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Equations have been presented previously which predict that reflector curvature can affect significantly seismic reflection amplitudes at both zero and nonzero source-receiver offsets. Here the fact that faults are generally concave-upward is used to examine the curvature effect for compaction-driven faults which the sediments have both exponential and logarithmic porosity decreases with increasing depth.The curvature effect is generally larger over upwardly concave reflectors where amplitudes can either increase with offset (exposed focus) or decrease with offset (buried focus). The magnitude of the effect depends on the ratio between the depth to the structure and the radius of curvature of the structure. A phase change of 90° also occurs at a critical offset in the case of an exposed focus concave-upward reflector, with decreasing amplitude at offsets larger than the critical value. Dip move-out (DMO) dominantly removes the amplitude variation with offset due to curvature. These results suggest that when looking for amplitude variations with offset in a fault prospect, DMO should be applied as a preprocessing step. Compaction-driven faults have an exposed focus and, for an exponential variation of porosity with depth, there is a maximum curvature effect at a depth roughly the same as the scaling depth for the porosity. Logarithmic porosity with depth variations suggest a continued increase in the curvature effect of faults with increasing depth, to a maximum amplitude increase of about 35% relative to a plane interface.  相似文献   

The reason why the synthetic amplitude distance curves of P-waves for models IASP91 and PREM, observed for shallow sources up to epicentral distance of 28°, oscillate is illustrated by means of synthetic seismograms. Furthermore the position of the beginning of the diffraction of the P-wave at the CMB, depending on the prevailing signal period, is discussed in connection with the extension of Fresnel volumes.  相似文献   

Short-period teleseismicP waves from the Nevada Test Site (NTS) show systematic variations in amplitudes and travel times, with low amplitudes corresponding to fast travel times, suggesting elastic focussing-defocussing effects. Also, the azimuthal amplitude and travel time patterns for events at the Pahute Mesa subsite are systematically different from those at the Yucca Flat subsite, indicating the presence of a near-source component in both the amplitude and travel-time variations. This component is isolated by removing the mean station pattern for all of NTS from the observations. A very-near-source component in the Pahute Mesa observations is also isolated by removing subsite station means from the measurements, whereas the Yucca Flat observations exhibited no coherent very-near-source component. These anomalies are back-projected through laterally homogeneous structure to form thin lens models at various depths. Travel-time delays are predicted from the amplitude variations using the equation for wavefront curvature. The long-wavelength components of the predicted and observed time delays correlate well, at depths of 25 km for the very-near-source component under Pahute Mesa and 160 km for the regional component under NTS. The time delay surfaces predicted by the amplitudes at these depths are mapped into warped velocity discontinuities suitable for the calculation of synthetic seismograms using the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral formulation. Both the intersite (near-source) and intrasite (very-near-source) differences in amplitudes are qualitatively predicted very well, although the range of variation is somewhat underpredicted. This deficiency is likely due to the destructive interference of anomalies inherent in back-projection to a single layer.  相似文献   

The local subduction geometry at a site south of Puget Sound in western Washington is investigated using teleseismicP-waveforms recorded on a three-component event triggered seismograph. The data are processed using source equalization deconvolution in order to isolate locally convertedP-to-S arrivals and stacked to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Stable arrivals in the radial component indicate an oceanic Moho within the subducted slab at a depth of about 53 km beneath the station. Observed amplitude variations with azimuth in the radial data, as well as qualitative aspects of the tangential data, are used to establish a slab dip of 16° to the southeast. Our results are compatible with previous results from a site 60 km to the west, and further confirm a substantial warp in the regional geometry of the subducted Juan de Fuca plate.  相似文献   

沉水植物是维持浅水湖泊清水稳态以及湖泊生态系统结构与功能的关键生物类群.近年来,气候变化和人类活动的双重作用造成湖泊水文情势的明显改变,对沉水植物的生长、繁殖和演替有着较大的影响.本文选取2个水位波动幅度与2个波动频率(逐渐改变水位),以恒定水位作为对照,研究湿地中具有重要生态功能的沉水植物刺苦草(Vallisneria spinulosa)的生物量及地上和地下营养器官形态结构对水位波动的响应.结果表明,相对于恒定水位,波动水位(低幅度低频率、低幅度高频率、高幅度低频率、高幅度高频率)对刺苦草的总生物量和获取限制资源相关器官有显著影响.相比于对照组,水位波动能够显著降低刺苦草分株数、叶片数、根数、根长、匍匐茎数、总匍匐茎长以及叶、根、地上和地下生物量,但会显著增加其株高和比叶面积.不同波动频率(低频率和高频率)和幅度(低幅度和高幅度)对光合器官的形态特征都没有显著影响,但叶和地上部分的生物量积累均受到波动幅度的显著影响.水位波动幅度显著改变了刺苦草的根数和根长,而波动频率的影响不显著.因此,对浅水湖泊受损刺苦草群落进行重建时,应避免较大幅度的水位波动,从而有利于增强植株快速恢复的能力.  相似文献   

