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Groundwater is a valuable resource in the semiarid Ordos Plateau region where abundant mineral resources, such as coal, natural gas, and halite, are present. With resources development, groundwater demand will increase dramatically. The origin identification and recharge estimates of groundwater are significant components of sustainable groundwater development in the Ordos Plateau. Groundwater and precipitation samples were taken and the isotopic compositions δ2H, δ18O, and chloride were analyzed to identify groundwater origins and to estimate recharge rates. The δ2H and δ18O of the groundwater show that the groundwater recharge is of meteoric origin. The chloride mass balance (CMB) method was used to quantify recharge rates of groundwater in the Ordos Plateau, which varies from 2.93 to 22.11% of the effective annual rainfall. Recharge rates estimated by CMB were compared with values obtained from other methods and were found to be in good agreement. This study can be used to develop effective programs for groundwater management and development.  相似文献   

The Peoples' Republic of China produces and consumes the largest quantity of coal in the world; about 2.19 billion tons of coal were produced in 2005. It is estimated that coal consumption will reach 7 billion tons by 2020. Although the nationwide percentage of electrical production from coal is falling due to increased coal-fired power generation efficiency and alternative sources, China will bum more coal than any other country for the foreseeable future. China also is estimated to be the largest producer of Hg emissions (Dastoor and Larocque, 2004, Atmos. Envirn. 38:147-161). A recent comprehensive study of anthropogenic Hg emissions in China (Streets et al., 2005, Atmos. Envirn. 39:7789-7806) produced a figure of 536 tons of Hg for the year 1999 with coal combustion (all types) accounting for 38% of the total. Atmospheric Hg emission is an international problem as the upper atmosphere provides effective global transport of mercury. Although the estimates vary, China produces about three times more Hg/t of coal burnt than the USA because of the lack of modem technology for pollution control and limited use of cleaned coal. Knowledge of the mercury content, mode of occurrence, and regional distribution in Chinese coal is vital in order to assess the global atmospheric contribution from Chinese coal combustion.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon Michael Watts’s work on governable spaces and “economies of violence” in the Niger Delta (2004a,b,c) and Colin Filer’s concept of the “ideology of landownership” in Papua New Guinea (1997) to explore how resource capitalism has been at the heart of violent conflict in post-colonial Melanesia. This schema of the political ecology of violence is elucidated with reference to three governable spaces – landownership, indigeneity, and nationalism; four different resource–industrial complexes – mining, oil and gas, logging, and oil palm; and the region’s three most serious conflicts to date – the Bougainville conflict, the Solomon Islands ‘ethnic tension’, and on-going violence in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, particularly in Enga and Southern Highlands provinces. It is argued that in each of these places the story of violent conflict is ineluctably one of resource capitalism and its engagement with local socio-political contexts. In sharp contrast to the resource determinism, state-centrism and ahistoricism of much of the ‘resource conflict’ literature, attention to governmentality and scale highlights the highly contextual and contingent nature of resource-related violence in Melanesia. The diverse experiences of different regulatory approaches to the encounters between resource complexes and governable spaces across time and space are also examined, giving rise to policy implications for governing resource conflict in Melanesia.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(4):684-700
Selenium deficiency was suspected to be a factor in the aetiology of esophageal cancer in the Linxian and Cixian regions of the People’s Republic of China and vitamin trials in the Linxian area indicated that combined supplementation with β-carotene, vitamin E and Se reduced the mortality rate. In order to further evaluate the role of Se, the distribution of total Se in cultivated topsoils, grain, human hair and drinking water was studied in 15 villages in the Cixian area, People’s Republic of China, which in the 1980–1990s had one of the highest mortality rates from esophageal cancer in the world. This study demonstrated that total Se concentrations in drinking water, soil, grain and hair increase from the low esophageal cancer area to the high cancer area, contrary to the expected trend. This suggests that Se deficiency does not play a major role in the aetiology of esophageal cancer in the study area. Nitrate in drinking water is much higher in the area with high esophageal cancer mortality rate than in the low mortality rate area, and this may be a significant factor. Mycotoxins (especially fumonisin), nitrosamine and nitrosamine precursors in grain, NO3- in drinking water, and dietary β-carotene and Vitamin E remain as potential factors which need to be evaluated further.  相似文献   

