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由于海洋石油开发的特殊性,每个采油平台的槽口数量有限,而新建平台或者外挂槽口成本太高,因此利用低效井和关停井的槽口进行套管内开窗侧钻成为一种很好的选择。QHD32—6F平台部分生产井为中177.8mm生产套管,利用修井机在Ф177.8mm生产套管内开窗侧钻Ф152.4mm小井眼,直接着陆钻水平段,裸眼段最长达1120m,平均长1032m。该工艺技术可操作性较强,工期短,成本低,为延长老油田寿命,维持老油田经济开发指明了方向。  相似文献   

绥中36-1-G43M井是我国海上油田首次自主实施四级完井的多底分支井,采用的是特殊设计的斜向器侧钻系统,即在主井眼中下入空心斜向器进行上分支侧钻作业,利用定向射孔技术勾通上下两个分支,生产管柱可实现分采.此项技术不仅有效解决了海上平台槽口不足的问题,同时对一些低效井的再利用提供了有效的解决措施,对提高油田采收率、降低开采成本有重要意义,在渤海油田中后期的大规模调整开发中有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

TLP平台的疲劳计算在工程中常采用确定性疲劳计算方法,但是影响结构疲劳的大多数因素都是随机的,确定性的方法很难对这些因素做出客观的描述。因此,本文基于谱疲劳方法,分别采用确定性疲劳和疲劳可靠性对TLP平台NODE结构进行疲劳筛选计算,并对计算结果进行对比分析。结果显示NODE结构局部区域不满足疲劳强度要求,相比于疲劳可靠性,确定性疲劳方法更加保守。  相似文献   

吴家鸣 《海洋科学》2014,38(4):101-108
<正>张力腿平台(简称TLP)是一种垂直系泊的顺应式平台,其主要设计思想是通过平台自身的特殊结构形式,产生远大于平台结构自重的浮力,浮力除了抵消结构自重之外,所产生的剩余浮力与张力腿的预张力相平衡。时刻处于受张拉绷紧状态的张力腿使平台的横摇、纵摇和垂荡运动较小,近似于刚性。张力腿平台立柱主要为直立的圆筒型或方形截  相似文献   

Excited by ocean currents, random wave and vessel motion, deepwater drilling risers exhibit significant dynamic response. In time domain, a method is proposed to calculate the nonlinear dynamic response of deepwater drilling risers subjected to random wave and dynamic large displacement vessel motion boundary condition. Structural and functional loads, external and internal pressure, free surface effect of irregular wave, hydrodynamic forces induced by current and wave, as well as wave and low frequency (drift) motion of the drilling vessel are all accounted for. An example is presented which illustrates the application of the proposed method. The study shows that long term drift motion of the vessel has profound effect on the envelopes of bending stress and lateral displacement, as well as the range of lower flex joint angle of the deepwater riser. It can also be concluded that vessel motion is the principal dynamic loading of nonlinear dynamic response for the deepwater risers rather than wave force.  相似文献   

张力腿平台及其基础设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海洋工程油气开发逐步向深海域进军,资料表明21世纪深海的石渍、天然气将是主要能源这一。目前主要的深海石油平台形式是张力腿平台,其结构一般由平台本体、张力腿系统和基础系统三部分组成。基础部分不但承受着结构上部及海底的各种载荷,而且为结构提供必要的稳定性和安全性。本文通过对当今世界已建成投产的9座深海张力腿平台及其基础形式进行分析,剖析它们的基础设计思想,为我国深海张力腿平台的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

张力腿平台(TLP)水下丛式井口布局设计关系到立管服役期间的安全性,是含有丛式井口平台设计过程中考虑的主要因素。根据TLP立管安装、钻井以及防碰等要求,考虑尾流效应对丛式立管的影响,研究水下丛式井口布局设计准则,对丛式井口—立管系统进行碰撞分析以确定水下井口间距阈值,提出水下丛式井口圆形布局方法和相应的布局设计流程。通过算例对计算方法进行了具体运用。研究表明:与目前采用的"等边三角形网格"方法相比,水下丛式井口圆形布局方法可允许水下整体基盘安装位置误差达到水下井口间距阈值的20%,立管的最大倾角可达到0.5°,安装作业窗口增加1倍以上。本方法对水下整体基盘安装位置误差的容错能力强,能有效扩大丛式立管钻井和安装作业窗口,提高丛式立管作业安全性,研究结果可为TLP丛式井口的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

