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The results of a two-dimensional flexural analysis applied to the Andean margin, which is based on the correlation between topography and Bouguer anomaly, are here reviewed in order to characterize rigidity variations across and along the forearc–arc transition of the Central Andes and to understand the role of the forearc in the formation of the Altiplano Plateau. The forearc has maximum rigidities between 15° and 23°S. Forearc rigidity decreases gradually southward and sharply toward the plateau. The main orogen (elevations higher than 3000 m) is very weak along the entire Central Andes. A semi-quantitative interpretation of these trends, based on the relationship between flexural rigidity and the thermo-mechanically- and compositionally-controlled strength of the lithosphere, allows the following conclusions to be made: (1) across-strike rigidity variations are dominated by the thermal structure derived from the subduction process; (2) the forearc constitutes a strong, cold and rigid geotectonic element; (3) southward weakening of the forearc is directly related to the decreasing thermal age of the subducted slab; (4) very low rigidities along the main orogen are caused by the existence of a thick, quartz-rich crust with a low strain rate-to-heat flow ratio; (5) the strength of the plateau lithosphere is localized in an upper-crustal layer whose base at 15 km could be correlated with a P-to-S seismic wave converter (TRAC1 of Yuan et al., 2000 [Yuan, X., Sobolev, S., Kind, R., Oncken, O. et al. 2000. Subduction and collision processes in the Central Andes constrained by converted seismic phases. Nature, V 408, 21/28 Diciembre, p. 958–961]); (6) the forearc–plateau rigidity boundary corresponds to a zone of changing thermal conditions, eastward-increasing crustal thickness and felsic component in the crust, and low strain-rate deformation, which correlates with a west-verging structural system at the surface. These conclusions suggest that the rigid forearc acts as a pseudo-indenter against the weak plateau and allows the accumulation of ductile crustal material that moves westward from the eastern foreland. This pseudo-indenter is geometrically represented by a crustal-scale triangular zone rooted at TRAC1. This model allows the integration of existing contradictory ideas on the dynamics of forearc–plateau interaction that are related to the relative importance of upper-crustal compressive structures and lower crustal accumulation below the forearc.  相似文献   

The Late Precambrian–Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement forms a volumetrically important part of the Andean crust. We investigated its evolution in order to subdivide the area between 18 and 26°S into crustal domains by means of petrological and age data (Sm–Nd isochrons, K–Ar). The metamorphic crystallization ages and tDM ages are not consistent with growth of the Pacific margin north of the Argentine Precordillera by accretion of exotic terranes, but favor a model of a mobile belt of the Pampean Cycle. Peak metamorphic conditions in all scattered outcrop areas between 18 and 26°S are similar and reached the upper amphibolite facies conditions indicated by mineral paragensis and the occurrence of migmatite. Sm–Nd mineral isochrons yielded 525±10, 505±6 and 509±1 Ma for the Chilean Coast Range, the Chilean Precordillera and the Argentine Puna, and 442±9 and 412±18 Ma for the Sierras Pampeanas. Conventional K–Ar cooling age data of amphibole and mica cluster around 400 Ma, but are frequently reset by Late Paleozoic and Jurassic magmatism. Final exhumation of the Early Paleozoic orogen is confirmed by Devonian erosional unconformities. Sm–Nd depleted mantle model ages of felsic rocks from the metamorphic basement range from 1.4 to 2.2 Ga, in northern Chile the average is 1.65±0.16 Ga (1σ; n=12), average tDM of both gneiss and metabasite in NW Argentina is 1.76±0.4 Ga (1σ; n=22), and the isotopic composition excludes major addition of juvenile mantle derived material during the Early Paleozoic metamorphic and magmatic cycle. These new data indicate a largely similar development of the metamorphic basement south of the Arequipa Massif at 18°S and north of the Argentine Precordillera at 28°S. Variations of metamorphic grade and of ages of peak metamorphism are of local importance. The protolith was derived from Early to Middle Proterozoic cratonic areas, similar to the Proterozoic rocks from the Arequipa Massif, which had undergone Grenvillian metamorphism at ca. 1.0 Ga.  相似文献   

