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Geomorphic analysis, employing topographic, morphologic, geologic, and bathymetric maps, and field studies show that the morphology of the southern coast of Mexico can be linked to lateral variations in the geometry and tectonism of the subduction zone. A reconnaissance study, based on the regional morphological characteristics and correlation with seismotectonic segments, regional tectonics and major bathymetric features, allows identification of several morphotectonic zones along the coast of southern Mexico: (1) Jalisco zone, (2) Colima zone, (3) Michoacan zone, (4) Guerrero zone, (5) Oaxaca zone, and (6) Tehuantepec zone. A range of geomorphological evidence, including marine terraces, river terraces, uplifted notches, and elevated wave-cut platforms, indicates local and regional uplift along the coast of the Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero and Oaxaca zones. Coasts of the Colima and Tehuantepec zones show morphological evidence of subsidence.  相似文献   

We present the results of a palaeomagnetic study of four mid-Cretaceous limestone sections exposed in northeastern Mexico. The limestones are weakly magnetized and exhibit two- to three-component magnetizations. These magnetization components appear to be carried by both a sulphide mineral and a magnetite-titanomagnetite mineral. The sulphide mineral carries a reverse polarity overprint that often makes it difficult to isolate definitively the higher-unblocking-temperature component. The high-unblocking-temperature component is well defined in the upper portion of the Santa Rosa Canyon section and in the Cienega del Toro section and passes the fold test. The characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) inclinations agree well with predicted mid-Cretaceous inclinations for these sites, although the declinations differ by more than 100°. The relative rotation between these two sites probably occurred as the thrust sheets were emplaced during Laramide deformation. At two of the sections, namely Cienega del Toro and the overturned Los Chorros sections, only normal polarity directions are observed. The La Boca Canyon and Santa Rosa Canyon sections exhibit zones of both normal and reverse polarity magnetization. Correlation of these polarity zones with the geomagnetic polarity timescale provides a time framework for lithostratigraphic and palaeoceanographic studies of these sections.  相似文献   

Crustal uplift in southern England: evidence from the river terrace records   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Much of the past work on the Quaternary rivers of northwest Europe has been concerned with river terraces, which characterise almost every valley. While these terraces are undoubtedly striking features of the landscape, the incision achieved by Quaternary rivers is equally significant in terms of river behaviour, and for an understanding of the factors affecting landform development during the Quaternary. This paper examines the incision achieved during the Quaternary by the Thames, in both its upper and lower catchments, and by the Hampshire Avon in southern England. Valley incision rates of ca. 0.07–0.10 m ka−1 have been identified, although in the lower catchment of the Thames, these have been enhanced by additional incision in response to glacio-isostasy and valley shortening. A model is proposed in which regional uplift is recognized as the primary cause of incision by these Quaternary rivers. Possible mechanisms for regional uplift are considered.  相似文献   

A comparison of fluvial terrace sequences from around the world, based on data collected as part of International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project No. 449, has revealed significant patterns. River terraces provide important records of uplift, which is essential for their formation, and of landscape evolution. Their cyclic formation, however, almost invariably seems to have been a response to climatic fluctuation. Sequences in the European core area of IGCP 449, which has the longest and most extensive research history, have been used as templates for worldwide comparison. There is evidence for a global acceleration of uplift at the time of, and perhaps in response to, the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution, when climatic fluctuation switched to 100 kyr Milankovitch cycles. Terraces formed prior to this generally consist of wide aggradational sheets that probably each represent formation over several 41 kyr cycles. Subsequently, river valleys became more steeply entrenched and terraces formed in response to the stronger 100 kyr climatic forcing, in many cases at approximately one per cycle. This paper uses the new data resource to explore differences between records in different climate zones, between sequences with variable numbers of Middle–Late Pleistocene terraces and between systems in which the all-important incision event has occurred in different parts of climatic cycles. Key records discussed include European examples from the Rhine, Thames, Somme, Dniester, Dnieper, Don, Volga and Aguas; from Asia the Gediz (Turkey) and Orontes (Syria); from North America, the South Platte and Colorado; from South Africa the Vaal and Sundays; from Australia the Shoalhaven; and from South America, the Amazon, Paraguay and tributaries of the Colorado and Negro.  相似文献   

