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Long-term variations in a sea surface wind speed(WS) and a significant wave height(SWH) are associated with the global climate change, the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters, and an ocean resource exploitation,and other activities. The seasonal characteristics of the long-term trends in China's seas WS and SWH are determined based on 24 a(1988–2011) cross-calibrated, multi-platform(CCMP) wind data and 24 a hindcast wave data obtained with the WAVEWATCH-III(WW3) wave model forced by CCMP wind data. The results show the following.(1) For the past 24 a, the China's WS and SWH exhibit a significant increasing trend as a whole, of3.38 cm/(s·a) in the WS, 1.3 cm/a in the SWH.(2) As a whole, the increasing trend of the China's seas WS and SWH is strongest in March-April-May(MAM) and December-January-February(DJF), followed by June-July-August(JJA), and smallest in September-October-November(SON).(3) The areal extent of significant increases in the WS was largest in MAM, while the area decreased in JJA and DJF; the smallest area was apparent in SON. In contrast to the WS, almost all of China's seas exhibited a significant increase in SWH in MAM and DJF; the range was slightly smaller in JJA and SON. The WS and SWH in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, the Tsushima Strait, the Taiwan Strait, the northern South China Sea, the Beibu Gulf, and the Gulf of Thailand exhibited a significant increase in all seasons.(4) The variations in China's seas SWH and WS depended on the season. The areas with a strong increase usually appeared in DJF.  相似文献   

本文以南麂海洋站1983~1990年风、浪的实测资料为依据,建立了南麂海城春、夏、秋、冬季定常波风浪波高与风速的经验关系式。检验结果表明,曲线回归显著,计算值与实测值吻合良好。文中还对偏NNE向和偏SSW向计算波高随风速增大的快慢,同一方向在同一风速作用下计算波高的季节变化及其机理作了初浅的讨论。  相似文献   

利用来自ECMWF的ERA-40风场资料,就北印度洋海表风速的长期变化趋势展开分析,以期可为海洋水文保障、防灾减灾、研究全球气候变化提供参考.结果表明:(1)1958-2001年期间,北印度洋低纬度海域、索马里至斯里兰卡一带的大范围海域的海表风速表现出显著的逐年线性递增趋势,基本在0.01-0.02 m·s-1·a-1;呈显著性递减的区域主要分布于亚丁湾、红海、波斯湾、斯里兰卡北部零星海域、以及缅甸仰光西南部近海等小范围海域,约-0.01-0.005m·s-1·a-1;阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾等海域的海表风速在近44年期间则无显著性变化趋势;(2)近44年期间,北印度洋海域的海表风速整体上以0.0061m·s-1 ·a-1的速度显著性震荡递增,震荡区间在5.0-5.5 m·S-1之间;(3)不同海域海表风速的变化趋势在不同季节表现出很大差异:冬季和夏季,大部分海域海表风速的变化趋势显著,春季次之,秋季仅在赤道附近一带海域呈显著性递增;(4)近44年期间,北印度洋的海表风速存在显著的2.0年、2.6-3.7年、5.2年的变化周期,以及26年以上的长周期震荡.  相似文献   

Reasonably understanding of the long-term wave characteristics is very crucial for the ocean engineering. A feedforward neural network is operated for interpolating ERA5 wave reanalysis in this study, which embodies a detailed record from 1950 onwards. The spatiotemporal variability of wave parameters in the Bohai Sea, especially the significant wave height (SWH), is presented in terms of combined wave, wind wave and swell by employing the 71 years (1950–2020) of interpolated ERA5 reanalysis. Annual mean SWH decreases at ?0.12 cm/a estimated by Theil-Sen estimator and 95th percentile SWH reflecting serve sea states decreases at ?0.20 cm/a. Inter-seasonal analysis shows SWH of wind wave has steeper decreasing trend with higher slopes than that of swell, especially in summer and winter, showing the major decrease may attribute to the weakening of monsoon. The inner Bohai Sea reveals a general decreasing trend while the intersection connecting with the Yellow Sea has the lower significance derived by Mann-Kendall test. Meanwhile, 95th percentile SWH decreases at a higher rate while with a lower significance in comparison with the mean state. The frequencies of mean wave directions in sub-sector are statistically calculated to find the seasonal prevailing directions. Generally, the dominant directions in summer and winter are south and north. A similar variation concerning to SWH, the trend of the mean wave period is provided, which also shows a decrease for decades.  相似文献   