A high-resolution multi-proxy study including the elemental and isotopic composition of bulk organic matter, land plant-derived biomarkers, and alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) from a marine sedimentary record obtained from the Jacaf Fjord in northern Chilean Patagonia (44°20′S) provided a detailed reconstruction of continental runoff, precipitation, and summer SST spanning the last 1750 yr. We observed two different regimes of climate variability in our record: a relatively dry/warm period before 900 cal yr BP (lower runoff and average SST 1°C warmer than present day) and a wet/cold period after 750 cal yr BP (higher runoff and average SST 1°C colder than present day). Relatively colder SSTs were found during 750–600 and 450–250 cal yr BP, where the latter period roughly corresponds to the interval defined for the Little Ice Age (LIA). Similar climatic swings have been observed previously in continental and marine archives of the last two millennia from central and southern Chile, suggesting a strong latitudinal sensitivity to changes in the Southern Westerly Winds, the main source of precipitation in southern Chile, and validating the regional nature of the LIA. Our results reveal the importance of the Chilean fjord system for recording climate changes of regional and global significance.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossils from 33 rodent middens sampled at three sites between 2910 and 3150 m elevation in the main canyon of the Río Salado, northern Chile, yield a unique record of vegetation and climate over the past 22,000 cal yr BP. Presence of low-elevation Prepuna taxa throughout the record suggests that mean annual temperature never cooled by more than 5°C and may have been near-modern at 16,270 cal yr BP. Displacements in the lower limits of Andean steppe and Puna taxa indicate that mean annual rainfall was twice modern at 17,520–16,270 cal yr BP. This pluvial event coincides with infilling of paleolake Tauca on the Bolivian Altiplano, increased ENSO activity inferred from a marine core near Lima, abrupt deglaciation in southern Chile, and Heinrich Event 1. Moderate to large increases in precipitation also occurred at 11,770–9550 (Central Atacama Pluvial Event), 7330–6720, 3490–2320 and at 800 cal yr BP. Desiccation occurred at 14,180, 8910–8640, and 4865 cal yr BP. Compared to other midden sites in the region, early Holocene desiccation seems to have happened progressively earlier farther south. Emerging trends from the cumulative midden record in the central Atacama agree at millennial timescales with improved paleolake chronologies for the Bolivian Altiplano, implying common forcing through changes in equatorial Pacific sea-surface temperature gradients.  相似文献   

We study the Neogene tectonic activity in a sector of the Precordillera in the Andean forearc analysing aerial photographs, satellite images and fieldwork data. The interpretation of alluvial landforms, drainage organisation and evolution of intermittent river networks affecting post-Lower Miocene deposits allow us to recognize low intensity tectonic processes controlling the landscape evolution. All these geomorphological markers indicate no strike-slip offsets, but repeated and small tectonic pulses that reactivate previous structures originated under a transpressive context. The observed deformation pattern is the consequence of E–W orthogonal compression resulting in limited shortening, related to the accommodation of deformation in the Chilean forearc of the Neogene uplift of the Altiplano-Puna.  相似文献   

Sr–Nd–Pb isotope ratios of alkaline mafic intra-plate magmatism constrain the isotopic compositions of the lithospheric mantle along what is now the eastern foreland or back arc of the Cenozoic Central Andes (17–34°S). Most small-volume basanite volcanic rocks and alkaline intrusive rocks of Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) age were derived from a depleted lithospheric mantle source with rather uniform initial 143Nd/144Nd ( 0.5127–0.5128) and 87Sr/86Sr ( 0.7032–0.7040). The initial 206Pb/204Pb ratios are variable (18.5–19.7) at uniform 207Pb/204Pb ratios (15.60 ± 0.05). A variety of the Cretaceous depleted mantle source of the magmatic rocks shows elevated Sr isotope ratios up to 0.707 at constant high Nd isotope ratios. The variable Sr and Pb isotope ratios are probably due to radiogenic growth in a metasomatized lithospheric mantle, which represents the former sub-arc mantle beneath the early Palaeozoic active continental margin. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope signatures of a second mantle type reflected in the composition of Cretaceous (one late Palaeozoic age) intra-plate magmatic rocks (143Nd/144Nd  0.5123, 87Sr/86Sr  0.704, 206Pb/204Pb  17.5–18.5, and 207Pb/204Pb  15.45–15.50) are similar to the isotopic composition of old sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the Brazilian Shield.

