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To characterize the environmental factors affecting seabird population trends in the central portion of the California current system (CCS), we analyzed standardized vessel-based surveys collected during the late spring (May–June) upwelling season over 22 yr (1985–2006). We tested the working hypothesis that population trends are related to species-specific foraging ecology, and predicted that temporal variation in population size should be most extreme in diving species with higher energy expenditure during foraging. We related variation in individual species abundance (number km?2) to seasonally lagged (late winter, early spring, late spring) and concurrent ocean conditions, and to long-term trends (using a proxy variable: year) during a multi-decadal period of major fluctuations in the El Niño-Southern oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO). We considered both remote (Multivariate ENSO Index, PDO) and local (coastal upwelling indices and sea-surface temperature) environmental variables as proxies for ocean productivity and prey availability. We also related seabird trends to those of potentially major trophic competitors, humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and blue (Balaenoptera musculus) whales, which increased in number 4–5-fold midway during our study. Cyclical oscillations in seabird abundance were apparent in the black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes), and decreasing trends were documented for ashy storm-petrel (Oceanodroma homochroa), pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columbus), rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata), Cassin’s auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus), and western gull (Larus occidentalis); the sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus), exhibited a marked decline before signs of recovery at the end of the study period. The abundance of nine other focal species varied with ocean conditions, but without decadal or long-term trends. Six of these species have the largest global populations in the CCS, and four are highly energetic, diving foragers. Furthermore, three of the diving species trends were negatively correlated with the abundance of humpback whales in the study area, a direct competitor for the same prey. Therefore, on the basis of literature reviewed, we hypothesize that the seabirds were affected by the decreasing carrying capacity of the CCS, over-exploitation of some prey stocks and interference competition from the previously exploited, but now increasing, baleen whale populations. Overall, our study highlights the complexity of the ecological factors driving seabird population trends in the highly variable and rapidly changing CCS ecosystem.  相似文献   

The practical (Sp) and reference (SR) salinities do not account for variations in physical properties such as density and enthalpy. Trace and minor components of seawater, such as nutrients or inorganic carbon affect these properties. This limitation has been recognized and several studies have been made to estimate the effect of these compositional changes on the conductivity–density relationship. These studies have been limited in number and geographic scope. Here, we combine the measurements of previous studies with new measurements for a total of 2857 conductivity–density measurements, covering all of the world׳s major oceans, to derive empirical equations for the effect of silica and total alkalinity on the density and absolute salinity of the global oceans and to recommend an equation applicable to most of the world׳s oceans. The potential impact on salinity as a result of uptake of anthropogenic CO2 is also discussed.  相似文献   

In a context of growing fishing pressures and recommendations for an ecosystem approach to fisheries, there is a need to monitor changes in fish communities over time. In this study, we analysed data from scientific trawl surveys carried out on the continental shelf off Guinea between 1985 and 2012. We performed factorial analyses and calculated biodiversity indices to characterise the changes in the structure and composition of fish communities that occurred over the 28-year period in this area, particularly given intensive fishing activities. We show that, over the study period, fish communities on the Guinean shelf were structured primarily according to spatial factors, with temporal changes being less pronounced than expected. However, a temporal analysis of biodiversity indices and species dominance showed that the intensification of fishing had significant effects on the general ecological features of the fish assemblages under study. There was a decrease in fish density and in mean trophic level. In addition, there were changes in species dominance, whereby large, slow-growing species with high commercial value were gradually replaced by smaller, fast-growing species of lesser commercial interest. These results from field observations are in line with some conclusions from previous modelling studies in the same geographical area, and provide further support for the hypothesis of a progressive ‘ecosystem effect of fishing’ occurring in Guinean waters.  相似文献   

Trends of dissolved oxygen content of the surface and bottom layers of the northern Adriatic Sea are analysed for the period 1911–1984. An increase in the surface layer and a decrease in the bottom layer are observed in all seasons except winter. Although the oxygen content of the water column as a whole has not changed significantly, it is inferred, from the increasing difference between the surface and the bottom layer, that the primary productivity of the northern Adriatic Sea is increasing. As the average midsummer oxygen content of the bottom layer decreases, the frequency of mass mortality in the benthic fauna is expected to increase, especially in the northern and western subareas.  相似文献   

