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朱新慧  王刃  孟键 《测绘科学》2010,35(1):13-15
我国大陆板块是欧亚大陆板块的重要组成部分,其板块运动剧烈,地质构造复杂,是全球研究板块运动的重要地区。本文通过对各个块体分别建模和解算,得出结论:中国地区除东北块体相对于欧亚板块不动外,其他块体均有不同程度的形变运动,东部形变较小,西部形变较大;华北块体总体上以大约6mm/a的速率向东运动;华南块体以约5~8mm/a的速率向东南方向运动;新疆块体以约10~15mm/a的速率向北东方向运动;西藏块体也向北东方向运动,但运动速率从南到北逐步减少。  相似文献   

文章定量分析了积雪、土壤水、海洋非潮汐3种非构造因素对中国大陆典型GPS连续站和区域网流动站垂直形变的影响特征;逐点计算了这些非构造因素对区域网GPS垂直形变的影响量级,得到经过非构造形变改正的中国大陆2009-2011GPS垂直速度场;并将通过荷载修正后的GPS垂直速度场与通过水准数据获得的中国大陆长期垂直速度场相比较.结果表明:修正后的区域网GPS垂直形变场能更加准确可靠地描述地壳的垂直运动.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯块体东北缘近期地壳垂直形变监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入分析并研究鄂尔多斯块体东北缘近期的地壳垂直形变趋势,基于区域中10条国家一等水准测量路线的共用水准点,通过分段平差计算其相应的高程平差值及垂直形变量,进而利用三角网法提取该地区的垂直形变速率等值线。通过效果图对比可知,近期鄂尔多斯块体东北缘呈现下沉的趋势,两个V型漏斗区分布于整个研究区域中部的南北两侧,南侧漏斗区的下沉速率较北侧偏大,这在一定程度上与该地区北高南低的地形走向大体一致。但对于V型漏斗区形成的具体原因还有待进一步研究并确认。  相似文献   

介绍了小区域GPS地壳形变监测网建立、观测和数据处理方法,提出了一种平面直角坐标下位移—应变关系计算模型,得到监测区的位移场、应变场及断层活动方式,进一步得到主应变及方向、最大剪应变、面膨胀等应变参量及应力。  相似文献   

以1999-2004年间中国西部地区近650个GPS站点的观测资料为基础,采用二维“高张力样条”函数内插算法获得了连续地壳形变场。结果表明,相对于稳定欧亚参考框架,中国西部现今地壳运动西强东弱,北向运动从西向东逐渐减弱,东向运动逐渐增强,青藏高原东缘及附近地区是东向运动的消减区带;主应变从西向东由压缩应变转变为拉伸应变;最大剪应变主要位于喜马拉雅地块及其东部地区;中国西部地区地震活动在空间分布上似乎集中发生在印度板块北东向挤压欧亚板块的两条共扼带内,与地壳形变场有一定对应关系,地壳形变的高应变率区为中强地震多发地带。  相似文献   

针对GNSS三维无约束平差不依赖基准且拥有高精度几何网形的特点,以GNSS监测网作为一个整体的时空观测单元,由GNSS网测站间相互关联的所有基线长度和基线夹角变化综合衡量网形的变化,用网形的变化集中反映区域地壳形变信息。利用地壳形变高空间相关性的特点,采用主成分时空响应分析的方法实现了区域地壳形变信息的快速提取。通过对2013年芦山Ms7.0地震近场区域陆态网GPS基准站2010—2014年观测数据的解算,提取并分析了对应地震前后近场区域地壳形变时空分布特征及形变的动态演变过程。  相似文献   

利用资源三号(ZY-3)高分辨率遥感影像提取三峡库区水体数据,通过负荷格林函数积分模型法计算出三峡水库蓄水过程中水体对地壳形变及对大地水准面的影响。研究发现:1三峡库区近岸地壳垂直形变与水库水位呈负相关关系,大地水准面与水库水位呈正相关关系;水位上升,长江近岸地面水平向内形变,方向指向江心;2三峡水库蓄水造成的地壳垂直形变最大可达35mm左右,大地水准面形变最大值在8mm左右,而对库区地壳水平形变影响不超过0.5mm;3出现形变最大值的地点是忠县环湾一带,而并非是三峡大坝周边。  相似文献   

