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地下水逸出氡和溶解氡观测系统的合理设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张新基  张炜 《地震》1993,(4):46-51
本文依据大量观测事实并参考前人所做的工作,对地下水中逸出氡和溶解氡观测系统合理设计进行了深入细致的分析和讨论。研究结果表明,观测系统设计中应注意的主要问题是观测井口装置中主支管空间位置的合理设计、逸出气“集气腔”的大小以及气体(包括自由气体和逸出气体)与液体的分离程度等。根据上述几点并结合井孔自身的不同条件,本文设计出了两种比较合理的井口装置模型,该模型的设计对今后逸出氡和溶解氡观测系统的改造和完善具有现实意义。  相似文献   

任何一项观测都要在一定的条件下进行,不同的观测条件会产生不同的观测结果。在断层土壤气实际观测中,由于观测装置的集气室安装方式不同形成了不同形式的集气装置,而不同形式的集气装置会对气氡观测结果产生不同影响。本文就不同形式的断层土壤气集气装置对气氡观测结果的影响进行了实验研究。结果表明,集气室滞留体积对观测结果影响较大,集气室不可保留滞留体积,应控制导气管的长度和粗细,尽量减少导气管产生的滞留体积对观测结果造成影响。集气室死体积对观测结果影响不大,可保留集气室死体积。模拟观测和数字化观测应使用不同模式的集气装置。  相似文献   

地震前兆观测是地震预报的基础。地震流体前兆观测在水资源过度开采的形势下,发展断层土壤气观测成为必然趋势。但地下流体观测技术规范未给出断层土壤气观测的集气-采气装置及采气条件的具体参数,而这些参数正是影响观测结果的重要因素。因此,本文对断层土壤气气氡观测的采气条件进行了实验研究及分析。结果表明,当日采气量一定时,集气室体积的大小对观测结果有较大影响。运用"采气率"这个概念来定量衡量断层土壤气观测装置系统的实用效果。集气室有效体积的大小应根据日采气量的多少来确定,采气量越大,集气室有效体积应越大,结合地震前兆观测实际,采气率应接近于1。本文实验研究结果对规范断层土壤气气氡观测提供了科学依据,也可供其它气体观测参考。  相似文献   

地下水中逸出气氡的研究:水化地震前兆新项目探索   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张炜  史勇 《中国地震》1992,8(1):18-25
本文通过对地下水中溶解氡和逸出氡的对比观测及其地震前兆的研究,阐明了地下水中逸出气氡对地壳岩石的变化具有较高的灵敏度,逸出气氡能够反映地壳岩石的潮汐变化。1989年大同阳高6.1级地震逸出气氡的变化突出、幅度大,表明它对地下应力微小变化能起到放大的作用。因此,逸出气氡作为新的地震前兆观测项目,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

地下水中逸出氡和溶解氡微动态特征的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张炜  张新基 《中国地震》1994,10(2):123-128
本文从大量的实际观测资料及多次震例资料出发,深入研究了逸出氡和溶解氡的微动态特征及其变化规律,研究结果表明,逸出氡对地壳岩石应力应变的反应程度比溶解氡更为灵敏。通过研究得出以下几点结论:(1)逸出氡和溶解氡和同动态变化均能反映地壳固体潮的变化特征;(2)逸出氡的潮汐变化更具有普遍性,并且其变化形态清晰完整;(3)逸出氡的前兆异常形态比溶解氡明显,异常幅度大,易于识别和辩认;(4)临震前逸出氡和溶解  相似文献   

庐江台人工测氡与数字化自动测氡对比分析研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以安徽庐江台观测资料为基础,分析数字化测氡与人工取样测氡结果的精度、相关性影响因素等。数字化测氡观测精度高,但受气温、气压影响较大;气氡与水氡资料动态特征有较大差异。数字化气氡值与人工测气氡、人工测水氡不相关。Rn气/Rn水与井水温成正比。由于数字化测氡观测时间较短,资料又非常有限,还缺少一定的震例,因此,在一定时间内数字化测氡与人工测水氡应同时进行。  相似文献   

利用现有水化学观测仪器设备对某些灵敏气体进行观测,比如使用水氡、水质、气体观测仪器设备进行断层土壤气氡、二氧化碳、气体观测的实验研究,并且给出了集气、采气装置的构成方式.氡气和气体观测采用真空负压采样法,使用水氡观测仪器和气相色谱仪.而土壤二氧化碳观测方法可采用碱溶液吸收法,采样时采用真空负压采样法或常压自然吸收法两种方式,还提出了氡气观测中设计采样装置时应注意的事项.  相似文献   