Published Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc-related magmatic rocks (18–40°S) represent the composition of the convective sub-arc mantle in the Central Andes and are similar to those of the Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) intra-plate magmatic rocks. The dominant convective and lithospheric mantle type beneath this old continental margin is depleted mantle, which is compositionally different from average MORB-type depleted mantle. The old sub-continental lithospheric mantle did not contribute to Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc magmatism.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon provides a powerful archive of continental growth and recycling processes. We have tested this by a combined laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb and Lu–Hf analysis of homogeneous growth domains in detrital zircon from late Paleozoic coastal accretionary systems in central Chile and the collisional Guarguaráz Complex in W Argentina. Because detritus from a large part of W Gondwana is present here, the data delineate the crustal evolution of southern South America at its Paleopacific margin, consistent with known data in the source regions.Zircon in the Guarguaráz Complex mainly displays an U–Pb age cluster at 0.93–1.46 Ga, similar to zircon in sediments of the adjacent allochthonous Cuyania Terrane. By contrast, zircon from the coastal accretionary systems shows a mixed provenance: Age clusters at 363–722 Ma are typical for zircon grown during the Braziliano, Pampean, Famatinian and post-Famatinian orogenic episodes east of Cuyania. An age spectrum at 1.00–1.39 Ga is interpreted as a mixture of zircon from Cuyania and several sources further east. Minor age clusters between 1.46 and 3.20 Ga suggest recycling of material from cratons within W Gondwana.The youngest age cluster (294–346 Ma) in the coastal accretionary prisms reflects a so far unknown local magmatic event, also represented by rhyolite and leucogranite pebbles. It sets time marks for the accretion history: Maximum depositional ages of most accreted metasediments are Middle to Upper Carboniferous. A change of the accretion mode occurred before 308 Ma, when also a concomitant retrowedge basin formed.Initial Hf-isotope compositions reveal at least three juvenile crust-forming periods in southern South America characterised by three major periods of juvenile magma production at 2.7–3.4 Ga, 1.9–2.3 Ga and 0.8–1.5 Ga. The 176Hf/177Hf of Mesoproterozoic zircon from the coastal accretionary systems is consistent with extensive crustal recycling and addition of some juvenile, mantle-derived magma, while that of zircon from the Guarguaráz Complex has a largely juvenile crustal signature. Zircon with Pampean, Famatinian and Braziliano ages (< 660 Ma) originated from recycled crust of variable age, which is, however, mainly Mesoproterozoic. By contrast, the Carboniferous magmatic event shows less variable and more radiogenic 176Hf/177Hf, pointing to a mean early Neoproterozoic crustal residence. This zircon is unlikely to have crystallized from melts of metasediments of the accretionary systems, but probably derived from a more juvenile crust in their backstop system.  相似文献   

We document the mineralogical and geochemical composition of tephra layers identified in the late Quaternary sediments of Puyehue Lake (Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, Chile, 40°S) to identify the source volcanoes and to present the first tephrostratigraphic model for the region. For the last millennium, we propose a multi-criteria correlation model based on five tephra layers identified at seven coring sites. The two upper tephras are thin fine-grained green layers composed of more than 80% rhyodacitic glass shards, and associated to the AD 1960 and AD 1921-22 eruptions of the Puyehue-Cordon de Caulle volcanic complex. The third tephra is a sandy layer dominated by orthopyroxene, and related to the AD 1907 eruption of Rininahue maar. An olivine-rich tephra was deposited at the end of the 16th century, and a tephra characterized by a two-pyroxene association marks the second half of the first millennium AD. In addition, we detail the tephra succession of an 11.22-m-long sediment core covering the last 18,000 yr. The results demonstrate that the central province of the Southern Volcanic Zone has been active throughout the last deglaciation and the Holocene, with no increase in volcanic activity during glacial unloading.  相似文献   

