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In the State Archive of Como, Northern Italy, about 15,000 historical maps belonging to different national cadastral productions are preserved. The Web C.A.R.T.E. project was started to enhance the accessibility of this valuable cartographic heritage using FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) technologies. The system, which implements specific web geoservices for cataloguing and visualization, should assist the State Archive of Como in the digital management of its cartographic resources and related information. After the high‐resolution digitization step, maps undergo a georeferencing operation. A special statistical procedure for choosing the best mathematical model was developed, verifying also strengths and weaknesses of georeferencing with a common free and Open Source GIS. Next, metadata consistent with current Italian standards were added to the georeferenced maps using an ad hoc localized version of GeoNetwork Opensource (recently provided as the official Italian version of the software). A dedicated WebGIS system was built for publishing the georeferenced cadastral maps. This system is capable of navigating large raster data in a georeferenced framework and easily retrieving their metadata. The WebGIS system for the State Archive of Como is an important contribution for the preservation of the original historical paper maps and also a great modernization and simplification of the end user's access to this archive.  相似文献   

The present work aims at introducing a basic theory, implementing methodology and algorithms for 3‐D modeling, and visualizing a geologic model using the Open Source Free GIS GRASS environment. A 3‐D geologic model is constructed from the boundary surfaces of geologic units and the logical model of geologic structure. The algorithms for construction and visualization of the proposed model are based on the geologic function g . The geologic function g assigns a unique geologic unit to every point in the objective 3‐D space. The boundary surface that divides the objective space into two subspaces is estimated using data from field survey. The logical model showing the hierarchical relationship between these boundary surfaces and geologic units can be automatically generated based on the stratigraphic sequence and knowledge of geologic structures. Based on these algorithms, a 3‐D geologic model can be constructed virtually in the GRASS GIS. Applying this model, various geologic surfaces and section models can be visualized in the GRASS GIS environment. “Nviz” was used for dynamic visualization of geologic cross‐sections and generation of animated image sequences. Further, the described algorithms and methods are applied and an online 3‐D geologic modeling system is developed.  相似文献   

Estimates of solar radiation distribution in urban areas are often limited by the complexity of urban environments. These limitations arise from spatial structures such as buildings and trees that affect spatial and temporal distributions of solar fluxes over urban surfaces. The traditional solar radiation models implemented in GIS can address this problem only partially. They can be adequately used only for 2‐D surfaces such as terrain and rooftops. However, vertical surfaces, such as facades, require a 3‐D approach. This study presents a new 3‐D solar radiation model for urban areas represented by 3‐D city models. The v.sun module implemented in GRASS GIS is based on the existing solar radiation methodology used in the topographic r.sun model with a new capability to process 3‐D vector data representing complex urban environments. The calculation procedure is based on the combined vector‐voxel approach segmenting the 3‐D vector objects to smaller polygon elements according to a voxel data structure of the volume region. The shadowing effects of surrounding objects are considered using a unique shadowing algorithm. The proposed model has been applied to the sample urban area with results showing strong spatial and temporal variations of solar radiation flows over complex urban surfaces.  相似文献   

基于MapServer的教育地理信息系统构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于Web的教育地理信息系统(EDUGIS)是教育信息化建设的重要组成部分.本文以WebGIS开源平台MapServer为框架,设计了教育地理信息系统的框架和功能结构.引入Ajax技术的组织结构,并结合开源数据库PostgreSQL开发了网络教育地理信息系统.该系统可以直观地对各种形式的教育地理信息进行显示和查询,对教...  相似文献   

GIS软件的发展方向研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张晋纶 《东北测绘》2012,(8):148-150,154
GIS软件发展到现在已经到了一个比较成熟的阶段。开源GIS的提出,从本质上为GIS软件的新发展提供了方向。开源GIS以开放、分享的特点将会成为以后GIS软件研发的主流方向。文章概述了开源GIS的基本构架、数据类型和优势特点,同时从研发角度以及商业角度分析了开源GIS的意义。  相似文献   

