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智利中部埃尔特尼恩特矿床是世界级超大型铜钼矿床之一,其铜矿石(含铜0.62%)储量达12.4×10~8t,钼矿石(含钼0.018%)储量达7.8×10~8t。矿床位于智利中部安第斯山脉晚中新世—早上新世铜-钼成矿省。该成矿省赋存于晚中新世火山活动带。埃尔特尼恩斑岩型铜-钼矿床赋存于中—晚中新世代伐尔隆斯建造,后者伏于科亚-玛查理建造之下,两者之间呈构造不整合或局部不整合接触关系。矿床产于伐尔隆斯的组成部分晚中新世火山深成杂岩中,该杂岩由厚层的玄武质至流纹质喷出岩及侵入岩组成。矿床围岩为安山岩、长英质-中性侵入岩和布莱登岩筒角砾岩。该矿床流体包裹体组合特征表明,岩浆热液演化及成矿作用经历了4个阶段。流体包裹体成分研究表明,该矿床的形成是富含Cu和可能还富含S的深源流体向不断脱挥发分的巨型次火山岩浆房发生贯入作用的结果。  相似文献   

There is a large database of triaxial stress measurements at the El Teniente Mine, Central Chile, but the complex geology, severe topography, and proximity of all measurements to extensive mining excavations made interpretation of the stress field difficult. The measurements were analyzed using three-dimensional numerical stress analysis and decomposition of the stress field into gravitational and tectonic components. By removing gravitational stresses plus local effects from the tectonic component of the stress field a calculation of the far-field tectonic stress tensor is made. It is shown that variations in the tectonic component of stress are related to shear zones cutting through the mine. The far-field major principal component of the tectonic stress field was found to be oriented approximately N–S. This is consistent with the most recent direction of local shortening based on kinematic analysis of faults, but is perpendicular to the direction of regional crustal shortening. There appears to be a limiting envelope to the magnitude of the stress field implying that the shear zones are in a state of limiting equilibrium with regional tectonic driving forces.  相似文献   

研究区钻探施工难度主要表现为:强风化地层占三分二以上,异常松散、破碎,遇冲洗液冲刷即成泥、流沙状,坍塌、埋孔情况频繁;钻孔上段涌水、中段全漏失;钻具因沙埋孔,经常不能到底,下套管、岩矿心采取亦因此而显得异常困难。以ZK4608孔为主,结合ZZ4404孔,对整个矿区的钻探技术研究结果进行了介绍,总结出该区段的钻探工艺为:跟管钻进、安装飞管、及时取粉、边钻边封、双液双泵速效封堵、无水泵干钻卡取等,从而圆满完成了区内18孔计4260m钻探施工任务。  相似文献   

In the area surrounding the El Teniente giant porphyry copper deposit, eight soil sites were sampled at three depth levels in the summer 2004. The sites were selected for their theoretical potential of being influenced by past SO2 emissions from the smelter and/or seepage from a now idle tailings impoundment. The soil mineralogy, grain size distribution, total organic matter contents, major element composition, cation exchange capacity, and Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, As and SO4 2− concentrations were determined for all samples after nitric acid extraction and separate leaches by ammonium acetate (pH 7) and sodium acetate (pH 5). For water rinses, only Cu could be determined with the analytical set-up used. Cu and SO4 2− enrichment in topsoils was found at six sites either downwind from the smelter or within the combined influence of the smelter and the tailings impoundment. Both elements were released partially by ammonium and sodium acetate extractions. Due to the scarce background trace element concentrations of soil and rock outside the immediate mine area, assessment of trace element mobility for Mo, Zn, Pb and As was difficult. Arsenic was found to be concentrated in soil horizons with high smectite and/or organic matter contents. Mo appears to be linked to the presence of windblown tailings sediment in the soils. Mobilization of Mo, Zn, and As for the acetate extractions was minimal or below the detection limits for the AAS technique used. The presence of windblown tailings is considered to be an additional impact on the soils in the foothills of the El Teniente compound, together with the potential of acidity surges and Cu mobilization in topsoils after rainfalls. Two sites located at the western limit of the former SO2 saturated zone with strongly zeolitized soils and underlying rock did not show any Cu or SO4 2− enrichment in the topsoils, and remaining total trace element concentrations were below the known regional background levels.  相似文献   