The Concón Mafic Dike Swarm (CMDS) consists of basaltic to andesitic dikes emplaced into deformed Late Paleozoic granitoids during the development of the Jurassic arc of central Chile. The dikes are divided into an early group of thick dikes (5–12 m) and a late group of thin dikes (0.5–3 m). Two new amphibole 40Ar/39Ar dates obtained from undeformed and deformed dikes, constrain the age of emplacement and deformation of the CMDS between 163 and 157 Ma. Based on radiometric ages, field observations, AMS studies and petrographic data, we conclude that the emplacement of the CMDS was syntectonic with the Jurassic arc extension and associated with sinistral displacements along the NW-trending structures that host the CMDS. The common occurrence of already deformed and rotated xenoliths in the dikes indicates that deformation in the granitoids started previously.The early thick dikes and country rocks appear to have been remagnetized during the exhumation of deep-seated coastal rocks in the Early Cretaceous (around 100 Ma). The remanent magnetization in late thin dikes is mainly retained by small amounts of low-Ti magnetite at high temperature and pyrrhotite at low temperature. The magnetization in these dikes appears to be primary in origin. Paleomagnetic results from the thin dikes also indicate that the whole area was tilted  23° to the NNW during cooling of the CMDS.The NNW–SSE extension vectors deduced from the paleomagnetic data and internal fabric of dikes are different with respect to extension direction deduced for the Middle–Late Jurassic of northern Chile, pointing to major heterogeneities along the margin of the overriding plate during the Mesozoic or differences in the mechanisms driving extension during such period.  相似文献   

Precipitation in northern Chile is controlled by two great wind belts—the southern westerlies over the southern Atacama and points south (> 24° S) and the tropical easterlies over the northern and central Atacama Desert (16–24° S). At the intersection of these summer and winter rainfall regimes, respectively, is a Mars‐like landscape consisting of expansive surfaces devoid of vegetation (i.e. absolute desert) except in canyons that originate high enough to experience runoff once every few years. Pollen assemblages from 39 fossil rodent middens in one of these canyons, Quebrada del Chaco (25° 30′ S), were used to infer the history of vegetation and precipitation at three elevations (2670–2800 m; 3100–3200 m; 3450–3500 m) over the past 50 000 years. When compared to modern conditions and fossil records to the north and south, the pollen evidence indicates more winter precipitation at > 52, 40–33, 24–17 k cal. yr BP, more precipitation in both seasons at 17–14 k cal. yr BP, and more summer precipitation from 14–11 k cal. yr BP. Younger middens are scarce at Quebrada del Chaco, and the few Holocene samples indicate hyperarid conditions comparable to today. The only exception is a pollen assemblage that indicates a brief but significant interlude of increased winter precipitation in the last millennium. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The marine sediments of the area of Verde Peninsula-Jabali Island(39°28′S/62°19′W-40°28′S/62°11′W) Holocene in age(3-2 ky),and modern beaches contain a significant amount of bioeroded mollusc shells.Fifteen sites were analyzed,in which 20.11%of the mollusc shells(2168 valves) presented bioerosion traces,in 54 species(30 bivalves and 24 gastropods).Fourteen ichnogenera were reported:Entobia,Maeandropoiydora,Iramena,Caulostrepsis,Pennatichnus,Pinaceocladichnus,Trypanites,and Gastrochaenolites(Domichnia),Gnathichnus and Radulichnus(Pascichnia),Finichnus and Centrichnus(Fixichnia),Oichnus(Praedicnia)(macrobioerosion),y Semidendrina(microbioerosion),the latter is first reported in mollusc shells in Argentina.Eleven ichnospecies were identified Finichnus peristroma,Maeandropoiydora sulcans,Gnathichnus pentax,Pinaceocladichnus onubensis,Caulostrepsis taeniola,Centrichnus eccentricus,Radulichnus inopinatus,Oichnus simplex,Oichnus paraboloides,Oichnus gradatus,and Gastrochaenolites torpedo(lithic remains).The dominant ichnogenera in the Holocene deposits are Iramena,Entobia and Oichnus.The same ichnogenera are constant with different abundance in the modern beaches,and increasing representation of Pinaceocladichnus and Pennatichnus.The dominant ichnofacies in the Holocene deposits is Trypanites,revealing a benthonic marine community composed of cheilostome bryzoans,clionaid sponges,predator gastropods,regular echinoids,polychaete annelids,bivalves,thallophytas and fungi.Generally,the area was described as a sublittoral,low-energy,stable environment with high rate of oxygenation,and sandy bottoms,with rocky bottoms at Villalonga locality.  相似文献   

