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Structural features of the typical continental paleorift in Panxi area are revealed by seismic tomography. (1) In the profile along the minor axis of Panxi paleorift, we found alternating high and low-velocity strips existing at different depths in the crust, presenting itself as a “sandwich” structure. The existence of these high and low-velocity anomaly strips is related to the basal lithology in the rift area. (2) An addition layer with velocity values of 7.1-7.5 km/s and 7.8 km/s exists from the base of lower crust to uppermost mantle and its thickness is about 20 km. Some study results indicate that the addition layer results from the invasion of mantle material. (3) A lens-shaped high-velocity body surrounded by relatively low-velocity material is observed at depths of 110-160 km between Huaping and Huidong in the axis of the paleorift. This is the first time to discover it in the upper mantle of the paleorift. Based on the results of geology, petrology and geochemistry, we infer that the formation of the addition layer and the lens-shaped high-velocity body in the upper mantle are related to the deep geodynamic process of generation, development and termination of the rift. On the one hand, the upwelling of asthenosphere mantle caused partial melting, and then the basaltic magma from the partial melted material further resulted in underplating and formed the crustal addition layer. On the other hand, the high-density content of mineral facies was increased in the residual melted mass of intensely depleted upper mantle, formed by basalt withdrawing. The solid-melt medium in the depleted upper mantle was mainly an accumulation of garnet and peridotite because the heating effect of lithosphere was relatively weakened in the later riftogenesis, so that a lens-shaped high-density and high-velocity zone was produced in the upper mantle. The results indicate that the energy and material exchange between asthenosphere and lithosphere and remarkable underplating would have an important effect on the material state and propagation of seismic wave in the lower crust, crust-mantle interface, asthenosphere and lithosphere. This process possibly is an important mechanism on the growth of continental crust and the evolution of deep mantle.  相似文献   

川西龙门山及邻区地壳上地幔远震P波层析成像   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用川西地震台阵记录到的远震P波走时数据和非线性层析成像算法,获得龙门山地区400 km深度范围内的三维P波速度结构.为了适应川西地区复杂的地质结构,本文的层析成像方法采用了快速行进三维走时计算算法和Tarantola非线性反演算法.我们的结果揭示了川滇地块、松潘—甘孜地块和四川盆地三个不同地块构造差异及该区深部动力学特征.本文的研究表明:1)研究区地壳上地幔P波速度结构具有较为明显的分区特征,松潘—甘孜地块和川滇地块岩石圈速度较低,四川盆地岩石圈速度较高,四川盆地的岩石圈厚度从南250 km向北逐渐减薄至100 km.松潘—甘孜地块上地幔存在地幔上涌的特征.2)川滇地块和四川盆地仅是垂直接触关系,而在龙门山地区四川盆地前缘存在减薄的现象,并伴随松潘—甘孜地块上地幔低速物质有侵入四川盆地岩石圈下方的特征,这显示了四川盆地与松潘—甘孜地块和川滇地块的动力学关系的差异.3)以映秀为界,龙门山断裂带被从松潘—甘孜侵入的低速异常分为南北两段:龙门山南段和龙门山北段,汶川大地震及其余震序列均分布在龙门山断裂带的北段.在青藏高原向东挤压和地幔上涌的双重作用下造成松潘—甘孜地块隆升,由于汶川处于龙门山北段的最南端,应力容易在此集中.这些因素可能是汶川MS8.0地震的基本动力学背景.本文的结果不支持四川盆地的俯冲及层间流动的动力学模型.  相似文献   

环渤海地区的地震层析成像与地壳上地幔结构   总被引:28,自引:8,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
利用环渤海地区的天然地震P波到时资料,采用纬度和经度方向分别为0.5°×0.6°的网格划分,反演了该地区地壳上地幔的三维P波速度结构.初步结果表明,环渤海地区地壳上地幔的速度结构具有明显的横向不均匀性:京津唐地区地壳中上部的速度异常反映了浅表层的地质构造特征,造山带和隆起区对应于高速异常,坳陷区和沉积盆地对应于低速异常;地壳下部出现大规模的低速异常与华北地区广泛存在的高导层相对应,估计与壳内的滑脱层和局部熔融、岩浆活动有关;莫霍面附近的速度异常反映了地壳厚度的变化及壳幔边界附近热状态的差异;上地幔顶部大范围的低速异常可能是上地幔软流层热物质大规模上涌所致.  相似文献   

Introduction The three-dimensional S wave velocity of Chinese mainland and its neighboring region in-verted by surface wave dispersion data plays an important role in studying the lateral variation of lithosphere and geodynamic process, and understanding the forming and evolution of Chinese mainland and the relationship between shallow and deep structures. The three-dimensional veloc-ity structures of China and its major tectonic blocks were respectively studied by SONG, et al (1993), ZHOU…  相似文献   

