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The flotation cell is quantified as a mixing device for one, two, and three phase systems using combinations of water, air, and solids. To do this, power consumption was measured as a function of impeller speed, rate of aeration, and solids concentration. Initial suspension of solids and dispersion of suspended solids throughout the water or water/air system were also studied as influenced by impeller speed, particle size and solids concentration. The power number and air flow number were used to correlate the data.Flotation studies with a zinc ore using three sizes of cells of the same design, showed that aeration had to be controlled in the smaller cells to duplicate the results in the cell of commercial size. For optimum results the flow number range in the smallest cell was less than the critical value for suspension of coarse particles. Operating flow numbers for the three cell sizes under optimum conditions were close; commercial cells of the same size operating elsewhere appear to have two to three times higher flow numbers.The general relationships among air flow, impeller speed, particle suspension and flotation are discussed with particular reference to scale-up problems and coarse particle flotation. Both impeller speed and aeration should be considered as variables requiring systematic study and independent adjustment.  相似文献   

The suction generated by several different combinations of impeller and stator has been measured. An experimental method provides information on the separate contribution of the impeller, while the stator contribution is calculated from an interaction model. The effect of wear as indicated by reversing the direction of rotation is discussed.  相似文献   

In a laboratory Denver machine, worn impeller/stator assemblies lead to strong, rapid oscillations of the water level in the standpipe at impeller speeds just below self-aeration. Frequency depends linearly on impeller speed, decreasing with impeller depth. Amplitude passes through a maximum with speed, increasing with depth. A mechanism accounting for oscillation is suggested. The possibility that the phenomena lies in the operating range of commercial-size machines is discussed. The described effects are confined to standpipe/self-aeration machines. Oscillation can be prevented by supplying air with an external blower, a growing trend even with traditionally self-aerating designs. Oscillation recommences just prior to flooding.  相似文献   

Tracer experiments using quartz in sized ranges to simulate gangue minerals provide information on how impeller speed, air rate, and particle size determine the concentration of gangue in the uppermost pulp layers. Tests with and without a froth will contribute towards an understanding of the selective action of the froth column.Results indicate that the laboratory machine-operating conditions required for flotation coincide with a hydrodynamic region which is responsible for fine-gangue transfer from the pulp into the froth column by elutriation and entrainment process acting in the pulp, thus compromising the selective action of the flotation process itself.Topics are suggested requiring further investigation and mention is made of machine design features to which attention should be paid in attempting to reduce gangue transfer from pulp to froth.  相似文献   

A series of flotation experiments was carried out in three Rushton turbine cells of volumes 2.25, 10 and 50 dm3 using hydrophobic quartz particles to determine a set of scale-up criteria that would produce the same size-by-size flotation rate constants. Flotation was performed at a constant Sauter mean bubble diameter over a range of superficial gas velocities and impeller rotational speeds.  相似文献   

A robust and reliable sensor to measure gas (air) superficial velocity (Jg) continuously in flotation systems is introduced. It is based on the sampling of bubbles by buoyancy with the accumulating air allowed to exit through an orifice. At steady state, pressure drop is measured and related to the Jg by prior calibration. The continuous device is readily automated and extended to a multi-unit set-up. The sensor and data collections are described. The governing gas flow equation and models of the dynamic response to air flow rate set point change and fluctuations in froth depth are derived. Model predictions are confirmed against plant data. By taking a moving average, the Jg remains valid in the face of typical plant disturbances.  相似文献   

This work describes a laboratory study concerning the adsorption of isopropylxanthate ions onto modified zeolites particles. The separation of the loaded carrier and their removal, from aqueous solutions, was conducted by flocculation followed by dissolved air flotation, DAF. The zeolite employed was a natural sample (approximately 48% clinoptilolite and 30% mordenite) which was previously treated with sodium ions (activation) and modified with copper ions (Cu–Z) before the xanthate ions uptake. Adsorption capacities (qm) for Cu–Z were 0.34 meq g− 1 for the powdered form, and 1.12 meq g− 1 for the floc form. The adsorption capacity for the floc form appears to involve an enhanced electrostatic adsorption due to the positive sites on the floc surface. In all cases, the isopropylxanthate concentration in the treated water was found to be negligible (< 0.04 mg L− 1). The flotation technique showed to be a fast process, requires a low recycle ratio (20%) in air saturated water, and the treated water ended up with a very low residual turbidity (6.8 NTU). It is believed that this adsorption–flotation technique, here named adsorptive particulate flotation, using activated and modified natural zeolite has a high potential as an alternative for pollutants removal (copper and isopropylxanthate ions) from waste mining effluents.  相似文献   

