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大连临港产业集群发展研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
产业集群的优势对区域经济发展和区域竞争力的提升发挥着越来越重要的作用。辽宁沿海经济带上升为国家战略,归根到底要落实到临港产业集群化。就大连而言,应重点围绕船舶修造产业群、先进装备制造产业群、港行物流中心产业群、高新技术产业群和滨海旅游产业群做强海洋经济,并提出临港产业集群发展的对策建议。 相似文献
临港产业集群的形成和发展有利于提升临港地区的经济实力和竞争力,发挥其增长极的作用,促进区域经济的全面发展。作为中国的第一大港口城市,上海临港产业集群的发展情况一直备受各界关注。采用2001年-2009年的相关数据,通过建立双对数模型,对上海市临港产业集群各产业指标进行实证分析并得到相应的弹性系数,为探讨上海港口产业培育及今后的发展方向提供参考。 相似文献
长期以来,临港产业已经成为拉动世界及我国沿海地区经济发展的一个重要因素。文章在分析大连市临港产业现状、存在问题以及对大连市、辽宁省,甚至整个东北老工业基地重要战略意义的基础之上,提出了临港产业发展由"点"到"带"的地域组织思路。 相似文献
青岛市的海洋产业发展战略是在保持第一产业稳定增长的条件下,大力发展第二产业,依靠科技进步提高第二产业的比重,稳定第三产业,优化海洋产业结构。建立东北亚航运中心、修造船和临海工业基地、海洋药物基地、海水淡化基地、海水增养殖基地和海洋科技产业城和滨海旅游城。 相似文献
"集群"是指集中于一定区域内特定产业的众多具有分工合作关系的不同规模等级的企业与其发展有关的各种机构、组织等行为主体,通过纵横交错的网络关系紧密联系在一起的空间积聚体,代表着介于市场和等级制之间的一种新的空间经济组织形式。文章主要研究台湾海峡的港口集群,历来学者很少涉及,目的是了解在内部与外部环境影响下主要港口之间的合作与相互作用和港口集群发展过程中政策起到的驱动作用。台湾海峡具有充足丰富的资源、得天独厚的地理位置和广阔的市场,台湾港口具有先进的基础设施和信息技术管理水平,而福建港口具有富裕的资源和广阔的腹地,两者具有互补优势,形成产业集群将提升彼此的市场竞争力。因此,台湾海峡港口集群一体化具有一定的现实意义。 相似文献
2008年,江苏沿海开发上升至国家战略层面.作为江苏沿海中部的土地、资源大县射阳县,如何抢抓发展机遇,加快临港工业发展,引领县域经济科学发展,是摆在该县面前的一个迫切需要研究的课题.试从射阳临港工业发展的现状和面临的瓶颈制约入手,提出准确把握临港工业拐点机遇和加快射阳沿海经济发展的几点建议. 相似文献
一、发挥资源比较优势,加快都市渔业发展步伐青岛市崂山区濒临黄海,位于青岛市东部,海岸线全长103.7km,辖大、小海岛15个,领海基线内海域面积3700km2,拥有国家一级和二级渔港各1处,群众渔港14处,优良海湾6处,可用于养殖的海域面积2万hm2余。海域广阔,水质肥沃,有水生动植物优良繁育的自然环境。海域栖息的海洋生物繁多,潮间带藻类有100余种,底栖动物300余种,鱼类119种,主要经济鱼类49种,为发展海洋生物增养殖提供了丰富的资源条件。全区渔业村27个,渔业劳动力2.2万人,占全区劳动力总数的23.1%,机动渔船2422艘,总吨位10113t。近年来,崂山区海… 相似文献
This paper explores the practical experiences of the cluster development of the deep ocean water (DOW) industry in the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan. The DOW industry is emerging as a new sector for utilizing diverse applications in the water, aquaculture, agriculture, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, tourism, and energy industries. Porter's perspective of the cluster is used to compare DOW commercialization in the three countries and to analyze their interactions with the economy, society, and technology. Using a multiple case study, this paper presents some implications beyond the geographical proximity, especially the triple-helix of academy, industry, and government within the borderless cluster. Finally, a comprehensive comparison among the three countries is examined to offer implications to managers and policy makers in the DOW industry. 相似文献
渤海湾港口群是渤海湾城市圈对外开放的门户,是其参与国际贸易的纽带。随着渤海湾城市圈经济的高速发展,迫切需要建立一个具有强大竞争力的港口群作为其发展的坚实后盾。本文通过分析渤海湾港口群的吞吐量和集装箱的发展现状,认为渤海湾港口群已经无法满足渤海湾城市圈经济高速发展的需要.改革势在必行。渤海湾地区是新一轮世界产业转移的最优区位,腹地雄厚的经济实力和充足的货源都为渤海湾港口群的振兴提供难得的机遇。同时渤海湾港口群也面临着一定的挑战。实践证明“和则同兴,分则同衰”。最后,本文提出了促进渤海湾港口群协同发展的几点对策。 相似文献
青草沙水库是长江河口的一个重大工程,显著改变了北港上段的河势。河势的变化会引起流场和泥沙质量浓度的变化,进而影响河床的冲淤。本文应用三维水动力和泥沙数值模式,计算和分析了青草沙水库工程对附近水域流场、泥沙质量浓度和冲淤的影响。青草沙水库工程建设后,北港河道束窄,导致水库北侧河道主槽流速和泥沙质量浓度增加。水库工程使得进入北港的径流量和纳潮量减少,导致青草沙水库以东、北港下段和拦门沙区域流速和泥沙质量浓度下降。应用半理论半经验河床冲淤公式和模式计算的工程前后流速、泥沙质量浓度和水位数据,给出了由水库工程造成的河床冲淤变化分布。在水库以北北港水域发生普遍冲刷,冲刷强度最大可达2~3 m,冲淤分布和量值与工程前后实测水深变化吻合良好。数值模式较好地模拟了青草沙水库工程对附近水域冲淤分布的影响和变化量值。 相似文献
Combined conductivity-temperature-depth(CTD) casts and Argo profiles, 3 086 historical hydrocasts were used to quantify the water column characteristics in the northern South China Sea(SCS) and its adjacent waters. Based on a two-dimensional "gravest empirical mode"(GEM), a gravitational potential(, a vertically integrated variable) was used as proxy for the vertical temperature profiles TG(p,). integrated from 8 MPa to the surface shows a close relationship with the temperature, except in the deep layer greater than 15 MPa, which was caused by the bimodal deep water in the region. The GEM temperature profiles successfully revealed the bimodality of the Luzon Strait deep water, that disparate hydrophic vertical profiles can produce distinct specific volume anomaly() in the SCS and the western Philippine Sea(WPS), but failed in the Luzon Strait, where different temperature profiles may produce a same. A significant temperature divergence between the SCS water and the WPS water confirmed that the bimodal structure is strong. The deepwater bifurcation starts at about 15 MPa, and gets stronger with increasing depth. As the only deep channel connecting the bimodal-structure waters, water column characteristics in the Luzon Strait