The objective of study was to explore short-term trends of processes that determine land-use change in Sierra Norte of Oaxaca (SNO), Mexico. Land use and land cover changes (LULCC) were estimated in a complex mosaic of vegetation in the SNO from 1980 to 2000, and projected them to 2020 through a Markovian model. SNO is highly vulnerable to climatic change according to a 2050 GCM scenario. However, 3% annual rate of tropical and temperate forest deforestation from agriculture and livestock encroachment, suggest the threat from land-use change is higher than that from climatic change for this study site. Productive land-use strategies are needed to reduce such high deforestation rates for tropical regions. Controlling deforestation would also reduce short-term effects of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Because of the necessity to evaluate anthropogenic ecosystem changes, it is imperative to separate short-term influences such as deforestation, from long-term influences such as climatic change.  相似文献   

River adjustment and incision in the Sabarmati basin, Gujarat, India have been examined at a site near Mahudi. Towards this, the morphostratigraphy and depositional chronometry of the middle alluvial plains were investigated. The upper fluvial sequence, along with the overlying aeolian sand and riverbed scroll plains, provide clues to the evolution of the present Sabarmati River. Sedimentological analyses of the upper fluvial sequence indicate its deposition by a meandering river system during what is believed to be a persistent wetter phase. Luminescence chronology bracketed this sequence to between 54 and 30 ka, which corresponds to Oxygen Isotope Stage-3, during which the SW monsoon was enhanced. The overlying aeolian sand has been dated to 12 ka, indicating that dune accretion occurred simultaneously with the strengthening of the SW monsoon during the Early Holocene. Adjustment of the Sabarmati along a N–S transect is placed around 12 ka and the incision is bracketed between 12 and 4.5 ka. River adjustment could have been tectonic; however, the incision was facilitated by the availability of continuous flow in the river caused by the SW monsoon. The basin experienced two tectonic events at about 3 and 0.3 ka, as demonstrated by the morphology of the scroll plains.  相似文献   

The River Ganga in the central Gangetic plain shows the incision of 20 m of Late Quaternary sediments that form a vast upland terrace (T2). The incised Ganga River Valley shows two terraces, namely the river valley (terrace-T1) and the present-day flood plain (terrace-T0). Terrace-T1 shows the presence of meander scars, oxbow lakes, scroll plains, which suggests that a meandering river system prevailed in the past. The present-day river channel flows on terrace-T0 and is braided, sensu stricto. It is thus inferred that the River Ganga experienced at least two phases of tectonic adjustments: (1) incision and (2) channel metamorphosis from meandering to braided.Optical dating of samples from three different terraces has bracketed the phase of incision to be <6 and 4 ka. Different ages of the top of terrace-T2 show that this surface experienced differential erosion due to tectonic upwarping in the region, which also caused the river incision. River metamorphosis occurred some time during 4 and 0.5 ka.  相似文献   

Gregory R. Brooks   《Geomorphology》2003,54(3-4):197-215
The Holocene evolution of the shallow alluvial valley occupied by the Red River was investigated at two successive river meanders near St. Jean Baptiste, Manitoba. A transect of five boreholes was sited across the flood plain at each meander to follow the path of lateral channel migration. From the cores, 24 wood and charcoal samples were AMS radiocarbon dated. The dates from the lower half of the alluvium in each core are interpreted to represent the age of the lateral accretion deposits within the flood plain at the borehole sites. The ages of these deposits increase progressively from 900 to 7900 and 1000 to 8100 cal years B.P. along each transect, respectively, from the proximal to distal portions of the flood plain. At the upstream meander, the average rate of channel migration was initially 0.35 m/year between 7900 and 7400 cal years B.P., then decreased to 0.18 m/year between 7400 and 6200 cal years B.P., and subsequently varied between 0.04 and 0.08 m/year. Net channel incision of the river since 8100 cal years B.P. is estimated to have ranged between 0.4 and 0.8 m/ky. The pre-6000-years-B.P. interval of greater channel migration is hypothesized to reflect a higher phase of sediment supply that was associated with the establishment of the river system on the former bed of glacial Lake Agassiz. Since 1000 years B.P., the outward migration of the meanders has caused a gradual enlarging of 0.7–2% in the cross-sectional area of the shallow valley at the two meanders. When considered proportionally over timescales of up to several centuries, the widening of the valley cross-section is very low to negligible and is deemed an insignificant factor affecting the modern flood hazard on the clay plain.  相似文献   

