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The concentration of 15 amino acids in hydrolyzed particulate matter from different regions and depths of the Pacific Ocean has been measured by gas—liquid chromatography. The relative composition was similar for all samples in the euphotic zone, where the particulate amino acid (PAA) concentration ranged from 370 to 2260 nmoles/1 in coastal waters and from 90 to 260 nmoles/1 in the open ocean. Total PAA concentration dropped rapidly with depth, levelling off at 10–40 nmoles/1 below 200 m. Glycine, serine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid were the most abundant PAA in deep equatorial water and in deep off-shore California water. The nitrogen content of PAA could often account for 100% of the total particulate organic nitrogen present, while PAA carbon contributed up to 50% of the total particulate organic carbon in euphotic waters and down to 20% in deep waters. The protein equivalent to the total PAA content of particulate matter in near-surface waters amounted to 11–32 μg/1 at oceanic stations and up to 270 μg/1 at coastal stations.  相似文献   

Sediment traps are an important tool for studying the source, composition and sedimentation processes of sinking particulate matter in the ocean. An in situ observational mooring(TJ-A-1) is located in the northern South China Sea(20.05°N, 117.42°E) at a water depth of 2 100 m and equipped with two sediment traps deployed at 500 m and 1 950 m. Samples were collected at 18-day intervals, and 20 samples were obtained at both depths from May 2014 to May 2015. Large amounts of fecal matter and marine snow were collected in the lower trap. The fluxes of marine snow and fecal pellets exhibited a fluctuating decrease between May 2014 and early August 2014 and then stabilized at a relatively low level. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that the main components of the marine snow and fecal pellets were diatoms, coccolithophores, radiolarians, and other debris, all of which are planktons mostly produced in photic zone. Used in conjunction with the particle collection range estimates from the lower trap and data on ocean surface chlorophyll, these marine snow and fecal pellets were related to the lateral transport of deep water and not vertical migrations from overlying water column. Moreover, the source area might be southwest of Taiwan.  相似文献   

In this study we relate spatial and temporal variation in the organic composition of suspended particles to current conceptual models of open-ocean particle cycling. Suspended particles in surface (0–200 m) and midwaters (200–1000 m) of the equatorial Pacific Ocean were collected during the 1992 US JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) program. Samples collected during El Niño (Survey I) and normal conditions (Survey II) were analyzed for pigment, amino acid, fatty acid, and neutral lipid concentrations and compositions. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and other statistical methods were used to assess changes in particulate organic composition between Surveys I and II, over 24° of latitude, from 15 to 850 m depth, and to compare our compositional data with previously published data from EqPac sinking particles. These analyses indicated that surface suspended particles (0–200 m) were similar in composition to surface ocean phytoplankton and were less degraded than particles sinking out of the euphotic zone (105 m). The organic composition of suspended particles in surface waters varied with latitudinal and El-Niño-induced changes in phytoplankton assemblages. Midwater suspended particles (200–1000 m) contained labile phytodetrital material derived from particles exiting the euphotic zone (105 m). However, labile organic constituents of midwater suspended particles were increasingly degraded by microbes or consumed by midwater metazoans with depth. The increase in degradation state observed for midwater suspended particles may also have been caused by dilution of deeper (450–850 m) suspended particle pools with more refractory material originating from fast-sinking particles, e.g., fecal pellets. However, the mechanism controlling midwater particle degradation state varied with flux regime; dilution of midwater suspended particles dominated only in the higher flux regime found at equatorial latitudes (5°N–5°S) during Survey II (normal conditions). In summary, it is apparent that organic matter alteration in midwaters, and not cycling within the euphotic zone, has the larger effect on organic composition of suspended particles in the deep equatorial Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Fatty acids present in suspended particles were examined following the onset of a phytoplankton bloom in an experimental marine mesocosm set up in Patricia Bay, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. The predominantly diatom bloom, triggered by the addition of nutrients at the commencement of the experiment, was succeeded by several other phytoplankton forms, which in turn led to changes in particulate chl a, and organic carbon, and nitrogen within the experimental enclosure. An examination of individual fatty acids indicated that the variation of individual fatty acids can be classified into three groups, although the variation pattern of individual fatty acids differed from one another. An attempt was made to establish the factors controlling particulate fatty acid concentrations by principal component analysis. After Varimax rotation, six factors were extracted, of which four factors contributed to 83% of the data matrix. These were mainly dependent on the source of the particles i.e., diatoms, dinoflagellates, and bacteria.Fatty acid concentrations obtained by analysis of different lipid class fractions indicated that the production of fatty acids was distinctly related to the growth stage of the phytoplankton bloom. Fatty acids in triglycerides peaked during stationary phase, whereas fatty acids in polar lipids were high during the stage of an increase of phytoplankton biomass. However, fatty acid composition in both lipid classes changed under the influence of species succession of the phytoplankton population. This strongly suggested that species succession of the phytoplankton exerted the most significant control on fatty acid composition of particulate matter.  相似文献   

