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The multi-stage fracturing in horizontal well is a common technique for shale gas reservoir exploitation, in which cluster spacing governs the fracturing performance. Undersized cluster spacing might make the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), activated by the respective hydraulic fracture, excessively overlap with each other, while oversized cluster spacing might leave a large unstimulated volume between neighboring hydraulic fractures; in either case, fracturing would be inefficient. Previous design of cluster spacing has failed to maximize the SRV due to the absence of a dynamic SRV evaluation model. A numerical model of SRV evaluation in shale reservoir was established by integrating four main modules, including fracture propagation, reservoir pressure distribution, formation stress distribution, and natural fracture failure criterion. Then, a method to optimize cluster spacing was developed with the goal of maximizing SRV. In order to validate this method, it was applied in Fuling shale gas reservoir in Southwest China to determine the optimal cluster spacing. The sensitivity of key parameters on the optimal cluster spacing has been analyzed. This research proposed a compelling cluster spacing optimization method, which could reduce the uncertainty in cluster spacing design, and provides some new insights on the optimal design of multi-stage fracturing in horizontal shale gas well.  相似文献   

在研究分析水力压裂对储层岩石力学特性参数影响的基础上,提出一种压力储层应力场分布模拟计算方法。通过建立水平井储层原地应力场模型和水力压裂产生人工裂缝诱导应力场模型,并且利用实际的水力压裂测井参数对储层原地应力场和压裂产生裂缝诱导应力场分布进行了模拟计算。模拟计算结果表明,压裂产生人工裂缝会对储层应力场分布造成很大影响;压裂后储层应力主要在裂缝周围得到积累,并且距离裂缝越远,应力值积累越少;压裂生成裂缝长度也会影响储层应力场分布,裂缝越长,裂缝诱导应力场减小越慢。  相似文献   

Multi-fractured horizontal well (MFHW) is an effective technique to develop unconventional reservoirs. Complex fracture network around the well and hydraulic fractures is formed during the fracturing process. Fracture network and hydraulic fractures are the main seepage channel which is sensitivity to the effective stress. However, most of the existing models do not take the effect of stress sensitivity into account. In this study, a new analytical model was established for MFHW in tight oil reservoirs based on the trilinear flow model. Fractal porosity and permeability were employed to describe the heterogeneous distribution of the complex fracture network, and the stress sensitivity of fracture was considered in the model. The Pedrosa substitution and perturbation method were applied to eliminate the nonlinearity of the model. By using the Laplace transformation method, the analytical solutions in Laplace domain were obtained. Then, validations were performed to show that the model is valid. Finally, sensitivity analysis was discussed. The presented model provides a new approach to the estimation of fracturing effect and can be also utilized for recognizing formation properties of tight oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

崔明月 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):1173-1181
元素硫从含硫天然气中析出沉降会影响流体流动,常规的水平井产量预测模型无法用于高含硫气藏水平井非稳态产量预测。本文基于非稳态椭圆流理论,耦合基质内的椭圆流动和裂缝内的非达西流动,考虑元素硫沉积及缝间干扰效应的影响,建立了适用于酸化水平井与酸压水平井的非稳态产量预测模型。分析了硫沉积对渗透率、孔隙度的影响,计算了不同裂缝参数对产能的影响,该模型适用于变井底流压生产条件。计算结果表明:科学准确的元素硫溶解度模型能较好地预测高含硫气藏水平井产量。酸压改造后缝间干扰现象会降低气井产能,且随着时间逐渐增强。硫沉积会降低储层渗透率和孔隙度,使得产量下降。增大裂缝导流能力,增加裂缝半长或者裂缝数量都能有效提高水平井产量,与裂缝导流能力相比,裂缝半长和裂缝数量对产量的影响更大。  相似文献   