We report multiproxy analyses of a sediment core obtained from Laguna Aculeo that spans the past 7500 years. Laguna Aculeo (33°50′S, 70°55′W) is one of the few natural inland lakes located in the Mediterranean zone of Central Chile, near the northern margin of the influence of the southern westerlies. The record shows elevated pollen counts of halophytes and seasonally drying of the lake basin prior to 5700 cal yr B.P., indicating severe aridity and warmer-than-present conditions. This was followed by the establishment of a fresh-water lake, along with an increase in arboreal and herbaceous plant diversity between 5700 and 3200 cal yr B.P. An intensification of this trend started at 3200 cal yr B.P., along with the abrupt decrease of halophytes until 100 cal yr B.P. Within this humid period, pollen accumulation rates show large-amplitude fluctuations, coeval with numerous turbidite layers, suggesting a highly variable and torrential rainfall pattern. This intense and variable precipitation regime is probably associated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. We suggest that the modern Mediterranean climate of Central Chile was established at 3200 cal yr B.P. Paleovegetation and paleolimnological changes starting at 100 cal yr B.P. correlate with documented human activity surrounding the lake.  相似文献   

The tectono‐sedimentary evolution of the Rotliegend deposits of the northernmost margin of NE German Basin (NEGB) has been analysed on the basis of detailed sedimentary logs of 300 m of core material together with the re‐evaluation of 600 km of seismic lines. Three distinct phases were recognized. During the initial Phase I, basin geometry was largely controlled by normal faulting related to deep‐seated ductile shearing leading to a strong asymmetric shape, with a steep fault‐controlled eastern margin and a gently, dipping western margin. The results of forward modelling along a cross‐section fit the basin geometry in width and depth and reveal a footwall uplift of c. 1000 m. Adjacent to the steep faults, local sedimentation of Lithofacies Type I was confined to non‐cohesive debris flow‐dominated alluvial fans, whereas the gently dipping western margin was dominated by alluvial‐cone sedimentation. During the post‐extensional period (Phase II), cooling of the lithosphere generated additional accommodation space. The sediments of Lithofacies Type II, comprising mainly clast‐supported conglomerates, are interpreted as braided ephemeral stream flow‐surge deposits. Tectonic quiescence and an increase in flood events resulting from wetter climate led to progradation of this facies over the entire region. At the end of this period, the accommodation space was almost completely filled resulting in a level topography. Phase III was controlled by the thermal‐induced subsidence of the southerly located NEGB in post‐Illawarra times. The formerly isolated region tilted towards the SW, thus forming the northern margin of the NEGB during uppermost Havel and Elbe Subgroup times. The sediments of Lithofacies Type III were divided into a marginal sandstone‐dominated environment and a finer‐grained facies towards the SW. The former consists of poorly‐sorted coarse‐grained sandstones of a proximal and medial ephemeral stream floodplain facies. The latter comprise mud flat fines and fine‐grained distal ephemeral stream deposits. The end of the tectono‐sedimentary evolution is marked by the basinwide Zechstein transgression. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake Chungará (18°15′S, 69°09′W, 4520 m above sea‐level) is the largest (22·5 km2) and deepest (40 m) lacustrine ecosystem in the Chilean Altiplano and its location in an active volcanic setting, provides an opportunity to evaluate environmental (volcanic vs. climatic) controls on lacustrine sedimentation. The Late Quaternary depositional history of the lake is reconstructed by means of a multiproxy study of 15 Kullenberg cores and seismic data. The chronological framework is supported by 10 14C AMS dates and one 230Th/234U dates. Lake Chungará was formed prior to 12·8 cal kyr bp as a result of the partial collapse of the Parinacota volcano that impounded the Lauca river. The sedimentary architecture of the lacustrine succession has been controlled by (i) the strong inherited palaeo‐relief and (ii) changes in the accommodation space, caused by lake‐level fluctuations and tectonic subsidence. The first factor determined the location of the depocentre in the NW of the central plain. The second factor caused the area of deposition to extend towards the eastern and southern basin margins with accumulation of high‐stand sediments on the elevated marginal platforms. Synsedimentary normal faulting also increased accommodation and increased the rate of sedimentation in the northern part of the basin. Six sedimentary units were identified and correlated in the basin mainly using tephra keybeds. Unit 1 (Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene) is made up of laminated diatomite with some carbonate‐rich (calcite and aragonite) laminae. Unit 2 (Mid‐Holocene–Recent) is composed of massive to bedded diatomite with abundant tephra (lapilli and ash) layers. Some carbonate‐rich layers (calcite and aragonite) occur. Unit 3 consists of macrophyte‐rich diatomite deposited in nearshore environments. Unit 4 is composed of littoral sediments dominated by alternating charophyte‐rich and other aquatic macrophyte‐rich facies. Littoral carbonate productivity peaked when suitable shallow platforms were available for charophyte colonization. Clastic deposits in the lake are restricted to lake margins (Units 5 and 6). Diatom productivity peaked during a lowstand period (Unit 1 and subunit 2a), and was probably favoured by photic conditions affecting larger areas of the lake bottom. Offshore carbonate precipitation reached its maximum during the Early to Mid‐Holocene (ca 7·8 and 6·4 cal kyr bp ). This may have been favoured by increases in lake solute concentrations resulting from evaporation and calcium input because of the compositional changes in pyroclastic supply. Diatom and pollen data from offshore cores suggest a number of lake‐level fluctuations: a Late Pleistocene deepening episode (ca 12·6 cal kyr BP), four shallowing episodes during the Early to Mid‐Holocene (ca 10·5, 9·8, 7·8 and 6·7 cal kyr BP) and higher lake levels since the Mid‐Holocene (ca 5·7 cal kyr BP) until the present. Explosive activity at Parinacota volcano was very limited between c. >12·8 and 7·8 cal kyr bp . Mafic‐rich explosive eruptions from the Ajata satellite cones increased after ca 5·7 cal kyr bp until the present.  相似文献   

