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This article sets out an agenda for research that (re)connects research on children’s geographies and childhood studies with studies of spatial literacy. Research on children’s environmental cognition and, latterly, spatial literacy, has been artificially and problematically separated from the majority of research in childhood studies. Our fundamental aim in this article is to argue for – and to evidence – greater attention to how spatial literacy and children’s everyday lives are embedded in one another. To support our broader call for a synthetic research agenda, we draw on some more focussed, qualitative empirical material taken from a large-scale project about children’s mobilities and everyday lives in newly-built urban communities. Our analysis focuses upon children’s interpretations of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) tracks of their mobilities, set against a background of Google Earth imagery. In doing so, we showcase one suite of ways in which research on environmental cognition and children’s geographies might proceed together. We demonstrate that children not only displayed analytical skills (for instance, in relation to scaling effects and pattern recognition) but that many also exercised higher-level, critical analysis, especially in relation to errors on Google Earth outputs. Simultaneously, we interrogate the recursive articulation of a range of qualitative indicators of spatial literacy, with children’s everyday mobilities, routines, emotions and memories. The paper analyses how new conceptual languages and technologies being propounded by spatial literacy scholars could afford a more enriched understanding of key contemporary concerns for children’s geographers, and, recursively, what spatial literacy scholars might gain from engaging with (especially qualitative) research prompted by those concerns.  相似文献   

This paper argues that critical geographies of Latin America begin with an analysis of how and why the bodies and geographies of geographers themselves matter. To focus on the geographer as a producer of knowledge is not to advocate the kind of navel gazing so abhorrent to many scholars. Rather, it is an effort to call attention to and critically assess how the geographer's embodied social position and geographic location inform the production of knowledge about and representations of Latin American people and nature. To illustrate how and why bodies and geographies matter, I draw from feminist and post-colonial theory and include examples from my own experiences and those of other researchers doing fieldwork in Latin American countries. I conclude by exploring the notion of situated knowledge as a tactic that writes bodies and geographies into academic texts. Ultimately, situating knowledge represents a political intervention and contribution to the broader goals of emancipatory politics shared by critical human geographers.  相似文献   

By engaging with ‘pro-anorexia’ and ‘food porn’ on the Internet, this paper explores eating in cyberspace. Reflecting on the ways in which virtual, but affective, consumption is central to both food porn and pro-anorexia websites, the paper asks what the act of eating ‘triggers’ and produces, connects and displaces. It traces how eating in, and through, cyberspace shapes the biological materialities of bodies whilst also collapsing neat distinctions between offline and online worlds. Virtual vectors of spectating, salivating and digesting are disembodied and yet corporeal. Eating is seen to take place beyond and among bodies and to be dissipated both spatially and temporally. As such, cyberspace is outside and other to lived corporeality, and yet also folded into and productive of the intimate geographies and embodied subjectivities of everyday lives. As eating takes myriad forms across the de-materialised viscerality of the Internet, it also emerges as central to the production and ‘matter(ing)’ of cyberspace itself; this is (an) eating space in which what is eaten, by whom and with what bodies, perpetually shifts. Thus, seeking to contribute to geographical scholarship on affect and food, this paper engages with eating as both the subject of enquiry and also as a productive pathway into an interrogation of cyberspace and its place within the affective productions of the everyday. It suggests that this is a key site in which to explore the intimate socialities, materialities and biopolitics of food.  相似文献   

Thinking creative clusters beyond the city: People,places and networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops an ethnographic study of a small rural based ‘creative cluster’, called Krowji, situated in the town of Redruth in West Cornwall, UK. The dominant geographies of creative industries research and policy in recent years have an acknowledged urban bias together with a focus on narratives of agglomeration. This paper sits alongside research that brings to the fore ‘other’ geographies of cultural production, and reflects an increasing interest in work on creativity in rural areas. Following work by Storper and Pratt, we explore Krowji’s complex interdependencies, investigating ‘the relations within, without and across the cluster’. We focus on the relationships between Krowji and its surrounding area together with the spatialities and temporalities of the relations that occur across and beyond the cluster. We address the dynamics and durability of relations formed within the cluster also paying attention to their disconnections. In offering this analysis we develop a valuable counterpoint to the urban bias of much work on creative clusters and we contribute to work that is looking more closely at the temporalities and spatialities of cultural production. Further, we point towards the value of ethnographical research on the creative industries.  相似文献   