MassMov2D is a numerical model for simulating runout and deposition of landslide phenomena over a complex topography that is implemented in the free GIS PCRaster. This research aims at improving the mechanism of MassMov2D calibration and verifying its capability of representing complex landslides. In this article the authors present the enhancement of the MassMov2D code due to the introduction of the Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient for model efficiency calculation; this enables the replacement of the inefficient ‘trial and error’ approach used for sensitivity analysis and calibration with a semi‐automatic procedure. During this research the improved code was tested in a case study located on the Canaria Valley (Switzerland) where a complex landslide occurred. An optimal set of parameters were calculated for evaluating the effects of a possible further slope failure. The availability of a unique dataset of high resolution digital elevation models just before and after the collapse allowed precise evaluation of the sensitivity and calibration of the model with the new procedure. The results demonstrate that this model is capable of reproducing the observed deposits even though some model limitations were identified in steep slope areas. Finally the study presents the expected scenario due to a future landslide.  相似文献   

By responding to potentially life‐threatening emergencies such as foodborne illnesses and water contamination, U.S. public health agencies play a vital role in promoting human health and protecting the environment. Local, state, and federal partners must collaborate to strategically plan initiatives, allocate resources, and evaluate emergency response activities. These collaborative decision‐making processes can be improved by using web‐based mapping applications for visualization and analysis. We developed a web‐based GIS framework which is applied to public health data for North Carolina's (NC) Department of Health and Human Services. The application visualizes all state‐regulated food service facilities and supports query and analysis tools crucial for food recalls or radiation contamination tracking. Built with PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GeoServer, and a customized GeoExplorer map viewer, the framework delivers a web‐based mapping tool that is flexible and Open Source. The flexibility of the framework is an important dimension of its scalability, allowing it to be customizable, modular, and portable so that it is easily configurable to support additional research and education initiatives. This approach reverses a trend toward application‐specific web mapping development in Open Source GIS. To demonstrate flexibility, we configured an additional website for forest landowner management to be used by another state agency, the NC Forest Service.  相似文献   

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are moving from isolated, standalone, monolithic, proprietary systems working in a client‐server architecture to smaller web‐based applications and components offering specific geo‐processing functionality and transparently exchanging data among them. Interoperability is at the core of this new web services model. Compliance with Open Specifications (OS) enables interoperability. Web‐GIS software's high costs, complexity and special requirements have prevented many organizations from deploying their data and geo‐processing capabilities over the World Wide Web. There are no‐cost Open Source Software (OSS) alternatives to proprietary software for operating systems, web servers, and Relational Database Management Systems. We tested the potential of the combined use of OS and OSS to create web‐based spatial information solutions. We present in detail the steps taken in creating a prototype system to support land use planning in Mexico with web‐based geo‐processing capabilities currently not present in commercial web‐GIS products. We show that the process is straightforward and accessible to a broad audience of geographic information scientists and developers. We conclude that OS and OSS allow the development of web‐based spatial information solutions that are low‐cost, simple to implement, compatible with existing information technology infrastructure, and have the potential of interoperating with other systems and applications in the future.  相似文献   

An empirical modeling of road related and non‐road related landslide hazard for a large geographical area using logistic regression in tandem with signal detection theory is presented. This modeling was developed using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing data, and was implemented on the Clearwater National Forest in central Idaho. The approach is based on explicit and quantitative environmental correlations between observed landslide occurrences, climate, parent material, and environmental attributes while the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are used as a measure of performance of a predictive rule. The modeling results suggest that development of two independent models for road related and non‐road related landslide hazard was necessary because spatial prediction and predictor variables were different for these models. The probabilistic models of landslide potential may be used as a decision support tool in forest planning involving the maintenance, obliteration or development of new forest roads in steep mountainous terrain.  相似文献   

