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In order to attempt to elucidate the nature of biogeochemical processes occurring at the water-sediment interface, sterols have been analysed in near bottom sea and interstitial waters collected in the eastern and western intertropical Atlantic ocean. Free and esterified sterol concentrations range from 0.2 to 82 μg l?1 and are much higher than those found in overlying sea water, which range from 0.2 to 1.7 μg l?1 for the dissolved fraction and from 0.01 to 0.07 μg l?1 for the particulate fraction. Cholest-5-en-3β-ol and 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol are the dominant sterols in sea and interstitial waters. The variability encountered for the relative importance of minor sterols such as 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol and stanols, 5α-cholest-22(E)-en-3β-ol, 5α-cholestan-3β-ol and 24-ethyl-5α-cholestan-3β-ol in interstitial water and their variation with depth is discussed in terms of diversity of inputs and bacterial activity. For sediments cored off the Mauritanian coast, a productive area characterized by an intense upwelling, the chemical signatures observed in interstitial water through stanol/stenol ratios occur at levels of very high heterotrophic aerobic bacterial biomass estimations. The study of the sterol composition of interstitial water could constitute a valuable tool in appreciating the intensity of chemical and biological processes occurring in the first few metres of recent marine sediments.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of Mo are present in both the waters and sediments of Tenmile Creek, downstream from the large Mo deposit at Climax. Colorado. Concentrations of Mo reach a maximum of 10mg/1 in the water and 384μ/g in the (?) 80 mesh fraction of the sediment. The Mo anomaly extends for more than 80 km downstream from Climax, and results from the mining and milling at Climax. Background Mo concentrations in the nearby mountainous area are < 10μg/l (water) and < 5μg/g (sediment). Immediately below three small unmined Mo-rich orebodies elsewhere in Colorado < 3μg/l Mo are present in the waters and 20–30μg/g Mo in the fine fraction of the sediments.The Mo in the sediment of Tenmile Creek is chiefly adsorbed on coatings of amorphous Fe oxyhydroxide. and is similar to its form below two small, unmined Mo deposits. Mining has not changed the character of the chemical processes responsible for Mo dispersion from the Climax site.A modified version of the WATEQF computer program (Plummeret al., 1976) predicts that Tenmile Creek is undersaturated with respect to ferrimolybdite. molybdenite, powellite, and ilsemannite. The Mo in the stream water occurs as the molybdate ion which can be adsorbed on amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides. These predictions are supported by the absence of Mo minerals in the sediment of Tenmile Creek.  相似文献   

Measurements of the concentration and vertical distribution of dissolved aluminium and silica, and of pH. in interstitial waters of recent marine sediments from the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea were performed to evaluate the behaviour of aluminium during early diagenesis. The results suggest that thermodynamic equilibria alone do not control the concentrations of dissolved species in the system Al-Si-O2-H2O during early diagenesis. Rather, these concentrations are governed by dynamic factors involving mineral dissolution-precipitation reactions and diffusion.  相似文献   

The extraction of organically bound gold from surficial materials is accomplished by using a solution of 5% sodium hypochlorite. A 10-g sample is digested at least twice with 50 mL of hypochlorite solution. The recovery of gold from the organic phase is nearly quantitative for lake sediments and stream sediments high in organic content. For stream sediments and soils low in organics, the recovery of gold is complicated by the sorption of released gold onto inorganic sample components. For these materials, recoveries as low as 70% of the organically bound gold are possible. For a stream sediment sample containing 53.4 ppb gold, the precision of the method is approximately 6% for a 10-g sample and 14% when a 5-g sample of stream sediment is used. The results obtained for all materials tested indicate that a substantial fraction of the gold found in sediments and soils exists as organically bound gold.  相似文献   

Regional stream sediment sampling in southwest England has revealed extensive anomalous Sn values outside the known Sn mining districts. A detailed investigation of some of these anomalies in the Truro-Mitchell area of Cornwall, has shown that the high Sn concentration was due to detrital cassiterite introduced during previous cycles of erosion. Soil anomalies associated with these detrital cassiterite concentrations are contrasted with those related to known Sn mineralization. Methods of differentiating significant anomalies from those of detrital type on the basis of associated elements are discussed.  相似文献   

