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The practical implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) management has proved difficult to achieve. Without simple and structured guidelines for implementing an EAF, managers are grappling with the complexity of implementation and the need to prioritise resources and management actions. Ecological risk assessment has been put forward as a structured procedure. There is a need to review regularly whether progress is being made in addressing the issues and priorities identified through ecological risk assessment. Such reviews require a framework providing clear objectives for the respective fishery and delineating the steps required towards their achievement. This paper proposes a generic framework for reviewing ecological risk assessments through stakeholder workshops. This framework is aided by a fuzzy logic tool to track EAF implementation and informs the development of proactive work plans which incorporate EAF objectives. The advantages and disadvantages of a generic and participatory approach are discussed and compared with other related methods for evaluating progress in implementing an EAF.  相似文献   

The Barra Nova inlet, in south Portugal, is known to migrate progressively southeastwards under wave action. The morphodynamics of this system during a representative year suggests that this long-term evolution is dependent on a seasonal behavior of the tidal inlet which can be described through a three-stage model of post-storm, transition and extended fair-weather conditions. Processes involved in this evolution indicate that the historical migration of the Barra Nova is not dependent on the longshore drift forcing constricting the channel on the updrift coast, but rather on the adjustment of the system to a major erosion of the downdrift coast during short storm events.  相似文献   

The Barra Nova inlet, in south Portugal, is known to migrate progressively southeastwards under wave action. The morphodynamics of this system during a representative year suggests that this long-term evolution is dependent on a seasonal behavior of the tidal inlet which can be described through a three-stage model of post-storm, transition and extended fair-weather conditions. Processes involved in this evolution indicate that the historical migration of the Barra Nova is not dependent on the longshore drift forcing constricting the channel on the updrift coast, but rather on the adjustment of the system to a major erosion of the downdrift coast during short storm events.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa was investigated in three meadows differently affected by the artificial relocation of an inlet in the western sector of the Ria Formosa lagoon, southern Portugal. One meadow was subjected to increasing currents that caused erosion, another one was subjected to an initial episode of burial and a third meadow was undisturbed by the inlet opening. The hydrodynamic/sedimentary condition of meadows was assessed through comparative sediment analysis between the meadow and the adjacent unvegetated area.  相似文献   

This study (2002/2004) examines the effect of artificial reef (AR) structures off the southern coast of Portugal on biogeochemical process and nutrient cycling. Organic and inorganic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll a were determined monthly in sediment cores and settled particles for a two-year period. Ammonium, nitrates, phosphates, silicates, total organic nitrogen and phosphorus, chlorophyll a and phaeopigments were also determined monthly in water samples within AR and control sites. Results of the two-year study showed that: (i) there was a significant exponential fit between organic carbon and chlorophyll a (r2=0.91; p<0.01) in reef sediment suggesting an increase of benthic productivity; (ii) organic carbon and nitrogen content in settled particles within AR environment was about four times higher two years after reef deployment; (iii) nutrients and chlorophyll a in the water column were higher at AR than control site. Two years after AR deployment, dissolved organic and inorganic compounds in near bottom water were 30-60% higher, emphasizing benthic remineralization processes at AR's organically rich sediment. Marked chemical changes in the ecosystem were observed during the two-year study period, reinforcing the importance of these structures for sandy coastal areas rehabilitation through trophic chain pull-out.  相似文献   

