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Urbanization has a significant impact on climate in urban areas. In this study, we investigate urbanization impacts on temperature and precipitation trends in Korean peninsula based on statistical relationship between these trends and local population growth. We found that there is a significant positive correlation between temperature rise and local population growth, indicating that urbanization has a significant contribution to temperature increase in city climate. As for temperature, the population growth in Korean cities is positively correlated with precipitation trend. The positive correlation is higher during summer time when small-scale convective activity is dominant. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the correlation is significantly increased when stations in rural areas and small cities are excluded. Such nonlinear relation between precipitation and urbanization is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents the first consolidation of palaeoclimate proxy records from multiple archives to develop statistical rainfall reconstructions for southern Africa covering the last two centuries. State-of-the-art ensemble reconstructions reveal multi-decadal rainfall variability in the summer and winter rainfall zones. A decrease in precipitation amount over time is identified in the summer rainfall zone. No significant change in precipitation amount occurred in the winter rainfall zone, but rainfall variability has increased over time. Generally synchronous rainfall fluctuations between the two zones are identified on decadal scales, with common wet (dry) periods reconstructed around 1890 (1930). A strong relationship between seasonal rainfall and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the surrounding oceans is confirmed. Coherence among decadal-scale fluctuations of southern African rainfall, regional SST, SSTs in the Pacific Ocean and rainfall in south-eastern Australia suggest SST-rainfall teleconnections across the southern hemisphere. Temporal breakdowns of the SST-rainfall relationship in the southern African regions and the connection between the two rainfall zones are observed, for example during the 1950s. Our results confirm the complex interplay between large-scale teleconnections, regional SSTs and local effects in modulating multi-decadal southern African rainfall variability over long timescales.  相似文献   

In this study, the chemical and physical losses of nitrogen oxides (NOx) over the Korean peninsula were discussed in order to better understand the effects of the NOx losses on the tropospheric NO2 columns. Initially, it was found that the physical loss processes due to dry and wet depositions had almost negligible impacts on the NOx loss processes over the Korean peninsula. In contrast, the hourly NOx chemical column losses were large at ??1014 molecules cm?2 h?1. The amounts of NOx removed for 1 hour account for approximately 33?C35% of the episode-averaged tropospheric NO2 columns during summer over the Korean peninsula. The NOx chemical column loss rates were 24.1?C70.9 times larger than the NOx physical column loss rates. In a budget analysis of the NOx chemical column losses, HNO3 formation via the reaction of OH + NO2 had the largest contribution toward the NOx chemical losses (42?C55% during fall and winter seasons; 76?C77% during spring; 92?C93% during summer). Large amounts of NOx were also removed by heterogeneous nitrate formation via N2O5 condensation during the cold seasons (42?C56%) over the Korean peninsula. The columnar NOx chemical losses took place mainly due to the two chemico-physical reaction processes, and also showed seasonal variations. PAN (Peroxyacetyl Nitrate) is another NO2 reservoir of potential importance. If the influence of the PAN-related chemistry on the NOx budget is considered, it can result in an approximate 69% increase in the NOx chemical column loss during summer. Such increases in the amounts of NOx removed for 1 hour due to the formation of PAN were equivalent to 56?C58% of the episode-averaged tropospheric NO2 columns during summer over the Korean peninsula. Such active NOx chemical losses during summer are another main factor for the tropospheric NO2 columns exhibiting their smallest values during summer.  相似文献   

This study proposes a model that estimates optimal expected temperature for thermal comfort at various levels of relative humidity, wind speed, mean radiation temperature, metabolic rate, and clothing insulation, while improving the variables of the mean radiation temperature. By including the results of numerical and observational data testing, the improved model considers mean radiant temperatures more comprehensively than the previous model. Changes in expected temperatures for thermal comfort at various mean radiation temperatures showed that the outdoor temperature must decrease as the length of outdoor exposure increases. The expected temperature for thermal comfort must be lower at higher metabolic rates. The expected temperature does not change as wind speed increases when the mean radiant temperature is low. However, as mean radiant temperature increases, the expected temperatures change depending on the wind speed.  相似文献   