A stream-sediment sampling tool is described.  相似文献   

A method was developed to measure porosity and dissolved interstitial silicate at millimeter intervals or less in a sediment core. In cores from Emerald Basin (Scotian Shelf), interstitial concentrations near the sediment surface did not drop rapidly to bottom-water concentrations as measured in bottle casts (28 μM) but remained as high as 166 μM in the upper 0.5 mm of sediment High rates of benthic silicate release were measured which could not be accounted for by interstitial concentration gradients or by ventilation of macro-invertebrate burrows. The silicate discontinuity observed between the sediments and water column suggests that a diffusive sublayer exists in a zone of viscous flow above the sediment surface. This is possible only if a surface reaction is primarily responsible for silicate release. By assuming a linear concentration gradient across this diffusive sublayer, the silicate release rates were used to estimate the thickness of the sublayer to be about 2 mm.  相似文献   

Estuaries and Coasts - A coring system using a compressed air supply and a sediment shaking procedure using a soil dispersant are described which greatly simplify and shorten the task of...  相似文献   

Analyses for silica in the interstitial water of five cores from the southeast Pacific are presented. Silica is enriched in these interstitial waters resulting in a vertical flux of silica of between 10 and 50 μmol cm?2 yr?1 from the sediment into the overlaying seawater. This flux is generated by the dissolution of biogenic silica, the dissolution of which is increased in areas of bottom water turbulence. The Si, Al and calculated opal (Leinen, 1977) contents of the bulk sediment of these cores are also presented. Small scale variations over depth intervals of tens of centimetres are present as a result of chaning conditions of sedimentation.  相似文献   

The degree of metal contamination (Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd) has been investigated in the vicinity of an old unmonitored municipal landfill in Prague, Czech Republic, where the leachate is directly drained into a surface stream. The water chemistry was coupled with investigation of the stream sediment (aqua regia extract, sequential extraction, voltammetry of microparticles) and newly formed products (SEM/EDS, XRD). The MINTEQA2 speciation-solubility calculation showed that the metals (Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni) are mainly present as carbonate complexes in leachate-polluted surface waters. These waters were oversaturated with respect to Fe(III) oxyhydroxides, calcite (CaCO3) and other carbonate phases. Three metal attenuation mechanisms were identified in leachate-polluted surface waters: (i) spontaneous precipitation of metal-bearing calcite exhibiting significant concentrations of trace elements (Fe, Mn, Mg, Sr, Ba, Pb, Zn, Ni); (ii) binding to Fe(III) oxyhydroxides (mainly goethite, FeOOH) (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni); and (iii) preferential bonding to sediment organic matter (Cu). These processes act as the key scavenging mechanisms and significantly decrease the metal concentrations in leachate-polluted water within 200 m from the direct leachate outflow into the stream. Under the near-neutral conditions governing the sediment/water interface in the landfill environment, metals are strongly bound in the stream sediment and remain relatively immobile.  相似文献   

Environmental contamination with As and Sb caused by past mining activities at Sb mines is a significant problem in Slovakia. This study is focused on the environmental effects of the 5 abandoned Sb mines on water, stream sediment and soil since the mines are situated in the close vicinity of residential areas. Samples of mine wastes, various types of waters, stream sediments, soils, and leachates of the mine wastes, stream sediments and selected soils were analyzed for As and Sb to evaluate their geochemical dispersion from the mines. Mine wastes collected at the mine sites contained up to 5166 mg/kg As and 9861 mg/kg Sb. Arsenic in mine wastes was associated mostly with Fe oxides, whereas Sb was present frequently in the form of individual Sb, Sb(Fe) and Fe(Sb) oxides. Waters of different types such as groundwater, surface waters and mine waters, all contained elevated concentrations of As and Sb, reaching up to 2150 μg/L As and 9300 μg/L Sb, and had circum-neutral pH values because of the buffering capacity of abundant Ca- and Mg-carbonates. The concentrations of Sb in several household wells are a cause for concern, exceeding the Sb drinking water limit of 5 μg/L by as much as 25 times. Some attenuation of the As and Sb concentrations in mine and impoundment waters was expected because of the deposition of metalloids onto hydrous ferric oxides built up below adit entrances and impoundment discharges. These HFOs contained >20 wt.% As and 1.5 wt.% Sb. Stream sediments and soils have also been contaminated by As and Sb with the peak concentrations generally found near open adits and mine wastes. In addition to the discharged waters from open adits, the significant source of As and Sb contamination are waste-rock dumps and tailings impoundments. Leachates from mine wastes contained as much as 8400 μg/L As and 4060 μg/L Sb, suggesting that the mine wastes would have a great potential to contaminate the downstream environment. Moreover, the results of water leaching tests showed that Sb was released from the solids more efficiently than As under oxidizing conditions. This might partly explain the predominance of Sb over As in most water samples.  相似文献   