本文基于欧洲中期天气预报中心 (ECMWF) 的 ERA5 与 ERA-Interim 再分析资料,提取长江口及其邻近海域1979— 2018 年间共 40 年的风场和海浪场数据,探讨该海域风浪和波高的时空变化特征,EOF 经验正交函数分解法分析结果显示风速与波高的数值在外海普遍高于近岸,且符合长江口所在东海海域受盛行东亚季风影响的特征。Mann-Kendall 检验法分析结果显示,在 1979—2018 年间该海域海表面年均风速呈增长趋势,平均增长速率为 0.228 cm/(s·a),累计增长 1.6 %;年均有效波高呈增长趋势,平均增长速率为 0.120 cm/a,累计增长 5.4 %;年风速和波高的极端值也呈不同程度的增长趋势。  相似文献   

Wave and wind characteristics based on the cyclones, in the vicinity of the Nagapattinam coastline (east coast of India) were estimated. In all, 11 cyclones have crossed near the study region during 1960–1996. For the four severe cyclones, the isobaric charts were collected at three hourly intervals from the India Meteorological Department. The storm variables such as central pressure, radius of maximum wind, speed of forward motion and direction of storm movement were extracted and the method based on standard Hydromet pressure profile, were used for the hindcast of storm wind fields. For all the cyclones the maximum significant wave height within the storm and its associated spectral peak period was estimated using the Young’s model considering the moving wind field and the results are compared with the hurricane wave prediction techniques provided in the shore protection manual published by the US Army Corps of Engineers in 1984. The study shows that the estimated wind speed and the data reported by ships were comparable. Empirical expressions relating wind speed, wave height and wave period to storm parameters were derived. The design wave height for different return periods was obtained by fitting a two-parameter Weibull distribution to the estimated significant wave heights. The design wave height was 9.39 m for 1 in 100 year return period for a direct hit of cyclone.  相似文献   

This study investigates the long-term changes of monthly sea surface wind speeds over the China seas from 1988 to 2015. The 10-meter wind speeds products from four major global reanalysis datasets with high resolution are used: Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform data set(CCMP), NCEP climate forecast system reanalysis data set(CFSR),ERA-interim reanalysis data set(ERA-int) and Japanese 55-year reanalysis data set(JRA55). The monthly sea surface wind speeds of four major reanalysis data sets have been investigated through comparisons with the longterm and homogeneous observation wind speeds data recorded at ten stations. The results reveal that(1) the wind speeds bias of CCMP, CFSR, ERA-int and JRA55 are 0.91 m/s, 1.22 m/s, 0.62 m/s and 0.22 m/s, respectively.The wind speeds RMSE of CCMP, CFSR, ERA-int and JRA55 are 1.38 m/s, 1.59 m/s, 1.01 m/s and 0.96 m/s,respectively;(2) JRA55 and ERA-int provides a realistic representation of monthly wind speeds, while CCMP and CFSR tend to overestimate observed wind speeds. And all the four data sets tend to underestimate observed wind speeds in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea;(3) Comparing the annual wind speeds trends between observation and the four data sets at ten stations for 1988-1997, 1988–2007 and 1988–2015, the result show that ERA-int is superior to represent homogeneity monthly wind speeds over the China seaes.  相似文献   

利用渤海和北黄海9个站位浮标的海面10 m气压和风速观测资料对ERA5再分析资料的适用性进行了初步评估。结果表明:海面气压和风速再分析资料与观测资料具有良好的相关性,不同时间尺度的统计结果具有一定差异,累年逐月的相关性优于日均和日极值,极端天气下的相关系数最低。不同时间尺度的统计结果显示,气压再分析资料与观测值的偏差总体为负值,即高压再分析资料较观测值偏弱、低压再分析资料较观测值偏强,二者存在一定的系统性偏差;风速统计结果显示,偏差与风力级别有关,大风速时,风速再分析资料普遍小于观测值。累年逐月再分析资料反映了研究区气压和风速的季节变化特征,偏差也呈现出季节性变化,且冬季的适用性优于夏季;极端天气情况下,气压和风速再分析资料的适用性较差,需要开展进一步的订正处理。  相似文献   

