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Slitless spectroscopy is used to discover 22 emission stars in the central and northwest regions of the cluster located in the NGC 7129 nebula. 16 of them are found for the first time. This sample is essentially complete up to V 20.0. The emission stars are distributed nonuniformly over the field of the cluster and are concentrated toward its center. Photometry in the V, R, and I bands is conducted on more than a hundred stars in the cluster. This yields an average absorption coefficient A V=1.7±0.27 for this region. Based on their positions in color diagrams for the optical and near IR ranges, most of the emission stars can be regarded as T Tau objects.  相似文献   

A small region surrounding the emission star LkHα 326 in the Perseus dark cloud is studied in the optical range. Two new cometary nebulae are described and their relationship to the Herbig-Haro objects in this region is examined. An HH-jet is discovered near the central star of one of these nebulae. Six emission stars, of which four are new, are detected by slitless spectroscopy. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 219–228 (May 2008).  相似文献   

Near-infrared images and K-band spectroscopy of the massive star-forming region IRAS 23151+5912 are presented. The JHK' images reveal an embed-ded infrared cluster associated with infrared nebula, and the H_2 (2.12μm) narrow-band image provides for the first time evidence of outflow activity associated withthe cluster. That the cluster is young can be shown by the high percentage ofinfrared excess sources and the outflow activity. We suggest an age of the clus-ter of ~ 10~6yr. Eight young stars are found in the bright nebular core aroundIRAS 23151+5912. By the color-magnitude diagrams of the cluster, we found fivehigh--mass YSOs and four intermediate-mass YSOs in the cluster. Eight H_2 emissionfeatures are discovered in the region with a scattered and non-axisymmetric distri-bution, indicating the existence of multiple outflows driven by the cluster. DiffuseH_2 emission detected to the north and to the west of the cluster may result fromUV leakage of the cluster. Brγ, H_2, and CIV emission lines are  相似文献   

The massive star forming region S 233 IR is observed in the molecular lines CO J = 2-1, 3-2, NH3 (1,1), (2,2) and the 870#m dust continuum. Four submillimeter continuum sources, labelled SMM 1-4, are revealed in the 870μm dust emission. The main core, SMM1, is found to be associated with a deeply embedded near infrared cluster in the northeast; while the weaker source SMM2 coincides with a more evolved cluster in the southwest. The best fit spectral energy distribution of SMM1 gives an emissivity of β = 1.6, and temperatures of 32 K and 92 K for the cold- and hot-dust components. An SMM1 core mass of 246 M⊙ and a total mass of 445 M⊙ are estimated from the 870μm dust continuum emission.SMM1 is found to have a temperature gradient decreasing from inside out, indicative of the presence of interior heating sources. The total outflow gas mass as traced by the CO J = 3-2 emission is estimated to be 35 M⊙. Low velocity outflows are also found in the NH3 (1,1) emission. The non-thermal dominant NH3 line width as well as the substantial core mass suggest that the SMM1 core is a “turbulent,massive dense core”, in the process of forming a group or a cluster of stars. The much higher star formation efficiency found in the southwest cluster supports the suggestion that this cluster is more evolved than the northeast one. Large near infrared photometric variations found in the source PCS-IR93, a previously found highly polarized nebulosity, indicate an underlying star showing the FU Orionis type of behavior.  相似文献   

给出红外点源IRAS 20231 3440附近恒星形成区近红外.JHK’和H2成像观测结果,以及与该IRAS点源成协的近红外点源IRS1的K波段分光观测结果..JHK’观测显示该区域存在嵌埋的年轻星天体,H2窄波段观测揭示了若干个氢分子发射结点,其中有几个结点排列成线形,暗示分子氢喷流的存在.喷流的北部与已知观测的分子外流成协,表明二者之间存在联系.喷流的走向提示IRS1可能是其激发源,对IRS1的K波段分光观测给出了进一步的证据.从近红外、MSX及IRAS资料估计出IRS1的能谱分布,表明它是一个处于ClassI状态的中等质量的年轻星天体.  相似文献   

The northern section of the molecular cloud complex NGC 6334 has been mapped in the CO and CS spectral line emission and in continuum emission at a wavelength of 1300 μm. Our observations highlight the two dominant sources, I and I(N), and a host of weaker sources. NGC 6334 I is associated with a cometary ultracompact H  ii region and a hot, compact core ≤10 arcsec in size. Mid-infrared and CH3OH observations indicate that it is also associated with at least two protostellar sources, each of which may drive a molecular outflow. For region I we confirm the extreme high-velocity outflow first discovered by Bachiller & Cernicharo and find that it is very energetic with a mechanical luminosity of 390 L. A dynamical age for the outflow is ∼3000 yr. We also find a weaker outflow originating from the vicinity of NGC 6334 I. In CO and CS this outflow is quite prominent to the north-west, but much less so on the eastern side of I, where there is very little molecular gas. Spectral survey data show a molecular environment at position I which is rich in methanol, methyl formate and dimethyl ether, with lines ranging in energy up to 900 K above the ground state. NGC 6334 I(N) is more dense than I, but cooler, and has none of the high-excitation lines observed toward I. I(N) also has an associated outflow, but it is less energetic than the outflow from I. The fully sampled continuum map shows a network of filaments, voids and cores, many of which are likely to be sites of star formation. A striking feature is a narrow, linear ridge which defines the western boundary. It is unclear if there is a connection between this filament and the many potential sites of star formation, or if the filament existed prior to the star formation activity.  相似文献   