基于开源平台构建WebGIS应用系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李光师 《测绘科学》2011,36(6):259-261
本文介绍了开源GIS平台Geoserver及开源客户端OpenLayers,在此基础之上架构了一个三层B/S结构的WebGlS的应用系统,分析了各层的基本功能;对WebGIS系统的GIS服务器配置、空间数据库创建、客户端实现过程中涉及的部分关键技术及解决方法进行了详细的阐述.实验结果表明,基于开源GIS平台可以开发低成...  相似文献   

The solar radiation model r.sun is a flexible and efficient tool for the estimation of solar radiation for clear‐sky and overcast atmospheric conditions. In contrast to other models, r.sun considers all relevant input parameters as spatially distributed entities to enable computations for large areas with complex terrain. Conceptually the model is based on equations published in the European Solar Radiation Atlas (ESRA). The r.sun model was applied to estimate the solar potential for photovoltaic systems in Central and Eastern Europe. The overcast radiation was computed from clear‐sky values and a clear‐sky index. The raster map of the clear‐sky index was computed using a multivariate interpolation method to account for terrain effects, with interpolation parameters optimized using a cross‐validation technique. The incorporation of terrain data improved the radiation estimates in terms of the model's predictive error and the spatial pattern of the model outputs. Comparing the results of r.sun with the ESRA database demonstrates that integration of the solar radiation model and the spatial interpolation tools in a GIS can be especially helpful for data at higher resolutions and in regions with a lack of ground measurements.  相似文献   

University College London's Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE) offers a number of Masters programmes in topics related to Geomatics, including Surveying, Hydrographic Surveying, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Science. Data management, and in particular the technology and applications of Spatial Databases, forms a key part of the curriculum on these courses. Interest in Spatial Databases is, however, more widespread – especially with the increasing understanding of the relevance of geospatial techniques to fields as diverse as anthropology and architecture. This article describes the development and evaluation of a self‐paced hands‐on course on Databases and Spatial Databases for CEGE students, presented to students to complement and enhance in‐class teaching. The article focuses on both pedagogical elements of self‐paced learning and the suitability of Free and Open Source Software and Open Data (PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Quantum GIS, Open Street Map) for the Spatial Databases curriculum. The resulting material was evaluated by a cohort of 25 students in 2010, and their feedback (very positive) and the overall results provide an interesting insight into suitable methods to employ when teaching technical subjects to a cohort having differing background skill levels.  相似文献   

滑坡的敏感性涉及到很多因素,如滑坡体的坡度、坡的朝向、坡度的类型、岩石特性、海拔高度、植被覆盖等特征。神经网络具有非线性映射能力,利用这些与滑坡发生紧密相关的因素作为网络的输入,构造一个具有反映滑坡敏感性的评价网络,输出端为敏感性分析的结果。本文针对某具体地区,提取相关因素,构造评价指标体系并量化,利用该地区样本集数据对滑坡敏感性评价神经网络进行训练,用训练后的网络对实例并结合模糊评判进行了相互验证,结果说明利用神经网络和模糊评判进行滑坡敏感性分析是可行的。  相似文献   

A comprehensive Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) map is sought for adopting any landslide preventive and mitigation measures. In the present study, LSZ map of landslide prone Ganeshganga watershed (known for Patalganga Landslide) has been generated using a binary logistic regression (BLR) model. Relevant thematic layers pertaining to the causative factors for landslide occurrences, such as slope, aspect, relative relief, lithology, tectonic structures, lineaments, land use and land cover, distance to drainage, drainage density and anthropogenic factors like distance to road, have been generated using remote sensing images, field survey, ancillary data and GIS techniques. The coefficients of the causative factors retained by the BLR model along with the constant have been used to construct the landslide susceptibility map of the study area, which has further been categorized into four landslide susceptibility zones from high to very low. The resultant landslide susceptibility map was validated using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showing an accuracy of 95.2 % for an independent set of test samples. The result also showed a strong agreement between distribution of existing landslides and predicted landslide susceptibility zones.  相似文献   