The ultra-low-permeability shale gas reservoir has a lot of well-developed natural fractures. It has been proven that hydraulic fracture growth pattern is usually a complex network fracture rather than conventional single planar fractures by micro-seismic monitoring, which can be explained as the shear and tensile failure of natural fractures or creation of new cracks due to the increase in reservoir pore pressure caused by fluid injection during the process of hydraulic fracturing. In order to simulate the network fracture growth, a mathematical model was established based on full tensor permeability, continuum method and fluid mass conservation equation. Firstly, the governing equation of fluid diffusivity based on permeability tensor was solved to obtain the reservoir pressure distribution. Then Mohr–Coulomb shear failure criterion and tensile failure criterion were used to decide whether the rock failed or not in any block on the basis of the calculated reservoir pressure. The grid-block permeability was modified according to the change of fracture aperture once any type of rock failure criterion was met within a grid block. Finally, the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) zone was represented by an enhancement permeability zone. After calibrating the numerical solution of the model with the field micro-seismic information, a sensitivity study was performed to analyze the effects of some factors including initial reservoir pressure, injection fluid volume, natural fracture azimuth angle and horizontal stress difference on the SRV (shape, size, bandwidth and length). The results show that the SRV size increases with the increasing initial pore reservoir and injection fluid volume, but decreases with the increase in the horizontal principal stress difference and natural fracture azimuth angle. The SRV shape is always similar for different initial pore reservoir and injection fluid volume. The SRV is observed to become shorter in length and wider in bandwidth with the decrease in natural fracture azimuth angle and horizontal principal stress difference.  相似文献   

赵振峰 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):686-695
多段多簇水平井压裂技术作为页岩油藏的重要开发手段已经得到了广泛认同,压后关井能充分发挥渗吸的作用,提高单井压后产量,但目前压裂液渗吸作用区域一直是困扰油藏工程师的重要难题。本文以陇东页岩油藏多段压裂井为研究对象,基于物质平衡原理,利用渗流力学和岩石力学理论,建立了压裂施工过程中和压后关井过程中流体压力扩散数学模型,研究了压力扩散和压裂液波及体积随时间的变化关系。结果表明:压裂液波及体积随关井时间的增加逐渐增加,但增加的幅度会逐渐降低。储层渗透率越小,孔隙度越大,压裂施工时间越长,关井阶段井底压力越高,地层能量越高。该结果可为页岩油藏最佳关井时间的确定提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Most multiple-fractured horizontal wells experience long-term linear flow due to the ultralow permeability of shale gas reservoirs. Considering the existence of natural fractures caused by compression and shear stresses during the process of tectonic movement or the expansion of high-pressure gas, a shale gas reservoir can be more appropriately described by dual-porosity medium. Based on the assumption of slab dual-porosity, this paper uses the trilinear flow model to simulate the transient production behavior of multiple-fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs, which takes the desorption of adsorbed gas, Knudsen diffusion and gas slippage flow in the shale matrix into consideration. Production decline curves are plotted with the Stehfest numerical inversion algorithm, and sensitivity analysis is done to identify the most influential reservoir and hydraulic fracture parameters. It was found that the density and permeability of the natural fracture network are the most important parameters affecting the production dynamics of multiple-fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs. The higher the density and permeability of the natural fractures are, the shorter the time is required to exploit the same amount of reserve, which means a faster investment payoff period. The analytical model presented in this paper can provide some insight into the reserve evaluation and production prediction for shale gas reservoirs.  相似文献   

低渗透页岩气藏中,气体渗流时会受滑脱效应的影响。建立了考虑滑脱效应的气、水两相页岩气藏渗流数学模型,并建立了理想地质模型,采用数值模拟方法,研究了水力压裂的不同裂缝参数对水平井产能的影响。模拟结果表明:裂缝条数、长度和间距是影响页岩气井产能的重要参数,而裂缝宽度和渗透率对产能的影响相对较弱;页岩气井的产能随着裂缝条数和裂缝长度的增加而增大;水平井的水平段长度及裂缝条数一定时,可通过增大裂缝间距来减少裂缝间的相互干扰。  相似文献   

在二维地震区、井控程度低及曲流河三角洲前缘沉积等复杂岩性储层中,实施水平井储层钻遇率较低。三维地质模型迭代更新与地质–工程一体化相结合的水平井地质导向技术应用逐渐广泛。鄂尔多斯盆地东南缘上古生界煤系发育山西组山2 3亚段北岔沟砂岩等多套致密砂岩储层,其中,大宁–吉县区块砂岩层厚度较薄、纵向岩性复杂、横向变化快、微幅构造发育,基本无出发井且末端井较远(大于1 500 m),水平井导向难度大。为了提高低勘探程度区水平井钻探效果,通过标志层识别与厘定、煤岩层对比、资料精准分析与补充、储层顶底特征识别等方法开展研究。首先,总结研究区煤层与炭质泥岩的快速区分方法,解决现场岩性识别困难的难题,构建研究区地层格架;而后,基于测井、地震、地质多种资料的地层精细对比,厘定1个Ⅰ级标志层及3个Ⅱ级标志层,在山2 3亚段进一步确定2个Ⅱ级标志层。最后,提出着陆点控制技术、水平段钻遇率提高技术与钻头出层判断方法,形成了三角洲前缘亚相储层水平井地质导向技术。将该技术应用于DJ-P37井区,累计完钻34口,平均砂岩钻遇率78.30%,取得了良好的钻探效果,可为类似区域煤系水平井钻进提供技术借鉴。   相似文献   

