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The Ca–Mg relationship in groundwaters strongly points to the overall dolomitization and local albitization. The Mg/Ca ratios reveal two trends by which saline waters develop: increase of Mg/Ca ratio by evaporation and decreasing Mg/Ca ratios due to dolomitization and albitization. Br/Cl vs. Na/Cl ratios demonstrate that albitization does not play a major role which leaves dolomitization to be the main source for decreasing Mg/Ca ratios in saline waters. In the eastern and southern Region of Lake Kinneret, salinization occurs by mixing with a Ca/Mg molar ratio <1 brine (Ha’On type). Along the western shoreline of the Lake, a Ca/Mg > 1 dominates, which developed by the albitization of plagioclase in abundant mafic volcanics and the dolomitization of limestones. The most saline groundwater of the Tabgha-, Fuliya-, and Tiberias clusters could be regional derivatives of at least two mother brines: in diluted form one is represented by Ha’On water, the other is a Na-rich brine of the Zemah type. Additionally, a deep-seated Ca-dominant brine may ascend along the fractures on the western side of Lake Kinneret, which is absent on the eastern side. Groundwaters of the Lower Jordan Valley are chemically different on both sides of the Jordan River, indicating that the exchange of water is insignificant. All saline waters from the Dead Sea and its surroundings represent a complex mixture of brines, and precipitation and local dissolution of halite and gypsum. Many wells of the Arava/Araba Valley pump groundwater from the Upper Cretaceous limestone aquifer, the origin of the water is actually from the Lower Cretaceous Kurnub Group sandstones. Groundwater drawn from the Quaternary alluvial fill either originates from Kurnub Group sandstones (Eilat 108, Yaalon 117) or from altered limestones of the Judea Group. The origin of these waters is from floods flowing through wadis incised into calcareous formations of the Judea Group. On the other hand, as a result of step-faulting, hydraulic contact is locally established between the Kurnub- and the Judea Groups aquifers facilitating the inter-aquifer flow of the confined Kurnub paleowater into the karstic formations of the Judea Group. Two periods of Neogene brine formation are considered: the post-Messinan inland lagoon resulting in drying up of the Sdom Sea and the evaporation of the Pleistocene Samra Lake, which went further through the stage of Lake Lisan to the present Dead Sea. For the first period, major element hydrochemistry suggests that the saline waters and brines in the Jordan-Dead Sea–Arava Valley transform evolved from the gradual evaporation of an accumulating mixture of sea-, ground-, and surface water. Due to the precipitation of carbonates, gypsum, and halite, such an evaporating primary water body was strongly enriched in Mg, Br, and B and shows high molar ratios of Br/Cl, B/Cl, and Mg/Ca but low Na/Cl ratios. The development of the Br/Cl ratio is chemically modelled, showing that indeed brine development is explicable that way. Along with the evaporation brine, evaporites formed which are leached by infiltrating fresh water yielding secondary brines with Na/Cl ratios of 1. When primary brines infiltrated the sub-surface, they were subjected to Mg–Ca exchange in limestones (dolomitization) and to chloritization and albitization in basic igneous rocks turning them into Ca-Cl brines. These tertiary brines are omnipresent in the Rift. The brines of the late Lisan and Dead Sea were generated by evaporating drainage waters, which leached halite, gypsum, and carbonates from the soil and from the sub-surface. All these brines are still being flushed out by meteoric water, resulting in saline groundwaters. This flushing is regionally enhanced by intensive groundwater exploitation. In variable proportions, the Neogene and late Lisan Lake and Recent Dead Sea brines have to be considered as the most serious sources of salinization of groundwaters in the Rift. Deep-seated pre-Sdom brines cannot strictly be excluded, but if active they play a negligible role only. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Sabkhas are ubiquitous geomorphic features in eastern Saudi Arabia. Seven brine samples were taken from Sabkha Jayb Uwayyid in eastern Saudi Arabia. Brine chemistry, saturation state with respect to carbonate and evaporate minerals, and evaporation-driven geochemical reaction paths were investigated to delineate the origin of brines and the evolution of both brine chemistry and sabkha mineralogy. The average total dissolved solids in the sabkha brines is 243 g/l. The order of cation dominance is Na+   >>  Mg2+ >>  Ca2+>K+, while anion dominance is Cl >> SO4 2− >> HCO3 . Based on the chemical divide principle and observed ion ratios, it was concluded that sabkha brines have evolved from deep groundwater rather than from direct rainfall, runoff from the surroundings, or inflow of shallow groundwater. Aqueous speciation simulations show that: (1) all seven brines are supersaturated with respect to calcite, dolomite, and magnesite and undersaturated with respect to halite; (2) three brines are undersaturated with respect to both gypsum and anhydrite, while three brines are supersaturated with respect to both minerals; (3) anhydrite is a more stable solid phase than gypsum in four brines. Evaporation factors required to bring the brines to the halite phase boundary ranged from 1.016 to 4.53. All reaction paths to the halite phase boundary follow the neutral path as CO2 is degassed and dolomite precipitates from the brines. On average, a sabkha brine containing 1 kg of H2O precipitates 7.6 g of minerals along the reaction path to the halite phase boundary, of which 52% is anhydrite, 35.3% is gypsum, and 12.7% is dolomite. Bicarbonate is the limiting factor of dolomite precipitation, and sulfate is the limiting factor of gypsum and anhydrite precipitation from sabkha brines.  相似文献   