This study documents long-term changes of a Zostera noltii landscape induced by a natural cyclic event in a coastal lagoon. The barrier-islands forming this system are very dynamic with drifting movements controlling ecological patterns and processes occurring in this area. Changes in the areal extent of the Z. noltii meadows were assessed using historical aerial photographs from 1940, 1980, 1989, 1996 and 1998. Landscape indices such as total patch area (TA), mean patch size (MPS), number of patches (NP), mean shape coefficient of variation (CV) and landscape fractal dimension (D) were calculated for each year and related to an index of disturbance intensity. The spatial distribution of the Z. noltii meadows varied greatly during the studied period and changes observed were related to the disturbance created by the barrier-islands' spatial dynamics. After an artificial inlet relocation the Z. noltii area, number of patches, patch mean size and coefficient of variation decreased. The fractal dimension of the Z. noltii landscape increased by 50% showing that besides a decrease in total area, number of patches, and patch mean area, patch fragmentation was an important consequence of this anthropogenic disturbance.Seagrass natural distribution patterns changed in response to natural and human-induced activities. This study emphasizes the importance of the landscape approach and the historical perspective when studying seagrass changes and the importance of taking into consideration long-term changes in seagrass landscapes to avoid confusion between man-induced effects with natural cyclic events.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved phosphate, dissolved silica and chlorophyll a were measured seasonally at eight stations in the Ria de Aveiro. Between December 2000 and September 2001, the seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages, inferred after the spatial and seasonal variation of silica and of chlorophyll a concentrations, showed that diatoms (μmol Si L−1) dominated from late autumn until early spring, while chlorophytes (μg Chl a L−1) bloomed during late spring and summer. The Si:N:P ratios and Si concentrations indicated no seasonal depletion in dissolved silica, as in other temperate systems, possibly because of abnormal precipitation and flood events prolonging the supply of dissolved Si to the system. The Si:N:P ratios suggested P limitation at the system level. Despite the relative proportions of available nutrients, the mean phosphorus concentration (5.3 μmol L−1) was above the reported half-saturation constants for P uptake by phytoplankton. Thus, in Ria de Aveiro, the seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages may also be dependent on the grazing capacity of the pelagic community through top-down regulation.  相似文献   

The funding of fisheries management in New Zealand over the last two decades is a complex story. It is a tale of fundamental principle, public policy experimentation, legal challenge and collective resolution of difficulties through tens of thousands of hours of research, review and constructive dialogue between stakeholders and the government. Importantly, funding issues cannot be separated from the evolution of fisheries management itself. Reviewing this history and tracing the maturing of fisheries management in New Zealand reveals many legal and institutional design lessons for fisheries managers considering cost recovery regimes in developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses legal, methodological and political frameworks for the development of the proposed Portuguese Marine Spatial Plan initiated in 2008. It considers lessons learned and is informed by discussions that have taken place since publication of the ‘Roadmap for Maritime Spatial Planning: Achieving Common Principles in the EU’. New goals are based on horizontal planning tools that cut across sea-related sectoral policies and support joined up policy making. It is in this context that Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) emerged as an essential process for sustainable decision making. The OSPAR Commission undertook an overview of national planning systems within its administrative boundaries, which confirmed spatial plans reduced conflicts. However, problems exist accessing good quality data and dealing with entrenched sectoral views. Furthermore, the transboundary nature of marine resources requires cooperation between neighbouring states. In 2006, Portugal developed a ‘National Sea Strategy’ that recognized the importance of developing its maritime space while valuing marine habitats and biodiversity. MSP development of the Portuguese sea commenced in 2008 and findings are now evaluated. They showed adaptation of existing tools to be possible and desirable, provided undertaken cautiously and found conceptual ambiguities were barriers to conflict resolution. Furthermore they showed management strategies should be designed and analysed on a case by case basis, recognising temporal and spatial variations.  相似文献   