The insufficient knowledge of the Dalaymyao area and the large resource potential of copper-polymetallic ores casts doubt on the adequate assessment of mineral content with the use of traditional research methods. On the basis of investigation of the regional geologic structure and correlation of patterns in mineral resource distribution within the eastern and western flanks of the East-Uzhumujin metallogenic belt (Erlian perspective field), two prognostic models for mineral resources have been made on the basis of geologic anomalies. Target areas for prospects and sampling have been outlined using Morpas 3.0 software.  相似文献   

Summary The Ni-Mo Huangjiawan mine, Guizhou Province, People’s Republic of China, occurs in Lower Cambrian black shale (stone coal) in an area where other mines have recently extracted ore from the same horizon. Detailed electron microprobe (EMPA) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses of representative thin sections have revealed a complex assemblage of sulfides and sulfarsenides. Early sulfidic and phosphatic nodules and host matrix have been lithified, somewhat fractured, and then mineralized with later-stage sulfides and sulfarsenides. Gersdorffite, millerite, polydymite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, and clausthalite have been recognized. EMPA data are given for the major phases. Pyrite trace-element distributions and coeval Ni-, As-sulfides indicate that in the main ore layer, the last sulfide deposition was Ni-As-Co-rich. Mo and V deposition were early in the petrogenesis of these rocks. The assemblages gersdorffite-millerite-polydymite (pyrite) and millerite-gersdorffite (pyrite) and the composition of gersdorffite indicate a formation temperature of between 200° and 300 °C suggesting that the last solutions to infiltrate and mineralize the samples were related to hydrothermal processes. Environmentally sensitive elements such as As, Cd, and Se are hosted by sulfides and sulfarsenides and are the main source of these elements to residual soil. Crops grown on them are enriched in these elements, and they may be hazardous for animal and human consumption. Authors’ addresses: H. E. Belkin, U.S. Geological Survey, 956 National Center, Reston, VA 20192, USA; Kunli Luo, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 11A Datun Road, Beijing 100101, People’s Republic of China  相似文献   

The vertical variation of P forms in sediments of urban shallow lakes in China, Xuanwu Lake, Daming Lake and Mochou Lake, were sequentially extracted and measured with the method of SEDEX. The results indicated the TP content in the sediment profiles ranged from 371.94 to 777.25 mg kg−1 for Xuanwu Lake, 1,308.14 to 4,632.63 mg kg−1 for Daming Lake, and 995.49 to 1,860.71 mg kg−1 for Mochou Lake. The results of sequential extraction showed that Ca-P and Fe-P were the main fractions. Meanwhile, the proportions of Bio-P to TP were 35.24% for Xuanwu Lake, 29.57% Daming lake, and 25.26%, for Mochou Lake, indicating a high potential of P releasing. The content of Bio-P was significantly and positively correlated with TP (r = 0.978, P < 0.01). Lake hydrations conditions played an important role in the distribution and contents of Bio-P and TP. In the region with macrophytes, the contents of TP and Bio-P were relatively low. Physicochemical properties of sediments were significantly related to the fraction distribution and P contents, and might play an important role in controlling P activity and mobility. Moreover, Fe showed an evident influence on P fraction and the ratio Fe/P might be good indicator to the contents and composition of active P in sediments.  相似文献   