Least-squares prediction using an empirically deduced local covariance function was performed to investigate the temporal change in the rates of vertical crustal movements in the Tohoku district, Japan. Levelling data covering an area of approximately 450 × 275 km2 observed between 1966 and 1995 were used and the results shown in the form of contour maps. Firstly we derived a covariance function of the rates of vertical crustal movement with a Gaussian form function. We used this function to estimate the spatial distribution of the rates of vertical crustal movements. By the present method, a steady tilt of the Tohoku district to the east, toward the Japan Trench and an areal uplift in the southwestern part were well reproduced. Moreover, a significant temporal change in vertical movement rates is clearly seen. Received: 15 July 1996   相似文献   

应用GPS定位技术进行城市或区域地壳变形监测,研究了GPS监测的数据处理和精度分析的理论和方法.使用高精度的定位分析软件GAMIT,对某城市地壳变形监测网的试验观测数据进行数据处理,并对解算得到的基线向量和坐标分别进行精度分析,结果表明:在100km范围内,GPS基线重复率在平面上比例误差可以达到10-8,垂直方向比例误差可以达到10-7;GPS监测点的三维坐标重复率精度可达到3mm左右,能满足城市或区域地壳变形监测的精度要求.  相似文献   

陈向阳  于金池  葛建  侯勇涛 《测绘通报》2019,(12):87-90,115
针对强震仪与GPS各自的优点与缺陷,以2016年意大利Mw 6.0级地震为例,探讨了利用Kalman滤波融合GPS与强震仪数据实时监测中等强度地震引起的瞬时地壳形变的可行性与优势。Kalman滤波获取的位移波形以GPS数据作为整体趋势,细节部分用强震仪数据进行描述,融合后的位移波形精度较高,能够准确和细致地描述地震引起的地表动态形变;与此同时,Kalman滤波位移波形也能够准确地探测中等强度地震引起的同震永久阶跃;Kalman滤波位移波形的功率谱在低频部分与GPS位移波形的功率谱密度相似,在高频部分与强震仪位移波形的功率谱密度相似,表明Kalman滤波结合了GPS与强震仪各自的优点;交叉小波分析表明,Kalman滤波获取的位移波形与GPS、强震仪数据呈现较强的正相关性,小波相似值均在0.8以上。以上结果表明,融合GPS与强震仪数据可以结合二者各自的优点,弥补各自的缺陷;融合GPS与强震仪数据可以有效探测中等强度地震引起的瞬时地壳形变。  相似文献   

利用1999~2013年间多期GPS观测数据,将云南地区分为5个活动块体,研究区域现今水平运动特征、应变特征以及各块体的运动特征,反演主要活动断裂带的走滑速率。结果表明,区域水平运动具有北强南弱的特征,小江断裂带、红河断裂带对云南地区构造活动具有明显控制作用,改变了断裂带两侧的运动特征;区域应变具有明显的差异,西部以拉张应变为主,东部小江断裂带周边地区拉张和挤压应变均衡且为强应变区,滇东地区应变较小;各块体运动方向与速率存在差异,滇东块体为逆时针旋转,其余块体顺时针旋转;基于块体模型反演的主要断裂带的走滑速率与地质方法获取的走滑速率具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

胡宏昌  徐建成 《测绘科学》2010,35(5):118-119
本文给出了半参数模型的小波估计方法,它克服了补偿最小二乘法的一些不足,并将该小波估计法应用于变形分析中,其计算结果优于已有的结果,从而说明了该方法能够有效地应用于变形分析的研究中。  相似文献   