This article advances critical geographies of youth through examining the spatiality implicit in the imagined futures of young women in rural India. Geographers and other scholars of youth have begun to pay more attention to the interplay between young people’s past, present, and imagined futures. Within this emerging body of scholarship the role of the family and peer group in influencing young people’s orientations toward the future remain underexamined. Drawing on eleven months of ethnographic fieldwork, my research focuses on a first generation of college-going young women from socioeconomically marginalized backgrounds in India’s westernmost state of Gujarat. I draw on the “possible selves” theoretical construct in order to deploy a flexible conceptual framework that links imagined post-educational trajectories with motivation to act in the present. In tracing the physical movement of these young women as they navigate and complete college, my analysis highlights the ways in which particular kinds of spaces and spatial arrangements facilitate and limit intra- and inter-generational contact, and the extent to which this affects young women’s conceptions of the future. I conclude by considering the wider implications of my research for ongoing debates surrounding youth transitions, relational geographies of age, and education in the Global South.  相似文献   

In foundation engineering practice, pile driving is often used as an efficient method to install piles. While large distortions take place along the pile shaft during the installation, the zone around the pile toe experiences compression. In an attempt to fully understand the build up of resistance when driving piles, it is desirable to model the driving process and the corresponding soil behaviour. The non-linear dynamic analysis of this problem is challenging, given the large deformation that develops together with the associated changes in soil properties. Some numerical methods offer the possibility of handling large material movements by utilising Lagrangian and Eulerian frames of references. However, few of these methods are capable of tracing the material displacement, such as the Material Point Method (MPM). Early implementation of MPM assumes that the mass is concentrated at the material points, which causes noise in the solution. Later implementations assign a spatial domain to the material points to mitigate the grid crossing error. The Convected Particle Domain Interpolation (CPDI) is one such implementation.This paper extends the two-dimensional CPDI formulation for an axisymmetric problem where a pile is driven into sand that is modelled as a hypoplastic model. The extended formulation is tested, validated and compared to that for the case of the two-dimensional plane-strain within the framework of the method of manufactured solution. The hammer blows on the pile are represented by a periodic forcing function. In contrast to earlier studies on pile installation using advanced models, deep penetration is achieved in the present analysis. A non-regular distribution for the particle domains is suggested to avoid unnecessary computation. A frictional contact algorithm is introduced to describe the pile–soil interaction.  相似文献   

Jennifer Lea 《Geoforum》2009,40(3):465-474
This paper explores the process of learning an embodied knowledge using the work of Dreyfus and Deleuze. Although geographers have begun to acknowledge the role of embodied knowledges in social life, there have been few in-depth case studies of how these skills are learned. This paper offers a case study of Thai Yoga massage (TYM), a ‘complementary and alternative therapy’ which is growing in popularity in the United Kingdom. Having outlined the case study, the paper explores the cultural geographies of the formalisation, documentation and contestation of the set of techniques that have come to cohere in the UK as TYM. The paper then interrogates the messy corporeal geographies of learning a skill, and briefly considers how more advanced practitioners experience their skilled practice.  相似文献   

The term ‘rewilding’ sounds as if it should have a straightforward meaning ‘to make wild again’. But in truth the term has a complex history and a host of meanings have been ascribed to it. Rewilding as a specific scientific term has its beginnings as a reference to the Wildlands Project, which was founded in 1991 and aimed to create North American core wilderness areas without human activity that would be connected by corridors. Words, however, do not stand still—they change over time and take on new meanings, while sometimes simultaneously retaining the older sense. Employing Foucault’s idea of historical genealogy, this article examines how the term rewilding was historically adopted and modified in ecological scientific discourse over the last two decades. This investigation probes what and, by extension, when and where, rewilding refers to as it has moved into various geographies across the globe. It then examines how the term has moved outside of science and been adopted by environmental activists as a plastic word. Taken as a whole, rewilding discourse seeks to erase human history and involvement with the land and flora and fauna. Such an attempted split between nature and culture may prove unproductive and even harmful. A more inclusive rewilding is a preferable strategy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the enduring separation and isolation of elite schools in England, in the face of increasing and substantial internationalisation. It presents the findings of a research project examining the geographical narratives produced by 30 elite schools on their websites and through their prospectuses, newsletters, blogs and twitter feeds. A critical visual and textual analysis was undertaken. Drawing on these data, the paper argues that elite schools remain highly focused on promoting and defending their separateness and isolation, despite extensive, documented international involvements. Work on institutional and carceral geographies and geographies of education have provided some theoretical justification for why this might be the case, and we explore these reasons here. The paper concludes with a plea for more work on the elite schooling sector in England, as their spatial practices (isolation and internationalisation) continue to have a weighty bearing upon society.  相似文献   

