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以江苏1961—2020年夏季(6—9月)强降水事件的监测为例,分析评估了多种强降水事件的判定指标,如以百分位法、Gamma分布法和重现期法为代表的频率匹配阈值法及考虑偏离气候态程度的异常度法。结果表明,由于降水事件的区域差异和季节内变化特征,强(极端强)降水事件判定指标的设计应分区域分时段讨论,且能定量反映降水强度大、相对气候态异常显著且发生概率少(极少)的特点。不同判定方法所强调的强(极端强)降水事件的特点不同,如百分位法Type-Ⅱ强调了降水极值的极少发生,异常度法突出反映大幅度偏离气候态的程度。不同指标所确立的阈值大小也存在明显差别,如对于江苏夏季极端强降水事件的判定,百分位法Type-Ⅱ阈值最高,其次是异常度法,分别相当于20、10 a一遇最大降水量,百分位法Type-Ⅲ和Gamma分布法则相当于5 a一遇最大降水量。在与降水相关的服务工作中,不同地区需制定更详细的地方标准来明确强降水事件的定义,增强服务用语的规范性。  相似文献   

基于WRF模式及其三维变分同化系统,分别采用江苏GPS观测网的大气可降水量资料及区域内探空和地面气象站资料,对2011年8月25日江苏苏南地区的一次区域性暴雨和2008年苏皖地区的一次局地特大暴雨过程进行了同化试验,用以比较分析GPS/PWV、探空和地面观测资料同化对强降水预报的定量作用。结果表明:探空和地面资料的同化通过对模式动力和热力场的影响,在强降水中心附近形成了强烈的辐合上升运动和热力不稳定条件,直接改进了强降水中心分布结构和强度特征,对数值模拟的成功与否起着决定性作用。而GPS/PWV在探空和地面资料同化的基础上,将使水汽条件得到增强且更有组织性,无论对降水中心强度还是位置都具有较为显著的改进作用。  相似文献   

Summary A set of mesoscale numerical simulations using the Emanuel and Kain-Fritsch deep convection schemes has been performed in order to determine the sensitivity of the forecast-especially, the rainfall-to the scheme used. The study is carried out for two cases of heavy precipitation in the coastal zone of the Western Mediterranean, where the topographic forcing is of primary influence. The first one, characterized by an almost stationary synoptic situation, is dominated by warm, moist advection at low levels; the second one, of frontal type, presents a much stronger dynamic forcing at upper levels. Although the comparison attempt is conditioned by the limited number of considered cases, the numerical results provide at least some preliminary conclusions. The inclusion of a convective scheme improves the forecast precipitation, through two actions: directly, producing more realistic rainfall patterns in areas of convection; indirectly, avoiding excessive precipitation in areas with orographic or dynamical upward forcing by drying and stabilizing the atmosphere upstream. In particular, the Kain-Fritsch scheme seems to be more sensitive to the orographic forcing, in agreement with observations.With 21 Figures  相似文献   

This paper combines the climatological and societal perspectives for assessing future climatic extremes over Kangasabati River basin in India using an ensemble of four high resolution (25 km) regional climate model (RCM) simulations from 1970 to 2050. The relevant extreme indices and their thresholds are defined in consultation with stakeholders and are then compared using RCM simulations. To evaluate the performance of RCM in realistically representing atmospheric processes in the basin, model simulations driven with ERAInterim global re-analysis data from 1989 to 2008 are compared with observations. The models perform well in simulating seasonality, interannual variability and climatic extremes. Future climatic extremes are evaluated based on RCM simulations driven by GCMs, for present (1970–1999) and for the SRES A1B scenario for future (2021–2050) period. The analysis shows an intensification of majority of extremes as projected by future ensemble mean. The study suggests that there is a marked consistency in stakeholder observed changes in climate extremes and future predicted trends.  相似文献   