深水浮式系统由系泊系统、立管系统和浮式结构(船体)构成,船体与柔性结构的耦合效应是非常显著的,文章介绍了深水平台耦合效应产生的原因和定义.耦合分析方法的步骤及其原理,并分析了传统非耦舍分析方法的不足.实例表明,耦合分析方法更接近于实际.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Hill instability analysis of Tension keg Platform (TLP) tether in deep sea. The 2-D nonlinear beanl model, which is undergoing coupled axial and transverse vibrations, is applied. The governing equations are reduced to nonlinear Hill equation by use of the Galerkin' s method and the modes superposition principle. The Hill instability charted up to large parameters is obtained. An important parameter M is defined and can be expressed as the functions of tether length, the platform surge and heave motion amplitudes. Some example studies are performed for various envirotnnental conditions. The results demonstrate that the nonlinear coupling between the axial and transverse vibrations has a significant effect on the response of structure. It needs to be considered for the accurate dynamic analysis of long TI2 tether subjected to the combined platfolna surge and heave motions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the prediction of the hydrodynamic forces on a full-scale mini Tension Leg Platform (TLP) of the type typically deployed for deep-sea operation. Two alternative prediction techniques were used: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which is based on the solution of the fundamental equations that govern turbulent fluid flow; and ‘engineering’ calculations based on force coefficients derived from a design code that is in routine use in the Offshore Industry. The results from these two techniques were compared with each other and with experimental data obtained from wind-tunnel and towing-tank tests on a 1–70 scale model. It was found that the two techniques, while yielding very similar predictions for the front TLP members, give substantially different predictions for the aft members — a result that is consistent with the presence of significant interference effects that are captured only by the CFD. The design code yielded the highest value for the global drag coefficient, followed very closely by the towing-tank result. The wind-tunnel tests produced the lowest value for this parameter. The CFD predictions, which were the first to be obtained in this study, fall in the mid-range of the experimental values. These and other results are discussed in the context of the use of CFD in practical design applications.  相似文献   

海洋深水区域日益成为海洋油气勘探开发的热点,但海洋深水地层因其特殊的沉积环境,致使深水钻井面临不稳定的海床、地层破裂压力低及海底低温等诸多的挑战,喷射导管技术是解决深水浅层所面临挑战的技术之一.该技术采用在导管内下入喷射动力钻具的方式,依靠导管串自身重力边钻进边下入导管,喷射到位后利用地层的黏附力和摩擦力稳固住导管,起出送入工具和管内钻具,完成导管的安装,避免因水泥浆密度过大而压破地层,也可避免由于深水低温等因素影响固井质量.通过对导管的受力分析,提出了导管的下深及导管串组成结构,同时也研究了导管在喷射安置过程中如何优选喷射钻进参数及采取的技术措施,确保导管喷射安置到预定位置,为海洋深水井导管设计与喷射安置导管提供了很好的参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

In the present study, we simulated the reel-lay installation process of deepwater steel catenary risers(SCRs) using the finite element method and proposed multiaxial fatigue analysis for reeled SCRs. The reel-lay method is one of the most efficient and economical pipeline installation methods. However, material properties of reeled risers may change, especially in the weld zone, which can affect the fatigue performance. Applying finite element analysis(FEA), we simulated an installation load history through the reel, aligner, and straightener and analyzed the property variations. The impact of weld defects during the installation process, lack of penetration and lack of fusion, was also discussed. Based on the FEA results, we used the Brown-Miller criterion combined with the critical plane approach to predict the fatigue life of reeled and non-reeled models. The results indicated that a weld defect has a significant influence on the material properties of a riser, and the reel-lay method can significantly reduce the fatigue life of SCRs. The analysis conclusion can help designers understand the mechanical performance of welds during reel-lay installation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we simulated the reel-lay installation process of deepwater steel catenary risers (SCRs) using the finite element method and proposed multiaxial fatigue analysis for reeled SCRs. The reel-lay method is one of the most efficient and economical pipeline installation methods. However, material properties of reeled risers may change, especially in the weld zone, which can affect the fatigue performance. Applying finite element analysis (FEA), we simulated an installation load history through the reel, aligner, and straightener and analyzed the property variations. The impact of weld defects during the installation process, lack of penetration and lack of fusion, was also discussed. Based on the FEA results, we used the Brown-Miller criterion combined with the critical plane approach to predict the fatigue life of reeled and non-reeled models. The results indicated that a weld defect has a significant influence on the material properties of a riser, and the reel-lay method can significantly reduce the fatigue life of SCRs. The analysis conclusion can help designers understand the mechanical performance of welds during reel-lay installation.  相似文献   

The maximum internal tangential stress is a critical parameter for the design of the PDC (polycrystalline diamond compact) die that has been widely applied to offshore oil drilling. A new simple equation for the calculation of the stress is developed, and verified by the test data from Kingdream Corp. of China, the largest bit Company in China. An opti- mum method for the design of the PDC die is presented and demonstrated in detail, and software for the design and FEM analysis of the die is developed on the basis of the method. This software has been used in oil industry in recent years.  相似文献   

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