This paper examines economic upgrading in the Canarium indicum (Canarium) nut industry in Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Canarium is a tree that is indigenous to Melanesia, and has been the subject of several commercialisation attempts since 1988. The paper assesses the outcomes to various actors in the Canarium supply chain from attempts to upgrade industry products and processes by: (1) increasing the available resource in suitable locations; (2) improving nut products and processing techniques; (3) increasing actors’ knowledge and supply chain coordination; and (4) establishing product standards. A two-phase data generation process was implemented. Document analysis and participant observations of industry workshops initiated a set of four economic upgrading interventions that were adaptively implemented. A second stage of workshops and 76 interviews enabled outcomes to be assessed at the project’s end. Findings suggest that a small number of urban-based entrepreneurs benefit and subsequently are lead actors in industry development, but at the expense of benefits being distributed to a larger, more spatially disparate group of smallholder and small commercial growers. These economic upgrading outcomes are circumscribed by core-periphery relations in Pacific small island states and the scale of industry in each country. Thus, spatial inequalities are reproduced through the emerging Canarium industries. We argue that different routes to industry development are required in each country. Development initiatives that capitalise on the benefits of micro-enterprise clusters, joint action and regional institutional arrangements are proposed to overcome the impediments imposed by the particular geographies of Pacific island states.  相似文献   

The flow of organic matter along the main navigation channel of Ria Formosa, Portugal, was assessed using determinations of suspended particulate matter (SPM), particulate organic matter (POM), and chlorophyll a (chla) concentrations in conjunction with stable isotope values of primary producers, particulate matter, and two filter feeders. SPM in the lagoon is dominated by inorganic particles comprising 80% of total weight with organic matter averaging about 20%. The algal component of the POM averaged about 5% with the remainder comprised of detritus. The δ13C values of primary producers ranged from ?9.1‰ in the intertidal seagrassZostera noltii to ?30.7‰ in the red seaweedBostrychia scorpioides revealing underlying differences in the mechanisms of carbon uptake. The δ13C value ofB. scorpioides, which develops entangled on the salt marsh speciesSpartina maritima, suggests that its main source of inorganic carbon is atmospheric CO2. The δ13C values of the high marsh macrophyteSarcocornia perennis significantly increased with distance from the ocean while δ13C values ofZ. noltii decreased, probably because higher decomposition of organic matter at inner stations lowers the δ13CO2 value in the water. The δ15N values of Ulvales, seagrasses, and marsh plants significantly increased from outer stations to inner stations. This increase may be due either to recycling of nitrogen (N) within the marsh (with loss of light N2 or NH4) or to inputs of isotopically heavy N from sewage. The δ15N values of particulate matter showed an opposite trend, which indicates higher microbial degradation of organic matter at the inner lagoon. The data demonstrate that the seston in the lagoon is a mixture of detritus from lagoon primary producers with a minor contribution of microalgae. The filter feeders are most likely assimilating a mixture of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos. Digestion of lagoon seston is selective. The δ15N values of both muscle and digestive gland of filter feeders showed the opposite gradient of particulate matter indicating that the depleted δ15N of SPM at inner stations was not assimilated or even ingested. Stable isotopes values did not differ between the filter-feeders—the musselMytilus galloprovincialis collected on buoys and the clamTapes decussatus collected in the sediment—suggesting a considerable mixture of benthic-pelagic organic matter throughout the water column. Assessment of the changes in isotopic decomposition of detritus as it decays is required to refine our understanding of organic matter transfers in detrital food webs.  相似文献   

