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随着软件企业研发产品规模的扩大和功能的成熟,软件研发和维护所需的计算资源逐渐增多,软件产品测试也占用大量计算资源。但是,物理节点的计算能力受到CPU大小的限制,且产品测试并非时刻发生。因此,为充分利用计算资源,本文引入云计算技术,搭建了软件持续集成与自动化测试系统。目前,该系统已成功应用于国内GIS企业的产品研发与维护应用实践,不仅可以保障软件质量,还可避免计算资源的闲置,降低能耗,有利于减少企业成本,并有效降低环境污染风险。 相似文献
基于云计算技术的GIS软件工程模式 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍云计算的基本概念与GIS的软件工程的特点,分析云计算对GIS软件开发的影响,从GIS软件体系结构、开发组织和部署管理三个方面探讨云计算环境下GIS软件工程设计方法,并对云计算环境下实施GIS软件开发需要注意的几个问题提出建议. 相似文献
基于云计算的GIS研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了基于云计算的GIS的概念,对WebGIS、网格GIS和基于云计算的GIS进行了对比分析,并探讨了基于云计算的GIS进一步发展所需要的关键技术。 相似文献
基于地理信息系统的空间数据服务已经广泛应用于政府部门和社会,并取得了很好的应用效果。但由于国内GIS资源应用尚不成熟,GIS服务部署规模存在不确定性,计算资源的浪费或紧缺成为普遍现象。探讨如何将虚拟云计算技术和GIS服务资源弹性调度技术应用于GIS服务部署中,具有现实意义。 相似文献
孔繁宇 《测绘与空间地理信息》2015,(8):138-140
云计算是“智慧城市”建设的核心技术之一,而基于云架构的政务GIS则是电子政务建设的重要趋势。针对政务云GIS搭建面临的资源池化、异构兼容、网络部署等问题,本文提出了政务GIS云平台四层框架结构,详细阐述了支撑平台、信息资源和功能服务池化策略,讨论了多种情况下的异构资源兼容策略,并提出“内主外辅”的网络部署方案。 相似文献
在现代生活中,无论我们多么依赖网络空间,人与地理空间的联系永远不会断绝.政府和企业的各类业务运转也是如此,在科研课题、销售运营、客户维护等工作中,涉及的数据成千上万,大多也与地理数据紧密相关.因此,挖掘地理数据中隐含的信息,提高人们对地理位置的认知程度,并以此为基础,为各领域提供与决策相关的信息非常有意义.本文中介绍的超图云GIS数据洞察软件,是基于地理信息云平台,使用新一代Web技术搭建的云GIS数据可视化和分析软件.通过其将业务数据在地图上可视化展示,并结合统计图表和地理信息系统专业空间分析工具,洞察地理数据中隐含的趋势和内在关系,为多种业务决策提供支撑.本文介绍了该软件的设计与实现. 相似文献
随着地理信息公共服务平台建设的深入,用户对看图、用图、制图、出图等系列地理信息在线服务提出了更高要求.为了满足公众及专业应用部门的地理信息服务需求,本研究从云计算视角切入,提出了一种基于云服务的云GIS服务平台架构设计与服务模式设计方案.平台在云计算技术下构建了云GIS环境,用户可以按需租用云GIS环境动态提供的虚拟数据中心、基础设施、平台、软件等资源,最大限度地拓展省级测绘服务保障能力.基于该软件架构,专题图在线制作等高级地理信息应用可以通过在线服务的方式高效、稳定地提供. 相似文献
对开源GIS软件用于GIS基础理论和开发实践教学的必要性和可行性进行论证,从功能、开发应用环境和成熟度等方面提出不同知识点GIS理论教学对开源GIS软件选择方法,设计一个基于开源MapServer软件的WebGIS教学案例.结果表明,开源GIS软件用于GIS教学能够加强学生对知识的全面了解,取得了预期的效果. 相似文献
Today, many real‐time geospatial applications (e.g. navigation and location‐based services) involve data‐ and/or compute‐intensive geoprocessing tasks where performance is of great importance. Cloud computing, a promising platform with a large pool of storage and computing resources, could be a practical solution for hosting vast amounts of data and for real‐time processing. In this article, we explored the feasibility of using Google App Engine (GAE), the cloud computing technology by Google, for a module in navigation services, called Integrated GNSS (iGNSS) QoS prediction. The objective of this module is to predict quality of iGNSS positioning solutions for prospective routes in advance. iGNSS QoS prediction involves the real‐time computation of large Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs) generated from LiDAR data. We experimented with the Google App Engine (GAE) and stored a large TIN for two geoprocessing operations (proximity and bounding box) required for iGNSS QoS prediction. The experimental results revealed that while cloud computing can potentially be used for development and deployment of data‐ and/or compute‐intensive geospatial applications, current cloud platforms require improvements and special tools for handling real‐time geoprocessing, such as iGNSS QoS prediction, efficiently. The article also provides a set of general guidelines for future development of real‐time geoprocessing in clouds. 相似文献
本文设计了一个基于云架构的统一身份认证系统,研究身份认证、单点登录和授权管理等技术要点,以实现在云环境下用户对应用系统的安全认证和高效访问. 相似文献
提出一种针对GIS软件进行自动化测试的解决方案。结合传统软件测试方法和GIS专业的特点,进行GIS软件自动化测试平台的分析、设计和实现工作,其中包括总体结构设计、测试脚本设计、测试方案设计、测试结果及分析等。通过具体工程实践的测试结果及对比分析,得出客观的测试结论,最后对该测试方法的实用性和适用性作进一步的讨论。 相似文献
在市政规划设计中引入虚拟现实与三维地理信息技术已经成为行业发展的必然趋势,但三维地理信息数据量大,对计算机性能要求高,传统以CAD为平台的市政设计软件在分析效率和展示效果上的不足已经成为三维技术应用的一个瓶颈。本文提出一种以云计算技术和三维地理信息技术为支撑、以云盘和云API为核心的三维线上线下一体化设计框架,整合云端的地理空间资源、存储和计算资源、在线展示与线上线下交互设计能力,解决三维道路设计中的实时建模效率低、CAD平台分析支撑弱、交互和共享困难等问题,并在重庆多个开发园区开展了示范应用。 相似文献