冻土位移的散斑照相测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武建军  俞祁浩 《冰川冻土》1997,19(3):258-262
针对冻土受力变形的特性,给出了白光散斑照相,激光散射照相和激光显微散照相技术相结合测量冻土位移的方法,分析讨论了各种散斑照相的测量范围,对冻土弹性变形范围内的位移测量实验表明,这是一种有效的测量手段。  相似文献   

Because the land requisition and demolishing became difficult more and more, the mining scheme of Luohe iron mine was changed from caving method to filling method. In order to ensure the safety of the residence and the underground tunnel cavern within the mobile belt of the underground mining, the Luohe iron mine did the blasting test on the vertical crater retreat mining method and blasting vibration monitoring. The blasting experiments use common emulsified oil explosives and non-electric initiation system. The way of caved ore adopts the cutting groove and bench side. The NUBOX-6016 intelligent vibration monitor was chosen in the blasting vibration monitoring. Twice experiments on the blasting vibration monitoring were done on the surface or in the underground refuge cavern. The first test select the three monitoring points on the ground and the second select two monitoring points on the ground and a monitoring point in the underground refuge cavern. The blasting vibration monitoring data were conducted by the regression analysis in the Sodev’s empirical formula. The vibration attenuation formula about the underground blasting vibration transmitting in three directions is derived. The blasting test on the vertical crater retreat mining method and the blasting vibration were analyzed. It is estimated if the vibration damage possibly the surface buildings and related facilities of mine.  相似文献   

杭程 《探矿工程》2012,39(1):25-28
在印尼塔里阿布铁矿项目岩心钻探施工中,其地层既具有泥岩、页岩、粘土岩的遇水膨胀、坍塌,又有凝灰岩、火山灰岩的遇水溶解及硅化石英岩的“打滑”,以及粉状铁矿取心难的特点。易出现卡钻、粘钻等孔内事故。通过大胆的探索,形成了针对该地区岩心钻探施工的一套施工工艺,取得了良好的钻探技术效果。详细介绍了印尼塔里阿布岛铁矿项目岩心钻探施工技术。  相似文献   

翟开慧 《探矿工程》2010,37(3):18-20
针对寨上金矿区钻探中存在的坍塌、缩径等钻孔护壁难题,在采用多种冲洗液无效的情况下,试验应用了植物胶低固相冲洗液,成功地解决了该矿区钻探钻孔护壁难题。分析了矿区钻探护壁困难的原因,介绍了冲洗液应用技术。  相似文献   

介绍了银洞坡金矿区针对孔斜严重、岩心采取率低、钻孔坍漏超径等复杂难题,采用金刚石绳索取心钻进、初级定向钻进和护孔堵漏的经验和教训,并对大型固体矿产详查与勘探实施钻探工程总结出几点体会。  相似文献   

为开展铁矿绳钻工艺深孔钻进工艺研究,选择在新蔡铁矿ZK5604勘探孔进行试验.该上部覆盖层第四系及新近系采用普通钻进工艺钻进至668.49m,Φ152mm钻头扩孔后下人Φ114.3mm套管661.82m,后改换XJSΦ77mm绳钻钻进.当钻进孔深730多米后,频繁出现Φ71mm绳钻钻杆和接头断裂现象,造成绳钻钻进中断,下部地层采用Φ94金刚石钻头普通钻进工艺继续钻进至终孔深度1 412m.分析认为:绳钻钻杆疲劳破损、钻孔级配不合理、设备故障和操作不熟练是造成频繁事故的主要原因,并提出相应的技术对策,为该区的绳钻工艺研究积累了资料.  相似文献   

林锥 《探矿工程》2004,31(9):29-31,34
拟建的某洞库工程开挖断面101 m2,采用钻爆法施工修建。介绍了采用的光面爆破参数、微差爆破、间隔装药结构、复式楔形掏槽等施工工艺。  相似文献   