The results of synoptic analysis and objective Lamb circulation classification scheme (LAMB) during the days with heavy precipitation events in Armenia are presented. An analysis of synoptic situations in the area of Armenia and Southern Caucasus for the researched period 2001–2009 has shown that there are seven types of synoptic process characteristic of days with heavy precipitation events in Armenia. Adoption of the LAMB made it possible to identify the typical circulation types for each type of the synoptic process singled out. The results suggest that the LAMB is able to recognize the typical pattern of the distribution of sea level pressure field for each type of the synoptic processes. However, the use of the LAMB is further complicated in Southern Caucasus which can be explained by the existence of regional peculiarities of atmospheric circulation associated with significant influence of the Caucasian ridge. The LAMB may be recommended as an extra tool for synoptic analysis as well as for developing of synoptic climatology and statistical downscaling methods for Armenia and Southern Caucasus.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is elucidated that the total deformation (TD), defined as the square root of the sum of squared stretching deformation and squared shearing deformation, is an invariant independent of the coordinate system used. An idealized flow field is then constructed to demonstrate the confluence effect of a non-divergent and irrotational deformation field on moisture transport. To explore the characteristics and role of TD, one heavy rainfall case that occurred in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (MRYR) over China, associated with a front with shear line, is analyzed using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model output data. It is found that right before the occurrence of precipitation, the effect of the confluence induced by deformation on moisture transport provides a favorable condition for precipitation. During the precipitation, both location and orientation of the zone of large TD coincide with the confluent shear line. The rainhands are nearly parallel with, and located lightly to the south of the zones of large TD and the confluent shear line. The TD in the lower troposphere increases in value as precipitation persists. When TD approaches its maximal value, the next 6-hour precipitation reaches its peak correspondingly. A tendency equation for TD is derived. The analysis of linear correlation and RMS difference between individual terms in the total deformation equation and the sum of the terms shows that the pressure gradient plays a major role in determining the local change of total deformation.  相似文献   

本文主要研究了华北秋季(9月)强降水频次发生年代际变化的可能原因。分析指出,华北秋季强降水频次在2000/01年发生了年代际增强,而它的变化与北太平洋海温变化密切相关。2000/01年之前,影响华北强降水的海温关键区主要位于中国东部海域;2000/01年海温关键区向东偏移,正是这种偏移使得西北太平洋副热带高压增强,向华北地区的水汽输送增加,从而使得华北地区发生强降水的概率增加。进一步研究指出,北太平洋海温年际变率的变化可能是造成海温与华北秋季强降水频次显著相关区发生东移的原因,更多的原因还需要深入研究。  相似文献   

Precipitation scavenging of aerosol particles is an important removal process in the atmosphere that can change aerosol physical and optical properties. This paper analyzes the changes in aerosol physical and optical properties before and after four rain events using in situ observations of mass concentration, number concentration, particle size distribution, scattering and absorption coefficients of aerosols in June and July 2013 at the Xianghe comprehensive atmospheric observation station in China. The results show the effect of rain scavenging is related to the rain intensity and duration, the wind speed and direction. During the rain events, the temporal variation of aerosol number concentration was consistent with the variation in mass concentration, but their size-resolved scavenging ratios were different. After the rain events, the increase in aerosol mass concentration began with an increase in particles with diameter 0.8 μm [measured using an aerodynamic particle sizer(APS)], and fine particles with diameter 0.1 μm [measured using a scanning mobility particle sizer(SMPS)]. Rainfall was most efficient at removing particles with diameter ~0.6 μm and greater than 3.5 μm. The changes in peak values of the particle number distribution(measured using the SMPS) before and after the rain events reflect the strong scavenging effect on particles within the 100–120 nm size range. The variation patterns of aerosol scattering and absorption coefficients before and after the rain events were similar, but their scavenging ratios differed, which may have been related to the aerosol particle size distribution and chemical composition.  相似文献   

