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The calculation of a gas stream offers two modes of the stream. In any case the stream cannot be detected optically. The calculated line profiles caused by the disc are demonstrated.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986  相似文献   

O vi ( = 1032 Å) profiles have been measured in and above a filament at the limb, previously analyzed in H i, Mg ii, Ca ii resonance lines (Vial et al., 1979). They are compared to profiles measured at the quiet Sun center and at the quiet Sun limb.Absolute intensities are found to be about 1.55 times larger than above the quiet limb at the same height (3); at the top of the prominence (15 above the limb) one finds a maximum blue shift and a minimum line width. The inferred non-thermal velocity (29 km s–1) is about the same as in cooler lines while the approaching line-of-sight velocity (8 km s–1) is lower than in Ca ii lines.The O vi profile recorded 30 above the limb outside the filament is wider (FWHM = 0.33 Å). It can be interpreted as a coronal emission of O vi ions with a temperature of about 106 K, and a non-thermal velocity (NTV) of 49 km s–1. This NTV is twice the NTV of quiet Sun center O vi profiles. Lower NTV require higher temperatures and densities (as suggested by K-coronameter measurements). Computed emission measures for this high temperature regime agree with determinations from disk intensities of euv lines.  相似文献   

High resolution spectra of the 6300 Å and 5200 Å regions of the night sky have been obtained using a 1 m spectrometer. Typical errors in measurements of O(1D) 6300 Å and N(2D) 5200 Å intensities due to contanimation by overlapping OH emissions have been calculated for a fixed-filter photometer, a tilting-filter photometer and a spectrophotometer. The importance of careful selection of certain instrumental parameters in order to minimize measurement errors is emphasized.  相似文献   

The line blocking is tabulated for 10 Å ( < 6300 Å) or 20 Å ( > 6300 Å) wide intervals. It follows from the spectral averages and the local continuum derived by Neckel and Labs from high-resolution Fourier transform spectra, which had been obtained by J. Brault at Kitt Peak. The internal accuracy (the scatter) is in the order of 0.1%. Significant systematic errors arising from local distortions of the adopted continuum level can be excluded. Larger errors are to be expected only near the Balmer limit, where the localization of the continuum is very ambiguous.  相似文献   

The Sun's limb darkening was observed repeatedly between the 1986 minimum and the 1990 maximum of solar activity.Systematic variations, which could depend either on the momentary activity and/or the phase in the solar cycle, werenot detectable, either at continuum wavelengths or in two broad-band spectral intervals. Completelyirregular variations, which concern not only individual, successive scans (due to granulation, etc.), but also thedaily andseasonal averages, are usually less than 1%, but can reach occasionally 2% or even more. Minoreast-west asymmetries even in the seasonal means seem to be well established, mainly for < 400 nm. Thefinal, mean limb-darkening coefficients agree basically with those published by Pierce and Slaughter (1977) and Pierce, Slaughter, and Weinberger (1977), but show a much lower scatter when plotted against wavelength.  相似文献   

Emission line spectra observed at the limb of the solar disc are presented for transitions of singly ionized silicon at 1816.93, 1817.45 and 1808.01. The profiles show self-reversals in the line cores. A non-LTE analysis for a simplified model of the silicon ion is presented and calculated line profiles are compared with the observations. The study indicates that some modification of the Vernazza et al. (1973) model of the solar chromosphere in the transition region is needed to reconcile the calculated and observed profiles.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of magnetic pressure effects on the atmospheric structure of B peculiar type stars, as well as, on the emergent He?I line profiles and absolute visual magnitudes. We consider a photosphere in local thermodynamic and hydrostatic equilibrium. The hydrostatic equilibrium equation is modified to include the Lorentz force. Atomic occupational numbers are computed in LTE considering non-ideal effects in the gas equation of state. We depict the influence of a magnetic field on local He?I line profiles and discuss the effects of the helium abundance in magnetic B-type stars. The Lorentz force might explain local variations up to 7 % in the equivalent width of helium lines, while local enhancements of He chemical abundances would produce larger changes. To analyze the line variations in real stars we computed the net contribution of a bipolar magnetic field over the stellar disk. The resulting disk-averaged magnetic field predicts variations with the rotation phase up to 2–3 % in the line EWs for a dipolar magnetic field of 1000 G.  相似文献   