阿克苏断层气氡资料映震能力及检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王瑞平  王建新 《内陆地震》2001,15(3):275-280
引言地壳放气是十分普遍的自然现象 ,要深入研究这一过程 ,需要数量众多的观测点进行一个“场”的时、空追综监测。断层气浓度的变化往往取决于各种形式的构造活动 ,但在时间或空间上地壳放气作用并非恒定匀速地进行着 ,所以断层气的逸出量具有强烈的时空不均一性特点[1 ] 。从实际观测到的断层气的动态变化也充分体现了这一点。作为断层气的一种成份 ,断层气氡自 80年代开展观测以来 ,因其具有比液体迁移速度更快 ,穿透能力更强 ,对地震前兆反应更加明显的特点 ,立即引起了人们的极大兴趣 [2 ]。许多专家学者对此项研究做了大量的工作 ,并…  相似文献   

简要总结了乐都地震台水氡观测资料的利用价值、存在的问题,并对存在的问题进行了客观分析。乐都地震台的水氡观测改为断层气观测后,对气氡观测值的年变规律、地表水与地下水、地下水与承压水的水力联系进行了分析。  相似文献   

数字化气氡观测干扰因素的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在进行地下流体数字化气氡观测及将观测资料应用于震情分析的过程中 ,发现某些干扰因素对数字化气氡观测和水氡的影响不同。在目前所用观测仪器和方法的条件下 ,气温对气氡值的影响系数为 - 0 4 % /℃ ;气压对气氡测值的影响系数为 0 1% /hPa ;不同类型的气水分离装置对气氡观测的影响很显著 ;同一含水层的井 (泉 )出水量的短期变化可引起观测水井流量的变化 ,但对气氡测值影响不显著 ;气氡测值对逸出气流量的变化反映不明显 ;逸出气含有杂质及气路泄漏等均会引起测值的下降。结合仪器的工作原理 ,对干扰产生的机制以及排除的方法进行了讨论  相似文献   

夏县疗1井逸出He异常探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年8月以来,夏县疗1井共出现4次大幅度的逸出He高值异常。本文通过对观测井周围地质构造概况、冷、热水井的分布、地下水开采及补给、周围用水井的抽水试验分析,认为逸出He的高值异常与地下水开采关系不大,而与山西中南部及晋陕豫交界地区中等地震活动有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

SD-3A自动测氡仪山东网逸出氡资料分析与研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对SD-3A自动测氡仪在山东试验台网运行期间取得的连续逸出氡观测资料进行了全面深入的分析研究,同时为了说明SD-3A仪器观测逸出氡资料的一致性和可靠性,用FD-105K和FD-125测氡仪与SD-3A同时取100ml水样进行人工观测,其所测的氡浓度一致,之后又同时聚逸出氡气样进行观测,所测逸出氡浓度也一致,证明仪器的观测结果是可靠的。说明试验观测期间获得的1998年11月初逸出气氡大幅度高值异常是  相似文献   

对河南汤参1井的数字化氡与模拟水氡同期观测资料的对比结果表明:二相关性差;映震能力上数字化观测的地震前兆异常反映比模拟观测明显。  相似文献   

土壤气氡测量影响因素的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过分析实验资料和断层气氡测量中所遇到的问题,较全面地讨论了断层气氡测量中地因素和明因素的影响。分析了断层气氡形态与断层性质的关系,以及岩土性质,土壤含水量和气温,地温,气压对土氡测量的影响。指出只要充分认识并注意避开或消除上术因素的影响就可以得到较满意的气氡测量结果。  相似文献   

杨明芝  孙宗诗 《地震》1996,16(4):435-441
提出了一种用于地电观测的新型电极系统-高效接地树脂复合电极,通过台站场地的对比观测实验和内电化学测试的结果表明,高效接地树脂电极具有较好的接地特民生和稳定的极化特性,其电极性能优于目前普遍使用的铅电极,可以用来代替铅电极在台站中应用。  相似文献   

We performed deformation experiments using Carrara marble in dry and wet conditions under temperature of 400~700℃ and confining pressure 300MPa with two different strain rates. Water contents of deformed samples were measured using FTIR spectroscopy. The microstructure and deformation mechanisms of samples were observed under optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy spectroscopy analysis. The mechanical data show that samples display strain hardening at 400℃, and transition to steady creep at temperature from 500~700℃. The strength of marble reduced gradually with elevated temperatures or decreased strain rate. However, water effect to the strength of the marble is significantly weak. Microstructures observed show that the deformation is cataclastic flow in dry samples, fracture and pressure solution in wet samples at 400℃. Samples underwent brittle-plastic transition at 500℃. Dislocation glide is major deformation mechanism for dry samples at 600℃. Dislocation climb and dynamic recrystallization are major deformation mechanism for wet samples at 600℃ and for all wet samples and dry samples at 700℃. Lower strain rate and higher water content could promote the process of pressure solution and diffusion as well as dynamic recrystallization.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The plane shape of a river channel is very important for river improvement planning, because it must allow floodwater to flow off safely. Natural rivers wind from side to side, which creates meandering forms. From the history of river impro…  相似文献   