Li  Gaocong  Zhou  Liang  Qi  Yali  Gao  Shu 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):146-160
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The knowledge of geomorphological evolution from an estuary to a river delta is necessary to form the formulation of comprehensive land-ocean interaction...  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the western sector of the Mid-Channel Anticline (MCA), Santa Barbara, southern California suggests the actively growing fold is laterally propagating to the west. The presence of fold scarps and cross faults that segment the structure suggests that buried faults that are producing the folding are present at shallow depths. The summit area of the anticline at the Last Glacial Maximum (22 to 19 ka) was probably a small late Pleistocene island. Evidence for presence of the island includes what appears to be terrestrial erosion and is supported by assumption of sea level change and rates of uplift and subsidence.Pockmarks and domes ranging in diameter from  10 to 100 m, and several meters deep are present along the crest and flanks of the MCA. These features appear to be the result of hydrocarbon emission. Their formation has significantly modified the surface features, producing simple to complex erosional and/or constructional topography. A large pockmark near the anticline crest dated by two calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates of 25.3 and 36.9 ka continues to emit hydrocarbon gases. We term the topography produced by hydrocarbon emission as Hydrocarbon Induced Topography (HIT).  相似文献   

Dry Creek is a major tributary of the Russian River in Northern California (USA) that has experienced hydrologic and morphologic alterations after the closure of Warm Springs Dam in 1983. Our objective is to present a detailed diagnosis of the modification of the creek’s flow and sediment regimes, and interpret the alterations regarding the ecomorphologic evolution previously observed in the creek. Statistical analysis of the river’s flow and sediment series indicates that dam operation has had significant impacts on the magnitude and frequency of occurrence of the highest floods, and the magnitude, variability, and duration of low and very low flows. Similarly, sediment concentration and discharge have also experienced major alterations. Loss of habitat complexity for native flora and fauna (especially endangered salmonids), channel incision, and vegetation encroachment are some of the negative trends found for the creek over the last 30 years, since river regulation began. We discuss the present dynamics of the river and propose, on that basis, the improvement of its hydromorphic functioning as part of future large-scale restoration initiatives.  相似文献   

The Jornada Experimental Range and the New Mexico State University Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center are fruitful areas to study the long-term effects of rangeland remediation treatments which started in the 1930s. A number of diverse manipulations were completed under the direction of federal agency and university scientists, and abundant remote sensing imagery is available to assist in relocating the treatments and evaluating their success. This is particularly important because few of the treatments were maintained following the loss of scientific personnel coinciding with the start of World War II, and most records of Civilian Conservation Corps scientific work were lost with the disbanding of the agency in 1942. Aerial photography, which was systematically used to image the United States beginning in the 1930s, can be used to identify types of treatments, measure areal coverage, estimate longevity, and help plan locations for new experiments. No long-lasting vegetation response could be determined for contour terraces, brush water spreaders, strips grubbed free of shrubs (despite the fact that these strips have remained visible for 65 years), and mechanical rootplowing and seeding. Distinct positive, long-term vegetation responses could be seen in aerial photos for water retention dikes, certain fenced exclosures, and some boundaries where different land management practices meet. It appears from both aerial photos and existing conventional records that experimental manipulation of rangelands has often been ineffective on the landscape scale because treatments are not performed over large enough contiguous areas and hydrological and ecological processes overwhelm the treatments. In addition, treatments are not maintained over time, treatment evaluation periods are sometimes too short, multi-purpose treatments are not used to maximize effects, and treatments are often not located in appropriate sites.  相似文献   

Quantifying the extent to which geomorphic features can be used to extract tectonic signals is a key challenge in the Earth Sciences. Here we analyse the drainage patterns, geomorphic impact, and long profiles of bedrock rivers that drain across and around normal faults in a regionally significant oblique-extensional graben (Hatay Graben) in southern Turkey that has been mapped geologically, but for which there are poor constraints on the activity, slip rates and Plio–Pleistocene evolution of basin-bounding faults. We show that drainage in the Hatay Graben is strongly asymmetric, and by mapping the distribution of wind gaps, we are able to evaluate how the drainage network has evolved through time. By comparing the presence, size, and distribution of long profile convexities, we demonstrate that the northern margin of the graben is tectonically quiescent, whereas the southern margin is bounded by active faults. Our analysis suggests that rivers crossing these latter faults are undergoing a transient response to ongoing tectonic uplift, and this interpretation is supported by classic signals of transience such as gorge formation and hill slope rejuvenation within the convex reach. Additionally, we show that the height of long profile convexities varies systematically along the strike of the southern margin faults, and we argue that this effect is best explained if fault linkage has led to an increase in slip rate on the faults through time from  0.1 to 0.45 mm/yr. By measuring the average length of the original fault segments, we estimate the slip rate enhancement along the faults, and thus calculate the range of times for which fault acceleration could have occurred, given geological estimates of fault throw. These values are compared with the times and slip rates required to grow the documented long-profile convexities enabling us to quantify both the present-day slip rate on the fault (0.45 ± 0.05 mm/yr) and the timing of fault acceleration (1.4 ± 0.2 Ma). Our results have substantial implications for predicting earthquake hazard in this densely populated area (calculated potential Mw = 6.0–6.6), enable us to constrain the tectonic evolution of the graben through time, and more widely, demonstrate that geomorphic analysis can be used as an effective tool for estimating fault slip rates over time periods > 106 years, even in the absence of direct geodetic constraints.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):465-489
This study analyzes how Mexican federal housing policy affects the production of space and the housing landscape in Guadalajara, Mexico. Using a wide-ranging database of parcels developed in metropolitan Guadalajara, we map all housing developments from 1970 to 2000 and classify them into three categories that reflect different development processes. The greatly increased number of social-interest houses, and the large extension of land area developed since 1990 are explained by federal housing program reforms. Informal settlements remain a major path to home ownership, but the percentage of housing developments that are informal and the percentage of informally developed land have declined since the 1980s. We also discovered a trend of increasing land area devoted to low-density, élite enclaves, and analyzed marketing strategies and land use patterns that occurred in these newer developments. All of these outcomes reflect a neoliberal ideology that promotes consumption and the privatization of space, but largely excludes the urban poor. The result is higher rates of home ownership, but in an increasingly segregated and fragmented landscape poorly served by public infrastructure and lacking in amenities.  相似文献   