is in between, but much closer to the SCS water because of its better connectivity with the SCS. A bimodal temperature structure below 15 MPa reveals that there was a persistent baroclinic pressure gradient driving flow through the Luzon Strait. A volume flux predicted through the Bashi Channel with the hydraulic theory yields a value of 5.62×106 m3/s using all available profiles upstream and downstream of the overflow region, and 4.03×106and 2.70×106 m3/s by exclusively using the profiles collected during spring and summer, respectively. No volume flux was calculated during autumn and winter because profiles are only available for the upstream of the Bashi Channel during the corresponding period. 相似文献
Shizuo Tsunogai 《Journal of Oceanography》1972,28(4):145-152
A simple advection-diffusion model is applied to the deep water of the North Pacific Ocean. The physical mixing parameter, i.e., the ratio of vertical advection velocity (W) to vertical eddy diffusivity (D), is obtained from the vertical distribution of a conservative property such as salinity. The rate of decomposition of organic matter is estimated from the oxygen consumption rate which is obtained from dissolved oxygen content. The calcium carbonate flux in the deep water is obtained from alkalinity. Using these values and the vertical distribution of a radioisotope,14C or226Ra, the vertical eddy diffusivity and the upwelling velocity are found to be 1.2 cm2/sec and 1.4 ×10–5 cm/sec, respectively, at the Geosecs 1969 station. The oxygen consumption rate at 3 km depth of the station is found to be 1.4×10–3ml/l/yr. 相似文献
The highest short-crested waves have been studied analytically and numerically by several workers, but without a conclusive view. An efficient numerical scheme is proposed in this paper which retains the water-surface elevations in an implicit form in the governing equations, rather than using a series approximation, thus improving the accuracy of the numerical results. Convergence of the numerical scheme is verified. The almost highest short-crested waves in deep water are then evaluated, which are defined for the condition with the largest wave energies. It is found that the critical angle for wave frequency reversal also demarcates the wave characteristics near breaking, for either kinematic or dynamic prominence. The known results available for the limiting two-dimensional cases of standing and progressive waves are compared favourably. 相似文献
Nataliya Stashchuk Vasiliy VlasenkoToby J. Sherwin 《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》2011,58(7):787-799
The overflow of dense water from the Nordic Seas through the Faroese Channels is investigated numerically using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology General Circulation Model. The model is forced by the removal of a barrier that separates different water masses in the bottom layer of the Faroe-Shetland Channel at the north-eastern boundary. An analysis of the output reveals that during its adjustment in the rotating channel the propagating flow is unstable and forms cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies in the Faroese Channels. The life-time of the cyclonic eddy is about 10 days, but an anti-cyclonic eddy that is formed upstream of the sill crest of the Faroe Bank Channel has a longer life-time. However, after 50 days it eventually loses its structure below 400 m due to the decay of a counter-rotating current. In the upper 400 m layer this anti-cyclonic eddy remains persistent for longer. Observational evidence of the eddy is confirmed by the tracks of experimental drifters released in the area and by the temperature and salinity fields observed in the Faroese Channels.The pinching of isotherms along the Wyville Thomson Ridge results in the concentration of cold water on the southern side of the Faroese Channels that overflows into the Rockall Trough. The model results demonstrate that the main part of the cold water outflows through the Faroe Bank Channel, rather than across the Wyville Thompson Ridge, due to Earth rotation. The apparent similarity of modelled temperature, salinity and velocity sections to recent measurements in this area adds confidence to these results. 相似文献