Two sediment-hosted stratiform Cu–Co deposits in the Tenke-Fungurume district of the Central African Copperbelt were examined to evaluate the alteration history of the ore-hosting Mines Series and its implications for ore distribution and processing. Core logging and petrography, focused on lithology and timing relationships, outlined a complex alteration sequence whose earliest features include formation of anhydrite nodules and laths, followed by precipitation of dolomite. Later alteration episodes include at least two silica introductions, accompanied by or alternating with two dolomite introductions into the existing gangue assemblages. One introduction of Cu–Co sulfides accompanied the last episode of dolomite alteration, overprinting an earlier generation of ore whose gangue association was unidentifiable. Sulfides and some carbonates were subsequently modified by supergene oxidation, transport, and reprecipitation to 100–200?m depth. Present-day ore distribution resulted from these successive processes. Ore is concentrated in two shale-dominated units on either side of a cavernous silicified dolomite, which is interpreted as the main conduit for the mineralizing fluids. Sulfide ores precipitated at the redox or sulfidation contacts between this dolomite and the shales. Later, supergene fluids dissolved and moved some of the metals, redepositing them as oxides and carbonates. Solubility differences between Cu and Co in supergene conditions caused them to precipitate separately. Thus, modern ore distribution at Tenke-Fungurume results both from original hypogene lithology- and contact-related precipitation and from supergene oxidation, transport, and Cu–Co decoupling. The supergene fluid flow also redistributed gangue minerals such as dolomite, which has an economically important influence on the processing costs of supergene ores.  相似文献   

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) is envisioned as a performance-based incentive to influence forest use behavior and governance towards the preservation and management of forests. In relatively forest-rich Lao PDR, the policy space that REDD+ planners are attempting to navigate is populated by enduring political and economic interests that affect the country’s forest estate. A further layer to the problem of REDD+ planning is the tension between often expert-driven, externally proposed solutions; national ownership over interventions; and the extent of political will to take action to reform currently unsustainable patterns of forest and forest land exploitation. This paper draws from a series of semi-structured interviews conducted in 2013–2014, to develop a political and institutional analysis of the limitations to the effectiveness of REDD+ in steering towards a lower forest-derived emissions trajectory in Lao PDR. While internationally-driven projects follow long-standing national objectives to varying degrees, it remains unclear how REDD+ can target main drivers of deforestation in the absence of a more politically engaged and nationally-owned planning process, that also challenges the prevailing logic of avoiding these drivers. Despite the importance of improving domestic ownership over REDD+, this would arguably be of limited impact unless oriented towards transformational change that would seek to overcome political and economic barriers to avoided deforestation. Stronger ownership could be developed via more mutually driven REDD+ planning, while tackling main drivers of deforestation necessitates as a starting point the engagement of powerful actors that have so far been absent from REDD+ debate.  相似文献   

The Sinuiju Formation in Paekto-dong, Sinuiju City in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has yielded Mesozoic nonmarine bivalve fossils, which is the first occurrence of such in the DPRK. Based on these fossil specimens, a new Cretaceous bivalve assemblage, the Arguniella yanshanensis-Sphaerium anderssoni Assemblage is erected. This assemblage includes Arguniella yanshanensis, A. lingyuanensis and Sphaerium anderssoni and can be compared with the Jehol Biota. The age of the Sinuiju Formation is also clarified and on the basis of the bivalves and the presence of a Eosestheria–Ephemeropsis–Lycoptera(E–E–L) assemblage, the formation is not Upper Jurassic, but Lower Cretaceous in age.  相似文献   

Groundwater, as a precious resource hidden underground, is an important component of the global water system. Transboundary aquifers containing substantial amount of groundwater often carry crucial ecological and social implications. Yet, it is unfortunate that transboundary aquifers have hardly been in the forefront of political and scientific discussions, and have not received due attention by policymakers. This article attempts to summarize the investigation on the eight transboundary aquifers that China shares with the neighboring countries. An overview on the groundwater resources in China, including its distribution, exploitation and challenges is also provided. Hydrogeological condition of the Heilongjiang-Amur River Basin aquifer, which is one of the eight major aquifers, is further elaborated. Cooperative activities carried out by China and Russia on monitoring and management of this aquifer are also presented.  相似文献   