The attenuation factor QP at the top of the inner core is evaluated by using the amplitude spectral ratio of PKPdf and PKPbc phases observed at African stations (BGCA mostly), from strong deep earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean area. The maximum depth of penetration of the PKPdf phase into the inner core (IC) is roughly 377 km, and the sampled region of IC is centered beneath the Southern Indian Ocean. The derived mean value of QP is 249 ± 31 (95% confidence level) in the frequency range 0.2–2 Hz, where no frequency dependence of attenuation has been reliably observed. By using Student’s t-test, we show that the value is statistically significantly different (with a probability greater than 95%) from other mean values of Q derived by using the same method, for both the western (180 °W to 40 °E) and eastern (40 °E to 180 °E) hemispheres of the IC. The decrease of Q with the radius of the turning point (denoted by rTP), according to QP = 840 − 0.62 rTP, has a moderate statistical support (the R-squared value is 38%). A slightly increase of Q as a function of the angle of the PKPdf path within the inner core with respect to the Earth’s spin axis is observed, in agreement with various investigations performed in the time domain. However, the value of the anisotropy, if any, is suggested to be around 3%.  相似文献   

The determination of a local lithospheric stress pattern from low magnitude seismic activity recorded at a loca array is attempted by means of numerical simulations that include waveform inversion and annealing inversion techniques. A set of flat stratified layers are assumed for the propagating medium. The tests show that the annealing algorithm is a useful tool in this kind of study where collected seismic activity at local arrays could help us better understand local stress distributions in the lithosphere. Although real data recorded at local seismic arrays should be processed, assuming more realistic crust and upper mantle models, many characteristics of the annealing process described here could be used when studying real problems.  相似文献   

We relocate 81 large nuclear explosions that were detonated at the Balapan and Degelen Mountain subregions of the Semipalatinsk test site in Kazakhstan during the years 1978 to 1989. The absolute locations of these explosions are available, as well as very accurate estimates of their origin times. This ground truth information allows us to perform a detailed analysis of location capability. We use a sparse network of stations with highly accurate first arrival picks measured using a waveform cross-correlation method. These high quality data facilitate very accurate location estimates with only a few phases per event. We contrast two different approaches: 1) a calibration-based approach, where we achieve improved locations by using path corrections, and 2) a model-based approach, where we achieve improved locations by relocating in a recently published global 3-D P-velocity model. Both methods result in large improvements in accuracy of the obtained absolute locations, compared to locations obtained in a 1-D reference earth model (ak135). The calibration-based approach gives superior results for this test site, in particular when arrival times from regional stations are included. Estimated locations remain well within a 1000 km2 region surrounding the ground truth locations when the path corrections for the Balapan and Degelen Mountain subregions are interchanged, but even for the short separation between these two regions, we find variations in the path corrections that cause systematic mislocations. The model-based approach also results in substantially reduced mislocation distances and has the distinct advantage that it is, in principle, transportable to other source regions around the world.  相似文献   

谭皓原  王志 《中国地震》2018,34(3):473-483
使用地震层析成像方法反演了中国台湾地区-菲律宾群岛的1197126条P波震相和1217821条S波震相,首次同时得到了该地区从地表到100km的纵横波速度结构。成像结果揭示了沿着马尼拉海沟向东俯冲的欧亚板块从中国台湾西南部到吕宋岛南端构造形态上的变化;中国台湾中央山脉由于受到造山运动的影响,地壳厚度可达55~60km,而山脉两侧的地壳厚度多为20~35km;此外,成像结果还提供了菲律宾海板块在中国台湾东北部及琉球海沟下方北向俯冲的地球物理学证据;研究区域南部的菲律宾群岛由于同时受到两侧欧亚板块和菲律宾海板块的双向俯冲,使得岛内的岩石圈变形严重,岛弧岩浆和地震活动十分发育;群岛东侧的菲律宾海板块在东吕宋海槽的活动性较弱,很可能是本哈姆海台的碰撞和俯冲所造成的,而菲律宾海板块在菲律宾海沟的俯冲活动则十分强烈,随着深度的增加逐渐向南发展。研究表明,板块俯冲造成了中国台湾地区-菲律宾群岛的地壳及上地幔具有较强的不均一性,这不仅孕育了大量的地震和火山活动,同时也对该地区的地质构造产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