The geological record of the Western Andean Escarpment (WARP) reveals episodes of uplift, erosion, volcanism and sedimentation. The lithological sequence at 18°S comprises a thick pile of Azapa Conglomerates (25–19 Ma), an overlying series of widespread rhyodacitic Oxaya Ignimbrites (up to 900 m thick, ca. 19 Ma), which are in turn covered by a series of mafic andesite shield volcanoes. Between 19 and 12 Ma, the surface of the Oxaya Ignimbrites evolved into a large monocline on the western slope of the Andes. A giant antithetically rotated block (Oxaya Block, 80 km×20 km) formed on this slope at about 10–12 Ma and resulted in an easterly dip and a reversed drainage on the block's surface. Morphology, topography and stratigraphic observations argue for a gravitational cause of this rotation. A “secondary” gravitational collapse (50 km3), extending 25 km to the west occurred on the steep western front of the Oxaya Block. Alluvial and fluvial sediments (11–2.7 Ma) accumulated in a half graben to the east of the tilted block and were later thrust over by the rocks of the escarpment wall, indicating further shortening between 8 and 6 Ma. Flatlying Upper Miocene sediments (<5.5 Ma) and the 2.7 Ma Lauca–Peréz Ignimbrite have not been significantly shortened since 6 Ma, suggesting that recent uplift is at least partly caused by regional tilting of the Western Andean slope.  相似文献   