Almost 1 000 South African fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus were collected at sea (inshore and offshore) for examination of stomach contents and other biological parameters. The main prey of seals above the age of one year was teleost fish, of which at least 28 species were identified. Overall, 74,6 per cent of the diet was teleost fish, 16,7 per cent cephalopods, 4,8 per cent crustaceans such as shrimps, prawns, amphipods and isopods and 3,2 percent rock lobster. Within this overall dietary pattern there were marked regional differences. The importance of individual fish species in the diet was investigated from the numbers and the sizes of otoliths occurring in the stomachs, from which the identity and size classes of the prey species could be calculated. Again there were regional differences in the importance of different prey species. On the west coast of South Africa the most important species were anchovy and Cape hakes (each 23% of total diet), whereas on the south coast the important species were anchovy (17%), horse mackerel (14%), pilchard (12%) and Cape hake (14%). Off South West Africa the two dominant species were pelagic goby (52%) and horse mackerel (23%), anchovy and Cape hake constituting only 4 and 5 per cent respectively of total diet. The total annual consumption of anchovy and Cape hake by seals in South African waters was calculated at 125 000 and 120 000 tons respectively.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1999,23(1):71-80
This paper presents the findings of a study into fatalities among seafarers serving on board merchant vessels worldwide. Statistics obtained from official maritime authorities are used to provide a comparison of mortality rates among seafarers in 19 different national fleets, and to estimate the number of seafaring lives lost at sea worldwide. This study has the advantage of distinguishing between five different causes of death at sea: deaths through maritime disasters, occupational accidents, illnesses, crewing personnel missing at sea and suicides, homicides and unexplained causes. The findings are compared with those of previous studies and with published statistical information on casualties worldwide. It is evident that statistics released by respected maritime sources grossly under-report casualties arising from disasters involving merchant vessels, and fail to address mortality through all other causes of death at sea.  相似文献   

Measurements of sea-ice thickness were obtained from drill holes, an ice-based electromagnetic induction instrument (IEM), and a ship-borne electromagnetic induction instrument (SEM) during the early-melt season in the southern Chukchi Sea in 2002 and 2004, and in late summer 2003 at the time of minimum ice extent in the northern Chukchi Sea. An ice roughness criterion was applied to distinguish between level and rough or ridged ice. Ice-thickness modes in the probability density functions (PDFs) derived from drill-hole and IEM measurements agreed well, with modes at 1.5–1.6 and 1.8–1.9 m for all data from level ice. The PDFs derived from SEM measurements show that the primary modes are at 0.1 and 1.1 m in 2003 and 0.7 m in 2004. In 2002 and 2004, significant fractions (between one-third and one-half) of level ice were found to consist of rafted ice segments. Snow depth varied significantly between years, with 2004 data showing more than half the snow cover on level ice to be at or below 0.05 m depth in late spring. Ice growth simulations and examination of ice drift and deformation history indicate that impacts of atmospheric and oceanic warming on level-ice thickness in the region over the past few decades are masked to a large extent by variability in snow depth and the contribution of deformation processes. In comparison with submarine sonar ice-thickness data from previous decades, a reduction in ice thickness by about 0.5–1 m is in part explained by the replacement of multi-year with first-year ice over the Chukchi and Beaufort shelves.  相似文献   

A study of the mesoscale distribution of phytoplankton communities observed along the Portuguese upwelling coast in 1985–1986 made it possible to identify an assemblage composed by the coccolithophores Helicosphaera carteri, Syracosphaera pulchra and Coronosphaera mediterranea. The assemblage was consistently present in the coast in the following years (1991, 1992, 1994, 2003 and 2005) and from 1992 onwards, Rhabdosphaera clavigera was recognised as being part of it, although in low concentrations During late summer, this group of species showed higher affinities with upwelling waters of subtropical origin (ENACWst) on the SW coast. At the end of the upwelling season, in autumn, the assemblage was advected to the NW shelf due to the intensification of the poleward surface circulation or meridional seasonal changes of environmental conditions. The species maximum abundances were not coincident in space: H. carteri developed at the central part of the western coast while blooms of S. pulchra and C. mediterranea generally occurred further south, such as at the upwelling centre of cape S. Vicente. Syracosphaera pulchra blooms were characterised by lower concentrations of C. mediterranea and vice-versa. The above patterns were recurrent along the years but the relative abundance of each species appeared related to the interannual variability of physical conditions as the upwelling.  相似文献   