本文根据地壳运动的全球通量均衡假说建立了地壳垂直形变场的分析模型,分析了以往作者所研究的球谐函数和球冠谐函数模型的优缺点,着重推导了在密切平面坐标系下该模型的Fourier级数解,该模型一方面可以简单地应用于地壳垂直形变场的逼近,另一方面为采用谱分析法提取地壳垂直形变场信息提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A study of the role of coordinate frame definitions in the determination of crustal deformation parameters is first carried out for the theoretical case where displacement information between two discrete time epochs is continuously available for all area points. The obtained results are next applied to the realistic case where the required continuous information is derived by means of an interpolation of the known coordinate variations at the points of a horizontal geodetic network. The problem is different from the usual one of frame-invariant interpolation, since not only the domain of definition, but also the interpolated quantities, depend on independent choices of coordinate frames. Specific necessary and sufficient conditions for the invariance of derived crustal deformation parameters are given for linear type of interpolations of either the coordinates at the second epoch or of the displacements. With the help of the above conditions the invariance characteristics of two commonly used types of linear interpolations are finally derived, in order to illustrate the practical significance of the results.  相似文献   

This paper first establishes the prior globe dynamical model by geophysics,which is a solid earth elastic deformation model.Then,the parameters of the globe dynamic model can be obtained by inverting the geodetic data.The inverse method can be used in seismology and geology,and to make earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

This paper first establishes the prior globe dynamical model by geophysics, which is a solid earth elastic deformation model. Then, the parameters of the globe dynamic model can be obtained by inverting the geodetic data. The inverse method can be used in seismology and geology, and to make earth-quake prediction.  相似文献   

The second Baltic Sea Level (BSL) GPS campaign was run for one week in June 1993. Data from 35 tide gauge sites and five fiducial stations were analysed, for three fiducial stations (Onsala, Mets?hovi and Wettzell) fixed at the ITRF93 system. On a time-scale of 5 days, precision was several parts in 109 for the horizontal and vertical components. Accuracies were about 1 cm in comparison with the International GPS Geodynamical Service (IGS) coordinates in three directions. To connect the Swedish and the Finnish height systems, our numerical application utilises three approaches: a rigorous approach, a bias fit and a three-parameter fit. The results between the Swedish RH70 and the Finnish N 60 systems are estimated to −19.3 ± 6.5, −17 ± 6 and −15 ± 6 cm, respectively, by the three approaches. The results of the three indirect methods are in an agreement with those of a direct approach from levelling and gravity measurements. Received: 3 April 1996 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSouthAmericaplate (SOAM )liesamongtheCaribbeanSea ,Peru Chileseagouge ,Nazca ,Cocos ,CaribbeanplateandAtlantic .Ithasapeculiartectonicfeature ,andisastrongdeformationregionoftectonicmovementintheSouthHemi sphere .Especially ,theAndesMountaininthewestedgeofSouthAmericacameintobeingduetothedeformationofear lyCenozoic[1 ] .Aroundthisregionthetectonicplateactivities ,suchasearthquakes ,volcaniceruption ,occurfrequently(Fig .1 ) .Ontheotherhand ,becauseofaforcefuleastwardpus…  相似文献   

This paper presents the contemporary motion and active deformation of South America plate and relative motion of Nazca-South America plate using space geodetic data. The South America plate is moving at average 14.5 mm/a with an azimuth of 15.2° and shrinking in the west-east at 10.9 mm/a. The geodetic deformations of sites with respect to the South America plate are in quite good agreement with the estimated deformations from NNR-NUVEL1A, but the deformation of the western South America regions is very large.  相似文献   

Hydropower has made a significant contribution to the economic development of Vietnam, thus it is important to monitor the safety of hydropower dams for the good of the country and the people. In this paper, dam horizontal displacement is analyzed and then forecasted using three methods: the multi-regression model, the seasonal integrated auto-regressive moving average (SARIMA) model and the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) merging models. The monitoring data of the Hoa Binh Dam in Vietnam, including horizontal displacement, time, reservoir water level, and air temperature, are used for the experiments. The results indicate that all of these three methods can approximately describe the trend of dam deformation despite their different forecast accuracies. Hence, their short-term forecasts can provide valuable references for the dam safety.  相似文献   

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