Authigenic calcite and dolomite and biogenic aragonite occur in Holocene pan sediments in a Mediterranean‐type climate on the western coastal plain of South Africa. Sediment was analysed from a Late Pleistocene coastal pan at Yzerfontein and four Holocene inland pans ranging from brackish to hypersaline. The pans are between 0·08 and 0·14 km2 in size. The δ18OPDB values of carbonate minerals in the pan sediments range from ?2·41 to 5·56‰ and indicate precipitation from evaporative waters. Covariance of total organic content and percentage carbonate minerals, and the δ13CPDB values of pan carbonate minerals (?8·85 to ?1·54‰) suggest that organic matter degradation is a significant source of carbonate ions. The precipitation of the carbonate minerals, especially dolomite, appears to be mediated by sulphate‐reducing bacteria in the black sulphidic mud zone found in the brine‐type hypersaline pans. The knobbly, sub‐spherical texture of the carbonate minerals suggests that the precipitation of the carbonate minerals, particularly dolomite, is related to microbial processes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of pan carbonate minerals (0·7108 to 0·7116) are slightly higher than modern sea water and indicate a predominantly sea water (marine aerosol) source for calcium (Ca2+) ions with relatively minor amounts of Ca2+ derived from the chemical weathering of bedrock.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(1):35-55
Formation waters within Upper Carboniferous sandstones in the sub-sea Prince and Phalen coal mines, Nova Scotia, originated as residual evaporative fluids, probably during the precipitation of Windsor Group (Lower Carboniferous) salts which underlie the coal measures. Salinity varies from 7800 to 176,000 mg/l, and the waters are Na–Ca–Cl brines enriched in Ca, Sr and Br and depleted in Na, K, Mg and SO4 relative to the seawater evaporation curve. Br:Cl and Na:Cl ratios suggest that the brine composition corresponds to an evaporation ratio of as much as 30. The brines lie close to the meteoric line on H/O isotopic plots but with a compositional range of δ18O from −4.18 to −6.99 and of δD from −42.4 to −23.5, distant from modern meteoric or ocean water. Mine water composition contrasts with that of nearby salt-spring brines, which are inferred to have originated through dissolution of Windsor Group evaporites by modern meteoric waters. However, a contribution to the mine waters from halite dissolution and from Br in organic matter cannot be ruled out. Present concentrations of several elements in the brines can be explained by water–rock interaction. The original Windsor brines probably moved up into the overlying coal-measure sandstones along faults, prior to the Late Triassic. The high salinity and irregular salinity distribution in the Phalen sandstones suggests that the brines have undergone only modest dilution and are virtually immobile. In contrast, Prince waters show a progressive increase in salinity with depth and are inferred to have mixed with surface waters. Basinal brines from which these modern formation fluids were derived may have been important agents in base-metal and Ba mineralisation from the mid-Carboniferous onwards, as saline fluid inclusions are common in Zn–Pb sulphide deposits in the region.  相似文献   