延伸期预报是无缝隙预测系统中的薄弱环节,如何提高灾害天气过程的延伸期预报技巧是国际热点及前沿问题。本研究基于2005年12月—2014年8月的观测/再分析资料,通过奇异值分解方法,揭示了与中国南方低频降水变化高度耦合的热带对流和中纬度波列信号。利用中国气象局参加国际次季节至季节预报计划模式(BCC-CPS-S2Sv2模式,简称BCC S2S模式)的回报数据,对中国南方低频降水异常场进行统计降尺度,构建了一套动力-统计相结合的延伸期降水预测模型。独立预测时段(2014年12月—2019年8月)的结果表明,BCC S2S模式可以提前10—15 d预报中国南方大部分区域的异常降水;提前15—20 d以上预报时,动力-统计结合预报模型对冬季(夏季)华南沿海地区(长江以北地区)的降水时间演变、降水空间分布及极端强降水事件的预报技巧均优于BCC S2S模式。文中提出的思路和方法可广泛应用于其他区域气象要素和极端天气事件的延伸期预报。  相似文献   

2005年4月6日、19日辽宁省出现了两次降水天气过程.通过资料显示,这两场降水的影响系统,虽然都主要是北涡南槽的天气系统(这里的北涡南槽是指,由蒙古至贝加尔湖低涡和河套地区东部的高空槽以及槽前的西南气流组合的耦合系统).但是由于具体影响的物理因子的不同,所以产生的降水性质也不同.6日的降水是不稳定的雷阵雨天气,是由中小尺度不稳定雷雨云团与东北西部东移的低压冷锋相结合的物理过程;19日是以稳定性降水为主,伴有阵雨、雷阵雨的混合性降水天气,是由东移的蒙古低涡与河套地区东部高空槽相结合的物理过程.  相似文献   

利用1961—2010年中国东北122站逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料及中国国家气候中心整理的160站月平均温度资料,对东北6月、7月、8月的降水进行分型,在此基础上分析各类降水型对应的环流形势。结果表明:东北6月、7月、8月降水均可划分为两大类四小类,6月与8月的分型结果相同,为全区一致型(同多型、同少型)和南北反位相型(南部型、北部型),7月可分为全区一致型(同多型、同少型)和东西反位相型(东部型、西部型)。6月东北降水主要受东北冷涡影响,冷涡越强,降水越多,且当鄂霍次克海阻塞高压出现明显异常时,6月东北降水将呈现南北反位相特征;7月、8月降水主要受东亚夏季风影响,其中东北降水全区一致型与西太平洋副热带高压的位置以及沿亚洲西风急流东传的波列有关,而降水南北(东西)反位相型则与西太平洋副热带高压的强度有关。  相似文献   

针对传统时间序列模型无法有效预测模态混叠数据的不足,本文提出了一种基于CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA的组合模型,并且对东北地区2016—2020年夏季降水量进行了实证分析。首先,基于完全自适应集合经验模态分解方法,将降水时间序列分解为多个本征模态分量,并根据不同分量样本熵的计算结果进行分量序列重构。然后,针对每一个重构分量,构建自回归移动平均预测模型。最后,将各分量的预测值进行叠加,得到组合模型的预测值。此外,还构建了ARIMA单一模型和其他组合模型,旨在与CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA组合模型对比。结果表明:CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA组合模型考虑了时间序列的模态混叠特征,能有效提高东北地区夏季降水时序模型的预测能力,具有良好的预测应用价值。预测结果较单一模型和其他组合模型均有所提高,MASE降低了0.02~0.91 mm, RMSE降低了0.80~130.49 mm, MAE降低了2.52~129.84 mm, MAPE降低了1.08~35.53 mm。CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA模型在降水变率较小的西北部区域预测效果更好,对东南部区域的极值分布中心预测较为准确。  相似文献   


This study focuses on the precipitation extremes recorded on the northern and southern slopes of the central Himalaya, especially those documented at higher altitudes. Daily precipitation data recorded over a 35-year period at nine meteorological stations in the region were studied. We used the precipitation extreme indices delineated by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). The spatial and temporal variations in these precipitation extremes were calculated. When regional patterns were investigated to detect any anomalies, only 1 of the 10 precipitation extreme indices from the southern slopes of the central Himalaya showed a statistically significant trend; none from the northern slopes of the central Himalaya highlighted a statistically significant trend. On the southern slopes, all indices increased, apart from the maximum 1-day precipitation (RX1) and simple daily precipitation intensity (SDII) indices. Indices such as the consecutive dry days (CDDs) and RX1 indices exhibited similar increases on both the northern and southern slopes of the central Himalaya. These results suggest that increases in precipitation have been accompanied by an increasing frequency of extremes over the southern central Himalaya. Nonetheless, no relation could be established between the precipitation extreme indices and circulation indices for higher altitudes.