Introduction Tengchong is one of youngest volcanic areas in Chinese mainland. Since Pliocene, the volcanoes have erupted several times. Nowadays, the thermal activity is very intensive there. The possibility of re-eruption and the reserve of geothermal energy in the area are the questions to which the publics pay much attention, and the volcanists and seismologists dedicated. HAN, et al (1996) reviewed all of the studies carried out in Tengchong area. In the late 1990s, an integrative volca…  相似文献   

In the Bohai Bay Basin and its adjacent regions(112°―124°E,34°―42°N),there exists abundant gas-petroleum while modern inter-plate seismic activity is robust.Although the tectonic structure of this region is very complicated,plenty of geological,geophysical and geochemical data and results are obtained through previous researches.On the basis of absorbing previous results,especially various kinds of geological and geophysical results,we collect and process the arrival time of P-wave phases of local events and tele-seismic events recorded by the station within this region from 1978 to 2004,build the responding initial model,and image the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle of this region via tomography.The perturbation images of various depths and velocity profiles imply that the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Bohai Bay Basin and its adjacent regions is mainly influenced by the surface tectonic units,and is characterized by "Stripped along east-west,and zoned along south-north";some large-scaled faults penetrate Moho and lithosphere,and provide the channels for the basic lava or hot mass upwelling from the mantle.  相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔三维P波速度结构   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地震科学台阵和首都圈地震台网记录的4511次近震和625次远震的P 波到时数据,采用纬度和经度方向分别为0.5deg;times;0.5deg;的网格划分,反演得到了华北北部地区(111deg;E——120deg;E,37deg;N——42deg;N)深至400km 的地壳上地幔三维P 波速度结构.层析成像结果表明,研究区的速度存在明显的横向不均匀性,随着深度增加横向不均匀性总体呈现减弱趋势.燕山隆起带在60——120km 深度内存在明显的高速异常,这与较大的岩石圈厚度有关;山西裂陷盆地、华北平原下方60km 深度存在明显低速异常,与软流圈的出现有关.燕山隆起带岩石圈厚度在120km 以上,明显比太行山隆起的岩石圈厚度大,与稳定大陆地区的岩石圈厚度一致.太行山山前断裂已切穿莫霍面,贯入岩石圈.研究区上地幔顶部大范围的低速异常反映了软流圈上隆的特点.在华北平原及燕山隆起下方200——300km 存在高速异常可能与太古代大陆板块岩石圈的残留体有关.  相似文献   

中国地幔结构及物性研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2004——2007年中国地球物理学家在地幔内部结构和物质性质方面的研究工作进行了总结. 对地幔结构的地震波速度成像,地幔介质的各向异性,地幔间断面,地幔对流,以及地幔介质物性进行了综述,指出了各方面的主要内容,使用的主要方法和主要结果. 从这4年的研究可以发现,一些原有的研究领域工作更加深入,方法更加先进,而且进行了广泛的国际合作,合作的范围也逐渐扩大,方式多样,并出现了一些新的研究方向.   相似文献   

We determine the three-dimensional shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in China using Green's functions obtained from seismic ambient noise cross-correlation.The data we use are from the China National Seismic Network,global and regional networks and PASSCAL stations in the region.We first acquire cross-correlation seismograms between all possible station pairs.We then measure the Rayleigh wave group and phase dispersion curves using a frequency-time analysis method from 8 s to 60 s.After that,Rayleigh wave group and phase velocity dispersion maps on 1° by 1° spatial grids are obtained at different periods.Finally,we invert these maps for the 3-D shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath China at each grid node.The inversion results show large-scale structures that correlate well with surface geology.Near the surface,velocities in major basins are anomalously slow,consistent with the thick sediments.East-west contrasts are striking in Moho depth.There is also a fast mid-to-lower crust and mantle lithosphere beneath the major basins surrounding the Tibetan plateau (TP) and Tianshan (Junggar,Tarim,Ordos,and Sichuan).These strong blocks,therefore,appear to play an important role in confining the deformation of the TP and constraining its geometry to form its current triangular shape.In northwest TP in Qiangtang,slow anomalies extend from the crust to the mantle lithosphere.Meanwhile,widespread,a prominent low-velocity zone is observed in the middle crust beneath most of the central,eastern and southeastern Tibetan plateau,consistent with a weak (and perhaps mobile) middle crust.  相似文献   