地下深层富钾卤水是非常重要的钾盐资源,目前很少从区域尺度系统研究沉积盆地中富钾卤水水化学特征及成因.对潜江凹陷深层富钾卤水进行了主、微量元素分析.研究区卤水矿化度为125.70~347.00 g/L,K含量为0.32~6.83 g/L;富集Li、B、I、Na、Cl,亏损Mg、Br,Ca、SO4有富集也有亏损.储层岩石矿...  相似文献   

In this study, nineteen brine samples from the Qarhan Salt Lake (QSL) in western China were collected and analyzed for boron (B) and chlorine (Cl) concentrations, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH values and stable B isotopic compositions. The B concentrations and δ11B values of brines in the QSL range from 51.6 mg/L to 138.4 mg/L, and from +9.32‰ to +13.08‰, respectively. By comparison of B concentrations and TDS of brines in QSL with evaporation paths of brackish water, we found that B enrichment of brines primarily results from strong evaporation and concentration of Qarhan lake water. Combining with comparisons of B concentrations, TDS, pH values and δ11B values of brines, previously elemental ratios (K/Cl, Mg/Cl, Ca/Cl, B/Cl) and δ11B values of halite from a sediment core (ISL1A), we observe good correlations between B concentrations and TDS, TDS and pH values, pH and δ11B values of brines, which demonstrate that higher B concentrations and more positive δ11B values of halite indicate higher salinity of the Qarhan paleolake water as well as drier paleoclimatic conditions. Based on this interpretation of the δ11B values of halite in core ISL1A, higher salinity of the Qarhan paleolake occurred during two intervals, around 46–34 ka and 26–9 ka, which are almost coincident with the upper and lower halite-dominated salt layers in core ISL1A, drier climate phases documented from the δ18O record of carbonate in core ISL1A and the paleomoisture record in monsoonal central Asia, and a higher solar insolation at 30°N. These results demonstrate that the δ11B values of halite in the arid Qaidam Basin could be regarded as a new proxy for reconstructing the salinity record of paleolake water as well as paleoclimate conditions.  相似文献   