近50年东北地区温度降水变化特征分析   总被引:28,自引:14,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
以东北三省为研究区,利用1951~2000年东北地区110个气象站的观测资料,采用小波分析方法,对近50 a温度、降水变化进行分析。结果表明:东北地区的年平均气温有15 a的周期变化,15 a周期变化中还有2~4 a短波动;降水分为多、少、多3个阶段;年平均气温以0.6℃/10 a的速率上升,春季气温上升最高,冬季次之;降水变化以0.27 mm/a的速率递减,其中春季降水略有增加,夏、秋季降水均为减少趋势。  相似文献   

Effect of ENSO on landfalling tropical cyclones over the Korean peninsula   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of ENSO on landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) over the Korean Peninsula is examined. It is found that although the landfalling frequency does not show any statistically significant difference among ENSO phases, the landfalling tracks are shifted northward in response to the decrease in Niño-3.4 index. In the neutral ENSO phase, many TCs pass through mainland China before landfalling over the Korean Peninsula due to the westward expansion of the western North Pacific subtropical high. Therefore, the landfalling TC intensity over the Korean Peninsula in the neutral phase is similar to that in the La Niña phase because more than half of those TCs made landfall over mainland China. However, it is found that the preceding winter ENSO phases are not related to the landfalling TC activity over the Korean Peninsula during summer.  相似文献   

Summary  A large number of atmospheric circulation classification techniques have been developed in the investigation of synoptic controls on regional rainfall. Often the rationale is to aid efforts to downscale GCM output for the purpose of producing more confident climate change impact scenarios. Discrete weather typing techniques, although proven to be successful do not capture weather type intensity and within-type variability can often be high. In this study an objective indexing method, developed for Egypt and the British Isles area is applied to the Iberian peninsula. Air flow index values are then used as predictor variables in simple linear regression models to estimate monthly mean grid point rainfall amounts. Separate models are evaluated for the winter and summer halves of the year and also for surface and mid-tropospheric flow (500 hPa). The models are evaluated and compared indicating that the index values provide good estimation of rainfall but variability in performance between season and site is noted. Received February 10, 2000  相似文献   

Cut-off lows (COLs) are significantly associated with many convective events and anomalous regional climate in the Northeast China. By using 49-year NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, COL events are detected and tracked by an objective and automatic method based on synoptic concept model. Based on this dataset and daily rain-gauge records in Northeast China during 1979–2005, seasonal climatology of COLs and associated precipitation patterns over Northeast China are investigated. Most COLs have a short lifetime of less than a week and have a spatial size ranging from 500 to 1,000 km, with slight seasonal differences. Temporal variation of COL occurrence exhibits a seasonal cycle, with a peak in summer, and considerable interannual variability. The COLs tend to occur more frequently over the northern Northeast China Plain, and the center for maximum frequency shows a zonal oscillation, with an extension to continent in summer and a shift to western North Pacific coast in winter. Most COLs form to the east of Lake Baikal and decay over the western North Pacific coast. COLs are apt to move along east or southeast passages around the year, and tracks are relatively more complicated in warm seasons. About a quarter of annual mean precipitation over Northeast China is associated with COLs. Moreover, COL-associated precipitation contributes greatly to total precipitation in northern and northwestern parts of Northeast China, and the ratios of COL contribution are stronger during spring and autumn than in summer.  相似文献   