Chao Lake is a Geoheritage site on the active Tan-Lu Fault between the Yangtze craton, the North China craton, and the Dabie orogenic belt in the southeast. This segment of the fault is not well constrained at depth partly due to the overprinting of the fault zone by intrusive materials and its relatively low seismic activity and sparse seismic station coverage. This study took advantage of a dense seismic array deployed around Chao Lake to delineate the P-wave velocity variations in the crust and uppermost mantle using teleseismic earthquake arrival time tomography. The station-pair double-difference with waveform cross-correlation technique was employed. We used a multiscale resolution 3-D initial model derived from the combination of high-resolution 3-D vS models within the region of interest to account for the lateral heterogeneity in the upper crust. The results revealed that the velocity of the upper crust is segmented with structures trending in the direction of the strike of the fault. Sedimentary basins are delineated on both sides of the fault with slow velocities, while the fault zone is characterized by high velocity in the crust and uppermost mantle. The high-velocity structure in the fault zone shows characteristics of magma intrusion that may be connected to the Mesozoic magmatism in and around the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (MLYMB), implying that the Tan-Lu fault might have formed a channel for magma intrusion. Magmatic material in Chao Lake is likely connected to the partial melting, assimilation, storage, and homogenization of the uppermost mantle and the lower crustal rocks. The intrusions, however, seem to have suffered severe regional extension along the Tan-Lu fault driven by the eastward Paleo-Pacific plate subduction, thereby losing its deep trail due to extensional erosion.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山系的崛起、青藏高原的隆升以及与成山、成岩、成盆、成矿和成灾相关的深层过程是东亚乃至全球地球动力学研究中最为重要的科学事件.1958年始在柴达木盆地的地震反射探测与地壳、上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学研究开启了青藏高原地球内部研究的先河,半个世纪以来它影响并引导着我国这一科学领域的发展和前进.本文为纪念地壳与上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学在中国的诞生而作.柴达木盆地壳、幔精细结构地震反射探测结果表明:柴达木盆地的沉积层巨厚可达15~19 km,且存在着迴折波和不同类型与路径的多次波.地壳厚达50~52 km,且存在着高速梯度夹层和低速层.Moho界带为由高、低速相间的薄层束组构,且上地幔顶部纵波速度为8.1 km/s.从这一基点出发,对包括柴达木盆地在内的青藏高原地球深部与地球动力学研究中的几个科学问题进行了思考!为今后青藏高原地球物理深化研究的内涵和布局提出了初步的见解.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the sources of two kinds of forces to form the stress field in the lithosphere. These are the drag force caused by mantle flow and the force system along plate boundaries. The results show that both forces control the basic stress pattern in China and compressive stresses can fit with the stress patterns constructed by focal mechanisms,in-situ stress measurements in boreholes and that deduced from other geophysical and geological observation. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 295–306, 1991. This research is sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Fundation.  相似文献   

利用地震面波频散重建川滇地区壳幔S波速度   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张智  陈赟  李飞 《地球物理学报》2008,51(4):1114-1122
利用适配滤波频时分析技术分析覆盖川滇地区的长周期面波记录,计算了周期10~100 s内的面波群速度频散,对研究区进行划分尺度大小1.5°×1.5°分格后,采用射线追踪方法求取各分段射线的长度和时间,得到各个格子的纯路径频散.继而采用阻尼最小二乘法求解,反演得到该研究区壳幔S波速度分布.研究结果表明,川滇地区表现出地壳增厚和缩短,在地壳和上地幔顶部,川滇菱形块体内部与其外部相比,虽然存在局部速度负异常,总体上呈相对高速,其周边的走滑断裂带呈现深至上地幔顶部的负速度异常,这有助于地壳块体沿断裂的侧向挤出;此外,云南西部和四川西部壳内和上地幔高导层的存在被认为是与部分熔融的物质或与滑脱构造相关联;从纬向剖面和经向剖面可以得到四川盆地莫霍面平均深度大约为45 km,云南地区莫霍面深度南北方向不一致,云南地区最北端深度达到49 km,南端莫霍面深度大约为36 km,这说明不同构造块体在构造运动过程中受到影响的程度不同.  相似文献   

A broadband seismic array of 7 stations was set up in the western Dabie Mountains (31°20′-31°50′N, 114°30′-115°E). Teleseismic events from May 2001 to November 2001 were collected and analyzed by radial receiver function to determine the S-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle. The crustal thickness is 32-38 km beneath the array. The crust-mantle boundary appears as a gently north-dipping velocity discontinuity, but turns to be a velocity gradient beneath a station near the Qiliping shea...  相似文献   

VelocitystructureofthecrustanduppermantleinXingtaiearthquakeregion and itsadjacentareaZhi-PingZHU;(祝治平)Xian-KangZHANG;(张称康)Yu...  相似文献   

Studyonthecharacteristicsofcrust┐mantletransitionzoneinWesternYunnanProvinceHONG-XIANGHU(胡鸿翔)ZHONG-YANGLIN(林中洋)YIN-JUBIAN(边银...  相似文献   

