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基于各向异性扩散的ROBUST阻抗估计方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过分析各向异性扩散(Anisotropic Diffusion AD)在信号的去噪与增强中对特征的保护特性,及各向异性扩散与Robust估计之间的关系,把各向异性扩散引入到阻抗估计中,提出了基于各向异性扩散的Robust阻抗估计方法(ADR).模拟结果表明该方法对噪声或"飞点"具有明显的压制作用,与最小二乘法(LS)及常规的Robust估计方法相比具有更好的稳定性和精度.当噪声方差从0增加到0.8,ADR估计的相对误差最小为4.0%,最大仅为4.9%,误差均值为4.5%;Robust估计相对误差最小4.1%,最大6.2%,平均为4.9%,LS方法平均相对误差则达到18.4%.Robust估计收敛过程受阈值的影响较大,ADR收敛速度虽然受到扩散步长与阈值的影响,但收敛值与阈值选择无关.这在实际应用中有着重要意义.  相似文献   

在宽角反射/折射地震测深数据处理中, 仍多用基于傅里叶变换的滤波方法和小波去噪方法。鉴于傅里叶方法对稳态信号很有效但对非稳态的地震信号效果不佳的状况以及小波不能同时具有正交性、紧支性、对称性, 本文给出了基于多小波的去噪方法, 多小波具有正交性、对称性、紧支性, 克服了传统小波的缺陷。编写了多小波去噪方法的人机交互软件。该软件可以方便快捷地显示宽角反射/折射地震记录截面, 进行多小波域的阈值去噪。实例计算结果表明, 本文所述方法和编写的软件有效且可行。  相似文献   

在构造复杂的地区,地震速度横向变化较大,常规时间偏移方法已无法完成复杂断块地区的正确成像,必须采用叠前偏移成像技术,来解决复杂构造地震资料的成像问题.与叠后偏移相比,叠前时间偏移有更高的成像精度、信噪比和更好的波组特征.各向异性叠前时间偏移将层速度代替叠前时间偏移中的均方根速度,在一定程度上解决了地下地质体的复杂构造问...  相似文献   

GHM类正交多小波变换及其在地震资料去噪中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈香朋  曹思远 《地震地质》2005,27(3):479-486
多小波是对小波理论的一个新发展,它可以同时满足正交性、对称性、短支撑等良好的特性要求。文中介绍了多小波基本理论、多小波变换具体过程及预处理方法,提出了基于GHM类多小波变换的地震资料软阈值去噪方法,通过对合成数据和实际资料进行处理分析,表明多小波变换在有效压制随机噪声的同时,能较好地保留原信号的特征信息,是一种行之有效的去噪方法  相似文献   

磁化率各向异性(AMS)表征岩石及其组成矿物的低场磁化率在不同方向上的变化.AMS以其高精度、经济省时和无损测量等优点,广泛应用于地学各个领域.火成岩原生的磁组构可用于分析岩石结构,指示熔岩流、火山碎屑流、浅成侵入岩以及深成岩体的岩浆流动方向、侵位方式和岩浆来源,研究岩石在侵位期间经历的构造事件,从而进行火成岩同构造侵位过程的研究;而利用次生磁组构则可分析岩石在侵位期后经历的改造作用.AMS结合传统岩石学、构造学方法,能有效解决特定的地质问题.  相似文献   

大地电磁测深资料数据采集过程中,由于温度、湿度等对仪器的影响或GPS搜星不正常,采集到的数据有时会出现时间序列跳帧或缺失现象.针对这一问题,本文将基于无激励AR(p)模型预测数据的原理引入大地电磁测深数据处理中.根据已知序列确定AR(p)模型阶数以及模型参数,建立正确的预测模型对缺失数据进行预测,并对比经过预测后的数据与实际样本数据的频谱,表明AR(p)预测模型可以解决原始资料的不连续性问题,提高了大地电磁测深野外资料的利用率.  相似文献   

地震资料的噪音消除是地震资料处理的一个重要步骤,以往的地震资料滤波,都容易伤害地震资料的高频信号.原始地震图像属于线形纹理图像,地震同相轴表现为线条结构.基于偏微分方程的非线性各向异性扩散技术通过结构张量的特征向量控制扩散方向,利用扩散张量的特征值控制特征方向上的扩散量,对原始地震图像进行图像平滑处理,增强具有一致性的同向轴及其所反映的重要地质结构.  相似文献   