With the launch of altimeter,much effort has been made to develop algorithms on the wind speed and the wave period.By using a large data set of collocated altimeter and buoy measurements,the typical wind speed and wave period algorithms are validated.Based on theoretical argument and the concept of wave age,a semi-empirical algorithm for the wave period is also proposed,which has the wave-period dimension,and explicitly demonstrates the relationships between the wave period and the other variables.It is found that Ku and C band data should be applied simultaneously in order to improve either wind speed or wave period algorithms.The dual-band algorithms proposed by Chen et al.(2002) for the wind speed and Quilfen et al.(2004) for the wave period perform best in terms of a root mean square error in the practical applications.  相似文献   

HDPE深水网箱抗风浪流性能的海区验证试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴常文  朱爱意  沈建林 《海洋工程》2007,25(2):84-90,97
对HDPE深水网箱2000~2004年间的抗风浪流性能进行了海区验证试验.通过对HDPE深水网箱扶栏、框架、网具以及固泊系统受损率的统计,根据扶栏、框架、网具以及固泊系统在整个深水网系统中的重要程度,分别给予一定的权重统计出深水网箱的整体受损率,能比较客观地反映深水网箱的抗风浪流性能.海区验证试验结果表明,HDPE深水网箱抗风力达35 m/s、抗浪高6 m、抗流速1.0 m/s,与其设计参数基本相同.同时,为了增加HDPE深水网箱的抗风浪流性能,建议扶手管从110 mm改为125 mm、主浮管从250 mm改为300 mm、扶栏高度从1 m降低为0.8 m或0.6 m.风力主要影响扶栏系统,流速主要影响网具系统,而波浪对HDPE圆形浮式深水网箱的框架、网具、固泊系统以及网箱整体结构均有明显影响.  相似文献   

本文根据南麂海洋站1983~1989年实测风和浪的资料,分析了大风和大浪的关系。结果表明:大浪日、大风日各月出现次数不匀。风浪大浪日及涌浪大浪日出现比率分别占56%和44%。各向大浪波高均值变化幅度不大。各向大浪波高极值却有较大差异。风浪H1/10波高为1.5~2.0m、当风速为11~13m/s时,大浪出现频率最高。本文还给出了波龄较大的风浪大浪波高与大风风速的经验关系。基于不同类型的台风路径,得到了本区从H1/10波高为1.5m以上时台风中心的位置。利用此结果可以预报本区大浪出现的时间。  相似文献   

南海海面风、浪场的EOF分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王静  齐义泉  施平 《海洋学报》2001,23(5):136-140
在气候分析中常常借助自然正交展开方法分析气象要素的时空分布特征,而对于海洋研究,由于过去观测手段的限制,很难获得较长时间序列和较大空间系列的观测资料,因此像气候分析中常用的经验正交函数(EOF)方法在海洋要素的分析中较少使用.卫星遥感技术的发展为海洋学研究提供了丰富的空间分布均一、时间序列较长的观测资料.本文根据TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P)卫星高度计获得的海面风、浪信息,利用气候分析中常用的EOF分析方法,分析了南海海面风、浪场的时空模态特征.这一分析结果可以很好地反映南海海面风、浪场间的关系,从而为海浪场的经验预报和分析提供参考.  相似文献   

全球再分析数据集已成为研究气候规律和数值模拟的重要工具,其中海面风场数据集是波浪模拟的重要资料,风场资料的准确性是影响海浪要素模拟结果的关键因素,不同的海面风场资料在中国各个海域的适用性具有不确定性。利用黄海、东海海域的12个观测点,选取了2006—2018年间的11场台风进行对比,验证了ERA5和NCEP风场在台风期间与常海况下的风速;模拟了中国近海海域的波浪场,与范围内15个测站的有效波高及谱峰周期进行了对比验证;分析了ERA5和NCEP风场在黄海、东海波浪模拟的适用性。主要结果如下:(1)风场质量是造成台风浪模拟误差的主要原因之一,研究区域内ERA5风场在台风期间的风速大小与实测资料具有较高一致性;长江口邻近海域内,ERA5风速相关性在0.8以上;江苏海域内,ERA5风速相关性在0.9以上;(2)分别采用ERA5和NCEP再分析风场资料作为驱动风场输入Mike21 SW模型,较好地模拟了黄海、东海海域在不同海况下的波浪变化情况;在江苏海域,ERA5资料模拟波高值与浮标测站观测波高资料相关性超过0.85,平均绝对误差不超过0.2 m;(3)两种风场在江苏海域、长江口及其邻海的适用性比黄海北部更好。结果表明,NCEP和ERA5在中国近海海域波浪模拟的适用性有差异,在江苏海域、长江口及其邻海,基于ERA5的数值模拟结果相对于NCEP模拟结果精度提高。  相似文献   