Regional trends in recent precipitation indices in China   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Summary Regional characteristics of recent precipitation indices in China were analyzed from a daily rainfall dataset based on 494 stations during 1961 to 2000. Some indices such as precipitation percentiles, precipitation intensity, and precipitation persistence were used and their inter-decadal differences were shown in this study. Over the last 40 years, precipitation indices in China showed increasing and decreasing trends separated into three main regions. A decreasing trend of annual precipitation and summer precipitation was observed from the southern part of northeast China to the mid-low Yellow River valley and the upper Yangtze River valley. This region also showed a decreasing trend in precipitation intensity and a decreasing trend in the frequency of persistent wet days. On the other hand, increasing trends in precipitation intensity were found in the Xinjiang region (northwest China), the northern part of northeast China, and southeast China, mainly to the south of the mid-low Yangtze River. The indices of persistent wet days and strong rainfall have contributed to the increasing frequency of floods in southeast China and the Xinjiang region in the last two decades. Persistent dry days and weakening rainfall have resulted in the increasing frequency of drought along the Yellow River valley including North China. Regional precipitation characteristics and trends in precipitation indices indicate the climate state variations in the last four decades. A warm-wet climate state was found in northwest China and in the northern part of northeast China. A warm-dry climate state extends from the southern part of northeast China to the Yellow River valley, while a cool-wet summer was found in southeast China, particularly in the mid-low Yangtze River valley over the last two decades.  相似文献   

Summary A numerical prediction model is described which uses the full set of prognostic equations on a domain roughly the size of the United States with a 96 km horizontal grid resolution and six sigma-coordinate levels. Within this grid resides a nested domain of approximately 1000×1000 km with 24 km horizontal resolution. In this nested grid only modifications to the wind field by the better resolved terrain are considered on the lowest two sigma levels. The terrain effects necessitate adjustments in the location of these two sigma levels. Adjusted wind fields cause modifications in the mass and moisture divergence fields, hence in precipitation. These modifications are averaged into the appropriate meteorological fields on the larger grid.The algorithms used by our model allow continuous interaction between both grids with high computational efficiency.The relative importance of synoptic forcing and terrain is demonstrated for the cases of the Big Thompson, Colorado, flood of 1976 and the Cheyenne, Wyoming, flood of 1985.With 15 Figures  相似文献   

Future variations in precipitation due to the effects of topography and possible trends in land-use change in Central Asia are evaluated by utilizing numerical experiments based on a case study. Considering possible changes in land cover, oasification leads to a 0.23 mm increase in regional-averaged precipitation, accounting for 3.0% of the total. Meanwhile, desertification and urbanization decrease precipitation, by about ?5.3% and ?4.7% proportionally, mainly through changing the near-surface humidity and thermal environment and related upward transport of heat fluxes in the boundary layer. Relatively, varied terrain height produces a more prominent impact on precipitation (up to ?13.1% and ?24.9% in the 1/2 and 1/4 original terrain height runs), mainly via varying the wind field and microphysical processes (low-level jet and cloud). Furthermore, the heavier rainfall happens over the mountains, while the more sensitive response of precipitation to varied topography and land use occurs over the plains. As the main microphysical conversion pathways of the rainwater budget, the greater peaks of PSMLT (snow melting into raindrops) and PGMLT (graupel melting into raindrops) present over the mountains but not the plains are responsible for the difference in precipitation between the mountains and plains. However, the more sensitive response of plain rainfall might be related to the rapid transit of rainfall over the plains but prolonged mountainous precipitation lasting together with relatively slowly varying microphysical conversion processes when airflows climb the mountains. The findings of this study have important strategic significance for improving the environment of ecosystems and strengthening the capacity for disaster prevention.摘要本研究利用数值试验方法, 定量评估了地形效应和土地利用类型的变化对中亚降水事件的影响. 考虑到可能的地表覆盖变化趋势, 绿洲化, 沙漠化和城市化可改变近地表湿热环境和边界层向上热通量, 导致区域平均降水增加3.0%, 减少5.3%和4.7%; 相对而言, 地形效应对降水的影响更为显著 (1/2和1/4原始地形高度时, 降水减少13.1%和24.9%), 主要影响途径是风场和微物理过程 (低空急流和云) 的变化. 以上研究结果对改善生态环境, 加强防灾能力具有重要战略意义.  相似文献   