We present new evidence of shallow-water muddy contourite drifts at two distinct locations in the central Mediterranean characterized by a relatively deep shelf edge (between 170 and 300 m below sea level): the south-eastern Adriatic margin and the north-western Sicily Channel. The growth of these shelf-edge contourite drifts is ascribed to the long-term impact of the Mediterranean themohaline circulation. The Levantine Intermediate Water flows continuously, with annual or inter-annual variations, and affects the shelf edge and the upper slope in both study areas. In addition, the SW Adriatic margin is impinged by the seasonally modulated off-shelf cascading of North Adriatic Dense Water. This water mass has formed ever since the large Adriatic continental shelf was drowned by the post-glacial sea-level rise. It energetically sweeps the entire slope from the shelf edge to the deep basin. These bottom currents flow parallel or oblique to the depth contours, and are laterally constricted along markedly erosional moats aligned parallel to the shelf edge where they increase in flow velocity. The internal geometry and growth patterns of the shelf-edge contourites reflect changes in oceanographic setting affecting the whole Mediterranean Sea. In particular, seismic correlation with published sediment cores documents that these deposits are actively growing and migrating during the present interglacial, implying an enhancement in bottom-water formation during intervals of relative sea-level rise and highstand. Regardless of the specific mechanisms of formation, sediment drifts in both study areas have been affected by widespread thin-skinned mass-wasting events during post-glacial times. Repeated mass-transport processes have affected in particular the downslope flank of the shelf-edge contourite drifts, indicating that these muddy deposits are prone to failure during, or soon after, their deposition.  相似文献   

Marine-based tourism offers opportunities for economic, educational and environmental benefits but is not without risks to people, animals and the environment. If the benefits of this sector are to be harnessed it will require an increasing focus upon law and policy governing the industry. This is particularly the case for shark eco-tourism, which can be an important conservation tool for these species. Australia has a longstanding history of tourism involving whale sharks and great white sharks and an examination of Australian law and policy in shark eco-tourism provides a powerful case study. This article identifies lessons that may be learnt from Australian shark eco-tourism as a first step towards identification of best practice legal strategies that both support the industry and ensure environmental integrity.  相似文献   

Fisheries observers can both collect scientific data and report on compliance with fisheries regulations. Observers are used only for scientific purposes in most US fisheries. However, North Pacific groundfish fisheries observers are required to report violations of fisheries regulations that they witness. Based on evaluation of historical enforcement incidents and survey data, this paper considers the effects of mandatory reporting in the North Pacific. The goal of this analysis is to determine whether and how observer enforcement in the North Pacific differs from observer enforcement in other US fisheries and to determine what benefits observer enforcement might yield if adopted in other fisheries.  相似文献   

Because of its tectonic setting, the Pacific coast of Colombia is subject to a variety of geological hazards, including earthquakes, tsunamis and associated phenomena such as regional and local coastal subsidence, flooding and soil liquefaction. Erosional trends are prevalent along much of the 700 km long, low barrier island's shorelines of the Pacific littoral and land losses are enhanced by factors such as 30 cm regional sea level rises associated to the occurrence of El Niño. Marine erosion is threatening more seashore littoral villages and worsening the already difficult socioeconomic conditions of most part of the inhabitants. Because of diverse and strong motivations to stay near the sea, the responses of barriers island's inhabitants to marine erosion has consisted in most cases of repetitive in-shore and along-shore directed relocations of villages, rather than definitive abandonment of the islands. In the long run, this procedure only has postponed the problem and led to repetitive relocations and economical losses. The recent inland relocation of El Choncho village, on the San Juan River delta, illustrates a different response to marine erosion. Although a new along-shore relocation was physically possible, inhabitants decided to abandon the barrier island and migrate to an interior, ancient beach ridge complex, applying a prudent solution which will be the most appropriate for other threatened villages of the Pacific littoral. A detailed geomorphologic mapping program must be conducted in order to identify appropriate sites for inland relocation of existing villages on the barriers islands of the Colombian Pacific coast.  相似文献   

Large sections of the western Irish coast are characterised by a highly compartmentalised series of headland-embayment cells in which sand and gravel beaches are backed by large vegetated dune systems. Exposure to modally high-energy swell renders most of these beaches dissipative in character. A mesotidal range (c. 3.5–4.5 m) exists along much of the coast. Analysis of instrumental wind records from three locations permitted the identification of a variety of storm types and the construction of storm catalogues. Few individual storms were recorded at all three stations indicating a lack of regional consistency in storm record. Of the total storms recorded, only a small percentage are potentially damaging (onshore directed) and even fewer span a high tide and thus potentially induce a measurable morphological response at the coast.