The plankton spring bloom in the northern North Sea was extensively investigated during a period of three months in 1976 at a fixed station occupied by the R.V. “Meteor”. Samples of different depth-profiles, representative of the phytoplankton development, were collected eleven times to analyze the concentration of fatty acids of the particulate matter. The water column was divided into an upper and lower layer according to the thermocline depths, because different processes take place in these layers. During the exponential growth phase the fatty acid concentration rose only slightly due to increases in polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:4, 20:5, 22:6), which are typical for marine plankton. With the exhaustion of nutrients the biochemical composition changed and the fatty acid concentration increased sharply from about 3 to 20 μmol C dm? finally to about 30% of the particulate carbon. The main proportion consisted of oleic acid (28.3%) and palmitic acid (24.2%). The first phytoplankton bloom, dominated by diatoms (Chaetoceros species), was characterized by the increase in fatty acids with 16 carbon atoms, whereas during the second smaller bloom, with dinoflagellates as the main species, more fatty acids with 18 carbon atoms occurred. After the stationary growth phase the phytoplankton biomass strongly decreased, resulting in an increase of particulate matter below the thermocline. The fatty acid pattern there was similar to that during the stationary phase of the phytoplankton bloom in the upper layer.  相似文献   

Fatty acid biomarkers were used to investigate the biogeochemistry of a former blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) aquaculture site in a shallow, sheltered cove in northeastern Newfoundland. High levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in net-tow and sediment trap samples indicated a substantial phytoplankton source of organic matter, and fluctuations in specific fatty acid biomarkers reflected the changing abundances of diatoms and dinoflagellates. In comparison, sediments contained very low levels of PUFA (<15%) and were dominated by terrestrial and bacterial markers. In a separate study, blue mussels were grown at this closed site, providing the opportunity to examine the relationship between lipid supply, as recorded by net-tow and trap samples, and bivalve requirements. The average plankton fatty acid composition throughout the year agreed well with that of the adult blue mussels, suggesting that fatty acids were provided in proportions very similar to the bivalves' requirements. The fatty acid composition of the blue mussels was typical of those collected elsewhere, with PUFA proportions near 50%. However, examination of fatty acid data of plankton sampled in other areas revealed that the plankton in the current study may have been unusual in providing fatty acids at levels required by the bivalves.  相似文献   

Chemistry of organic materials of the suspended and sinking particles, and the evaluation of the particulate materials for the carbon cycle of the ocean are described in this paper. Organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) of the suspended particles collected from various areas of the North through South Pacific were determined with considerably high variabilities in their concentration. Higher values of the POC and PON were obtained in the surface water of the higher latitudinal areas of both northern and southern hemispheres and the equatorial Pacific, while the lower values of these organic elements were measured in the middle latitudinal areas of the Pacific. These facts clearly indicate that inorganic nutrients supply to the surface water layers from the underlying water is primarily determinative factor to govern the concentration of the POC and PON in the surface water layer. POC and PON concentrations in the intermediate through deep waters, however, are much less variable in time and space. Carbohydrates, free and combined amino acids and lipid materials were major organic constituents of the suspended particles. The organic composition of the particles was extensively variable in region, time and depth. Such change in the organic composition was mainly caused by the production and decay of the free and combined amino acids, lipid materials and water extractable carbohydrate. Sinking particle which has high sinking rate over 100 m day−1 and can be collected only by sediment trap, also consists of carbohydrates, free and combined amino acids and lipid materials. A detailed analysis of the particle indicate that the sinking particle was much different from the suspended particle from the intermediate through deep waters in terms of the abundance of the biologically susceptible organic materials such as unsaturated hydrocarbon, fatty acid and water extractable carbohydrate often found in phytoplankton. These facts clearly indicate that the sinking particle plays an important role on the vertical transport of the biologically susceptible organic materials from the surface water to the deep water. Vertical flux of organic materials in various water depths was extensively measured in the North Pacific and Antarctic Ocean using the depth-series sediment trap system to collect the sinking particles from various depths of the waters. Regional and seasonal variabilities of the organic carbon flux at the various depths were obviously observed, however the attenuation rate of the organic carbon flux in the intermediate through deep water was not changed so much irrespective of the sampling time and region. The time-series sediment trap system was also using to determine the seasonal variation of the organic carbon flux. An average organic carbon flux at 1 km depth from this trap system was almost comparable to the amount of organic carbon degraded in the water deeper than 1 km depth, which was calculated from oxygen consumption rate of the deep water. Thus, it is clear that the sinking particle must play an important role in the carbon cycle of the deep water.  相似文献   