E海低孔渗气田储量占总储量的93%,提高低渗透、特低渗透气田开采率,已经成为油气田勘探开发的重要课题。水平分支井技术成为提高低渗透、特低渗透气田开采率的重要手段,使用水平分支井技术提高气田开采率在国内外油气田开发已有先例且效果显著。水平分支井技术,是水平井和侧钻井等多种钻井技术的融合,是当今石油开采工业的热门技术,已在海油E海域多个油气田应用,是实现低渗气田高效开发的重要技术手段。因此,深入研究总结水平井分支井钻井技术意义重大。本文针对水平分支井侧钻技术,深入分析并结合X气田水平分支井现场实钻情况,总结出水平分支井在该区块现场应用的关键,为以后水平分支井在低渗油气田的推广和应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

非常规油气致密储集层微观结构研究进展*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
致密储集层储集性能差, 孔喉以纳米级为主, 孔喉连通复杂。中国南方高过成熟海相页岩有机质纳米孔与粒内孔大小约为20~890 nm;陆相泥页岩孔喉类型为有机质孔与基质孔, 主体介于30~200 nm之间;致密砂岩微米级孔喉为粒间溶孔、颗粒溶蚀孔与微裂缝, 主体介于10~200μm之间, 纳米级孔隙大小介于70~400 nm之间, 以原生粒间孔与自生矿物晶间孔为主;致密灰岩孔喉类型有方解石粒内溶孔、粒间溶孔与微裂缝, 大小介于50~500 nm之间。页岩微孔喉总体随热演化程度增高呈先减少后增加趋势, 致密含油砂岩中油气赋存有4种状态, 粒间微孔为油气赋存最有利位置。针对非常规油气储集层独特特征, 仍需在仪器研发、技术方法与评价参数等方面加强研究探索。  相似文献   

页岩储层天然裂缝、水平层理发育,水力压裂过程中可能形成复杂的体积裂缝。针对页岩储层体积裂缝扩展问题,基于流-固耦合基本方程和损伤力学原理,建立了页岩储层水力压裂体积裂缝扩展的三维有限元模型。将数值模型的模拟结果与页岩储层裂缝扩展室内试验结果进行对比,二者吻合较好,从而证明了数值模型的可靠性。通过一系列数值模拟发现:(1)水力压裂过程中水平层理可能张开,形成水平缝,水平与垂直缝相互交错,形成复杂的体积裂缝网络;(2)水平主应力差增大,体积裂缝的分布长度(水平最大主应力方向压裂裂缝的展布距离)增加、分布宽度(水平最小主应力方向压裂裂缝的展布距离)减小,体积裂缝的长宽比增加;(3)压裂施工排量增大,体积裂缝的分布长度减小、宽度增加,压裂裂缝的长宽比降低;(4)天然裂缝的残余抗张强度增大,体积裂缝分布宽度减小、分布长度增加,体积裂缝的长宽比增加。研究成果可以为国内的页岩气的压裂设计和施工提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

冯永超 《探矿工程》2022,49(5):118-126
东胜气田上古生界下石盒子组为致密砂岩储层,部分区域储层物性好,具备不压裂自然建产潜能,钻井过程中存在井壁失稳及储层损害问题,各因素叠合造成的储层伤害阻碍了气层的产能释放。为进一步提升储层自然建产能力和增加单井产量,在储层渗透率恢复率的基础上,通过储层伤害影响因素分析,引入钻井液侵入深度定量化评价方法,深化了储层伤害机理认识,明确了低密度、无土相、低失水和强封堵的钻井液对策,室内优选了防水锁剂和致密承压复合暂堵剂,优化形成了无土相复合暂堵高酸溶钻井液,储层渗透率恢复率提高至91.11%,泥浆侵入深度降低46.28%。形成的钻井液在锦66井区推广应用,平均单井产量提升11%,并实现3口井自然建产,进一步提高东胜气田致密砂岩储层高效勘探开发的效果。  相似文献   