We present a catalog including 11 204 spectra of 10 436 early-type emission-line stars from LAMOST DR2, among which 9752 early-type emission-line spectra are newly discovered. For these earlytype emission-line stars, we discuss the morphological and physical properties of their low-resolution spectra. In this spectral sample, the Hα emission profiles display a wide variety of shapes. Based on the Hα line profiles, these spectra are categorized into five distinct classes: single-peak emission, single-peak emission in absorption, double-peak emission, double-peak emission in absorption, and P-Cygni profiles. To better understand what causes the Hα line profiles, we divide these objects into four types from the perspective of physical classification, which include classical Be stars, Herbig Ae/Be stars, close binaries and spectra contaminated by H II regions. The majority of Herbig Ae/Be stars and classical Be stars are identified and separated using a(H-K, K-W1) color-color diagram. We also discuss 31 binary systems that are listed in the SIMBAD on-line catalog and identify 3600 spectra contaminated by H II regions after cross-matching with positions in the Dubout-Crillon catalog. A statistical analysis of line profiles versus classifications is then conducted in order to understand the distribution of Hα profiles for each type in our sample. Finally, we also provide a table of 172 spectra with Fe II emission lines and roughly calculate stellar wind velocities for seven spectra with P-Cygni profiles.  相似文献   

The oscillations of the half-width of the Ba II 4554 ? and Ca II 8542 ? spectral lines have been analyzed using observations at the base of solar coronal holes (CHs). The observed variations (~50 m ? for Ca II and ~4 m ? for Ba II) exceed considerably the thermal broadenings of these lines calculated from the measured intensity oscillations, suggesting their nonthermal nature. We point out a number of observational facts that hamper an unambiguous interpretation of the periodic Ba II and Ca II profile variations solely by the manifestation of torsional Alfve´ n waves in the lower solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

High resolution profiles of the Mg xii 8.42 Å line in the solar X-ray spectrum were recorded from the Intercosmos 7 satellite. The Mg xii line intensity provides a sensitive indicator of the hot plasma content (T ? 3 × 106 K) in coronal condensations and X-ray flare volumes. The ratio of the line intensity to the intensity of the adjacent continuum has been used to compute approximate thermal models of the emitting regions. For all the investigated coronal condensations the temperature distribution of plasma has been found to be a function monotonically decreasing with temperature. But for some X-ray bursts there occurred a distinct excess of the hot plasma of temperature between 6–10 × 106K. FWHM values of the Mg xii line profiles have been used to estimate ion temperature in the emitting regions.  相似文献   

Gough  Douglas 《Solar physics》2000,192(1-2):3-26
The dynamics of the large-scale eddies which advect angular momentum through the convection zone is controlled in a significant way by the boundary conditions, which, if they are not modelled adequately, do not lead to a distribution of angular velocity that is consistent with observation. The transition boundary layer separating the convection zone from the radiative interior is thought to play a critical role in controlling the magnetic field in the convection zone, and is probably not wholly irrelevant to understanding the cycle of solar activity.  相似文献   

During the total solar eclipse of 11 June, 1983, an imaging dual-channel Fabry-Pérot interferometer was used to obtain line profiles simultaneously in the green 5303 Å [Fe xiv] and the red 6374 Å [Fe x] coronal lines at various positions in the corona. Extensive microdensitometry followed by multi-Gaussian curve-fitting analysis has resulted in the determination of coronal temperatures and velocity separations between different pockets of coronal gas in the line of sight over a large extent of the corona. Fewer high temperature zones are to be found in the corona of 1983 compared with our similar green-line measurements of the solar maximum corona of 1980. The data are consistent with a temperature maximum occurring at 1.2 R , as found at the 1980 eclipse, but our new data are insufficient to observe farther out than this radius and so determine the position of a maximum. The velocity field in the corona at the 1983 eclipse is less structured compared with that at the 1980 eclipse and is mainly confined to the zone 20–30km s–1.  相似文献   

An integrated effect of small-scale magnetic fields on online absorption coefficient is analytically estimated. The formation of magnetically sensitive Fe I lines under the conditions of undisturbed solar photosphere in the presence of small-scale magnetic fields is studied. It is shown that these fields can broaden the wings of magnetically sensitive lines.  相似文献   

The immense volume of data generated by the suite of instruments on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) requires new tools for efficient identifying and accessing data that is most relevant for research. We have developed the Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK) to fill this need. The HEK system combines automated data mining using feature-detection methods and high-performance visualization systems for data markup. In addition, web services and clients are provided for searching the resulting metadata, reviewing results, and efficiently accessing the data. We review these components and present examples of their use with SDO data.  相似文献   