Subsequent to Paper I, the evolution and fragmentation of a rotating magnetized cloud are studied with use of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic nested grid simulations. After the isothermal runaway collapse, an adiabatic gas forms a protostellar first core at the centre of the cloud. When the isothermal gas is stable for fragmentation in a contracting disc, the adiabatic core often breaks into several fragments. Conditions for fragmentation and binary formation are studied. All the cores which show fragmentation are geometrically thin, as the diameter-to-thickness ratio is larger than 3. Two patterns of fragmentation are found. (1) When a thin disc is supported by centrifugal force, the disc fragments into a ring configuration (ring fragmentation). This is realized in a rapidly rotating adiabatic core as  Ω > 0.2τ−1ff  , where Ω and  τff  represent the angular rotation speed and the free-fall time of the core, respectively. (2) On the other hand, the disc is deformed to an elongated bar in the isothermal stage for a strongly magnetized or rapidly rotating cloud. The bar breaks into 2–4 fragments (bar fragmentation). Even if a disc is thin, the disc dominated by the magnetic force or thermal pressure is stable and forms a single compact body. In either ring or bar fragmentation mode, the fragments contract and a pair of outflows is ejected from the vicinities of the compact cores. The orbital angular momentum is larger than the spin angular momentum in the ring fragmentation. On the other hand, fragments often quickly merge in the bar fragmentation, since the orbital angular momentum is smaller than the spin angular momentum in this case. Comparison with observations is also shown.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that artificial bipolar structure can be detected using spectro-astrometry when the point spread function (PSF) of a point source suffers distortion in a relatively wide slit. Spectro-astrometry is a technique which allows us to probe the spatial structure of astronomical sources on milliarcsec (mas) scales making it possible to detect close binaries and to study the geometry and kinematics of outflowing gas on scales much smaller than the seeing or the diffraction limit of the telescope. It is demonstrated that a distorted PSF, caused by tracking errors of the telescope or unstable active optics during an exposure, can induce artificial signals which may be misinterpreted as a real spectro-astrometric signal. Using simulations, we show that these may be minimized by using a narrow slit relative to the seeing. Spectra should be obtained at antiparallel slit position angles (e.g. 0° and 180°) for comparison in order to allow artificial signatures to be identified.  相似文献   

We present a model for empirically reproducing line profiles of molecular hydrogen emission in bow shocks. The model takes into account bow velocity, dissociation limit, a cooling function, viewing angle, bow shape and a limited form of extinction. Our results show that both geometrical factors and shock physics can significantly affect the profile morphology. In a companion paper we will apply this model to Fabry–Perot observations of bow shocks in the Orion BN–KL outflow.  相似文献   

We summarize all the reported detections of, and upper limits to, the radio emission from persistent (i.e. non-transient) X-ray binaries. A striking result is a common mean observed radio luminosity from the black hole candidates (BHCs) in the low/hard X-ray state and the neutron star Z sources on the horizontal X-ray branch. This implies a common mean intrinsic radio luminosity to within a factor of 25 (or less, if there is significant Doppler boosting of the radio emission). Unless coincidental, these results imply a physical mechanism for jet formation that requires neither a black hole event horizon nor a neutron star surface. As a whole the populations of Atoll and X-ray pulsar systems are less luminous by factors of ≳5 and ≳10 at radio wavelengths than the BHCs and Z sources (while some Atoll sources have been detected, no high-field X-ray pulsar has ever been reliably detected as a radio source). We suggest that all of the persistent BHCs and the Z sources generate, at least sporadically, an outflow with physical dimensions 1012 cm; that is, significantly larger than the binary separations of most of the systems. We compare the physical conditions of accretion in each of the types of persistent X-ray binary and conclude that a relatively low (1010 G) magnetic field associated with the accreting object, and a high (0.1 Eddington) accretion rate and/or dramatic physical change in the accretion flow, are required for formation of a radio-emitting outflow or jet.  相似文献   