瞬变电磁法(TEM)是电法勘探的一个重要分支,具有受地形影响小、工作效率高、对低阻体分辨率高纯异常测量等优点.在野外数据采集过程中,瞬变电磁数据容易受到周边环境噪声的干扰.由于瞬变电磁的晚期信号能量弱,极易被噪声淹没,使得数据处理过程中出现假异常.为了更好地减弱噪声的影响,剔除假异常,得到真实的地下介质信息.本文把Hilbert-Huang变换(Hilbert-Huang Transform,简称HHT)方法应用到瞬变电磁数据处理中,通过对含有噪声的瞬变电磁仿真数据进行经验模态(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)分解、重构,得到了真实的电磁信号,证明HHT方法在瞬变电磁去噪中可行.最后对TEM实测数据进行EMD分解、重构,结果表明该方法能够有效的压制噪声的干扰,突出TEM真实信号,较好的识别异常体的位置,提高TEM解译结果的准确性.  相似文献   

消除噪声干扰对大地电磁测深资料的影响是大地电磁(MT)工作中的首要问题.基于结构风险最小化原则的支持向量机能够解决小样本情况下非线性函数拟合的通用性和推广性问题,是求复杂的非线性拟合函数的一种有效技术.本文首先介绍了ε-SVR(ε不敏感损失函数—支持向量机回归)的原理及SVR相关参数的选择,在此基础上,利用该算法对大地电磁测深实测资料进行回归处理,并与当前常用的去噪方法(Robust变换结合人工筛选)进行对比,结果表明ε-SVR算法可以较好地消除MT测深曲线所受噪声影响,提高工作效率.同时给原始数据加入10%噪声,并利用该算法对加噪后的数据进行回归处理,加噪前后拟合结果的绝对误差的均方差为9.454,相对误差的均方差为1.61%,证明该模型具有良好的泛化能力和稳健性.  相似文献   


Turbulence in the Earth's outer core not only increases all diffusive coefficients, but it can lead to their anisotropic properties. Therefore, the model of rotating magnetoconvection in horizontal plane layer rotating about vertical axis and permeated by homogeneous horizontal magnetic field, influenced by anisotropic diffusivities, viscosity and thermal diffusivity, is advanced by considering the magnetic diffusivity as anisotropic too. The case of full anisotropy, i.e. all coefficients anisotropic, is compared with both the case possessing isotropic diffusion coefficients and the case of partial anisotropy, i.e. mixed case with isotropic and anisotropic diffusive coefficients (viscosity and thermal diffusivity anisotropic and magnetic diffusivity isotropic). The existence and preference of instabilities is sensitive to all non-dimensional parameters, as well as on anisotropic parameter, the ratio of horizontal and vertical diffusivities. Two types of anisotropy, BM (introduced by Braginsky and Meytlis) and SA (stratification anisotropy) are studied. BM as well as SA were applied by ?oltis and Brestenský to the study of the partial anisotropy; this study is extended, in this paper, to full anisotropy cases (full SA and full BM) and it is shown that the style of convection given by the onset of stationary modes is more affected by anisotropic diffusivities in BM than in SA anisotropy. The important influence of strong anisotropies in the Earth's core dynamics is stressed.  相似文献   

In transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI), the converted-wave (C-wave) moveout over intermediate-to-far offsets is determined by four parameters. These are the C-wave stacking velocity V C2, the vertical and effective velocity ratios γ 0and γ eff, and the anisotropic parameter X eff. We refer to the four parameters as the C-wave stacking velocity model. The purpose of C-wave velocity analysis is to determine this stacking velocity model. The C-wave stacking velocity model V C2, γ 0, γ geff, and X eff can be determined from P- and C-wave reflection moveout data. However, error propagation is a severe problem in C-wave reflection-moveout inversion. The current short-spread stacking velocity as deduced from hyperbolic moveout does not provide sufficient accuracy to yield meaningful inverted values for the anisotropic parameters. The non-hyperbolic moveout over intermediate-offsets (x/z from 1.0 to 1.5) is no longer negligible and can be quantified using a background γ. Non-hyperbolic analysis with a γ correction over the intermediate offsets can yield V C2 with errors less than 1% for noise free data. The procedure is very robust, allowing initial guesses of γ with up to 20% errors. It is also applicable for vertically inhomogeneous anisotropic media. This improved accuracy makes it possible to estimate anisotropic parameters using 4C seismic data. Two practical work flows are presented for this purpose: the double-scanning flow and the single-scanning flow. Applications to synthetic and real data show that the two flows yield results with similar accuracy but the single-scanning flow is more efficient than the double-scanning flow. This work is funded by the Edinburgh Anisotropy Project of the British Geological Survey. First Author Li Xiangyang, he is currently a professorial research seismologist (Grade 6) and technical director of the Edinburgh Anisotropy Project in the British Geological Survey. He also holds a honorary professorship multicomponent seismology at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh. He received his BSc(1982) in Geophysics from Changchun Geological Institute, China, an MSc (1984) in applied geophysics from East China Petroleum Institute (now known as the China University of Petroleum), and a PhD (1992) in seismology from the University of Edinburgh. During 1984–1987, he worked as a lecturer with the East China Petroleum Institute. Since 1991, he has been employed by the British Geological Survey. His research interests include seismic anisotropy and multicomponent seismology.  相似文献   