The present study investigates meteorological conditions for the day-to-day changes of particulate matter (PM) concentration in Beijing city during the period 2008–2015. The local relationship of PM concentration to surface air temperature, pressure, wind speed, and relative humidity displays seasonal changes and year-to-year variations. The average correlation coefficient with PM10 in spring, summer, fall, and winter is 0.45, 0.40, 0.38, and 0.30 for air temperature; –0.45, –0.05, –0.40, and –0.45 for pressure; 0.13, 0.04, 0.53, and 0.50 for relative humidity; and –0.18, –0.11, –0.45, and –0.33 for wind speed. A higher correlation with wind speed is obtained when wind speed leads by half a day. The heavily polluted and clean days, which are defined as the top and bottom 10% of the PM values, show obvious differences in the regional distribution of air temperature, pressure, and wind. Polluted days correspond to higher air temperature in all the four seasons, lower sea level pressure and anomalous southerly winds to the south and east of Beijing in spring, fall, and winter, and a northwest–southeast contrast in the pressure anomaly and anomalous southerly winds in summer. Higher relative humidity is observed on polluted days in fall and winter. The polluted days are preceded by an anomalous cyclone moving from the northwest, accompanied by lower pressure and higher air temperature, in all four seasons. This feature indicates the impacts of moving weather systems on local meteorological conditions for day-to-day air quality changes in Beijing.  相似文献   

季晓东  漆梁波 《暴雨灾害》2018,3(6):566-573

评估分析了欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)细网格模式(以下简称EC-thin)在长三角地区汛期(5-9月)的暴雨预报评分及ECMWF降水极端天气预报指数(EFI)对暴雨预警的指示作用。研究发现:(1)EC-thin降水和降水EFI对暴雨预报的ETS评分随着预报时效的延长而明显降低,在短时效内,细网格模式降水预报占优,超过60 h后,降水EFI的评分相对更好。(2)对EC-thin降水而言,在不同的预报时效采用不同的降水阈值来预报暴雨,可望达到最佳的评分效果。短期时效内该阈值随着预报时效的延长,大致从55 mm逐渐下降到35 mm。(3)对于降水EFI而言,12-36 h内EFI为0.65~0.7时,暴雨预报ETS评分最高。随着预报时效的延长逐渐下降,60-84 h内EFI为0.55~0.6时,暴雨预报ETS评分最高。(4)在不同预报时效内,采用合理的方式和阈值综合考虑EC-thin降水和降水EFI,可望得到更高的暴雨预报评分。


利用常规气象探测资料、NECP和EC高时空分辨率再分析资料,对2019年6月25日和28日出现在中昆仑山北坡两场强降水过程进行分析。表明:25日过程范围大、持续时间长的强降水,28日为分散、对流性强降水;两场天气过程影响系统有高空急流、中层低值系统、低层辐合线;25日强降水系统移动缓慢、冷空气从东西两侧进入昆仑山北坡,同时西太副高西侧西南风将大量水汽输送至昆仑山北坡,低层存在偏东和偏北、偏西风辐合;28日强降水低值系统移动迅速、对流层有逆温和不稳定,午后升温和低层弱辐合、山前偏北风是对流触发条件。中高层偏西偏南风水汽输送至昆仑山北坡上空,在低层合适的风场将水汽输送汇集到昆仑山北坡是强降水的关键,25日水汽输送强度和厚度明显强于28日。地形对于降水作用表现在热力和动力两方面。  相似文献   

黔西南短时强降水时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黔西南州2006—2016年8县站全年逐小时降水量,对短时强降水特征及其与暴雨的关系进行分析,得出:(1)87%的短时强降水集中在20~40 mm/h,空间基本特征为"东多西少";94%的短时强降水出现在5—8月,3个级别的短时强降水都是在6月到达峰值;20~40 mm/h的短时强降水频次明显大于其它级别,60 mm/h的短时强降水只在夏季出现过;短时强降水主要出现在夜间,占总频次的70%,白天为低发时段,其中46%的短时强降水出现在前半夜,后半夜占25%,上午出现的频次最少,且3个级别的短时强降水都是在前半夜出现的频次最多。(2)黔西南州68%的暴雨天气中伴有短时强降水,二者的相关系数为0.94;所有短时强降水累计频次、暴雨日数与暴雨过程中出现的短时强降水的累积频次三者的空间分布基本特征均为"东多西少";暴雨量与当日最大小时降水量为显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