Gilman  Peter A. 《Solar physics》2000,192(1-2):27-48
We review recent progress and define unanswered scientific questions in five related topics: granulation- to supergranulation-scale convection and magnetic structures; global convection and circulation; the rise of magnetic flux tubes to the photosphere, and their injection into the base of the convection zone; tachocline fluid dynamics and MHD; and the solar dynamo. We close with a set of observational `targets' for helioseismologists to aim for.  相似文献   

E. Mitsakou  X. Moussas 《Solar physics》2014,289(8):3137-3157
We have created a new catalog of 325 interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) using their in-situ plasma signatures from 1996 to 2008; this time period includes Solar Cycle 23. The data set came from the OMNI near-Earth database. The one-minute resolution data that we used include magnetic-field strength, solar-wind speed, proton density, proton temperature, and plasma β. We compared this new catalog with other published catalogs. For every event, we indicated the presence of an ICME-driven shock. We identified the boundaries of ICMEs and their sheaths, and examined the statistical properties of characteristic parameters. We derived the duration and radial width of ICMEs and sheaths in the region near Earth. The statistical analysis of all events shows that, on average, sheaths travel faster than ICMEs, which indicates the expansion of CMEs in the interplanetary medium. They have higher mean magnetic-field strength values than ICMEs, and they are denser. They have higher mean proton temperature and plasma β than ICMEs, but they are smaller than ICMEs and last for a shorter time. The events were divided into different categories according to whether they included a shock and according to the phase of Solar Cycle 23 in which they are observed, i.e. ascending, maximum, or descending phase. We compared the different categories. We present a catalog of events available to the scientific community that studies ICMEs, and show the distribution and statistical properties of various parameters during these phenomena that govern the solar wind, the interplanetary medium, and space weather.  相似文献   

Axial rotation of a star plays an important role in its evolution, physical conditions in its atmosphere and the appearance of its spectrum. We analyzed CCD spectra of nine stars for which the projected rotational velocity derived from the Ca II line at λ 3933 Å was remarkably lower than the one derived from the MgII line at λ 4481 Å. We derived effective temperatures and surface gravities using published uvbyβ photometries, and computed synthetic spectra. Comparing the observed line profiles of the two lines with the computed ones, we estimated the values of v sin i. One of the stars, HD44783, is a Be-star which, besides the narrow absorptions in the spectrum originating in its circumstellar envelope, also has lines of interstellar origin. We also found indications of circumstellar matter in the spectrum of HD25152. In the spectra of the remaining seven stars the narrow components in the Ca II λ 3933 Å line as well as narrow absorptions in the Na I λ 5889.951 Å (D1) and λ 5895.924 Å (D2) lines are of interstellar origin. In HD114376 there are two systems of interstellar components, thus disclosing two different interstellar clouds in the direction of the star. In the spectrum of HD138527 signs of a possible companion were detected, the emission of which contributes 15% to the total light of the system.  相似文献   

We report the results of spectropolarimetric observations of the supergiant ζ Ori A made with 6-m BTA telescope of the SAO RAS. We found regular variations of line profiles in the spectrum of the star with a period of 1–3 hours and point to their possible association with nonradial photospheric pulsations. We also searched for a possible weak magnetic field in ζ Ori A, but observations did not confirm the existence of such a field in the star considered.  相似文献   

Since their discovery over 100 years ago, there have been many suggestions for the origin and development of solar spicules. Because the velocities of spicules are comparable to the sound and Alfvén speeds of the low chromosphere, linear theory cannot fully describe them. Consequently, detailed tests of theoretical ideas had to await the development of computing power that only became available during the 1970s. This work reviews theories for spicules and spicule-like features over approximately the past 25 years, with an emphasis on the models based on nonlinear numerical simulations. These models have given us physical insight into wave propagation in the solar atmosphere, and have helped elucidate how such waves, and associated shock waves, may be capable of creating motions and structures on magnetic flux tubes in the lower solar atmosphere. So far, however, it has been difficult to reproduce the most-commonly-quoted parameters for spicules with these models, using what appears to be the most suitable input parameters. A key impediment to developing satisfactory models has been the lack of reliable observational information, which is a consequence of the small angular size and transient lifetime of spicules. I close with a list of key observational questions to be addressed with space-based satellites, such as the currently operating TRACE satellite, and especially the upcoming Solar-B mission. Answers to these questions will help determine which, if any, of the current models correctly explains spicules.  相似文献   

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