The local geographies of poverty: a rural case-study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paul Milbourne 《Geoforum》2004,35(5):559-575
Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in the spaces of poverty in Britain. An increasing number of geographers have placed poverty back `on the map' by pointing to its complex spatial manifestations. In addition, the increased importance attached to the concept of social exclusion within UK social welfare discourse has led to social policy researchers thinking more critically about the broader social and spatial contexts of poverty and, consequently, new connections between poverty and space have been identified. However, within these new spatialised accounts of poverty in Britain, scant attention has been given to the local geographies of poverty. In fact, relatively little is known about the complex connections between poverty and place, and, more specifically, the ways that poverty is associated with different material forms, representations and experiences in particular local contexts. This paper develops these kinds of connection between poverty and place through an exploration of the local geographies of rural poverty in South-west England. Based on an analysis of local poverty data, in-depth interviews with a broad range of key agencies and a case-study of poverty in a particular village, the research highlights the complex socio-spatial nature of poverty, the different spatial scales and visibilities of poverty, and important connections between poverty and the shifting social composition of local space.  相似文献   

A completely new feeding pattern has been found among caterpillars native to Hawaii: certain geometrid larvae (commonly called “inchworms”) consume no leaves or other plant matter. Instead, they perch inconspicuously along leaf edges and stems to seize insects that touch their posterior body section. By bending the front of their body backwards in a very rapid strike, the caterpillars opportunistically capture their prey with elongated, spiny legs and 900 larvae and eggs of these moths have been collected from native forests of all the main islands and reared in the laboratory. All are species of Eupithecia, a worldwide group of over 1000 members that had been reported to feed only on plant matter such as flowers, leaves or seeds. At least 6 of Hawaii's described Eupithecia species are raptorially carnivorous, only 2 are known to feed predominantly on plant material, especially Metrosideros flowers. A diet including protein-rich flower pollen and a defensive behavior of snapping may have preadapted Hawaii's ancestral Eupithecia for a shift to predation. Severe barriers to dispersal of mantids and other continental insect predators into Hawaii resulted in an environment favoring behavioral and consequent morphological adaptations that produced these singular insects, which can be commonly called the “grappling inchworms”. Most damage to native biota and habitat is due to imported species or “biological pollution”, and has caused a serious need for protective management.  相似文献   

Our analysis of a 22-year uniform series of photoelectric U BV measurements of HS Her, started in 1969–1983 by D.Ya. Martynov and completed by us in 1984–1991, enabled us to determine new times of minima and revise some times of minima published earlier. Combined with other published data, this information can be used to improve the system’s apsidal elements: U obs = (89.7 ± 5.1) years and log-k 2 obs = ?2.33(4), testifying to a somewhat stronger concentration of matter towards the center than is predicted by current models for main-sequence stars (log -k 2 th = ?2.21). This provides additional evidence that the system’s secondary is at the pre-main-sequence stage of evolution, as we suggested earlier based on our analysis of the system’s photometric elements. We confirm the presence of a third body in the system in a long-period eccentric orbit, as was first suggested in 2002 by Wolf et al. However, in contrast to the results of that paper, we demonstrate that the currently available observational data are insufficient to reliably determine this orbit’s parameters. We estimate the mass of the third body to be M 3 = (1.0?2.0)M for M 1 = 5M and M 2 = 1.6 M .  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) numerical models of close binaries are used to study the structure and dynamics of common envelopes formed due to periodic ejections of matter from the accretion disk through the vicinity of the Lagrange point L3. The results are used to estimate the physical parameters of the envelope, including its 3D matter distribution, and the matter-flow configuration and dynamics. Possible observational manifestations of such envelopes are estimated. We present the envelope’s radialvelocity distributions at various phases and times, as well as model light curves taking into account extinction in the envelope. The envelope becomes optically thick for systems with high mass-exchange rates, ? > 10?8 M /year, and has a significant influence on the binary’s observed features. The uneven phase distributions of the matter and density variations due to periodic injections of matter into the envelope are important for interpretations of observations of close binary stars.  相似文献   

This paper is based on 6 months of ethnographic, multi-sited research in Malaysia, and investigates the relatively recent phenomenon of edible birds’ nest farming in urban areas (‘swiftlet farming’). Swiftlet farms are typically converted shophouses or other buildings which have been modified for the purpose of harvesting the nests of the Edible-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus). I use the controversy over urban swiftlet farming in the Malaysian city of George Town, Penang, to examine discourses used by key stakeholders to shape debates over the place of non-human animals in cities. By considering everyday experiences of urban swiftlet farming, I explore how this burgeoning industry is perceived amongst residents, and how it is deemed to be (in)appropriate within the political, economic and cultural landscape of George Town. Yet, I also consider how farmers have sought to contest these discourses on ideological and normative grounds. In so doing, I place the cultural animal geographies literature in conversation with emergent literature on landscape and urban political ecology. Such a framing allows for a critical evaluation of the controversies surrounding this case, and their implications for human-animal cohabitation in cities. The paper reflects on the implications of this case for how we regulate human-animal relations and live in contemporary cities, and the crucial role of animals in altering urban form, aesthetics and everyday life, particularly in non-Western contexts.  相似文献   