The seismic attenuation in the Vrancea region (Romania) is investigated from teleseismic recordings of P and pP waves during the four major, intermediate-depth Romanian events that occurred since the onset of digital instrumentation. Most stations are located in Canada and in the United States, being equipped with a variety of sensors, especially short-period ones. The amplitude spectral ratio method is used, assuming no frequency dependence of the Q P factor in the range 0.2–2 Hz. No apparent correlation between the derived attenuation value and the type of recording sensor is observed. Lateral variations of the attenuation are obtained, with a very low Q P area (values down to 33) located in the northwestern part of the Vrancea seismogenic volume. For the stations with different azimuth angles in relation to the epicentral area, Q P values routinely exceed 200. Most likely, the low attenuation values are related to an upwelling mantle material located immediately beneath the crust, but limited in depth to at least 100 km.  相似文献   

水深是影响浅水湖泊沉水植物生长的主要因素之一.莲座型苦草(Vallisneria natans)和冠层型穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)是我国长江中下游浅水湖泊中常见的沉水植物种类,二者在形态特征上具有较大的差异.在自然水体中,水深变化对这两种植物的生长以及竞争格局的影响还有待研究.本文设计了3个水深梯度(水深0.5、1.5、2.5 m),探讨混栽条件下苦草和穗花狐尾藻生长和竞争格局对水深变化的响应.结果显示在实验系统内,中水深(1.5 m)处理组对两种植物的生长均最有利,表现为两种植物的相对生长率和生物量均最高.低水深(0.5 m)处理组苦草的生物量和相对生长率均显著低于高水深(2.5 m)处理组;穗花狐尾藻则相反,高水深对其生长的抑制作用更大.2种沉水植物在高水深胁迫时均表现出地上部分(叶长或茎长)增加,地下部分(根长)减少的形态响应特征.此外,随着水深由高到低,苦草与穗花狐尾藻生物量之比逐渐减小,表明苦草在两种植物中的竞争优势逐渐降低.研究表明湖泊水深变化不仅能够影响沉水植物的丰度,同时还可能会影响沉水植物的群落结构,而在我国浅水湖泊的生态修复实践中,在通过水位调控恢复沉水植物时,调控范围应考虑目标植物(如苦草)的光合特征.  相似文献   

秀丽白虾(Exopalaemon modestus)是我国大型淡水湖库的重要经济渔获对象,也是水体中浮游动物的捕食者之一.以往的研究从渔业的角度揭示了秀丽白虾的生物学特征与食性,但少有研究探讨秀丽白虾这一无脊椎动物捕食者对春、夏季浮游生物群落的影响.本研究设计了一个单因素户外微宇宙实验,比较了春季—初夏(4-6月)时期,有无秀丽白虾条件下水体氮、磷浓度以及浮游生物生物量和群落结构的变化.结果 表明:1)秀丽白虾的存在显著降低了春季水体总氮(TN)浓度,增加了水体总磷(TP)浓度,降低了水体TN∶TP比值;2)秀丽白虾的捕食减少了大型枝角类Daphnia pulex和浮游动物总生物量,D.pulex在浮游动物群落中的优势度被轮虫取代,浮游动物群落趋于小型化;3)秀丽白虾显著增加了春季水体叶绿素a浓度,但对浮游植物群落结构的影响不明显.研究表明在大型湖库中,秀丽白虾等无脊椎动物捕食者可能是影响浮游生物群落变化的因素之一,在春季浮游生物研究中应予以关注.  相似文献   