Through a combination of historical records, meteorological records, field observations and wave modelling we attempt to assess the impact of storms. Quantifiable records of coastal morphology (maps, air photos and beach profiles) are few in number and do not generally record responses that may be definitely attributed to specific storms. Numerical wave simulations and observations at a variety of sites on the west Irish coast, however, provide insights into instantaneous and medium term (decadal) storm responses in such systems.

We argue that beaches and dunes that are attuned to modally high-energy regimes require extreme storms to cause significant morphological impact. The varying orientation of beaches, a spatially nonuniform storm catalogue and the need for a storm to occur at high water to produce measurable change, impart site-specific storm susceptibility to these embayments. Furthermore, we argue that long-period wave energy attenuation across dissipative shorefaces and beaches reduces coastal response to distant storms whereas short-period, locally generated wind waves are more likely to cause major dune and beach erosion as they arrive at the shoreline unrefracted.

This apparently variable response of beach and dune systems to storm forcing at a decadal scale over a coastline length of 200 km urges caution in generalising regarding regional-scale coastal responses to climatic change.  相似文献   

The Arctic Council is an intergovernmental forum for the Arctic states, which have an outreach beyond the Arctic circle. It is a unique international regime for cooperation among governments and indigenous peoples. The Arctic Council has a very light administration and no obligatory funding. The Host Country of the Council provides a Secretariat and serves as a hub in a network in active operation. Projects are administered by a lead partner, often a Member State or a Indigenous people's organisation. Most of the work is done in Working Groups of Experts. In 1998, The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme delivered a science-based Assessment Report on Arctic Pollution Issues. This report has influenced strongly on the global negotiations on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals. The Stockholm Convention on POPs 2001 is a significant step forward for the protection of the Arctic environment and for people living in the Arctic, who are dependent on harvesting as a central source of livelihood. The Arctic Council has adopted a Regional Plan of Action, which follows the UNEP methodology on the Protection of the Marine Environment from land-based activities. In June 2001, a report on the status and conservation of Flora and Fauna was delivered to the Arctic Council by the experts, who were requested to prepare recommendations on biodiversity conservation on the basis of the status report. The most important project for the time being is the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Close to 200 climate scientific experts from 11 countries are participating in the project, which will deliver its final report in 2004. Science-based decision making is an Arctic Council brand. In addition, the Council takes into account traditional knowledge provided by indigenous peoples. The overall goal is to enhance sustainable development in the Arctic. The Council contributes to a better knowledge base for decision-making. Political recommendations are agreed upon unanimously. Much of the implementation is done by the member states themselves and appropriate international organisations. The ambition is to integrate sustainable development principles into all activities and projects under the auspices of the Arctic Council.  相似文献   

During summer of 2009, multi-channel marine seismic reflection data and wide-angle refraction data were acquired as part of the joint NSF and Taiwanese-funded TAIGER program with the goal of understanding the dynamics of arc-continent collision in Taiwan. One of the principle difficulties of crustal-scale imaging with marine reflection data such as these is the prevalent multiple contamination that obscures many of the deep crustal targets. Without effective treatment of multiples, many of the objectives of the TAIGER active source program may not be achieved. We present three profiles, one from each acquisition leg, that demonstrate the effectiveness of 2D surface-related multiple elimination (SRME) and radon filtering in attenuating much of this unwanted energy in broad ranges of water depths, seafloor topographies and lithologies. Two profiles from south of Taiwan image 3–4 km of sedimentary strata overlying moderately extended continental crust along the Eurasia continental shelf and a 5–6 km thick sedimentary section overlying thin crust consisting of faulted blocks and volcanic bodies along the continental slope. Our multiple attenuation efforts also reveal a seaward-dipping normal fault that penetrates into the upper mantle and separates thick crust of the continental shelf from thin crust of the continental slope. A profile from east of Taiwan reveals thin ocean crust of the Philippine Sea plate subducting beneath the Ryukyu trench that may be traced beneath the accretionary prism and Ryukyu forearc. These profiles demonstrate the success of our imaging strategy in the range of imaging environments spanned by the TAIGER marine reflection seismic data.  相似文献   