宋端正 《探矿工程》2012,39(3):34-36
针对甘肃西和大桥金矿区地层破碎、裂隙发育,漏失、坍塌、卡钻、埋钻等难点,采用金刚石绳索取心钻进工艺和聚丙烯酰胺不分散无固相冲洗液护孔技术,并采用多种堵漏措施,取得了较好的技术效果。总结了该矿区复杂地层钻探施工的经验,并提出今后在复杂地层中钻探施工减少停待及事故时问、提高钻探效率等的建议。  相似文献   

渣渡矿区南段—毛易矿区外围位于晏家铺含煤向斜至毛易含煤向斜之间,根据以往地质勘查资料分析,本区尚存在一些构造解释问题。结合生产矿井揭露煤层情况以及最新地质勘查资料,对该区段构造进行了重新厘定,认为金盘仑断层(F1)为本区主要控煤构造,是一条规模较大的由南东向北西的逆冲推覆构造,其下盘测水组(C1c)在区内呈现一向斜构造,为一隐伏含煤区,通过估算获得预测资源量(334)3 075万t。研究认为本区具有较好的找煤前景,其分析方法对进一步寻找煤炭资源勘查靶区具有实际意义。  相似文献   

张宝河 《探矿工程》2010,37(4):44-47
分析了复杂地层的成因,通过精心筹划、严密组织、技术攻关、研制冲洗液、有针对性地研制钻头、规范作业,解决了施工护壁难和取心难题,较好地提高了施工效率和钻孔施工质量。  相似文献   

2021年笏山矿难钻孔救援是我国钻孔救援成功的典型案例。由于地层坚硬且裂隙发育,导致钻孔易偏斜且易发生卡钻事故,针对这一特殊情况采用潜孔锤空气泡沫钻进及螺杆马达纠偏等钻进工艺,成功完成了小口径生命保障孔钻探救援任务,同时本文也对生命保障孔、排水孔和大口径救生孔钻探救援技术进行了总结,对今后开展钻孔救援工作提出有待改进的问题和建议。  相似文献   

以四川渡口水泥厂矿山爆破工程为实例 ,从设计到施工 ,阐述了导爆索 -导爆管雷管接力起爆网路在矿山爆破工程中的应用。爆破达到了预期效果 ,取得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

河南省洛宁上宫金矿区地质条件复杂,地层破碎,特别是中下部蚀变绿泥石化严重,遇水分散剥落坍塌,易造成下钻困难、埋钻等事故,施工难度大。针对矿区地层特点,从设备材料选型、钻孔结构、钻头选用等方面采取措施,重点应用成膜冲洗液解决蚀变破碎绿泥石化地层孔壁失稳取心钻进困难问题,取得了显著效果,为今后复杂地层施工积累了一定的经验。  相似文献   

罗冠平 《探矿工程》2018,45(6):8-13
宁夏固原硝口-寺口子盐矿地层复杂,上部古近系清水营组存在厚约150 m的红色泥岩夹石膏层,水敏性强,孔壁稳定性差,易出现坍塌和缩径,造成卡钻和抱钻事故;下部白垩系乃家河组含芒硝矿层及岩盐矿层,揭露厚度达380多米,水溶性强,孔壁易溶蚀形成“大肚子”、护壁难、钻进效率低、取心质量差。针对以上施工难题,从钻孔结构、钻头选型、钻井液和钻进参数等方面着手研究,建立了一套适合盐矿施工的绳索取心钻进工艺技术,有效地维护了孔壁稳定,实现了高效、高质、安全钻进,为今后施工类似钻孔积累了经验。  相似文献   

广东三水盐矿钻井泥浆工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张秋冬 《探矿工程》2009,36(5):19-21
在广东三水盐矿盐井钻进过程中,根据地层条件及钻探成本的控制,使用了2种不同体系的泥浆,通过实际应用,在钻井效率、事故预防、成本控制等方面取得了较好的成效。着重介绍了施工中使用的2种泥浆体系及其转换过程。  相似文献   

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