Since it is often difficult to estimate possible adverse effects due to contamination in selected ecosystems, multi-species biomonitoring may provide more information, taking into account different routes of exposure, ecological roles and metabolic capabilities of animals. In this context, we exposed for 7 days the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the crab Carcinus aestuarii to 4-nonylphenol (NP), a well-known xenoestrogen. In mussels (0–0.2 mg NP l−1), we measured NP bioaccumulation in soft tissues and vitellogenin (Vg)-like protein levels in digestive glands from both males and females by the alkali-labile phosphate assay (ALP). As no reference data were available for crab exposure, the NP 96-h LC50 value was previously determined. Then, in sublethally exposed (0–1.0 mg NP l−1) male crabs, NP bioaccumulation and Vg levels were measured in hemolymph, gonads and digestive gland. Bioaccumulation of NP increased from 43 to 371 μg g−1 d.w. in mussels, and from 3.6 to 37 μg g−1 d.w. in crabs, depending on the NP concentration in water. Dose-dependent Vg-like protein induction was observed in both species, appearing to be related to NP bioaccumulation, although a partial decrease was recorded at the highest concentration tested. A similar trend was observed in both digestive gland and gonad of exposed crabs; Vg increased to a lesser extent, although significantly, in hemolymph. Results demonstrated that NP induces Vg synthesis both in male and female mussels, as well as in male crabs. On the basis of the responsiveness of both species investigated, a multi-species approach is indicated in biomonitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Seismic data recorded at the broad-band teleseismic GRF array and theshort-period regional GERESS array, which is a designated IMS primarystation, are analyzed to determine the effectiveness of teleseismic P-wave complexity for the purpose of seismic event screening within theframework of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification. For theGRF array, seismic waveform data from nearly 200 nuclear explosions havebeen recorded since its installation in the late 1970's, which were studiedalong with several thousand earthquakes from the last few years.Additionally, we investigated teleseismic P wave complexity for a similarnumber of earthquakes recorded at GERESS. However, owing to itsoperation starting in 1991, only a limited number of nuclear explosionseismograms are available for study.For nuclear explosions, complexity does not exceed levels of 0.3 except fora number of events from the Nevada Test Site recorded only at the GRFarray and located at a large distance where PcP may interfere with the initialP wavelet. Since all events with complexity at GRF larger than 0.3 areexclusively located on Pahute Mesa within the Nevada Test Site,near-source geology or topography must play a dominant role for theseincreased complexity values, while PcP may not contribute significantly tothe high-frequency energy measured by the complexity parameter.Although many earthquakes show complexities below this level, for morethan 25% of the earthquakes investigated the complexities determined arelarger than 0.7, thus showing distinctly larger values than nuclearexplosions. Therefore, this percentage may be screened as earthquakes fromall seismic events detected. As currently only about half of the eventsdetected by the global IMS network are screened out based on focal depthand the m b :M s criterion, teleseismic P-wavecomplexity may contribute significantly to the task of seismic eventscreening.  相似文献   

为探究重污染底泥对沉水植物繁殖体萌发和幼苗生长影响,以苦草(Vallisneria natans)种子和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)冬芽为研究对象,以轻污染底泥为对照组,通过室内模拟实验研究了重污染底泥对两种繁殖体萌发和幼苗生长、生理特性的影响。实验结果表明,与轻污染底泥相比,重污染底泥对苦草种子萌发和幼苗生长无显著影响。黑藻冬芽萌发和幼苗地上部生物量在两组间没有显著差异,但重污染底泥组幼苗的地下部生物量显著高于轻污染底泥组,其地上部和地下部生物量比值由7.06±0.38下降至2.97±0.08。此外,苦草和黑藻幼苗受到重污染底泥胁迫表现出不同的生理响应。苦草幼苗叶片的类胡萝卜素含量显著减少,可溶性糖和蛋白含量分别降低11.56%、24.10%,根系活力也明显受到抑制,仅为(34.93±3.28) mg/(g·h);黑藻幼苗生理响应与苦草略有不同,其叶片的叶绿素a、b含量显著增加,根系活力降低44.29%,可溶性糖和蛋白含量在轻污染组和重污染组之间无显著差异。由此可见,重污染底泥对苦草种子和黑藻冬芽的萌发影响不显著,但会明显影响幼苗的生长发育和生理特性,研究结果为...  相似文献   