In spite of widely documented studies of deforestation rates and land use/cover changes in tropical dry forests in Mexico, relatively little is known about fragmentation patterns in such forests. This study defines the spatial distribution of landforms and land use/cover types the lower Papagayo River basin and examines their influence on fragmentation patterns and biological diversity in a tropical dry forest in that southern Pacific region. The land use/cover map was constructed from aerial photographs, Landsat TM imagery (2000) and fieldwork. Landform units were defined based on altitude, slope, lithology and morphology. Landscape fragmentation parameters were obtained using FRAGSTATS (version 3.3) considering the numbers of patches, mean, minimum and maximum patch size, edge density, total edge and connectivity. Results show tropical dry forest to be remnant vegetation (~11 per cent), characterized by isolation and low connectivity. Land use/cover types have different effects on fragmentation patterns. Agriculture and cattle raising produce similar numbers of patches, but with a different mean size; and human settlements have a scattered distribution pattern. The abandonment of rural agricultural livelihoods has favoured the expansion of secondary tropical dry forest characterized by continuity and high connectivity, which suggests a high regeneration potential from land abandonment. It can be concluded that tropical dry forest fragmentation and recovery at regional scales depend on such landscape attributes as lithology, slope, geomorphology and management.  相似文献   

Staircases of strath terraces and strongly incised valleys are the most typical landscape features of Portuguese rivers. This paper examines the incision achieved during the late Cenozoic in an area crossed by the Tejo river between the border with Spain and the small town of Gavião. In the more upstream reach of this area, the Tejo crosses the Ródão tectonic depression, where four levels of terraces are distinguished. During the late Cenozoic fluvial incision stage, the Ródão depression underwent less uplift than the adjacent areas along the river. This is reflected by the greater thicknesses and spatial extent of the terraces; terrace genesis was promoted by impoundment of alluvium behind a quartzitic ridge and the local presence of a soft substratum. Outside this tectonic depression, the Tejo has a narrow valley incised in the Hercynian basement, with some straight reaches that probably correspond to NE–SW and NNW–SSE faults, the terraces being nearly absent. Geomorphological evidence of tectonic displacements affecting the Ródão dissected terrace remnants is described. Geochronological dating of the two younger and lower terrace levels of this depression suggests a time-averaged incision rate for the Tejo in the Ródão area, of ca. 1.0 m/ka over the last 60 thousand years. A clear discrepancy exists between this rate and the 0.1 m/ka estimated for the longer period since the end of the Pliocene. Although episodes of valley incision may be conditioned by climate and base-level changes, they may also have been controlled by local factors such as movement of small fault-bounded blocks, lithology and structure. Regional crustal uplift is considered to be the main control of the episodes of valley incision identified for this large, long-lived river. A model is proposed in which successive regional uplift events—tectonic phases—essentially determined the long periods of rapid river downcutting that were punctuated by short periods of lateral erosion and later by some aggradation, producing strath terraces.  相似文献   