Surface sediments along the Rimouski section in the St. Lawrence estuary were sampled at the surface and at 10 cm depth. Fatty acids were extracted and analysed. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid contents at the two depths vary with the nature of the sediments. The clay sediments rich in organic matter contain more fatty acids than the corresponding sand or gravel. Unsaturated fatty acids were more abundant in the surface sediments. Some iso- and anteiso-odd carbon fatty acids were detected in the sediments; these acids could indicate a microbial activity. Correlation is made with the fatty acid contents of the water column together with the surface microlayer of the estuarine water.  相似文献   

Sinking matter collected by sediment traps, which were deployed in the equatorial Pacific Ocean at 175°E for about 11 months during 1992–1993, were analyzed for their flux and labile components in terms of amino acids and hexosamines. The samples provided a temporal resolution of 15 days and were collected from 1357 (shallow trap) and 4363 m (deep trap) depths where sea floor depth was 4880 m. Particle flux along with major components (carbonate, organic matter, biogenic opal and lithogenic material) and amino acid parameters showed distinct temporal variations, which were more pronounced in the shallow trap relative to deep trap. A coupling between the fluxes in the shallow and deep traps was more evident during the period of maximum particle flux, which seems to be connected with the short reappearance of non-El Niño conditions in equatorial Pacific during the 1991–1993 El Niño event. The biogeochemical indicators C/N, Asp/Bala, Glu/Gaba, Bala+Gaba mol%, THAA-C% and THAA-N% implied that the increase in sinking flux was associated with upwelling and enhanced surface production. Degradation of sinking particulate organic matter between the shallow and deep traps was also evident. Occasionally higher mass and major component fluxes in the deep trap relative to the shallow trap are attributed to contribution of resuspended particulates from sea floor (nepheloid layer) or to laterally advected particulates from nearby areas. Carbonate and opal composition of the sinking flux showed a predominance of calcareous plankton; however, Asp/Gly mol ratio and Ser+Thr mol% indicated enhanced occurrence of diatoms during the periods of higher flux.  相似文献   

Changes in phytoplankton composition and degradation of particulate organic matter (POM) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea were studied using time-series sediment trap samples collected during the spring of 2003 at the DYFAMED station. Lipid biomarkers (pigments, fatty acids, sterols, acyclic isoprenoids, alkenones and n-alkanols) were used to identify the main contributors to the POM produced during two phytoplankton blooms, while the effects of photooxidation, autoxidation and biodegradation were differentiated using characteristic lipid degradation products. Traps collected material corresponding to pre-bloom, bloom and post-bloom periods. Pigment analyses in the integrated (0-200 m) water column samples indicated that diatoms dominated the initial stages of the bloom event, with smaller amounts of haptophytes and pelagophytes. During the second part of bloom event there was a switch to haptophyte dominance with significant contributions from diatoms and pelagophytes, and an increased contribution from cryptophytes. Fatty acid distributions in the trap samples reflected contributions from marine bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton. Photooxidation and autoxidation products of monounsaturated oleic, cis-vaccenic and palmitoleic acids were detected along with photooxidation products from the chlorophyll side-chain. The relatively good correlation between the variation of U37K′ index and specific phytol autoxidation product percentage allowed us to attribute the alterations of U37K′ observed during the pre-bloom period and in the deeper traps to the involvement of selective autoxidative degradation processes. A variety of sterol oxidation products formed by biohydrogenation, autoxidation and photooxidation were detected. Sterol degradation products appeared to be less suited than oxidation products of monounsaturated fatty acids for the precise monitoring of the degradation state of POM, but their stable functionalized cyclic structure constitutes a useful tool to estimate the part played by biotic and abiotic processes. In these waters, biotic degradation generally predominates, but abiotic degradation is not negligible and, as expected, the extent of biotic degradation increases with depth. To obtain a more complete picture of POM degradation, the use of a pool of lipid degradation products (i.e. from unsaturated fatty acids, the phytyl side-chain and sterols) should be employed.  相似文献   