林玉祥 《地质与勘探》2021,57(1):210-221
本文以鄂尔多斯盆地临兴地区上古生界致密砂岩气成藏机理与成藏模式为研究目标,通过测井资料解释、流体包裹体测定和古流体压力恢复等方法,总结了气藏类型与分布特征,分析了其成藏期次、运移动力和输导体系,阐明了形成机理与成藏模式。研究表明,临兴地区上古生界主要含气层位为太原组、山西组和下石盒子组,气藏分布受生储盖组合、构造部位和储层物性控制。临兴地区上古生界主要有2期成藏,中侏罗世为第1期,天然气以CO2为主、含少量气态烃,储层中流体剩余压力较低,裂缝多未切穿石英颗粒,天然气运移速率较低,汇聚成藏规模小;早白垩世为第2期成藏,天然气以甲烷为主、含少量重烃和液态烃,储层中剩余压力较高,裂缝普遍发育并切穿石英颗粒,与断层结合形成了三维网状输导空间网络,流体运移速率大,运移距离长,汇聚面积大,形成了一系列大型气藏,是临兴地区上古生界最主要的成藏期。靠近紫金山岩体的地层,在晚侏罗世到早白垩世期间遭受高压流体的侵入,形成一个以岩体为中心向外逐渐减弱的成藏作用带。临兴地区致密砂岩天然气成藏模式可总结为:“两期成藏、晚期为主;早期非烃,晚期甲烷;超压为主、浮力次之;孔缝为主、断裂为辅;岩性占优、构造偏少”。  相似文献   

A finite volume-based numerical modeling framework using a hierarchical fracture representation (HFR) has been developed to compute flow-induced shear failure. To accurately capture the mechanics near fracture manifolds, discontinuous basis functions are employed which ensure continuity of the displacement gradient across fractures. With these special basis functions, traction and compressive forces on the fracture segment can be calculated without any additional constraints, which is extremely useful for estimating the irreversible displacement along the fracture (slip) based on a constitutive friction law. The method is further extended to include slip-dependent hydraulic aperture change and grid convergent results are obtained. Further, the change in hydraulic aperture is modeled using an asymptotic representation which respects the experimentally observed behavior of pore volume dilation due to shear slip. The model allows the initial rapid increase in hydraulic aperture due to shear slip and asymptotically approaches a finite value after repeated shearing of a fracture segment. This aperture increase is the only feedback for mechanics into the fluid flow for a linear elastic mechanics problem. The same model is also extended to include poroelastic relations between flow and mechanics solver. The grid convergence result in the case of poroelastic flow-mechanics coupling for flow-induced shear failure is also obtained. This proves the robustness of the numerical and analytical modeling of fracture and friction in the extended finite volume method (XFVM) set-up. Finally, a grid convergent result for seismic moment magnitude for single fracture and fracture network with random initial hydraulic and friction properties is also obtained. The b-value, which represents the slope of seismic moment occurrence frequency decay vs seismic moment magnitude, which is approximately constant in a semi-logarithmic plot, is estimated. The numerical method leads to converged b-values for both single fracture and fracture network simulations, as grid and time resolutions are increased. For the resulting linear system, a sequential approach is used, that is, first, the flow and then the mechanics problems are solved. The new modeling framework is very useful to predict seismicity, permeability, and flow evolution in geological reservoirs. This is demonstrated with numerical simulations of enhancing a geothermal system.  相似文献   

为解决威远-长宁地区泥页岩地层井壁失稳、井眼清洁等问题,通过试验优选出适用于高密度油基钻井液体系使用的乳化剂、有机土和降滤失剂等处理剂;通过正交试验设计确定出一种适用于威远-长宁地区页岩气长短水平井使用的高密度油基钻井液体系。其最终配方比例为:5%主乳化剂+2.0%辅乳化剂+2.0%润湿剂+5%降滤失剂+2%有机土+3%CaO、油水比80∶20(25%CaCl2水溶液)。对其性能进行评价,结果表明该体系可加重密度至2.2 g/cm3,加重后性能稳定,可抗水污染达9%,抗岩屑污染至18%,具有较好的抗污染性能,页岩回收率95.11%,抑制性能好,乳化性能稳定。现场应用表明:高密度油基钻井液满足威204H378井页岩气水平井钻井施工需求,全井性能良好,无井漏,井径规则,测井未见异常,顺利完钻。  相似文献   

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