivers of the Tamil Nadu state (India), flowing a distance of 430 km from its point of origin to the sea. This work contributes with new data of magnetic and elemental composition of river sediments, and improves the knowledge obtained by preliminary and previous studies of rivers from Southeastern India. Magnetic susceptibility, anhysteretic and isothermal remanent magnetization and chemical determinations (major and trace metals) were measured. Magnetic results reveal the predominance of magnetite-like mineral with magnetic grain size variations along the river and in depth. Most of the uppermost samples have the major presence of trace metals and higher values of magnetic concentration. Magnetic and chemical variables were also analysed as potential pollution indicators using multivariate statistical techniques: canonical correlation and fuzzy c-means clustering analyses, which confirmed the existence of relationships, but not in a simple way, between magnetic and chemical variables. Furthermore, fuzzy analysis allows classifying the data in different well-differentiated groups regarding the trace metal load, concentration and feature-dependent parameters. The most polluted samples show high concentration of trace elements and magnetic carriers, softer and coarser magnetic minerals; on the contrary, the unpolluted samples (from the deepest sediments) have the opposite characteristics.  相似文献   

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