Urs Geiser 《Geoforum》2012,43(4):707-715
In recent years, the Swat valley in North-West Pakistan has witnessed various waves of ‘politics’. Different groups have attempted to change socio-economic conditions, each according to their clear visions of a better future. After a period of top-down attempts at modernisation by the state, development projects inspired by deliberative democracy have attempted to increase political space for ‘local people’, but failed. Swat has also witnessed agonistic politics, with the emergence of a fundamentalist social movement that constructed a radical discourse of otherisation, entering into an antagonism with the state that created war and havoc. Thus, Swat offers a challenging learning ground to reflect on practices for producing change, as well as on theoretical currents in academia. I argue that deliberative and radical theorising provide insights into the political life of Swat, but fall short analytically (missing social complexities), procedurally (favouring specific techniques of social negotiation), and normatively (due to preconceived understandings of a ‘better future’). I substantiate my argument by showing that both positions take euro-centric conceptualisation of ‘citizens’, a (modern) ‘state’, and ‘citizen/state relations’ as universals – basic conditions that are not met in the post-colonial setting of Swat. I therefore argue that our curiosity should be redirected from ontologised explanation to an analysis of actual practices of societal negotiation and the norms within which these are embedded. Such insights will make it possible for us to appreciate the enormous challenges people in Swat face in their struggle to negotiate aspirations among disparate voices and to imagine some common understanding of a ‘better future’ – challenges that go beyond what deliberative or agonistic theorising can offer.  相似文献   

Agricultural land use in much of Brong-Ahafo region, Ghana has been shifting from the production of food crops towards increased cashew nut cultivation in recent years. This article explores everyday, less visible, gendered and generational struggles over family farms in West Africa, based on qualitative, participatory research in a rural community that is becoming increasingly integrated into the global capitalist system. As a tree crop, cashew was regarded as an individual man’s property to be passed on to his wife and children rather than to extended family members, which differed from the communal land tenure arrangements governing food crop cultivation. The tendency for land, cash crops and income to be controlled by men, despite women’s and young people’s significant labour contributions to family farms, and for women to rely on food crop production for their main source of income and for household food security, means that women and girls are more likely to lose out when cashew plantations are expanded to the detriment of land for food crops. Intergenerational tensions emerged when young people felt that their parents and elders were neglecting their views and concerns. The research provides important insights into gendered and generational power relations regarding land access, property rights and intra-household decision-making processes. Greater dialogue between genders and generations may help to tackle unequal power relations and lead to shared decision-making processes that build the resilience of rural communities.  相似文献   