地下岩石结构/构造和矿物组成在小尺度上存在的不均匀性和各向异性会导致地震波速度的分形分布,进而衍生出自组织介质模型. 本文针对地球内部岩浆垂向侵入及横向溢流为特征的岩浆作用,开展自相似型各向异性自组织介质的地震波动力学响应研究. 基于二维自组织介质模型和声波方程,本文利用有限差分法模拟了不同强度岩浆侵入和溢流作用形成的自组织介质中地震波场,并进行了波场特征分析. 研究结果表明:(1)在横向溢流作用为主的自组织介质中,横向相关长度小于地震波波长的条件下,聚焦效应随着横向相关长度的增大而增强,地震波能量随之增强;反之,在横向相关长度大于地震波波长的条件下,散射效应随横向相关长度的增大而增强,地震波能量随之减弱. (2)在垂向侵入作用为主的自组织介质中,随着垂向相关长度增大,散射效应增强,地震波的能量也随之迅速减弱. (3)岩浆作用的自组织强度增强,地震波的能量增大,而中心频率无变化. (4)自组织介质具有相同的小尺度扰动,其速度梯度背景越小,地震波能量在炮点附近越集中. (5)当多层自组织介质共存,特征层位的波场特征仍以各自的自组织特性为主,因此利用实际资料中不同层位的地震反射特征可推测地下介质的自组织性质.  相似文献   

Ringing artifact degradations always appear in the deconvolution of geophysical data. To address this problem, we propose a postprocessing approach to suppress ringing artifacts that uses a novel anisotropic diffusion based on a stationary wavelet transform (SWT) algorithm. In this paper, we discuss the ringing artifact suppression problem and analyze the characteristics of the deconvolution ringing artifact. The deconvolution data containing ringing artifacts are decomposed into different SWT subbands for analysis, and a new multiscale adaptive anisotropic filter is developed to suppress these degradations. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed method and describe the experiments in detail.  相似文献   

Valerio Faraoni 《水文研究》2004,18(9):1735-1743
By applying the technique of conformal transformation of the metric, widely used in general relativity and cosmology, the analysis of groundwater flow in an anisotropic aquifer (in which the hydraulic conductivity is a tensor) is reduced to the case of an isotropic one. This reduction is achieved for a particular conformal factor of the transformation. Examples of application of this technique are given. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于广义S变换的大地电磁测深数据处理   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S变换是一种优于短时傅里叶变换和小波变换的时频分析方法.采用广义S变换进行大地电磁场时间序列频谱分析,一方面能够提高对电磁噪声成分的时间定位能力,便于实现电磁噪声的滤波处理;另一方面可以增加频谱系数的个数,从而改善大地电磁阻抗张量元素的统计特性.本文从广义S变换和大地电磁测深数据处理方法的原理出发,给出了采用叠加窗函数的离散广义S变换形式,讨论了广义S变换窗口宽度比例因子、窗口宽度与可提取频谱系数个数之间的关系,定义了利用离散广义S变换时频谱计算大地电磁场分量功率谱公式;在此基础上,研究了基于S变换时谱频的大地电磁测深数据ROBUST处理方法.最后,通过实测资料进行方法检验,结果表明本文方法比短时傅里叶变换处理效果更好,并且有利于识别和压制电磁噪声.  相似文献   

We present advances in compositional modeling of two-phase multi-component flow through highly complex porous media. Higher-order methods are used to approximate both mass transport and the velocity and pressure fields. We employ the Mixed Hybrid Finite Element (MHFE) method to simultaneously solve, to the same order, the pressure equation and Darcy's law for the velocity. The species balance equation is approximated by the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) approach, combined with a slope limiter. In this work we present an improved DG scheme where phase splitting is analyzed at all element vertices in the two-phase regions, rather than only as element averages. This approximation is higher-order than the commonly employed finite volume method and earlier DG approximations. The method reduces numerical dispersion, allowing for an accurate capture of shock fronts and lower dependence on mesh quality and orientation. Further new features are the extension to unstructured grids and support for arbitrary permeability tensors (allowing for both scalar heterogeneity, and shear anisotropy). The most important advancement in this work is the self-consistent modeling of two-phase multi-component Fickian diffusion. We present several numerical examples to illustrate the powerful features of our combined MHFE–dg method with respect to lower-order calculations, ranging from simple two component fluids to more challenging real problems regarding CO2 injection into a vertical domain saturated with a multi-component petroleum fluid.  相似文献   

小波分析在永安地震台前兆观测资料处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用小波分析方法对永安台前兆观测资料进行处理,结果表明该方法能够有效地将数据波动、脉冲干扰和地震同震波从原数据中分离出去,并且能够得到清晰的前兆数据原始变化趋势,可以使今后各种长短期震前异常的识别变得更加容易。  相似文献   

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