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Since the launch of SPOT, Institut Géographique National, France has carried out several investigations concerned with in-flight evaluation, research operations and the setting up of production flowlines. The aims of assistance to data bank establishment, revision of existing maps and image map and thematic map production have now been achieved for the most part. Some procedures are already operational, including image product making, photogrammetry on SPOT images, classifications on image processing systems, manual information retrieval and image map production. Moreover, various research operations are virtually complete, including automatic correlation, composite processes between aerial photographs and SPOT images, quite promising mathematical morphology associated with expert systems for retrieving linear or complex textured (built up area) elements, and manual cartography on image processing system. These results confirm the great benefits of SPOT system capabilities and the characteristics of flexibility, accuracy and reliability. The Photogrammetric Society and the Remote Sensing Society held a one-day symposium at Burlington House, London on 11th November, 1987. The SPOT (Système Probatoire d'observation de la Terre) satellite had then been operational for 18 months and many organisations had been working with the data. This symposium reviewed the operation of the satellite and studies which had been carried out for mapping and for thematic applications. Six of the symposium papers are published here. It is expected that other papers from the symposium will be published in the International Journal of Remote Sensing.  相似文献   

The Metric Camera workshop was held to discuss results obtained from experiences carried out by principal investigations in the Metric Camera Project. The papers divided into three groups: photogrammetric investigations, interpretation and general. The photogrammetric investigations covered tests of accuracy. Plotting, aerial triangulation and the production of digital elevation modles and orthophotographs. There was general agreement that planimetric accuracies of between 20 m and 30 m and height accuracies of about 30 m could be achieved The emphasis within the group of papers on interpretation was on geology and the maping of cultural features. Results of this work are summarised and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Rigorous photogrammetric methods have been used to carry out a detailed evaluation of Metric Camera panchromatic photographs of two areas, one in south-east France and the other on the coast of Libya. Inner, relative and absolute orientation and space resection were performed in order to determine how accurately ground co-ordinates can be obtained and the most suitable scale for mapping. Results of absolute orientation (residuals of 19m in plan and 26m in height) indicate that it is possible to produce maps at 1:100000 scale with contours at 100m intervals. Plotting has been done at 1:100000 scale showing cultural and drainage features. It was not possible to identify all detail which is plotted on existing 1:100000 scale line maps.  相似文献   

中分辨率遥感图像土地利用与覆被分类的方法及精度评价   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
利用TM、SPOT及CBERS-1等中分辨率卫星图像,对土地覆被的专家系统分类方法、居民地的决策树提取方法以及水体的迭代混合提取方法进行了试验,其总体精度达到87.89%,与常用的监督分类方法相比精度可提高7.86%.专家系统分类的结果叠合居民地、水体等易于混分专题信息,可以形成精度较高的土地利用与覆被分类结果。  相似文献   

Resolution functions which permit the comparison of camera systems considered for earth-orbiting satellite missions, indicate that a mapping camera (f = 300 mm) with approximately 20 m ground resolution at a scale of 1 : 750 000 would prove more useful for photogrammetric applications than any of the systems currently planned. In the absence of specific satellite missions for mapping purposes, the value of Skylab-type experiments could be greatly enhanced by the inclusion of a metric camera. ERTS-A with an estimated ground resolution on the order of 180 m was not intended as a cartographic system. In its present mode it does not meet the standards set by scientists for detailed studies of the earth's resources.  相似文献   

A procedure for digital image correlation is described which is based on least squares window matching. The immediate aim is high precision parallax assessment, point transfer, and point measurement. Experiments and theory have confirmed the high accuracy potential of the method. By implementation of charge coupled device (CCD) video cameras in an analytical plotter, an experimental hardware and software configuration has been established with which the operational on line application of digital image correlation for conventional photogrammetric measuring tasks can be tested. First results of calibration and performance of the system are presented. They allow optimistic conclusions as to the further development and practical application of digital image processing in photogrammetry.  相似文献   