Conventional and non-conventional flotation for mineral processing and for water (and wastewaters) treatment and reuse (or recycling) is rapidly broadening their applications in the mining field. Conventional flotation assisted with microbubbles (30–100 μm) finds application in the recovery of fine mineral particles (< 13 μm) and flotation with these fine bubbles is being used as a solid/liquid separation to remove pollutants. The injection of small bubbles to conventional coarse bubbles flotation cells usually leads to general improvements of the separation parameters, especially for the ultrafines (< 5 μm) ore particles. Results obtained are believed to occur by enhancing the capture of particles by bubbles, one of the main drawbacks in fine ore flotation. It is believed that by decreasing the bubble size distribution (through the injection of small bubbles), increases the bubble surface flux and the fines capture. DAF or dissolved air flotation with microbubbles, treating water, wastewater and domestic sewage is known for a number of years and is now gradually entering in the mining environmental area. This technology offers, in most cases, advantages over settling, filtration, precipitation, or adsorption onto natural and synthetic adsorbents. The targets are the removal of oils (emulsified or not), ions (heavy metals and anions) and the reuse or recirculation of the process waters. Advantages include better treated water quality, rapid start up, high rate operation, and a thicker sludge. New applications are found in the mining vehicles washing water treatment and reuse, AMD (acid mining drainage) neutralization and high rate solids/water separation by flotation with microbubbles. This work reviews some recent applications of the use of microbubbles to assist the recovery of very small mineral particles and for the removal of pollutants from mining wastewaters. Emphasis is given to the design features of innovative devices showing the potential of conventional and unconventional DAF flotation.  相似文献   

Yang  Xinghua  Zhou  Chenglong  Huo  Wen  Yang  Fan  Liu  Xinchun  Mamtimin  Ali 《Natural Hazards》2019,97(3):1069-1081
Natural Hazards - Soil and the atmospheric conditions are important factors that affect wind speed threshold of surface dust emissions. Based on the observed data of surface dust emissions in the...  相似文献   

It has been shown in recent years that the long-range attractive interaction forces between hydrophobic surfaces in aqueous systems are caused by the capillary forces of gas bridges which form at the coalescence of nanobubbles adhering on the surfaces. The coalescence of nanobubbles on selectively hydrophobized particles with coarser bubbles initiates the jump into the three-phase contact at the attachment events in flotation. Therefore, one should no longer speak of hydrophobic forces in these events but of hydrophobic effects because they are caused by capillary forces. However, in the selective hydrophobization of particles by long-chain collectors (surfactants), there is another situation. Here, the association of nonpolar groups in the adsorption layers plays an important role in the energy balance of adsorption. This association is caused by “truly” hydrophobic interactions, which support the spotty distribution of the adsorbed collector ions on the particle surfaces and promote the formation of nanobubbles. This paper is intended to show to what extent the results obtained by basic research on the nanobubble formation as well as the force–distance dependence of collision events can be applied to flotation processes. This particularly requires the consideration of the highly turbulent flow conditions in the impeller stream of the flotation machines, in which the attachments almost exclusively occur. Various phenomena which occur in these machines and affect the reagent regime and the hydrodynamics point to the fact that nanobubbles can form, exist and even grow into microbubbles in that region. Therefore, so-called combined attachment events should predominate as already imagined several decades ago. The highly turbulent pressure fluctuations in the impeller stream in addition to the dispersion of the bubbles effect also their oscillations in size and shape, so that adsorption equilibria in the interfaces liquid/gas cannot be supposed. However, the pressure fluctuations present the possibility to overcome potential barriers in the wetting films at attachment events.  相似文献   

It has been found that previous aeration in water or heating in air of ilmenite greatly improved the flotation recovery of this mineral with oleic acid. It is postulated that the iron atoms in the surface of ilmenite are more effective in floatation when oxidized to the ferric state, due to the lower solubility of the ferric compounds. Surface ferric oleate was identified by infrared spectroscopy on ilmenite that had reacted with oleate.  相似文献   

Laboratory batch flotation tests were carried out on a deslimed (+6 μm) sulfiderich cassiterite ore, an ultrafine fraction (?6 μm) of a cassiterite ore and a bituminous coal. Chemical conditions were kept constant but the water recovery was varied by changing the height of the froth column and the rate and depth of froth removed. The recovery of the floatable mineral in each system was then found to be linearly related to the weight of water recovered. The intercept of the regression line on the mineral recovery axis, where the water recovery is zero, was interpreted as the recovery due to true flotation. The entrainment contribution was proportional to the slope of the line. In this way the contributions of entrainment and true flotation to overall recovery were separated.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了重选-浮选联合工艺对硫化镍浮选尾矿进一步处理,对其中有价金属回收的验研究与生产实践中所取得的技术成果,为资源的回收与利用上提供了一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