Twenty-four brine samples from the Heletz-Kokhav oilfield, Israel, have been analyzed for chemical composition and Li isotope ratios. The chemical composition of the brines, together with geological evidence, suggests derivation from (Messinian) seawater by evaporation that proceeded well into the gypsum stability field but failed to reach the stage of halite crystallization. The present salinity of the samples (18-47 g Cl/L) was achieved by dilution of the original evaporitic brine by local fresh waters. Like brines from other sedimentary basins, the Li/Cl ratios in the Heletz-Kokhav samples show a prominent Li enrichment (five-fold to eight-fold) relative to modern seawater. The isotopic ratios of Li, expressed in the δ 6Li notation, vary from −26.3 to −17.9‰, all values being significantly higher than that of modern seawater (−32‰) irrespective of their corresponding Li concentration (1.0-2.3 mg/L). The isotopic composition of Li and the Li/Cl ratio in the oilfield brines were acquired in two stages: (a) The original evaporated seawater gained isotopically light Li during the diagenetic interaction between the interstitial Messinian brine and the basin sediments. A parent brine with an elevated Li/Cl ratio was formed. The brine was later diluted in the oilfields. (b) The δ 6Li values of the final brines were determined during epigenetic interaction with the Heletz-Kokhav aquifer rocks. At the same time, the Li/Cl ratio inherited from stage (a) remained largely unchanged. This work represents the first use of lithium isotopic composition to elucidate the origin and evolution of formation waters in sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Primary gypsum is the main evaporite mineral in the middle Miocene (Badenian) of the West Ukraine. The lower part of the gypsum sequence is built of autochthonous gypsum while the upper part is composed of allochthonous gypsum that formed following a major, tectonically induced, change in basin morphology. This change resulted in the destruction of the gypsum deposited on the margins of the basin and formation of redeposition features. Autochthonous gypsum facies were deposited in two main environments: (1) giant gypsum intergrowths precipitated from highly concentrated brines; (2) very shallow subaqueous gypsum deposited in a vast brine pan. The brine pan was characterized by a facies mosaic that reflects an interplay of concentrated brines from the central part of the evaporite basin and diluted brines due to the influx of continental meteoric waters. The facies continuum, microbial gypsum - bedded selenite - massive selenite - sabre gypsum, indicates increasing salinity of the brine with time. This type of facies pattern has been established in recent salinas that are analogous to Badenian gypsum in their lateral facies changes. However, the pattern of facies distribution with respect to the open sea in the Badenian basin is opposite to that found in recent salinas. The pattern of the Badenian gypsum facies in the Ukraine indicates that facies repetition may have been related to climatically controlled salinity changes and not to depth changes, as is commonly used to explain the repetition of sulphate facies in a vertical succession.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西北角分布有基岩,盆地西部分布山麓堆积及河、湖相沉积地层,新生界发育有多个北西—南东走向的规模不一的背斜,新近系分布有富钾地下卤水。利用统计方法分析卤水中TDS、K+和B2O3的富集情况。结果显示:TDS值出现双峰,卤水样品富K+和B3+的概率分别为628%和6129%。使用Piper图研究地下卤水时,经常出现样品点过于集中而不易反映主要离子含量的变化。本次研究改进了前人的图示方法,绘制适合于表示地下卤水的水化学图。利用钠氯系数、氯溴系数、氯碘系数、钾氯系数、脱硫系数、钙镁系数对研究区卤水水样进行分析,结果显示卤水样品多数未达到石盐沉积,少数达到石盐沉积。研究区水样氢、氧稳定同位素数据显示新近系地下卤水δ18O值和δD值均发生漂移,表明卤水经历长时间的蒸发浓缩。研究区地下卤水起源于早上新世的古大气降水,上新世以后由于青藏高原快速隆升,柴达木盆地抬升和沉降中心东移,接受沉积形成良好的盖层,同时大气环流的改变致使气候变得干燥,地下卤水经历蒸发浓缩封存,形成现今的卤水。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(9):1355-1365
Hydrogeochemical assessment of 40 saline waters and brines from 20 locations within the lower (southern) and middle regions of the Benue-Trough, Nigeria are presented and discussed in terms of genesis of the primary salinity and subsequent hydrochemical evolution. The total dissolved ions range from 5263 to 88,800 mg/L and 5148 to 47,145 mg/L in the lower and middle region, respectively.The saline waters and brines are characteristically Na–Cl type enriched in Ca and Sr on the one hand and depleted in Mg and SO4 on the other, relative to the seawater evaporation trend. Ionic ratios, Na–Cl–Br systematic and divalent cations suggest two likely sources of primary salinity: a fossil seawater source and dissolution of halite. However, water–rock interaction involving Mg uptake by clay minerals and possibly dolomitization during diagenesis appear to be responsible for further modification of the primary chemistry. A conceptualized hydrogeological/flow model for the brines is presented.  相似文献   