The Lufilian Belt is of geological significance and economic importance due to rich CuCo mineralisation in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Copperbelt of Zambia. Though thorough exploration has yielded much information on the mines districts, the understanding of the belt as a whole appears, to some extent, historically charged and confused. In the first part of this article, basic knowledge and assumptions are reviewed and existing models critically assessed. Results include recognition of standard lithostratigraphies of the Katanga Supergroup comprising the Roan, Mwashia, Lower and Upper Kudelungu Groups in the Copperbelt and Katanga, a lower limit for the onset of deposition at about 880 Ma, and a major orogenetic event involving northeast directed thrusting (Lufilian Orogeny) at 560-550 Ma. The depositional history of the Lufilian Belt was controlled by continental rifting leading to formation of a passive continental margin. Continental rifting related to the dispersal of Rodinia began ca 880 Ma ago and was accompanied by magmatism (Kafue rhyolites: 879 Ma; Nchanga Granite: 877 Ma; Lusaka Granite: 865 Ma). Differential subsidence of the northwestward propagating rift soon allowed invasion by the sea advancing from the southeast, and subsequent development of marine rift-basin and platform domains. The standard stratigraphies for the Roan Group are restricted to the platform domain that bordered the rift-basin on its northeastern side. This domain included the Domes region of the Lufilian Belt and extended southeastwards into the northern Zambezi Belt. The platform was differentiated into a carbonate platform (barrier) represented by the Bancroft Subgroup (previously ‘Upper Roan’) in Zambia and Kambove Dolomite Formation in Katanga and a lagoon-basin (lower Kitwe Subgroup/Zambia; Dolomitic Shale Formation/Katanga) with mudflats (R.A.T. Subgroup/Katanga) and a siliciclastic margin towards the hinterland. The mineralised horizons of the ‘Ore Formation’ in Zambia and ‘Series des Mines’ in Katanga are related to temporarily anoxic conditions prevailing in the Roan Lagoon-Basin which had a southwest-northeast extent of ca 400 km. The lagoon-basin was subsequently filled by clastics derived from mainly northeastern sources (upper Kitwe Subgroup/Zambia; Dipeta Subgroup/Katanga).Possibly due to continental rupture in the southeastern, more advanced, segment of the rift and concomitant differential movement in the rupturing plate, the Kundelungu Basin started to open during deposition of the Mwashia Group. Opening of the extensional basin was accompanied by rifting, rapid subsidence of the affected platform segment and widespread mafic magmatism, which lasted until deposition of the Lower Kundelungu Group. The elevated margins of the rapidly subsiding Kundelungu Basin offered favourable conditions for inland glaciation during the Sturtian-Rapitan global glaciation epoch. The diamictites of the Grand Conglomát are thus dated at ca 750 Ma.Tectonogenesis in the Lufilian and Zambezi Belts is related to ca 560-550 Ma collision of the ‘Angola-Kalahari Plate’ (comprising the Kalahari Craton and southwestern part of the Congo Craton) and the ‘Congo-Tanzania Plate’ (comprising the remaining part of the Congo Craton) along a southeast-northwest trending suture linking up the southern Mozambique Belt with the West Congo Belt. Collision was accompanied by northeast directed thrusting involving deep crustal detachments and forward-propagating thrust faults that developed in platform and slope deposits below a high level thrust. In the Domes region, the platform sequence was detached from its basement and displaced for ca 150 km into the External Fold-Thrust Belt of Katanga. The large displacement was enhanced by fluids liberated from evaporite-rich mudflat deposits of the R.A.T. Subgroup.In the Zambezi Belt, northeast directed thrusting was succeeded by southwest directed backfolding and backthrusting, due to greater shortening or thickening of the thrust wedge. The Mwembeshi Shear Zone accommodated greater shortening in the Zambezi Belt relative to the Lufilian Belt by sinistral transcurrent movement. The Mwembeshi Shear Zone is a reactivated pre-existing zone of weakness in the lithosphere of possibly Palæoproterozoic age. There is no evidence of Neoproterozoic collision along this zone in the Lufilian Belt/Zambezi Belt domain.  相似文献   

The stratiform Cu–Co ore mineralisation in the Katangan Copperbelt consists of dispersed sulphides and sulphides in nodules and lenses, which are often pseudomorphs after evaporites. Two types of pseudomorphs can be distinguished in the nodules and lenses. In type 1 examples, dolomite precipitated first and was subsequently replaced by Cu–Co sulphides and authigenic quartz, whereas in type 2 examples, authigenic quartz and Cu–Co sulphides precipitated prior to dolomite and are coarse-grained. The sulphur isotopic composition of the copper–cobalt sulphides in the type 1 pseudomorphs is between −10.3 and 3.1‰ relative to the Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite, indicating that the sulphide component was derived from bacterial sulphate reduction (BSR). The generation of during this process caused the precipitation and replacement of anhydrite by dolomite. A second product of BSR is the generation of H2S, resulting in the precipitation of Cu–Co sulphides from the mineralising fluids. Initial sulphide precipitation occurred along the rim of the pseudomorphs and continued towards the core. Precipitation of authigenic quartz was most likely induced by a pH decrease during sulphide precipitation. Fluid inclusion data from quartz indicate the presence of a high-salinity (8–18 eq. wt.% NaCl) fluid, possibly derived from evaporated seawater which migrated through the deep subsurface. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of dolomite in type 1 nodules range between 0.71012 and 0.73576, significantly more radiogenic than the strontium isotopic composition of Neoproterozoic marine carbonates (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7056–0.7087). This suggests intense interaction with siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and/or the granitic basement. The low carbon isotopic composition of the dolomite in the pseudomorphs (−7.02 and −9.93‰ relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite, V-PDB) compared to the host rock dolomite (−4.90 and +1.31‰ V-PDB) resulted from the oxidation of organic matter during BSR.  相似文献   