Seasonal movements of South African pilchard Sardinops ocellatus in the relatively abundant 1982/83 year-class are inferred by means of length frequency information from predator diet analyses and from commercial and research catches in various localities. Pilchard of approximately one year of age were most abundant in the vicinity of Algoa Bay on the south-eastern Cape coast in the summer of 1983/84. The pilchard length frequency distribution in gannet diet and research midwater trawl samples in this area provided a clear linkage, through the known juvenile growth rate, with fish of an average 6 months of age, which were abundant off the West Coast during May 1983. Pilchard in this year-class were subsequently found to be widely distributed over the Agulhas Bank, with a tendency for them to inhabit deeper water towards the shelf edge as they reached the age of first spawning (about 18 months). During 1985, a noticeable increase in the abundance of large, two-year-old and older pilchard in the diet of West Coast gannets and in West Coast commercial catches indicated a movement of 1982/83 year-class fish into that area. The changes in distribution of pilchard in this year-class are discussed in relation to seasonal differences in the marine environment off South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first data on the vertical distribution of chlorophyll and nutrients in the upper layers of the southern southwestern Atlantic and interprets it in relation to frontal systems and the general hydrographic features. The survey covered quasi-synoptically the area between 30 and 62°S, at the beginning of the austral summers of three consecutive years (1993 through 1995). Our results show a rather consistent oceanographic structure, with similar patterns of chlorophyll and nutrient distributions with latitude. Outstanding features present throughout the three seasons are two zones of high phytoplankton production, where chlorophyll concentrations of >1 μg/l seem to occur frequently. The first is the upper euphotic zone of the Brazil–Malvinas Confluence Zone between approximately 36 and 50°S. The second is centered on subsurface layers of the Antarctic Surface Water south of the Polar Front as far as 62°S. The rest of the area covered shows low chlorophyll concentrations (<0.4 μg/l), due either to nutrient limitation in the oligotrophic subtropical waters of the Brazil Current or to excessive turbulence and upper-layer instability in the energetic Malvinas Current. The occurrence of a permanent meander around 38°S coincided with the cyclonic retroflexion of the Malvinas Current, causing upwelling of deep water. The ecological implications of this eddy-induced upwelling are discussed.  相似文献   

本文利用第三代海浪模式(WAVEWATCH III)分析了2002-2011年太平洋风速和海浪场的时空变化特征。首先,使用浮标观测数据对模式模拟的有效波高结果进行验证。结果表明模式可以有效地后报太平洋的有效波高。模式偏差较大的区域为中低纬度地区。随后将太平洋分为多个子区域,分别讨论了其风速和有效波高的时空变化特征。多年平均太平洋风速和有效波高存在类似的纬向分布特征,各子区域之间风速和有效波高的季节变化存在差别。模式刻画的太平洋有效波高年际变化最大的区域为南半球中高纬区域。进一步,我们研究了波浪能量的输入与耗散。相应的源函数项的各区域平均值显示了量化的表面波的变化。最后,对日平均的风速与有效波高值进行功率谱分析寻找序列的显著周期。结果表明有效波高时间变化对应的频谱和风速谱具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