李江夏  朱钰  徐杰  姚宇 《海洋通报》2023,(3):260-271
全球再分析海面风资料在波浪模拟和风能资源评估等研究中发挥着重要作用,但风场资料种类繁多,且准确性在不同海域差异较大,使用时需要进行适用性分析。本文基于欧洲中期天气预报中心的ERA5和ERA-Interim再分析风场,利用多个站点的实测数据,分析了其在中国近海的适用性,并将再分析风场输入FVCOM-SWAVE波浪模型,对比了它们在常风天和台风天对波浪模拟的效果。结果表明:(1)常风天条件下ERA5和ERA-Interim资料在中国近海表现相似,风速较实测值略偏大,均能基本反映海表面风场变化和平均风速分布,吻合度指标在各站点均超过0.9;(2) ERA5对台风的模拟显著优于ERA-Interim,能较好模拟台风风速结构,对不同台风模拟精度差异大,整体上会低估台风风速;(3)风场质量是造成波浪模拟误差的主要原因之一,ERA5和ERA-Interim均能较好地模拟常海况下的波浪变化情况,而在台风浪的模拟中ERA5更优,“双台风”现象对风速和波浪的模拟准确度影响大。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中尺度天气预报中心(ECMWF——European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)的1979年1月2014年12月逐6 h的ERA-Interim有效波高和10 m风场资料,分析了近36年期间北太平洋海域海浪场和风场的变化特征。结果表明:1)中低纬度的西北太平洋波高有逐年线性递增趋势,大约在0.2~0.6 cm/a,而低纬度的太平洋东北部海域则以-0.4~-0.2 cm/a的趋势减小。2)风速线性变化趋势显著的区域主要集中在太平洋东北部低纬度海域,约以1.0~2.0 cm/(s·a)的速度在增加。而日本岛四周、菲律宾半岛以南等海域大都以-1.0~-0.5 cm/(s·a)的速度减小。3)北太平洋海域波高和风速都具有明显的季节变化特征,两者具有很强的相关性。西风带内有一个个波高超过10 m的风暴圈,其波高受风浪和涌浪的双重作用。这可为航海、海洋工程设计、军事及海洋能开发与利用等方面提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The trends of the sea surface temperature(SST) and SST fronts in the South China Sea(SCS) are analyzed during2003–2017 using high-resolution satellite data. The linear trend of the basin averaged SST is 0.31°C per decade,with the strongest warming identified in southeastern Vietnam. Although the rate of warming is comparable in summer and winter for the entire basin, the corresponding spatial patterns of the linear trend are substantially different between them. The SST trend to the west of the Luzon Strait is characterized by rapid warming in summer, exceeding approximately 0.6°C per decade, but the trend is insignificant in winter. The strongest warming trend occurs in the southeast of Vietnam in winter, with much less pronounced warming in summer. A positive trend of SST fronts is identified for the coast of China and is associated with increasing wind stress. The increasing trend of SST fronts is also found in the east of Vietnam. Large-scale circulation, such as El Ni?o, can influence the trends of the SST and SST fronts. A significant correlation is found between the SST anomaly and Ni?o3.4 index, and the ENSO signal leads by eight months. The basin averaged SST linear trends increase after the El Ni?o event(2009–2010), which is, at least, due to the rapid warming rate causing by the enhanced northeasterly wind. Peaks of positive anomalous SST and negatively anomalous SST fronts are found to co-occur with the strong El Ni?o events.  相似文献   


Using GPS phase observations in the kinematic mode, we are able to achieve centimeter accuracy in relative three‐dimensional coordinates. This could be verified even for fast‐moving sensors in aircraft, such as airborne photogrammetric cameras, at the time of exposure. Sophisticated kinematic software has been developed resolving cycle slips and carrier‐phase ambiguities during motion. To determine the instantaneous sea surface, the GPS receiver is placed in a free‐drifting buoy with the antenna on top. Differencing the 1‐Hz observations, wave heights can be determined as well as velocity and direction of ocean (tidal) currents.