在不同的光照强度下,测定了铜绿微囊藻、斜生栅藻在不同生长期的藻细胞密度、粒径、叶绿素a浓度、浮游植物吸收系数以及比吸收系数.单因素方差分析表明,在整个培养周期中,光照强度对铜绿微囊藻及斜生栅藻的藻细胞密度、叶绿素a浓度以及440、675 nm处吸收系数均有着显著的影响.两种藻在光照强度为50μmol/(m2.s)条件下,藻细胞密度、叶绿素a浓度及吸收系数值相对最大.相关性分析表明:藻类特征波段440、675 nm吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度、藻细胞密度在不同光照条件下都存在着显著的正相关性,其中叶绿素a浓度与藻类吸收系数存在着幂函数的关系,而线性关系能更好的说明藻细胞密度与吸收系数之间的关系.在不同光照强度及培养时期,藻类比吸收系数在一定的范围内波动,随光强增加比吸收系数呈上升趋势.铜绿微囊藻440、675 nm处比吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度呈显著的负相关关系,而斜生栅藻比吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度之间无显著相关,体现了不同藻类由于色素组成及比例差异其色素包裹效应也各不相同.对不同光照强度下的铜绿微囊藻及斜生栅藻进行400~700 nm波段积分,得到了两者在5、50及100μmol/(m2.s)不同种光强下的平均比吸收系数分别为0.0144、0.0134、0.0160,0.0086、0.0088、0.0105 m2/(mg Chl.a),铜绿微囊藻比吸收系数明显大于斜生栅藻.  相似文献   

李旭  于洁  李峰  胡聪  曾静  侯志勇  谢永宏  陈心胜 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1651-1661
以洞庭湖典型湿地植物辣蓼为目标植物,短尖苔草为邻近植物,通过控制实验研究不同水位(30、0和-30 cm)和竞争(无竞争、全部竞争、地上竞争和地下竞争)模式下目标植物生长及生态化学计量特征的变化.结果表明:水位处理显著影响不同竞争模式下的生物量积累,辣蓼生物量随水位增加显著降低;-30 cm水位无竞争模式下生物量最大,为10.84±1.52 g.在30 cm和0 cm水位梯度下,不同竞争模式下的生物量间无显著差异.但-30 cm水位下,地下竞争模式下的辣蓼生物量积累较全竞争模式和地上竞争模式下显著增多,说明非胁迫条件下,辣蓼和苔草的竞争以地上竞争为主.水位处理对辣蓼叶片、茎和根的氮、磷含量影响显著,30 cm水位下,叶片氮、磷含量显著高于其他水位下的含量.在-30cm水位下,叶片C∶N和C∶P显著高于其他水位下的比值,分别为48.08±3.85、590.3±43.4.相比于对照处理(无竞争),竞争作用下的辣蓼总氮含量降低,而C∶N值增加,N∶P值降低,这可能是因为竞争作用导致辣蓼对氮的吸收减少所致.  相似文献   

方婷轩  马增岭 《湖泊科学》2018,30(3):732-740
浮游植物间的交互化感作用被认为是自然水体中浮游生物群落演替及优势种转换的主要因素之一.铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)是富营养化湖泊中的常见蓝藻,其产毒品系相较非产毒品系具有较高的竞争优势,其产生的主要次生代谢产物微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR)通常被认为是重要的化感物质.但是到目前为止其在水生生态系中的生物学功能尚不明确.为探究并区分MC-LR及其他次生代谢产物对浮游植物的化感效应,本文研究了MC-LR与高浓度普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)生长及有效量子产率的剂量—效应关系;比较了能够产生显著抑制效应的MC-LR、能够产生同等浓度MC-LR的产毒品系铜绿微囊藻滤液以及细胞粗提液对小球藻生长及有效量子产率的抑制效应.结果显示,MC-LR能够对小球藻生长及有效量子产率产生抑制作用,并且抑制率随着MC-LR浓度的增加而增大.在用200μg/L及以上浓度的MC-LR感染24 h后,叶绿素a浓度为1500μg/L的小球藻的生长与有效量子产率均比对照组显著降低.能够产生相同浓度MC-LR的产毒品系铜绿微囊藻细胞滤液对其没有产生显著影响,而其细胞粗提液却能够产生更强的抑制效应.与MCLR处理组相比,粗提液处理组小球藻的生长及有效量子产率分别降低了14%和3%.以上结果表明,MC-LR对普通小球藻的化感作用具有剂量依赖性;MC-LR之外的其他次生代谢物也能够产生抑制效应.  相似文献   

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