The trends of the sea surface temperature(SST) and SST fronts in the South China Sea(SCS) are analyzed during2003–2017 using high-resolution satellite data. The linear trend of the basin averaged SST is 0.31°C per decade,with the strongest warming identified in southeastern Vietnam. Although the rate of warming is comparable in summer and winter for the entire basin, the corresponding spatial patterns of the linear trend are substantially different between them. The SST trend to the west of the Luzon Strait is characterized by rapid warming in summer, exceeding approximately 0.6°C per decade, but the trend is insignificant in winter. The strongest warming trend occurs in the southeast of Vietnam in winter, with much less pronounced warming in summer. A positive trend of SST fronts is identified for the coast of China and is associated with increasing wind stress. The increasing trend of SST fronts is also found in the east of Vietnam. Large-scale circulation, such as El Ni?o, can influence the trends of the SST and SST fronts. A significant correlation is found between the SST anomaly and Ni?o3.4 index, and the ENSO signal leads by eight months. The basin averaged SST linear trends increase after the El Ni?o event(2009–2010), which is, at least, due to the rapid warming rate causing by the enhanced northeasterly wind. Peaks of positive anomalous SST and negatively anomalous SST fronts are found to co-occur with the strong El Ni?o events.  相似文献   

We present some results of our investigations of the concentrations of pigments and the biooptical characteristics of suspended and dissolved organic substances in the coastal region of the sea near the coast of the Crimea. Under the conditions of variable meteorological situation, we observe well-pronounced variations of the concentrations of pigments in the surface layer and their different vertical profiles. The inhomogeneity of the distribution of pigments in depth is accompanied by a decrease in the specific coefficients of absorption of light by phytoplankton. In the analyzed case, the contribution of detritus to absorption does not vary with depth and its maximum values are observed under the storm conditions. The dependences of the absorption of light by phytoplankton and suspended substances on the content of pigments and of the absorption of light by dissolved organic substances on the wavelength are established. These dependences are well described by power and exponential functions.Translated from Morskoi Gidrofiziche-skii Zhurnal, No. 4, pp. 39–50, July–August, 2004.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variations in physicochemical properties (i.e., temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic nutrients), chlorophyll a (Chl-a), particulate carbon and nitrogen (PC and PN, respectively), and primary production were investigated in the neritic area of Sagami Bay, Kanagawa, Japan, from January 2002 to December 2008. These abiotic/biotic variables, except for NH4 +–N, repeated similar seasonal variations for all 7 years. On the basis of the analysis of data obtained on 167 sampling dates, depth-integrated primary production in this water can be easily estimated from Chl-a at the surface using the regression equations obtained in the present study. Intermittently high values of dissolved inorganic nutrients, Chl-a, PC, PN and primary productivity at the surface during the summer stratified period were induced by high freshwater discharge from the rivers after rainfalls and by the expansion of nutrient-rich Tokyo Bay Water. Temperature, salinity and dissolved inorganic nutrients showed drastic variations within a scale of a few days and/or weeks, and these variations were related to sea levels that represent the intrusion of the Kuroshio Water, Intermediate Oyashio Water or deep water from the continental slope. However, there was no consistent trend in the variations in Chl-a, PC, PN and primary production due to the complex effects of these waters.  相似文献   

Ginzburg  A. I.  Kostianoy  A. G.  Serykh  I. V.  Lebedev  S. A. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):745-756
Oceanology - To study the nature of climate change in the hydrometeorological parameters of the Black and Azov Seas—surface air temperature (SAT), sea surface temperature (SST), ice cover,...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - A review of the results of planetary atmospheres studies performed by Russian scientists in 2015–2018 prepared in the Commission on planetary...  相似文献   

第.1期远破波波浪力计算公式的探讨··……‘···“···············“···············,····……刘大中(l)两种不同结构型式护岸胸墙上波压力的比较,二::·”·”·……,··……张就兹刘文通(13)黄河三角洲海区的水深变化及深水港址选位的设想············”一司书亨张广泉(18)吕泅近海水动力特征及泥沙运移分析·…f’’··········一房宪英王文清叶和松(25)丹东新港外航道的悬沙分析 —对航道稳定性的初步探讨··············。·········,···,···…  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the results of planetary atmospheric studies carried out by Russian scientists in 2011–2014. The overview is prepared at the Commission on Planetary Atmospheres of the National Geophysical Committee for the Russian national report on meteorology and atmospheric sciences for the XXVI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Prague, June 28 to July 07, 2015).  相似文献   

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