In the present study the long period surface wave records of 238 wave-paths from 79 earthquakes within China and its adjacent regions received by 30 seismic network stations are measured by using the improved match-filtering frequency-time analysis technique and the grid dispersion inversion method to obtain the rayleigh pure-path dispersion values for 147 slant grids of 4° × 4° in this area, then a three-dimensional shear wave velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath south China area to a depth of 170 km is inversed. It is found that there are obvious differences among the main structural units, and there are also certain differences among the subordinate elements even in the individual unit. The crustal thickness of this area is ranging from 30 to 43 km, and is getting thicker gradually from the east to the west. The average shear velocity of crust is ranging form 3.48 to 3.68 km/s with the lowest in the northeast part and highest in the west part. No obvious crustal low velocity layer of large scale is detected. There exist upper mantle low velocity zones in the most of south China area with the starting depth ranging from 75 to 106 km. The lowest shear velocity within the low velocity zones is about 4.28–4.38 km/s. Despite of the existing of upper mantle low velocity zones beneath the most of south China area, the interfaces between the important layers are quite clear, the variation of the bedding surfaces is very gentle, and the lateral changes measured in a larger scale of the underground structure are rather small. It may indicate that the crustal and upper mantle structure of the main part of south China area belongs to the relatively stable structure of the continental blocks except for the fringe areas such as the fold-faulted region in the west part and the fault system along the southeastern coast which may belong to the tectonically active area. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 159–167, 1993. This subject is supported by the National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

天山造山带一直以来是研究盆山耦合作用的理想场所, 深入理解这一地区的壳幔结构对认识天山造山带深部动力学过程具有重要意义.本研究基于2009—2020年新疆区域数字地震台网固定台站、震后架设应急流动台站以及部分宽频带流动地震台站记录到的MS≥1.5地震到时资料, 采用双差地震层析成像方法反演获得了新疆天山中段精细的地壳和上地幔顶部三维P波速度结构和地震震源参数.结果显示: 新疆天山中段具有复杂的深浅构造关系, 地壳浅部及上地壳P波速度结构与地表地质构造密切相关, 高速异常区对应于天山造山带, 低速异常区对应于沉积盆地.研究区中东段中地壳和下地壳存在较大范围低速区, 与两侧准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地上地壳和中地壳低速区相连, 且准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地下地壳及上地幔顶部双向均向新疆天山中段下方倾斜.结合前人诸多研究成果推测, 在南北向构造挤压作用下, 塔里木盆地与准噶尔盆地双向向天山造山带壳幔岩石圈发生"层间插入与俯冲削减".重定位后地震分布显示, 地震震源深度优势范围为0~25 km, 主要沿断裂带、盆山结合部以及不同块体接触部位分布, 且与壳内低速体有较好的相关性.这些结果可能为研究新疆天山中段地壳和上地幔顶部速度结构和动力学过程提供参考依据.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘地壳及上地幔顶部速度结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用青藏高原东北缘71个固定台站与418个流动台站记录到的天然地震事件资料,采用双差层析成像方法对近震走时数据进行反演,获得了研究区高分辨率的三维P、S波速度结构和地震重定位结果.研究结果表明,本文给出的P、S波速度模型较已有的全球模型能更好的解释体波走时与面波相速度观测资料.松潘—甘孜和祁连构造带下方20~40 ...  相似文献   


利用南海地区28个陆地地震台站和2个布设于太平岛和东沙岛的新增海岛地震台站2011—2016年间的连续地震背景噪声波形数据,使用互相关方法计算得到了台站间的互相关函数,并提取出Rayleigh面波群速度和相速度频散曲线.采用快速行进和子空间方法反演获得了南海及周边地区12~40 s周期的Rayleigh面波群速度和相速度图像,并联合反演得到了研究区深至60 km的三维S波速度结构.考虑到南海数千米厚海水层对于面波频散反演的严重影响,本文在反演模型中加入了水层,显著提高了反演结果的可靠性.成像结果表明:南海及周边地区地壳上地幔顶部S波速度结构存在显著的横向不均匀性,并与这一区域的主要构造单元具有较好的空间对应关系.在5~10 km深度,莺歌海—宋红盆地区的低速异常特征可能与盆地较厚的沉积层有关.在5~15 km深度,海域高速异常区与海盆空间位置具有高度一致性,推测与海盆区地壳厚度相对陆缘区明显偏薄有关.当深度从20 km增加至30 km,海盆区的高速特征扩展至了陆缘地区,反映了地壳厚度从海盆至陆缘逐渐增厚的趋势,与OBS(海底地震仪)深地震剖面给出的地壳精细结构结果一致.至35~60 km深度,海盆的高速异常特征依然明显,且速度值随深度增加整体呈现上升的趋势,推测南海海盆区的岩石圈厚度应该大于60 km.


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