Vimal Singh  S.K. Tandon   《Geomorphology》2008,102(3-4):376-394
The Himalayan orogenic belt, formed as a result of collision tectonic processes, shows abundant evidence of neotectonic activity, active tectonics, and the occurrence of historical earthquakes. Its frontal deformation zone is characterized, in some segments, by intermontane longitudinal valleys (duns). Such frontal segments of the Himalaya are marked by the occurrence of multiple mountain fronts.In one such segment of the foothills of the NW Himalaya, the Pinjaur dun is developed and marked by three mountain fronts: MF1A and MF1B associated with the southernmost Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT), MF2 associated with the Sirsa fault, and MF3 associated with the Barsar thrust along the southern margin of the relatively higher main part of the sub-Himalaya. Geomorphic responses to the tectonic activity of these and related structural features have been analyzed through the use of geomorphic indices, drainage density, stream longitudinal profiles, drainage anomalies, and hypsometric analysis. Also, fault and fold growth and their expression on landform development was studied using a combination of surface profiles and field observations.The values of valley floor width to height ratio (Vf) for valleys associated with MF1 ranged between 0.07 and 0.74, and for valleys associated with MF2 ranged from 1.02–5.12. Vf for the four major valleys associated with MF1B ranged from 1.1–1.7. The asymmetry factor for 26 drainage basins related to MF1A indicate these have developed under the influence of a transverse structure. These results taken together with those obtained from the Hack profiles and SL index values, hypsometry, drainage density, and drainage anomalies suggest that the faults associated with the mountain fronts and related structures are active.Active tectonics and neotectonic activity have led to the formation of four surfaces in the Pinjaur dun. In addition, an important drainage divide separating the Sirsa and Jhajara drainage networks also developed in the intermontane valley. Surface profile analysis helped in deciphering the growth history of the fault bend fold structures of the outermost Siwalik hills. The effects of tectonic activity on the proximal part of the Indo-Gangetic plains are interpreted from the remarkable river deflections that are aligned linearly over tens of kilometers in a zone about 10 km south of the HFT.Based on these integrated structural and tectonic geomorphological approaches, a morphotectonic evolutionary model of the dun has been proposed. This model highlights the role of uplift and growth history of the fault bend fold structures of the outermost Siwalik hills on (i) the depositional landforms and drainage development of the Pinjaur dun, and (ii) valley development of the outermost Siwalik hills.Importantly, this study postulates the formation of an incipient mountain front that is evolving ahead of the HFT and the outermost Siwalik hills in the Indo-Gangetic plains.  相似文献   

This work investigates the initial colonization on recent lahar deposits of the northeast slope of Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico, where 29 circular sample plots (1.57 m2) were established to determine the development stages of colonization in four types of habitats: 1997 lahar, 2001 lahar, margins, and terraces at the channel's bottom. Cluster analysis and the Sørensen Index were used to determine the floristic affinity of these lahars. Richness, frequency, percentage of species contribution, plant cover, density, and stem height were analyzed to determine the composition and structure of plant communities. The distribution of these variables reveals that the communities often have a simple internal structure; however, a relationship has already been established between changes in resilience and the age of the four lahars. Thus, floristic composition develops rapidly (1 sp. in terraces, 11 spp. in the margins, 29 spp. in the 2001 lahar, and 34 spp. in the 1997 lahar). Except for the 1997 lahar, however, structural characteristics are poorly developed in other incipient stages. As colonization advances, the affinity among the various components and sectors of the laharic deposits decreases, thus promoting the gradual incorporation of species found on the adjacent gorge slopes. The Principal Components Analysis used to identify other explanatory factors shows that of 15 variables studied, those associated with the morpho-sedimentology, the hydrovolcanic dynamics and stability of deposits (microtopography, thickness of the deposit, clast shapes, length of the deposit, depth of the gorge, and slope processes) explain a large percentage of variance. Only a few species (Lupinus campestris, Alchemilla procumbens and Penstemon gentianoides), are well adapted to poor soils and the effects of intense erosion caused by the flows.  相似文献   

2000年11月14日东昆仑8.1级地震的构造背景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
2001年11月14日的8.1级地震发生在东昆仑断裂带西段的一条北西西向走滑断裂上,从卫星影像上可以清楚地看到该断裂。断裂沿北西西向的河谷北岸发育,是阿尔喀山的南缘断裂,断裂构造地貌非常清楚,是一条可以发生8级以上地震的活动断裂。从运动学背景看,本次地震的主动盘为断裂的南缘,且地震破裂自西向东发展,震源深度较浅,所以位于断裂北盘和西侧的新疆且末、若羌等距离震中较近的地区,地震的震感反映并不明显;而震中东侧的格尔木和南侧地区的震感反映较强。从青藏高原活动构造、运动学背景和现有的地震参数分析,这次东昆仑8.1级地震发生在巨大的东昆仑断裂西段,由于青藏高原东北部的块体向东逃逸和旋转运动,造成断裂左旋扭动的结果。  相似文献   

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