We discuss wide-field near-infrared (near-IR) imaging of the NGC 1333, L1448, L1455 and B1 star-forming regions in Perseus. The observations have been extracted from a much larger narrow-band imaging survey of the Taurus–Auriga–Perseus complex. These H2 2.122-μm observations are complemented by broad-band K imaging, mid-IR imaging and photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope , and published submillimetre CO   J = 3–2  maps of high-velocity molecular outflows. We detect and label 85 H2 features and associate these with 26 molecular outflows. Three are parsec-scale flows, with a mean flow lobe length exceeding 11.5 arcmin. 37 (44 per cent) of the detected H2 features are associated with a known Herbig–Haro object, while 72 (46 per cent) of catalogued HH objects are detected in H2 emission. Embedded Spitzer sources are identified for all but two of the 26 molecular outflows. These candidate outflow sources all have high near-to-mid-IR spectral indices (mean value of  α∼ 1.4  ) as well as red IRAC 3.6–4.5 μm and IRAC/MIPS 4.5–24.0 μm colours: 80 per cent have [3.6]–[4.5] > 1.0 and [4.5]–[24] > 1.5. These criteria – high α and red [4.5]–[24] and [3.6]–[4.5] colours – are powerful discriminants when searching for molecular outflow sources. However, we find no correlation between α and flow length or opening angle, and the outflows appear randomly orientated in each region. The more massive clouds are associated with a greater number of outflows, which suggests that the star formation efficiency is roughly the same in each region.  相似文献   

As part of a project to search for new Herbig-Haro (HH) objects in star formation regions, observations are reported on the neighborhoods of five cometary nebulae: MacC H12, MacC sH15, GM 1-14, RNO 33, and Pars 17. We have been able to identify 9 previously unknown HH objects in those regions. Almost all of these objects belong to directed flows whose sources are, with high probability, the central stars of these nebulae. In the cases of MacC H12 and GM 1-14, the outflows have a distinct bipolar structure. The sources of the outflows are located on a J-H/H-K diagram in order to classify them. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 15–27 (February 2008).  相似文献   

We present H α , [N  ii ] and [O  iii ] ground-based and HST archive images, VLA–A 3.6-cm continuum and H92 α emission-line data and high-resolution long-slit [N  ii ] spectra of the planetary nebula Hu 2-1. A large number of structural components are identified in the nebula: an outer bipolar and an inner shell, two pairs of collimated bipolar structures at different directions, monopolar bow-shock-like structures, and an extended equatorial structure within a halo. The formation of Hu 2-1 appears to be dominated by anisotropic mass ejection during the late-AGB stage of the progenitor and by variable, 'precessing' collimated bipolar outflows during the protoplanetary nebula and/or early planetary nebula phases. Different observational results strongly support the existence of a binary central star in Hu 2-1, among them (1) the observed point-symmetry of the bipolar lobes and inner shell, and the departures from axial symmetry of the bipolar lobes, (2) the off-centre position of the central star, (3) the detection of mass ejection towards the equatorial plane, and (4) the presence of 'precessing' collimated outflows. In addition, (5) an analysis of the kinematics shows that the systemic velocity of the bipolar outflows does not coincide with the systemic velocity of the bipolar shell. We propose that this velocity difference is a direct evidence of orbital motion of the ejection source in a binary system. From a deduced orbital velocity of ∼10 km s−1, a semimajor axis of ∼ 9–27 au and period of ∼ 25–80 yr are obtained, assuming a reasonable range of masses. These parameters are used to analyse the formation of Hu 2-1 within current scenarios of planetary nebulae with binary central stars.  相似文献   

We investigate the linear theory of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at the interface between a partially ionized dusty outflow and the ambient material analytically. We model the interaction as a multifluid system in a planar geometry. The unstable modes are independent from the charge polarity of the dust particles. Although our results show a stabilizing effect for charged dust particles, the growth time-scale of the growing modes gradually becomes independent of the mass or charge of the dust particles when the magnetic-field strength increases. We show that growth time-scale decreases with increasing the magnetic field. Also, as the mass of the dust particles increases, the growth time-scale of the unstable mode increases.  相似文献   

We present almost-simultaneous detections of Cygnus X-1 in the radio and mm regimes, obtained during the low/hard X-ray state. The source displays a flat spectrum between 2 and 220 GHz, with a spectral index | α |0.15 (3 σ ). There is no evidence for either a low- or high-frequency cut-off, but in the mid-infrared (∼30 μm) thermal emission from the OB-type companion star becomes dominant. The integrated luminosity of this flat-spectrum emission in quiescence is 2×1031 erg s−1 (2×1024 W). Assuming the emission originates in a jet for which non-radiative (e.g. adiabatic expansion) losses dominate, this is a very conservative lower limit on the power required to maintain the jet. A comparison with Cyg X-3 and GRS 1915+105, the other X-ray binaries for which a flat spectrum at shorter than cm wavelengths has been observed, shows that the jet in Cyg X-1 is significantly less luminous and less variable, and is probably our best example to date of a continuous, steady, outflow from an X-ray binary. The emissive mechanism responsible for such a flat spectral component remains uncertain. Specifically, we note that the radio–mm spectra observed from these X-ray binaries are much flatter than those of the 'flat-spectrum' AGN, and that existing models of synchrotron emission from partially self-absorbed radio cores, which predict a high-frequency cut-off in the mm regime, are not directly applicable.  相似文献   

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