The weekly mass flux of C and phytoplankton pigments at five depths in the main basin of Puget Sound, a deep (200 m) fjordlike estuary, was sampled for a year with moored sequentially-sampling sediment traps. Flux measurements were compared with weekly samples of suspended pigments in the euphotic zone and bi-monthly samples of total suspended matter and particulate C throughout the water column at the mooring site.Seasonal changes in the total mass flux at all depths were small; instead, physical (river runoff, bottom resuspension) and biological (phytoplankton blooms) events caused occasional sharp increases on a weekly scale. The dry weight concentration of pigments in the trap samples mirrored the concentration of pigments in the euphotic zone suspended matter, increasing from 0·01% in winter to a maximum of 0·65% in late summer. Bloom-induced changes in the pigment concentration were observed almost simultaneously in the euphotic zone and in the traps to a depth of 160 m, indicating a rapid vertical transfer of surface-originating particles by organic aggregates. In contrast to the strong seasonal signal in the pigment concentration, C concentration varied by only a factor of three during the year.The seasonal trend of C/pigment ratios in the C flux arises from at least two sources: (1) a balance between terrestrial sources of C during the high-runoff winter season and in-situ primary production in spring and summer, and (2) cycling of C through the zooplankton population. Budget calculations suggest that the loss of primary-produced C and pigment from the euphotic zone by settling is 5% regardless of season. On an annual basis, this C flux (16 g m−2) is sufficient to support previously measured values of benthic aerobic respiration at the mooring site. To account for other C sinks such as burial, predation and chemical oxidation, however, terrestrial C sources and alternate transport pathways, such as vertical advection and sediment movement down the steep basin walls, are necessary.  相似文献   

To estimate the source and diagenetic state of organic matter reaching bottom sediments, fatty acids and sterols were measured in unconsolidated surface material (flocs) at 12 sites ranging from 600 to 2000 m across the mid-Atlantic continental slope off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Total free and esterefied fatty acids were similar in distribution and concentration to other coastal systems, with values ranging from 0.64 to 46.52 μg mg−1 organic carbon (1.10–68.85 μg g−1 dry sediment). Although shallow (600 m) stations contained significantly greater fatty acid concentrations than deep (> 1400m) stations, high variability observed at mid-depth (800 m) collections precluded a consistent relationship between total fatty acid concentration and station depth. At three sites where underlying sediments were also collected, decreases in total fatty acids, reduced amounts of polyenoic acids and significant presence of bacterial fatty acid suggest rapid reworking of labile organic material that reaches the sediment surface. The distribution of sterols was remarkably consistent among all sites even though there were large variations in concentrations (1.8–20.7 μg mg−1 organic carbon). Sterol composition indicated phytoplankton, principally diatoms and dinoflagellates, as the principal source of labile organic matter to sediments, together with a significant input of cholest-5-en-3β-ol typical of zooplankton and their feeding activity. A minor but widespread terrigenous input was also evident based upon significant concentrations of sterols dominant in vascular plants.  相似文献   

A systematic investigation of fluxes and compositions of lipids through the water column and into sediments was conducted along the U.S. JGOFS EgPac transect from l2°N to l5°S at 140°W. Fluxes of lipids out of the euphotic zone varied spatially and temporally, ranging from ≈0.20 – 0.6 mmol lipid-C m−2 day−1. Lipid fluxes were greatly attenuated with increasing water column depth, dropping to 0.002-0.06 mmol lipid-C m−2 day−1 in deep-water sediment traps. Sediment accumulation rates for lipids were ≈ 0.0002 – 0.00003 mmol lipid-C m−2 day−1. Lipids comprised ≈ 11–23% of Corg in net-plankton, 10–30% in particles exiting the euphotic zone, 2–4% particles in the deep EgPac, and 0.1-1 % in sediments. Lipids were, in general, selectively lost due to their greater reactivity relative to bulk organic matter toward biogeochemical degradation in the water column and sediment. Qualitative changes in lipid compositions through the water column and into sediments are consistent with the reactive nature of lipids. Fatty acids were the most labile compounds, with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) being quickly lost from particles. Branchedchain C15 and C17 fatty acids increased in relative abundance as particulate matter sank and was incorporated into the sediment, indicating inputs of organic matter from bacteria. Long-chain C39 alkenones of marine origin and long-chain C20-C30 fatty acids, alcohols and hydrocarbons derived from land plants were selectively preserved in sediments. Compositional changes over time and space demonstrate the dynamic range of reactivities among individual biomarker compounds, and hence of organic matter as a whole. A thorough understanding of biogeochemical reprocessing of organic matter in the oceanic water column and sediments is, thus, essential for using the sediment record for reconstructing past oceanic environments.  相似文献   