The excess pore pressure generated by pile installation gradually dissipates following installation, which mainly dominates the increase of pile capacity with time. The dissipation of the excess pore pressure following pile installation has been widely investigated by experimental and theoretical studies. However, in most research, the consolidation coefficients were assumed to be constant for simplification, which may lead to errors. In the present study, the dissipation of the excess pore pressure is analyzed by radial consolidation theory with a variable consolidation coefficient based on the linear responses of e − ln(p) and e − log(k). The governing equation of the radial consolidation considering variable compressibility and permeability are solved by the variable separation method. Bessel functions are used to solve the differential functions for the time independent part. The excess pore pressure immediately after pile installation is obtained from cavity expansion theory and is used as the initial condition of the consolidation process. Moreover, the influences of variable compressibility and permeability on the variation of consolidation coefficient and excess pore pressure dissipation are analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical solution for undrained elasto-plastic cylindrical cavity expansion in saturated soil under anisotropic initial stress. The problem is formulated by assuming small-strain deformation in the elastic zone and large-strain deformation in the plastic zone. Plastic yielding is determined by the Tresca failure criterion and an associated flow rule. Two stress functions are used to describe the stress state in the two zones around the cavity. The elasto-plastic boundary can subsequently be determined by solving the two stress functions under the stress boundary conditions. Additionally, the cavity pressure-expansion relationship, the total stress and the excess pore pressure around the cavity wall under anisotropic initial stress can be easily obtained by application of a numerical integration. The results show that the cavity pressure and excess pore pressure under the isotropic initial total stress (K = 1) are larger than those under the anisotropic initial stress (K > 1 and K < 1), which is true at all states of the expansion. The higher value of K develops lower stress and pore pressure around the cavity wall at the ultimate states. However, the stress and excess pore pressure are not sensitive to the value of K. The present solution may be used for analyzing the uplift capacity of plate anchors in soils and Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) problems such as the tunneling, and pipeline installation.  相似文献   

A model, based on the in situ physiological characteristics of methanogens and sulfate reducers, was developed to describe the distribution of methanogenesis and sulfate reduction in freshwater sediments. The model predicted the relative importance of methane production and sulfate reduction in lakes of various trophic status and generated profiles of sulfate, acetate, methanogenesis, and sulfate reduction comparable to the profiles that are expected based on field studies. The model indicated that at sulfate concentrations greater than 30μM a sulfate-reducing zone develops because sulfate reducers maintain acetate concentrations too low for methanogens to grow. At lower sulfate concentrations a methanogenic zone develops because the dual limitations of low sulfate concentrations and acetate consumption by methanogens prevents sulfate reducers from growing. The model and a compilation of previously published field data indicate that, within the reported range of sulfate concentrations, the relative importance of methanogenesis and sulfate reduction in freshwater sediments is primarily dependent upon the rates of organic matter decomposition.  相似文献   

There has been considerable debate about whether the controversial tyrannosauroid dinosaur ‘Nanotyrannus lancensis’ from the uppermost Cretaceous of North America is a valid taxon or a juvenile of the contemporaneous Tyrannosaurus rex. In a recent Cretaceous Research article, Schmerge and Rothschild (2016) brought a new piece of evidence to this discussion: the morphology of the dentary groove, a depression on the lateral surface of the dentary that houses neurovascular foramina. They argued that an alleged ‘Nanotyrannus’ specimen, which possesses a groove, cannot be referable to Tyrannosaurus rex, which they considered as lacking the groove, and they hypothesized that ‘Nanotyrannus’ is closely related to albertosaurine tyrannosauroids, which also are said to possess the groove. However, we show that the groove is a widespread feature of tyrannosauroids that is present in T. rex and many other specimens, and that it is an ontogenetically variable feature that changes from a sharp, deeply-impressed groove to a shallower sulcus as an individual matures. As a result, the presence or absence of a dentary groove does not clarify the validity of ‘Nanotyrannus’ or its phylogenetic position among tyrannosauroids. We consider it most parsimonious that ‘Nanotyrannus’ specimens belong to juvenile T. rex.  相似文献   

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