GeoJournal - Slum development has become a major urban planning and management problem due to the challenges they&nbsp;pose to the larger urban environment. Activities of slum dwellers are...  相似文献   

This article explores the relevance of spatial global legal pluralism—an emerging field at the interstices of geography, anthropology, and socio-legal studies—for research on the global land rush, and the study of land law and investment in particular. I argue that a focus on the spatial dimensions of law—coupled with attention to the interlegality, scalar politics, and spatio-temporalities of semi-autonomous law—offers important insights into the dynamic forces, actors, and stakes in the global land rush. In Myanmar, the prospects for peace—however tenuous—have led to an acceleration of land law development including the creation of ‘semi-autonomous land law’ by ethnic armed groups and activists in its borderlands. I discuss the ways in which such policies not only anticipate peace but seek to shape its political-economy over multiple spatio-temporalities. By recognizing both international human rights law and customary law, such ‘non-state’ laws bring these two scales into an intermediary legal jurisdiction, contributing to the sedimentation of Kawthoolei and Kachinland as political scales in their own right.  相似文献   

Concentrations and loads of nitrate and total phosphorus and the sources of these two nutrients were investigated at the Panjiakou and Daheiting Reservoir system in northern Hebei Province, the People's Republic of China. The Luanhe River is the primary source of water to these reservoirs. The response of the reservoir system from the phosphorus loading, with respect to chlorophyll-a production from algae, was fitted to a model of normalized phosphorus loading which regresses the average summer-time chlorophyll-a concentration to the average annual phosphorus concentration of the reservoir. The reservoirs have a primary use for drinking water and partially supplies the city of Tianjin with its annual supply, but secondary uses include flood control and aqua culture (fish cages). Comparison of the normalized phosphorus loading and chlorophyll-a response of this system to other reservoirs throughout the world from similar studies indicates an elevated level of eutrophication, which will require an approximate 10-fold decrease in phosphorus load reduction to bring the system to a more acceptable level of algal productivity. Isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen in dissolved nitrate were measured from the headwater streams and at various locations along the major river system that provides the majority of water to this reservoir, and within the two reservoirs.  相似文献   

Contemporary debates around the ontological turn have pitted efforts to take indigenous ontologies seriously against demands to make visible the forms of dispossession and environmental suffering that characterize the (post)colonial and capitalist present. Meanwhile, a growing array of governmental projects seeks to identify and protect indigenous ontologies in the face of capitalist development processes, including through forms of collective tenure. How can we make sense of such initiatives, and what kind of territories do they encounter and produce? This paper engages this question ethnographically through an examination of everyday life in a legally recognized Native Community Land in the Bolivian Chaco. Drawing on Bolivian Aymara scholar Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui’s notion of ch’ixi, I argue that indigenous territories are neither ontologically separate from, nor entirely subsumed by, capitalist development processes. Rather, they are subject to multiple land values, ontologies, and investments. A contested indigenous land titling process, capitalist labor relations, hydrocarbon compensation money, and efforts to maintain relations with spirit beings are all interwoven in the fabric of Guaraní everyday life. Such ch’ixi landscapes emerge at the confluence of capitalist efforts at rendering territories investable, governmental efforts at managing dispossession, and Guaraní efforts to maintain life and exercise territorial sovereignty amidst contradictory processes of (post)colonial governmentality.  相似文献   

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