The abundance, carbon isotopic composition (Δ14C and δ13C), and lipid biomarker (alkenones and saturated fatty acids) distributions of suspended particulate organic matter were investigated at three stations centered on the 2000, 3000, and 3500 m isobaths over the New England slope in order to assess particulate carbon sources and dynamics in this highly productive and energetic region. Transmissometry profiles reveal that particle abundances exhibit considerable fine structure, with several distinct layers of elevated suspended particulate matter concentration at intermediate water depths in addition to the presence of a thick bottom nepheloid layer at each station. Excluding surface water samples, the Δ14C values of particulate organic carbon (POC) indicated the presence of a pre-aged component in the suspended POC pool (Δ14C<+38‰). The Δ14C values at the 3000 m station exhibited greater variability and generally were lower than those at the other two stations where the values decreased in a more systematic matter with increasing sampling depth. These lower Δ14C values were consistent with higher relative abundances of terrigenous long-chain fatty acids at this station than at the other two stations. Two scenarios were considered regarding the potential provenances of laterally transported POC: cross-shelf transport of shelf sediment (Δ14C=?140‰) and along-slope transport of the slope sediment proximal to the sampling locations (Δ14C=?260‰). Depending on the scenario, isotopic mass balance calculations indicate allochthonous POC contributions ranging between 15% and 54% in the meso- and bathy-pelagic zone, with the highest proportions at the 3000 m station. Alkenone-derived temperatures recorded on suspended particles from surface waters closely matched in-situ temperatures at each station. However, alkenone-derived temperatures recorded on particles from the subsurface layer down to 250 m were lower than those of overlying surface waters, especially at the 3000 m station, implying supply of phytoplankton organic matter originally produced in cooler surface waters. AVHRR images and temperature profiles indicate that the stations were under the influence of a warm-core ring during the sampling period. The low alkenone-derived temperatures in the subsurface layer coupled with the lower Δ14C values for the corresponding POC suggests supply of OC on resuspended sediments underlying cooler surface waters distal to the study area, possibly further north or west. Taken together, variations in Δ14C values, terrigenous fatty acid abundances, and alkenone-derived temperatures among the stations suggest that input of laterally advected OC is a prominent feature of POC dynamics on the NW Atlantic margin, and is spatially heterogeneous on a scale smaller than the distance between the stations (<150 km).  相似文献   

Abstract. The diet of the copepod Anomalocera ornata was examined by comparing contents of fecal pellets produced on natural diets with assemblages of available phytoplankton. Samples were collected in continental shelf and slope waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. A wide size and taxonomic array of phytoplankters was ingested, and remains of phytoplankton taxa in fecal pellets reflected the composition of phytoplankton assemblages in the water. Absence of crustacean remains in fecal pellets suggests that A. ornata feeds primarily as an opportunistic grazer.  相似文献   

Sediment trap arrays were deployed at two deep ocean stations, one in the Bering Sea and the other in the Gulf of Alaska, in the summer of 1975. The sediment trap was constructed of a pair of polyethylene cylinders (0.185 m2 opening) with funnel-shaped bases. The trap is equipped with a lid which is closed before recovery by a tripping messenger system triggered by an electric time release. 37–68% of the total organic carbon fluxes (37–38% in the Bering Sea; 48–68% in the Gulf of Alaska) were represented by large particles (67µm<) such as fecal matter and fecal pellets which contributed minor fractions to the total particulate organic matter concentration in sea water. The total fluxes were 11.1 and 14.2 mg C m–2d–1 at 1,510 and 2,610 m respectively at the station (3,800 m) in the Bering Sea, and were 7.60, 4.66 and 3.27 mg C m–2d–1 at 900, 1,500 and 1,875 m respectively at the station (4,150 m) in the Gulf of Alaska. The former values are several times greater than the latter, suggesting that there is a regional variation in the vertical carbon flux in deep layers. The fluxes were approximately equivalent to 1 to 3% of primary productivity in the overlying surface layers. These observations suggest that deep-water ecosystems may be influenced by relatively rapid sinking of large particles such as fecal matter and fecal pellets from near surface production.  相似文献   