This study presents results on the fluid and salt chemistry for the Makgadikgadi, a substantial continental basin in the semi-arid Kalahari. The aims of the study are to improve understanding of the hydrology of such a system and to identify the sources of the solutes and the controls on their cycling within pans. Sampling took place against the backdrop of unusually severe flooding as well as significant anthropogenic extraction of subsurface brines. This paper examines in particular the relationship between the chemistry of soil leachates, fresh stream water, salty lake water, surface salts and subsurface brines at Sua Pan, Botswana with the aim of improving the understanding of the system’s hydrology. Occasionally during the short wet season (December–March) surface water enters the saline environment and precipitates mostly calcite and halite, as well as dolomite and traces of other salts associated with the desiccation of the lake. The hypersaline subsurface brine (up to TDS 190,000 mg/L) is homogenous with minor variations due to pumping by BotAsh mine (Botswana Ash (Pty) Ltd.), which extracts 2400 m3 of brine/h from a depth of 38 m. Notable is the decrease in TDS as the pumping rate increases which may be indicative of subsurface recharge by less saline water. Isotope chemistry for Sr (87Sr/86Sr average 0.722087) and S (δ34S average 34.35) suggests subsurface brines have been subject to a lithological contribution of undetermined origin. Recharge of the subsurface brine from surface water including the Nata River appears to be negligible.  相似文献   

Thermal waters of northern (18°–27°S) and southern (37°–45°S) Chile occur in two very different climatic, geologic and hydrologic environments: arid closed basins with abundant evaporites in the north; humid climate and well drained valleys in the south. The origin and behavior of the main components of the two groups of waters are examined and compared to each other. The modeling of the alteration of volcanic rocks leads to water compositions very different from those observed both in the north and south. In addition to hydrothermal alteration and deep emanations, the Cl/Br ratio reveals a major contribution of saline waters to the two groups: infiltrating brines from salt lakes in the north; seawater in the south.In the north, concentrations of Cl, Br, Na, K, Ca, SO4, Li, B, Si result from the mixing of alteration waters with recycled brines. Hydrothermal alteration is obscured by this massive saline input, except for Mg. δ34S values are consistent with an origin of sulfate from salar brines, which are themselves derived from deep Tertiary gypsum. In the south, two processes account for the composition of thermal waters: mixing of alteration waters with seawater and deep magmatic contribution. The mixing process controls the concentration of Cl, Br, Na, Alk, Si, K, Ca, Mg. Magmatic inputs are detectable for SO4, Li and B. δ34S suggests that sulfate stems from the mixing of alteration waters with either marine SO4 in coastal waters or with deep SO2 in inland waters. In both the north and south, the Mg concentration is drastically lowered (<1 μmol/L) by the probable formation of a chlorite-type mineral. In the south, very small amounts of seawater (<1% in volume) are sufficient to imprint a clear signature on thermal waters. Not only coastal springs are affected by seawater mixing, but also remote inland springs, as far as 150 km from the sea. Subduction of marine sediments in the accretive margin could be the source of the marine imprint in thermal waters of southern Chile. Seawater may be expelled from the subducted lithosphere and incorporated into the mantle source.  相似文献   

Marine-evaporitic brines frequently display Na, Cl and Br concentrations that significantly deviate from seawater evaporation paths, yielding markedly conflicting degrees of evaporation calculated for a specific brine. Here we present 493 new and 33 previously reported analyses of Ca-chloridic waters of Neogene age from the Dead Sea Rift (DSR) valley to explain such offsets. The DSR brines plot along an almost perfect mixing line (R2 = 0.990) on a Br/Cl-Na/Cl diagram, extending between two end members A and B. Points A and B are located at Na/Cl = 0.804 and Br/Cl = 0.00193, and at Na/Cl = 0.00773 and Br/Cl = 0.0155, respectively, within the halite and bischofite stability fields.Brines A and B originated in a dual-mode evaporation basin. Brine A formed under the classic lagoon scenario (mode A), with seawater inflow and brine outflow at steady state. Occasional drops in water level, imposed by climatic or tectonic causes, resulted in outflow cutoff and in rapid concentration buildup. The second mode (B) initiated upon equilibration of the activity of water in the brine with the overlying relative humidity, resulting in composition and salinity approaching that of brine B, sustaining it until the next reversal to mode A.Thick evaporite deposits inhibited infiltration of brines A and B into the subsurface terrain, a process that was enabled only when the brine reached the permeable carbonate rock rim and border faults of the basin. Hence, brines that formed during the relatively short shifts from mode A to mode B could not penetrate into the deep subsurface, and bittern minerals that were formed during the frequent mode shifts were dissolved and flushed out into the sea upon the next resumption of outflow.The proposed model accounts for the deviations of brines from the marine evaporitic evolution curve by brine mixing, rather than due to a change in ocean chemistry. It also explains the absence of bittern minerals in the thick halite and gypsum/anhydrite succession, and the compositional gap between the widely different end member hypersaline fluids. This model applies directly to the studied DSR brines and evaporites, but it may be relevant to other inland evaporitic basins.  相似文献   