This article deals with the experiences from a test for the practical realization of this proposal. Hardware installation, software, and data analysis are described. Plans to use such an observational scenario of a GPS buoy array in the North Sea for the calibration of the radar altimeter of the European satellite ERS‐1 are presented.  相似文献   

孙凡  于非  司广成  潘俊 《海洋科学》2019,43(1):15-27
在1982—2016年,苏北浅滩及长江口海域春季海表面温度主要呈现出从南至北、从近岸至离岸升温趋势逐渐减小的特征,其中长江口附近海域升温速率最大。研究显示,苏北浅滩及长江口附近海域春季海表面温度的长期升温趋势主要与该海域经向热输送及长江平流热输送的增强有关。进一步的研究发现,春季经向风速的增强导致该海域经向热输送的增加,而春季经向风速的年际及年代际变率又受到太平洋年代际振荡、北极涛动的调控,其中,太平洋年代际振荡指数与经向风速呈负相关,北极涛动指数与经向风速呈正相关,北极涛动指数的年际增加以及太平洋年代际振荡指数的年际降低使得春季南风增强,进而南向的冷平流减弱,北向的热平流增强,使该海域春季海表面温度长期升温。在此过程中,净热通量对其升温过程起到抑制作用,而前冬海温主要是对春季海表面温度的年代际振荡产生重要影响,其主要体现为1982—1999年的升温及2000—2016年的降温过程。  相似文献   

Large-scale water transport is one of the key factors that affect sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the eastern equatorial Pacific(EEP).The relationship between the wave transport in the tropical Pacific and the SSTA in the EEP is examined by different methods,including band-pass filtering,period analysis,correlation analysis,significant analysis,and empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis.We have found that the eastward shift of the wave transport anomaly in the tropical Pacific,with a period of 2 a and enhancing the transport of warm waters from the western Pacific warm pool,precedes the increase of sea surface temperature(SST) in the EEP.The wave transport and the SSTA in the EEP have a maximum correlation of 0.65 with a time-lag of 6 months(transport variation precedes the temperature).The major periods(3.7 a and 2.45 a) of the wave transport variability,as revealed by the EOF analysis,appear to be consistent with the SSTA oscillation cycle in the EEP.Based on the first occurrence of a significant SSTA in the Ni?o 3 region(5°S–5°N,90°–150°W),two types of warm events are defined.The wave transport anomalies in two types present predominantly the west anomaly in the tropical Pacific,it is that the wave transport continues transport warm water from west to east before the onset of the warm event.The impact of wave-induced water transport on the SSTA in the EEP is confirmed by the heat flux of the wave transport.The wave transport exerts significant effect on the SSTA variability in the EEP and thus is not neglectable in the further studies.  相似文献   

近50年来长江口及邻近海域溶解氧的时空分布变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江口及邻近海域是我国最重要的河口海岸区域之一。基于多源、长时间序列的溶解氧资料,本文对近50年来长江口及邻近海域溶解氧的时空分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,近50年来,长江口及邻近海域表层溶解氧基本保持稳定,仅冬季呈现出一定的上升趋势。冬、春两季溶解氧浓度范围在7-11 mg/L,夏、秋两季为6-8 mg/L。长江口及邻近海域低氧值首先出现于5月,浙闽沿岸底层海域形成低氧水舌。水舌在夏季不断向北推进,北部断面低氧程度明显高于南部断面。到了秋季,低氧区逐渐消退,至冬季完全消失。在过去的50年中,长江口及邻近海域的低氧现象始于20世纪80年代。2000年起,低氧程度逐渐加深,低氧分布深度逐渐升高。本文基于大量的溶解氧历史数据开展研究,研究结论对于探讨长江口及邻近海域低氧区的发展变化具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

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