This study was conducted using daily precipitation records gathered at 37 meteorological stations in northern Xinjiang, China, from 1961 to 2010. We used the extreme value theory model, generalized extreme value (GEV) and generalized Pareto distribution (GPD), statistical distribution function to fit outputs of precipitation extremes with different return periods to estimate risks of precipitation extremes and diagnose aridity–humidity environmental variation and corresponding spatial patterns in northern Xinjiang. Spatiotemporal patterns of daily maximum precipitation showed that aridity–humidity conditions of northern Xinjiang could be well represented by the return periods of the precipitation data. Indices of daily maximum precipitation were effective in the prediction of floods in the study area. By analyzing future projections of daily maximum precipitation (2, 5, 10, 30, 50, and 100 years), we conclude that the flood risk will gradually increase in northern Xinjiang. GEV extreme value modeling yielded the best results, proving to be extremely valuable. Through example analysis for extreme precipitation models, the GEV statistical model was superior in terms of favorable analog extreme precipitation. The GPD model calculation results reflect annual precipitation. For most of the estimated sites’ 2 and 5-year T for precipitation levels, GPD results were slightly greater than GEV results. The study found that extreme precipitation reaching a certain limit value level will cause a flood disaster. Therefore, predicting future extreme precipitation may aid warnings of flood disaster. A suitable policy concerning effective water resource management is thus urgently required.  相似文献   

利用松花江流域100站降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、哈得来中心海温资料等,运用多种统计方法和数值模拟分析了1975—2020年松花江流域暖季(5—9月)降水的年代际变化特征及其与北大西洋和热带印度洋海温的关系。研究表明,松花江流域暖季降水具有明显的年代际变化特征,20世纪90年代中后期发生了明显的年代际转变,由多雨阶段转为少雨阶段。年代际尺度上,暖季北大西洋马蹄型(North Atlantic Horseshoe,NAH)海温模态和印度洋海盆一致型(Indian Ocean Basin,IOB)海温模态分别与同期松花江流域降水呈显著的负相关和正相关关系,相关系数分别为−0.77和0.68。20世纪90年代中期之前,NAH模态负位相的海温异常在欧亚中高纬度地区激发纬向波列,将异常波能量传递到东北亚地区,在日本海至贝加尔湖地区产生异常气旋式环流;同时,IOB模态正位相的海温异常通过激发开尔文波,引起中国南海到孟加拉湾地区异常反气旋式环流,该异常反气旋式环流在东亚沿海激发出太平洋-日本型(PJ)波列,使得松花江流域出现异常气旋式环流。两者的共同作用使北太平洋水汽输送至松花江流域,有利于松花江流域降水偏多;20世纪90年代中期之后,NAH(IOB)模态由负位相(正位相)转为正位相(负位相),在NAH正位相和IOB负位相的协同影响下,松花江流域出现异常反气旋式环流,导致该区域降水偏少。  相似文献   

刘舸  赵平  董才桂 《气象学报》2013,71(3):462-475
利用NCEP、ERA-40再分析资料和中国160个观测站逐月降水资料,分析了同期和前期亚洲-太平洋涛动(APO)与中国南方地区冬季1月降水异常的关系,并讨论了相应的联系机制.研究发现,1月亚洲-太平洋涛动指数能够很好地反映同期中国南方地区降水异常.亚洲-太平洋涛动的异常变化可能影响对流层低层位势高度场,进而通过影响亚洲中、低纬度地区的对流层低层风场与中国南方地区降水紧密联系.当亚洲-太平洋涛动指数偏低(高)时,对应在东亚南部及其邻近海域对流层低层位势高度偏高(低),东太平洋位势高度偏低(高).相应地,南海以及华南沿海地区为异常西南(东北)风控制,且该异常风向北逐渐减弱,进而在中国南方地区辐合(辐散),这既有(不)利于暖湿气流向中国南方地区输送,同时也造成了该地区的水汽辐合(辐散),从而导致降水偏多(少).亚洲-太平洋涛动具有很好的持续性,上一年10月亚洲-太平洋涛动异常可一直持续至当年1月,表现出连续的显着相关特征.因此,其与中国南方地区1月降水异常也具有显着联系,可以作为指示1月中国南方地区降水多寡的一个前兆因子.  相似文献   

我国南方降水集中期年际变化特征及机制分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用国家气象信息中心提供的我国南方1961—2012年逐日降水观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和Hadley中心海温资料,定义了一种新的降水集中期计算方法,识别出了我国南方存在于华南和江淮两个地区的降水集中期,分析了两类集中期的年际变化特征,并且通过典型旱涝年特征分析及广义平衡反馈方法(GEFA)初步诊断了其物理机制。结果发现:华南降水集中期的年际变化主要受到衰减的混合型厄尔尼诺的调制,其主要通过激发出菲律宾地区异常反气旋而产生影响;江淮降水集中期则受到东部型厄尔尼诺衰减过程、印度洋海盆一致偏暖和北大西洋海温三极子的共同影响,它们主要通过激发出菲律宾地区异常反气旋及相联系的EAP遥相关型以及欧亚中高纬遥相关波列来影响江淮降水集中期的年际变率,对于短期气候预测具有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

