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Reduction of the Concentration of Bacteria and Coliphages along the Flowing Stretch of a Treated Sewage Channel The efficiency of surface waters to eliminate E. coli, fecal streptococci, Salmonella spp., and coliphages was evaluated in a small river which receives treated wastewater and which is rich in submerged macrophytes. The study took place between April and December, 1994. Total colony count, BOD5, O2 concentration and water temperature were determined in the river as well. As the river does not receive additional water downwards along its 17.2 km course, dilution effects could be ruled out as the cause for the elimination of the microorganisms. The reduction is assumed to happen rather due to sedimentation, grazing, and adsorption to the submerged waterplants. Immediately after discharge of the wastewater, the river water contained about 105 cfu/100 mL E. coli and 104 cfu/100 mL fecal streptococci, about 1000 pfu/100 mL coliphages, and, as a rule, was positive for salmonella in 10 mL. The reduction of E. coli, fecal streptococci, salmonella, clostridia, and coliphages at the end of the course was 1 to 2 orders of magnitude. This reduction took place mainly within the first 4.7 km, a part in which, due to low flowing velocities, suspended solids settle down efficiently. Besides, at the end of this part the submerged waterplants are especially abundant. The reduction of suspended solids correlated positively with that of BOD5, bacteria, and coliphages. The reduction of microorganisms was not sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the European Community guidelines for bathing waters and for surface waters used as drinking water source. The regenerating capacity of surface waters is not sufficient to eliminate pathogens from convenionally treated wastewater. Therefore, tertiary treatment is necessary to keep receiving waters reasonably free from pathogens.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of organohalogens by gas chromatography using electron capture (EDC) and mass-spectrometric (MS) detection was developed for sediments from lakes and sludges of water treatment plants. The method was described and separate techniques for sample preparation were investigated to compare the retrieval rates and the best approach to the “real value”. With the help of solid-liquid-phase- and liquid-liquid-phase extraction sulphur, most of the organosulphur compounds and carbon acids were effectively removed. The compounds were identified by comparing temperature programmed retention indices with those of reference compounds and by high-resolution GC/MS.  相似文献   

Die polarographische Bestimmung von Schwermetallen in Abwasserproben erfordert eine vorhergehende Mineralisation der organischen Inhaltsstoffe, wozu sich eine Kombination von Trocken- und Naßaufschluß eignet. Gleichzeitig werden Störungen in bestimmten Grundelektrolyten beseitigt. Die Schwermetallkonzentrationen liegen bei den untersuchten Klärschlämmen vor allem für Kupfer und Cadmium relativ hoch.  相似文献   

Determination of Pesticides in Water by On-line Solid-phase Extraction and HPLC-DAD This paper describes an HPLC on-line procedure for the determination of 29 relevant pesticides in water by diode-array detection using a compact HPLC-system with integrated column-switching. The sample – 5 mL – is injected with a large volume injection system on a precolumn cartridge (RP-C18). Enriched compounds are eluted in frontflush mode by columnswitching to a microbore column and separated with a gradient water/acetonitrile. During desorption the precolumn cartridge is heated at 80°C resulting in a comparable efficiency to the separation with direct injection. The procedure is fully automated for continuous monitoring of drinking-, ground-, and surface water with low contamination levels. Sample preparation is limited to a filtration step with an anion-exchange membrane filter to reduce natural contaminations e.g. humic acids simultaneously. For a concentration of 50 ng/L, the signal to noise ratio varies from 3:1 (Ethidimuron) up to 25:1 (Chloridazon). The standard deviations compare to the standardized HPLC-method DIN EN ISO 11369; the recovery rates are 100% and reproducible. The method was successfully tested on ruggedness with several sequences from a monitoring program. The precolumn cartridge needs replacement after 100 sample injections. Finally, this method was coupled with a benchtop mass-spectrometer (electrospray mode) without changing the chromatographic conditions. With selected ion monitoring (SIM) selectivity and detection sensitivity could be improved considerably compared to DAD-detection.  相似文献   

A Specord M 40 device with the Date Handling 1 computer cassette was used for the derivative-spectroscopie determination of lignosulphonic acid. Because of the higher sensitivity and the better evaluable peaks, the 2nd derivation of the five possible derivations was used. The analysis method described in detail was tested with test substances on a surface water which was polluted with waste-products from the pulp industry. With the stated device parameters, the lignosulphonic acid up to 2 mg/l can be determined in the presence of humic acids and chlorolignosulphonic acids. In weakly polluted waters, as groundwaters and shore filtrates. still lignosulphonic acid concentrations of 0.1 mg/l can be detected after an adequate enrichment.  相似文献   

Does the Structural Quality of Running Waters Affect the Occurrence of Macrophytes? The morphological structure plays, besides e.g. nutrient concentration, an important role for the integrated assessment of running waters. This paper focuses on the relationship between structural quality and macrophyte vegetation. During summer 2000 structural quality according to LAWA, macrophyte vegetation, and selected habitat parameters were recorded in 135 mapping sections in running waters in Southern Germany. In streams of high structural diversity, generally higher species richness is expected than in rivers of low diversity of habitats. However, no significant differences in macrophyte species richness were detected between different classes of structural quality. In contrast, bryophytes alone showed a significant decrease in species richness with degradation of structural quality. The number of species of other macrophytes increased, respectively. The relationship between occurrence of macrophytes, structural quality, and other environmental variables was analysed using canonical correspondence analysis. Rivers of high structural quality mostly showed high flowing velocities and were heavily shaded. These environmental conditions, which characterize river types of mountainous regions, were predominantly tolerated by bryophytes. Vascular plants and charophytes generally prefer slowly flowing and unshaded habitats. River types exhibiting these environmental conditions often are more influenced by human activities and are more structurally degraded, respectively. With respect to these fundamental differences between river types, species richness of macrophytes and class of structural quality are not correlated when all types of rivers are taken into account. Type‐specific ecomorphological parameters, which conceal the differences in species richness caused by structural quality, are discussed. Structural degraded rivers can provide good environmental conditions for vascular plants and charophytes. To predict macrophyte species richness from structural quality, a differentiation of river types is essential.  相似文献   

The Poisson distribution is required for the evaluation of counting results. Its availability can be checked with the dispersion index and graphically with a probability sheet. It is shown by an example that with increasing particle density the deviation from the Poisson distribution increases and how these anomalies become visible in the dispersion index and the per-cent error of the count. For the calculation of confidence intervals, a simple approximation formula and the asymptotic behaviour with growing random sample size are represented. The phenomena of over- and under-distribution as well as of “contagion” (Neyman distribution) are mentioned, and the high-speed method of counting according to Tippett and the variance-analytical evaluation methods are referred to.  相似文献   

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