Two organic rich sediments, an oxic muddy sand and a silty mud containing sulphate reducing and methane producing metabolic zones, were sampled from Loch Duich, a fjord type estuary in the N.W. coast of Scotland. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), as measured by dry combustion and UV absorption, remained constant (8.3–15.8 mg C/l) with depth in the oxic pore waters at a concentration at least twice that of the overlying seawater. DOC in the anoxic pore waters increased linearly with depth from 13.6 at the surface to 55.9–70.5 mg C/l at 80cm. Most of the DOC was present in the high molecular weight (HMW) fraction as separated by ultrafiltration; the low molecular weight (LMW) fraction remained constant (10.0 mg C/l) in both oxic and anoxic pore waters. Spectroscopic data showed the ‘humic’ fraction of the HMW dissolved organic matter was mainly fulvic acid, a small proportion (approx 1%) of humic acid, and a third fraction, possibly melanoidins, which increased relative to fulvic acid with depth. These data confirm the pathway of humification (NissenBaum et al, 1971; nissenbaum and Kaplan, 1972) where HMW organic matter accumulates in pore waters as condensation products of LMW organic substances.  相似文献   

The patterns of concentration of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) are different and more variable in pore water of soils from a Georgia salt marsh than in most surface waters. Elevated concentrations of DFAA (up to 8850 nmoles liter?1) and high relative levels of alanine and glutamic acid suggest that bacteria may produce these amino acids. In addition to the common protein amino acids, an unidentified compound was present and was the dominant free amino acid in some sections. This compound appeared to be specific to pore waters as it was not observed in surface waters or in hydrolysates of sediments, bacteria or plants from the marsk.  相似文献   

As part of a study of early diagenesis in anaerobic lake sediments the major ions and P, Fe, Mn, pS, p? and pH were measured in interstitial waters of cores from eutrophic Greifensee in north-central Switzerland. A guide for the interpretation of such data is thermodynamic equilibrium between the dissolved species and mineral phases. The results show that CaCO3, which precipitates from the lake water, dissolves rapidly in the CO2-rich interstitial waters resulting in equilibrium with calcite in the top few centimeters of sediment. Siderite, on the other hand, is nearly ten-fold supersaturated 20–30 cm below the surface. Iron monosulfides are metastable in the surface 10–20 cm of sediment and pS and p? results indicate equilibrium between polysulfides and orthorhombic sulfur. Vivianite appears to be limiting the solubility of phosphate below a few centimeters of sediment.The above processes are highly interactive, especially in the case of ferrous iron, with one result being a two order of magnitude decrease in dissolved phosphate in a depth interval of 20cm in the interstitial waters.  相似文献   

A leaching technique was investigated for the dissolution of sulphide and other mineral phases in geochemical exploration samples. Samples were leached with a mixture of H2O1 and ascorbic acid at room temperature and the insoluble residues were leached a second time with a warm solution of ammonium acetate. Sample solutions were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results obtained provide useful information for assessing the significance of anomalous geochemical exploration data.  相似文献   