通过分析国内外基于矢量方式海洋划界技术实现原理和技术特点,认为传统划界技术存在着概念不严密、算法复杂、数据结构不统一及缺乏误差讨论等诸多问题,已无法满足当前高精度海洋划界技术要求。而地图代数理论和技术的发展,充分发挥矢量数据和栅格数据的优势,为高精度的海洋划界模型建立提供了新的解决思路。 相似文献
Three‐dimensional (3D) terrain modeling based on digital elevation models (DEMs) with the use of orthographic and perspective projections is a standard procedure implemented in many commercial and open‐source geoinformation systems. However, standard tools may be insufficient for 3D scientific visualization. In particular, single‐source illumination of 3D models may be deficient for topographically complex terrains. We present an approach for 3D terrain modeling with multiple‐source illumination in the virtual environment of the Blender free and open‐source software. The approach includes the following key stages: (1) automatic creation of a polygonal object; (2) selecting an algorithm to model the 3D geometry; (3) selecting a vertical exaggeration scale; (4) selecting types, parameters, a number, and positions of light sources; (5) selecting methods for generating shadows; (6) selecting a shading method for the 3D model; (7) selecting a material for the 3D model surface; (8) overlaying a texture on the 3D model; (9) setting a virtual camera; and (10) rendering the 3D model. To illustrate the approach, we processed a test DEM extracted from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean version 3.0 (IBCAO 3.0). The approach is currently being used to develop a system for geomorphometric modeling of the Arctic Ocean floor. 相似文献
Paddington Hodza 《Transactions in GIS》2014,18(2):270-285
Problem‐solving is embedded deeply in the digital DNA of GIS. Most projects involving GIS 1.0 and 2.0 raise community weaknesses, failures and other problems and use them to motivate change. The projects often create a future that does not differ greatly from the past or last long. Although looking into community problems is important and sometimes necessary, the steps of problem‐solving do not always leave people feeling happy. To inspire communities to create change based on their strengths and achievements, and to provide better participant experience, this article develops the concept of a new form of GIS called Appreciative GIS (AGIS). AGIS are grounded in the affirmative premise that every community, however challenged, is gifted with certain assets, potentials and strengths which, when effectively exploited, can take that community to a better and sustainable future. Based on Earth's internal structure, the article develops a useful layered community model where crust, mantle and core strata represent the community's body, life‐draining and life‐giving elements in that order. The model helps explain the different views of the community from current GIS and AGIS perspectives. A Total GIS (TGIS) cube is also developed and used to indicate that current GIS commonly focus on elements of the mantle or what we do not have, what we cannot do and what makes us weak. AGIS, on the other hand, dig up the core and cultivate what we have, what we can possibly do and what makes us strong. In a significant departure from the linear approach of problem‐solving, the article suggests implementing AGIS through a 7G cyclical method. The article contends that although AGIS may not be the whole enchilada, they can serve as a beacon of hope and a powerful source of inspiration especially for individuals and groups who are perceived or made to perceive themselves as dysfunctional, weak or poor. 相似文献