Air quality legislation is entering a transformation phase, shifting the concept of atmospheric emission control towards pollution prevention and emission minimization through a more integrated approach. This transformation, along with public pressure and increased foreign trade, is providing industries with incentives to consider their effect on the environment and to take action where required. To assist industries in determining what air pollution control technologies are best suited to power plants; an assessment of air pollution control technologies used in other countries was carried out. This assessment concluded that the best available technologies for power plants to control air emissions are electrostatic precipitators, low-NOX burners, selective catalytic reduction systems and wet flue gas desulphurization (limestone) systems. An assessment of the financial effects associated with air pollution control at power plants was conducted by completing a cost analysis. This analysis demonstrated that by increasing capital expenditure on control technologies by US$ 0.25 billion, the external costs associated with producing electricity can be reduced by almost US$ 0.5 billion. Formulation of external cost factors and the development of a software database for the information obtained from the different countries, will promote future technology selections.  相似文献   

The separation efficiency and selectivity of flotation are directly proportional to recoveries of the mineral species in the feed due to true flotation and entrainment. In this study, effects of the hydrodynamic conditions on true flotation and entrainment were investigated by using a fractional factorial experimental design. A method previously described in the literature was applied to determine the contributions of true flotation and entrainment in flotation of a complex sulphide ore. In order to apply the method, the kinetic flotation tests were conducted under various hydrodynamic conditions defined by some physical variables. Some of these tests were conducted in the presence and absence of a collector to evaluate the self-induced floatability. The selectivity index of the mineral species for entrainment was seen to be suitable evaluation of the non-selectivity and efficiency of the entrainment. Furthermore, the results of the size-by-size analysis of the froth products indicated that the presence of the self-induced hydrophobic particles in the feed is as important as the presence of very fine particles for accurate estimation of true flotation and entrainment in flotation of a complex sulphide ore. In addition, the estimated results for entrainment in flotation of the complex sulphide ore can be misleading. Therefore, a new approach would be necessary to determine the contributions of true flotation and entrainment in flotation of a complex sulphide ore.  相似文献   

In longwall development mining of coal seams, planning, optimizing and providing adequate ventilation are very important steps to eliminate the accumulation of explosive methane–air mixtures in the working environment. Mine operators usually try to supply maximum ventilation air based on the capacity of the system and the predicted need underground. This approach is neither economical nor safer as ventilation capacity may decrease in time depending on various mining and coalbed parameters. Thus, it is important to develop better engineered approaches to optimize mine ventilation effectiveness and, therefore, to ensure a safer work environment.This study presents an approach using coalbed methane reservoir modeling and an artificial neural network (ANN) design for prediction and optimization of methane inflows and ventilation air requirements to maintain methane concentrations below statutory limits. A coalbed reservoir model of a three-entry development section, which is typical of Pittsburgh Coalbed mines in the Southwestern Pennsylvania section of Northern Appalachian Basin, was developed taking into account the presence and absence of shielding boreholes around the entries against methane inflow. In the model, grids were dynamically controlled to simulate the advance of mining for parametric simulations.Development and application of artificial neural networks as an optimization tool for ventilation requirements are introduced. Model predictions are used to develop, train, and test artificial neural networks to optimize ventilation requirements. The sensitivity and applications of proposed networks for predicting simulator data are presented and discussed. Results show that reservoir simulations and integrated ANN models can be practical and powerful tools for predicting methane emissions and optimization of ventilation air requirements.  相似文献   

The rate of consumption of sulphide in the sulphidizing reactions of malachite and chrysocolla has been measured. The oxidation of sulphide ions at the surface of sulphidized chrysocolla was shown to take place. The influence of thiosulphate anions on the xanthate flotation of sulphidized malachite and chrysocolla was investigated and it was shown to depress the flotation of chrysocolla strongly.The result suggest, that the presence of thiosulphate as a product of simultaneous oxidation can be one of the reasons for the more difficult flotation of sulphidized chrysocolla.  相似文献   

The suitability of a new reagent, Kr6D, as a depressant for galena and sphalerite in a differential sulphide flotation stage has been tested. Small-scale laboratory flotation tests on pure sulphide minerals indicated that the reagent is capable of depressing both galena and sphalerite when used in small doses. At higher concentrations, chalcopyrite is also depressed. Single-stage batch-scale flotation tests have been carried out on bulk sulphide concentrates containing the three sulphide minerals. Kr6D has been compared with starch as a depressant both in the presence and in the absence of sulphur dioxide. In each case the new modifier has been shown to be more effective. When using sodium dichromate as a differential depressant in similar tests, it has been shown that the quantity necessary to achieve selectivity between chalcopyrite and galena may be considerably reduced if small quantities of Kr6D are added.  相似文献   

Xie  Xiaoliang  Zuo  Jinxia  Xie  Bingqi  Dooling  Thomas A.  Mohanarajah  Selvarajah 《Natural Hazards》2021,107(3):2555-2572
Natural Hazards - From a macro-perspective, based on machine learning and data-driven approach, this paper utilizes multi-featured data from 31 provinces and regions in China to build a Bayesian...  相似文献   

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