In developing countries, large amounts of wastes are dumped daily in open dumping sites without proper management. This practice usually causes enhanced concentration of metallic ions in environmental media within and beyond the vicinity of such dumps with attendant adverse environmental and health risks. Hence the aim of this study is to assess and elucidate the physico- and metallic ions concentrations in three environmental media (soils, sediments and waters) around active (Ojota) and abandoned (Isolo) dumpsites in Lagos and also to do a comparative study with reference to possible environmental and health impacts. A total of eighty samples comprising water, sediments and topsoils were collected around the two dumpsites. The soil and sediment were dried, disaggregated and sieved to 〈75 μm fraction for analysis of the metallic ions using aqua-regia digestion technique and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The analysis of metallic ions and cations in water was carried out using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) while unacidified water samples were analyzed for anions concentrations using the DIONEX DX-120 Ion Chromatography techniques. Analytical results show that pH, NO3, Fe, Mn and Na in most of the water samples are above WHO and EPA standards. Also there are relatively strong correlations between NO3 and Cl, SO4, Coliform, TDS and EC which are an indicator of water contamination especially in the direction of groundwater flow. The mean values of the significant metallic ions present in the water samples include Cu (16.29 and 38.0), Zn (535.71 and 667.0), A1 (0.27 and 0.19), Ba (42.86 and 55.0), Sr (80.0 and 136.0) and B (118.7 and 160.2) for active (Ojota) and abandoned (Isolo) dnmpsites respectively. Soil samples revealed varied concentrations with the estimated average contamination factors of 3.86 and 5.71 (As), 1.60 and 1.93 (Mo), 3.41 and 4.24 (Zn), 0.93 and 2.23 (Cu), 7.71 and 12.64 (Pb), 8.71 and 9.21(Cd) for both active and abandoned sites respectively. All these metals with Ag are also significant and follow the same trend in the sediments. Ag, Bi, Sb, Ga, Sc, Mn, Ga and La in soil samples are only significant for samples close to the dnmpsites while Bi, Be, Sb, Co, Cu, La and Cr are significant for sediments taken downstream. Most of the metallic ions show significant enrichment in both soil and sediments while A1, B, Ba and Sr are only significant in water.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(6):807-816
A rapid procedure is described to evaluate the significance of inorganic and organic pollutants in fine-grained sediments. The air- (<30°C) or freeze-dried samples are screened within 30 min. in stainless steel sieves (<0.04 mm) prior to chemical analysis. This procedure is also suitable for analysis of such elements as Hg and many non-volatile organic pollutants. The sediment size fraction of <0.04 mm was chosen in order to separate the smallest grain-size obtainable by rapid dry-screening techniques; this is representative of the grain-size of suspended matter transported at low and medium river discharge (0.1–0.7 m/s). The screened fraction (<0.04 mm) of aquatic sediments is more homogeneous in grain-size and distribution, and the fine particles are more capable of adsorbing pollutants than coarser fractions. However, large differences are observed in grain-size distribution and adsorbable phases from one sample to another, even in the smallest size fractions (<0.04, <0.02, <0.002 mm). Clay minerals, Fe- and Mn-(oxy)hydrates, amorphous silica and humic substances all adsorb water at normal humidity. In order to estimate and standardise the adsorption capacity of the surface of these screened sediment fractions, the weight loss after heating at 105°C is used, instead of tedious quantification of all the above mentioned sediment phases. In addition, this procedure allows the rejection of sediment samples, unsuitable for monitoring purposes, which have very low adsorption capacities. In order to correct for the variable adsorption capacity of different sediment samples or size fractions, the weight loss (WL) at 105°C can be inserted in the widely used GeoIndex formula (Igeo105°=log2 (Cmeasured/Cbackground1WL105°C). This improves the evaluation of pollution in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of dissolved Al in interstitial waters of recent marine sediments has been determined using a fluorimetric analytical method adapted for interstitial water analysis. The results suggest that diagenetic reactions occur in the sediment soon after deposition. A narrow depth zone acting as a source of dissolved Al is found in each core. Outside this zone Al appears to be removed from solution and its concentration decreases to values of 1.5 μgAl/l or less, comparable to those of open ocean waters. Dissolved Al and SiO2 concentrations in interstitial waters close to the sediment-seawater interface are linearly correlated in most cases, suggesting that the geochemistry of Al may be related to the behaviour of biogenic silica in marine sediments.  相似文献   

For experimental geochemical mapping soil was sampled in 5×5 km regular grid in Istria and the Slovenian littoral (Croatia and Slovenia). The territory consists predominantly of karstified limestones and dolomites, and of flysch beds exposed in two basins, Istrian and Brkini. In addition to soil, stream sediment was also collected in the flysh area. Sampling was performed according to an analysis of variance design that permitted one to estimate the effects of the sample medium, geographic position, sampling error and analytical error. The analysis of variance of chemical variables indicated that soil and stream sediment as sampling media lead to similar results in producing geochemical maps. The largest differences with respect to the lithologic substrate of soil is indicated by calcium. As shown by the geochemical map, calcium in soil is high on the Istrian flysch beds, and low on limestones as well as on the flysch beds of the Brkini basin. The two soils also differ in mineralogy. The reason for this difference seems to lie in soil genesis on limestone and on flysch, and in the variable calcium content of flysch beds. The results of Q-mode factor analysis confirmed the adherence of soil and stream sediment of the two flysch basins to two differing groups. This difference was discovered by geochemical mapping. The hypothesis of differing calcium content in the rocks of the two basins was confirmed by the investigation of fresh and weathered rocks and soils in eight profiles sampled in the Brkini and Istrian flysch basin. It was found that the sandstone and calcarenitic samples from the Istrian basin contain an average factor of 3.5 more Ca than those of the investigated Brkini basin, and the samples of Istrian marls 4 times more Ca than those of the Brkini siltstones. Furthermore, the investigated weathered rocks and soils that originated from these rocks in the Istrian basin contain considerably more Ca than in the Brkini basin. In comparison with sandstone and siltstone samples of the Brkini basin, sandstone, calcarenite and marl samples of the Istrian flysch basin contain less clay minerals, quartz and feldspars and more calcite.  相似文献   

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