分析了南海62个表层沉积物样品中生源(有机质、碳酸钙和蛋白石)和非生源(岩源物质)组分的含量变化和分布特征,并以沉积学分区为基础,结合5个沉积物捕获器站位,将南海划分为N、C-NE、SW和S 4个区域,对比分析了各区表层沉积物和水柱中沉降颗粒物中各组分含量、沉积通量分布特征和变化,探讨了表层沉积物的输出生产力、沉降颗粒物的初级生产力及真光层下100 m输出生产力三者之间的对应关系.结果显示:南海4个海域表层沉积物中各组分平均含量多数低于沉降颗粒物中的平均含量,而碳酸钙、岩源物质的沉积通量却多数高于沉降颗粒物中的沉积通量,分析得出表层沉积物中各组分平均含量和沉积通量不仅受水柱中各组分输出量影响,还受到陆源物质输入、溶解作用和上层水体营养盐影响.南海表层沉积物中生源组分沉积通量大小对应其输出生产力的大小.但是,由于陆源有机质、生源颗粒侧向漂移的影响,表层沉积物的输出生产力大小分布并不完全对应沉降颗粒物的初级生产力大小分布,尽管南海真光层下100 m输出生产力与沉降颗粒物的初级生产力比值与世界大洋"f"比平均值基本一致,但是,明显低于表层沉积物的输出生产力大小,只有在沉降颗粒物的初级生产力较高区域,真光层下100 m输出生产力大小才最接近表层沉积物的输出生产力大小.  相似文献   

To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River)Estuary and its adjacent areas, particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate hydrolysable amino acids (PHAA), and Chl a during two cruises in July 1999 and July 2000 were measured. The highest POC and PHAA concentration was observed in the waters with maximum Chl a. The spectra distribution,relative content (dry weight in milligram per gram), PHAA-C% POC and other indicators such as the ratios of amino acids vs. amino sugars (AA/AS) and glucosamine vs. galactosamine (Glum/Gal) suggested that particulate amino acids in the water column and sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were mainly derived from biogenic processes rather than transported from terrestrial erosion. In inner estuary where high turbidity was often observable, organic matter was mainly contributed by re-suspension of bottom sediments with revealed zooplankton, microbial reworked characteristics, which suggest that these organic matters were relatively “old“. In the estuarine brackish region, organic matter in water column is mainly contributed by relatively fresh, easily degradable phytoplankton derived organic matter.During physical - biological processes within the eastuary, organic matter derived from phytoplankton was subjected to alteration by zooplankton grazing and bacterial reworking.  相似文献   

海洋浮游植物的脂肪酸:组成、功能及其生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脂肪酸在海洋生物的各种生理和生态过程中发挥着重要作用.浮游植物是海洋中脂肪酸的主要生产者,并通过各种过程被各级海洋生物利用.本文综述了浮游植物不同类群中脂肪酸的组成特点,各种环境因素对浮游植物胞内脂肪酸含量和组成的影响,以及海洋微藻中脂肪酸对浮游植物细胞及海洋其他生物的作用及意义;并探讨了浮游植物的脂肪酸组成在浮游植物...  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》1986,16(3):147-194
During the past decade data from a variety of sources have been obtained which show conclusively that the relatively rare, large particles sinking through the water column are responsible for the majority of the downward vertical mass flux in the sea. This finding has important implications for understanding the transfer, distribution and fate of elements and organic compounds in marine waters. The “large” (> 100 μm) detrital particles responsible for vertical flux are primarily biogenic and range in size and composition from small, discrete fecal pellets and plankton hard parts to large, amorphous aggregates or “snow” which contain both organic and inorganic constituents. Depending on size, shape and density, these particles sink at rates ranging from <1 to >1000 m day−1. Several methods have been developed for sampling these particles of which in situ sediment trapping has probably furnished the most comprehensive qualitative and quantitative information on the role large particles play in material transport. Flux studies have highlighted the importance of marine heterotrophs in packaging fine, suspended particulate matter into large rapidly sinking particles which accelerate the movement of incorporated materials to depth. Large particle production via biological packaging is not restricted to the euphotic zone but can occur at all depths and information is now accruing on rates of production of large particles in the water column. Chemical analyses of sedimenting particles collected in sediment traps and those sampled by other means have allowed quantifying vertical fluxes and residence times of elements, radionuclides and organic compounds (natural and anthropogenic) in various oceanic regimes. Pertinent studies dealing with the above aspects are reviewed and several areas for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

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