近年来,在全球变暖的背景下,极端气候事件特别是极端降水事件,发生频率愈发上升。本文使用美国气候预测中心提供的逐日降水资料,统计分析了1979—2018年期间欧亚大陆各个子区域极端降水事件的时空变化特征。结果表明:1)从气候态的空间分布特征来看,南欧、南亚、东南亚、东亚地区为欧亚大陆全年总降水量高值区,同时也是极端强降水频发地区;而东亚地区青藏高原、中国中西部至蒙古一带,南亚地区印度次大陆以及中亚、西亚等地的部分地区则是连续性干旱事件的高频区,极端强降水事件发生频次较少;2)在21世纪初之后,东南亚、南亚、东亚、北亚、西亚和南欧这6个地区的全年总降水量发生年代际增加,且在研究时段呈显著增加趋势。在过去近40 a,南亚、东亚和中亚的RX1day(日最大降水量)、RX5day(连续5 d最大降水量)、中雨日数(R10mm)、大雨日数(R20mm)自20世纪90年代中期年代际增加,且呈长期增加趋势。南亚、北亚、东亚、中亚这4个地区的最大连续干旱日数在20世纪80年代初显著增加,但长期趋势并不显著。需要指出的是,自2014年起极端强降水事件在东南亚、南亚和东亚地区持续增多,而连续性干旱事件在北欧地区持续增多。  相似文献   

利用2011-2020年5-9月新乡市国家级自动气象站逐小时降水量观测数据,对新乡市短时强降水的时空分布特征及过程发生前的环境背景场进行分析,结果表明:新乡市短时强降水空间分布与局地地形关系密切,短时强降水频次和极值雨强均呈现由西至东递减的趋势.短时强降水频次年变化差异显著,多的年份可达52次,少的年份仅3次,月变化呈...  相似文献   

成飞飞行空域包含高原、盆地、山区等多种地形,局地气候显著,短时强降水频发。该文使用国家气象信息中心2017—2021年多资料融合逐小时降水数据、国家自动站探空观测数据。统计分析发现,盆地周围沿山地区为盆地短时强降水高发区;101~102°E,31~32°N区域为高原短时强降水高发区。利用百分位法得到高原地区强对流指数阈值:CAPE值≥1930.5 J·kg-1,BCAPE值≥1974.7 J·kg-1,抬升指数≥2.6℃,大气可降水量≥86.1 mm,K指数≥37.2℃,SI指数≤-0.9℃。盆地地区强对流指数阈值:CAPE值≥2230.6 J·kg-1,BCAPE值≥2264.4 J·kg-1,抬升指数≥1.8℃,大气可降水量≥93.0 mm,K指数≥40.8℃,SI指数≤-1.8℃。建立短时强降水不同下垫面强对流指数阈值,为今后短时强降雨客观预报提供新的思路和方向。  相似文献   

There is great interest in understanding how climate change will impact aridity through the interaction of precipitation changes with rising temperatures. The Aridity Index (AI), Climatic Moisture Deficit (CMD), and Climatic Moisture Surplus (CMS) are metrics commonly used to quantify and map patterns in aridity and water cycling. Here we show that these metrics have different patterns of change under future climate—based on an ensemble of nine general circulation climate models—and the different metrics are appropriate for different purposes. Based on these differences between the metrics, we propose that aridity can be dissected into three different types—hydrological (CMS), agricultural (CMD), and meteorological. In doing this, we propose a novel modified version of the Aridity Index, called AI+, that can be useful for assessing changes in meteorological aridity. The AI?+?is based on the same ratio between precipitation and evapotranspiration as the traditional AI, but unlike the traditional AI, the AI?+?only accounts for changes to precipitation during months when precipitation is less than reference/potential evapotranspiration (i.e. there is a deficit). Moreover, we show that the traditional AI provides a better estimate of change in moisture surplus driven by changes to precipitation during the wet season, rather than changes in deficit that occur during the drier seasons. These results show that it is important to select the most appropriate metric for assessing climate driven changes in aridity.  相似文献   

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