Bristol Dry Lake, a 155 km2 continental-sabkha playa basin in the Mojave Desert of south eastern California, is filled with at least 300 m of interbedded terrigenous clastics, gypsum, anhydrite, and halite. Evaporite facies conform approximately to a bull's eye pattern with gypsum and anhydrite surrounding a basin centre accumulation of halite. Transects through Bristol Dry Lake, from the alluvial fan to the centre of the playa, reveal: (1) crudely-bedded, alluvial fan clastics interfingering with (2) playa-margin sand flat and wadi sand and silt, followed by (3) gypsum, anhydrite, chaotic mud halite, and clay of the saline mud flat, and (4) salt-pan halite beds. Terrigenous clastics were deposited in Bristol Dry Lake by sheetflow and by suspension settling from ponded floodwater. Some sediment has been reworked by aeolian processes to form barchan dunes around the playa margin. Thin nodular-like beds of anhydrite and several types of gypsum occur across most of the playa. Giant hopper-shaped halite cubes are suspended in saline mud flat facies, suggesting that they grew displacively in brine soaked sediment just below the surface. Thick beds (4 m) of halite, in the playa centre, may have formed through a complex alternating history of subaqueous and intrasedimentary precipitation under the influence of periodic floods, intense evaporation and brine-level lowering, and capillary discharge of brines. The stratigraphy in the playa centre is cyclic. An ideal cycle consists of: (1) chaotic mud halite at the base overlain by (2) green to red clay with abundant, giant hoppers, and at the top (3) red clay, gypsum, and anhydrite with flaser- to wavy-bedded sand and silt. This type of cycle probably records a gradual progradation of mud-flat facies over salt pans. Bristol Dry Lake sediments are nearly identical to some of the Permian evaporites of the Permian Basin region, U.S.A. and they can serve as modern analogues for ancient-sabkha facies analysis.  相似文献   

Analysis of hydraulic heads and chemical compositions of Devonian formation waters in the west central part of the Alberta Basin, Canada, characterizes the origin of formation waters and migration of brines. The Devonian succession in the study area lies 2000–5000 m below the ground surface, and has an approximate total thickness of 1000 m and an average slope of 15 m/km. Four Devonian aquifers are present in the study area, which form two aquifer systems [i.e., a Middle–Upper Devonian aquifer system (MUDAS) consisting of the Elk Point and Woodbend–Beaverhill Lake aquifers, and an Upper Devonian aquifer system (UDAS) consisting of the Winterburn and Wabamun aquifers]. The Ireton is an effective aquitard between these two systems in the eastern parts of the study area. The entire Devonian succession is confined below by efficient aquitards of the underlying Cambrian shales and/or the Precambrian basement, and above by overlying Carboniferous shales of the Exshaw and Lower Banff Formations.The formation water chemistry shows that the Devonian succession contains two distinct brine types: a ‘heavy brine,’ located updip, defined approximately by TDS >200 g/l, and a ‘light brine’ with TDS <200 g/l. Hydraulic head distributions suggest that, presently, the ‘light brine’ attempts to flow updip, thereby pushing the ‘heavy brine’ ahead. The interface between the two brines is lobate and forms large-scale tongues that are due to channeled flow along high-permeability pathways. Geological and hydrogeochemical data suggest that the following processes determined the present composition of the ‘light’ and ‘heavy’ brines: original seawater, evaporation beyond gypsum but below halite saturation, dolomitization, clay dehydration, gypsum dewatering, thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR), and halite dissolution. The influx of meteoric (from the south) and metamorphic (from the west) waters can be recognized only in the ‘light brine.’ Albitization can be unequivocally identified only in the ‘heavy brine.’ The ‘heavy brine’ may be residual Middle Devonian evaporitic brine from the Williston Basin or the Elk Point Basin, or it may have originated from partial dissolution of thick, laterally extensive Middle Devonian evaporite deposits to the east of the study area. The ‘light brine’ most probably originated from dilution of ‘heavy brine’ in post-Laramide times.  相似文献   