The western retroarc of the Southern Andes between 38° and 40° S is formed by a NNW-elongated ridge not associated with stacked thrust sheets. On the contrary, during the last 4–3 Ma this ridge was affected by extensional deformation, regional uplift and related folding on a very broad scale. Receiver function analysis shows that the drainage divide area and adjacent retroarc lie over an attenuated crust. Expected crustal thickness at these latitudes is around 38 km, whereas in this part of the retroarc the thickness is less than 32 km. The causes for such attenuation have been linked to a moderate steepening of the subducted Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, which is suggested by a westward shift and narrowing of the magmatic arc during the last 4 to 5 Ma. Gravimetric studies show that the upper plate did not react homogeneously to slab steepening, but ancient sutures and lithospheric discontinuities deeply buried under Mesozoic to Cenozoic sequences in the retroarc were locally reactivated. These processes resulted in an asthenospheric anomaly that correlates at the surface with the area of Pliocene to Quaternary doming, widespread extension and three radial troughs. Two of the troughs have accommodated substantial amounts of extension, but the third was probably aborted at an early stage. Moreover, the presence of an anomalous concentration of calderas and large volcanic centers over the proposed asthenospheric anomaly, and their age distribution, may indicate minor migration of the asthenospheric anomaly between 4 and 2 Ma through the western South American plate.  相似文献   

The Tuva-Mongolia Massif is a composite Precambrian terrane incorporated into the Palaeozoic Sayany-Baikalian belt. Its Neoproterozoic amalgamation history involves early (800 Ma) and late Baikalian (600–550 Ma) orogenic phases. Two palaeogeographic elements are identified in the early Baikalian stage — the Gargan microcontinent and the Dunzhugur oceanic arc. They are represented by the Gargan Glyba (Block) and the island-arc ophiolites overthrusting it. The Gargan Glyba is a two-layer platform comprising an Early Precambrian crystalline basement and a Neoproterozoic passive-margin sedimentary cover. The upper part comprises olistostromes deposited in a foreland basin during the early Baikalian orogeny. The Dunzhugur arc ophiolite form klippen fringing the Gargan Glyba, and show a comprehensive oceanic-arc ophiolite succession. The Dunzhugur arc faced the microcontinent, as shown by the occurrence of forearc complexes. The arc–continent collision followed a pattern similar to Phanerozoic collisions. When the marginal basin lithosphere had been completely subducted, the microcontinental edge partially underthrust the arc, and the forearc ophiolite overrode it. Continued convergence caused a break of the arc lithosphere resulting in the uplift of the submerged microcontinental margin with the overthrust forearc ophiolites sliding into the foreland basin. Owing to the lithospheric break, a new subduction zone, inclined beneath the Gargan microcontinent, emerged. Initial melts of the newly-formed continental arc are represented by tonalites intruded into the Gargan microcontinent basement and its cover, and into the ophiolite nappe. The tonalite Rb–Sr mineral isochron age is 812±18 Ma, which is similar to a U–Pb zircon age of 785±11 Ma. A period of tonalite magmatism in Meso–Cenozoic orogenic belts is recognized some 1–10 m.y. after the collision. Accordingly, the Dunzhugur island arc–Gargan microcontinent collision is conventionally dated at around 800 Ma. It is highly probable that in the early Neoproterozoic, the Gargan continental block was part of the southern (in modern coordinates) margin of the Siberia craton. It is suggested that a chain of Precambrian massifs represents an elongate block separated from Siberia in the late Neoproterozoic. The Tuva-Mongolia Massif is situated in the northwest part of this chain. These events occurred on the NE Neoproterozoic margin of Rodinia, facing the World Ocean.  相似文献   

The stream profiles of rivers of northern Chile reveal two graded segments separated by 20‐km‐long knickzones. Their formation was initiated in the Late Miocene in response to surface uplift of the western flank of the Altiplano. This phase of uplift that was coeval with the shift of deformation from the Altiplano to the sub‐Andean zone caused relief to grow at the scale of the whole drainage basin. Above and beneath these knickzones, the presence of braided channels and the absence of erosion on adjacent pediplains suggest no substantial modification in the local relief. The knickzones, however, show bedrock channels, and fluvial dissection rates have exceeded erosion rates on adjacent pediplains by two orders of magnitudes. Hence, the data imply that the only geomorphic recorders of relief growth are the knickzones that currently transpose the effects of the Late Miocene phase of surface uplift from the coast to the Altiplano.  相似文献   

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