潘旸  谷军霞  师春香  王正 《气象学报》2022,80(6):953-966
为了考察不同来源降水产品在中国北方冬季(特别是固态降水)的精度和可用性,优化融合降水产品质量,利用2019年12月—2020年2月美国CMORPH和IMERGE卫星反演降水、日本GSMaP、中国气象局雷达定量估测降水(MOC-QPE)、CMA-MESO模式预报以及地面观测插值等不同来源分析的降水产品,以地面站观测逐小时降水量数据为基准,从KGE评分、相关系数、平均误差和均方根误差等精度统计指标以及命中率(FOD)、虚警率(FAR)和TS评分等降水事件发生角度开展评估,结果表明:中国区域单源降水产品中地面插值分析产品对冬季降水描述精度最高也最稳定,但存在明显的系统偏低;其次是MOC-QPE和IMERG卫星产品,对中国北方偏南部地区的降水有一定的描述能力,但对北方高纬度地区固态降水的反映能力较差;卫星产品中IMERG精度最高,CMORPH则基本没有反演能力;CMA-MSEO模式产品虽然误差较大但与地面站观测的降水特别是固态降水存在较高相关,明显优于雷达和IMERG、GSMaP等卫星产品。采用BMA技术融合雷达、模式、卫星降水形成优化背景场,评估逐步引入不同的数据源对融合降水在冬季的精度影响,引入IMERG卫星和CMA-MESO模式产品均能提升高分辨率融合产品的质量,其中模式产品的改进效果最显著。   相似文献   

利用1979—2012年Hadley中心海表温度、中国2 474个台站逐日降水和NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料,分析了不同类型ENSO事件秋冬季和次年春季中国南方地区10~30 d降水低频变率的变化特征。结果表明,中国南方地区10~30 d降水低频变率对不同类型ENSO事件的响应存在显著的季节差异。EP型El Ni1o的冬季和次年春季,低频降水变率显著增强; CP型El Ni1o秋冬季低频降水强度呈现相反的异常,秋季低频降水偏弱,而冬季则偏强; La Ni1a事件期间中国南方低频降水变率的变化较小且不稳定。进一步分析发现,ENSO对南方地区10~30 d低频降水变率的影响与西北太平洋地区季节平均大气环流背景场对ENSO的响应密切相关。相比正常年份,EP型El Ni1o冬春季菲律宾反气旋性异常环流的强度较强且范围较大,其西侧的异常西南风向中国南方地区输送了大量水汽,从而有利于低频降水的增强; CP型El Ni1o年秋季西北太平洋表现为气旋性环流异常,抑制了热带水汽向东亚大陆的输送,而冬季却产生了与EP型El Ni1o年类似的异常反气旋环流,只是强度有所减弱,因此中国南方地区低频降水强度在秋冬季呈相反异常。La Ni1a年菲律宾附近虽然存在气旋性环流异常,但强度较弱,因而我国南方地区低频降水变率的响应也较弱。  相似文献   

CCSM4模式对东北气温和降水的模拟及预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用东北地区162个气象观测站逐月气温和降水资料对CCSM4模式的模拟性能进行了评价,并预估了2021—2050年东北地区的气候变化情景。结果表明:CCSM4模式长期历史气候模拟实验模拟的1961—2005年月平均气温、降水量值能较好地再现东北区域年平均气温、降水量的空间分布形态,但气温模拟值比观测偏低,91. 4%站点误差在1. 5℃以内;降水中心比观测略偏北,全区平均偏多35. 18 mm。2021—2050年东北区域年平均气温呈增温趋势,高纬度地区的增温幅度明显大于低纬度地区,与基准年相比,RCP2. 6、RCP4. 5和RCP8. 5情景下全区分别偏高6. 00℃、5. 86℃和6. 42℃。年降水量分布呈东南向西北递减的形态,降水大值中心出现在东南部吉林与辽宁交界处,RCP2. 6、RCP4. 5和RCP8. 5情景下全区分别偏多15. 2%、3. 1%和2. 0%。  相似文献   

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