李娜  周训  郭娟  拓明明  徐艳秋 《现代地质》2020,34(1):177-188
研究天然盐泉的形成有助于揭示陆地水文循环过程中的物质迁移。采用水文地球化学的方法,分析四川省盐源县的9个泉水和卤水水样的水化学特征和同位素特征,探讨盐泉的溶质来源,总结盐泉的成因模式。水样可以分为TDS为311.69 g/L的Cl-Na型卤水、TDS为55.77~89.43 g/L的Cl-Na型盐泉、TDS为1.17 g/L的Cl-Na型微咸泉和TDS为0.26~0.56 g/L的以HCO3-Ca、HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型为主的淡水泉。泉水和卤水的氢氧同位素显示其来源于大气降水;水样的特征系数显示盐泉和卤水都属于溶滤型,且指示研究区基本不具有找钾前景。泉水的盐分主要来源于石盐、方解石、石膏和白云石等矿物的溶滤。盐泉的形成模式可以概括为:在山区获得大气降水入渗补给后,地下水经历较浅和较深的地下径流并且溶滤含盐地层或者盐矿,使其矿化度升高,在地形较低处汇集出露地表成泉。  相似文献   

Coastal sediment-filled depressions (pans) are one of the few areas that contain Quaternary records of sea-level and palaeoenvironmental change along the western margin of southern Africa. Anichab is a 128 km2 salt-encrusted pan on the hyper-arid southern coast of Namibia with an emergent, well-preserved and in-place mid-Holocene mollusc assemblage. The molluscs are typical of subtidal sands on the sheltered side of offshore islands but include several warm-water species no longer found living along this coast. The Holocene evolution of the pan was largely influenced by changes in sea level and supply of sand along the coast. Calibrated radiocarbon ages of mollusc shells indicate a maximum Holocene sea level of ca 2 m above mean sea level (msl) from 7·0 to 6·3 ka and a return to near present-day sea level by 5·3 ka. The pan surface is 2 m below msl and has been emergent since 4·9 ka from the build up of sandy beaches and coastal dunes. A thin (1–4 cm) halite crust occurs over much of the pan surface but a layer of halite-cemented sand up to 40 cm thick is restricted to the central pan. Gypsum occurs near the subsurface brine interface and is limited by calcium to the edges of the pan. Nodules of calcite-cemented sand are forming in brackish, relatively high alkalinity subsurface waters in the south-east corner of the pan and nodules of aragonite-cemented sand are forming in brines 1 m below the central pan surface. Although modern dolomite has been reported from coastal lagoons of Brazil and Australia, carbonate cements are a minor feature of Anichab Pan and dolomite was restricted to a single reworked nodule most likely of Late Pleistocene age. Therefore, Anichab Pan does not appear to be a modern analogue to extensive, mixed-water dolomite cements found in Upper Pleistocene sediment-filled depressions on the Namibian shelf.  相似文献   

The central trough of the Bolivian Altiplano is occupied by two wide salt crusts: the salar of Uyuni, which is probably the largest salt pan in the world (10,000 km2) and the salar of Coipasa (2,500 km2). Both crusts are essentially made of porous halite filled with an interstitial brine very rich in Li, K, Mg, B (up to 4.7 g/l Li, 4.3 g/l B, 30 g/l K and 75 g/l Mg). Lithium reserves are the highest known in the world, around 9 × 106 tons. Potassium, magnesium and boron reserves in brines are also important (around 194 × 106 tons K, 8 × 106 tons B and 211 × 106 tons Mg).