中等植被覆盖区金矿蚀变TM及JERS-1OPS遥感信息增强技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文分析了与金矿化相伴的蚀变矿物(铁氧化物、粘土矿物、碳酸盐矿物)的反射光谱吸收特征及金矿区上覆植被反射光谱对金矿化蚀变信息的干扰,同时介绍了利用植被指数法、比值-主成份变换法和植被掩模法对陆地卫星TM、JERS-1OPS等遥感图像进行处理,压抑植被反射光谱干扰信息和增强金矿化蚀变反射光谱信息的方法和效果。  相似文献   

多元数据分析与遥感矿化蚀变信息提取模型   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
蚀变矿物的光谱行为造成了蚀变岩的光谱特征。利用典型岩石的多元数据分析,可以对蚀变矿物成份和光谱数据之间的关系作出定性和定量评价,进而建立遥感矿化蚀变信息提取模型。笔者利用青海某金多金属矿化区典型岩(矿)石样品的野外实测波谱数据和化学分析数据,进行了基于多元数据分析的遥感矿化蚀变信息提取模型研究,建立的比值组合线性回归模型较之单一比值方法具有更好的应用效果。  相似文献   

This article summarizes the experience gained from collaboration between the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences and geographers and cartographers of Cuba, Mongolia, and Vietnam in the creation of national atlases for these countries. The scientific concepts embodied in the atlases are analyzed, as well as the interrelationships and scope of topics, the combination of scientific and practical directions, and characteristics of their organization. Translated from: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya geograficheskaya, 1988, No. 3, pp. 31-38 by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005.  相似文献   

从原理、模型试验及实际数据处理等方面分析对比了比值法、光谱角法及主分量分析法的优劣;选择了以主分量分析为主、光谱角法为辅进行蚀变遥感异常的提取;引用了误差理论某些基本概念,以标准离差σ作为遥感异常切割的尺度;建立了“去干扰异常主分量门限化技术流程”。以西藏驱龙一甲马蚀变遥感异常群为例,展示了此技术的效果,并与高光谱研究结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

下庄铀矿田控矿因素光-能谱融合图像解译应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过光-能谱融合图像处理、解译与部分野外验证,对下庄铀矿田发育的钾化蚀变带和低钍补体进行了识别与提取,指出铀成矿与钾化蚀变断裂带及低钍补体具有密切的成因与空间联系。另外,以能谱图像上发现的环状影像为线索,通过对岩体主体固结成岩后穹状构造隆升事件的研究,认为本区曾存在地幔柱,地幔柱作用引发了多种地质事件(或作用),这是形成铀矿田的根本原因所在  相似文献   

从原理、模型试验及实际数据处理等方面分析对比了比值法、光谱角法及主分量分析法的优劣;选择了以主分量分析为主、光谱角法为辅进行蚀变遥感异常的提取;引用了误差理论某些基本概念,以标准离差σ作为遥感异常切割的尺度;建立了"去干扰异常主分量门限化技术流程"。以西藏驱龙—甲马蚀变遥感异常群为例,展示了此技术的效果,并与高光谱研究结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

巴什布拉克铀矿区遥感油气还原蚀变信息提取   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从巴什布拉克铀矿床油气还原蚀变岩石的光谱特征分析入手,开展了基于ETM数据的白垩系油气还原蚀变信息的反向增强和 基于ASTER数据的直接增强技术研究。通过对增强的油气还原蚀变信息分布特征的分析,发现矿床所在的北西西向狭长的白垩系出 露范围内,西段的油气还原蚀变强烈,中段和东段的蚀变弱,从而为矿区外围铀矿找矿提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

利用CBERS-02B星CCD和HR数据,采用数字滑坡技术,制作出滑坡地区的数字高程模型;采用三维可视化技术,结合当地的地质环境构造条件,用人机交互方式,分析“5•12”地震中唐家山至北川县城堵江河道滑坡发生的面积、运动方向、滑坡形成条件和诱发因素。  相似文献   

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