One of the simplest location models in terms of its constraint structure in location‐allocation modeling is the location set‐covering problem (LSCP). Although there have been a variety of geographic applications of the set‐covering problem (SCP), the use of the SCP as a facility location model is one of the most common. In the early applications of the LSCP, both potential facility sites as well as demand were represented by points discretely located in geographic space. The advent of geographic information systems (GIS), however, has made possible a greater range of object representations that can reduce representation error. The purpose of this article is to outline a methodology using GIS and K = 3 central place lattices to solve the LSCP when demand is continuously distributed over a bounded area and potential facility sites have not been defined a priori. Although, demand is assumed to exist over an area, it is shown how area coverage can be accomplished by the coverage of a point pattern. Potential facility site distributions based on spacings that are powers of one‐third the coverage distance are also shown to provide more efficient coverage than arbitrarily chosen spacings. Using GIS to make interactive adjustments to an incomplete coverage also provides an efficient alternative to smaller spacings between potential facility sites for reducing the number of facilities necessary for complete coverage.  相似文献   

The reliability of habitat maps that have been generated using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and image processing of remotely sensed data can be overestimated. Habitat suitability and spatially explicit population viability models are often based on these products without explicit knowledge of the effects of these mapping errors on model results. While research has considered errors in population modeling assumptions, there is no standardized method for measuring the effects of inaccuracies resulting from errors in landscape classification. Using landscape‐scale maps of existing vegetation developed for the USDA Forest Service in southern California from Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite data and GIS modeling, we performed a sensitivity analysis to estimate how mapping errors in vegetation type, forest canopy cover, and tree crown size might affect delineation of suitable habitat for the California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis). The resulting simulated uncertainty maps showed an increase in the estimated area of suitable habitat types. Further analysis measuring the fragmentation of the additional patches showed that they were too small to be useful as habitat areas.  相似文献   

India's coastline is under tremendous pressure. The current processes of development are becoming a threat to the ecology and livelihoods housed on the coast. If left unchecked, there will not be much of a coast left for our future generations. GIS provides tremendous opportunities to map spatial information for better decision‐making. Government agencies generate maps, but they are localized and inaccessible, preventing an actual assessment of the damage that is already happening to our coast. The Coastal Area Mapping Project (CAMP) envisions creating a collaborative GIS platform using open source technologies. CAMP's vision is to use Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for collaboration and cocreation and collective problem solving. CAMP foresees a vision for India's coastline where power is equalized among all constituencies (Government, corporations, media, communities, civil societies, etc.), by capturing the big picture and patterns, thus enabling the creation of strategies for stewardship of India's coastline for human wellbeing, coastal protection and sustainable coastal development.  相似文献   

This paper reports on recent experience with the development of aspace, an Open Source (OS) library for the geographic visualization and analysis of activity-travel behaviour. The paper begins with an overview of recent progress with respect to the convergence of Open Source technology, spatial analysis, and travel behaviour research. The remainder of the paper focuses on aspace; a collection of functions that, when combined with data describing the geographical location of daily activities, can be used to visualize and describe spatial properties of individual and household activity spaces. These properties include: size, orientation, shape, and the geographical dispersion of activity locations contained within the activity space. Several planar geometries are used to transform measurable spatial properties into intuitive objects for visualizing spatial patterns of activity participation. Experiments are conducted, using data from the first wave of the 2003 Toronto Travel Activity Panel Survey, to demonstrate the potential application of aspace for basic and applied policy-based research into activity-travel behaviour. The toolkit is distributed as a downloadable ‘package’ from the Open Source R Project for Statistical Computing.   相似文献   

现代信息技术的变革使网络技术与GIS的结合日益紧密 ,从而促进了开放GIS技术的研究。开放式GIS研究的目的是提供一套具有开放界面规范的通用组件 ,开发者根据这些规范开发出交互式组件 ,从而实现不同种类地理数据和地理处理方法间的透明访问。文中主要讨论了基于CORBA的开放式GIS的网络系统构建技术 ,使用户能在分布式的多服务器且存在异构的网络环境中共享地理空间数据。  相似文献   

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