The crusts are the remnant of saline Lake Tauca (13,000–10,000 yr BP). Its salinity was estimated approximately at 80 g/l. Its paleochemistry was derived in two ways: (1) by dissolving the present amounts of all chemical components in the former lake volume, and (2) by simulating the evaporation of the major inflows to the basin. The resulting chemical compositions are quite different. The dissolution-derived one is 5 to 50 times less concentrated in Li, K, Mg, B than the evaporation-simulated ones. However all compositions present the same Na and Cl contents. This suggests either a removal of bittern salts or an enrichment of the former lake water in Na and Cl.

The most probable interpretation is that Lake Tauca redissolved a salt crust akin to that existing today. Several older lakes have been detected on the Altiplano. Nevertheless, such an explanation only pushes the problem back. It is likely that the anomaly was transferred from one lake to an other. Three hypotheses may be put forward: (1) bittern seepage through bottom sediments, (2) uptake of the missing components by minerals, and (3) leaching of ancient evaporites from the catchment area at the beginning of the lacustrine history of the basin. The excess halite could have been recycled from lake to lake. This latter process seems to be the most effective to explain the large excess of Na and Cl over the bittern solutes — Li, K, Mg and B. The occurrence of almost pure Na/1bCl saline springs flowing out from a gypsum diapir in the northern Altiplano gives substantial support to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

There are 59 springs at the Gevas–Gurp?nar–Güzelsu basins, 38 of these springs emerge from the fractured karst aquifers (recrystallized limestone and travertine) and 21 emerge from the Yuksekova ophiolites, K?rkgeçit formation and alluvium. The groundwater samples collected from 38 out of the total of 59 springs, two streams, one lake and 12 wells were analyzed physico-chemically in the year 2002. EC and TDS values of groundwater increased from the marble (high altitude) to the ophiolites and alluvium (toward Lake Van) as a result of carbonate dissolution and connate seawater. Five chemical types of groundwater are identified: Ca–Mg–HCO3, Mg–Ca–HCO3, Mg–Na–HCO3, Na–Ca–HCO3 and Mg–Ca–Na–HCO3. The calculations and hydrochemical interpretations show that the high concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3 ? as predominant ions in the waters are mainly attributed to carbonate rocks and high pCO2 in soil. Most of the karst springs are oversaturated in calcite, aragonite and dolomite and undersaturated in gypsum, halite and anhydrite. The water–rock interaction processes that singly or in combination influence the chemical composition of each water type include dissolution of carbonate (calcite and dolomite), calcite precipitation, cation exchange and freshening of connate seawater. These processes contribute considerably to the concentration of major ions in the groundwater. Stable isotope contents of the groundwater suggest mainly direct integrative recharge.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(1):51-65
The Po Valley brines represent the base level of the Quaternary aquifer located in a thick clay-sands sedimentary sequence. Geochemistry indicates that these are marine waters, evaporated to the stage of gypsum precipitation and trapped at the bottom of the basin in the late Messinian. Most of the groundwater samples collected from different springs and wells in the plain result from a mixture of these Na–Cl brines and shallow groundwaters laterally recharged by the Alpine and Apennine chains.Natural outflows of brackish waters are associated with major tectonic features. Mud volcanoes, located in the eastern sector of the Po plain, are constantly monitored as sudden chemical changes are significant precursors of seismic activity. In the western sector, calcite-filled veins isotopically record different degrees of water-rock interaction. These are outcropping fossil conduits, where mixing between shallow groundwaters and deep seated brines has occurred. The temporal continuity of the hydrological circuits allows the reconstruction of past and present groundwater circulation patterns.This paper summarises and integrates the geochemical data produced over many years in order to obtain a regional picture of brine origins and the natural mechanisms of groundwater flow.  相似文献   

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