Climate change with rising sea levels and possible changes in surge levels and wave climate will have a large impact on how we protect our coastal areas and cities. Here the focus is on estuarine locations not only affected by tide and surge propagation, but also potentially influenced by freshwater discharge. Mitigation measures might be diverse ranging from pure hard ‘engineering’ solutions all the way to significant realignment. The variation in the type/origin and extent of the flood sources greatly influences subsequent risk management measures. At the same time, society is increasingly demanding that we take a holistic view on risk management, embracing and balancing safety, ecological and socio-economic aspects. This requires that all these diverse factors need to be considered together and integrated. In this context, the Source–Pathway–Receptor (SPR) approach offers a powerful holistic tool to investigate changing risk connected to extreme events.The traditional SPR approach with a consecutive treatment of the flood, pathway and receptor is well understood and is widely used in coastal flood risk analysis. Here an enhanced 2D conceptual version of the SPR method is used to better describe the system and to allow flexibility in considering multiple scales, flood sources and pathways. The new approach is demonstrated by three estuarine case studies in western Europe: the Gironde estuary, France; the Dendermonde region in the Scheldt estuary, Belgium; and HafenCity (Hamburg) in the Elbe estuary, Germany. They differ considerably in the surface area considered, in the type of flood sources, and hence also in the SPR configuration. After a brief introduction of the typical characteristics of the three study sites including some lessons learned from past flood protection measures, the differences in application and results of the SPR approach are discussed. Emphasis is on the specific aspects for each study site, but embedded in a generic SPR framework. The resulting generic lessons learned about the flood sources and how this shapes subsequent analysis are transferable to numerous important estuaries worldwide.  相似文献   

Canada has had experience with a number of different rights-based management programs for fish harvesting for more than thirty years. These programs have spanned both coasts, as well as been applied to fisheries in the central region. This paper sets the institutional context within which these programs operate, reviews selected programs for instances of successes and/or failures, and presents some lessons learned.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs (ARs) have been deployed in Algarve (Southern Portugal) coastal waters to contribute to the sustainability of local nearshore fisheries. Herein, we describe the colonization process of the recently deployed Faro/Ancão AR, and assess the time until the fish assemblage reaches stability and their seasonal patterns. In addition, we compare the results from the present study with those previously reported for an older AR. The fish assemblages were monitored monthly over a 2‐year period by means of visual census. A rapid increase in fish colonization occurred within the first 4 months. After this initial period the assemblage structure showed high similarity (> 73%). The high rate of colonization of the AR was related to the maturity already achieved by the nearby 14‐year‐old AR and to the fish migration from the Ria Formosa lagoon, a nearby nursery habitat. The reef fish assemblage structure showed a seasonal pattern, mainly associated with recruitment episodes of occasional demersal species (Boops boops, Trachurus trachurus and Pagellus spp.) in spring and summer. A total of 66% of the species found in AR are of commercial and recreational importance. The overall mean density and biomass were 2.8 ind·m?3 and 207 g·m?3. The occasional demersal species accounted for 42% of the fish density. The most important species in terms of biomass belong to the Sparidae family along with Dicentrarchus labrax. The fish assemblage of the new ARs showed higher mean number of species, diversity, density and biomass values than those reported for the older AR. This result was associated with enlargement of the AR area and with the fishing exploitation of the isolated, small and patchy old AR. Moreover, the high biomass values recorded in the new ARs were mainly due to the increased density of D. labrax after AR enlargement. The results of the present study are used to define guidelines for suitable management strategies for the AR areas that are exploited by the local commercial and recreational fisheries.  相似文献   

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