ZHANG Shu  HE Chang-rong 《地震地质》2019,41(4):1012-1026
To understand the mechanism of lower-crust earthquake and slow slips, it is necessary to study the frictional properties of mafic rocks and their major rock-forming minerals. Previous studies have performed a series of experimental researches on gabbro, basalt and their major constituents. According to the results of previous experiments, frictional sliding of plagioclase under hydrothermal conditions(100~600℃)shows a property of velocity weakening, and the experimental results show that both the direct rate effect parameter(a)and the healing effect parameter(b)increase with temperature, a typical feature for thermally-activated processes. Velocity weakening means property of a shear band that has a stronger friction healing effect than the direct rate effect in the rate and state friction constitutive framework, and the healing effect(b value)in constitutive relation mainly reflects the increase in contact area with time under hydrothermal conditions, with some minor effect of structural changes. Since the microphysical mechanism of feldspar minerals at the contacts is mainly brittle cataclasis for temperatures below 600℃, the significant frictional healing effect in this case can only be explained by the mechanism of pressure solution. In order to determine if the dissolution process of plagioclase actually occurs on the laboratory time scale, we conducted hydrostatic experiments on plagioclase powder samples under hydrothermal conditions whereby frequent contact switch between particles seen in frictional sliding experiments can be avoided, making the observation on the dissolution sites possible. Experimental temperatures were 400℃ and 500℃, with confining pressure of 90~150MPa, pore pressure of 30MPa, with 2mm initial thickness of fault gouge. The mechanical data show that a creep process occurred in the plagioclase fault gouge in the experimental temperature and pressure range; and the microstructures of the experiment show that precipitation of new grains is prevalent as the product of pressure solution process between plagioclase particles. At the same time, it is observed that the contact points have an appearance similar to fused, fuzzy structure as signatures of dissolution. The results of our experiments provide a definite experimental evidence for the healing mechanism in friction of plagioclase and for the theoretical relation between unstable slip and the pressure solution process. The results of the experiments are summarized as follows: (1)Drainage rate of pore water in plagioclase gouge was high in the first few hours of experiment, but gradually decreases over time for both temperature and pressure series of experiments slowing down to a steady state. This feature indicates that there is a creep process that evolves inside the plagioclase gouge. In the temperature-series experiments, the drainage rate of the pore water in the plagioclase gouge at 400℃ is relatively low than the cases for higher temperatures. Thus, the applied temperature is positively correlated with the creep of plagioclase gouge. (2)Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)observations of the experimentally deformed samples were performed on thin sections cut along the sample axis. Firstly, from the images of microstructure, it was found that the degree of particle fracture became more significant at a higher effective pressure, with smaller pore volume between particles. In the temperature-series experiments it was found that the degree of compaction of plagioclase gouge increased with increasing temperature. Precipitation of plagioclase grains in layered structures was generally observed in high-magnification images, indicating the presence of pressure solution processes. Contact points were also found to be in a state of ambiguity that seems to be a fused morphology, but the details of the structure remain to be determined by further observations. The above results indicate that the pressure solution process of plagioclase particles can occur on a typical laboratory time scale, and the results of this study provide robust experimental evidences for the theory that links between pressure solution and the mechanism of frictional healing and unstable slips for plagioclase.  相似文献   

水与流体饱和孔隙介质界面上非镜面反射声场的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用光学法和发射-接收法研究了水与流体饱和孔隙介质界面上声波的非镜面反射声场.测量了入射角θi为16°-80°范围内的反射系数R,记录了θi在Rayleigh波临界角θc附近±4°范围内两束反射波的反射角、波束位移△、波形和频谱.实验发现:(1)在θc附近±4°范围内,观察到θi两束反射波A和B,其中波束B沿界面有波束位移△,实验测出△随θi增大而减小,并非在θic时最大.(2)反射角等于θi的波束的频谱很接近于入射波的频谱,反射角等于θc的波束的频谱相对于入射波有频谱的负偏移.(3)波束A的相位与发射换能器直达波的相位一致,波束B的相位与波束A相反  相似文献   

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